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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1919, p. 4

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«»* . Miirch-i7, iy«'.» THE FIESHEUTON ADVANCE Flesherton Advance rh..rJ«y »» Ih- ..ffi=.-, C.lluuw.Mrt Slrc-t, «h.-n ,,ai.linvlvrv„ce :*l.W*t..n >;'.'«- J*'." â- "Jw.'okly •whi'ii I CuculBlio V. H. THrUKTON, KDlTOll WHEN THE GREYS CAME HOME -Ai.a -o Uuy H"u"g "l""!* ^'"' "^f â- flmilitr ToK.nto «t,eet» » h»..a- ful of the orittwml^ »nd hundrod* of Ul.r l)ut luTi.BS all ; modu«tly tiny UiniK; bmil»s of ^moscd iheir iiiiswer i" *l"« comers reecivid tlio •l'c t.ilisraiictf were huml.i;in-i lieio ai.d iheio by dovicu youuK Udtet h*a pumlra'ed columi. <f li«ic« helmeled, ..mied* fresh f. on. ihe relentle.* Tiu'y, li'vo l"uglis 111 Small Ads. The return of our lirsi vittiii'jus tht iiied tiuld gun- LOST Loslâ€" Ilotweeii Sinclsii'H Ceylon, e*nv*» hotao cuv.-r. plcHso Ifiiva at this oflico. f HIT. mid I' iiide,- BUSINESSCARDS Societies (if w.-ir. MIlltllH. A iiiMter of minute', and it vs'i^over FOR SALE For S,.U-T*(. gooJyouns cowi, in calf. AKTHUK LODGE, No :«3.A.P.& uvory Friday on before tlia both H. crLeGard. Flfiaherton. Coilio puis T. lllakoly, Bocfotary. Dentistry .. B r MtlDUAV L. D. H , dental a.HW" 5i^lVari'iXte;odVor*'LTth"»Xtra-,t,on^ "«e at toBidouce. Torouto blreet. t lo»^ctlo.. Pratt's Regulator I ho urt-y l>lue soldiert U,t w«cW wan an unfortfuttaUe , ,,,e H»lule w.h t*k«n; Fleshtrl,.!! nnd;,,ji,u,u of tho C. M. U. « had faded into wen- ii. Iho'ihenlsht, aud Toronto's lhons*r,as.-urt<ed iiuinotr iimde it none the lens no. liumiward »)j«io. Toronto held herhr«!ill> on Wcdiiei.d»y .j.^^^,^ ^^,j ^^ ^^ Hun «aa ainht, and the fact that other Orey couuiy heroes it n-ill zed I'ups For Saleâ€" Trt'J Apply to M . Murphy, Kuijc n m. , ~For Sale-Steol ranxe. Kood as new. Ijhh. Reid.O D. 11., R. R. No 3. Price. Ivillo. Medical Trv Piatt's your hotis Animal Regulator for stock, and make lay 1 :j 1> OTTEWELL :" ,"0" door BOQth w«»«-°° ^.^ry -treet. Tbia street race oath froBbytetianCharoh. J ira^tuate , auU ootred hersolf to do lull ^^^^^ nature As the hour drew near' Ihu' "B'Wt^li ,-•','.>•-"> tlt*t!"r.iiUurii!K heroi 8, e M rne no herself had marvelluu&ly ! tj^na tv Saleâ€" One heavy colt rismu u picked up ihuir cord'>n« of ruatle^t human- ity and Hlretched them for nulea. Many returned nitn- thoustinds of tluni â€" mingled with tha ulhurs to wulcomo lliclr exact duplicate <it Tne nOuuicu >/â- ...>â- > the trench holiuetfâ€" a mark of honor bailcwrd liy la hullo France. These Noitheni Liu'hts marched and oomrades ; but they were the discards of « '"''l«'" "'^'died In a cloudlesa sky, and Ihepack, thrown out .,f tho .-Kame before <''"'"""1 P"'»''*'^f ''«hc tioko through theday ot vu- ,.iy by aniiiHciuiablefnle. f'om the vnaiaut .tars. At last tie At IhdI w.a. a bl./.o of torci.e., a blnre Nor'hern f^igliLs broke up their HreHminK «f bands hi.U >» catta-iet ehorm of horees banners and formed a luniinuns cr..wn in hoofs, lhe^HlUnl CM. U.'a were e«- ^"'^ ""'l'>. "-i ">""8'' nature or (iod lum corted thf ugl. the ({lid slncts of Toron- s^^'f «'ore crowning the victor and ll.unt- (o. in^ Ills clean banner in the heavens, a Cheers rem tho air, a throaty â- 'y»'hul of purity anO a chiilleiigo to noble chorus â€" cheers for tlio lii'is who bad; 'd"-'^'^- hroUKht the llun lo his knee* and nowl '1''":" f'*Jcd tho wonderful manifests- have Canada at iheir feet. Hut many a' tio" '"to tho black V(,id, and Mi the south thioat choked on tho cheer, as memory «»»'"'n sky there rose a golden moon went back to ihe d.4y when the Battalion »"" Ihrouyh tho niKht the countryside «»id?oodbyc (..Toronto and sUrtoJ out «»» hatbed in its soft radiant peaceful- on the "Lon;.', Ljiii; Trail," that for most 1 "'•'"'• of them had . nJe.l befoio ti.ey turned! 