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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1919, p. 8

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I Get All That Bl-i Over One ^ Is Coming w» * To You Jip. Million g From Youi I In Use % T H K F L E S n E U r N A D V -t^N C K 5^ tows Keep'Rootl cowb, feed tlicD well, aud use a MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATOR I^To f;ct all the l!uilcr-fttt. leaving the warm, fresh skim milk to ♦ feed the calves aud other stock. * FOR SALE BY D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTQN O Spent 20 Yeais Ift County Goal An ininittu of thu Cuunty Uiol fur over twenty yaaro, Reuben Pr«nticu il<>'<^l yi'Hteidiiy after a sliort illne^H But lilll^ ifc knowo ut tliu old mitii, \r)io waK hTvuui Ri'vinty yoHrn (.10. Hi- is hM t> Invu oinu'fMm IIe»llicote, iiml whs (iril cnm- iiiJKwd'tii t'Hol in 1855, for his own R.iffty , nA^ K""(l ratlit'f tli«u-f<ir dTby itl'encc, is j ho wA wuak-nirndod tboutth i|uiu hariiileiii^ tiiiicu then lie, hat b««n nn { inmnte, «\of|i'. fur u iiT)ort linie m>)iru ho { Bun For Sale Tli..rf uahLivU Dur1i»ni Bull, eighteen iiioiitlis . Idâ€" «"tJMii8« auiiiisL Also ou for «ix yesrs he list l<een in f ne gaiil, i for six iiTontlw oh ». iiDinimHl ^li.irije of •iigrlTncy. ilo «(ms it quiet, inotfsnsire, m^u and gxve iio trouble ti> aayoiiu. II s -ie»ih wa8 the result of uld age. A f>rui- .spUcdm.he «ou«o ^f lt.t«K,, „„d^»I«»'^l"-^t *'«?"-:"». .he go.. • â- ' Wed-,^^ j.,„,4T>urh.m oolr. ^..h calfrt another briif .ntcrval^ when ho was : ' 'i released and we-it to RtErennift. But for; | ihiiijy yfiirs he has lit'en iu tUo gao), : â- â€¢f\'>r* I Cjjmiiif up reguUily for his conimi'mont I ^ay X "^U • & Does Your Label! • f -or. 'A r-t'i or phono K. L'UHOETT. (t R. Nn. 2, Dandalk. M-^.rf-«r^ ...-W^«tf".i%AtfV%AA'%/M^«^^^fk/W^-'^^^'N.n>t.rvSA/V/%.r(^V' *iV J. f Ae Figures 'J' s ^J^^ Nolice how the cost â€" ttnd the cash Vi-loe â€" of the stamp ad- vances each montli until, on the \ 1st- day of January, 3924, the \ Dominion of Canada is pledged ^ lo pay $3.00 fov each W-S.S. QuO^ w-s â- j^g fclf Ktf^i Mt a m ia ruM p3^fea'355r«fi "^IS&lJJJ 1 Announcement 1 have btcii iippointcd ii.''.'iit for the new irtjproved SHARPIES Suction Feed Separator and Repair* Th') only Sopiir.ilor timt '-•ifTlT"'<TtiTii''rtoi»n KT, ',»iy ^ sp«L' I. The only Sepnra- ' tor which bkiiiii ijuickcr wlicD turned fa«tcr. The oi;Iy Sepirator i lubuUr I'ohI, no (liHcii to •< clean. Knee low supply Luiik, entirely autoiii.t'vic oiling.'. . Ounie in and L'el all tho iiiforiiiAtion. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24r 11 Flesherton ^ #^ Tonsorial %- Parlors We Aim to Oivo Eiiliro bAtisiaetio LAUNDUVâ€" B.inket closea Moiuh.y iiitjht, diilivi'ry Friday cvulii:i CLK.XNINO and DYEINO- auoiils for Piirkor'a Dyo Works- C '. ' cl.'iiu'il mid dyol. friilhcis icjuvti i ,' -â- : T n.SIII-R â- PROI»«ILTOR For Service One pure orod SmjiHioih Bull on lo :tO, con, !l, AileiiioNiii. 'IVrins ftl.oO for H. yru.lo MuKt lit) piiid within U mouths di»t'i friimiif Kcrvici'. ,i„. 11). . -R. O.TURNKU. Stallion For Sale WINTER TERM Ak 1 am Koipg out of Iho h u>e l>u>i- iiiMi 1 am iiHuriDg f"i' s«l» ihe wrll known iSniidnrd Bivd .SlkUion, "Kontiitky ."Siu" First elii!>H pupers u'ln bo pro- duc-i'd with l|orio. Apply 'o (1K<>. II. WIJIIKOAK, Fevoihhiiui, Out l^'arin For S'Ale in the A fit) acre lariii for salu on Iho F.<»l I Itick l.iiiu, Arlviuesia, .'trd rau^ri, north {half of lot l32 l)n llio pri-iiiiaus tliuie ty yrf . /^ <->•/.' '* " iJ'""' lri»iii» ham, 40x30 foel ; a r-- /' jy â- jy J// i I f /. /y/"///^ jiniall frmnu house ; a u'ood drilled well ; _^yJ§OJ^C'^CUj<V'\^^(}\y^-^ }l,.„ houne ; the fall plowii^ is done. '-â€" • l''i.r particulaiN aiiply on nr^niisva. -.1. II. IIOLLKY, Floshorton ^^y^/^oPT'/ffm/, %e«io<iTIR'UHI>AY, JAN. 2, lltltt Oirta and boyit who have koen work- i' Inn hard on the farm during the •Utnuier should bare a chancn to. ' lftJj*««»o their education this winter. ' CircaUrs free .to any address. t A. FLEMING, F.C. A., Principal, â-  lkptA.,.Owen Sound, Unt^o. I*' .'si f.( Mention this p'lpcr when writing) l6aR for SERVICE l*^iSn>r"d T;U«worlh Hon fir acrviee ort l«t 107, H W T and .S K., ArloineHin.. T#tr<|!t â€" fl.CO, If (aid for at tiiui) of >*irvie«. fi'lflv".' â€"T. J. STlNSON.Prop. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell liin >>p*iiiui{ up at nice, a hlacl(Kiiiilh iuK Kod Hoodwoi'kinK hunniuM in Mat well, and am iruiidiuiu up-'.o dale wood- Workiiiu' Ml icliiiiiviy. It will hi> my en di'HNi>r to Kcru! tJio pulilic in a Nnlislav- lury inaniier and I would sulicil patron- aL'iv I will' ymii wikik mid will do it .i^lii. 7 .'Vprfl 1 'CHESTER LONG i^Ji !- R- Arc Tlicse Men? THE FIRST was a dirty, uncouth peas- ant, but he played a leading part in the disruption of a nation. He held no portfolio, yet he swayed a court as did no Minister of the Crown. He was without holy orders, yet people called him "monk," and no church- man of his generation exercised so profound an Influence in the empire to which he belonged. THE SECOND, with a private Income of $20,000 per year, has been called the "eyes and ears" of one of the allied rulers. No titles have been conferred upon him; he has received no rewardâ€" apparently wants none. Yet he witnessed Germany's preparations • for the Great War and warned his nation of Its approach. He acted as its secret but unofficial agent after war had been declared, and, though without office, was closer to the heart of the struggle than any member of his country's cabinet. ''^""•^1?**^. THE THIRD, a ^^eneral in the allied armies, was born in a railway shanty. He w^ould not have been fighting Ger- many to-day if an Alsatian lad (his ancestor), had not escaped from a Bavarian press gang in 1 744. Do you know him? Rasputin, the self-consti- iuted monk, who played so sinister a role in the downfall of the Russian dvnasty. COL. nDWARl3 HOUSl:, the con- fidential emissary and adviser (jf President \Viht)n. GEN. J. J. PERSHING, whose an- cestors were Pfirsching?, and who to-day heads the over- seas forces of the United 6tates--these are the three hien pictured and described. Russia collapsed, and The Toronto Daily Star published the 'story of the "m}'sterious One" who had led its court's ' fexcesses. President Wilson declared war, and 'i'he Toronto' Dally Star gave to its readers a series of articles on the confidential work of the man -who had most influenced him. The American forces began to make themselves felt, and The Toronto Daily Star pre- sented the life-story of their great leader. The Toronto Daily Star Alone in Ontario tias Publislied their Histories This policy will be continued. The Toronto Daily Star will endeavor to lift, for its readers, the curtain of diplomacy and in- trigue and give them a glimpse at the great personalities on the world's stage. For this purpose alone â€" it has twenty - four world - famous correspondents at the Peace Conference â€" They will keep Star readers fully informed upon eve-ry development. The Toronto Daily Star has been famous for its feature stories. It published llariy Lauder's great book as a serial. Sir Frederick Smith, the Attorney-General of Eughmd, visited Canada, and The Star gave its readers his book of personal im- pression. At the first of this year The Star began the publication of two outstanding Canadian stories of the war. The first, "My Three ' Years in a German Prison," by Hon. Dr. Henri S. Belaud, M.P., former Postmaster-General of Canada, is in some respects Can- ada's most notable contribution to the literature of the war. . The second, "From Mons to (he Rhine with the Canadian Army," is a diary by Lieut.-Col, John A. Cooper, a distinguished Canadian journalist, describing the last and perhaps most spectacular phase of Canada's part in the Great War. Further important features, the best available, will be announced from time to time. The main thing is you will want to read them. Don't take chances of missing the big stories. Subscribe for The Star and send your subscription in now. For 1 month, 25c. For 3 montlis, 75c. " For 6 months, $1.50. For 12 months, $3'.00. Cut Oil This Coupon qn^ Mall It To-day To Publishers: %. Toronto Dally Star, Toronto: - «Hr ' •• ,, â-  Dear Sirs: y~ Please enter me as a subscriber to The Toronto Dail>' Star for rw»?!«*j months-â€" for which please find enclosed stariips or money order for ,$^. • •'vrr. . . , Name ill fiiU • • , , ^^ . . . . Address *••••••• >*^* rit».« • • .• • l*l^n^c nrhr pUliity nnil imr tVketlirr Mr.. Mm.. MUs, otf iter. • THE Toronto daily star T-^ .% v>.J ] ii u t ^. '«MtH|M>W<aHCM kwv-

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