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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1919, p. 1

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<r. . *>^. t .-r^^mMtmak: r-'.''*-;j^MU'^^^ ^vi-" ;jF»P^.^:?^j;^?>15g^yi«Pw«^ <wTEUTH BEFOBE FAVOR" •PEIirCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 88, No. 44 FlesHerton, Orjt., April 3 1910 a ^ { I t V Clerk of Osprey Passes Away Mr. Tbot, SoQtt, cl«rk of the. Towusbi}) of Osprey for 31 years, died on Tuesdiy Bi)rn!nt; of tbig weeklfrom heait failure. Tha news came as a gf eftt shoc]( to bis many frienda throughout the townahip and cuuDty, as the deceased gcntle.nan W4M widely and " favorably kn>>«'i< by a large circle of friendsr Cn several occaaiona Mr. Scott had acted sa Return. Qg OtHcer in electiooa and in that, way formed a very larjje acquaintance. He- Was twice married and leaves two sons. twx> daughters and a widow. Uue uf h1» tons bad recently returned from the war z ne. The death was rery audden aiid- uufxpected. KIMBERLEY PORTLAW v:; VAJSTDELEUR Misa Maud Plewes spent a few days in Toronto recently. Pte Will Richardson of Cl>3t8>Y-)rth who iis been orerseas ^inae the begin- ning of the war, »pent a few d'ys inst week »isiring hia untSic, George Wading, md other friends hereabouts. Miss Edna Burriti of Kimberlev was the gueat of her sister, Mrs. D. Giiham, recently. Miss Johnston of Sligo visited her friend, Aouie Gruham, recently. Su«;ai miking is the order of the day, aad up to date there has been j» record run ot the sweet stuflF. -Mia.S. Gilberi> has returned home after a three creeks' visit with her daughter at Meaford. Miss Etta Moore of Turonto is' the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. Buchanan. .faaper Stu.irt ikta biHight H Giudin'a farm on :he 4tb liM^south. Thomas Hatcbinsoo returned h"me on^ day last "^ veek after an, extended visit wiub friends in Dahd;inc and vicinity. • Mr. and Mrs. Hu^ Baaiuiond visited witlx the latter'd n«jtber, Mra. SlcMuffen of Eugenia, on« day taist weuk. Wm. Harris purchased a fine lookup Jersey cow frnm John Mitcliell of Glark-sburi; last wai^k. Lome Curnbeldiif Markdaie recently visited Ki;h his mifle, Ge< rise. Corn- field, of the 4tl» line north. The moutiily a'.eeting of the Wdoien'a Isati^ule was he!d at the tiome of. Mis. Piewes-iJi) Thursday list- Robert Abercrocihie' of Otivtsvilie visited on Tuesday last 'with his brotlie.', ThouiiS, of this place We'll have to je; our town fathers' to put V few cf uieiu crossings in the vllUee thii summer. It is noyfait to t?.e residerus on the .side of Main stn st to w.ilk-tbriiijih tbe'nisid aod^slusli to. get to ihj eument sidewalk. Win. Flood, out' en'erptiaii.i! black-' smith, is erecting a buirdtrig"ac the rear of hia lih'ip for the purp-jae of rBpairinjj autuuuibiles. This was much needed in the viilage. Harold Keir of Uucklyn wa^ a oleik^ant caller in our bura Snturday last. < A Romance In Oil Mr. Etbert Corntieid left the West last we«-k. ^ Mr Bolioq qj T^uronto s visitioa wub .Messrs John a.nd James McLe.inna. Mr. Lcwja Slie»rd»wn'a home had a ^ery rarrd^ e«c pe ff «m Jl-. atructfon by Bre i.n ^alurdiiylaaf. "Their littfe li y, ill attempting to liabt a LiiBy in a bed-' room, had dmpp d a !i Jit.'U natjtrfi ina clofhes pi-e-s. When dle'o vprcd ;be fire had made couaiderab! : headway and the contents ni ;he press aid other G'utb'Dg and a wa'cb were destroyed. A g<«:d supply of water and sotue bustliim pre- vented ii n>ot9 serious loss. The quc.