'i''''« »«» hut the lirsl ; thousands aio toward home; and s'ern leulity inter- y'l- 1" conn', thous. nds i/f con(|uering jeclod a picture of the forty eraves or' '"-'"'«'. ''"^ '''" 'hiill of March Ul, 1!»1'.», more across th« soi tor every oiiu o* the "''' ""^^t '="""' »>!*â- "• relurnlut; heroe.t. I And then, when 'he last man stopi , , . 1 . .1 .-.1 icinlo Cauadiiiii soil theru btill will be And yet â€" an 1 yet tho memory or those , , , * „ .. v„t ' ' ' jthDUaanUs *ho hiivo i.ot C/nic. iNot StRt originals was ulorified by those who >„me; No; they have conio lonu, long foHowed, na did our Greys, to keep tho nv'i and ibey will livu »iih Caiindi rioA-n colors (lying a,:d the "OM .Moosehead'',"'"""-''! ""•â-  »S5''" i ^'^'V AUl': Ciuad^i,-^ J 'It 41. r» . 1 •.- 1 i. i wliili' iho liuiues we now iicc':iioi iiru the flaunou bcroro tho Beisi, â€" cloriUea to,. 1 . .â-  , j 1 â-  u. ..,,11, .. ii.,.,i.i. ' ^ ,8[)inliit tudiiy, Hiid ei;;ht niilllun tliroou the last lupretne cacrilice. ' ,„g hearts wuicumo them. . :5 and oueieKislered colt risins5 -. t.'-..-i Malhcwson, Flesherton. | Eugenia. Apply to Til*. E. B'enwicK Kuijenia. ' For Saleâ€" Uorse 8 years old, horse 5 years, boin (juiet and sound. I am giving up f^rniinj; und must sell. Also seed oats and barley for sale. â€" John Pedler, Fleaherton. Machines For Saleâ€" 7 horsepower Lister KHSoline engine, ensilage cutter^ saw iuf» machine, buzz saw and prain grinder.- Geo. Brackenbury.Feversham- Foi Sule cheap and en easy terms, Lo 13, con. 11, (i'proy, 110 teres. This is first oUsi firm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to U. .J. Sproule UCAH, KANEY Legal & hKNKYâ€" llarrlaterB. K. C; VV. v.. by feeding them Pratt's Poultry Regulator. For sale at i GRAHAM BROS. , ui..«". ""• , 7, T iinia K C; "• r., k. »WifitO'-''^'.'=4:7 ' jV- jienA;, H. A." Offlcea, -iraaob ottico at lJnna»lro|'»iroTe.-r .^â€" »luui/ xr KIGBT, TEtiFORD " barrister, SolicltorB, &c. OlUces, Grey i lirucu itlock, Owon Houiid, aiock.Flehherton. (Satiirtlays). W. H. Wrigbt VV. P. roKord Jr. W. H. Walter. LI^-H & WALTER OlUces, Grey Btandarii K^ink Business Cards l\rsi. KAITTINtJ, icensed Auctioneer Toi •' tbe coumida of Urey and Klmcoe. arm uud Ktock Bales a specialty. Turuie noderate. eatibfactiou guaranteed- Arianije- ueuto for dates njay be made at the Advance )tBce, or Central telerlionoofllce Kevershaiu .r by addr«B9iD(! me at FuversUatu. Ont. M^\y v^jE^i tir^y ONT. ^â- â- â- â- â€¢â- â- â- â- it> ai^ws ; < i>it > • â-  i«.i«. < It â-  < • â-  • 11 â-  t < itiie » â€" Flesherton I For Sale â€" Horse C years old, general j purpose, about 1226 lbs., Buuay, Cutler, I VViieon «nd set single driving harness, all ( n good repiir. Must be sold at oncu ai I I have no further use for tbem,â€" Aiiply to A. Hiiicks, Piiieville. OMcPHAICj, liiceuaed Anctionee for tlie • County of (irey. Ttrinn moderate and -alia eciiou puarautrcd. llio arraDgeuiunts ind dates of sales can be niaileat TliB ADVAnce j|(\ce. lleEiilencei.ijd P.o,,( eylon. Teleiihmie -ouuectioo. Dec. 0, 7U t:^ Call W. A, HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHOiNO- - GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. icide instriunents high Hawken a and sec these mm AT Phulo GrtUei-y and Music Stoi'o FLESHERTO N Whitn sowing machines, the king -A machines. Sherlock-Manning pianos are strictly higt) grade. If you Tan prove this slaieiueut false I will give you a piano free. â€" J. C. Kentner, Markdalo CEDAR WANTED Ctdar WniitcU â€" 4 foot 2 in. long price .