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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1919, p. 5

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r / V March 27 1919 ^TIIE FLESHEKTOW^ ADVANCE r- ii THE â-  •T'D 1*T« FLESHERTON GEO. MITCHELL, STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HSAD OPflOe • TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. »34 BRANCH Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. ' FleshercoD Station as Trains leave ollows : Going South 7.53 a. m. 4.27 p.m Mu8 Tena McLscd of Toronto is visit- ing ber mother in town. A travel>>r motored from Hamilton en Ooing North Monday of this week. 12.01 ., „ 9. 18p. m. **'• Bsit Best left fur bis new home The mails are oserl at Flesherton t?. °«'"' ^"'f' Current last week. He took follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and along a car load of settler's •tfects. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at ,«â-  ti /- l ... 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south, Mi.s Ida O.borne of Maxwell, returned mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. fi'oni Toronto on Tuesday, and is visiting friends here. VICINITY CHIPS Bibles and Testaments for sale at this office. Messrs. Wm Orr, jr , and Hugh Moore left last week for the west. See Downs' advertisement on the first page. Misa Alice McLeud of Dundalk spent the week etd in town. Chopping done last three days of each week only.â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Misa Jessie McLennan of Du'iuch is visiting friends in this vicinity. M'-a. John Pedler, who has boen visit- ing her daughter in Owen Sound, return- ed home on Monday. Miss Vera Phillips was taken to Toronto Tuesday for treatment for appendicitis. Kev. Quian of the Baptist church has resigned his charge here, to take effect on May 1. Ths Prcsbyteiian Guild drove to Markdale Monday erening to visit the Guild there. Bornâ€" On Tueoday, March 11, 1019, t J Mr. and Mrs. Roy E'en wick, Ma.x.vell, a daughter (Ethel Jean). u MM / M .1 D. 1, 1 \ t Mr. John Pedlar. E«l Back Line, h»s Mrs. Miller (nee Myrtle Blakeley) of .„, , , . , . ., -. ,, ., ,, ,, , ... , â- ' , •" sold h-a farm to Mr. 6. McMullen. Mrs. Pedlar was born and raised on ttie farm Torontii, is visiting her parent.s here. Mrs. W, A . Armstrong, who has been she will now leave. vititiog relatives in Montreal and Ottawa , returned home on Saturday. There are some who still do not realize our new terms of subscription, If your Misse^ Reta and Rnby Srewart of subscription goes six mouths overdue it wiil be $1 00. By [aying promptly yuu save fifty cents. At the Methodist Sabbath School on Sunday Elijah Bern ham and Frank Thurston were presented with hymu books on behalf uf the Schiwil and Young People's Society, of which they were members. Depot Harbor are visiting with relatives heie. A Chesle; sugar making outfit turned out 60 gallons of maple syrup one day last week. Mtssrs. Elijah Bentham and Frank Thurston left Monday to seek their fortunes it the West. Born â€" At Maxwell, on March .")tb, 1019, to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Kertoj, twin daughters. Mr. Bellerby, who wiis unable to bore with his apparatus below 125 feet, has turned his attention to well drilling and A larae number of new advertisements ; has just completed a well for Mr. Geo. are appearing in The Advance these days I White of the Toronto Line and is now acd they are all worth reading. j engaged on cue for Mr. Euhraiin Doupe, Roy Patton, while working iu the i '^^"s"^"'' ^iuc. bush, received a nasty cut is the foot Those who attended the Presbyterian from an axe. He is now learning to aud Methodist churchen on Sunday en- stand on one foot like a stork, joyed a treat in the signitiir of Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns, who have : McLennan of Duluth, who has a rich, •pent the past two months with their son l.pnwerful and well trained mezzo-soprano and dauijhier at McTier, have returned voice. Her rendering of "Jesus, Lover to their heme here. of My Soul," was much enjoyed. Mlis Olga Stewsrt has bt^en appointed The Upper Canada Biole Depository, to the position cf School Nura« in Owen kept at The .