^tion wh cfi onr n often con- fronted w^th.these times 'is "Ih your riaiue On the , au:o^r.l:.h t)uik|" . The uaniea of 91H1 y not*l'le petsonairps there and all the re.-t aie eipected §oon. "Phetiuilt is inienied to "go ^ver the top," and the prcspect* »re that ib.- pro- cetds wiH do likewise. Our best wishes are {extended to Mr.' and.-Mrs. FiedPlantt and Sir. ^aod Mrs- i>ank T;iy!f>r for afi-na and iiippy wedd- ed life. TBese young pe«;.re are itll much esteemed and thiir ai:iny jtieBJa rejoice • that they are settling down in our cim- CEYLON Soldieis' Memorial The London Advertiser recently pub- lished a long article ou the oil tjuestiuii in Grey County. The article is it the ptomjtion kind, and consists of big chunks of romance-. For instance it says : "A fartujr named Kwstedt, near Flebherton, discovered oil in the well from which he watered his stock. lie sent for Mr. Finch to come from Brant- ford and txaQMne into the cotiditiou. There were rumors in , the neighborhood ot it being a well poiaouing plot. On Mr. Finch's anival 01 gallons of cleir amber colored o'l was pumped out of lbs well. It was of such quality that it was successfully burned in lamps by people uf the neighborhood. Numerous nut- c:oppings were fouud when a survey cf the region was made. - There are place.", t is said, where snow this winter lay like butter from oil sutuiation." There is sutticient truth iu the above to make it a readable article, and the whole column and a half makes reiy interesting reiding to ereryfei-dy hero. We hope with all nur heart that the optimistic views expressed in this article may be faliy justided, and that the following item culled from the articU will be uo idle dream. The Advertiser says : '•Flesherton, Grey Couny, la liable to burst into world fame by April 15 as the place whtu's oil, as rich as the Rumanian article, was discovered. The roasisr driller of Canadian Oil Fields, Limited, has every ho(ie that in thai time ha will h kv* opanad a "gusher " oi the Lever farm in that vicinity. The well is already down S:,t}76 feet and bad given remark- able samples of oil on Kuvember 19. h -last when work was suipended owing to- k break >n inachiuery. .A. uew outfit ha« been procured and work will be resumed ab'iut April 1>, when a few boi^rs' drilling khoiild iM the ia!e." Victoria Corners Miss IS<ella Orr sp'eni the week end with frivuda iu Toronto. Rev.'Mr, Eagle conducted the Sunday School Gutaiew Service on Sunday at Iiiistioire. Mr. Eagle has aiway of ex- plaining the bible truths to the children so that f>^i-y child tiiorougbly under, staiida if^ ' Wm. Orr^has sold his farm to Mr. H. Corliett »*. Bethel. Address and Presentation Mr. K. McMaster iod iamily moved to town Ia<-t Wednesday fn'the residence recently â-ºpuiphiisid from Mr. Arlbur Johnston. I'reviou.s to luiving their old home at Eug iii;i, where ib-.y hsd nsided for tl tr'tt-n^Mi^r*, thty were called on iiy iheir neisjhbors, wli'j pieaeuted ihem with an aadre».«, accompanied by a haud- som." gift V\e tender Mr. McMnrer ai«d f.iuiily a hearty welootue to ti.wn. Fol owing is the address : To Mr. and Mri. McMaster and family : Dear Fiieuds and Neighbois, â€" We have itssembied bere thi.. evening to bid f-irswell to yott on the eve of yoHc departure ^om our midst.aud to extend to you our best withes for %â-  long, bappy and prosperous life in the new' borne to which ytu are about to go.. .