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Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1919, p. 1

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*^l»« i /le0l)ertati Uttfe* »k. "TRUTH BEli'ORE FAVOR" â€" "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 43 Fleaherton, Ont., Marchi 'Jl 1019 FEVERSHAM (Too Late for Last Week) Mild weather again and the anew is goin^; rapidly. Hugh Davidaon is visiting with hit father, Win. Davidson sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Conron and babe are vicitiiiK with the forinei'i parents here. Mf. and Mrs. Geo. Build have returned from their wedding trip. Mewrs Wm. and Alvin Whiteoali, of Marlidale, visited with their uncle, Geo., , last week. Miss Tollie Spofford is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Robert Henderaou has returned home after spending a week with friends in Owen ISound. Mi. John Adair has returned to his home in the VVeat near Weyborn, Susk., after si-ending a few weeks renewini; old acquaintances around here. Mr. Wm, Conn, sr., has moved into his house on Wellington street recently •» purchased from Mrs. John Buckini>hai7i A large numbur of people ailendecl the meiuoj'ial service for the lite Rita Osborne held here on Sunday last. - * The Holiness Workers commenced revival meetings on Wednesday evening. Mr. T. W. Julian has sold hi.s furm on the 10th line lo Mr. Wm. Benson iir.d '''wjll move into our village. Mr. Fred Hak has rented his f.trm to Dan McDonald and we understand will move into our village for a time. (This Week's Items. Ilia maple juice is puHing in overunie trying to keep the buckets full this tine w ii'her. Ooj-|). W. Koru.'ihau arrived home on Monday last anil i^ looking tine. Mrs. Jas. Lenate of OibrHller is visit- ing witii her piirents, Mr. and Mrs. v-'^. . -*«K»n iiere at present. Miss Sproulo of Collingwood 's visiting her opiieuj, Miss Wary H.ile. Miea Carrie Kernahan of Toronto is home .on a visit. Miasi R>:s» Sayeic and gepJinun frionJ'apent Sunday with the f<irmor'.-j sifter, iifrs.. Ed. Croft, at Rock MilLs. rg^ ftlr. J.' 0. Littlo of Collingwood visited ,1 in f nis viilaj^e over Sunday. I Mr". Wfi). Lawler, jr., 'of Georgetown \\% visititig with hel- parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Joe Barber here. • Misa Lizzie Hale of Bariie is visitini; her brothers, Fred iMid John here. KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stuart of Thorn- bury visited friends in our burg a few dnys last week. Kimberley L. 0. L. No. 1340 held an oyster supper on Monday evening last in honor of Pte. Ezra Fowcett. He was pr«!)ented with a sett of silver knives and forks. On Tuesday evening Pte. Benjamin Walter* was presented with a well filled purie, accompanied by a suitable address which wa.s read by Saul Fawcett, the presentation being made by Misses Tena Hutchinson and Edith Harris. Benny replied in a few well chosen word*. Among those from a distance who took part in the program were Benton and Ba.sil Carrutbers, ef Eugenia, who i-endercd some excellent music on the moulh organ, and Mr Cornfield of Epping who gave a few good selections no tho violin. Excellent speeches were made by Scjuire Stuart and Geo. Hutch- inson. Jas. R. Fawcett, presided. Mrs. Donald Wallace visited with her son, Stanley, of CoUingwood, a f »w days last week. Mia. John Fawcett of tho Traveller's Home is visiting at present with friends in Thoinbury and CUtksburg. Atinther of the old pioneerj of tUe Btiiver Valluy piss 'd iiway on Suuduy morning last in the person of Mrs. John Statfutd. Decotsed was in her H3rd year. She was of a ciuiijt disposition and bjlovcd by nil. She is survived by four sons :ind four duu^hteis, namely: Joliii Robert of New Liskearcl, Irwiii of Siiull Ste Marie, Ruiled^e of Kimberley and Wm. at home; also Mrs. Hd. B.iker of VandeU'ur, Mrs. W. E, tsi^vcelt of the V'sliiy, .M;iry and Lizzie at home. Tin- reui.