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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1919, p. 6

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> iHKaig» 4 iii . i j >wii , f i .i m ' I ». I I I! t'l w i w ii* " ' ' ! ' ! ^ ' - ' â- â€" -^ r'-iw*,,?:'-'!!?*- •â- -. t -y>!l ' tJnmistakable Ecotiomy in Use*-* is speedily proven in a Tea-Pot Infusion. 100% Value 100% Pure Scaled Packets Only, B537 i»r p p ^%f 22=1^ hS^ JL'^Sa?' SL Arthur Stanwood Pki A Virtue May llcoome a Vice. | they shuuld first be filled with melted We have been accustomed to think-' P^TAfdn. ing of virtue as being a precious pos-: , Aluminum cooking utensils require session, and alv/ays good, but virtue the least heat, foods long carried to the nth degree becomes ! sow cooking should b. put m an vice. Or perhaps I should say a vir- aluminum saucepan. just large tue carried to excess becomes a vice ^""'^Kh to hold it so that tnere is, -is intemperance as truly as any "o ^^^^^e space between the food and a pity to allow so much good food to go to waste. If the slaughter of the caribou is begun by market huntwrs, the Government should so safeguard the animals as to prevent their ex- termination. It is to be hoped the ,.^.„..^>, „o VI.. J ..- â€"•.',., , «,,â-  ,1 n„, , uf..,to,i if 'caribou will not meet the fate of ^~ .r overdoins Terh.p. Ih. t.c-l ^^f", '1â„¢ ";'â„¢ "'^ y.j;' â- ^^^"''J, FLESH OP _CARIEOU PRAJSED: ,j, „^, („ '^'_ <:i"^L^['S,,^, STEFANSSON UKES i MUSK OXEN MEAT tlS^^S^S^SSimSSjSiL Cosrnglit aouKbica MllUn CoaiB»aT »T •o«clal arrang-omoat wltU xaoi. Alli* Xozaatv is born in on me just now Ijecause I've recently had a great deal to do with one or tw6 persons who pride themselves on certain virtues which to their friends are their chief faults. And, of course, no one can make them see their mistake. They know that the thing they pride themselves upon is in itseif a virtue, and can not see how they are overdoing it. BY ANOTHER EXPLORER where gas is used for fuel the food will sometimes cook alongside an- 1 other vessel, using but one burner. | The man who invests in all sorts Canadian Arctic Travellers Declare of machinery to make his farm work] lighter, and lets his wife rub along; any old v.'ay, ought to change places! Food Supply, with heci for a while. By the timej ^^^ ^ ^ _ , Northern Barrens Afford Ample the herds are properly conserved they should add materially to Canada'* meat supply for many years. '•The development of the food re- ) sources of ths vast mo«sy tundras ! of northern Canada vill d.?monstrate I anew thr.t the northern limit of pro- ductivity has not yet been reached, of 'em before he has rubbed out eight or ten wash-! Wilhjalmur Stefansson, recently ' and that a great ferti.e area of Can- ings on a lioard that makes his returned from his Arctic explorat'on ; ada, more extensive then her famous One is a woman who prides herself knug^igg b'eed and has mopped a tour, said while at Edmonton recenU, wheat lands, remains as yet virtually on plain .speaking. She says she sim- j-ou^jj kitchen floor twice a week for 'y that if the musk oxen of the Great ; unknown and unexploited." -ply tells the truth at all times. Now, ^ yg^^j. ^^ ^^^^ j^g ^j; ^^ke up his B-rren were given a little scientific | of course, truth in itself is a virtue ^j^j ^^.,^^ things arc somehow pretty care and supervision they would af- •md one greatly to be desired. But one-sided, and that he had better ford a new and abundant meat sup- A UNIVERSAL COIN. the one can go to excess even with the ^hink of 'his wife's comfort part of Ply second only to the rapidly grow-i ^^ j,^ q^^ ^, ^^^^ Outcomes of truth. I rmember it used to puzzle tj,^ y ^ ^ f j^j^ ^,,,.„ ^U the mg cattle industry of the great wheat, me as a child to get my mother's fine ^j^g belt. I League of N^ions. distinction. She would sometimes tell ^^.^ ^^.