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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1919, p. 8

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Aprils 1019 THK FLESH ERrON ADVANCE Get All That Is Coming To You From Youi Cows Over One Million In Use X Keep good cows, food them well, aud use a J ^ M E UO T T E I W CREAM SEPARATOR |i yj^ To f;et all tlio IJiUlei- fal, leaving llie waini, fresh skim milk to «|^ W feed the calves and other stock. 4? I FOR SALE BY | I D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON | Ji . J o GET THE FULL PRICE YOURSELF You are cntillLii to the best possible price for your creiim. but when you shipjt'.irough a socalled Cream Biiyiny Stali'jri you don't ijet it. Why? Simply bccausu^tlie Cream Buying Slulion is allowed iw } coiils por pound on all the cream you send, by the Creamery. Of courae the Creamery pays the comraistion ^itself but naturally the money comes out of your pocket'ovenlually. Insist on <»etling the bost'possible price and SHIP YOUR CREAM TO THE BOWES CO., LIMITED 70,\72, 74, 76 Front St. East, Toronto We Lave an estabiislied comitction wilh some of the ino.-it ^J progressive farmers in Ontario. Wo yive tiicm a siinaro^kja^ deal and '.rako^il worth their w'lilo to do ^business \vith"3^[f? us. Wo ))ay oxprcH=i eh iri^'o-i and niipply fans tVce. . *~. WRITE FOR CANS TO-DAY C r [J Announcement I have been appointed agonl fur the new improved SHARPIES Suction Feed Separator and Repair* 'I'h'; only Sypiir-ilor lliiit will "kiiii cloiTi »i any spood. The only Sepinii- tor whii'li bkiiiis i|uicker wtlun turucd fitsior. The ouly Si'pirdl >r willi â- < tuljuliir I'divl, III) (liKjs to clean. Knee low Nupply tmili, entirely autuinilic ^lllin^'. Uoinu in Hiid i2<!t iill [U'i infurniation. 1 FlesHex*toii #- Tonsorial "^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire .'5iitisf«ctio LAl'NUUV â€" Riskft clnscs Monday iii^lit, ilolivt ry Fridiiy evuiiin CLKANING find DYEINOâ€" . -; agents for I'mker's Dye Worksâ€"'i oliMiii- I and (lyi;J. fiMllicrs ii'jimi. T risHiMr 'R()l»RIETOi: For Service |ij| I Olio (iiiri) tired Slmrilinrii liiill <in Ui " ! :i!i, on. '.), Aileim-sln. Term, JITiO t.'i j H. K'li'lo Mint lit! piiil williiii i) iiiuiitlis "^ ilalH fi'iim.if niMviri'. till. It). R. (), TURN' Kit. Stallion For Sale F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24r 11 Flesherton .. [ As 1 am Kiiiliy out (if (In- li mm- llll^i- ' liens I mil > tl'uriliK fnr Niliiilut w^ll |-|ii>nii '^liiiiliiil liivd Slv'liiiii, "K.Mitutky •Sm " KIrHl clatK (>Hpitr» c;iii ho pro- Iductil wth lurn'. Apji'y tn GEO. H. WIIIIEOAK, ! Koviii<'i-<in, ('111 WINTER TERM in I lie b.!KinHTin'U.Sl)AV, .IAN. 2, till!) OiiUand boyit wlm lisvo Vo«\\ work- ing hntd on I lie farm tUitiiii/ tho NUiliiiiei nIiduIU liHve ii ihin uo li> improve their uHii'Mtion Ihin wiiilij. Cnciiltirs (roe to iitiy lulilreiiN. C. A. FLEMING, F.C. A., Principal, Dcpt. A., Uwed Sound, Unlario. (Henti'ii) ihii pijiiir when «ritt»g) Farm For Sale In tlio liiwntihip ofOaproy t tie liiiinlreil •cren, iiii-.ety ucrt'i rlrnrnd, tin ncrps liiillvMioJ liii li ; iHoHic/iey uultl liniK "••tijjp, PpilUr roofiiiQ, colUr full t^\u\ fi.Mttiuc, Ulclii'ii hikI wol.^l^llo(l, iii>)|,l hiiok, htrd Riid aufr water imide •• \'\i'i oiitljinld n«» »iili «i>t.,'i fii,'|j'v 'miile. Forfiiiili'i- p.iiuiiV.irv iippli ii JO'I.N (Jltr.MMfTT. I'niton 8iatlon U 11 •:. fl.'i Farm For Sale j .\ .'ill acre luiin for (tide on the EmI j li'ek Ijiiu', Arieiiiesiii, .'Inl iiiiiiio, ninth jhall' of lot \\\l. Oil the priMiiiMes llieie I IS II UDo.l irnme limit, li) x .SO fiel ; a iHiiKill fritiiii liMiise ; a uonil ilrilltil w«:i : ! Ii.ii hmisu ; the full plowiiin is <!i>iie, K' r pit t'cul.irs aiiply on pretiiis-s. â€" .]