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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1919, p. 2

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Is not a gamble, but a sure thing that you are getting the greatest possible Quality and Value to the limit oS your expenditure. TRY - IT. BB40 [ ^fm 1 ''l' .eA The Black Cat's Questions By Lawrence \V. Uooram. Systematic HotiHeclvaniiii;. As the heavier part of the clean- '"e cannot be done to Kood purpose unL:l fires are out for the season, we will be wise to begin using every spare moment to get those ta^ks dene which take so much time and can be attended to now as well as later. First of all, closets should bo turn- ' ed out, the contents aired, sorted anil brushed. Garments to be repaired should all be put in one place by themselves such as a roomy utility, box. Those to be stored for the sum- j mer must be cleaned and properly i cared for. The cleaning of iSe clos- I'irst â€" Carefully scrape all plates and platters before washing. Secondâ€" Do not allow any one re- covering from any form of contagi- ous diiease to hande dishes during washing. Thirdâ€" Do not cough or sneeze while working with the dishes. Fourthâ€" Have the dish water hot. Use a di'sh-mop. I''ifthâ€" Rinse all dishes in boiling water. Sixthâ€" Use clean dish-cloths and dish-towels. When ^'e Visit the Sick. To know just when to call, how PROBLEM OF TOE "RELS WS SPY" WHO HELPS TO SPREAD THE BUDDHIST FAITH. An American Missionary Working in Japan Describes Methods Adopted by Propagandists. P.ART I. : nor the head wouhi unscrew, so I "Joe," I called, "come here." Joe ^"'' '" "aP different means. The form closed and Flatly,' mv office' boy who aspire<l to ""•'' °^ '^~^^^ crouching as if to jump po as to penetrate all crevices. Once selection of et itself should be very thorougly long to stay and just what to do and done, and if any traces of moths say when visiting the sick, requires have been found, it should be tightly tact, judgment and common sense. I sulphur candle burned The first thing to consider is the a seasonable hour. The All thfl world is familiar with the military spy. tiut the religious spy is co;iiething new â€" at least to the Occi- dental world. It lias remaine:! for the Hud.'lhists of Japan to develop and an active member of one of cv:r Sun- day schools. She was one of tt»e or- naments of the church, and they wer» qui'T proud of her. "Six months later she disappeared. For some time no trace of hor could be found. Then we discovered she had been sont to learn all our meth- ods. She had gone so far as commit-, ting our beat hymns to memory. To- day she la back imparting these meth- ods for the glory of Buddha. "The Japanese now have regular Buddhist institutes for training men with all the methods used in our American Christian training schools. They have taken over our methods in every phase. They study in these In- stitutes cur church services and Sun- day school activities. Competition i in Education. "Some of the young men in training be the world's greatest detective, ^'â- ^^"l'^"''"^' "nd the tail was stick- the closet is in order again, we are patient needs regular and periodic perfect the religious spy system. Ac- - „. ...., .,««..t, ...-" .^ ..........b arose lazily from his chair where he '"^ "•'""5' n"'i ♦ T^' , "°^ "?" sure to be surprised and delighted, care and the visit should be timed cording to Christiin missionaries in come to listen to our sermons, corn- had _ been reading "Sleuth-IIound [oiu,°pat something L^^rThoug^^ ''^â- '^" "^ ^^ "'"'' "'^'^''^ y^^"" *° ^^"^ ^"^ ^''^^ reference to this and not mere- that country, Duadlilsm is spying out, j mit them to memory and then preach '•Woll»"" shambled m my direction. ^^^^-^ ^^P^ ^^^ th 'combination """"^ *"'''''a space we have. j ly to the caller's personal conven- ; as it believes, the strong points of the ; these same sermons In Buddhist pul- <"n>;«i, il, '_ I f on: -Mthough the tail would not un Think there s any m:td for me?"|g„ew, it seemed as it if were slight Next, bureau drawers and all boxes 'cnce i Christian religion as presented at tho pits, only substituting Buddha for and cupboards can be taken in order Christ v.henever the word occurs. ".