\Ve takt this oppununity, before the ties which h.iv«~ bound ua together as neighbor ate severed, 10 endeavor to ttpresii to you out appreciation ot your tnany go.d and noble qu-iliiies, which haT«j m.ida these ties real, indeed. We regret to lose you OS neighbors, but are glad fo know, that you are not so f<r removed but that we shall be able to see you from lime to time. AnJ now, as a reiniader of ihis occasion and the imny pleasing asscci.i tiou!" of your thirfee:i years among us, we wish you to accept this si!ver»arft and may God b«sto< His rielMst blessing upon you as a family. Siitoed on behalf of your friends and neighbors â€" Airs. L. L.iliu^er, Mis. M McMulleii. Mr. McMaster wis taken completely l>y surprise and was unable to cxoress Ills feelings ;is he deiiied. He would like through The .Advtnce »•• e;ipress b s gratitude to hia friends »t Euiteuia for their many kindnesses while u<.'» resided among theln. Monthly Report Flesherton P. S. 4th Cliaaâ€" M Nuhn, B-« Ferris, 1> Colgan, U Whewell, I Lever, A Dow, A Noriis, C MacTaviab, F Ma'hewsjii, O MaihewsOD, A Breen, JCanington. Sr 3â€" W Martin, H Wyville, L Cargo, M Bowes, A feeter, 'O Fisher, P Dow, C Loucks, L Blakely, B Stewart. Jr 3â€" Jt Fterris, E IJentham. J OoWaD, E Thomson, T,Wilson, E McMulteii, W C.»rtington, T McUm,!d, G Wyville. OlaR.sâ€" X Wh'welt, L Boyd. M PattoM, L Lever, V Thistivthwaiie, H Rich'rdson, O Martin. Ts: Cl.'i*s--J Nuhi>. M Teeter, M Sled? A B 'tcioft, R Tbi»tlethw»it€^. I'.i.ucr Aâ€" E McC.I'uiu, IT F.-nwlclr, Editor Advance : I have read wi b interiiot tiuj tfiiierent articles which iiave bee'j written o;i this juhject, and while I believe we should bavu a iu,mori-il for our fallen Lei tea, I do not agree with the.^'ar.s gut forwaiii f,;r that: pui-pos*. Sow AS (o ,1 111 â- !»..- ,1 hijli ia Flesher- ton for the townfhip ut Anewesia, and^ h«ll to ci;iu»in libraijr, readitig rotm,. concert hall, etc. Wh«i: be;itlit w-ou d that t-«~'io the boys who live nine cr Spn miles out • The bertttfit would be all f r those in the vilageind vicinity- and »f coiSlse<^r Flc'henoa is «'.Ltight. The plea i» put forwaid that it can be U'eil fpr tuwuship purposes an 1 be»,»ol:r':e> of revetua is a rather se^b vieiv to my nation. , If the aoldiers are wpfi hy. (ft a taei^Da-- ial why rot leave te'f out Hiiigivu'frjeely? ^'oâ- J^ I will-jsivB aiy view, and I sup- â- poso, lfke,the rest, ir. will -have opposi- tion. Lat th^ lowtshiy tbrougji ibe CoUniil rSLise-th»"amtfMnt of meney rei^uited ftjr .'a ..nuiauriai .bail.. Get a photo < £ eveiy f»l!en t-otdier ai'id tiave the'saiDe tuFiig^d or fraTli^d with tlie words '* III Maiiioriaui '"^ alave the pic- ture aud the sotiiier'o uaose snd't^f'gtb â- d sartice, and auy o her p'-itlicular", in letters Urite .mottgb to hi ea.xily read, and bulls in the vbirch jo which e-ich soldier ot his faiuiiy Weiongedf where everyone 011 rulering wi-ll see and honor. In this way they will iiye in our metnor- ) •». Let eve/y pic'u.-e and frame be o* theliest, V in tablet form, Siw a^ to the living, talte the b.d.ifce and divide it eiiualy Ic! *->-en ive:y returned man, or make lb. U) a suitable. preienl â€" scaiBtbing worth wbi'e â€" that tlwy .^can keep, that will be U'-tinsj ; mi u^e evciy'oiie the 34me, which is hurdly l>eing done at the pres<mt timf. We coa'd' lasily follow the lead of Northcotf, iie-ir Eenfrew, whiehii giving each returned inai, a purse if §90, a b4-idsume medal and an iddres^ti'ittthi r W th a splendid leceplion. â€" T. K Thi mbu v-. Bylaw Defeated The Bylaw voted on in tbe towuship of O^^prey Usi; week ou the question ot raising StiOCO to build » nieiuorial hall, wa« defeated. The ijuestion as to loca- tion w.s dici Jed for Ma.