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Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1919, p. 1

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I'* /ie0l)£rtj(rn ^imtiu 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - '^PBINCIPLBB NOT MEN" Vol.38, No. 46 Flestierton, Ont„ April 17 1919 PRICEVILLE Death has »g*ia l)een busy iu our midst. Our citizens felt sad last week when they gathered to th« funeral of Mr. Neil McCannel on Thursday of last vveelt, and «gain ou Saturday when Mr. Alfred Hinok.s was also hid to rest in Piiceville cemetery. \Vg will try to pive some particulars next week. The grouud liail a liyht coat <,f sncv ou Sunday morning and we hoyo to see < butter spring weathev now. On the BTcniHg of April 7 a reception was held in Watson's hall for thne returned soldiers- Capt. H. B. Mclvin- nun, Ptes. .A.. McLean and A, Udzard. A large number of peop'e were prssenr. 0. W. Tryon ably filled tlie chair. A number of returned men were on the platform, alio Piper Cameren and P. F. MoArttiur. Numerous short speeches and sallies of wit, interspersed with line ' stirring pipe rr)usic, made the b.uirs pa«a swiftly by. A nicely worded address and a purse of $25 was presented as usual to each of the three soldiers. The Ued Cross laaiei also diatributid some useful presents to the three boys. VYe should also s»v thit Rev. Mr. McCarteii t also took an active part in the evening's entertainment, and at a late hour the ' patriotic assemblage, after jinyins! the Natioii-it Anthem, returned to tb.'ir homos. â-  ""V,e were reprimanded the othsr day for failing to report a social erent that tuok place soitis time ago, so no»v will give ir iis we ajot it : The evening before Tom Patloii re- moved his cubblins; and watch repairins- plant to Markdale a group of kind friends surprised him i'l the perfumed pirlor behind the shop, and afier so.n; compli- mentary reiiiarks all around, Lochiuvar, . i-ur rising youni; elocutionist, delivered the, and Dou^al, with his usual kindly words, presented a purse of money. A. J. served the refreshments, and â€" andâ€" and, diwgunif, we forget who aced as Chaplani, siul now alas we hrve no cobbler. ROCK MILLS The furniers in this vicinity ccmoieiiced plowing last week. Mr. ^nid Mrs. frank Taylor visited over Sunday with the hitler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. James Portcous moved last week to his farm on the 8th !ne. We wi$h him every success in his now homo Will Ne>vell of Albert i spent tho past week with his brnther, Clias. Newell Sainmio Fi-her has moved into T A'kinson'a house. .Mrs. .lames Park is visiting at present with relntives at Owen Sound. Mr. VVilfrod I'lillips of Palmorston visitetl recently With relatives her». Ned Croft and wife spent the week end with ths latter's parenl.« at Fever- sham. Ch.irlij and Herb. Fisher of Toronto are visiting at presotit with their uncles, Thomas and Robert Fisher. Sarah White is visitiiij; at present ut her parental homo here. Mrs. Eaton Home No soldier retuiniui,' from France is reeeivins; a more cordiil welcouiC these Mays than Mrs. Eatan, who oauie home "very quietly last week, and whoao many old friencis in Owen Sound are very glad to have the privilesic of say n,^' "Welcome H.iutf' to one who has done so much for i.he men fiom both t«iwn and county. But besides iheaa old fr^elld^ are hosts of new friends, whose welcome i^ just us cordial and whose gratitude t« Mrs. ^ Katon for her work in the Grey Koonis in London cannot l<e expresaad. Mrs. Eaton opened those rooms at her own e.spense auf) throughout months of tryinjj war oxpericMcts never failed in her happy welooino lo the Grey County uieu. Even wh.n her son, Lieut. Jaffaay Eaton, was killed in France. Mrs. Ea.on continued her work onllantly as her soldier sou, planning for the Christinas festivities at the Lindo'j headquarters of ihe men f(om this town ond eouiily. Both Mrs. If Ellon ai.d Mis. Howey are plauniuij to h«lp the letnrned men in every way MosMihte, fteliiig that there is a big pVobk'Bi f aciitu tho men who are coiuini; |k;'. himie and ihit ihey will need cyinpatliy â- > and c 1 operation in solving it.