/lesh^rlcrn 'TRUTH BEFOEE FAVOE" - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 50 Flesherton, Orvt., Mav 13 1910 \ PRICEVILLE Seeding operatiuna are con8id>>i'ably retarded by wct weather. Hay seems tu be a scarce article in the mirkut. R'jiU estate deals â€" LouiR Frook has purchased ilio " Moss Lake Farm " fiuni D. MoLhc1i1:iii. McTajjgiiit Bros, hive bouijiit the House and lot opposite the ijostofficp, formerly the residence of tlio la'o F. Wiit. Dun. McLachlaii has piwcliiised the Hiucks property opposite the school urouads. ^ n<i[U8 McLichhn, who underwent an oparation in Fergus hospital «oine weeks ago, was taken home last week and 18 improving the last few days. The teachers and pupils spent a <;ood pirt of Arbor Day in tidyin>j up the school room and grounds. Glenelg ratepayers are placing a $1200 tjrani:e tablet in the porch of the new tjWDship hall that xill be built th's eeasoii. The memorial will have ihe names of all the soldiers fro:nthc town- ship who went overseas. On the evening of May .'3 a reception wis held in Watson's hall for Pto. John McTaggert, who h»d arrived home from overseas a few days previously. Rev. Mr. McCarlen, Reeve Niched and whatever other local talent could be secured fcr the evening.', assisted in the pragram, and a pleasant tims was spent. An address was read to the youhg soldier a"nd a purs* of $25 ^iven to him Don't you think PricevillH compares tavorably in such matters ? [We do. Ev'ery citizen of Priceville ojght to be proud of the record <.<( its Sinainthis war. â€" Ed. Advance] .A couple of week? ayo G. Welliuijtoii Tryon (juietly and modestly informed soma of our citizens that from his pen of four pullets and a cockerel he gathered eig'it eggs alni'ist daily. We would like t ) call around and get a statement, alao an affidavit fyled, but we are waiting for a repoiter for tha A.ssociated Press tu appear in our midst and write up a at itemeut of the breed and strain of these biddies, the material fe4 and .Iih nj'thod of feeding, also complete poultry house ciiuipmeut, beciuie such a lecord breaker will excite nation wide, yes iuiernabional, interest in egg production. The county road builders invaded our v.llage a faw days ago and on a straight stretch of read cut two ditches that are Viry little straighter than a drg's hind le,', but we trust that it is only some temporary work and niny be rectified later. Miss Ml ry Stewart, who had been liv.ug with her brother, Altx., one and a h lit luilos novthea.'t of the village, had not been in robu.'t health duriiij; the pist season, but her l.ieiils were in h'ipes that when she survived the winter season she in'glit ioipi'ove, but pneumonia set ill and she passed away on May 2 in ht r 57ih year. Kev. (J forge KendaJl con. ducted the funeral services at residence and in Pricovi!le public cemetery. Ah infant child of Mr. and Mrs. S. Whyto died at the Sick Children's Hos- pital and was brought, here for burial on May 5th. EAST MOUNTAIN R is for the rivulets now streaming, A is that it's always wet out here ; I is for the indolent sun uot beaming, N is that It's never biisjht and clear. Mrs. H. McMulleii is visiting at the h lino of her motlior, who is not well at present . Victor Ford paid a flying vi.sil to Owen Sc'und last week. Tlitre must be scnio attraction. Win. Humbf r.'itone had a valuable hnrse hurl list Wtek. .