April 10, llHit THE FI KSHEUTON ADVANCE Flesherton Advance »n>tii!.M>i''i'lciit newsi.aijir, puMiHlieil «vi ry Aar.dky ftt th"* i)Hice, Cnllingwoor) Htroct, Jflo^h'^rtiii. Subiicriinii'ii price 81 iiiraiinuiii wImu I>*iiliui><lv'>iiic« ;$l.'i''vrliru no wi paiil AJireriUiDK rates on apiiliratli.n. Circulation ' '"Iweekly w. H. THrasroN. •kditou â- '*r,. EUGENIA The frifiuW aiiil.,uei;ilit)oi(! te«rel hav- IDK to part with Mr. and Mrs. T. K. F'uDwicli iin^l f»niily, l)ut wisli ihcm every succcsn in llicif new lionie. The Ft'iiwick girlH on luavin^ Kugotiia scliool, K»ve ft tatfy party to their nmiiy gii-1 friends, wliu will nilHs thmii very aiucli, lull wish lliom siue sa ii their iii;w school. NOTICE ^M MAIL CONTRACT Residence For Sale SEALEU TKNDKU.S midn-sscl to tin; I'osti.iftBter (Jeneriil will >»â- receive I at ^ OtUwa until 110..11 on Krlday, the !Uli of , Mav. lOl'.l, iur the conveyance of ]lu Mjije»ty'« Mails, 01, u iiropo^nd Contrat fur | four yoats, nix times jti week <>ii the riuit* ' l'Rl('KVTI,I>i: I!. 15. NO- ;< I from the I'ontuijwter (;eiimil'«|ileaaiire nixf. Printed notices contaiuint; fin ther informa- tion as to c.uiditionrt of pniiHiied contract iMiiy Ite Been and l>lank forms of Tender nmy Iw <ibcained at the I'oft Otliie of Trjceville iind at the office of the I'lwt Office Inspector Toronto. A. .mTHKHL.XM). I'dstOHice IiKHptctiir Post Orticc In>iK'<tor'.- Office, Torintii, .MaJch i-'ali, liJllt. Mai^arel M mn, a nino year <dd i;irl of Catnillt, (lied last week from burns re- ceived by tlif explosion of aluminum paint. For sale clieftp and on o.isy terms, the lesideiicc and |)ienu.sia lliereto bolonKUig to the lao M. K. Uichardson, iMuKher ton. On the prenii.scK are a larye brick veneered dvvellini;, well tjnished and in uood repiin', contains 1) larue bedrooms on the second tlat .11 d a large double bedroom 1 n tirsl flat ; good never failing well with force [junip in basement, are Kood cistern all well linishcd for vfinter or Buminor kitchen and dining and wash rooms with good pantry and oner con- veniences ; bir«e lawn and ^{ardcn with good yojni; orchard bearint; nnd plenty [ of ?niall (ruil ; good larjio frame it&ble I aid driving house. I'renilscs woulo I make e.\cellent large boarding house and piivate (illico liesidea, or would answer I well for two lenaijta and aUo good ottico torrent. Apj iy to \i. J. Sproule on the pnmi.se.s wh > wiH show any persoaa I over the premises. 17Uc The Outstanding Product of a Large Manufacturing House FOUR large factories and five dis- tributing v/arehouses stand back of BrandraiTi's Genuine B.B. White Lead. Every step in its manufacture is closely watched by chemical engin- eers nothing is left undone which would help to maintain the quality of the world's finest white lead. Br ariidr ana's Gen^'isii^e BoE. Wh-Me Lead i3 difft-fcnt from any other Vvlute lead. To be- gin vvitli, it is corroded by several secret p.ro- cesses which arc then mcr2,eti bAo a pi2meut of marvellous sniodlhness. Thispi£mciati;; fjround no less than five times, fust under lm£,c slonca, and finally between heavy steel rolh. Tn this [jrindiii.