. ir. IIOLLEY, Kle.lierion. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell liii ii|>i'iiiiiL' niiiit, iiioe, a lilackmnilh iiii; mill Wood ivoikini; hiisiiicBH in Max- well, and am 'iij'Blliiiij tip-!o date wood- workitu: uiT'iinoiy. It will be my on Ji'.iMir t,i ai ivu ijiu pulilic ill 11 Miti«fac- t My ninniiei' aud I would nolicit, p%tro|i- ML'v. I win' yoiiriTiak mill niil .i.> i' '•«'â- â€¢â€¢ : April 1 CHESTER LONG Advance Ads Brin?} Results. /NGREASE POTATO CROP How to Check Serious IJiseases in Ontario. lieaf l{<ill nnd AloNiiic .Vi't' l-'Ii'inly I'.'.stnbli.shed and Iteduco Yields One-third â€" How to IK-tect Dls- c'HNeM Hiid Only Way to Control | Them. (Contributed by Ontario Department o: Agriculture, Toronto.) THK two most serious soed- horne potato diseases In Ontario are Leaf Roll and Mosaic. Other sced-boine potato disoases common In the Pro- vince arc Black Leg, Khizoetonia, Ulighl, Wilt and .Scab. Leaf Roll and Mosaic canse a very marked reduc- tion in tho yield, and the fact that these two are so prevalent in Southern Ontario acrounis for tho poor crop of potatoes thai has been obtained in many parts of ihe Pro- vince for the past four years. Leaf Roll. â€" The canse of this dis- ease is unknown. Data Kathered by the pathologists of the United States and Canada .shows that Leaf Roll may reduce the yield to about one- third of the normal crop. Symptoms. â€" Symptomsof Leaf Roll are very variable. Affected plants are always more or less dwarfed and In some varieties tho leaves assume a characteristic upright, almost star- ing habit, instead of drooping over in the normal way. Rolling of the low- er leaves is always associated v.iih the disease. The rolled leaves on planls affected wit-h litis disease begin to die early. The harsh, leathery texture of such leaves is aconslant symploiii. The tubers of affected plants are small and are borne gen- erally on very short tuber-branches (stolons) or even attached in a clus- t(n- to Ihe stem. Tubers from affected plants invariably produce (iisea.seil plants. 'J'lieie is also evi- dence to show that the disease may spread from plant to plant in the field. Prevention. â€" The only sure way of avoiding less from Leaf Roll is to secure fresh seed from districts free from this disease. Fortunately, this is possible, as .N'orthorn Ontario and certain sections of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Is- land are I'ompaiiilively free from this trouble. In experiments carried on in Old Ontario by the Agricultural Representative:-, with seed potaloes from South Ontario, New Biiinsv. ick and Xorlhern Ontario, it was found that Ihe, iiverago amount of Leaf Roll in th(! plants from Ihe seed from the three different source.^: was as follows: â€" Old Ontario 45.5% New Brunswick 5.1 Northern Ontario 1.4 These figures strongly emphasize the desirability of obtaining north- ern-grown potato seed. Mosaic. â€" The cause of this disease is also unknown. It has been ob- served in many liclds in Ontario. When severe there is a very notice- able reduction in tho crop. Data gathered by the i>atliologists of the Inited States and Canada shows that Ibis disease may reduce the yield by one-half. Symptoms. â€" Tho foliage of plants affected with Mosaic Is somewhat wrinkled or corrugated and mot tied with faint, light green or yillowish â- qiols. The stalks of the diseased plants are often more btiio ui'.:r llie ground than those of luallhy ones, partly because the aff-ct- od foliage does not spread tnit and drop down normally, ;ind partly because the lower leaves soiiH'limes fall off in the last stages of severe attacks. The tubers of »f- fecteil plants are normal-lookini; and sound and their keeping