\ lady was driv- ing. Mr. lJuniliers!'ji:e will now be a hriii believer in the saying that "a woman's place is in Ihe house." (Jur new teacher, Mr. .4nio8, has taken up his duties in our echool \Vn wish him every success. We wi-re sorry to learn :hat Wiilhice Grahiin's barn was burned to the ground last week . Wm. Orr, who has been ill for ihe past two week;', is recovering. Victoria Corners Last Sunday, May 4, being so very stormy, the facrann iic wa.s postponed at Iiiisiioge till yisteidiy, May H. when it was connected with Mothers' Day ser- vices. Mr. bJaglo gave an excellent fernion in tribute to ihe mothers of the Bible and of today. The church was appropriately decorated with pink and while flowers. ^ On Wedne.'-day nitln, i:i c(int:ecliou *ilh the Junior League, the electum of ofiicers fi r the Snuc'ay .school was lield. The day if Ihe gaiden party and ehil- drcirs senile wan tixed f"r June 1. C'rpoial II. ibcit Lee lisiltd with his bi. tliir, Ki.beit Lee, oier ihu week end. Mr. iiiui iVIis. \V. Aimstiong and Wesl y Arin.siropg (,f Flisherlon, also Lieut. Uarcld IMatliewson and bride of Toronto, visited at Thos. and Milton Baiuiou's ia^t week. We are phased to report that Mrs. Tiios. L.inuon is around iigain. PROTON POWER HOUSE Our town aga n. Weaie glad to report- Mrs. Kiank Weber able to be around again after a serious illness. Miss Clara Koshini.ski has returm-d lo her home in Toionto after vi.sitiug the pasi Iwo months with Mrs. Harold Procter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Badgerow ot Port Law spent a day with S. Campbell and wife. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. W. Malhia.=, on May !), a s iii. Mrs. K. Brady of iho !)th line was a visitor with relatives at the Power House. Guess yiu will be 3 tying the Power House cannot play ball. Take notice ot the color of their suits â€" red for danger. Mies Phoebe Mathias of Parry Sound is the guest of her brother, t)per8«.cr Mathiis, and wife. Wilfred CimpbeU spent a couple of diys at hi* homa in Owen t^ound. A spitndid Mothers' day program wa^ carried out in tho Presbyterian church on Sunday evenug. Members of the .Sub- bath school gave the dift'iirent reci'ations and Scripture lobson-:, tho choir rendered suitable music, and Mr. MoVicar's ad dret-s to the motheisâ€" and fathers â€" was most instructive' Tlie Iwiutiful, puie white tl iwers were al.so a gentle remind- er of mother. Win. Uazeii. Aho a few weeks ago relumed from over.ieas, is undergoing treatment, in Uinliigion inilit.iry !ios- pita!. Mrs. Brown visiud fur ,i few dajs with her duiighier, Mrs. Sliil. Wo are pleased to kuiw that tlui latler's little girls aio boili better alter ipiite a serious illness. Hari.ll McLean, who lias just return- ed from his journey over the pond, WiS in town wi/li bin hipi.y emile leiiewiiig old ac<iuainianceu. Bon fires and rainsti.iinis seemed in ce the order of tho day l>i,st week. They iiisy iiof suun i good togetlier but never- llielesH both piospered nicely, particiihr- ly the latter. We firmly believe tho fanner's earnest pica of last Meek was "Uniii, rain go away, come Hgaiii some other day", and t^vas J.ttle that fi llow knew how tiue were his words when ho Inveuled that siyiBg "It nev.r rams but ji j.ours." ftlr. W'auchob lust his In ise the other day when the animal delibeialuly choked. Miss Mabel N'clioils, who haslfor over a year been one of our Proton girls, has lakeii i situation in Duiulidk. Does Your Label Say 1920! For Sale By Tender Tenders will bo received by tho un.Tcr- signed up to May 17. 