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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1919, p. 5

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' TiA>*.t *!*^ March 20 1919 THE F L E S H IC K T O N A DY A NCE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OPriCe • TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savingi Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and EST'D i«7a interest at current rate, 239 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL. ^ Manager. h C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leavo Fleshercon Station a8 ollows : Going South Gning North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 u.iii. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mailH are osed at Flps]iorton ad follows : For the north at 10.40 a. in. and 7 p.m. ; ami tlio afternoon mail snuth at 3.40 o'clock. For inornint; train south mail close at i) p. in. the previous ev'fi. VICINITY CHIPS Mm. Max Bannon left for her new homo in Toronto on Monday. Mr.s. F. H. \V. IliuUin^ is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Fred Daagle, of Blind ll-.ver, called on fiieiids here tliis week. ; Mis. Rott. Itichaidson vi';iiui her sister in ()«eii Sound over tliD woek end . Dr. OL'ewell spent a few days of the tlio p;<8t week in Toronto. His grand- Ison, Jack Ottenoll, leturned with him. I Wo lire ioadini^ a diir of potatoes at Ceyli u this week. Fir prices telephone |23 r 1 or mite Clarunce Muir, Ceylon. i JtTi: Thus. Chard gave au interesting talk al the MeilioJist Y, P. S. on Mon- day eveniny tellinn of his e.\p»riences in England and Kranee during th» patt two years. Chopping done last three days of each Flesherton senior hockey team and the week only.â€" Graham Brns., Eugenia. Mrs. Ed. Best and son are visiting friends in Toronto. Hoiiaâ€" just common heii8--sold fir ^1.75 each at Mr. Thoinpsuii's recent Bile : Mr. Down took over tlie grocery, flour and feed bu.siiiess from Mr. tJusUin on Saturday last and is now in possession. Mr. U. J. YausR, west back line, has I > 'A >;; Power House «ill clash in a hockey match in Markdale rink tonight, (Wtd- uesday,) Game called at 8.00 o'clock. Come along and biim; het too. There are some who still d) not realize our new terms of .sub.sciiptioii. If your subscription goes six months overdue it | will be $1 uO. By [aying prompily you Siive fifty cents. S. C. W. Hughson, of the Model farm, sold his hundred acre farm on tbe^ south East Garafraxa, paid George Geir, of Grand Valley, a well known Shorthorn breeder, StiUO for a puiebnd Shorthorn bull calf, 10 inonihs of af;e. Ou Tues^ay evening of latt wjek Iho Piesbytenaa Guild held au interesting delate in which it was lesolved "That Daylight Saving is Beneficial to iho Country." The negative bide was successful. line to Mr. James Turner. Mr. and .Mrs \Vm. Wilson and two children, of Toronto, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. T. W. Wilson. Mr. Tlioinas Benthiin left; on Friday to siiend a fortnight with relatives at BufFi'o and Silver Creek, N. Y. The cold snap of last Thursday and Friday cave us all th shivers. It was as ci>ld as anything we have had this winter. Mrs jMcTavish, who has been very ill, took a decided I lira for ihe better last week anil is now on the highway to recovery. A regular spring thaw Sunday and Monday took away most of the snow, but a sudden change on Tuesday morning brought more snow und at time of writing it loolis K.s though winter wou'd Imgor wiih us yet a spell longer. There wiil be a baseball meeting at the Expect 4th C.M.R. Home on Thursday >5 Tbb 4ih C. M. U. arrived at Ualif^ix on Monday and is expected to arrive at Toioiito on Wednesday. This bunch of ' |V returned soldieis IS largely made up (.fMi" Grey County men and with tlieiii are a number fiom Flesherton and district". , . Owen Sound is piepai'lng to give ths boy«! â- >[ a big reception and will try to petsusde |'^ them all to gn to Owen Sound foralT*" reception and parade. Warden Mct,tuaker: > is making u big ill'./it lo get a bijj eroivd| >i lo Owen Sound. Ho may bo successful, i but if we read the foeliligs of the soldiers arifjht, iheir thsi Ibouglu will be to gctj luiine -home! Tho boys will feel thai j exhibit in./ themselves has palled on them andlhey will ««iit no more of it. How.' ever, there are a larijii number of Owen' Sound men m the C. M. 11, und tho>e will make a very respectable showing of themselvis, mid they will b.i ban(|ueted by the town. Flesburton liiiK apparently done nothing welcoming her returned heroes. The 58th Battalion was also expec'ed to arrivo at Halifax on Tuesday of this week. In this Battalion, are als" ajir, Hiinibor of men from Artemesia andijK,' (.).