^well. There was an exce«<?ingly small vote, some polls only reffi«ter iog live and a^x v;)te8. Ac- cordiiiu to »his vote the people of Osprey d.>n't want a meDiorial hall but they want I at Maxwell. IM'oi) near Por^ Klein tM/ rii-r,- a eat tie dealer fiom {•iii.-wassenteLccd by Judue e I'oiirt H'Ufe, W»fieert.B For the benefi- of ihos^r' who own do^s : The law says that no owner of .Any dog knoan by the owner to be acctiat'jgie.i to pursua dee' shUl. permit •uch dog to run at l.vrge during the closed sea.son for dear m uiy bcaliiy where de.r are . usually fotm!. 9h owiiers orf dogs take- vt irnii>g.- Misi Wilia McLeod, who his-becn- visiiiug her parents, ietur«ed ta the tity Saturday, uccumpaiiied l-y her br-jlher, Pte. Jsnow'oo'WcJJeoi!, who -went back to get Iris'.arge. Mr. Logan of iCindersley, -Sask-r is * visiter »' T. Chislett'a. _Gecrge .\rrow raitb lelt. last week to spend the dai-..ii.i^r moptha in the West, a'so to visit bij dju^li'er ut Mi;Gte,H.tsk. JWr.-. S. Mu'C visileJ relacivei iu the city 4«frt weeii Mr. Kcfcard Wa';ter9 visited his brother auJ other fi ieiids here lasc wcuk. , Willie Pdtii^on oif 'ifrangeville high school spin- th week end v'h hi-? pareQ's.^ James Sargent attensieJ the faaeril «f hia i.ccle a: Holliitd Cei tre Fridaj !;ujt. â-  Mr. and Mr*. \\ . J Mejds weir down to the ci:v Ui-' Wednesday t > mtet t'neir SOD. Pte. J. J., who armed on the Olympic. Tiiey returned .""atar- day, ace luipanied by their son. Pte. C'atk McMlllen, who also arrived" on the Olympic, retorutd hoiu^ .Saturday. The boys aerj ex ended a hearty wel- come. ijrss Margate: Ferguson visited lasc week.wit*! frieuds at Cdetoir Wr. Logan and Mrs. J. McJIiilen •pent tUe wick eiid wi>h the UttiTs sister, Mrs (Dr.) H' Ime.e, Owen Sound. Pte. Albert Hazird, *i\i has just returned f ri in overseas, ea'eJ cn friendt hare ^ast -week, a'so Pl&. Bro*T., who several years ago >as employed on the section here. WedJiog bella are ringing tliw Wed- nesday for one lT lUc Ciylon f^ir c nes. Mrs. F CoIHltea and bibe has leturn- ed home from yisitine; friends in tiwen Sou I! J. Bates Burial Co. BLSINESS AS rsCAL- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hilicrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R, Maddocks, Pres. Manager^ Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale< For Bi eediag Purposes Phone or write. ~GEi>. W. ROSS, Osprey Tel. Syst. a, .' Maxwell, P.O. Fine iewelery Come Li and see oni;^oe Isrg^ .-; , . of Jewelerj, ^tttehet, Clocki etc., â€" *nd Tviiea jou havo-iSeexi them yoii wiil be sure to buy. Watch repairing a^ special^v. A fall line cf tLotographic supplias inelndirjg developiujf powders, printing frame?, dark lantetiiff, all sizes of Kodak.' and fi!ms. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES w. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. NEW GROCEJIS Presentation At Eugenia The ho.iie of Mi. An-ju- T'lojiJ o Eugeniii was the scene oi a happy o. ut last Thursday- cvenrng, when a lait; â-  number of people fj'om Eu^eui,i -uiJ vicini'y ni'.liertd !o show their re(-|>.-u; to two of i)Ui- returned henof, Ktes; .)»â- =. Fawoett and Alex. Hoy. The uvo soldiers were marched into the pa'lor by Cpl. Victor Ford and presetited srnis. after which an adJress was re id to e.ic'i. Pie. JiunesFswutlt was presented w ih a beautiful gold watch and Pe. Hoy was the recipient uf a largo jetlier rocking chair. Both boy- briefly rcpoudeJ iind thanked the ladies who had Rladdenpd their hearts while in the trenches by tl m iiuiiy -Weri filled bi xe« they had tent. Everyone joined in singing " For tlty are jolly good folbxvjit." Wa w^e ijljid til see so many ef th-j older people >-u hand. The ladies agin .