1919, at (i p. ni.. for the piiehase of the dwelliiitf and lands if tho lata John (.Isboine, cm-isting of two villags lots in Klexherion, on which is erected a fraiee dwelling and siiible TERMS â€" Cash on .icceplancaef tender or ten Jays lher,.'aftcr. The higlit^st or any trndor not neces- sarily accepted. R. RISiui hf W. .;. Stewart NV. J. Bell.my May 7. r.H!) Executors CEYLON Mrs. Mcintosh (iiou Kalo Tay'oi) of T.ronto, was a guest of Mis. D. D. Mc- Laujhiiu last week, previous to .sailing for Scothind where she will join her husband. Mrs Dinnick and fmiiily, who have spent iho winter n.eM'hs in Toronto, returned las! wot k. Mi.ss Maigiiiet Weliwi od of DaiulalU spent ihe week end with Miss Ella Whitliiker. Mi,ss Belt ha Brooke, who has been visiting for several weeks with her sister, Mrs. D Wjdenian, letuined to her home in Klmwood on iSatuiduy. Mr. and Mr:;. of New York Slate are visiting ilieir duughter, .Mrs. John McLeod. Melville Uulhidge is epeiKiiiig a low days in Toronto. We regret to luporl tne little daughter of Mr. T. Genoo very ill. Dr. Ego of Markd^le is in nitendance. Mr. Woods ve:y ably tilled the pu'pit here on ISi.bbalh aftemocn last and hs discourse was niucn enjoyed by iho.so present, Mr.<. Dinnick addressed the Sabbath School on Moilier's Day on 'Jthe tubject of ".vlother." Her address was listened to with rnpl attedtiun aud will not s nn be forgotten. Mr. and .Mi.ss Spmirs of Feversliani visited a couple of days lust week ac JMr. S. HeiiipliiU's. Mr.-'. T. Chislett left this week to visit her daugher in 0«eii Sound. Was Tiiis at Ceylon Somitmes iiuth is s ranger than fiction, a'ld soinet lines tietioii ia toid as tiulli. Possibly there may be sinne of both in the ingreuienti of this story, whieh was told to the K.'onomist. Of course wo want oiir readers to bear in mind it could not have happened in Markliaiii, as suaie of theni suriiiise. But hero IS 'he .story: A certain con- Cable in a certain town at the conclusion of a certain dBnce invited a couple of tired niuficiaiis, who had furnished imi^ic for thefisiivities, to par'aku of some linutd refresiimeiil â€" proliibly cod'ee, as thp OT. .A. was iu force â€" which he h.ippeiied to know where to lay his hands on. .\fter partiiking thereof it was suggested that » bito to eat Would t.nste inighly good. Tho constable fell in wilh the idea but knew of no place where a lunch could bj secured at thres o'clocU iu tho ni irning, U-j said if ho toolt them to his homo at that unearthly hour the goo.1 wjfo would laise caiii. ile scratched his head and evolved a bright iilea. Uu would fasten the two musicians together with a p.iir of hundcuirs and take theiu homo telling tho wife that they weioa pair of despjrato criiiiina!s he had arrested, and get her to gi\e thcMi something :o eat before going to the lockup. This was agreed t-i and worked out without a hitch. After lunch ihe oonstablo and his prisoner guests left the house for the lockup, and idler getting aiouiid tho coriieo the constilile produced Ids key Id unlock ilio liaiidcufT', The key stuck aud an extra h ird twist bri ike it of}' short. Then the fat was iu tho fire. But you could not phaz.) thi.s constable. He took his sill handeiiil-jd giients back to the town hall, and pii,- C'lring soap and water soaped their hands well aii.l after a couple of houi.s' soaking succeeded in pulling ihe liaiidcufl't otl", soriipiiig a lot, of skin ill ihe p.ocoss i ft tho one wilh the l.irgesi hands. Now, again we nsk our r. aJer.s, C'>ul4. sucli a ihiiig possibly hippen in .Markhaoi .' - M trkham Economist. Lieut. Col. William X. Bishoji, of Owen .Sounii, preni or living airinan in t'le British war sen ice, is making S;iO.O00 i month, or thereabouts, in ilie Uiiitttl Stall .s ai. ihe i>reienr. time, wag stall d in the House of Cunimons by Gen. Mewburu, minister of mililii. Thy reference cume up during Ihe discussion of the bill to oieaic an .lir board in Canada, wh;ii lion. Mr. Lemieux suggested hat Col. Bi.--hop be accorded a place on the board. Gen. Mewburn said, in cniisideralioii of the fact meiiiion- ed above, tliat llj did not ihiiik that there was enough ni.joey ni tlio inililia de|ai'tmenl to iiiiiuce Billy to »c' on the braid now, but, probably he would be available later. EUGENIA Uu^cnie wou'd like to be heard frem again, so 1 aiii sending the folloivlrg ileni.