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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1919, p. 4

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April ;{, I'.hl) THE FIKSHEllTON ADVANCE Fleshertoii Advance Foreign Credits «niii<le|>f*n 'lent ucwitpapfr, iiiihliaiun) over/ riiurjiay at th*" oH'ilv, Cilliiiifwood ftioet, Kbnhertdii. Siibseripii.iu pricp $1 pei aniiuiu whfM paid in a<ivniice ;*l.ri.iwlien nii «<• paiil A(i<rer uaiiur ratPH i>n applicati'.r.. Circulation 1, 'lOweokly And Canada W. II. THURbTON, EniTOU Recent Arrivals Sir 'l'liiim*3 Wliiie, Bpcikin); ri-coinly in Iha llou^ii (f <J. iiiiiiuiis, juto jihsomh why CaiinJit must provide credil* to tiiiaiicj furdi^n tr.ide. Duriiii; the deba'e on tUe «ddiess in rep'y tn tho Spetch from tho Tiirunc ho said : â€" â€" I " I' IN iieei'iHiwy tud«y, und it will lo The following soldiers h»vi! relumed necessary pojsibly for smiie lime lo cvin • f mm <jvt'rt.«ai to their I onics in this f^^ Ctti;ad't to priivido credits tu a largu Ticiiiity during the I a»t we_-li : lexlcul in couuic'ion wiih tho business J. J. McKds L. .). l)unb..r, A. yJ^o^^^M ohUui oy<>iB^%>. In order thit Kinnon. Hri.eviUe; C. &lc'.li»l«n, Cuyloi.;'"'"- ='i!'iculturai and n.v.uf.ctured pro- II. E. Thornbu.y. Kv.rKlmn.; J. C. !'1"^'« '»»y ^"^ «"'''•'' ^" ' '''""^'"••^'""y' Wh.le, W. Wh..... I'.ot n; H. UC.rd, "*'"S '" "•« condiln... of exch-i..«o T. Skinner, H, A. .NcCuley, U. Hdley. ! bet »<•-'" Canada the United States that Caii.iJH, Ike tho Luited St&teF, • hall priuiJo creails frion wliich our C J. Crossley, 11 tm. A. McL-an, Kk'shi r- Small Ad LOST L Kl â€" Uotwt'fn .Sinol«ii'.-< f nir Cjyion, canvas cover. I plouse k'HVt: itt lljit iflice. 5. . a[ d iudfr FOR SALE Yxiiis; ]>\ii' mlc Jitnie'. MiltiP, Kjck .Mills. 'IVIt phone, Fiiurteeii store pius and 2 two y«ar old cill'c for sale.â€" Rnymoiid \V«!lar, Miix- For Sa'e â€" Steel r'lnee, gnod an new. J IS. lUiJ, () I). U , R U. No 3, Price- viUo. MAIL CONTRACT products shall bo purclmaod." In those Kords is to be found ohb of the Ktrcni^tsl ariiunienu for b:\viiiH and the inveslinjj of the resultan'. ni'ni-y in Wat Sdvmns And Thrift Stamps. The credits uranlcd by the Dcniiu'on Govt, are made pobsible by iho extent to which . , iho people place uiot.i-y at its diBposal, SEALED TKNl>Ki;s addreiKd to the r ^^ ,^ ' , â- " , "^ , VostLiaster (; will be receivel at ; throU'.4h the purchase -f i;ovcriiinenl Ottawa until nofin on Friday, the !lth "f securities, of 'which War S»viiit,i Stamp.i Ma)', ]"J1!I, f.,r the conveyance of His " , ,„, i i i Maje.Hty'a .Mails, on a propoced Contrat for j are a (juod example. 1 hey help bring four years, .si\ liim-K [ler week on the route iji;^i„egj, to Canada and p ly iho investor PItlCKVlM.K K. K. NO- 3 'ivrell. from the Pojlju-ister Cieneral'ii pleasure next-, j Printed noticed containinR fnither i?iforina- tion:ui to C'lnditioiiH c.f pt'oiioseil cMUtract may be seen and Vilank fornit of Temier maybe, obtained at tho Voir. Oltioe of I'ricevilje and' at the office â- f the l'o»t (3tHce Inspector Toronto. A. .srrnKi!i,ANi). Post Office Inspector Post Office Inspectnr's Office, Toronto, MaJcli 2.")tli, Vi'ill. For Sale â€" Ma«iiel Cream Separators and K giiu", and repairs for same. Also Black and White LeKhorn Ei!H8 from 3 diUerent pens. AiiplytoO. B Weltou, Mun»haw House, Heshcrton. School Reports For Saleâ€" Horse 8 years old, horse 5 years, bo'n ipiiet and sound, I am g ving up firiniiii; ami sell. Also seed oats and li.irlcy for salo --John Pedler, Flesherton. 