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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1919, p. 4

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March "JO, iyil» THE FIESIIKUTON ADVANCE â- f in I: Fleshertoa Advance Hurke-Kaitting Small Ads. LOST lilack mid wliiie biluti Ikhiuq, amml. pen .l.-iit ucw<|,aiirr, imMi»lie<l cvury An iiitiTo^tii)!/ weddiim whs soli'iiiiiizcd fhurxlay mt th>- .ilfioe, Ci)llm.'W<>,id Slro«t, . .>^ ,, , , , ,. *"lMhm..n. Siil>H,ri|iti..iii,ric**l|><raiimmi '" •'•t. Mhi> « cluucli, iMiixwill, on when paiiliua'lvun.'i- ;*l.r«.lAh.n no mi pail TuoadHy, Mitch 4, by R;v. nUckwvll, of j MonJiiy, Fohiuary 17th. â€" Uolit. Fishi r, A Iverunintf ratâ„¢ on aipplii-^'i'.!;. C'iniilatio ,« , ,., _, ... , , ,, .., „ , ,,.,, .1 .v)i,.ekly Uiiiniilk, wheu alias A'ln K»ittiin', j Rdck Mille W. U. THIRSTON, 1" FDlTdll "^"'i*''*''' "f ^''â- - â- '• J- Kiitlinsi, <'f TfiiviTK, .S ask. , W.U utiiic<l ill 111 iiiirtue to Mr. (ii'o. iluike, of Fcveishmii. The «t'(l(liiiX niiirch was played by Mr.s. VVfllar iiiiU Miss Wintei-R sana a solo. The liiidc, wlio »«n iinalti'iuloii, wn» Ijiviii awiiy by her bruthiT, Will, she was ihi'ssi'd ill h navy blue iinvcUiiig Biiit and hnt to match. Vie. Herb'.win, of Wiarl-.n, \i tho ! After the fereiiioiiy the happy cruplo • ud p.sneiiBor ..I mm.' coins ll at he t'><'»e lo Outidalli, wfieie a wtdding Around Grey County FOR SALE Fur .Sire^ â€" T'li (j' o 1 yunn/ cows, tiotli in calf. II C. LeOaid, Flosherlnii. I'lips For Saleâ€" Tw-j Co'lie puis Apply to M. Murphy, Kuueiiia. For .Siile â€" Steol rings, K""d «â- '' new. Jtt.s. Reid, <) D. U., II. U. Nu iTr^'rice- villo. could dinpuse of hi » (,0(k1 price if he so ''"""••r «i« nerved at llu' rectory, after Cults For Sile -One ho wy r-o'.t ris ng •leKired. W hili' li-.s i Inbor. were digging which Ihey took the train for Toiuntu :> iiiid onrresisiorivl in ire colt risini^ 1 HI the earth in railway conalaiction at and other points. They will re.sido oil year old. -Kred Malhuwsun, Fleshorton. .Amiens, ihoy found „ii o'd •^lono jiir m Maple (iiove F:inn, one mile west of' which weic about 201 coins. These<ni. bad no doubt been biiiitd Ihcieby the' Mih. I'urke was for several years Ancient Uoinan^ (or^oHle of the coins ' operator or the Ospiey Telephone nere dated before Chi int. Coin huiitets Npntein and iniide many warm frienda, Nvould tumble oter one an-jiher to ^et who ni^ll iiiucli happiness. anythii;:> like tiii ForSileor Bont--A small farm in KuKOiiia. App'y to Thu.s. E. Feinvick, Kuutnii. A dance'fiivi'n in the Ihwm hall. Walk- . crton, in aid if itie hospilal fund, only ' netted "Jo cei.i>. , Anthony Kocker, a Cairick youth, Address and Presentation Machines For Sale â€" 7 horscpnwfir I Li.s'er uaKoliiie engine, ensilage cutter, Lsiwiii): uiachiiie, I u/z saw and urain grinder. â€" G » o. Brack t ribcry, Ff vershain I ForS.il8 clieap an d tn easy teinis, Lo I'levious to leavinj{ Hiihiru" f,.r ' l^. coll. 11, O -prey, 110 acre.s. This is (evidently if v;.,inan ex;racUoi,) stole ; Flc.