-^ process, it i;i made into a pulp by be- ing mixed v/ith pure refined linsectt oil made in our own linseed oil mills. V/henevcr you paint, use Erandram'a Gen- uine B.B. White Lead if you rnix your own paint. If you want to save the labor of mix'nf/, you can ensure the use of this quality pigment only by getting B-H "English" Paint. MVMTNC Ak MAUir >«X •T.UOMN TVMOMTO WtNMI»«« MCblCtNCHAT CAtOAnV ftOMOHTON VANCOUVin Its hotter* to PAITSTT ••n-H" Protlucts for Other Purposes For Interior FlnlnhlnH â- » Iiiiia I.uc.*'ltH* i>rrfrct vamiah nljiii. Staining tlis Root II II SliliiKle .Stain. In to di(- frrciit colon. B-ll rorrh Floor Pdiit l''(tr [Kirch floor*, ccilinui and parts fxpo^ifd to llir wrkthrr. rioiter Celllnll anil Wall* H-ll "l-rcBconeltr" â€" A flat tone- oil [uiiit. FlnlitilnC a Floor II II ' Kl< iiliiaue.'Mcflleot for intrrior tliHim. For Rarna and OuibulliHana luilifiial Ham raint. N'ltice 18 hereby gi»e:i tliat the Muni- cipal Council of lliu Tiiwn.sh p ol Aile- j niusia in the t'oiiiily of (irey mtend ftt a incelinx of the baid t'uuiitil to tir Inld in the Townsliip iJall at I'le.'iherton hi ten o'clock n. in., on Siitiirday (ho tliird day .)f M.iy, mm, to puss a hyliur 10 tiofca up and convey to the Hydro Kleclric INnvfi Ouiiitnission ol Onliirio the following ullowaiici'S for .sSrool.s or ro idi, m the 'I'Mrt.i I'lotof Euxeiiitt, in the Slid County I f ( J rcy : â€" ALL AND SINGLL.\R ihoaBcottain pircila or tracts of land and premises .situate, lying and U-ing in tho uniucor- Itoratud Village ui Luyenia in the Town- ship of Artemenia in the County of Giey ai.d I'riivii.ce uf Oiitnrio, conlainins; by adineakureineiit a lolal area of 1 acre Knd 77 hundrtdlhs of an acre aijd comprising litilly, »p»ri of I'uidy Street, coiitaininjj U.OK.") acie8, H.-coudly, thu whole of Clifton isticet, containino 0,3.j acies, thirdly, pait of Pelllssier Street contiin- iiiH 4Sa acre.i, und fourthly, a purl of .SniipBon Street eunlaiinng riSacruB, the liinitH of the aaid tracts of hnd being described %h follows: FIRSTLV â€" Cotnnieiicing at the iutor- sectioii of the southerly limit of Purdy Street and l.^e eatlerly limit of Clifton Street; thence northerly alonu the pro- duction of the l^kt ineutioned limit 66 ftet to the ncjrthcrly limit of Purdy Street; thence casturly along the last ineutionid limit 00 feet and .5 tenths of a foot; llience southeasterly 07 fuet to a point in the southerly limit of Purdy Street at a distance of (JL5 feet aieasurnl easterly alonj» tlio last nieutioned limit from the point of cjinmenneuienl; thence w.'Hterly along the li.st mentioned limit 01 feet and .") rentha of a foot more 01 less to the point of comuienccment. SECONOLY-CinmeucinH at the iutersccjon of the northerly limit of Purdy Street with the westerly limit of Clifton Street ; thence southerly along the last mentioned limit 231 feet to the nonhnrly limit of Pellisier Street; thence easterly iiloi.g the .i^t mentioned limit tjlj teet to the eas'eily limit uf Clifton Street ; thenco northerly alon^ the last mentiot.ed limit 231 feeftu (he northerly liiiii:of Puidy Suee'; thenco westerly aloiijT the last nii'inioned limit 66 feet moru or less to 'he point of commence- nieut. THIllDLY â€" Commencing 111 the southerly limit of Pullisier Street at u 6USINESSCARDS Societies AHTHUU LODGE, No. M.A.K.A hall. , Kriday on OKINCB 'â- A M, lueotH