< : The making of Ihe Park ii pro^ret-fiing f ivir.ibly, considering the Weajier, and Diomises well .so f^r. Tho I'lTsbyterian W. M. S. .-.ill moot Thursday afternoon at 3.30, new time, and tile Ladies' Aid at -1.30, new time. Mr. L. Latimer went to Toronto over the week end and i sports bis diughter, Etta, as well aa cm be expected. Her iiiBiiy friends liopo for inoie faiorable news of her very s-ooii. Sirs. W. A .Armstrong and .-o'l, \Ves.. also Mr. and Mrs Harold Mahewson, moioicd out and â- >i iil an afieri.oon «i;h Mrs .Adam Sini.li. We arc sorry to hear ol .Mrs. P. .Miin- shaw hiving hurt one ot h- r linils ii^ain. MisS ilab'.e Williams visited wiili .Mrs. Siloiimn Tuiiicr over tho week end DURHAM • In May 1st. the openi.ig day if the Hshiig season, Shirlev .Mclntyre landed a nice iiu-.-^s of the spi ekleil beau iis. from 1 111' Saugeen. Ho had f..\ of the trout wliieh weighed ovei 8 ]iouiidy. on disp'ay in his sl.iro window tor a few da_\ s. The largest was loi ins. in leiigih and weighed LJ lbs. Two weeks ak'o wo recordeil ihe disastioUR lire »i Mr. Hueh Firth's, litli con , tiKnelg, by which Ile and oher.s were luavy losers The coninuinity, filled H it h the milk of human kinduesi>, g it to work to bear part if the Irurden and in brief tune collected f7.iO in cash and aloul SI'jH worth of hay, see'i jtain, etc., to help Mr. Firth in the en.eigeney, an action reflecting credit on the luigli- Uors and im diubt. apprecia'ed to the fill by Mr. I'lrh. Three of the pat lies >» ho lost hoi.ie.s in ihe lire wero insured in the Grey and Brujy and will get their in-nir- anee, a clause in the policy, inserleJ, we believe by the latj Mr. H H- Miller, providing Ihit the insurance follows the horse, if the owner or servant is w h it . â€" Review. Artemesia Council Council met on May I!, members all present, Iho li-evo in the chair. Minutes re id and .signed. An »ce"Uiil was i- oeivod from P. F. McAnhur for Sll f' r t iking T. Patlon to house of refuge. Bylaw No. 10 of lOl'J, to close cert dn streets in ih'! town plot of Eugenia, was introduced and read the rei|uiied number of tunes and ori'eiod lo bo signed ami so lied. Cm.'ronâ€" B.ilcholer â€" Tliit tho am:, of credit of S. S. No. 9 be paid to the said school board â€" Carried' Cameron â€" Batcheler â€" Thit iho oxp.n ses ircurred in mnn -ciion wilh sendi g Tho.n.is I'llton to the house of refuge, amounting to Sll, be paid- Carried Burnett -Malliew.soiiâ€" That the Ueeec and (•ommissioner Div. 1, be ii cunuii t- te- lo eJainine biidgcs til 20 sdernol and noal ng bridge on South L no, a <1 they have full power lo rebuild or reinir the fame as leipiire !â€" Carried. Burnett â€" M;ithowsonâ€" That t!io lii.-t ineeling of tho Court of Uevision on A.ssessineut Roll of 1910 be held at the Town Hall on Snturday, Juno 7, I'Ji'.', lit 10 o'cliiek u.in., and tli- Clerk adv -i-- tise ilie sameâ€" Carr'ed. Afier conoiderable round-ttble ot.vcr sati n as to r> pairs to nmds and municipal afl'airs gen. rill y, llio Couno'l a.ijoiiiii.d. In Memoriam 111 loving and honoied memorv of Lieut, J. O. Ado on, M. C, who made ihe 8 iprime siirdioe in Misopoiamia on May 15 h, 1918. " Tliy s )ir:iig soul now h lUi ledeenied its biiih-righ'. of of Ihe day, j All who, thro' c;ou i;-, to Uimiisownl unfclteie I way ! " j - THE FA\irL\ I Bates Burial Co. BCSINE.S.S A.S r-'CAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT .-MC-. J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager Fine Jewelery Coiuo ii; and see our liuu '.arge aiOi of Jewelery, Watches, Clocki etc.,â€" and wlieii you have secQ tliem you will be snro to buy. Watch repairing a specially. A lull lino of Photographic ruppliea including developing ponders, printing frame?, dark laiucins, all sizes of Kodaks and films. ISSUER OF Yorkshires Tamworths marriage licenses Young Stock For Sale* " For Breedixng Purposes W. A. ArmstrOng Phone or write. â€" GKO. \V. RuSS, Osprey Tel. System. Maxwell, P.O. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. House of Quality CrGcllTl- - ^^" ^"^^ '"""' "I'P>''"t'^d Aj-enls for tho â- ~^ W,.lkerton Creamery and are in a iiosr- tiDU to handle all y,.iir cren .1 to the very oesl advaniayt. We fay Ihd hiyhe-t inirkol prio ^s fjr butter fat. We will wei-h anil ti'.-t your cream while \ o" »ail and pay you cash f ,r a Ina^ad of shippuii; aw ly ai.,1 bavim; to wait two or thrco weeks tor your money, give us a tr d, and become convinced that you aro aeltnit! a. nuiire deal all , -.round. Cans supplied free, to ijo returned when through selling. Corn-- ^^ 'â- 'â- "" -"I'i 'y yur wants. Como in and â- *â- ^-^ see our seed corn Our piijts are riuht and our Slock ia tliK best . We have a v,!ried and , , ^ , ,, bii;li class asforlnifiit of tllicken fed. Wilh .(.'usat ihe pii.!*,.nl prior there is 11 .thin- too Kood for ihe chickens. We have the best. Chicken Feed thicken fed. Willi ty;; too good for ihe ch Bnlt T^<2ia _ 1 uitini; cii a special sale of J-fU.X£s, A.CCii hulk lea. We have the best and now IS the best tinie to buy. Liy in a stock now. SJppr] r^ninn»a _ '^i-'" i"'w is the time to plml t.xceroiil lot of seid oniiis in stock. Gel yours now. a Sn^'flT-- ^^''' ""^*« j""'t "ceivKi anooiher car load of •^^&<-*-«- fugar. This IS a good lime to buy. Lay in a stock for your summer's use. â- %-^%^*.-^« iV«^ %'«^ H. DOWN 8i SON Flesherton, - Ontario iiSi^ Ladies of Flesherton and Vicinity Don't be two yetir.s behind the times. The luilliucry season is right on now and Mrs Wright, with ten seasons' experience iu tho Millinery Business and •spending a term each seas'on in Toronto selecting an np-to-dute slock, can show you what is up-to-date and bpcoraing. No old stock left over. Everything new and up-to-date. .Just give us a call and .see for yourselves. Prices right according to quality Highest prices paid for produce. 1: » - ^ i > I, :-^! â- â- ! I ' i • * i i. W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton > ."â- . ' . IP â- ' â- â- < » . 'i> . ' ., » F'^'"** ' V ' Read "The Advance' A icsident of bl.ildini nid lowiihlip informs us that he wi<s Hie witness of a V iry u.iiiiuo riico on Wednesday m n iug of lust week between an aeroplnue nnd 8 X wild uci'Se. Th • liirds apponed to be fri;ihtenL>d and when our iuformnnt .«aw tUem last appeared lo I'e keepii g ahfud of t!,o plane. â€" Cobourx .Von'inel Star. NOTICE Cimtoni ohoppiiiL' Tiioiliys, Thuisdays and Saluidays only diiiiin.' the momlis of May, June and July, Sawinjj of Uiinbor and shinijles, planing done to order, on o'her diysi. tJetyour Ibairinn and house furnishinsj^ at (}. A. WATSON *SONS. Box \m Priceville Ont. Api24tf Auto For Sale Farm For Sale A 50 acre farm for sala on the Y. 1 BickLino, Artemeaia, .'bd laiiije, ni- 'i half of lot l:)2. On the prtinisos f!. is a i!ood frame barn, 40 x 50 foot : small fmmo house ; a (jo .d drilled wi hen house : the bd! plowiiiR is din. For particulars apply on premises. IMsy â€"J. H. IIOLLEY, Flwharion BuU for Sale Ch'vrolet Bitnabout aUiO for sile, only â- ipi'd a few weeks, property of iho late) Shorthorn bull, fourteen minrhs n"'"! Dr. Li t'e. A baiiiain. Apply Ic t:. N- I for sUo. Apply on lit 12, con.'.:. Ric'iirdMin .ir Till s. I'likoley. Flethcr- ' Ospr^'y. or telephone 'â- •I GEO. ULKKb'.. Eu«inia P. (>.