-nrey "ownsliips. > „ in k^ i ' â- r As spring advances and llie robins and 'y^. bluebirds arrive with tbuir spring songs,! jl ' the dull thud of oil drills will oncc* more' | mingle in tliu spring harmony. Mr. Cable is on the ground with a power- i |^;•; ful ilrillliig outfit and will complete' fi cho" hole started by the Beller!;y Bros , whose drilling apparatus was not str.mi; enough to put down a deep hole. Tiio diilliiig will be started as S03n as the m.iubineiy now fa the mound can be put in shape. This well is at ilio roar of Reeve McTavish's facm in the suburbs. The t'ox well on tho Lever faiin, which Wis uevx r coniplelod for want of funds. will ulso be proceeded with at once, the machinuiy having recently breu ovi r- h'inled and sullicient funds secured to complete tlio well, which, when opeia- were stopi'fcd. was showing excellent signs .jf oil. Hero't-- luck to both companies. ^I'i^li^Si^l.SfSiifSii Drills Start Again I Spring Millinery OpeningfS Friday and Saturday, March 21 and 22 You are cordially invited to our Spring Milliiun-y Opening' Tho newest ideas in early .spring styles will be on e.\hiI)itioii at moderate prices. MissCollver is in charge of the show room again this season antl you can depend upon capable and artistic execution of ycur order.s. Felt Hats and Caps for Men Our special soft felt hat is made up in a splendid (quality fur felt, liglit on the newest spring blocks, in a good choice of colors, black, mouse grey, tubac brown, moss and kellv green. All sizes. Price $3.75. weight Our caps art; made up in a vnriety of shapes, one piece, four or eight piece crowns, in plain and fanc} cloths atid silks, specially selected for weather proof qualities. Prices range from 75c. lo $2 50- Fred F. Hale, lot If!, con. i), Osprcy, , ^^ , „ „„ , .,,,,, ^ . .. , , 1 Munshaw House on Thursday eveninL' will hold fin extensive auction sale or _. . ... . . , , , 1 â-  , . v.r 1 I at 7 30 p ra. There is an ellort bein^; farm stock and implements, on Wednes- | ' made to start a league among the towns one , . I and villages aiound and everyone inter- â- day, March 20th, HU<J. Sale at o'clock. W. Kaittini;, auctioneer. , ested in baseball should be at the meet- It was Mr. Samuel McKeo of Tr»il, j^,, Electit.u af officers and other ini- B. U , who died at tho homo of his , p^j.^.^,-,,^ (jygjyagj, f^. (he coming season sister, Mrs. Jerry Thompson. Colling- 1 „jj[ j,g jg,,)^ ,yj^[j â- Wood, not Robert McKee as slated in last week's issue. I bounty Coustuble Cook went I . j Markdale one day last week and se zpd .fas. Blair, lot 24, concession :5, W. T. f,,^. j^^.,, ^1^^^ ^^i^jg], i,^j ,,,,g„ i„fi j,, â- it S. R., will hold a credit Auction sale , ^[,y tannery there by a Pr iton Kenllcmaii. of farm s'ock, implements, etc., on rj,,^^ ^j.^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ tagged und the Fiiday, March 21st. Sale to commence q.^.^^.^ ^as been approached for au at 1 o'clock. D. McPhail, -Vuctioneer. | ,jjp,g,,^,i„j,_ which ho has been invited The Flesherton Soldier's Aid will hold to vouchsafe to Magistrate McMuUen in .their next, tea ou Fiiday, March 21st, at the lo^n tiii'l on Friday evening of â- the home of Mrs. H. S. White. All ate this week. invited. Proceeds of Mrs. Mitchell's | Tio Upper Biule Depository, tea amounted to 87.40. i kept at The Advance otfice, has just The old Cooper farm of 181 acres on received a complete stock of Bible*, the 12th of Ariemesia was sold last week ; rnnging in price from 50c. to ?5.2r>. by the mortgage company for $1400. : Among those are soine beautiful things The purchaseis wore W. ,J and Leslie i for presentations There are also Bibles Chard, who purpose using it as a stoik j for old louplo with large print, pocket farm. i testaments and I'salms. Come in and Wni T i;. I i 1" ti\ t\ ' look at them. . I. Julian, lotl(, con. 10, Ospny, > will hold a credit sale of farm stock aud The Advnnce icg ets lo acknowledge inrpltiiienis on Thursday, March 20th. that we overlooked niRiitionlog the fuel Mr. Julian has sold his farm and every" \nst woekt tha Mrs. E. Wickens had been tiling must be sold. W. Kaitting, taken to Owen Sound for the reinova'..»