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Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1919, p. 1

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gkBhttion mmt "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - 'PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, Xo. 45 Flesherton, Ont, April lO 11)19 J . 1 I'* CEYLON Mti. T. Fletchini? of Toronto is fisit- iug her sister, Mra. D. Wideman. Pte. John Heiuphill arrived home from o»er«ai on Thursday evening, accouipaiiied fiom Toronto by his sister, Mitb Myrtle. He woa met at the depot by a large circle of friends, who gave him a hearty welcome home. A reception was held at his home where a most enjoyable eveninst was spent. The rooms were prettily decorated for the occasion, llavs. Quinn and Balfry o§ Flesherton were preaenl and lent to the enjoymauc of the eveuinK by speeches, which weru respondi'd to by Ptes. John HenipUill, Mclrilie Rutledge and Tbos. McArihur, who arrived on ihe same train. The boys all stated that thay were deliifhced to be boma once more among kith and kin. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were then served by Mr. and Mrs. Hemphill. Mr, Dan and Miis K. McKeuzie of Feversliam vi'ited a^ S. Hemphill's a couple of days last week Pse. Melville Rutledge relumed on Thursday from Toronto, where he re- ceived his discharge. Pte. Charles Adams, who h*« been spending a week with Turunt > and Brampton friends, returned on Monday accompanied by hii little niece. Mrs. Wydeman of Proton visit«d Iter sou here the first uf th« week. Miss Warling of Vandeleur was the £uest of Miss M.tud Uemdhill the pa^t week. Mr. Stanley White arrived home on Oi^urday from Toronto for the suimner m^mtbs. . Driver Goldwiii McMuUeu is exoected home from overseas this week, he luviuij urrived oil the Monhlaud ur. xlalisax on ijaturday. MARKDALE Mrs. (Dr.) bpronle, who spent the winter mi uihs with her daughter, Mrs. Turner, Sali Lal»e City, U. S., ru'.uvntd bumu this wtuk. At a largely attended lueetiii'.' of Markdale citizens hck m the council TO mi on MonJay evening, i t was uiiuuiui<iu$ly decided to fall iu line with the (Jayliyht saving iio.i, beginning next Motiduy uiorniui!, and a aiot'oii pissed a^kiu^ ttju Keuva to issue a prooUiuation ttccordiunly. It wis also decided to observe Xhuisdiys durui;;; July and August us a lioliUuy. Mes.srs. J. & W. B lyd hi.vo dispensed with their general stole business here, Mr. Richard McKenuitt having purchaaoJ the remainder of thoir stock, except iliu hardware. It is very much regrecteJ that this businesb has boon sutpeudud, but we are ndeed fortuuato in still luv- iui> Mr. IJoyd with u.,. We uudurst-.ud that Mr. G. S. Du'idas will reauiuj his tiiiloriug business in his former i|Uirteis. We join the public iu e.\.teudiug a hearty "Wflcome back" to Mr. Dundas.â€" StamJ- ard. FEVERSHAM Kennedy-Cooey On Wednesday, April 2, the homo of Mr. and Mrs. James Pailison, Ceylon, wltnesse . a veiy pretty wedding, when Mis^i Maiia Cooey was united in marriage to Mr. John KeDuedy. The cereinopy was p»iti)imed by Rev. A, E Quinn of Flesherton. The b.-it'e locked lovely in a dress of blue aatin, carrying n bouquet of ptu't carnations. A ni.t^nilicont du'jeuner was served in the dining room The happy couple were tho rccpients of many choice prustjut'i, the xroom's wros- ent to the brido being a bandsunie dmtnond ring, They dopatted for To- routo'ainid ehowerj uf congittuUtiuus, CMu'etli uud rioe. (Last Week's Items) March ba^ surely fulfilled the old adage and went out like a lion so far as cold winds are concerned, as tho last days of March were certainly coW. Mrs. Fltrry Horton and son, Harold, of Long Branch, and Mrs. John Mc Donald and son Hu«li, of ThoriihiU, are vi&itinu with Mra. Horton's parents, Mr. and Mis. R. J. Colquetie, this week, Messrs. Thos and Geo. Julian were in Toronto on bufinesa this week. A goodly number ot friends and ueigb-, itlong with the Osprey Council, gathered at the home of Mr. J. A. Kernahan on Tuesday evening of last wtek, to welcome home Corp. Wimlow Kernahan, who haj returned from over- seis. Corp. Kernahan is lookng due and ail were glad tu see him back home safe. The Osprey Telephone System Com- missioners and a good number of the subscribers gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burk and presented Mrs. Burk (iiee Miss Ada Kailting) with an address and puise of money in recigui- tiou of her faithful service while acting as operat'jr of that system for a number of years. A pleasant social evening was spent and the people left for home after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Burk .