>':!3 wore inr«rr3.l in tho MurkJale pu()lic joini;tery on JTuesday afternoon, w;ieii a large oortdne of sorrowing friends puij Lheit last tribute. Aiidr.nv Fiivcett purch«c-d a hand- some driver fnuii D ivc McCallurn one day ' week. Messrs-Jchu and James Magee aiti-nd- I'l^'ay^B funt'ial of their brother, Rufus, in Torimta on Friday last. CEYLON t> PRICEVILLE 13 Verily we »ay unto you, there i.s no tn« liTto unto 'he maple treeâ€" ti r sweetness. We have tasted thereof and kn>w. The Siugeeu river had quite a " tuck- out " after the rain early last week. Bill Hohenzoll«rn, ei chief of the Uu«a, is said to have earned about 930 cutting Wood swoe he exchanged palace, sword and crown for a bucksaw, last November, i'^ he was not kept at woik during the last 40 yeaii. Tt.* ^riRbyteilan people are busy preparing for thaiT antertaintnent oB the evpung of FridajT, March 28. We arc sorry to%id thtt Mr. Aaglu McKechni* has beei^ill for several days. Some more of our soldier boys sre sxpected home this week. Mrs: Stewart bolhwell, an old lady iornjoi'ly of North Egremont, died at the home of her son afc Islay, Sask. The icmains were brought hero for interment on Thursday of last week. A^telei^•ln last Frid»y morning con- veyed th« sad intelligence ths*; BCiss Chirlotte McDoniild, who bad gene to lirrincfon, Man., only a few days previou* tdpts.sed away at the hospital there |ih%fr-ic,irning. Miss McDonald was a [lii'.y respected young lady and an :i!vllent trained nurse. ROCK MILLS The mill stm-ted hero on Tuesday. Tliero will be about four months'' run, as they liaTo a tine istock of 1oj;s in. Harold Oiborno' and lidy friend of Foversham visi'ed ovwr Sunday with Nod Crofr. an.^ wife. Charles Newell spent a day ihe past wuek with his purer. ts, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Newell of Durtiam. Wo are sorry to report Mrs. John Porteuus on the sick list. Gordon Warling gave n party ou list Thursday night, nud an eiijoyablo time Was spent by all prestut. Charles McKochuie, wife and children, visited relalifes \\, Maxwell tho p*st weak. Sarah Wy»tt visited recently with Mrs. Levi Bells. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Croft of ihe 4th line spent a day the ptst with their son hero. Mr. and Wis. Edgar Belts of Ouprey visited over Suud»y with the former's parents, M r. and Mrs . Thos. Betts. Mrs. Field and Mr. and Mrs. Brolie of iWaxwell vi,-. led over Sunday with the former's sou Uuro, B. Field. Mrs. E. Biauingtou and daughter. May, of Osprey, spent a d;iy the past week at Jame^ Porteous'. S.>wing bees are the order of the day in thie vicinity. Will McArlhur and Wilfred Cmipbell left Friday for the West in charge of a car of stock. Clarence Muir shipped a car load of potatoes to Toronto last week. Mrs. Frank CoUinson and babe .ire spending a few days with her mother In Owen Sound. Miss Lottie Muir, teacher at Holland Uen're, spent tho week end with her mother here, Mr. and Mrs. T. Geuoe entertained their neighburs and friends on Friday evening to a very enjoyable party. Mr. and Mrs. S. Htmphill spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mr. T. Oliislott spent the week end with Ilia dauahler in ()*0n Sound. Pie. James McMullen, who went over seas wilh the H7tb Bn., returneU home Friday niuht. Hi.s sister, Miss .Mary, accompanied him home, returning to he^ duties in Toronto on Mindiiy. Mr. James Pattison \isited the past week ill Toronto. Mr. D. McLetd went to the city on Saturday evening to meet his sod, Pte. Snowdeii McLeod, who arrived Sunday, and returned here on Monday t.ighl. After the arrival of the train a reception iv«a held^'it his home where relitives to welcome tiim home. Pte. Charles Adams relumed Monday ui^bt. A larjje liatherinu of friends met him at the depot to wplcoiue the boys. Mr. N. Cameron was present with ihe b.ig pipes and ^ave some vi-iy lino selectlon.s. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wydeni.iii icturmd home on Saturday fn m visiting relatives at'Torontu and other points. Pte. W. Wellwu.jd, DunJiilk, w is ihe gueist of .Miss Ella Whitiaker ovoe the week endf Mrs. RuKS Leslffl of Tor(^ito is visiting her parents. Pte. Thus. Chtse returned to Toronto on Monday. The l.idias will hold their ni.