^^hing blankets this way:| "Musk oxen," said Stefansson. Wia{ a comfort mon-iy would be us that we must always speak the p^ij g^ ^j^^y ^j. ^^ ^ j^j,. ^hen melt "have been left hiiherto exclusively that one could spend anywhere in the truth, and then knock the who.e ;„},(,); water one pound pure white to the Eskimos and Indians fur hunt- world, without exchanging it for the CirAl'TER XLIlâ€" (Cont'd.) I you'll RCt a pood "And flUte a handsome letter she y*^"'^^ /Ivrough." , ,,„ | wrote you about me," suggested I . ' t looks as if we shouW. I j^j.j.y I BB I <>j (..nder.-itQnd you re doin«; well. "Oh, yes. It sounded much nicer i They tell me you're a smart trial than she is " lawyer. Nora wanted to know how ^ "I „!,. n ,'.i.„. ,. , *v,;.o, „v,.>. .M.nif,, you were doiiii;-, so I made some en- 1 shall always think sne s pveny •' . . ,. , •^' m, »> v * *i .v and of currency .' !e result of the league of na- s movement we may hive an in- tional coin. We may even have ,„. V r • ...ft..-. *..- ..- - a I - â€" . â€" -. b.„„^ w..^ ... .. â€" international paper note, or certifl- ther afraid I might be able to," re-' truth. If telling the truth is only ^^â- ^^ ^f^^ j.|^jg jj^g blankets thorough- |cred prairie in the Far North, where cate, or whatever we may choose tc plied Jerry. "But I haven't found . SomS to wound someone and do no jy jj„j without wringing hang them the animals can feed themselves call it. anything yet." 1 good, then say nothing. If ij can out to dry. Their weight keeps them without shelter or protection. The An international coin (as tentative- "No, anil you won't.â€" Now- we'll go, do good, then tell it. ;„ g^^^pg ^j^^ clothes-pins are un-, southern edge of this region is al- ly described) would be stamped on one up_ and look at the scooml floor. I put the woman of whom I write necessary. When dry beat with a ready recognized as a superb cattle- side with an International design. jealous of her or hateful, Jerry. But i I did feel glad I wasn't at home when she called, and I couldn't help being relieved that she wasn't in when I called. Now that will pro- bably I)e the end- of it. People who live at the Wallace House aren't go- ing to bother much with people like us." "I'm not so sure I have an idea Nora won't find many congenial friends among the persona her hus- band knov.s. She couldn't help liking you, Kate, and I gues.s she'd like to have you for a friend. They'd hardly He showed .Terry the l_il>rary, uith j,,^^^, „^ y-^^^ .^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^g„i„g ^^^^^^ ^-^^^^^ ^^ raise" the nap. "I tell them all just what I think," its view of the pond through the golden maple trees of the park; he , a â-  i_ > n • â-  j showed him the bedrooms and tho "''« says. And she does. Friend and bathrooms; and finally they looked foe. »ai"t and sinner, old and young. gi-azing district. Musk oxen mr.lti- stating its value in the monetary ply rapidly and if an effort were made terms of various countries. Oa the Diet for Convalescents. to propagate them they would soon other side It would exhibit design and The patient recovering from influ- develop into a prolific source of m'^at lettering to Ideniify It with the coim- into a room where Kate and Nora rich and poor, all have the benefit of g^^^^ ^j. pneumonia requires a plain, supply for civilized markets. The try of its origin. were standing together in the em- her views. No one 'is ever left in nourishing diet. Just at this time cnly supervision necessary would be Every year many millions of dot brasure of a window. Maguire led doubt as to what she thinks about (-jm convalescent is tired of milks, to guard thsm from ded.mation by lars worth of foreign coins are melted Jerry away and remarked. That them personally and all their family, coups, broth, etc., and has little actu- natiiie hunters and the ravages by at the mints of each nation of tlis '"""Oh'" said Jorry^'^Iie' knew now ^^'"''â- ^^'«'' ^^^ Soes she leaves be- ^1 Je.'iire to eat. It is here that the wolves. This superintendence could world and used as bullion for convet*. have sent us such a present other-. wise." ' tha^Knte^and Nora' were quuTlikely i '^'"'' " ''"^â- ' ^^ wounded and Weeding, j-g^i gi^m of tj,e housewife must be bo given them by a special detuil- of slon into that nation's particular coiTj. "It's your friendship she cares ; ^.