--S«ii- CEYLON Miss Anna White spent the past week with her uncle at Alton, ^returning home on Tuesday. Mr. George Snell was in Owen Sound laat week. Mrs. D. WyJoinan, who has been visiting her parents at Elmwood, retuigjad home on Saturday, BCcompanied by her mother, Mrs. Abbott. Messrs, Andy Kennedy and Melville Uutledge took a trip lo Thornbury to spend ihs week end with friend*. Wallie Wer.woaU of Dundalk was the guest of Miss Ells VVhittaker over the week riid. Mr. aiid Mrs. .John MeLeod enter- tained a larga number of friends on Friday evening list iu honor of their nephew, Suipnr Snowdnn MoLeod, who cnno up from the city fur the occasion, returning Saturday morning. A most deligh:tul evening was spent, v,i<li music, names and dancing. Mrs. J. J. Pattison spent the past Week visiting with Proton friends. A party was sfiveii IVli>oday evening ai Mr. W. ,J. Meads' by the Busy \V;>rkers Socfely of the Durham Ri ad, for their sou, who has just returned irom overseos. Ue was presented with a purse from the society. Tiia lirge nathering thoroughly enjoyed iheiineives until ih-j small hours of the mornini;. Mis.s Myrtle Hemphill returned to the city ou Tnuraday. after spending a week at her hunie here. Pte. Chas. Ciiislttt icturuetl from overseai on Wfdnesdiy, accompanitd troiu Toronto by hi* brother Sani. His mmy frieii .s eAiend a warm weleemu lo him. Driver GtlJwm McMullen also return- ed on Friday evening and was given a hearty wcli-uiiiu. Pie. Thos. Chase, who openi tilt- week end It Mr. A. Muir's, returned lo the euy on Monday, where ho i» undergoing treatment for one of his limbs in Uie Militiry hospital. Clarence Muir shipped another car load ot potatoes on Moud.iy. .\ very enjoyable evening was spent at Mr. J. Adams on Friday oveiiiniT, when a host of friends weie entertained in h'in(;r of their son, Chas , .vho has just retujued trutn orciseas. Mis D. Jladill and son of Markdale visited at Mr. F. D. Cairns'. Mr. John Ch<s!ett of Glenelg is- visit- ing his brother here. PORTLAW Mr. viid Mrs. Win. Taylor's daughter, Violet, was taken suddenly and so vio- lently ill last week that her life was almos'. despaired of, but is now, wo are pleased to hoarion a fair way to recover. .Mr. Th-unas Brown has been very sick of lite tie has been removed to his brother's home in order that ho may receive better caru and attention Mijs Sadie Shier u visiiing her sister «r St. Citbaiine.t. R'ibcrt Hannah expects 10 soon a new stock in tUe 5t»re and be open fir business. Samuel Sh'H' down is again in a very poor state of luiUlh. Two lively little tv. in daughters arrived lately at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hill. W illiam G. Thompson, who had both feel badly injured while bravely fighting for us in Fiance, and who has been taking a in Toronto during the wiiitir, spent the week cud hero with his brotiior, I1»rry, oher relatives, old •schonlinates and friends before leaving for the West. It was extremely interesting to hear this intelligent young man vividly relate ex|ierienew.< in that umn-made iuferno over in France. Card of Thanks We disire to thank tho fiiend.s and neighbors for their a.isistance and sympathy in our recent bereavement by the loss of our loving mnther, Mrs. Will. Osborne.â€" Tho Family. Robert Deznell of Derby lost s, vtn head cf cuttle, valued at 910(H). by u niy.ilertoiis di^, suppostj to be black Ifg or ."^mptouia'ic <tnt)]rnK. Victoria Corners (Last Week's Items) Miss Ida Stinson entertained a number of the young people of the neigliburhood and Proton last Friday evening, and judging from the time they reiuincil homo, a very enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. John Corbttt has sold his farm to Robt. Lee. (This Week's I'riiis) Mr. Will. Ihi- bad a very successful sale on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Robinson of Bethel is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Milton Pj.'unon. Mr. Win. ^cott visited a few d»y at Durbam. Buzzing wo d is the order of the d.iy. Syrup making is about ai its liuisli. Pearl Bad'.'erow. who lives at Mr. E. Duncan's, knit a pair of socks in 1017, ands.-nt tliL-in wiih a letter to the Red Cross. At that time Pearl was but ten years id 1 and last week nha received a letter from a s'.