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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1919, p. 5

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-« -.V j«-^;a. ,v-'W"r April 3 1919 THE F L E S fl K K T O N ADVA NCE •• » vxkiaC â- Â» • \1 ^« THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OPriCE • TORONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. »»T'D i»7a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT tt every Branch. 235 FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. ^e Flesherton Station Misa Ida Osborne Will havt) lier miili- g^g uery pai'lorr at Maxwell this veason at iuiual. Call and lee the Terykteat idaaa Going North '" spring millinery. Mra. Emerson WiukonK, who baa been Train.s leave â- oUows : Going South 7.53 a. m. 12.01 d.ui 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. . , â„¢, ., J .. ci u . in the hospital at Owea Sound for the Th&-nwil.s are osert at Flesherton -es '^ foHows : For the north at 10.40 a.oi.and ?»*•' month, returned to her home here 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at on Thursday last and is much iinpio>ed 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south j ;., health. mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g VICINITY CHIPS I The Fietiherioa Ladiea' Aid have been ecgaued to give the play "Aunt Susan's â- Visit "in Watson's Hall, Pnceville, oc ; April II. The people of Priceville will r^oeivo a treat. I 0. W. Phillips' iharness shop cauebfc Bibles and Testaments for sale at th:. g^^ ,^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^,^ ^^^,j^y ^^^-^^ . created a little exciceaient, but. a few Toronto is in pajla of water diicouragod the dory element and it tub^idod without doiog Toronto is a »ay material damagt;. -office. Mr. John Runstadler of town on business. Mr. Oilford Kltcheg of visitor at H. C. LeGard's. Choppiiii^ done last three days of each week only. â€" «rahani Bros., Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. W. Buskin left this week for their new home in Toronto. 5Ir. Wilfred Phillips of Palmeriton is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Jas. Adams of Toronto is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John .\d»m3. Mrs. G. B. Welton spent the past week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Will Moore was in Toronto a few days last week. { Mr. Wm. Orr, loS 171, IS. VV., Arte- misia, will hold 3 credic auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on Thurs- day, .\pi'il lOtb. Said atone o'clock. D. McPhail, Auctioneer. I There were some horse buyers in town I one d.iy week. Quite anu:uber of ' animals were on hand but the buyers ; were very stiy and not a sinjjla animal changed hands. .\ credit !-ala of f;u'iu iuiplomeats wilj i be held on lut 40, con 7. the property of I Mr. Wilfred Pliillips, on Wednesday, (-April 9. See bills. Wm. Kainiuas, Interesting Letter From Winnipeg A remittuuce lutier from Wiunipeij gives us the followiiig iiiti/restinx facta concerning certain conditions in that oily at the eaetern Honr of the gieat West : It lU'iy be inlsret'ting for you to k.iow that although every I hin« is more or less unsettled (like somo subscriptions), every ur.e (lUt here .seems to be quite optiaiiiitic with ret^ard to the near future. There is beginning to be a great stir in bouses. Muvipg time has arrived (nearly every one whu has to move does so in March or April) and it is like a game of checkers ; houses are all occupied and one cannut move until another does, and ic is then a move nil roundâ€" a soit of '' pussy- wants- a-cornec '' game. Buildini; material for every kind of house costs is so high, and the labor (lUesliuL s.j jusctUed. that no one is anxious to undertake any building and thia in the face of the Urge number of soldiers rtturniu-; with wives, and also large numbers of people who have "doubled up" during the winter to keep down expenses, now wanting to liugle outi aijain, is inakiut! the housing (itnation acute. Quite a number are buying because unable to rent. In religious matter* two things seem to be worthy