or eatin.i; (Hialities are not impaired. Prevention. â€" If Mosaic is abun- dant in a Held Ihe surest and quick- est way of eliminating it is by ou- laining fresh seed from a non-infect- ed district. Such seed can be ob- tained at the present time from .N'oithern Ontario. <ieiiei-til .SiiitgoHllnna For the Preven- tion of S<H.'d-b<>Mie Potato Diseases. In oriler to iivoid loss from Leaf Roll and .Mosaic, the source of seed is of llto utmost importance. Seed potatoes free from these diseases can be obtained from Northern Ontario. Only certilied seed, however, can De relietl upon. For information con- ct rning ceititied northern-grown po- tato seed write Mr. Justus Miller, Assistant Commissioner of Agricul- ture, Parliament Builtlings, Toronto. Canada. Even certified northern-grown seetl is not a panacea for all diseases. In order 10 avoid loss from such seed- borno potato diseases as Black Leg, Rhlzoclonia, Will. Blight and .Seal). the following preiattlions should bo taken: 1. Select for seed smooth, sound tubers, as free as possible from scab, black, hard lumps on the surface, and abnormal discoloralions of the skin or flesh. 2. Disinfect all seed before cut- ting with formalin or corrosive sub- limate. The latter substance is the more reliable for the prevention of Ifhiicoclonia. â- J. When cut lint; potatoes have at hand I wo or three knives and a jar containing a at) per cent, solution of foinialin. After cutting into a tuber which shows signs of rot drop the knife Into the formalin, discard llu' disiased poliiio and take a ficsli knife trotn the formalin solution for Ihe next culling. 4. Si>ray every year with Bordeaux mixture for llui pre-vention of Late Blii'.ht and Rot. Such spraying is an Insnrauce which it is not aate to neglect. 5. nogtie the growing crop once or twice during tho Hummer, or at Ka.ii that porllon of it from which the seed is to be saved. This npeiatlon consists In Ihe removal and distrnc- liun of any plants rhowing signs ot, such dkicascs as Leaf Roll, Mosaic, Black Leg, RhUoctouin and Wilt. 6. Practice n rotation of crops and if poHstblo plant rotalocs after rlover. !iod. â€" Prof. J. E. Uowctt, O. A. Col- '.()ge, Quelph. Can You Beat This? The tall bookkeeper wound about three yards ol lower limb around the leg of the table, and remarked as he gazed oft into space: ''I would like to know just what some people's Idea of Inconvenience is. For instance, the other day a small child belonging to one of our neighbors knocked at our back door. 'What can I do for you, little girl?' I asked. Well," she said, 'my papa says he hopes It won't in- convenience you any, but he has sent our ice box down town to have a new lining put in, and he wants to know if you will lend us your refrig- erator for three or four days until ours gets fixed.' Can you beat that? " A Boy Tiglit-ropo Walker. It is told how Kred Stone practiced so hard tight-rope walking in the back yard, that next year, when the circus came, ho was able to view It from the hole in tlie top ot the tent, having walked thither up the guy- ropes. After a while the manager came out. "You'll break your neck up there, youngster," said he. "Pooh," said Fred's playmates, "he kin do smarter stunts'n anybody in your old show. So the manager ask- ed Fred in, and then he offered him a job with the circus. And Fred's father let him go. But that was be- cause his father was a snare-drum- mer. â-  They make by far the best fathers. .Siuibnry Tliought of Its Unreadiness. In transcribing the historic bulle- tin "the world war will come to an end," etc., the telegraph operator at Sudbury in his excitement omitted the word "war" â€" thereby precipitat- ing consternation in a community the majority of whose residents are