^ h,-ippy and prosper'ius journey through life. We were shocked this moruiug to bear of the sudden death of Mr. Tbos. !3G<<tt of Singhaniplon, who been our Town- ship Clerk for i number of years. In losing Mr. Scult the Township lias a great loss as Mr. Sc'ti's place will be very hard to bll. PROTON Address and Presentation A largo number of people from Eugenia and the kUinur^ding country met at the hospittblo homo of Mr. Fred Pedlar, mar Eugenia, cii Tuesday evening, .April 1st, for the purposs of welcoming horn.' another of our returned heroes, Pte. tloiiry Tudor. During the evening Pte. Tudor was presented wiib a g"ld watch and fob, together with the following addro-^s : To our reMirned hero, Pie. Henry Tudor : We are gathared here tonight on this very happy occasion to welcome y<iu homo from th.< ocean, where you have been playing a noble part in the wor-it war tho world Ins ever known. Yuii have run hazardous risks in this awful warfare of tho Huns, battling fi i a good and noble cause Ihit we might still enjoy that freedom, liberty .nnd ri^htcousne.'is that has made the British Empire ihe grealiist iu '.he world. Fi'r your service on our liehalf in that great war we owe you » dj'ut we eiu never ri- paj. Ha J Germ.iny won the war then we might have been able to estimate wh^t we would have been wilting to pay to save oiiv country, our hniiies and mir loved ones from such destruction and bl'iod shed as Belgium and other countrits sutlered, Gol has i.piieJ u-* from that, but wa can nsver forget nhat we owe to our brave »oMiers and sailors. As a slight token <<S recognition if your noble service we would ask you to accept this watc'i from your friends of Eugenia and vicinity. SigiicJ-^ - Mr H. Foester nnd Mr. D. William.s. Note Lost Nolo drawn in fa .'or of W. T. Julian I on Merchant'a P>ink, Collingwood, dated . MaiL-h 20. b'iiidor pljase leavn with W. | T. .Julian, Fevorshani, or J. J. Haley, : K'ltt^oi'*- I AUTO AGENT WANTD Agont wan'cl f<>r the BRISCOE C r ^)r Fles'icili II Mid District. Eisy'orio- car terin<». .\ rare op|>ortnnity. App'y »oH. K. NI"ir.c\ < (won Sound, Ont. Property Foi Sale By Tender St'aled Tenders aj Iressad to W. A. .\rimrri>ii',j, Kl<>8beilon P. O , will be received up lo May 1st, I'.Hi), for the purchase of the property ku.iwn as the Ch!i.itoe Block, tloshertcui This prop eriy i« under for butcher shop, hardwtfro store an.l residences. \r, is uf solid brick and three slorits high. TKUMS : Ten percent, of imi chase niiiiii-y to accompmy lender, balance in sixty days wilhiut i'Ucrost if tender is acceped. t'nsuccossful tenderers will have their money ro'urned. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily uicep'ed Dated this Tdi Jay of .April. 1019. -W. A. ARM-iTKDNG. One of t he Executors. Auto For Sale Chevrolet Runabout auco for s\lo, only nsi^d a few weeks, property uf the late Dr. Liitle, A liargaiif. A"p;v »c C. N. Riohacdsou or Tho.«. Plakeley, Fleehcr- o 1 . â- '*. [Litt Week's Items) The Proverbial Lamb is not mucn in avideuje today, March 31st, but in spite of the cool reception given by the weather- man, the whole village tuin-. d out to welcome our ^returned heroes. Privates John Hanley, J.m and Wilbur: White, who appear in the best uf health uud sp rits. Mr. and Mrs Brown, who have spent the wint-r with tueir daughter, Mrs. Still, at tUe Station, have returned to their home at Mount Forest. Mrs. G. Biuuie is visiting rela'.ives lu Toronto. A number of the members of the Ani^lican Church spent a very uleasant evening at ll:e hume ..f Miss Elbtl Lud- low whi.u they prtseutid Ml*. Ludlow^ their former oryanist, with a well filled purse. Mis Jade and family h«ve arrived from Singhampton and are living in the house belonging to Mr. J. Trelford. On Tuesd.ay evening of last week the Belhel Epworlli^l,eague viMted our Vi'ung Puoule's Society of the Preaby- teriaii church. The visitors provided an excellent program, after which a social time was spent and lunch served by the Guild. Evtryone enjoyed the meeting vi'ry much and we wiil welcome our Methodist friends another