>ldier in Bvl^ium, who hoped soon to beat his home in Toronto. Uest>ited his name was Taylor, and he had never been wounded. He was very thankful for the isoclis. DUNDALK A ewe belonging to G.'o. \V. I'arslow near Hopeville gave birth to four fiisky lively Umtis the other day. At this rate t'le price of wool will probably lake a drop for the coining season, o Mr. A. E Colganaud son Jack arrived from llighgato on Tuesday nght'a train. Mrs, and ihe oilier membsrs of tho family at pped ill' at. Uamilt::a f-.r a few days vinii; Mr. Tims Chard, of Fleslierton, a former teacher in -.ho Public School here, spent a few days in t-iwn a guest at Mrs. aiiddauith's. Mr. Chaid went overseas with the 147t.h Greys. He was wounded iu tlio sh(,ulder by shrapnel in ihe desperate lighting iu Sept.. 1!I18. but he has (juite recovered from the eli'ects and is locking well. â€" Herald. County Council A special meeting „f the County C uincil wiis belli on Tuesday afternoon »• the Court House to consider an agree- ment with the County of Bruce with referonce lo the designation of certain boundary loada between Gr.y and Bruce as County roads. It appeui-s that the Province will n,.t designate ai.y roads as I'rovinciiil County roadi uiilens they have already been do-iijo^ied as Cuuuiy roads and ^t is generally believed that llio roads desigint.d by ibo C. unly in agreement with Brucii, will also be des'gmred by the Province, who will assuuie OU per c. nt. of the and maintenance. The .-hort piece of road from Jackson west to tho e')unf.i' line was aUo named by the county and this will form part i.f the provincial read from Orillia, through Birrie. Colliiigwood, Weaford, Owen SouuJ, Soutlianipton, Goderieli and â- Siniia. Warden MlQu ik. i, i.i upcnug iho sessii'ii, uave an oulliue of bid boi-ii done with reference to ihe road between Bruce and Grey. A coniinitloo had been appoinied at ihe last meeting of the County Council, lo eonfc-r with a com- mittee from tliB Bruce council, iu an endeavor to arrive at an auroiMiient, and also to wa t on tho Good R .ads Depart- aien;, Tiirnnto, with refereiict to liaviuu the road desiitnated as a |irovincial counly rnad. The commi'tee bad reason lo believe that the Deiartment would so clesiiinate tie load following aoliou by the county in a bylaw a.ssutning that rosd as a county road. Dr. Mearns presented the rejiorC of the special committee, making the recoimncndation that the road bit* en Benriiick and Normanby and Canick bonssumdand Mr. Uviyd iiitroduceJ a byliiw couliriiiiiig the agreement which was passed through its various stages. Mr. B.iy d gave a repoit of the ma- chinery purchased by the ci>unty for r.iad coiistiuctiou and m intensuc- ;i.s follows ; â€" 8 Foidson iraclois, 2 steam rollers, 2 rock ciuOici.m complete wilh elevators and bin.", 6 roid graders, 2 sprinkling tanks with gas enuMiies for pumping, 8 diiiiip c ins, scraiiers. elc , amountme in all lo 127,000 00.-- Sun. Times. FEVERSHAM The weathor is rather c ml and backward. Emerson Osborne was iu Toronto last week for a few dirys. Mr. Nelfiim of Elsiuure spent Sunday at Mr. llendersoa's htre. Mrs. J. S. Ho;oii and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross of T'.ronio aliundeJ tho funeral if tlicir brother, John R jSS, at Maxwell ou Tuesday last. John and Fred Hale and sisters have moved into our vill.ige. Foster JJ.0S8 and Lttlo daughter of Redvers, Man., attended iha funeral of the ft..rin.r'» father on Tu«sday last. Mr. and Mrs. Fherinai Ottewell spent Sunday with iho latter's pareui;-', .Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown ridge. C.irp. W inslow Keriiahaii has le'uruci fiotu Toiento, where he reci;iveil liis discharge. PROTON oh ! for good roads. ~_ The Presbyterian Guild cotcitiiined the returned soldiers at a soc al on Mon- d ly evt ning. Pie. Wm. Uazun relume 1 heie on Saturday uiuht and is stayint.' at Mr. This. W.iuehoH's. His many friends welcome hisn and symiiathize with him .in the loss of his limt>. Bi ly tvas a leadtT in aihljtic sporis here in the pre- war days and no doubt tho loss of his limb wiil rob his lilo of much of its joy. We trust th^C the daun!les.« spirit enables him to bear hia lacrilice wt'i a smile will also find for hiin some oom- pensatio.i for his .{oss. Tho Anglica'i Lidies Auxiliary mot last Wednesday af.ernoon at th.- luinie of Mrs. J. C. Wright. Tho Presbyterian Ladicn' A'jxi'iaiy mot iu ihe Church on Tue.-day aficri oon of Jus week. Mrs. O. Stinsoii has returned to lier home in Beil.eley, after spcndinu the wintir at Mr. Wm, Parks'. At the U, F. (). meeting on FnJay afterauon the club purchased the Piomu weigh scales from Mr. Thos. W'aucliob. 