scarcely J'et ready Tor the end of the world. SPECIAL TO FARMERS IN COUNTY OF GREY I am still paying war-time piicea for raga and rubbers, liorsc hair and metals. Save all your okl truck forme, also take notice I liave uo atjents ; beware of strangers. Phone 99, or write J. ZENER, Markdale. Boar for Service BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tmnworih Boir for sorvice The undersigned h»8 a I »< orou- !i ored on lot ltl7, S \V T aud S E., Artemesia,. Yorkshire Boar for service oii lot 11, oo n Terms â€" $1.50, if raid for at time of 8, Osprey. Terms $1.50. service. FRKD SPOFFARD. j Febisb â€" T. J. STIN'SON', Pro p BIBLES! BIBLES! Does Your Label Say 1920 ! Residence For Sa e For .s:i1b ilioap i.nd oil ciRy teiuis, I lie resiilenci! imd pi-innsis tlictitii heh iiiinii,' to th'.' iii e M. Jv. llicliaidsiu. flrs-lior ton. On the prruiisis me a Ihiuo luick venrcred dwflliiir, well titf.flted and in Uui d repair, toiitiiiii.s '.• liirire btdriH.iiis lilt lh>' sec 1 ltd Hal \\ J a liiri;o lionbie lieilrcKMii i.ii lir!!t lUl ; sioi'd i.iver failiiii; will wiili fold! pump in hisi'tiient, Are Uood ri-terr. i.U well tiiii.-lnd f' r winter or t.u!iiiin'r kitclien and diiiiiiK :itiu wash rooms «i'li <ii>i)d pnuliy nnd o'lier con- veniences ; liiiito Ihwu and ^allien with yuod yoiiiii; I'rcliard I earinij ami (.Unty iif mi ill fruit ; good Urae fiHir.e et&ble III d driviiiu house. I'riiiiisis wi.u'n nitike excellent liUii.- boiiiriii u' hou^e ;ind piiv!>'e dtlioi' hctldei', or niuld «ns«ir well for two teiuii.ts and a!.-o ^-ood itlice for rent. Apj y to H. .J. Spri.u e • n tlio prtiiiis-es nh 1 « ill t-Iiow imy jn'iso ;s V er the preniisi's. I70o •«•»•..•.â- â€¢..••.«..•»•..•..•.â- â€¢>•»•• g New stock of Bibles atjd Tesiatements just reoeivet]. In this lot is something very fine for gift books ranging as liijU a* 8.5.2.J. There are also Family Bibles in large typo for old people. Coine aiul see tiiem at the Repository for the I'pper Canada Bible Society. ^•»«> •••«••• '••'••^•'•t •«-•#>••• We do all sizes of Auction Sale Bills on the shortest notice. Prices right. " The Advance " Flesherton ? FojT 'Every Wahtt Nmd 1 liti^id^ ^nd Nothing is more certain to improve the appearance of the home interior than well-painted rooms. And as for cutside painting, not only does it beavitify but it protects as well.' ^'English *^ m 70%PureWJteUaa (nr.milivim"» Ce:\uine B.B) 30% Pure Wute Zinc W0% Pure Pdiiit Make your home attractive â€" but do it economically. Protect it and beautify it by using a paint that lasts as well as it looks. B-H Paint lasts for years on exterior surfaces - it cannot fail to give satisfaction v,'hen used for inside work. "Chipping," "peeling." "cracking" are features you have been accustomed to if you've been using cheap paints â€"these are features you will never again be bothered with if you use B-H "English" Paint. Long after paints of the ordinarj' kind need renewing, the smooth and brilliant surface given by B-H Paint will still be a delight to the eye. RR AiiMPP?A^H 'H EMPE»SO N MO»-i nt At MAUlt-AX *t.WOM»* TOnOMTO WiNNivM mICICM;: M/^T CAtOAJtV ftOMONTOM VANCOUVin F. H. W. Hickliiijl, i Other "U-H" Products M e urc prouj to svlt k'OT Interior rinUhlaft "t'hiiia Lac" the pi'ffcct varnish St'.ilnliiil tiM Fo«r 11 II Siiiiiglc Staiiiii in 19 clinvrrnt B-tl PorcJi Floor Paint For porch tlouis. cvitinga anj IKirld cxpi>:^cU It* ihe woa:her. PLmter Olllnes antl Walls H-H "I'lrscwieUe" â€" A flat tone oil ]iaint. I'inlsliiiiit a Floor H-lt â- I'loortustre" excellent fir iatfli.'r flo. rs. Frr Itrrns nnii Outbultdlaits Inmrrirl It;ir:i Piiint. Flesherton. Ontario wr aiiiiiiii iwiwlii i^<ia«<iâ€" imi#i<iK

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