>' auctioneer. ! an inlornal cyst;. Dr Danntd, of Owen The Advincobad a pleastnt call on^'^"""''- "'^""^ "^"W" ""f* '""!< Mrs Friday from Mr. James Coutts of ' Wickeiis to Ihe hospital, where be per- Brethour, New Ontario, about 18 miles '"""ed iho oi oration, a .serious one, btt â- fiom New Liskeaid. Mr. Coutts left which was f|uitQ successful. Later word Ospi^y f.r tho north country some foui- 's to tha ctlVct that Mrs. Wiokens is t,.en years a^o and has prospered. We impioving nicely. The stricken lady has were .pleased to meet him. j many very wnrtn friends here, who are anxious for her completB recovery. Her It is particularly reipiosled that all accounts of .he late Dr. Little be settled 81 once. Any person h.iving accounts against tho suid estate please send them to C. N. Richardson or T. A. Blakoly, Flesherton, attorneys for Mrp. (Dr.) Little, Administratrix. is with her moiher. Mis. John Ptdlar, this week. Lieut. Thos. Scott of Sin^liampton, who recently returned from oversen.", wag given a reception in the Orange Hal; there un Friday, March 7. The ha'l nns crowded and a good prouram of speeches, J. A. McFadden of Mom Mills sold music, etc., was rendered. Lieut. Scott his general store and business recently was a sniper for seventeen months in and has purchased a farm oontainini! 150 France and later an observer. He had acres in Darlingtop, near Oshawa. The just got his commission when thoaimis- farni has brst class buildings and is valued tioe wss signed. He w«a only once at ?l.'<,Ot)0. Mri. McFadden wa.s Mits slightly weunficd. Tom was the first Lizzie WalUr of Flesherton previous to Orangeman from tho Singhamptni lodge her marriage. k ' enlist for overseas. The Chevrolet is the popular car and i Mrs. Wyville, of the suburbn, lost five we are uo-.v in line for a big summer's v.duable hens leosntly. She tried hard business with tho car ih a gives you tho to catuh Ihe thief in a tr^p, lutwas best value for your inoiii y. No crank- unsuccessful. The other inornin^', hew- ing, no pumping up tiros on tha road, ever, Mr. Thief stayed too long at his You carry your inflated tiie with you on fost and tho dog got on his trail. Ho the road HI. d :t is only a ten minute job was run lo a beam of tho driving shed to change when a puncture occurs. This and was knuckad down an I killed. It is the car for ladies lo drive without foar proved to be a very 'arge cc on. and had of getting into trouble. You just pross a strap around its neck, proving that it the button and away she flies. Lot us had at o..e lime teen the properly of give you a demunfltication. -A. Jackson, someonoâ€" and Mis. Wyville would like Markdale. to know who that somebody is. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO r--wâ€"râ€"v â€" â-  . â-  . i » "» m â-  V m 'm ^^ w ' m i r 't' Cold Tea Again ? Chard & Fisher Insurance A!<ents Flesherton, - Ont. Life. Fire, Animal Automobile Insurance. Renfrew Machinery and .Ma.son Biseb Pianos For Sale. tiFiicK In RICHARDSON BLOCK (Si''s Ot.ii St.v.n'd) The Chatsworlh'Nuws coutninsa windy column last week iu legard to the lilolorloii hockey team at the tiiiriia- iiieiil in Cbatsworib. i i ' The trouble in Cliatswoilb iiroso out of' h'^.-^- ilio piizts awaided. It was supposed toi be 87 for 1st and 54 tor the 2nd, but the! ~ "BUSS" of Ih. tournament e'aiin. §a|g ^f FanXl PrOpefty '/=-'.-=-'t=to=JG ^(==Jr='i FURNITURE ^^. All kinds of furniture in our showrooms. Call and see our dining room, parlor and bctlrooni suites. A large range of prices to suit your pocket book. •M«ntMC..«»«..«,.»~a»«..tHt> ^cfk UNDERTAKING Calls answered night oi ilay Phone 30 r U W. H, BUNT Flesherton, Out. FIcBherton was phoned to tho effect that: the prizes were clianeed to $b and !?3, respectively. As f„r ac wo can ascertain from anyone here, no such word spoken tu any of the boys beie, but if the committee in charije of the tourna- nu'iit in Chathwortli are .so small as to IN TUK I TOWNSHIPoflARTEMESIA BY TKNDKU Sealed 'l'tndcr.< addressed to .John K. Wil irtins; K9.| . Kilgeiiin, cr to Robert cheat a bunch of bays, why in the future ! ''hunt, Ksi|., Eu^eiiiu, will he received wo will koo.vhow lo deal with thom. i "''â- Â»' 7 '•".'• "" ,»'"""W- ^l;"'^'^ 22, ,, , . . , ., 1 lyiit, for tho purchase of the toUowiiig once bitten, twice shy. j ,„.