of mention just aosv. The Christian Men's Ftder.ttioB, a dominion vide n<jQ duiioininatio nal organization, is gaining a gooil foothold here ; quite a number oS churches have already orja- niztd, the one w:th which we are con- nected being just in process of organiza- tion at present. This Federation seems to prouiiae good things. The other event of interest is the campaign to raite $100,000 to be used iu clearing the debt off all the suial er churches in the city â€"an originnl idea and one tkat would work .'uesliiuable good if supported to the point of co.Tiplete success, or even if only partially successful it is bound to be a splendid thing for Me'hodisin hero and fur the city as a whole . â€" I. H. Turner. Mis. Jas. Cargo and son, Walter^ ' auctioneer. The lartii will also be otfer- visited friends in Flora ovar the Teek ed at the time of the sale. end. Mrs. Robert Uutledije left last week to spend the summer wich her daughter in Wiunipeij. We have been unavoidably forced to The Upper Canada Biole Depository, kept at The .Advance ofiice, has just received a complete stock of Bibles, rnngiug in price from 50c. to $5.23. Amonif these are some beautiful things hold over several newsy correspondences ' for presentations. There are also Bibles thia week. , for old veople with lari-e print, pocket Miss Holmes of the high school itafF testaments and I'salms. Cume in and spent the week end with Mrs. (Rev.) loo'i at iheni. Jud son Kelly of Owen Sonnd. j On Friday evening, March U'.b, the Mr. Gordon McKinnon of Port Perry, friends and noighhors of .Mr. and Mrs. J. with the Bell Telephone Co, has been J. Thompson met at their home and Lome during the past week. spent a pleasant evening previoui to and presented th^m with two handsome rock- ing chaiis. The address was read by Mrs. L. McCracken and thd presentation made by Mr. Fied McMuHeu and Mr. John Beecriift. Mr. Thompson made a suitable ri'-ply thank'ng the frieuds for Miss Isabel Forbes of Oranaeville is their kindness. spending tlie week end with Mrs. W. A Arni"i! roily . Pre«toii Beattie, overseas last week here. The Flesherton Women's Institute '•"^'f '-'ep*rt"''e '« "'«'f new home meets today (Wedoesdav) April 2nd, in the high school. Mrs. Wm . Welton, of Mount Forest, is vi«itiug her son, Mr. G. B. Welton, at the Munshaw H> who arrived- from is visitini; friends Fte. Herb Li;Gard arrived home from overseas on Tuesday after seeing .service in France for about two years. Heib. enlisted from this otticd with tho 147!h Battalion iu Febraary, 1910, and after Bornâ€" At !) L'pton Avo., IVrouto, on re»:hiiig Eiiglair.l w.>s attached to the March 20th, 10111, to Mr. and M'S. Cecil 8th reserve. He went to the ilh C.M.R. Meldrum, a bonnie boy â€" Bobbie Dean. In franco with whom he slnyed to the Mr. and Mis. W. P. Crossley want to Toronto last week to meet their son, Sergt. Chas. Crossley, whe returned from overseas. Mrs. II. Hylaiid and children, who have spent the winter with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, leave this week for their new lioiiie iu Toronto. Tho reception which was planned for the returned soldiers for Friday, .-Xpril 4th, hat been po«tponed until further notice. Mrs. W. I. Ueiiry, Sejretary. The reguUr .neeting tf the Cfylm I*. F. O. will 1)0 held in the Oriniio Hall, Ceylon, Fridsy, .'prill, at 2 p.m. members are rf quested to attend. â€" Roy Piper, Sflo. There ate some who still di n >t realize our new terms of subscription. If your subscription t(oes six mouths overdue it will be SI 50. By laying prompily you •. save fifty cen's tireless tolephoning continues we won't need newspapers, or our .)ld nnil servic', or fast air ships. We will just sit in our homes and talk with the uttermost pnita of the eirlh. Clergymen will also Io.