-heiton Hie i eight ois culled „„ Mr. j «"' «>'^' ^ "•'" â- ">'l 'r' «â-  g"'"! st^'e of four skunk kiis and i;ot two months in and Mih. H»ity Down and ,,.eH.nled j-^^'f'^'"""- f'""d ''^nk barn and now j 111 a- a solaium. them w th a tine chair and Alfred ] f r'*'"" Jw«ll>»b'- Apply o, K. J. .Sproule A farm stock sale Duok. Id netted ^1^"*" «'"'' " t>« 1''" »n-l « «<:"lf' button | Flesherlon BUSINESSCARDS Societies the owner, Jobn Flack, JnOOO. A wiarton e.'nsiablo :iointcd a g'jn at jin Indian at; Cape Croker, fro n whom tic wished to n s^izi.te, and was hued ten dollniH and costs. Chas. Montui.', a fiiriner livwii; about tvvj miles from Neu-.tadt, di>-d .S-iiurday ioorniii„' ah a result ot injuries n coived when a lo;; tolled over loin at Blinkley's fca« mill alxiut i.oon Friday. Montag bad lione to the mill niih a load if lous, and with otbei» was assisting in unload- ing them. One rolltil nfl' the i.!ei;;h and over h'ln. He bv.d iiliout tweUo hours, lie was about o2 3eir.sojj and is sur. vived by three Sons and two dauthters. â€" Review. Gorge Martin, of Collingwood, met with a peculiar .11 il serious atc'diiit at the fhipjbrd on Tuesday inoining. He was engHjitd in loadinu a cait at the coal from the Oranyo Soetu'y. FoUowin.; is the addnsv ; To .Mr. and STrs U)«n and A'fied: â€" i For Sale â€" Horse (1 years old, teiiera' purpose, about 1225 Ujs., Bu<!gy, Cutler Wdifon and act siiiule d^ iviiig harness, all n yood lepiir. Musi be sold at once ai j We, your fi lends and nei<;libor>', deep- ill regret that this i.s the last oppoitutiiiy ' I have no fuilher u-o for them. â€"Apply we will h»v2 of spending an eveiiini,' with to A. Hinck», PiicoviUe. you in your li'mie on the Mid line. White uewitig nvicliuies, tho k'li;; '.f nvicliiiies. Sherl'ickMinuing pianos are strictly hii;ti grade. If you -ran piovo this s'.aleiucut fa'tic I will sjivo you a piano free. â€" J. C. Keniipr, Markdalc During your all toj biief a s jouin anion;; us wo li ive leiru'd to look upon y-iu as viiliiig and illitienl le.idei.s in all oiir nnd-ri likings. Your genial dis- positions have enlivened our neighbor - hood :uid your helpfulness and sjinpithy, I CEDAR WANTED in hours of trial, have made the huidens Cedar Wanted-4 foot 2 in. long pric of iioiny Slid bear's lighter. W\i emnot , gj f^,. ^t^ i gp^ar, or in ibe log 12 foot let you leave u.i without iiyinf; in some measure to express our feelings for you . Your la''our' has not been 11 van. We â€" . feel ihat The iiood bi gun ly y "ii shall on«ard ll IW, 4 in. long, ^n. 1 $11, delivered at my mill. â€" Edward Sirgent, Ceylon. duniji when the coal coninicnced to sld". In niiny » branclrpy a'rciiii, and wider uid atoui eight lois cuveied him before ^low ; he could tscajic. His rij;ht arm was The seed, ihit in th few and lleetins{ fractured in two ji'accs and Ins back hour.', injure.!. Y( iir Lands unspHring and unwearied sowed, . MISCELLANEOUS Piiiiite funis to loai on rerd estate Hucurity at reasonable rate of in'erejt. Apply to R. .J. Sproule, Fie iherton. sept 2317 Highest price foe butter and ogga at (iiahain Bros. Eugenia. .lune 2(> your old friends at llithettoii .vill not Address and Presentation On Moiid ly evening. Match :bd, the 'friends and nei^dibors of Mr. and Mit". .lamei Walker, Kimberley, met at their home prev ous to their departure for, for the purpose of wi^hinK ] ^uon be foigolien. them uood bye a»d to p-eset.l them with â-  ^,^^ f„,. „,^, ,.,,„, ,,„^ ,, ,, ,,,y,,^ ^^i,^.,, « well worded .