\nother side of Buddhist competi- tion with Christianity Is in the schools. A wealthy man set up a splendidly equipped high school for girls in the neighborhood of one of I asked ' screw, u seemed as ii ii were siigni- ana cupuoards can be taken in order; Most invalids are better able to â-  missions and adapting them tothe He grinned as weight on one foot. be." "Unless there is," I began slowly, »vu:u. i Lunu'ii ic as lar as ii wiiuiu , . â€" - r...»oi,i>. „;,.„j „i „t ;- „- i„ fn.- tVia " â€" '"" ' "•' ' ' "this will be your day as my go; when it stopped I heard a faint e°o<l purpose in our spring ijewing iresliiy aned an 1 set m order loi tne preachers using Christian sermoas ,, .^ .. ,. ^ ^ , office boy and assistant." i click. Then to my surprise the tail and summer fancy work. One re- ^^y, the daily bath and toilet conn- verbatim exo;pt for substitution of ' "ur .Methodist high schools. It was an Joe carefully marked his page and could he unscrewed. An I uns-.-rowed sourceful woman aJrcidy has laid P'eted and the doctor's morning visit ^^^^ „jj,„g ^j ^,,^1^. g^^j^ (^^j. ,i,^t ^t ; opposition school, and having un- left for the post-office, leaving me it the head of the cat dropped to the aside enough bright materials of ove"*. Neither early morning nor (jhrist, pagan religions attempting ro- limited funds, it Is now graduating in the dingy little room where I oc- floor. ! good quality to make knitting bags '^^e evening are favoralbe visiting â-  yivals along OcciUeutal linesâ€" these more pupils. casionally wrote a story that sold.! The cat was hollow, and-contained for most of her Christmas presents , hours. j are some of the curious phases of the i "I" "'any ways this Buddhist school The proceeds of the story kept an a paper. This I drew out and hand-! ^^^^ December. You see she be- Some visitors never know when to jif^ of Japan to-day as ti.kl by Sornuer Is excellent, but I thought I could de. paid Joe'T's"alary""an';i Tupplier^" ' â-  M,"„.!°,..'^l''i.'^A°/I'?- t ^^^^^^A ''L'!; Heved in nrenaredness. «<>â-  As a rule, from fifteen minutes r. yinton. a missionary home on fur- i tect in the faces of the girls that It with fifteen-cent lunches. "Thi also the office of detective Williams â€" myself â€" who tried to solve mysti- fying things; but in reality nobody had ever tried to hire me as a detec- tive. Ever since I was a youngster I wanted to be one, and after study- ing under different men and in dif Here is, usefulness than to keep putting them far better to go ; while the welcome lasts. If the visi- R. Vinton, a missionary home on fur- sufficiently long lough. handed the paper to me. what it said: , , , ^ ^, „, . i away with the idea that they may ,. , , ^ ,^ • , ,„,*„ Throe Questions Asked by The Black ..^^^ ;„ ,„„j ^he cliances are that I '° ''^ entreated to remain longer or to 1 Do I look oift nf „,v ,-;.T,t „! they will just harbor moths and dust. P'•°°"^'\^^?"''^y'.':^!":;';'^'P'"^ 1. Uo 1 looli out of my right or „ ' J ! that she is "not a hit tired." ...„ _ _ ,.„ _ left eve? 2. Where do I look? 3.i^'^*^ *"«'P '^'â- '•^y °^ ''o something' erent schools for seven years, here I : Where will my height throw a sha-; "''th them which will put them to was â€" a failure. dow at 1 p.m.? w'ork to the best purpose. I heard Joe come in; he came over' "Great Jessups!". Joe exclaimed. During the summer the fewer pic- toward me and said, "A letter for > "What do you think of Ihat?." | tures and pieces of bric-a-brac we you, boss." He grinned at me ac ''Very, very simple," I explained.! have around the better, so these art- cusingly I looked around with a ^hat is. I think ,it is." , „l ides can all be cleaned start and took the letter. The en-! 'I don t see any sense in that,", ,„, „,„ , „, , ., velope was of very high-grade sta- ' Miss Morris .said. '^'.'