^ {,g friends. j °^ wrathy and apoplectic individuals, ,,jgj jg ,jg(,gy ^j^ggg irritable, nervous rangers or Royal Mounted Police, ege. It seems a pity, because an ol> ° ."r'lu"°,' ^!"\''\, . „ Maguire took Jerry up to the bil- , according to the temperament of her invalids to take proper nourishment.' whose force the Government plans to vious waste of labor. .-Vn internatioa- I think Its both of us. i _ f> . j '_ . â-  i... »,„.,_!_ " ' »- i. '^ ..... . . "Have you seen her al all, Jerry?" Kate eyed him so anxiously that he laughe<l. "Not fi.'nce the wa:i married. I Hard room at the top of the house, auditors. Needless to say she is jo help them on the road to recovery. ' increase." al gold piece, in peruaps three de- didiT^ even know she was living at the«w'al'.>ice until you the clock came, with the c1»"d giving her address." Jerry suddenly took off his hat and wave;l it to a policoman on the op- floor posite sidewalk, who grinned and . "Pou't came across the street I we'll have 'quite hergcant Shcohan, J want you to j^g^ meet my wife," said Jerry. "She , '..^ [^-^^^ j^ ,v,ill he a wonderful know.saI about you. I house," Kate answered with enthusi- "Indced I do. Kate gave the scr- ' geanl her hand "And 1 was so glad : ' .-^H the credit goes to her." Ma- when Jerry told me of your promo- | g^j^g jgr|^^,j ^is thumb towards , ! Nora. "Say, Mrs. Donohue, I'll have "I hope we'll have many a friendly about as welcome as the flu. Invita-^ jg^ pointers that will aid results! j l Rouse another northern e.K- nominations, would do away with thl» ?''tZ%ZlT''{'^J^LT^lr,^St.t't *'°"' "''â- '"' '^°'"\l"'^.,^^"y; and ^vel. ^re: I plorer recentlj- in Edmonton, direct-^ ^"^"'•'"ty- WeW, now. I guess you ve seen it come signs are hastily torn down ^ ^o not ask the patient what he ed attention to the Barren Lands ,, . "T-*â€" , .ou as another source of meat . "^f" °i J-<^^^'--}_ Sonms are kno^v., ly which he believes, if properly '" f ' oentunes by the:r perfect res- anded. would be virtually inex- ! ^J'^ *" ^^ .l^"'^"- ^'l'^ .'°^-^^ « past tra. Jerry expressed his adm.lration of the house and thanlied the host for his courtesy. They found Kate and Nora waiting for them on the first dition; their work in the wxrld iM never innovation, but new creation! time. when she appears round a corner, i ^.^^i.i ji^e to eat. I caribou as another source of meat Her acquaintances regard her as a gg^^.g ^^^j,, portions in a dainty,' supply wicked woman, but she believes her- ' attractive manner. I hi'sbanded self to be unusually good. They Remember that persons recovering haustible _ think her excessive truth-te-lling 13 a from such diseases cannot eat three "I estimate there are 60,000,000 .,,.,.. think Mr.s Donohue, vice, a cloak for venting her spite, ia,.gg meals a day. Divide the food caribous in northern Canada," said ^"thout disturbing for an instant th« J the house? Maguire^ but she really believes she is doing allowance so that the required Mr. Rouse. "They winter in the Bar- foui^dations which were laid of old ' the right thing. ! amount of nourishment can be pro- Directly her opposite is a man of portioned into five meals, as follows: her family who has her as an awful ; 7 a.m.â€" Fruit, toast, hot milk, example. Seeing where over-much chocolate or cocoa ,. .. ,e"... ,.....-. .... _ speaking has led with her, he has; 10 a.m.-Poached egg on toast, tea. | , the Eskimos, Indians, hunte'rs aAd , t"p- ,,, , ., , ,, !Nora. "Say. Mrs. Donohue, I'll have ,«"'•« to the other extreme and won t 1 p.m.â€" Baked potato, salad, cocoa. ! lumbermen with Quantities of meat "You 11 be up the ladde. ^^ ^g„ '^ ^^ „, „ ,g,f -.