•.ddress, t,o Itundsome j „f „„,. ,.„g„j f^,. y^„_ ,.,. „^^ j,„„ ,„ .hairs and a purse. Mr. and Mn. : ^.^. „ ,,„^„ „.;„, „„, ,„„, ^j^,,^,^ f^^ Walker we:e taken by surprise at HUili | y„ur wilfare. kilidnets. Mr. Wnlkei leplied in a few I , ,,,,,, . ,, ,11 , . ,. ' fm'hed on licliaif I f 111.' iioighb. IS â€" " . well cllosell words e.\|ireSMng li ' .....:.: c .1 1 I. . I .. i B Wiii!ois, Harold LoiiLbetd. apprieiatlon of tliegooJ .Mthes it lu^ i friends aiid neighbeis. The fi llowiig if ! I he addits-: I Try Pastry Klour, the liest iSI;all dock your grme.s with aniaraiitl ine ,â- ,,..., , , . ,i , , . â-  , â-  tor your cook. All OiUiaio wheac ll iwers, • , I â€" â€" â€" ^ And yield you f roils divine in Heaven's'' Boar for Service iminottal bowers. _ Wff In â- Â«â€¢ thtt' ill yoni new lioiiie you j Til- nndiisignid has a thorough. neil V i I make many fiiends but wo hope that i Vork.-hirt Boar for service on lot 11, co n ! H, Osprey. Terms 81.50. I'RKU SPOFFAHT) To Mr. and Mrs ,J m: Walk. Horses Wanted HELP WANTED be your own boss. Slait a cut-rate grnceiy business of your own. 125 to §51) invo'ted fhould earn you ^25 weekly. -11. V. Maitiii, Will Isor, l>iil. Notice to Creditors Dii.r frienda- It was wilh feelii gs ol legretth-.t we le irned of your intended lenioval from our urdkt. 'i ou hive been i ««leeiiicd lesiilents of tlii^ coiiimui.ily f. r many year-; kind and helpful neightiit.K; ncti\e ill cliunli and a eial li/H and; iilways willing to lake your pirl o' the wurk. Your reiiKnal fiom us leaves a ; tacaney that will lie liird to til, l.ui we' liope your new surrouinlings inuy be i jdeasaut and that you ii.ay le s| ared iiiatiy jcari (o eij-y your home. We ask j.'U lo iiecepl ih secllairs as a slii;l»l token of our rstnem for you. Our best j wishet follow you. .Signed in b.hilf of u.ur fib mU and aieighliors- lleorye Cuintbld, Ijawreiice, .\ K. iMjIes. Boar For Service R-giitered Chester White h ig for tiervico at Rock Mills, Tie father won first at Chicago Fair. Terms Igl 50. I'J.el'.t -I. SMITH Prop. i \V|; UII.I. |!K l.N FLESHERTON Wednesday, March 26th MARKDALE Thurs. & Fri., March 27, 28 To piireliase all ila-se^ of bor,>'e8 young or o'd SPECIAL- Mares in good condition. Watson Bros.. Toronto Does Your Label Say 1920! W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELbSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHOiNO- GR/»PHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see these hij^h ijiade instrunient.s mm AT IlawKeii's Photo Gallery and .Mii.^ic Ktoic FLESH ERTON 111 the matter of the estntoof Kli/.ihmh Mager, latu ( f the Township of Arte- niesiii III the County of (irey, miriiod woiiiun, di c Hsod. Notice is !ieiol)y given, fmrsuantr to •The Trustee Aul" and ailiendnients ilo'iclo ihht all creditors and olier.s liavin.i cbiiiiis agaiirl the et-tite of the said Kli/ahoib Mugie, who died on rr about the litlili day of Deo.inler, A D. l!ll."), lire ii-,|uired on or before tiio loth day of April, l!ll!», to send by prepaid oi ilelmr to M.ssrs Wright Telford A' Walter, of the Town of (liven •Si. mill, Soliu. tills lor AU .