8USINESSCARDS Societies QltlKCR AKTHUB LODGE. No. .'«3,A.1''.4 ~ A M, lueeta iu tlie Uaaonic ba!l. Arm afOKU'i HlocK t'lnabortou, every Friday ou or before the full irccti. T. Henry W. M. T. K'ttliely, HecreiKry. Dentistry l\r B. C MURRAY L. D. fi , dental eiirReiu f h.uorKiailuato of Toronto UnivorBilv aud %. val <olkge ot Pojital KurKoons of Outano. 3ttB aduiibiutafered for tooth extraction U'";o at roaiduiico, 1 orouto btre^it. Kleatierto-t Meuical f V OTTKWELL ) Votoriiiary Kur^eon jrartiiato of Ontario Voterlnary ColleRe -FRl'lauou â€" sacoiirl door soutb west. on bary stroot. This street runs oath rTcBbyteriau Church. Legal I LCAB, KANEV * bKNHYâ€" H&rristers. t-" riolicltora.oicâ€" 1. li. Lucas, K. C. ; W. K, tanoy, H. V. ; W. U. Henry, H. A. DIBoes, .oroutn, KOC-l) Ttadora Dauk iUdo., phoue • :ain 1412: MarkdaleLucis lllook, Plioue 3 A. Irauch office at Uuudalk opsa every Salunlav. Stock For Sale Pure liicd Shorhorn Bull for .sale â€" Red, 17 inonthK old, good kind. Also two registered clydo hliios, one coaiin? two, and the other cominu (href, well matched bays. Write or phone i JA.S. FINDLAV, Maikdale. I Report of Uuck Mills public .school for month of Vlatch. I Sr 4-L Smith. K Belts. \ Jr4â€" J Portuous, M White, M Bctl.'i. ; Sr3-U Smith, D Fii.her. 'â-  Sr 2-K WhiL", C Betis. ,Ir 2â€" M ISetts, B Hawkins, J Poit- eouH, F H u;>iaTe. I'r Aâ€" K ParUiilgo, L P.ctts. I'r B -K Betlv V VVhite. -D. TIILHSTON, Teacher. For Sale cheap and en easy terras. Lot 13, cou. 11, (hpey, 110 Bcte.''. This is a lirst class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank barn and new frame dwellini;. Apply to U. .J. Sproule Flusberton White Bi'wint! machines, the kinj{ '.f niacliines. Sherlock-Manning pianos arc strictly higl) grade. If you ?an prove 'his atatemcnt falt^o I will five you a piano free.â€".). C. Kenln-r, Mnrkdale. 11/ KIQHT. TELKOKD & WALTEK " I'urriBter, Solicitors, &c. OUices, Grey ): Uriicu Hlock, Owou bound. Standard Haitk Block, Kleeherton.iriatiirdavs). W.H. Wrisjht, W. p. Telford Jr-. W. 11. Walter. LLU. BUSINE.SS Cards Pratt's Regulator Try Pratt's Animal Ivegiilator for stock, and make your hens lay by feeding them Pratt's Poukry Pegulator. For sale at GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, ONT. ^.-•-•-*- i â-  • â- ii>i<i C-j(in _ â- â- Â»'.>..»ii».g " <ii«.i»ii» m«.i#,.»..B..»..» ' I \YU. KAlTTINa • ' the couuiit a W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUblC. Call and .set; tlie.-c lii^di grade iii.striunciits AT Ilawkon'a Photo Galleiy uml Miiaic Stove FLESHERTON nrs ^^ CEDAR WANTED Cedar Wantedâ€" 4 foot 2 in. long price So for No. 1, nr in the log 12 foot 4 in. long, ^0. 1 §11, delivered at my mill . â€" Edward Saraeut, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS Private funds to lovu on real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to R, .J, Sproule, FlCiherton. sept 2317 i Highest price for butter and eggs at Graham Bro.", Euneiiis. June 26 Tiy P'ewersha.ii Pastry Flour, the best for your cook, All Ontario wheat Boar For Service Kigiilered Choslor White hjg for service at Rook Mill.s. Tho fatliPr won Hist at Chicigo F:ur. T.'rms §1 oO. l.