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Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1919, p. 8

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April 10 1019 THE FLESH EKrON ADVANCE â- !55W"^!5B«" ^biAi ^b^y^K^U ^K^k^^U ^K^K^L^L ^^^t ^^^U ^K^k ^K^L ^K^K^k ^ i Over One ^ Million In Use I Get All That Is Coming To You From Youi Cows Keep good cows, focd tlicm vroll, aud use a M E L;0 T T E CREAM SEPARATOR To f^et all the IJnttei-fat, leaving tlio warm, fresh skim milk to f(!td the calves and other stock. FOR SALE BY D. McTAVlSH, FLESHERTON GET THE FULL PRICE YOURSELF! You arc entitled to the best posfiblelpiicejfor your cream, but when you sliip'through a so-called ;^Cream Buying ' StaliDn you don't get it. Wh}? Simply because'.the Cream Buying Station is allowed two cants per pound on all the cream you senci, by the Creamery, Of cour3e the Creamery'pays the commisfcion itself but naturally the money comes'.out of your pocket eventually. Insist on getting the best possible price and SHIP YOUR CREAM TO THE BOWES CO., LIMITED 70, 72, 74, 76 Front St. East, Toronto Wc have an established connection with some of the most progressive farmers in Ontario. Wo give them a square f^ deal and inake.irworlli tlieir; do i.busineHS with """" us. \V.j i>ay .xiiress clmrges and stijiply 'eaiid free. WRHE FOR CANS TO-DAY Announcement! I li»ve been appointed aaeut fur the new iiijpruvi'd iV #^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to Uive Kiiliio .^;itisfacLii> LAUNDRYâ€" Bisket closes MoikL.j SHARPIES I Suction Feed Separator and Repair* Th-) only Separator llmt will "kirn clean at any apue.l. Tlio only Separi- tor whitli skims quicker when turned faster. The only Scpirat )r with :» tubuliir bowl, no tliHCS to clean. Knee low supply linik, entirely autoinalic oiliuir. Come in and cet all the information. F.W.DUNCAN Phone 24rll Flesherton ,. Lv niyhf, del;ury l'"riilHy eviiiiu rr I CLKANIM: and DYKl.N'O- ' agents for Paik(r'» Uye Worksâ€" (' i. jclsrineJ and'dyoJ. fi-athers rejuvci : • I T nSHCR â-  -PROWIETOK i For Service One pure Droit Sliorlhorn l?iill on l.i I'M), con, i), Artomcsia. Torins 41 oO f.ii ' H. ^ritilu MuNt lie paid nithin 1) months (latti friiiii' f Hervioe. i an. 1'.). -U. O.TUUNKR. Stallion For Sale ' Ah I am Koing out of the horse hua ~ nois I Hin . tr.jringfiir ailuiho wi-ll known [ Standard Hred .Stallion, "Kentucky i.Scn " First elafs papur." cm he pro- duced w til III r It" App'y 111 GEO. II. WIHIKdaK, I''evris'i.ini, dot WINTER TERM ill the // â-  beKint TIirilSDAY. JAN. U, I'.Mtt Oil Is anil boys who have teen work- ing; haul on the farm iluiiii|r the kuiniiiur khoulil havu u charcc to improve their eJucatioii this winter. Circulara fr«u to any addreea. C. A. FLEMING, F.C. A., Principal, Dept. A., Owed Sound, Ontario. (Mention Ihia priper when wriiiO|() Mil opeiiiii.. nil at nice, n I>lack8nulh iiiu anil wood* 1. 1 king humncaa in Mai- well, and n'l n^'nliini! iip-'o date trood- woikuiK III ti'iiin.'iy. It will he my en dfftvor to arrvo tJii) j.-tililic in n i<atiafao- lory nianntT and I wi.uld solicit p'ltp n- «cres, iiio.ay Here. cU-aud, t. n acr-H j »?";• I >v'"' V-nrwiuk and w^id .lo u l.ardwood bunh ; two Bt.iriy Kolid l. irk I '''''"' ^- " April I Farm For Sale In the townaliip of ()«[irry liiiiidrei^ Farm For Sale .V .Oil acre faun for Hi\» on the Kt>l liiok l.iiiB, Arieiliesia, .Srd rnni^o, loilh half of lot 13J. On the iiri'iniduH Iherc iH a Kood franio liain, -iO x oO feet ; a ^<iii.ill fr«iini hoiiae ; a eoud ilrillcd well ; h.'ii home; the f»l! pli/wiiiK ia I'.oiiu. Kur pntticuUra apply on pruiniHes. -.1. II. IIOU.KY, Fleaheri.-n New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell cott-^K-. Pedlar roofinu, collar full «'>••'. PH 17 QTFR I /''^\I/^ furnac", kiicfien and woodshed, auliil j V.'* *'-*»J * l-il^ LiVyilVJI brick, hird and aoft water inside o ' large onthuild iit!« v.itji •at-.