^'«'' ""^ "''' ^Y'''*' v. ^ , , tionery, and the handwriting was un- 1 "It doesn't look like much," I re- •'â- "'^^ "^^n ^° taken down, brushed and doubtedly that of a lady. I stared at marked, "but I think it tells where ' ''enovated. Lace hangings should be it and the postmark, for I knew no the pearls are. Now this farm is | soaked in cold water until the dust ladies in the town. I opened the let- ! "amed 'The Black Cat,' isn't it?" and grime are removed, then laun- tcr very carefully and read ,it. As: "Yes," she answered. dered. This will give them a much Joe was a privileged character, he} "Why?'' better color than if put into warm leaned over my shoulder and read | 1. don t know; father named it.", ^.-atcr. In fact, many a handsome wrapped. Heavy drap- tor is wise, she will not allow herself She is probably more ot less ex- cited though not able to realize her real feeling until after her guest's departure. But niM-e important than all else in visiting the sick, is the atmosphere the caller consciou.'ly or unconscious- "As Hinduism is trying to fight hack the conquering armies of Christianity in India and as Mohammedanism is attempting a like task in Africa, so the devotees ot the religions of Japan are waking up. .'\nd just as Japan copies western industrial and govern- mental life she is trying to adopt our religious methods," said Mr. Vinton. Revivals In Payan Religions. "There is ti Shinto revival and a Buddhist revival. The first named is falso: there ,is a si'gn father had '"='*'â-  "V";^'"^ has been made g:ray â€" ' •â- -'•• 'â- â- â€¢ plunging them into ly carries with her. Conversation, an attempt to substitute patriotism manner, even the tones of the voiced for religion. It is a huge experiment have their effect on the invalid. Too much sympathy with the pa- tient is a mistaken kindness and often positively harmful. Aft<ji* a few kindly enquiries, the visitor "Anything to .signify the name? The Black Cat Farm. | "Well, there ,is a sign father ha^ , , , Dear Mr. Williams: Noticing your painted on the barn " I ""'' "«'>' "V advertisement in the local newspaper, "What is it?" I almost shouted. wai-ni water. as a private detective, and being in "He had a sign painter put 'The' Everything is now in readiness need of one, I would like to secure Black Cat Fai-m' on it, and a picture for the cleaning of each room when j your services for a short time, if you of a black cat above the sign." the time arrives, and it is not nearly! ore not too badly pri-ssed. Call at . . I jumped. ';VVhat ? The picture of a' so tiresome a task to do thi.i when! , â-  , „ .u . . j „ news and avoid all that may be de idle - - •' in national psychology. If it succeeds it may have the same result as a similar plan had in Germany â€" Japan may out-Prussianize Prussia. "As to Buddhism, we have a proverb was uot turning out the line type of womanhood we were. A curious de- velopment, however, is that this school Is becoming less and less a Buddhist institution every year. The Buddhist side is disappearing. Perhaps some day the school may become Christian." should tactfully lead the convcrsa- in Burma, where I was born and lived tion away from the patient's ail-' eighteen years, "The d} ins frog gives ments into other channels. Diversion a last kick." three oC:Ock this afternoon and I black cat! Why didn t you say so be-; there are no .=mall things to ham v.-.ll explain. fore? Now we ve just the same as i . , , (Miss) Wanda Morris. ! got the pearls in your pocket (for-! '"^'' "° f^'e^^ory cupboards or dra of the right kind is really as valuable to a sick person as a dose of medi- cine. '' The vi.iitor should carry cheerful "The Shin sect of Buddhists has two branches In Japan, the Nichi Hong- waiiji and the Higashi Hongwanji, The Nichi Hongwanji is the progressive denomination which is corwlucting the I almost choked with joy â€" it was getting that women seldom can-y my first job. "No more work this their money in pockets as men do), morning," I told Joe. "We deserve Show me the cat and I'll show you R half day's vacation." | where your fortune is." "Gee whiz!" muttered Joe per- 1 (To be continued.) plexed. "That's some name for a ' ' . , I ries and trials should be left out.'sule ers to clean. t:- . ^ • • -^ i • Tj r ... ,, . , .' hntertaming news items, dcsenp- Before beginning the remainder of ,. e n \ ^ ,. u \ i j w ,. 1 • I. .I.