-|docU) - I. SMITH Prop. I Bull For Sale i Tluirougliliud Uurhiini Hull, eglileen months old--a choice aniiniil. Also on i thoruughbred Uurhani cow, with calf at I fo'it. Write ( r phi tic i .; 'scoKiiErr, R R. N... 2, Dundilk I Tested for More Than 11 Years The "Phonola" is far beyond the experi- mental stage. It has been on the Canadian mm-ket for more than eleven years â€" each year growing more popular. In fact, this ccmpniy is the pioneer in the cabinet phonograph in- dustry in Canada. Two completely equipped factories ere now required to nicke enough "Phonolas" to supply the insistent demand.^ i Thf benutv o" the " Phonola " Citbincts is rc- mnrl.-cd by cvc.-ycne who sees them. The niahopany and ook is of the finest qu.ility and the workmanship and finiGh are a credit to the cabinetmaker's art. We take pleasure in announcing to the public tlir.t: i:i the future the Phonola \,.'l b; equipped with a new Universal Sea'niesa Taper, 1 tone c.rm which docs away with all attachments. The entire arm is ticautirully designed and Anished, and ii n marked contrnst to the cheap dye catt arms seen o.i other makes of Phono- graphs. It is the only Universal ton? arm that is scientifically designed and the only one that will play nil makes of records perfectly. The Piionola will also be eviuipped with a new Alum- inum Reproducer fitltd with a spedalinsuhitcd rubber connection which eliminates metallic sounds from be- ing transmitted to the Amplifier. Equipped with these two new devices the Phonola takes another step in advance of a'l competitors as furnishing the truest, clearest and sweetest tone it is possible to reproduce. "Phonolas" from $25 to $349. You'll Like the "Phonola" Discs They are played with the sapphire point, with which the "Phonola" is always equipped. No needles to change. Leading singers, instru- rn-ntalists and ba.ids mahe "Pho- nola" records. A new list of ie'ec- tions every month. Buy one "Pho- nola" record. You'll like th: tone so well you'll get a dozen right away. Double-Di;,râ€" GOc. icensed Auctioneer for ot Urey auil Kimcoa. arm aud btock Bales a specialty. Terms iiutlerate. eatistaction guaranteed. Arrautje- ueiita for dates may be made at tire Advance )Uif(». or Central telepbouo office teviTsliani r tjyaddreBsiuR uie at Feversbam, Out. OMoPHAIfj, Licensed Aaotionee for tlie • i;ounty of Guy. Terms moderate and -atis I'Mioli toaiar'fi;ei'. 1 lie aviannomi-nta fiid dates (f Bales caii be mn.Io at TliB Advauco niflcc. HoBidencebiHl I'. o.. Ceylon. Teleplioiie •on. section. Dec. 6, 70 OSPREY COUNCIL Dprey C.;uncil met at Sini;liauipton on Marcl.; 8 iiccordliig to Bdjoutninent from J'obiuary 8 last. The niembeis were all present. Minutes of thf last meeting were read and approved. Communications, accounts etc , we'e received fioin Geo Kowlcy and TJoiaas SHminons, asking to have tho lowiilir.e belHccu Ospr.'y and Molancthon opposi'e ; lots 21 t) 21 opened ; R J li'own and J II llealuy, chiiininf; an error in their ttli'phoue levy for 1917 ; Herbert Taylor asking a refund of dog tax which had been p»iU in Collinffwood township. Orders were issued en tha Treasurer to pay Munic'pil WoilJ ?28 1)4, a:ationery and forms ; Irwin Morrison 9l'>, attend- ing convention of Municipal Association iu Toronto ; E C Vance Co $12 43, dog laga ; Albert Arimtt |4, conveying Jas Liughlin to Houso of RBtU';^e,Markdalo ; members of Council and Cl.'rk §;', each, .special meeting; Jas Sullivan 110.95, wiiUnr work on grave' mad ; Iinin Morr so.i S3, service re Jus Liughlin, ii di};ei,t; UeiaM i llicc, Duiidalk, §33 75, priming ; Uerlidt Taylor $4, refund of dog tax ; ?4l)0 was appropriated to each of the five road couiniissioner'.