\dvance ofliee, has just Sound. -Miss Stewari is a cousin of Mr. i received a complete stock of Bibles, Sd. Best, of town, and is well known ; rnnging in price from 50c. to $5.25. here. | Aiuon^r thMo are stm* besutiful things The Toronto Daily News ce»s«d to for presentations. There are also Bibles •xist ou Wednesday of this week, and for old people with large print, pocket today comes out under new n.anagement, I testaments and i'salms. Couie in and look at them. A Istter from Mrs. S. D. GsuJin, dated to be called the Toronto the paper Times. Mrs. (Df .) Coleridge, who has spent I Mareh tJ, sayi : "Nineteen Indians died the past fortnight with her mother, Mrs. i of du ou Cross Lake Reserve, the rest at D. McTavish, returned to her home ill winter camps, total to date C7. Alex. Windsor on Saturday. Henry Boettir.jjsr has been elected as Reeve of Neustadt in place of " the and KAnneth McLeod and little daughter make 70 deaths. We learn that at Norway House there were 110 deaths late " Heury Weber, who" was recently 8°^ '"" 'â- â€¢â€¢""PS to hear fr^m." Mrs. •enteneed to one month's impiisonraeut , ^»"J'"'^ f^u^'iy »'ei'e *«ll- " and a tine of $4ri00 for disloyal utter- ances. The Chevrolet is the popular car and \ we are now iu line for a big summer's Mr. aad Mrs. C. B. Wilson and family ; businsss with the car that gives yau the of St. Catharines, arrived en Tuesday of | besc value for your money. No crank- last week to visit the latter's father, Mr. I iug, uo pumping up tires on the roa d. C Hanley, who has been seriously ill. | You carry y.)ur iullated lire with you on Mr. Hanley is proijre.«sing favourably . the road and it is only a ten minute job and Mr. Wilson returned t« his home on | to change when a luucture occurs. This Wedoe8d.\y. > is the ear for ladies to drive without fear Mr. Kilburn Russell of the Dundalk of getting into trouble. You just press Herald was a caller on J'riday last. Mr. the button and away she flies. Let us Russell his purchased the Highgato give you a demonstration.â€" A. Jackson, Monitor from Mr. Ed. Colgan, who Markdale. bought the paper about a year ago and j The Fleshectcn baaeball enthusiasts will now return to his old love, the ,,oUl a very successful meeting in the foremanship of the Dundalk Herald. House on Frid.w evening of The Board of East Grey Agricultural Ust week, when thejeleclinn of otticers Society met on Thursday evening Ust and other important business wag dealt and appointed coinmitteea for the fr»ir. with. It wis decided to make an effort They also decided to hold a field conipe- f form a league and conimunic.Uious tition iu oats If enough centestanls can have been sent out to Vjudtleur, Power b« secured. There must be ten eutrits House, Mirkdale, Dundalk and Durham •nd there are seven. Apply to the to join in with Klcsheilou for this pnr- Secretary, W. A. Hawken, ^lesherton. pose. Geo. McTavish «nd H. S. Whito The brtjebrtll boys were granted ptr- were sppointed to l)ok sfter the local mission to level a baseball diam<ndon tea.n's interest as regards the leagut. Who Shot the Deer ? ! mri^'TV^'^^^^^^^^^ i^ ^ '.^_ ~^â€" ^ . ^^ ' %^^^ -jjr "Vi^ -^B' '-w-~ ij'-' "^^r^' m! " w '^W ' ^J ^ County Conslabla Cook had two well known citizaos of Artemesiaâ€" W. C'ai- nell and Jus. Watson â€" up Friday sven- iug last in the town hall on a charge of •hooting deer eut of .season. A large number of witnesses were called but absolutely no evidence wai produced connecting these gentlemen liie crime, and the case was diemiised. The incident occurred on January 31, when two deer were killed down near the t'lwnline between Artenusia and Proton. The animals were dragKsd to the clearance where a team had been tied and were ! taken out en a sleigh. I Some two weeks ago Constable Conk seized four deerskins which had been left at the tannery in