'L'liey iutend moving thoin over biside tho stock yards, Do Farmers Grouch ? From the Orillia Packet. ' Wiitiug lo the W'Hekly Sun our old friend, J. hu Kennedy, says, 'â-  Tlie greatest tjueslioii that stares us in ihe face today is how to get moio men â-  ii the land.'' One way, this p.ige submit', is for the farmers to maunify thcii calling instead of decrying it. The oid proverb concerning the f )liy of a deal, r crying " stinking ' in Ills on '^ market ajiplies here as elsewhere Uou can f^iuiors expect their sons or Jaiig'i- tors to bo uugee to stay on tho land wli n they hear, d ay in and day out, from infancy up, their calling heliltl.d, lb' f.-ite of the farmer bewailed, and v co i- trast uiawii botwecii tiie supposed i, i.-.e and comfoit of ilwallors in Ihe towns inul the alleged degradation and tlavery r f denizens of'the country t To make ilio inciter worse, every week a budget of printed p'ainls is added lo these voimI wails, by the ii/lroouction lo the home of somj such piper as the Sim, always grumbliOi; and dealing in g'oss exaegeration r iid iiiisrepreKentation. One way, and much the best way, to net nioie men ou the fnrni, or keep more men, i' to realiz-! that there is no reason in ihe woild, hsoil, economic or social, wby the farmer sl-ouU not be the freest, lie hippies', tho most indepomlent and ibe most highly respecttd man in all li.e land, and to preach that doctrine, in season and out of season, at home and abruij. Tlio I'aiiu.'r who is respeclid every where ho noes is the farmer wb > respects himself and rializes thit no other cailin^ brings a iiiiin so near to Nature, or cnriies with it the iiittontialily of an 0(|ual degree of iodopendeuce and happiness. Samuel Orser of Owen Si>und while lidmj; « bicycle into an automobile. Hesmashid the winrlsbield if tho car, broke the steering -wheel and Viont a fender anl still lives lo tell the t.le, but is uiidergoinsf repair.s for seri >us i hysical injuries to hiiiiself ax the Ow. n Sound h<>spi;al. Tho bicjele was destroyed. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and ' Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. M Fine Jewelery lanager Come iu and see our line iai^e »<} :i of Jeweler}', Watcher, Clock etc.,â€" and wbeii you Lave seen them you will bo sure to buy. Watch lepairiug a specially. j A full iino of Pliotogiaphic '•uppiiea I iuchiding developing poftders, I printing frame?, dark lauierus, i all sizes ol Kodaks and films. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale' ! I For Eideuiiig Purposes; Phone or write. â€" GKO. W. UuSS. Osprey Tel. System . Ma.x woil, P. 0. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W, A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. NEW GROCERS We are prepared to supply Hie public with the highest tirade of Groceries, I<"li)ur and Foed imd Gardeij aud Field Seed?. Wo ciiny a compi. t.e stock ofyardeu Sctd.'^. Also Tiuiotliy, Alfalfa, Mammoth Ked aud Sweet Clover. Our prices arc right. Come in aud Kit us ge' acquainted. We can .supply your wants aud you arc sniG to-be satisfied With our goods. First Class Cotton Grain Bags for sale. We^ are uialnug a special price ou Five Eosc Flour to make room for a car load coming. Carload of Potatoes wanted. Higlifcs.t price for fresli eggs aud butter. H. DOWN 8i SON Flesherton, - Ontario iS-m^ i^-m' â- Â»- Ladies of Flesherton and Vicinity Don't be two years behind the times, Tho millinery Season is right on now and Mrs Wright, with ten seasons' experience iu the Miiiiiiery Business and spending a term eat;h season iu Toronto selecting an up-to-date stack, can ."how you what is up-to-date and becoming. .No old stock leftover. Everything new and tip-to date. .hist give us a call and see for yourselves. Prices right according to quality Highest prices paid for produce. W. L. WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton :.^:^_^._;*^".:-*-^-jKi^^^^-^:.i-». :_.*._^ ^S'.jJ;^^!'^],^^^^ '^'^':*^.^ • •••••••••••••••••JJii«IiiJii;;;;;i:: RUBBERS I •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• • ••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• • ••• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• :::: :::s â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ Jt you want ;i <,'oo(] wearing rubber for men, women or children come to tiiis .«tore. Wc have the ohl reliable Maltese Crossj Brand of lobbers. Suit Cases and Trunks If in need of a ;,Suit Case or Trunk call aud got wiuit supplietL THOS. CLAITON FLESHERTON. orvfTARfo ir

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