„p,r,y, in olio parcel, na.^iely : Tho News ijoes onto say that the j Part of Mill llosorve No. o in the town Flesherton team was playing two plot of Eugenia in the Township of Miikdale lioy.s, but it has noc a word to i ••\'.t'-;.nf sia in the County of Grey, c .n- , ...,,, c. , taioiiig abmit -12 2 ;! -icres more or less, s.y ab.ut oxe of the Owen ^""-m „,,j,,^ ,„ , ,„^j^j„ ,,^,.^,.„„g„^ „i^,, „,^ teams playing the C P. U. news agent, I HydroElectric Power Cmimi.ssion of who, unfoi tunatoly for llieiii, bad lo Ontario ; and p^rt of Lot 2it in the travel home wil h Ihe F.e.shei ton players '^''-'•'^'' t'.Micessioii ot iho T.)wn>.hip of I Art omesia aforesaid, con fain ini! 1 .1 1 acres next morMin«. , ^ '^ more or leas. Iu regard to tlio names of ; he players. ' The above prnperty forms iiart of the 'If tho Editor of the News trets as b.idly esta'o of tho laie Roh.:rt William?, de- mixed up in his Ufwsp'ipor work as other cea,Hod, and adj lins tho Village of liu- business he has been seen in, why Ve , '' . "' , J „,. , .|. . . ... , ,, , I On the iiioperty aro about ten acios of don t wonder a hiiii gellilii; t Hill's baed ' ii i i i.i â-  \ â-  i â-  ^ " ' , araljlo land, and ilieio IS also soma bush up. Ho has evidently lo»t his pants , c.mtaiiiing wooc suitable for firewood, again. However, hero is hoping tho I wo ; A clioi|Ue for ten per cent, of the bucks helps the Clial-iWoilh committeo amount of oa^'h teiuier must accompany outuf their financial dilHoulty R„d that i â- â- <""'â- â€¢ •^'>''''"'"'"''l"'' "'" '"' roturiud in iheir wee boys (!) will win a few more games yet, biloro they get big and I strong. j â-  iince, without interest. t The hiolies* or any tender n it neces- sarily accepted. Tho sale will be subject to a reserve hid tixod by the vendors. , For furilior partioulars aud c.iiditions line, Aitemcia, was the .scene of a prttty,„f sale apply to JOHN K. WILLIAMS, event on Wednesday evening, March 5ih, Eugenia, or to ROBERT PLANTT, when her youngest daughter, Annie Eui;eni», or to Florenc, was lu.i.e.; in iho holy bonds I «1<1'5HT, TELF.MU) .^ WALTER, t . • . I.- â-  iji .. e Ki ' Owen Sound, Out , of matrimony to lUod Plantt, son of Mr. c. i; •,,.., r „ ,i, -ir ., i . •' ' I Solicitors for the Vendors. and Mis. Rob'.. Piantt, of Eugenia, -he^Dated March 3rd, l'.U9. cereineny buing pei formed by Rev. Mr. Biilfry, of Kleshoiton. : " ~~ ' ""^ • The bride, who was charmingly gowned Coal Oil Engine For S&'e in white silk crepe de chine with bead^hors* p iwer KairlHnk-i Mmse trimmings, and wore a veil and orange ' Korosono Kngiin f n- sale. .Specia blossoms, was given away by her eldest '*'"'"''â-  •'^Bl''y ' ' caeo Iho tender is not accepted. I Upon acieptanc o of any tender the j bidai.ce of the purchase money must bo ] puid in thirty days from iiiHice of .â- uocpt- Plantt-Fisher The home of Mr.-i Wm. Fisher, 4th SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC useis say about 1900 Gravity washer.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers antl illectiie and gasoline wibshers. wringers power ALSO for McCormick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cullivntor, Plows, Steel Shills, Harrows. Oasoliiio Engines, Brantford double geared and auto oiled airiiiolor Wind Mills, Realty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, W.\tcr Howls, Water Taiik.s, Piiniji and Piping;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One thini more wood cut willi same power when lifted wiili my \ tent. ^^f^^f^^^^^/^y^^/i^^p * •*A/i/»V*V*'V''*% *'\/./v\/-^M\/,^%V'*'V*V S. HEMPHILL Ageat, - Ceylon, Ont. brother, Robert, while Miss Mildred Pedlsr, niece of the bride, played the , wedding march. Tho happy young couple, who were the recipients of many , b'aiitifiil Difta, will reside at their fiim on the 41 h line. ! ROUT. S.Miril, Box 2. Durhun. mmim The newly in nricd couple were treated tJareiully Corrected Each Week to a shower and n'so presented with a Ruttor .'W to 40 purse by llieir neighbors on Monday Hugs t) 3G lo (t 31! evening of last week. i whc«t 2 00 to 2 11 The .Ad»8iice, along wilh their nnny Po«f ^ 40 lo 1 50 fiend", wish the young couple a happy i"»t» ... ••' 50 U> and prosperous i'lurney through life, RuHey 78 to B3; 70 tea- Use only three level spoonfuls for five cups Ridrose; TE A*^s i9od tea Sold only in sealed packages X. 126

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