Markdale to bf tanned. These skins had been left there : by R. J. Porter of Proton, who had i ibfonnad the tanner that two lielonged tu him and two to another man. When invited by Constable Cook to give up the nam eof the other man he refused. The : above two gentlemen and Mr. Nat Cas- well had been out fox hunting that day and in order to narrow the case down the t»o were brought before Magistrate Mc- MuUen, but as we have said, a largo number of witnesses could not connect them in any way with, the effeoce. Commodore Eeley, Deputy Provincial Game Warden, of Owen Sound, was present at the trial. Since then twocharges have been laid against Porter, one of shootini,' deer out of season and another of iHegially having deer skins in his possession, Kone of the skins had tags on them. This case it to he heard W«dnesd«T night of this week at the Orange H»II, Ooylon, when jt Is eipected that the real culprit will be discovered. SPRING niLLINERY The newest ideas in early .spring styles are on exhibition at motlerate prices. Miss Collver is in charge of the show room again this season and you can depend upon capable and artistic e.xecution of your orders. New Spring Suits and Raincoats for Men This week our new selections will be placed in stock. Yoa will be pleased with them in every respect. Felt Hats and Caps for Men Our special soft felt hat is made up in a splendid ([uality fur felt,, light weight, on the newest spring blocks, in a good choice of colors, black, mouse grey, tubac brown, moss and kelly green. All sizes. Price $3.75. Our caps are made up in a variety of shapes, one piece, four or eight piece crowns, in plain and fancy cloths and silks, specially selected for weather proof qualities. Prices range from 75c. to $2 50. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ! ^ 'i Down-Carter The honift of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, Mf"lancthon, was the scene of a very happy event on Wednesday, March 12th. when their daughter, Gladys Irene, was united in niArriage to Mr. llobeit Down, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Down, of Fiesheiton. At hiah noon, to tlia strains of the Bridal Chorus, playid by Miss Jean Small, Shelburne, cou.sin of the bride, the bridal party entered ti.e diawine room and took their places beneath a pietiily decorated af^b, wheie the solemn ceremony was perforned by th>i Rev. VV. G. Blackwell, Dundalk, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The young bride, who was unattended, looked charming in a gown of wKiie crepe de cheue with trimmings of white satin and niaou and wore a veil and wrea'h i f apple blossoms and carried a bou>]Uet <>f roses and carnations. After congratula- tions the company adjcuriieu to the dining room, where a damty dinner was served. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly presents. The groom's present to the briJe was a set of red fox furs and to the pianist a gold pin set with pearls. The bride and groom left on the afternoon train for Toronto and other parts. The bride's going away costume was a navy blue serge suite with hat to match. The best wishes of a large circle of friends go with the youna couple for a long and happy married life. They will be at home to their friends after April 1 at their home 3rd line, Osprey. Chard & Fisher [ losurance .\gents 'i â- " lUi Flesherton, - Ont. •" Notice to Creditors the show ground. The fol'owing oHicers were elecled for At the bsl meeliug of the Woman's the team here: Patrons, F. H. W. Missionary Society of the Methodist Hioklin.:, K. G. Uolliiud, W. I. Henry, church the following officers were ele«t<'d: l>. McTavish and O. B. Wolton ; Pres., -Pres., Mrs. Thurston; Is^ Vice IVw., Gc •. Mitchell ; Sec.-Treas., Geo. Mc- Mrs ^Rev.) Uelfi-y; 2nd A'ice Pro.'*., Mri. Tavi.'th : Asst. Sec, Fwi-ik Duncan; Clinton, Rec. -Sec., Mrs. Mitchell: Cor.