-) divisions for repair of rouds in r.)l'.». I'.yliw No Otil WTiis passed appiinling falliUiristers as follows : S Talbot, G Leopard, G Rowley, J I'arr, A Foster, K Mortell, S Wood, J U I'liidlay, F Iloi.i', U L Stewart, W S Inksl^r, J McCutcliBiin, James Kisex, W Scnt% W Macklcin, J Pruidle, J A I'n.ldle, ^' Tempest, H. Gordon, R Arnott, John Bealiy, S Priddle, A Stev..iisi.n, I H.imlion, \V Juidon, L IliM, K lliilock, L Brownii'lg,-, Klliy 8, Geo Mclntjre, N «coll, G .McUoimitl, K; M.uiiUn G 1:1 l!url>e, J nncs Moore, \V Momliii , R Vouig, R Seuley, 1' Ot.tcwcli,!'" Simj, L Tup'.m, V llawioii, T Kilioli, D Zenil, W Poole, G Shorlt, S Smd.iaoii, W Hodgson, y.iic. McLan, .1 CriivforJ. W, T Cooper, W 11 I'.uell, G K .\I.ller, A MrD.riuil, John Gi Ii-, Mae Glliis, J Lous.' heed, C A Edwardp, A Ulue, .1 McDxiiald, A Cmifro'i. I'oundkoopors - R Utvidioii, It M Hoaisl, M Dou.jl,.s, U A KdwatdS; S McKiiinon, S Clayton, E Havbiitil', W II Guy, J Tyson. JeiicinicMeri - H, G Mc- Donald, U Morrison, K llanton, L Moriison, K Mullen. G Uiis'ow, J II Seeley, \V H Arnolt, R Kdwaidp, R Gibson, W Nctl', VV'ni .Mubin, Juo Ross, T B-atty. Council nojuuined lo inuet at Maxwell on Apr il 7ih inxt. â€" Thoa. Scott, Cleik. m ^ Flesherton Tin Shop The Phonola Co. of Canada, Limited Kitchener, Canada so W. A. HAWKEN AGENT FLESHERTON l>«a of the stiangosc things »e ha»e keard of uccuricd recently at a liical farrnti's. Hm owns a aow Khicb had a littar of young pigs which beean to diiappiitr and after seven were lull he heard one siptealiug, and Koiiijf to the pen found une of them ia the claws of a cat, which was eating its bick out while (till alivp, lie had notic«d the eat about the pen bsforo, but naver thouv;hl that it was the cause of the ditappearance of tho young porkers. It li ueedless to say he was not long in detpatchiog the oat. â€" Krin Advocate. AUTQ AGENT WANTD Agent wan-ed for the DRISCOK, Car for Fli'sheiti n and District. Ktsy one- Ciir terms. A rare opportunity. Apply to II. R. Moflfacf, Owen Sound, Unt. I> [»1 i I \^ II 11 1^1 11 ii^ II II 1^(1 i I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. llepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. m D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j& ONTARIO. iI-^*S"S^S^SSWSW)'Z SsrS^;-i'SS'5wS"^-Sw^ yi ^E SELL IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS tKW. SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Snarplcd Separators JOHN HEARD, AGENT FLESHERTON. '-'â-  £1.' , M. -^jani... FARM ENGINE As Necessary As a Plow The shortage of hired men on the farm has made labor-saving de\-ices absolutely necessary. The economical dcvclopmeut of power is tlic essen- tial of progressive farming. Toronto Farm Engines are taking the places of hired men They arc eaniiug profits by doini; necessary wor'r; qiiickh. economically Toronto Grain Grinders and Toronto .Saws "back up this performance with hustling service. ToTonto I'arin M.ichiucry renders economical service hitherto unknown on the farin. It will pay you to study carefully the superior merits of these machines. Get from us our fully illustrated literature. Sent free on. request. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Umited Atlantic Ave., Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Regina Calgary >«â-  F. E. SOMERS Hiiiii Feversham, Ont. V- A 1 « n kjtt

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