^t to talk at all. Claiming that silence is 4 p.n,._Boiled or broiled fish, 1"" wolves slaughter thoVrndr of now by leaps and bounds." said . ^,i,.g ^^^ ^ n^g J„ ,„y '^ifg. Vhg„i golden, he has over-played his part. ' 4^3^; ^g^ slaughtei thou,..ands of I .leiry. ,-,â- <, 'we wore on our hoiiejTnoon, we stop-' too, and he keeps still when he should Shcdian g.mmed w,.th pleasure pg,, j,, Chicago so she could buy some talk. He is secretive, in the extreme. "They ren Lands, but in summer venture in search of pasturage as far south as ; Athapupuskow Lake and the region | south ot Churchill River. They sup EAGLE MOWM X^ gleamed w,ith and answered. "Do you mind my say- clothes. Her trous.seau. you know. ing, Donohue. that you d be a hotter , ^^j ti,^,, ^^xe said to me. 'Before ever officer once you got yourself a wife? : j gt „„g gj^ ,g „,i for myself, I'm' But> you ve <ione better for yourself ^^ ^^ i^^y ^.i^thes for you, and !!l..''y.*r.=',.'^''X>u^:'l?".,L'':^,'": ^^VE'T'^'I then l <lon't ever again want to see you h\ these things you're wearing,' L-he 9ay«. A green Fedora hat un<l a preen suit it was, alt very nifty. I he knows. His children shun him, ... , . , ., , , , , I thought. 'What'is the matter?' I his wife is as far from him as one in with his white-gloved hand .,Ve always kind of fancied pole from the other, and his business KaU his best salute before | „y,,,f ;„ g^een.' It's one thing L^oeiates have as little to do with that's kept mo in doubt whether I j,;^ g, po3s.ible. His uncommunica- could ever come to care for you, she you would. That's the plain Irish of it, now I'm telling you, .Mrs. Dono- hue." They all laughc/1 cheerfully, and Shechan with gave passing on On a .'Sunday afternoon in October Jerry and Kale wore passing the big new liouse on the corner of the boule- vard, now all but completed, and saw the door of it standing open. "Let's go in and look it over," said Jerry. They entered and wandered through the newly plastered rooms, and poked their heads into closets. They were admiring the large fire- place in what was presumably the dining room when they heard foot- steps along the hall; turnin", they withholds his confidence where it should be given, never blames any- one and never praises. It is as easy to get un opinion from him as it is to converse with an oyster. llis policy has estranged everyone 8.30 jelly. p.m. â€" Hot cocoa, toast with answered. 'If I can be sure I'll never see you in a green hat or green suit again, I'll feel more hopeful in my mind,' glie says. .So now she docs with me and with the house as she pleases j â€" which i.i no doubt the way you do with your husband and your house,' Mrs. I)on()hue." | Katu laughed, quite at her ease now. "Yes, pretty much," she' answered. | Did you think to tell Jerry about' beheld Nora an<l Patrick Maguire in p^^g ,„^, N^lly?" usked Nora. the <loorway. "Jerry!" cried Nora, with a ring] of unaffectetl cordiality in her voice. ' Her face lighted with a BTnilo that | embraced Kate in its friendliness. | "Mrs. Donohue, have you met my husband ?" "Pleased t<i meet you, Mrs. Dono- ' hue." said Maguire, coming forward geniul'ly and shaking hands. "Good 1 of yon to be iiitorcslod lookir.g over ' oMr new house." i Kiate, furiously embarrnsBcil, and Ihinkinir that there was sarcastic in- tention in the speech, flushed to the eyes and was silent. Jerrv, hardly less confusod. began. "We didn't realize it was your houseâ€"" And then Noifi tactfully interposed, "Oh. didn't you? I'm sorry, for wo hoped ! fj-^j^ afraid "No, I did not." tivencss kept him from advancement in and shut him out of all social life. And his entire family have to suffer with him. So every virtue becomes n vice if it is worked too hard. Tho over-neat woman who keeps her family from enjoying their home is a sinner. Honest inquiry becomes inciuisitivo- ness when carried too far. Ambition which interferes with one's fellows la autocracy. So we might carry it into everything. It simply resolves '"["ho first thing that is going to . itself into the axiom that over-in happen in our new house is a wed- ' dulgcnce is intemperance or vice. ding," Nora