- Managing Committee, T. Chard, G Sec , Mrs Hiskliu:;; Treas., Mrs. Catgo; D>»vi8, J. Legard ; Captain, C. Sproulo ; Supt. of Christian Stewardship, Mrs. U. M-iscor, E. Davis. A Htrst clas* diamond Bentham. Mrs. Cargo was elected will be fitted up at the ^gricoltural delegate to tbo Brunch unpting to be ijrounds and the boys »ro purchasiug new held in Toronto the last of May. ', uniforms. In the matter of th^' estate uf Elizabeth Mage«, late of the Township of Arte- mesia iu the County of Grey, married woman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "The Trustee Act" and amendments thereto that all creditors and others havum claims against the estate of the (â- aid Elizaboth .Vlagte, who died ou or about the 'M^h day of Deivmber, A. D. 1915, are required on or before the 1.5th day of April, l'JI9, to sond by pose iirepaid or deliver to Messrs. Wright 'jiford it Walter, of the Town of (hven Souud, Solicitors for Alexander Cameron, Ad1niiii*trator de bonis non of tlie e.state of the said di.ce»sed, their Christian and Surnamet., addresses and dnscriptions, the full particulars of their el.iims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by I hem. And further take notice that after such lastineutioneddatethe said Admimatiator do bonis non will proceed todlstril.ate the a.ssets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, .md that the said .\dniiuistrator will not be liable for the said as.sets or any pare thereof to any person or persons of whiigo claim notice shall notjhave been received L>y him at tlio time of such distribution. Dated March 14tb, 1919. - WUIGUT, TELFOUD A W ALTER Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitors for Alexander Cameion, the Administrator de bonis non of the estate of Elizabeth Magee, dccea!.ed. Life, Fire, Automobile and Auimal Insurance. I f Renfrew ilsehiuery and Mason Eisch Pianos For Sale. f Office I.v FURNITURE All kinds of furniture in our .showrooms. Call and see our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of prices tc suit your pocket book. .pâ€" . RICHARDSON BLOCK fi (Socllt's OlD Sta>»i>) UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Phone 30 r t i W. H. BUNT J I Flesherton, • 1 1 Ont. HELP WANTED Be your own boss. Start a cut-rate ] grocery business of your own. $25 to $50 invested should earn you 5-5 weekly. ' â€" H. V. Martin, Windsor, Out. OarefuUy Corrected Each Week Butter... 40 to 42 Ikes 36 to 3(5 1 Whe«t -2 00 to 2 11 ' Pe« I 40 to 1 30 Oate .."j 93 Barley 78 to 70 Farmers Attention Make money in yonr spare time during the oomiug Fall and Wiutei ! months by selling hardy Canadian ; nursery stuck. i British and Earopean markets will be open again for Canadian Fruit and now is the time to order for .spring planting. Largest list of Fruit ami Orua mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc. grown iu Canada. Write for particulars . SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers felectiic and gasoline power washers . /..• ALSO / / . y for McCormick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, ,' f."^^ v" Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel ^ •.â-  â- * Stalls, Uarrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford Q double geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mills, Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers. Water Bowl,«, Water Tank,«, Pump and Pipin:,'. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when tit.ted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. 1 1 4 I AUTO AGENT WANTED Agent Ran'od (â- t the. HUISCOE Car for Flesherton and District. Easy o>tc- car terms. A lare op;iortunity. A[i|''y to U. U. Mulfact, Oweu Sound, Unt. Stona & Wellington The FonthUI Nurseries.' (Kstabli.shed 18«7.) TORONTO . ONTARIO Easter Term opens April 22 Yongc and 'Charles Streets, Toronto Stenographer', Typijtn, Com- nieici-il Tt-achLVs, .icj' uutants, OtUce Clerks, etc., readily get employment if 'hvy gra^luate from this College. tjpeu all jcar. £utec now. Write f^ Catalogue. W. .1. ELLIOTT, Principal 24 Years the same "good" tea RMOSE TEA*is good tea: Sold only in sealed packages 136

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