-etiui! on Friday afiernoon at '.ho home of ISlra. John Gibson. * Mr. Eoley, gauio warden of Owen Sound, was in town on Fricl;iy on buii- ness. A reception for Pte. Tho?, Cuase, who has just roturuod from tho front, w«.s held at Mrs. S. Muir's on Friday evening when he was presented with a purse from the society of the Busy Workers, Durham Ujad. The cveoiiig was spent wilh ram-io, games and dancing. Recent Arrivals The follywing soldiers lisvo returned from ovorssas to their homes in this vicinity during tho pait week : Corp. W. Keruanan. Joseph Seeley, and Harold Morrison, Oxprey ; Herbert McLeod, Alex. Hor, Fred Bellamy, M. S. McLeod, C. Adams, V. Ford, W. A, Hazard, J. McMuUen, James Fswcait and Win. Teeter, Arteineaia ; P. Betvttie Toronto. EUGENIA Moving is the order of the day. Those who have moved are Will Magee, Court Smith, Fred Jamieson, Joe Sherwood, Henry Osborne, Robert McMasler, Bob Oiborni", Tom Fenwick and Mrs.Wil»on. Mr. Kigle and the Lar/u boya took part 111 ihe concert at Rock .VlilU hijt Friday. Mrs. Foug has returned to llie city aftjr ppending the wintar wilh her brother, R. Park. Mrs. k. Hoy and daughter, accompm- led by Mrs. U. Hoy, went to Toronto Ust week to meet the former's husband, and Mr. Fawcett to m«et his son, J;ni, they having returned from overseas wilh tho 4th C. M. U. We are pleased to see our boys hoiiu once again. George Benson and Ray (ienoe arc leaving for the West this week. We coMgr:<tulate Mr. uid Mrs. Duckelt and Mr. and Mrs. F. Duckeit. Luther is moving to th,' Thos. FenwicU farm. The Euiienia Ornnga Lodti-i held an At Home one eveiiiiia recen'ly. During the ovoninn .\'ex. Carrutbers read an address .vhich warmly welcomed one of iheir hero members back honn', and asked him to nccjpt i handsome ring.'lu presentation beioL' made by G.iri'i .Manoe. Mrs. A. Smi'.h was called to Tori>nii> to nurse her granddaughter, Palty Mor- gan, who was ill, but is repotted In be improving. .^Iable Hoy gave to her m.iny sclmol chums ou March 17 a little Inn liday party. Lunch was served by tho )• "teas after which ilid kiddies enjoyed 'hem- selves in niunic and g&mes. Edward Bowboitoni "iienc a week with bis wife .tud family. Taylor-Smith Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS ISUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager^ Fine Jewelery h Come ic aud see our fiuo large si j ^ of Jewelery, Watchof., Clocki etc.,â€" and wbeu you liavo seen them you will be sure to buy. Watcli repairing a .speoJalgry. A full line of Pbotograpbio suppliea includin.g. developinj^ powders, printing framc.=, dark lanterns,, all sizes ol Kodaks aud films.- ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale< For Breeding Purposes I W, A. AriTIStrOn^ Jeweler Phone or write. â€"GEO. W. ROSS, Osprey Tol. System. Maxwell, P.O Jeweler FLESHERTON, Poole â€" Law lor ''in Memoriam III loving memory of Kttle Sara M. wha went Uuma 918, to Uai with baby aiiaary 19it8. mid wsTepiae, Xo, ''•^Tch ^'er. why died â- '» ({one, yet why 'Ur dnrliu:> i,i ,t ; â- ohenib'spit.l i r^.uin her ?iir brr»<it„ ^^^s^ â€"Aunt Sara^ Victoria Corners The sprup season has an ived . We are surely having a nice early spring. El wood Stevens l^ft for Sask. Ust week, where, Wc understand, if he likes the place, he will take up land and do settler's duties. 4il. L. Smith of UamiltoD visited his cousin, Mrs. Ohas. Moore, last week. Suwnna Ludlow has returned to school at Fleshertnn after an absence on a-couut of illness. Mr. i)«s... Luckhardt has leased Mr. Guy Orr's farm. Note Lost S«l,e draw.i in fa.-or of W, T. .Juliax on M»rohant'a Bmk, Collingwood, datid March 20. Finder please leave with W . T. Julian, Kersrshsni, or J. .1. Haloy, Eugenia. A very preny weddinii nua r,olcinuizcd al rbo homo of Mr and Mrs. Geonjo Lawlor, Eighth Line, Artciuesit, at i o'clock, on Wec'nesday, March !'.