^bowed thiir g' od tasle, both in <)uantt-y and qutlny liy providing an excellent lunch. The eveoing wore quickly aw.y wi»Jj mu'-ic and games until ihe wee siu« hi'u« oi the riiorn'. f^avhjg taL-ea-ovcr tbe Grocery aud Flour ai:d FeedBasiues^ofW. Busbia tva are prepared to .supply tli£ pnblic witU the Lighest -rade of Grocoiies. Floar a;id. Feed aud Gaiden. and Fi.-ld Hpc-dts- VTe carry a complot.^ stock af'iarden Setds. Aiso Timotltj, Aliatfi. Mamaaoth Ecd and Swoet Ciover. Onr prions -ife right. CnmeiaVad le4mgelacqaM»tc4. We cau siip(..!y vo'if" wants and you" are sore rx, be satisfied witBonr goods. First Class Cottoa Graiu Bag? for sale. H. DOWN S( SON Flesherton, - ♦ o Ontario i'v.^^ S^S^P^; Auto For Sale 1 tUia^, \\ l&lnarl, .1 Stu ,. t. 11 We ion, ^ '** ^" ''^^ * '" ''''' -'^'- '-'«*'•» ^"'niiea, i ,ry J. C,»rf!n;i(o». K. HJoKeo. I'.nner fr-H Hei^, Chevrolet Runahoot auco f*tc salt', only i u»«d » fii<- wcclis, pro^terty of tliie late Dr. Li t"f. 'A bar^nti'. ApV^V ^<' t*- ^"- .! -M' orTh03. Ulakeley>_ Floshti- | * IJl'e'i'i*, lu<Junj>i, fi "tV. ; oil iivtor b-s{ IU l.uukni \v f»et (tf h: .forlnrgeiy. The prisoner sigued ^e „ > . uaines ofuiftereit prrtio< ta nbtea .n^; ' ** ' K'»g«-l«in.i'. ntf^Uial hgrgr»i.-Ut.d" u».vrly i 'â-  8400") on !he ^,o\ nf'Vavt ^wrfct; wliieh 1 , ^ it seeius^ill^oat tiiia aiui.uitt, a-- ' a ; is jSid t*n'»v.;-)t>s aXl. or i. early s;: "' ' â-  ' 'â- '• ' " ' on l.v,, " i anci t !v•^ Was Honorably Discharged Tollie Editor Vf The Advance. Dear Sir,â€" Iu yoi^^c issue of Match 13 it w,i-( stUed that 1 had beeh suiniuonid before the ndli'ary auib.irities Toront •, '- toausw r to » charge of desertii n, and [ 1 feel in justice to myself that »k public ! explanation is due me. Ou May lOlh of last year I reporttd for ^crvice at Exhibition caup, Toromo. On the Siune day I was granted two vtekb' farm leave. At the expiration of tha tjn;c I again reported »t aiiip, being tvin-ifetred almost immediately to SlHgara. On June l-"> I was again given four d«ys' leave, and t be second day after arrivii g hvmo was lakeu ill with nieasl>'s. and w'la undar iiuaiantine ira«i alw slrwkfHvvitli whov.>p»JHg uaigh, followed later by apu.iiidicttw,' fron. which I lui sitft sddyiii|(. -^ Ladles of Flesherton anti Vicinity Dont be two years bekind the times. The milliueiy stasou isngbtoM n-otvind Mr. '.Vriuht. with ten ' seasoi3s>sperieuce iu iLe .MOliceiy Bitsiness aud speeding a term eacL seasoa in Toronto selecting au up-tc-datp stbck, can .show wn what is up-to-date" and becoming. No old siock left over. Everythtug new and np-todate. Jost give a» a can aud see for jom-srlves. Prices r%ht and according to >rtality Higlest prices paid for produce. W. L. WRIGHT'S! Corner Store, Flesherton fo RUBBERS •••• Kr J i yon want a good wearing rubber for meu. wcmien \?i orchiklicn come to thi^ store. Wo have thei-ild Ui- reliable Maltese Cross Braudo'ftubberg. &! I Suit Cases and Trunks I Tronk eall •fe â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• :::s A« wa& f ! fho i.h,r;e ..f deseiiion . .. . - ,..„^,.w^ I w*s ««eitb'd. 1 »••• 1 .*»• I -»a â- "•• •••• , â- â€¢# It in need ofa^Suit Case or aud get want supj)lietl. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO yr \2 "f ••" ••• â- >; ••â€" •«• ••• ••*- •••- •• â€" ••a. >- ••â€" ^ ••â€" •«- ••*>• J** *--i ts:: •»- "^Hi3 •«• ' *RI ••- ly ^»- *fc •; JJ â- * ) H r: • - • * • -- "Tv - •* - •;i;#« J

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