«e their j'ibs, as we can talk to the planet arsand the regions beyond. There's B new day coining for this old world. About thirty guests spent a most eu- Old thmsa arn psssiae and ill things aio joyable time on Tuesday evening at the being remade. Philosophy, religion, art, homo of Mr and Mrs. W. Stew.trt, in journaliam, »ll are pa-sstnn ibruugh the hanor of the birthday of Miss .Amanda crucible of an advancint; age. Stewart. i Mr. W. Orr, Toronto Line, has sold his farm of 100 acres to Mr. Herbert â- Oorbett of Proton The consideration was 97000. Mr. Crr does not yet know where he will locate. He is haiinf; a sale on April 10. A correspondent, wko signs his name "Praduce" renistets a kick to Tho Ad- vance io regard to the cash system as adopted by all merchants in ihe county, and thicks ir is not workiujj rut in the produetr's favor. He says, "If you have no produce yi>u pay o»*h, 100 cents tn the dollar, and if you have produce and don't retiuiro goods and must hare cash you are pail.' < IF at il7 cents on the dollar." Change of Time The Daylight Savinit Bill was defeated in Parliament last weak, but all railways is Canada kave r ecided Io shove their clucks on an hour. Thia new limu lieijan on Sunday night last. Uemomber to count an kour ahead when you run to catch the train Tr^ii^iylt^i^^^llVidi!^^^^^^^ Note Lost Note drawn iu fa.'or of W. T. Julian on Morchjwil's Bink, Collingwood, date I Will some of our merchants explain their March 20. Findi-r pl-j.ase leavj with W. attitude for the benefit of ths inquiring T. lulian, Feversham, "or J.J.Haley, P'o-lucet' Ejgonia. end without having suft'ered a casualty, allhouiih he wsa iu the trenches all ilis lime. He WIS in tho thick of the flight at Vrny Ridge, Pa.sschendalo, L-i s, Aiiiieo-i, Arras and Cambrni. tlurold time friend. Mr. J. F. Hutch, iniou "f Flat Kock, Mich., in renewing his euKscripiioo, says : Your i!ood paj-cr ii an important vart of my life. 1 have retd ir. so many years that I ftul it to be avitslpxitof my life. The Oerniai s haviui; postponed the time oF their arrival in Paris until 192o gives us • brenthiiiij spell. By that timo the French people will be ready Io enteilaiu 1 ^11 them in a becouiing manner. If this Who Shot the Deer This puzzling iiuestion has cot yet been answered to the satisfaction of the "Ooort," although tines have been Hying around rather promiscuously during the lii.1t week. Commod.ire Eely of Owen Sound Rot into the game and on Monday last, had George Porter, ton of Robert Forter, South Line, md George Watson of Pricoville, before Magiacrste MoMul- len, each chirjed with shooting a deer list fall. They acknowledgi-d the inisde- uieauor and were each lined $100 and $3 costs. But these were no>, the two deer shot 911 Jan. ol, the tlayurs of which Con- stable Cnok has been after. Robert Ponor was before tho magistrate Tuesday eveu'iig I'f last week charged with being the guilty party, and aleo with having fuur dear skins in his posses^iun in Contravention of the game law. The charge <>f shooting was dismissed, but he was taxed 580 fur tho fuur skins which he took to Markdale to have tanned. Mr. Porter claiuK'd that two of these sliin.s nere secured iu the north last tall and the destructiou if the animals from which ihey were taken complied with the regulations ' n every respect. One of the four skins beionu'ed to his son, George, and the other to Mr. Watson of Priccvi.Ie. These two latter were from .\rtemeBia deerâ€" not Muskoka mutton â€" and were killed last fall. ^Vs deer in this c uutj uie excmpit from sucritice, oven ill s.acrilJcial sj:ison, I'f couise cou- victioiis h:id to cuineâ€" and tl.e full penalty wns e.xaoied. Bu' the question still reiuaiiiS unanswered â€" ' Who fchot THE deer .' SPRING niLLINERY The newest ideas ia early spring styles are on exhibitiou at moderate prices. Miss Collver is in charge of the show room again this season and you can depend upon capable and artistic e.xecution of your orders. New Spring Suits and Raincoats for Men This week our new selections will be placed in stock. You will be pleased with them in every respect. Felt Hats and Caps for Men Our special soft felt hat is made up in a splendid (juality fur felt, light weight, on the newest spring blocks, in a good choice of colors, black, mouse grey, tubac brown, moss and kelly green. All sizes. Price $3.75. Our caps are made up in a variety of shapes, one piece, four or eight piece crowns, in