lime. Miss Mildred Biunie entertained a few of her friends a! ht-r home on Taesi.iy evening of but week. Improvements have been made in the appear iuc<3 of our stali u house. Jiai Batchelors bn/.z .saw has been making it? annual visit to the village back yards. Artemesia Council C'.iuiicd mot on .Apr.l o The memiitis all present, the Roevi in ilie ciiair. The minutes were read and adopted.. Com- munications U. F. O asking Couacil t I pass resolution re provincial highway ; D miiuiim .Alliance, with petition ro war time prohibition ; RepatriBti<m C'lnn- mittee re public works ; Hydro Electric re sloRing parts of curtain streets in Eugenia ; W. H. Thurston, account for priming By'aw No. '.', appointing ollicers, was read a third time and ordered to be signed. Cameron â€" Batcheler--That tho ace', of W. H. Thurston for printingjAuditors" report nmciunting to ?;!;>. be paid- Carried. Ca-neron â€" Batcholor â€" That the Cb'rk advertise the closing of par's of Purdy street, Clintnn strcos and Simpson street in I'aigenia, on reipiest of ihe Hydro Erectile C niniission and a bylaw he inirolucod at next meeting fir tho purposeâ€" Carried Cimertni â€" Maihewson That the Itceve and Mr. Biloheler be a conimiltee to exaiiiina a propo.sod deviation on west back line at lot 153 and lo-t, to make an estimate of c 'st and resoit at next inceliog "f the Council â€" Carried. Cameronâ€" B.tcheler â€" That the re- ipieit of J. J. Morrison on behalf <f tho l-nited Farmers of tJatario, asking for the repeal vt the Provmoiil Hiuhw.iy Act be reoeived, and tiiit this Council concur in tho re<(Uo«i, and that the resolution be signed a'ld forwanied to the above named address-- Carried. Ba'chelorâ€" Camerou-That the rei|uoi oi the Secretary of the Dominion .Aliiai ce repciitionto the Domini jh of C^Jiiimcns and ijeuate, asking that lh$ war tiiui: prohibiiion bu mute pet'uniient' an 1 that ths 'Jounc 1 uiiauiinuu^ly endorse the petition â€" Carried. C'lncroii â€" Malhe*s..ii - Tliat the Beovo iiud oouituiss'oiicr for Div. Juo. 3 bo a cominittcu to examino the Craiiberiy bridge and pit I ho sauu in propel repairâ€" Carried. Ciiv.eron- Baicbelerâ€" Tint wa oidor from the Out>;trio Bridge Cu four si eel r lad drugs, oire for ««cb d vision â€" Caried. Cameron - Msihewsoii â€" That this Coui.cil procure from D -ugliis & Taylor, Oven Sound, one medal (as p>r simple su: initU'd) for each reluincJ soldier who hai seen .ictive service* overseas and also a certili'ate of >orvico framed to the next of kin of ihc uiuu who huv.,> bi-r iheir Ik'is in AOttou or ia tiai lirg ia the groat war. Carnod nnannnius'y. Council aujouri ed. EAST MOUNTAIN (Last Week's Items) The rouch roads make unpieasaut driving. Miss Eva .Allen of A. R. H. S., ..ud Miss .Mary McLaui^hlia of Ceylon, spin'' the week end at the foruiei's parental home. On Friday evening the many fiienda and neiiihb.ira of Pte. Victor Ford iiitt a' the home of Mr. Uobt. McMuUeii and gave him a hearty welcome hume. Dur- 'ng the evening he viaa presented with a purse of 875. Tho presentation was made by Miis .Annie Hall, abile Misa Minnie Smart read a viry appropriate address. ViLtor replied inmost suilatile words. Mr. Canoll Uumberston-j did tha collecting. Mr. L:^Hlie McMullen, who H leaving for ihe West in a few days, IS a regular atleuder of the V. P. Siicieiy here, was presented with a hand- some Ued Letter Bible by tho Society. The presenlatiim was made and the address read by the Misses Ua 1 and Siiurt. To ihis Leslie made a neat reply. .After a ploasint time iu music daiicinu, games, etc , the parly dispersed in the wee sma hour.* o' mornin' wishing Victor all the pleasures and luxurie.s of the future in return fur his aid lu ihe great victoiy, and wishing Leslie a successful trip west. Mr. Cooper af Markdalu ia engvged in getting timber reaoy for Mr. Uuiubet- stone's new barn. Pte. Victor Ford wmt to Toronto on •'Saturday to get his dissbarge. .