-iaiider Cameron, .A.iiiiini-lialor de liiinis iion of the estate of the Kaid diceused, their Christian and SiniiHiiies, iiddrc-.sus and ileseriiilions, ilio lull paitieulars of their eliiinis, the sla'eiiieiit of l|ie;r nceoiiuis, aid the iialiiie of ihu securities, if any, held bj ilieiii. .\nd fiivlhfr take notice that after such ' 'at iiieiit.oiieild iti'lho tail! .\dininiNtr«lor j '1'" I' s noil w ill piiic'iil toilistribiitu the I assets of the ilecoased annuiy the p:irties lilt til d ilureto, having regard only to , the claiiiH of which ha shall then have j notice, and that llui said Administrator I will Pol 1,1 liable for tho .-aid assets or J any part thereof to any peraoii or persons I of whiise claim iioiice shall imtlhave been jrucuivid tiy him at tho timeoftuch ilistritutioM. D.iled Maioh Hth, 1!)10. W RK.HT, TELFORD A WALTER Owen Sound, Out. .Solicitors for Alixander (/'anieion, ihe Adiiiiiiisliatiir du bonis noil of the estate of Ell/aI.e'h I^I.ig-e, decea.ed. i How Every $4 Helps Four dollai,-', the price of a W»rStvings Stamp, is n t much, but it will pay the wages of • compateiit Canadian aitisin for onu day. In these days when to provide cni|>!iiyinent at good wag«s is so necessary, this is so nething. Tho nioie iiioni-y that is |ili.cud at tliu lorvico tf t*)o Oi.vernmei t through thr sde of War Siviiigs !>tanip«, the inoie credits will be able III »u;iply to ,,tlur countries Cm 8 ipiei.lly I he gioatrr the trale that will c line lo Canada, and const ipiently the nioiB Canadi'ins nill there be employed. plilNCB AKTnUK IjODQK. No. WJ.A.F.* ' AM, luuotii In tht, Uauouic liall. Arm B'ronK's iilocK Klenlierton, every Friday on or hsfore tliu full uccb. Q. tlonry W. M. T. II nkely, bacreiary. JJENTISTRY l\r B. C MUKKAV h. D. K . deuUI •>uree.,D f li'.uorgrailiiate of Toronto University am] V. >»; i;ol)«i;e ot Ilcntai Siirgrons of Ontario. ^&e aJDiiBiniBtered for teetti extraction tlicu at retililencM, 'I'oioutu Jstrtot. Fleniiertoii Medical I P OTTICWRLL ' Veterinary KurKOOD irsil'-at.; ot Outario Vetorluary ColIaKb .'Gfiiiluijoo â€" R3oon(t door aoucb ' weat on Lary strest. Thi> street rur.a out). Prebbyterlau (Jlinroti. ' Legal I 0CA8, HANKY it >.i:NUYâ€" Harrintorn. ' riolicitora, e;o,â€" I. 1). J.ucas, K. t'. ; W, K, (alley, K. C. ; W. I). Uonvy, It. A. Ufllccs, Tc lonto, fiOfi-9 TradiirB Hank HIiIr., [ihouu nahi 1412; Markdale Lucas Hlock, Plione 3 A. irancU olUco at Duudalli open every Haturdav. gn itinriT, TELFOitD & wai.tkii " I arristur, Sollclton, io. Ollicee, (irev it Jtrucu lilocic, Uwcu Kouinl. Btaodard liaiik Hlosk,Fleeberton. (Salun'.avBl. W,H. Wriglit, a'. P. TeHord J;.-. \V. H. \\ttlter. LLll. .•...^..•..•..•.••'.•..•"••.•..•..•.'•..•h*..*..*^*..* .<..â-  < < â- â- ! â-  <ll>llt'l» " t " >« ••â- .•â- '•"•"'•â- '•"•"•"* •ll>' • '•"•"•"•"•"« Pratt's Regulator C^»5 Try Pi'att's Animal Regulator for stock, and make your hens lay by feeding them Pratt'.s Poultry Regulator. For sale at GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, ONT. ".â- â- â- â€¢â- itiitii» ' .•'♦♦•••'•.*-,..^ BUS1NE.SS Cards iV'^.M. KAITTINd, Icenaed Aactionoer toi '' tliu counties of Oroy and binicoe. arm and Btoek sales a stiecialty. Turiua iioilerati?. Batisfactiou giiaraiit. od. Arrauyi.