$.0 for No. 1 cedar, or in the log 12 foot 4 in. long, ^o. 1 Sll, delivered at my mill. â€" Edward Sargent, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS Private fun Is to loin on real ootaie security at reasonable rato of in'ereat. Apply to R, J. Sproule, FJe.lierion. sept 2317 Hijihesl pr oe for buttoi and eggs Sj (irahain Bros. Euuenie. June 26 Try Pastry Flour, the best for your cook. All Oiitiirio wheat Boar For Service Kegisturod Che^te* White hog for Mervico at Rock Mills. The father won lirsl at Chicago Fair. Terms $1 50. I6decl9 â€" L SMITH Prop. Stock For Sale Pure Bred Shcrthorn Bull for sale- - Ur-d, 17 months old, good kind. Also two registered clyde tilliea, one coiiiini! two, and the other coming three, well matched bays. SViite or phone .IAS. FINDLAY, M.iikdale. Residence For Sale For sale cheap and on oasy to»nis, tlte residence and ]ironiises thereto belongiii;,' to IIk' laU! M. K. llichai'dson. flesher toll . On the pr.^inises me a large bi ick veneered dHelliiiL', well lio:slied and in go(;d repair, coiit.aiiis !t lame bedrooms on the see iiid tint .11 d a largo donbie l)edroom on lirsl flat ; good never failing Weil with forco pump in bisemenf, are good cistvrr. all well finished for winter 01 summer kiUclieu and dining and wash rooms with g.iiil p.intiy and o'lier con- veniences ; largo lawn and garden with Hood yoiiiig orchard bearing and plenty of small fruit ; good largo frame stable ai.d driving lioijs«. I'renuses wi.ulo nmke exeelleut largo boioJing liou«o and pirvat<! otfiw bB«idc», nr would aniwiu- well for two keni«.t« ami aJ^o good ottiee f(»r relit . Apply to !» ,J . yprnulo •â- n tJuj [iTtniiiftjB who will shmv any jiersoiis over tho promises. 170i.' I have jiist placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. % Flesherton Tin Shop- 11 111 ir^i '^•"^i Eavetroiighing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- P ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Boar for Service Tho nndersiancd has a thorouoh.ned Vcirkshirt Boar for service on lot n 8, Osprey. Term.s Sl-ul'. FRED SPOFFAKD m II % % %\ m Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO. % \ i i Co I WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, 'Duke" $118 Mahogany or 0:;k $H8 Mahogany or Oak Princess" $18U Mahogany or Oak -f-yfra-nKa- A Wide Choice Is Given you in the complete line of "Phonolas" we manufacture in our two large factories. From the attractive Cabinet at $25 to the magnificent "Organola" Model at $340, which is equipped with tone cpntrol pipes like a church organ, there are "Phonolas" to suit all requirements. The most critical judgment will be satisfied with the tone, the construction and the beauty of the "Phonola." All makes of disc records can be played. The Phonola Company of Canada, Limited Model "C"- OoUen Oak or Btiib Mahogany Model 'U -^.ii OoMcn OuU W. A. HAWKEN Kitchener Canada AGhiNT Phonol.i 10-inch IXmble li'.M- Record* <J0 cent8 HARROWS PLOWS WW. SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Model "Organola"- $340 Mahogany or Walnut D FLESHERTON Toronto Silo Means Dairy Profits _ The most economical silo i-i the silo that gives the greatest capacity for tne money, vshile allordiiig complete protection to the ensilage. Tlie«io thi«.gs thf Toronto Silo docs. The Hip Roof gives you extra cnpa- iity. Ihe double ton^uid and grooved Staves of selected spruce give perfect protection agaiiust air and frost. 1 he Toronto Knsihise Cutter will complete your equipment and save you waituis on a hired machine. Gives you that smooth, trouble-free service so necessary to quick, prolitabK- ..jork. Our booklets oil silos and cnsiln.gc cutters cover the subject completely Ana arc full of valu;il)le iufornuUion. Sent free if you request them. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP Co., Limited Atlantic Ave., Toronto Montreal Winnipec Regina Calgary ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PtlVP Ci ORoKnr > F. E. SOMERS « Feversham, Ont. i \ <l ^..

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