plain and fancj cloths and .silks, specially selected for weather proof qualities* Prices range from 75c. to $2.50> F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ^^ ^ Full weight of tea in every package REDROSE TEA'is good ted' Sold only in sealed packsiiCea 121 i^ Chard & Fisher r Flesherton, (,. L^fe, Fire, Automobile and Insurance .4gents Onl. \^ Aaimal Insurance. < •i f Eenfrew Maehiuery ami ^lason i ( Biicli Pianos For Sale. f Ofkii;b Ix ^ RICHARDSON BLOCK •i^ (Slll.I.V's OLU ST.iSll) i I I FURNITURE ^ I HELP WANTED Be your own boss. Stait a cut-rate grocery business of ynur uvu. f2D to $5i) invested shiiuld earn you S25 weekly. All kinds of furniture in our .>>howrooms our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A largo '|* range of prices to suit your pocket book. ijll! â€" H. V. M.irt.ii. Wiiilsor, Out. Call and see li' ll »â- Â»Â»â- #â-  .#t.#..t.»..» -»..»».»t^. .•-« UNDERTAKING Calls answered night oi day W. H, BUNT Flesherton, Notice to Creditors liiillilS. Carefully Corrected Eacli Week Butler 40 to 42 Eggs 30 to 3l> bent 2 00 to 2 11 as 1 40 to 1 .50 i Oats , DO^to 5:{ PboueSOr 11 8 B,.il«y 78to 70 I _ Farmers Attention Hi -Make mouey iu your spare time flf\^ [|.diu-iiig the coming Fall and Wiiitet ij mouths by selling Imitly Canadian ?s= si^ ; nursery stock . In tho matter of th^ cstatecf Eltzabeih .Magee, late of the Townsliip uf Artu- iiiesia iu tlie County of Grey, married woman, deceased. Notice is hereby t;:ven, pursuant to "The Tru.stee Act" and amendments thereto that all creditors and others havina claiin.s against tho ettaie of the s.iid Elizabeth M»g«-e, who died on or about the yOih day of Uei-euiher, .\ U. 11)15, arc rc'iuired on orbefoie the 15lh Jay of April, 1910, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Wright T.'Iford & Walter, of the Town of t>weii Sound, Solicitors for Alexander Cameron, AJiuiuiatrator de bonis non of the estate of the Raid diceused, their Christian and Surnames, uddre'^ses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statenaaiit of their accounts, and the nature of ihe securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such laitmentionoddatethe said .\dininistrntor lie bonis mm will proceed todistribute the a,s8ets of the deceased among^lhe parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not bfc liable for the said assets or any part thereof to ony person or persons of whoeo claim notice shall notjhave been received by him at the lime of such dislrihutio;!. Dated March Utb, 1910. -WRIGHT, TELFORD A WALTER 0*en Sound, Out. Solicitors for .\Iexander Camcion. the Administrator dd bonis nonoj the estate of Elizabeth Magee, deceased. SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about inOO Gravity washer.<? supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For l900.Grav\ty washers and wringers cdectiic and gasoline power washers . v^ y;X .1 ALSO for McCorniitk Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls. Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantf.ird double geartd and aulo oiled nirniotor Wind Mills, Realty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks. Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tank.s, rum)) and Pipini;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One Ihirn more wood cut with same power when fitted with my ptttint. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. briiish and European markets will be open again for Canadian Fruit ami now is tlie time to order for .apriug planting. Largest list of Fruit and Orua imental Slock, Seed Potatoes, etc. grown iu Canada. Write bt pAitMolMl. â- â- â- â€" â-  - •^^♦â- ^â- ^^ â- â-  â-  Stona & WelliigtOR Tbe Fonthill Nurseries. (Established 1837.) TORONTO . ONTARIO I Easter Term opens April 22 ' Yoiige and Charles Streets, Toronto Stenographers, Typists, Com- meicial Teschir", Accountants, Ollics Clerks, etc., readily get employment if they graduate from this College. Open all jear. Enter now. Write for Ca'alogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PR1.NC1PA1.

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