-r niijilv Mi«idu. F<ir further iMrii^iilnrn iij)plv t< .JO'IN OIU'MMEIT, Proton Station R.Il. 3 M:! School Reports It-'port for Euvenia pulilic school fcr March . Sr 4â€" P L.Uimei', M McKev, K L'irgr. Jr 4-H Tuohy. M Fenwick, I Haney, A Ped'ar, M Ducketl.*; .Ir.V-I McKee, M Pudlar, C Fenwok. L Gordon, F Larire. Sr Prâ€" K Gord-in, R Large, J Purk.M Hoy, C Williaiua, A Fawcett. Jr Pr â€" E Ooidon, (irahain, A Tuohy, V Willi ims, N Williami, J Lar);c. CI Aâ€" D Fenwick, H Gordon. â€" Louise S. WatsoD, Teacher. Repurt for FeTerihim Public School for March. Jr 2â€" «R Widemao, ^R Hendersoo, *R Long, *B Kerton, ^I Alexander, *J Jr4 *LOttewell. *A Widenian, ♦A !5^*''^''<=''' _*".. "*"'*">: P '^°''"' ^ Weldriok, I) Robinson, A Henderson, O Hodgkini, M Fawcott. U Coulthard. Hatvten, V Wright, V Davids*ii, A Speer. - „ ,„ ,. . .... CI l-»0 Widetnan, L Moore. E Alex- JrJâ€" (.« Henuervon, J Jloninsou. M j u t\ -j at -n >,â-  u j ,_._^^ ' ander, R Daridion, W HuUingshead. Those marked * obtained hooora. Srl-H Kenon, H Alexander, O/ Avera-e attendance 35. â€" L'jIu Jolley, Teacher. Wright. Sr 1 â-  Foster, II Uallam Recognition in War ---Now She is Preparing lor Peace Women drove ambulances. They nursed. They became cooks in the army. They made munitions. Tliey tended graves. They ran telephone exchanges. They did everything but actual fighting â€" and at that they were the inspiration, the unfailing inspiration of the fight- ing men. THERE IS NO END TO WOMAN'S ACHIEVEMENTS their offofts in the > ciic'h (lay at the I'dllowiiif,' rates; *1.-"iO. For 12 moiillis, pm. Wll l'\>i' 1 niDiith, To I'lihli.'-licrs: Tofonto Ddiiy .Stat'. Tofnuto ; Dnir Sirs: Ploaso enter me as a subscriber to The Toronto Diiily Star for nioiitlisâ€" for wliieli please I'iiul eiielcised stamps or money order for ^ Nanio mill adilivss in full rie.iM- wrllf |>hiiiil,\ mill â- iiv ivllellier ^Ir,, ilr-. MK» iir it"V THE TORONTO DAIL.YSTAR Advance Ads Brin^ | Results. i i*liVTi » i i 1 'iWifg i . l ai' i ilwiiii«»a 5» â-  •â- n\, even iis tliey have plaeed tlieni.selvcs uixni a iiimiaric iiast, .so will they rise to greater heights in tlie fulnre. Women must be llio balnnee wheel diirinn the Recoiistruvtic;!). Theirs must be the hand lo .slay till- iinpalieiiee of men wlio, haviiii? returned from the .aetive, strenuous days of the bat- tlefields, find ii difficult to reconcile tiieir past fonv years with the mnndaiie routine of life. So there was never a time when iiewspa|)ers had so miicli lo tell about women; never a lime when womankind eoiild read ill the day's despatches so much aiwut herself. She has be- come iuon> and more iiilerested in the broad questions of Xational tiov(;rmuent, aud in Ontario •â- lie now votes on tli(> .lame basis as men. â€" THE TORONTO DAILY STAR REFLECTS EVERY .ACTIVITY OF WOMEN not meivlv- a .soeial eliroiiiele, but a mirror of what women are aehitmnp. Its thirty-one cxelnsive correspondents (ineludiiif,' two womeifi te of women I he world over. in ad<litioii, The Star publishes daily fashion hints; Bedtime Stories for kiddies; luivii'e oil '•keepinf,' well" ami "doiiic thin,?s," ail of whieh interest both men and women. Kv<'ry woman slioidd read her local newsjiaper because it tells with intimacy of Ihe people whniii she personally knows. Rui woman's place in the world's affairs de- mands al.-,o a WORI J ) XllW'SI'A I'KK a pa;)er which will hriiii: her into '^reading loiicli" \N ith tliiiics far and near, as the teleplione has brouirlst iier into "spealting I ouch" with from wiiom she was once isolated. Women ciiiinot rend The Toronto Daily Star for a short while withotit feelinj; that it is "the paper they nee<I." Tiie truth of this shown by the many women who, scndiiiK in a trial snbscriplion for liiree months, renew their subscription for a year b fore even the liu'ee months exjiire. Send your subscription in now. We will mail The Torimto Daily Star to yon For I! months Cut Off This Coupon and Mail It To-day. 'Ji'-^MigJiit

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