•, when their second eldest daughter, Lilian Mae, was united in marriage to Mr. Walter Pojle, th« cjremony biing per- firmed by Rbv. Mr. Forth, of .Maxwell. The bnile, who wis (jiven away by lier father, looked charniin(.; in a gown of pearl Rrey silk ctepo du oheue willi silver bead trimmings aud wore a bridal veil of silk onibroidured net and otned a bounuei of rosps and sweet peas with miiden hiir fern. Mrs. W. Irwin, .si-itjr of the', pliyed the wedJinaj ninoh, and during the signing of the ronister the groom's siater. Miss Mar)f>ret Poole, sang "The sjushiue of your sivile." Tha bouse W4S very prettily decor-ito 1 and about; dfty friends of tha youug counlrt witncfsed the ceremony. The bride was tiie recipien' of nnny beauti- ful an 1 coftly presents. Tho h ippy young CJupb) left o.i tho morning tiain on Thursday to visit friends in Windsor, Hamilton and Toron- to. The bride's triivolling dreas was of navy blue serge with hat to match auJ she wore a set of for furs. After the boneymoou the young couple wilt reside on their farm on the Ei^'htb Line, where they will boat boina to tliei,. miiiy fi lends afier April loth. The Advance joins with their many friends in wishing them a long and happy mairied life. Card of Thanks Mr, and Mis. Alex pJnglisb, Rock Mills, wish to lh°nk their many friends for their .sympathy and assis'ance during the illuoHS and death of their bclovod (jttu^bter, ireno. The hi 1110 of Mr. and Mrs. l.saao iSniiib, Rock Mills, w is the scene of a very happy event at high nuon, on Wed. iiesday, March I'Jlh. when their oldost dau.i'htcr, Violet, was uiiicd in marrimje to Mr. Frank Tiylor, of Porl'aw. To the slraiii.s of the Bridal Chorus, playad by Miss Lizzie English, of Singhamp'on, cousin of the biid^, the party entered the parlor, »nd took their place beneath a prettily decoratid evorgreuii ,uch, where the ceremony wus perforin d by llev. Quinn, of Fleshertop, iii ti.i' presL'iice of about hc'iy guesLs. Tlii^ young bride, who was biven away by her father, looked charming in a heautii'.il gown <if silk and ge irgelte crepo be,idei'. .â- \fier convtratuhtlious ihe company id- journed|to the dining room whco adainly Wedding dinner was served. The luide wus the recipient of iiiiiny beautiful pre.U'uts. Tho groom's gift to the bride was a pendant iind to tie pianist a brooch. Shortly after the wedding the biiae received a letter of congr.ilulatioiis fnni her brother, Capr. Kdwin Smith, of Pa'oitine. The happy young couple loft on Ihe afternoon train for Toronto. The briar's travelling costume was of brown silk poplin, with navy blue coat and Pin .11 pineapple nh-iw hat. The A.!vance joiu.>* with their nu.nerous friends in wiahiiiij the youni! couple a long aud happy mimed life. Auto For Sale Chevrolet Runabout aucofor sale, only used a few weeks, property of the late Dr. Liitle. K bargain. Apply to C. N. Richardson or Thos. Blakelcy, Flesher- ton. Farm For Sale In tho township oj (^)8prey cue huiidrod acrus, ninety acres oleared, ten acros h.irdwood bu^h ; iwobtorcy solid brick colvtgi'. Pedlar roofina, cellar full Rize, furnace, kiicheii and woodsbud, soliil brick, hard and soft water inside ; htrge outbuildings with water supply â- mine. For further pariiculars upply tr .lO'lN OUl'MMETT. Proton Station R,R. 2 fi;' NEW GROCERS Having takuu over the Grocery aud Flour and Feed Business of W. Buskiti we are gre^ared to .supply the public with tliu highest grade of Groceries, flour n id Feed and Garden and Fii Id SeeJi!. We carry a compleio stock of Garden Seeds. Also Timothy. Alfali'i, Maiumoth Ked aud Sweet Ciovor. Our prices are right. Coiue in aud !<;C us got aciiniiuted. Wo can supply your wants and you are 3ii^.'(i,^tD be satisfied with our goodn. H. DOWN & SON Flcsherton, - Ontario T > nr •- ~ - ~ â- ' ~ ' " «r « '' ii - i IT 1 ; < >â- ' \ I Get your stock in good shape for bpriug by using Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics ""Just try it ou two of your hogs and see how much luster they will grow. Wu carry a full line ol the goods. Stock and Poultry Specifics, Cough Cure, oall Cure, Lice Killer aud Calf Meal at W. L. WRIGHT'S I Corner Store, Flesherton K r-n: w â- Â»â-  â-  ' â-  â€" »â€" • â€" â-  â€" , ., , I , .„^r~m â€" »- y o » \m \ m n\ m i.> m , ' j i f fii»a •••••••••â- â€¢â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢A ••• • •• ••• ••• ::: •••• - ** •••• I •>•• 1 '••• • »•• • ••• â-  •«• RUBBERS If you want a good wearing rubber fur men, wcaiien or children come to this store. We have the old reliable Maltese Cross Brand of rubbers. Suit Cases and Trunks If in need of a ^SuH Case or Trunk cidl arid gat want supplied. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO !!S«M»*»»«fc«««»«»«»«*w !«««««•••••••••••••••••••• t*********«********9t**** N

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