\nDKESS AND rnESENT.vrio.s To Mr. L'^slie McMullen, : Diiar Friend : I^ was with feeltugs of regret that we learned of your iirended removal frein our lnld^t. You have been anions; us foi a few years and h.ive been an .ictive worker in the Guild and social life, -ind always willing to take ynir part of the work. Your removal from us leaves a vacancy' which wiil be bard to till, but we hope that your new surroundings may 1-e pleasant and i hat you may be spared many years to « njoy tho g'lod work yu have sianeJ in your youth. We ask you tj accept llii- Hible as a slight token of our esteem for yi ii. C>ur best wishes go with you â€" Sigied on behalf of ihu Guild. KIMBERLEY If thii indd we'i'.her ovntinuos seudiiig will be in full swinu iu this locility by the end of the week. The small boy will soon be wending his way to the brook with the old tishiag polo. No in re fa.scinating sport could be conceived th m landing the liucious trout. Mr. Wm. T. Moore of Meaford wa" .-i pleasant caUor in our burg oi Stturday last. Jam_es R. Kaw;;elt visited during ih- pa-") week with hi^ son, Herbert, < f Collingwoiid. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra ITawoett are visitiog this week will) friends iu Toronto. Wdfrcd Plantl is giving iha VfU'<S{ people a tarty pull on Wednesday e\ fil- ing. Chas. Howard of Egypt renxwed â- â- l\ acipi.aiutances in th s luualiiy one d <y las' week. Chis. Camaok of the Valley U.>hJ North he'd a hoe down oa Friday cv< ii- imilast. The merry company Iripp'il the light fantastic till the wee foia' hours. Cooil Hu^igird of Clarksbur.; called >'ii friends in our viilig one d^y last woei-' . Goo Hutchinson occupitM the pu'pit in the Mclhod>.>>t church on Sunday evening last and preached an excelli-nt seimon. Henry Huid moved into I ha houso \n>t week wh ch he purchased ironi John | Mageo. I .\ corlaiu y^uiig chip by tho nanip â- > I Willie was seen wending his w»y r.i * ' vvuils Maikdnic ode evening last week, i Wha' does this mean? Is soaubidy , going li> join the ranks of the benedict. • Win. Harris i.s busy with his buzz .-^aw gU'tii^ cutting wood. The way Will can , cimvert i>oles iuto wood isn't kIow. ' Bates Burial Co. BC.'SINESS AS rSLAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT| J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks,; Pres, Manager I -^â€" I Yorkshires Tamworths' Young Stock For Sale< i For Bieeciing Purposes Phone or write. â€" GEi>. W. ROSS. Osprey Tel. System . Maxwell, P.O. Fine Jewelery Come ii2 and see our tiue '\axge 8;(J i of Jewellery, Watchc:, Clock* etc.,â€" anil when you have s€en ihem yon wiil be sure to bny. Watch rtpairiug a speciahjr. A full Hue of Photogiapbic "-upplies including developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of Kodaks aud films. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Armstrong: Jeweler FLESHERTON, . QNT. NEW GROCERS We are prepared to. <iipply ilio public wilh tbe highest grade of firocerics. blour aud Feed aud Garden aud Field tjeed?. We carry a oomp'ete stock offJarden Seeds. Also Timothy, Alnifa, Mammoth Red aud ijwaet Clover. Our prices are right. Come m and l,;t ns g. i aciuaiuted. We cau supply your wants and you are sure lo be saiislied with our goods. First Class Cotton Grain Bags for sale. We are making a special price on l-'ive Rose Flour to make room for a car load coming. Carload of Potatoes wanted. prieo for fiesli etrs'=. Highest H. DOWN 81 SON Flesherton, Ontario _,.I;^sa> Ladies of Flesherton and Vicinity Dou't be two years bcliind the times. The millinery sc-ason i.s right on ucw aud Mrs Wright, wiih ton seasous" experience in tho Milliuery Busiuess aud spending a term each season in Toronto selecting an up-to-date stock, cau show you what is up-to-.iaie' aud bccominf,^ Ko old s;ock left over. Everything uow aud up-to-date. Just give u.o a call and see for yourselves. Trices riglit according lo finality Highest prices paid for produce. W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton • •••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«*«a«aalaalllllil': •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• ••# â-  â- â€¢â€¢ RUBBERS I f yon w.uit a guotl wearing rubber for men, wooien or childion come to this store. We have the old reliable Maltese Cross Brand of rubbers. Suit Cases and Trunks llin need of a, Suit Case or Trunk call and i^it want supplied. K: .••• .*•• >••• *•••'g ,4ire(!t« nro in sueh a Und ' •l\te of rop.iir thn' » cnr luviur) imtlo, : biOftkin,' one of thi' occujvins leiin. I Priuoipivl Allan wh i hai tntv^ht •â- ehool ' in Dui Imiii 'or .'U if»ue, iut> retire <'n «ccoi;n' : f I'. h''a!t!i. THOS. CLAYTON ••• ••- ••• it: ::: FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ^

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