- • , tions of the latest book read and let- the cleaning, have evervthing in,. pressing. One's own personal wor- revival niovemciit. Tho movement KLKI'IIANT LICEN.'^E NEEDED In Order to Hunt Wild Animals in .South Africa. farm â€" 'The Black Cat'. Funny how some people will name things. They ought to be arrested for cruelty to animals." This attracted my atten- tion, and I also wondered. Exactly on the stroke of three Joe and I were at "The Black Cat Farm" for our interview with Miss Morris. | Africa and come across a A maid opened the door and ushered | ma us in. Miss Morris wasted no time in getting down to her business with us: "My father dred very n^cently - last March to bo exact â€" and until lately I thought he left me in good rinum.stances," she said. "I knew If you should ever wander through wild ani- readines.s â€" ammonia, brushes, cham ois, furniture polish, stepladdors, pails, rubber gloves and cleaners. Do- ing housedeaaing .sy.stematically robs it of its terrors and makes it much less tiresome and disagreeable. Disease Germs in Dishwater. has hiul an unhappy history. Large ! funds were collected and these were ' used secretly by suine of the insiders for speculation on the Tokio Stock j Exchange. The result nus a huge scandal. The Japanese newspapers ' ers from absent friends will all be j of to the lonely shut-^in. I The caller should dress nttractive- ! ly. Only those who have experienced printed Indignant articles and the i much illness, realize what a positive government linally took over super- j refreshment u caller's charming toil-! vision of the budget. This Buddhist j et may be nor with what delight the budget last year was about $10,000,- I tired eyes take in every bright de- 000, of which $6,500,000 was credited ! tail. You must remember that what to the Hongwanji. I is merely an episoiie to the caller! • "The Nichi Hongwanji is establish- do not take it for granted that; diJ^L^l^loL ^tT av^llfu^: "^ J^t ^St "^o 'tLr^'l^k friend''"''""'"'' --^ "^-ghout Japan you may capture ,t. Quite aside from feve:- and other serious disea;es. | may be a Jrobl Jn How'rt, fruits Investigation made following an ; a„d jellies are customary gifts. If fever showed I your friend is supplied " with these eaves : dainties, a new book or magazine, seliold I will be even more appi-eriated as '".» ^..^^..... ...(^ LimitL.^ \j\k:i nni'iiora ironi .Ati.iiiiu i.n hii iiiiil hnf- 1 OOi) any objections which the anilma! may offer, you may be trespassing upon' epidemic "of typhoid „.. the big game preserves of the World | that each dinner plate as it It Zoological Trading Company. This; the table in the ordinarv hou.s. h.. Iiad little ready cash l.iit thought company has capturing rights over ^ harbors from 30,000 to 00.000 bac- ! bringing a fresh element he had many valuables tha ho could r>r,,00O African acres, or eight.v-seven' teria. Most of these were harmless j S loom easily turn into cash,- -pearls, especl- ' souare m lea lu ^ • ..-n â- ,. ^i. i i shjv loom. ally. I" young days he had oVn|'y,.,v TO animals .,id what kind^'^* 7''*' Vr \' '' , T'/"''' ^""^ ""'^^ ""^'^''y ^^""^ ^'^^' *° been on pearl fishing expeditions ^/„;7rnl!^!l l„r.^^h, .,ir.,„..i^^^ for harmless bacteria, i br«.k the daily monotony will prove and found many large, valuable "oes such a tract contain? ; it would make a rich culture for dan- pearls. He never sold them, but al- 1 '' "* ""l'0'^-'"'»l« to K've any definite gerous disease germs, ways kept them somewhere -I nl- 1 "f "â- ^' '"'' "•"'''als jib at taking a; Next a long series of experiments ways thought in some bank's vault, I ^^''''' ""imal census, but according to were carried on to learn how many but I was mistaken. Where they are, I Mr. Jordan, the managing director bacteria were left on these plates I don't know; that is what I want you! of tho Zoological Company, their after they had been washed to find out. lor my .surplus mone.v is! game preserves cotitain about aj The avemgo dinner plate when gone, and J am in need of more. Fa-!th»usaJ<d elephants, a thousand red attractive. GIANT BRITISH CRUISER ♦ her often ialked about the nearU I r"«' T". '^7'"";"'-"' " 'â- '""»"ii" '>-u washed in lukewarm water and dried but hrwouVrnever