said. "Dave and Nellie , Simsâ€" we're going to make the wed ding party a kind of hou8e-4»'armiing. Just a few people â€" 1 hope you'll both 1)0 sure to comeâ€"and your mother, too, Jeiry." "Well," said Jerry to Kate when after lilddui.g their entertainers good- bye they were walking homeward, "what do you think now?" Homely Wrinkled Cereals cooked in skim milk in- stead of water are more palatable and more nutritious. When baking cookies grease tho pans, then rinse them with cold water; put the cookies on the wet them annually. Still they are in-j creasing in numbers. They are a ! species of deer about the size of a | reindeer and their meat is tender and 1 Uses of French Chalk. of fme flavor. They could easily be! French chalk is not nearly so well j domesticated and, like the caribou ' known as it should be, for it is a herds of Alaska, now becoming anj very convenient and economical pre- abundant meat supply, paration to have on hand for various | "The vast herds of caribou are ai As a cleanser for silk, it is j meat m,ine which should bo worked I effective in that it removes grease â-  by companies, with organized bands' spot.s almost instantaneou.sly. if ap- ; of hunters and equippetl with storage I plied in the following way. If the j plants on the hunting grounds. It is' chalk is purchased in cone-shaped j I lumps, it is well to shave them down to a fine powder, which should then be mixed with a small quantity of soap suds until a thick paste has l)een formed. After the paste has hard- ened into round cakes, it is ready for use. It should again be powder- ed and spread on the offending spot, under which cotton material has pre- viously been spread. Several layers of tisauo paper should be placed over the spot and a hot iron applied to the paper, with care that lit does not come in contact with the silk itself. This method will leave the silk free from blemish, if fol!owe<l carefully. INTvlte to-day for our bl^ Frsb Catai^ogub showing oar ftiU linM cf JSicydes for Men •ad Women, Boyt and Girls. MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTACHMENTS Tires, Coaster Brakes, WheeU, Inner Tnbev Lftuips, Bells. Cyclometers, Saddles, Equip* ment and Parts of Bicycles, You cnn ouy your supplies <rom us »\ wholesale prices. T. W. BOYD & SON, ar Noir* Duu9 Street Wast. Mealresi. (THK END.) you had come in ami v.oro spc. ially Interested on that account. Now you j mupt let us fchow you all over It;! ., . _ , „ » we're really terribly proud of it. This j ^â- ''°"* PHncess Pat. Ib to be our dining room; it's to bo I I'liiui'ss ratiida, v.uoso popularity paneled In oak; we're golnp to have j., i,t iih lieiKbt just imw. rccallH an H sideboard built 'nto this wall. Tlio j u,„uhIiik tale In which, as a child, she j firoplncr is to be done in Dutch \\\p.\ fn-ttcd under the discipline of IJuecn Patrick. -»h.^ turned al«ruptly to her v,,.,„,,„ ^h,, was slaying with tho husbafMl, â€" "voii take Jerry <lown and 1 ,, , ,^ â- > . . ,. ,, . show him the cellar; 1 don't believe ' y"""" »' />-'^">"e, and sat one day Mrs. Donohup will want to bcp that,' ^^'H' '"''• '"«" 'r<'«se^b "I'ftlHy. "aid [ hut I know he'll be IntoreBted." i the Queen," lillle nirls ithmilil nol sit .So Jerry and Maguire dcveudt-d v.ltli (heir legs crosneri." Princess I'ut to the collar, where Maguire poiutcd . oIumIIimiIIv imcrossod her legs, and out the lauiKJry and explained the | j)reHenlly begun to run about the heating Hirangamenl.H and exhlltlied 1 room. Again she Incurr--' ;,^r Rrnnc- «he CO" 'â- â€¢^ ^.