ia the Masonic hall. Arm A'rot;i;'H llIocK KlAshsrtoa, ever tir liolore the full Dici T. II uliuly, Httcratary, ri' KndaV on T. Hiury W. M. Dentistry Dr B. C MURRAY L. O. S , dental mirfio >d h'.uoi'ijradLtatt) o( Toronto Lloivuifitv Hurt ^i-yHl I'olleKH ol Dmlal tiur«ponB ot Ontario, 3aB adulsluiBtered (or teeth eXtractbu Ulcu at reaidvuee, Torbuiu Scrcol. flc!i::t>rtu^i Medical Jv cttkwelj:, Veterinary Knrgooo Jrartuate of Ontario Volerlnary College .exldeMoo â€" 83cond door aouih west 00 Vinry street. Tbia ntreot raua oatb ''rubbyterian CUtircb. Legal , UCAH, KANEY i hENKY-Harrletera. '' ijollcitore, eicâ€" I. Ii. Lucas, K. C; W. E, taoey, K. C. : W. D. nenry. B. A. OlBcea. orouto, M6-9 Tradora Dank Hldg., phone i.ain 1412; Markdale Lucia Block, Phone a A. SrancUolUoe at Dundalk opaa every Satur'lav. Jl hIGHT, TELFOKD " liarrister, SolioltorR, *c. 4 WALTER OUiceB, Grey t llruco Block, Uwco Bound. Standard Bank Block, Kleeherton. (Saturrtavs). W. H. Wright, ^â- . P. i'eUord Jr. W. H. Walter, LLB., Business Cards njU. KAITTING, '» tho counties 'arm aud Stock iceoBed Auctioneer foi of Urey aod BImcoe. alcia a specialty. Terma noderate. satlsfactiou guaranteed. Arrauge- ueutB (or dales inav be made at the Advance >l)k't', or Centrul tiilorboue o&lce KeTerBhaui •r hyaddreasiDfit oie at Feveraham, Out. DMoPHAILi, Lilcensed Anctlonee (or the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and -Htia aciiod guaranteed. Ihe arrangemeota tnd dates of sales can be made at The Advauco office. ResiJecceiud P.O.. t.'oylon. Telephone ooDuctlou, Dec. 6, 70 Maxwell Jack-62903 A'OKKSIllKE liUAR liotn July 17th, 1!)18, bred by (ieorge \V Ku.ss, Maxwill, Ont.: 2i.d owner, O.tiiher lOlh, I'.IIM, T. .1. atiuson, Proton Station, Ont. PEDIGREE-Sire. Oik Park Prince U -53398; breeibr of iirrt H. H.Bailey; daiii. Sunny Hill Nuree 2-.")4297; breeder iif dun Win. Manning A Sons ; sue of sire, ()A Lodfje Prince 284-43138 ; dam of sire, Woudctcck Hrisciila 4il42 ; iIhiii (f riistaiiee of 109 feet ineaured weSteUy I «''" "^ ''"•"• •}'^'^\ H"" ''''â- ^fji'^^j from the westerly limit , ^am. Sunny brook Knny 4821,. aloiiL; the same f of Redan Street; ihonoe westerly alony the said southerly limit of Pell'sier Sreet .T.'O feel; thence noilherly at liilht iinolea to the list mentioned limit 60 feet l(j ihc northerly limit of Pelh.iier Street ; thence easterly afong the last mentioned limit 1(20 feet; thenca south- I f-rly ai riyht angle.s to the last mentioned j limit 66 feet nioiu or le»s to tho point .>f commencement. l''orRTHLY â€" Cominenciiig at the! intersection of the southerly limit of j .Simpson Street and tlio westerly limit of Redan Street; thence noithcrly almi^ the production of the lust mentioned limit 66 feel to the inteisectioii of the westerly limit of Redan Street with the tuntherly limit iif Simpson Street; thence westerly sloiii; the last mentioned limit .'itil feet to I he ea.'ierly limit of Alma Street; llunce coutherly along Ihe production of the last mentioned limit till feet to the southerly limit of Simpson Street; thence e<sler!y hIouk the lust mentioned ll.nit fifll feel more or less to the point of commuiicement . iJiledat the Cleik's Otlic,-, Aitenu'sia, tliis4lh diy of April, PJlit. W ,1. BELLAMY, Clerk . T. J. STIXSON, Proprietor Stock For Sale Pine Bred Shorilurn Bull for sale â€" Red, 17 month.s old, nood kind. Also wo registered clyde tillies, one coaiini;: two, and the other coniinc three, well matched bay.i. Write or phone .IAS. KINDLAY. M.ukdalo. Boar For Service Pure bind Reg stcred Y'lrksliire Boar for serviceâ€" Maxwell .lack 62903 â€" on lot Iti", S W. T. A S. It., Artemcaia. Terms $l.,Vi. 10,4,1'J T. J. STINSOX. Bull For Sale 'rimrouijhbred Durham Hull, o'glitoen nioiilhs oldâ€" a choice animal. Also on tlior. U(jhbred Unrhim ow, with c;ilf at f lot. Write or plionu .; '';c()RBErT, K R. No. 2, Dundnlk Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorounhored Yorkshire linar for service on lot 11, 00 n 8, Osproy. Terms 81.50. FR ED SPOFFARD. Boar For Service Ki;^nterod Chiiiler White lui; for service at Rock Mills. The father won first at Chici^o Fair. Terms §1 ,^0. loJeelll -1 SMITH Piop, BOAR for SERVICE PiireliH'd Tamworih lion- for ser\icc on lot 167. S ^V TuiiJ S K , .\iloiBes a,. Terms -Jl.oO. F.'hiri!» - T..1. STlNSdX.Pr p. SPECIAL TO FARMERS IN COUNTY OF GREY 1 nni still iniyiiif^ wiif-tiino ptiooH for int^s ami inbbers, Lorse Imif iitiil i\it tais. Save nil your old trticli for me, also take notice I Imveiio ngciitB; beware of slniiijjers. Phone 90, mwnte al. ZKNER, Markdale. aistiaaiaa Pratt's Regulator Trv Pratt's Animal Regulator for stock, and make your hens lay by feeding them Pratt'.s Poultry Kegulator. For sale at GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, ONT. ..»..»..a.. » i»..«.i»..»i#ai»i^^ii^^ii0i^i» M ».i# »i.»..«.i». » .«.i»..#..»..».iti.ti »ii»i»..».»i» * in Flesherton Tin Shop. i 3S I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tiuware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. ings. 1^^ i i i i Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j& ONTARIO. ^1 t Co i i t m i % WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, AGENT FLESHERTON. W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHOiNO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and .seo the.«« high grade instrnnients .smik AT wm^: lliwlveir.-i Photo (lallery nn<l Mn-^ie Stor FLESH ERTON Ontario: wiMo ORok Bett er ^ Tfri --^ - 1 â- '^ "-^'-o â€" and More of it .^fvcTvlV-ml''" "'â- *' "^ "'"'"'• ScK>ctcd spniec st.nts IHH m,\: toiigucd and grooved are impreg- nated with crccf ote. Air or fr,>st cannot penetrate this barrier. Your en.silage is perfectly jHoteeted. Then add the advantage of the Toronto Hip Kot!t-it gives yon several tons greater capacitvâ€" enaMcsyou to tramp the ensilage right 10 the "top 01 the staves. You need an en,<iilage cutter of your own to have good ensilage. The Toronto KnsUa^e Cutter is designed to gne you eotupletc and ctVicicnt .service ^'^^." "'if T^'^'i ^-'«'" â„¢""'"8 "'='• -'"'Ple. it takes corn. aUalfa. clover, just as von put it in. No Choking or jamming. Smooth action all the time. C.cl' more information on these two splendid Toronto Proihiets. Our litera- ture gives in word and picture the complete story Write for the free Silo and Ivnsilage Cutter bookkU. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Limited AtUatic At*., Toronto Montreal Whmvcf Rasiaa CalsMy -i F. E. SOMERS â- • Feversham, Ont.