l^el! wlie'ii h^l buffalo, herds o roan and |«ibe ante-' without rinsi crowds of smaller creatures. kept thein; ami he sa,id they were!'"'"'' *â- ''""'' "'"' ^^''terbuck kept for me to have after he ' '•' It has a big church and Sunday schools in the Hawaiian Islands, and I was surprised to see when I visited it that the church building boie a cer- tain type of cluysanthemum In Its de- coration, which in Japan can mean into the only that the enterprise using it en- joys Imperial patronage. A Buddhist Sunday School. "I visited a Buddhist Sunday school In Japan with a missionary friend aad was cordially received. The Buddhists eagerly showed us all over the build- ing, and then they began to ask us about American Sunday school meth- ods. My missionary friend gave the information desired freely. He told me later he did this because he was determined to bring these Buddhist leaders themselves to Christ, knowing what a great victory that would be. "But the Buddhists do nut always get their information in this open way. For Instance, a young Japanese LAUGHTER-LOVING PEOPLE. British Literature and Drama Prov* the Mirthfuiness of Britons. We British, despite an ancient fabl» of the rest of the world that we are stern-faced, are a laughter-loving people, says the London Daily Mail. The literature and drama of a coun- try is always a mirror oi its character, and British literature and drama have provided some of the greatest laugh- ers ot all time. Shakespeurs, whose surpassing genius was a distillation of the Bri- tish spirit, was the greatest of all the world's laughers. Fielding and Smol- lett, fathers of the world's novelists, were mighty laughers. Charles Dick- ens, although so intimately, colloquial- ly, and almost insularly a British author, sent ripples of laughter round the world in translations into other ^ tongues that will raise laughter I among geneiations yet unborn. I We have had, too, our great laugh- ing poets â€" Herrick, who laughed at lovers laugh, happily and daintily; Byron, who laughed satirically; Burns, finest laugher of them all. who laughed broadly, generously and hu- I manly, and from a heart whose laugh- j tor rose more mellow from the deeps of sorrow, like the laugh of the people hi our streets to-day. 'owerful Warship Now in CourRe of Construction is 900 Feet Long. Details of the biggest and most sing, was found to have ! Powerful warship which is being! besides ion its surface 250,000 bacteria, or J built on the Clyde for the British j j^" j almost five times as many as it hadl^^^y ^'"1 "ow be told. The ship is' dead and I needed money that's the j Orders for these aiffhials -many when brought soiled I'lom the dinner His M.ijosty's Hood, whose designed I reason he would never .sell them. The ! from Americaâ€" are coming in stead-table! I speoil, the -.•eprosentatives of the', bunks knew nothing of them nor can ; ily. If you want to keep a pet red' This statement may seem amazing' l'0"(l"n Daily News learn on official' give iL'a largo ^ew^H-'^uid^^ vo i "' ^''"^ ^"" "" !'". ''""'^•^- Arrange-, w.ill show that it is logical, and 'he which may be increased during her,^"-' ""'f''«^«'' conversion and became can't find themf you p?^'ibl will get i '""l^' "''", ""•''' '>e'"R- nijide for the'result what might have been expect- ! trials to S.--, knots nothing. Are these terms" sal isfac- '"'*'''•"'"' 7 "' ,'"''">' "^ "'«''" "^ wiir ed. What are the nceessities for lory?" permit themscivcs to be captured.' ,„pid bacterial growth? Warmth I gave a respectful, "Yes," and then! ""t ''« ""t t'o out there your.^elfj and food. And what dues the house- wrtite<l for her to say something without permission. Should a hunter' wife give to those bacteria when she more; but she didn't. She expected ; minus a permit to kill a wild clc-^puts a lot of dinner dishes in luke- WH, Btu^mpod "Whero to"b gin I d M !'*""" ^"' Y '"' '""'i '^' ^'""'"'f'-' i warm dish water? Warmth and was Biu/iipiu. vi'iicie to negin I 'i.u- (ompany down upon him, whereas a food' " "wXdM your father jeave you | l,''!;!,,^',!