^^f mntmn^ «j o« . ,„„|1|,,|.V ',ltHaiiproVal, M.lltle girls Iiitei'CSJvil, atio wondered how Knto „|,„„|,i keep their legs hIIII." remarked was getting oil. , , . J the giioen. "I'leaso. grandmammii," uJ^^^i; n;-:^;"!Jh?i"Ka.rr'No!a|"«Ke,, |.r......s .'at. In desperation. was to be seen. He coivduote.1 Jerry 1 'what are little kMh leg« for.' CLEANING 111' THE WAR ZONE Soil fo be Subjected to Process to Uecover Metals Which Fill It. Kuropo's Imttle fields, says an edi- Of course I can't Jielp liking her," ; greasy eurfnco and they will not : torial writer in the Mining and Scien- Kute answered. "Ami him. too. She's stick when baking. tific Press, have been showered with HO atlruct've I'm afraid you can't ; To prevent i-ust, or to cover it ' 8teel and iron and bras^ from sheila, help loving her still, Jorry." | after it appears, paint bed springs, I exploded and unoxplodcd, and from Jerry laughed and looked Into her . i„j,jj,p ^f t,,^ j,.,,^ ^^.^^ ^,u, ^„ ^^_ hand grenades. He goes on: eyes. "Oh. no, Kate, you re not a ! ^.^^^ ^j,^ smoothing surface of the! "Much of this metal will be'rc- flalirons, with aluminum paint. It is moved as a necessary preliminary to heat resisting and makes a smooth ' the resumption of peaceful pursuits, surface which is easily kc;>t clean. ! The quantity of metal is so great A three-minute egg-timer placed \ that It would be a source of annoy- in sight of the telephone can Ih) ' nn^ i* wu\ even of danger to the tiller watched without taking the mind off of the soil A systematic swoopinj;, a long-distance call and may save a so to speak, of alt tho bombarded 10- chargo for overtime. gions will be necessary. A French Dustlexs dust-cloths can bo made | onKinccring jounial describes an ap- of worn hosiery and underwear. Dip | paratus which, though created for thcBi ill a half pint of kcrosciitj to ; this special purpose, can be applied Comfort Lj$ is â-  very powerful cleanser. It it used for clcantn|( up the oldest and hardest dirt, grease, cic. Comfort Lya is 6ne for mnkinj sinks, drains and closets tueet ond clean. Comfort Lyt Kills rats, mice, roaches and insect pests. Comfort Ly* will do the hardest spring cleaning you're got. Comfort Lye is good for making soap. Il'spowdered, perfumed and 100% pure. ifi- which has been added throe table- [ to other uses, for it will indicate the spoonfuls of linseed oil. Wring out iwsonco of steel and iron not too and hang in the air to dry. These i deeply buried in the soil. This, how- can 1)P washed ocvasionnlly and again ever, is n slow way to proceed where dVupe-l !n the oil. ' !on5.^ontln''f<l bombardment has Ijt- If onions have sprouted, chop tho mlly filled tho soil witli meUllic from room to room, and «'on<cioii- tiously described the oharactcr of each. Then l)efore pro<'eeiling to the â- econd floor he h^'u\ abruptly: "You fffllown in the i)ij.;iii»l At- torney's offio! have man«Ke.ti to stir thiniw up â-  K o<l «1««1- You've driven â-  . the lame Pucla to covw. an<i I kum'I '•*'"«*' W«<»- Fifty F-ng-lish Bi'l <'urpeiitfr,i *ii- pnged for aeveml yN>r» |^«l In huild- \n% huU for the Hritip'h soldiers in Kranps, have relurmi<l home with the int^iilioii of following their newly- sprouts and use them In potato salad Rubber mats may he cut out of worn-out hot water bags. They are useful to place on ico to keap dishes from slipping Old jar' rings will serve the same purpoic. Make a substitiito for a cedar chest out of any tight box made of soft wood, by painting ihe inside with oil of cedar, letting the wood absorb all it will. If there are »ny op«n cracki fragments. Methods ot suh-aging are contemplated that involve passing the Bcil through plants for rooovcr- ing the metal, and returning the soil | to its plRCe iQvelful and rea<ly for till- age. It IS also pointed out that the concentration of fixed nitrogen in these Iwttlo field soils, resultinf: from the enormous quantities of explosives I u«ed, will make these areas excep- ; tlon»lly fertile." '?^feVVs''-PARKER'S Parker'3 can clean or dye caipets, cuvhtm?. laces, draperies, gowns, etc., and miike them look like new. Send your feded or spotted clothing or household j?oods. and PARKER'S will renew them. We pay carriagre charges one way and guarantee satisfactory work. Our booklet on h(jusehold helps that save monej will be sent free on reqtiest to PARKER'vS DYE WORKS, Limltc*'' Ckaners and Djers 791 Yonge St. • • • Toronto

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