^''""- '"'*''' "" '"""'"'' ^° '^'â- "' Thousands of housewives are still l")etails of ths vosse' hitherfo have been secret. She is a battle-cruiser, I and her .en;;th will be 900 feet, crl only one ft.ol less than 'he Aquitar.ia. ! the largnst of the Brit sh liners. The' Hood is expected to bj in commission within ,;iv m ii.;hs. , Since the keel was laid down. anything Uiat seemed a little strange to you at the time?" I asked. She shook her hea<l slowly. "I don't th.'nk so. JIo left me this .small, farm â€" wait a minute. Yes- lie left! me a small hi'ns.s cat; nml why â€" 1| don't know. He ahso told nic that! the cat meant more to ir,i> than I thought' it did. However, I gave it little thought then nor since. I thought fatlisr- -wa.H not iight-vou kiyw." "May I ice it?" I asked. "It's upstairs; btit I'll gend Edna after il." The maid soon returned with n uraall cat, made of brass, that loo!<ed more like an^rnament than anything •lae. Out I Sr'<^3!!ed diffcre:\tly. I (xancincd it carefully with my eyes, and then produced a lens from mv pocket. Thfl tail )nd head of the ca\ ^•ere hinge<l, and there 1 thought Was a combination to cf. into the In.iii'w of tae cat. Noitner the tail At the Peace Conference. â- â- JudfCe,' said llio aiaii at (he, "tlierr"s un use of yon trying lo sipiaro this thing up. My wife and I j washing dishes in water no hotter ; several striking innovations in ; j than they can bear their hands in. It' naval shipbuilding have been made,! is not hot enough to kill bacteria; in'diiefly as tht result of the lessons I fact, it encourages them. | learned by experts during 1018, and ! "So they multiply and increase, j th^se have necessitated alterations! and the dishes that am taken out ofP" H'e ship's internal arrangement.! light ju»t so ottnn and juBl so hmg and 1 this water have on them five times I She will be mine and torpedo-proof, J as many germ.-* as they had when put her hull being surrounded by a "bl.'s- ' into it. " ter" or outer cushion, and there will wo can't help il. So thure you are." 'And about how long do you kocp It up?" asked the judge. ".\hnut two weeks, judge." •All right. Ill give .vou fifteen days lu Jail: In other words, you are In- terned fni llie duration of the war." R.!ve »ofl tlinuc paper for polish- ing lamp chimneys and mirrors. We not only nee, I to dovolop a good working s<omnc}; on a calf, but a goo<l acting Kâ€" ^. ,,;,. ;,„„^j ,^^ done wiu-iout pure l.,r, sunlight and plenty of exercise. her hull being surrounded by a "bl.'s- )uter cushion, and then This source of danger can be elim-jhe .stecl-armorcd walls inside Ihe ves- 1 inated from the household by the use !»"»'> which will be an additional safe-j of hotter dish water and the careful ' ffi'^rd. p- Let PARKER Surprise you PARKERS know all the fine points aboilt cleaning and dyeing. We can clean or dye anything from a filmy georgette blouse to heavy draperies or rugs. Every article is given careful and expert attention and satisfaction is guaranteed. Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods to rinsing of di.shes in boiling water. It is not enough that yoiir d'shcs i A heavy fall of snow in Alberta merely look clean. The only way to will add to the limited moisture in have sterile dishes is to u.-ie boiling! the soil, and has thus relieved anx-| dish water and boiling rinsing water. | icty m to spring seed'-- _„,,.«„. t Put the hou.sewife should («''»' "" â-  ,.» . â- â€" • ?;'7. I? 1 .,..-- ,,....»,.»:,. .- ' -. »«>«er let a man give all his timei every precaution ♦- r K m • •? v • »u i ^.. . • • „ .» nave clean dishes to selling groceries if he wins there-] ... wnlfl) to gerve her meals. "There by the means of winning love and a are «lx rules by which one may achieve the maxiniuni of cleanliness in dish-washing: home and children, than give all his time to the problems of life and fail to live." â€" Ronald ('; :v.nbcll Macfic. PARKER'5 We will make them like new again. ^ Our charges are reasonable and we pay tiz- press or postal charges ona way. A pott card will bring our booklet ot household suggestions that sare money. Write for It PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dy«rs 791 Yonge St. - Toronto P(w~' 5s., r. i \

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