- tiotito for dates may bo made at tbe Advance >t]u.e, or Central teloi'bone DlliCO t*ever:iliain I liyaddressinq oiii at Fuversham. Out. DMoPnAin, Licensed Auotlonpe for tlu' • County of Gr«y. Terms moderate and .•Htis action i^UMrBi.ti-cd, 'i I'*- arrancementa 'J lid dates of sales can In* made rtt rliE ADVAUue aifice. liesidencebiid L.o.. t'e>lon. Te'e|ilioinj •I nnectioD. Dec. 0, 70 Avery Ker osene Tractors They are back of a big li)I!l crop. Gel prices and catalogue from C, SMITH it .SONS, District Distiibutors, Durham, Ont., or 11. A. LISTKU .tCO., Toronto, Out. Stock For Sale I'ure Ilied Shi-nln rii liiill for sale-- Ued, 17 iiionths old, good kind. Also two registered clyde tillies, ons oouing two, and the other coming three, well matched bays. Write or phone .IAS. KINDLAY, M.ukdale. Residence For Sale For sale cheap and on teMiis, tho residence and premises thereto belonging to the Utc M. K. Richardson, flesher ton. On the preiiiise.s are a large biiol< veneered dwelliiiL", well linislnd .md m good repair, contains !> large bedrooms on theseciiid tiat ai d a largo double bedrooni nii tirsl Hat ; goml never failing wi 11 with forcii pump in liHsemenl, aie good cisteri. all well tinislied for winter orsuniiiier kitchen and dining and wash rooms w i-h n lo 1 imiuy and oiliar con- venieiicis ; largo lawn .lod giwdeii wkli tfood young oruhard honriog ami pKiilj? 'f 'in ill fruit : goo I Ur^o fin-ne ^able and diiviii(., Iimiw, I'reiinacii woulo iinl.'e exuellent larj^i boarding hoiis«> !»id piivat<' i^Hof bdHBloi', 10' woiUil nnnv.c well fi.r »wo hMÂ¥a,l« imsI .ai-o ;j>«td olliee 6>r!Mikt. Ap|J»'(o !U. .1. i^prMii'i- .<i Hu! |H', inwm iHio wfM sii iw any ( ovur Ihe preiiiHies. 17J)o Hoistcin Bull For Service â-  V tlioroin;li(ired Ibilsteiii ImiII (iir service on lotslS:(.l,Sl.S.W. r. it!S.K.. A.leniM.sia:el.i«- ely related to the wnrld's e)i;ini|.f"n 11 p.iend einv. Tenii^- $l,."illfia- guides, S.Mlli f.n piin- breds. >!jl^ If! HI I i 11 II Kill m I 1 1 1^ i<i II 1^^ 11^ 1^1 11 i Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placeil on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwaio and Agateware for domestic use. Gall on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly atten deil to. Tipefitting, inchuling pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON J^ ONTARIO. 1 July 17 -(ii:0. MOOKK&.Son- Farm For Sale In tho township of IKsprey one luindren acres, ninety acres nlnared, ten acres hardwoo.-i biiali ; tivostoiey solid hi ick co't'ige, I'edlar roofing, cellar full size, fnriince, kiiehen and woodshed, solid brick, bard and soft water inside ; large out tiuildings with water sniipiv â- iiside. For fuither pan ieiilara apply ti JO'lN (iRlM.MKrr. Proton Station U.K. ;.> fi:! Ill .Aid of a Stage the M . I). §. will wive "HOME TIES'' In the Arniourie.", MARKD.ALK " Friday, March 21st Commencing at 8 o'cl ck sharp. 'â- If f - Tho action of tho play takes p'ace in tbe titling room of th« Winn home»lead, near a small vilage in Ihu eastern part 1 f New York .State. Thia is one of the best amateur plays ever *riltar.. WE, SELL FAkM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN â-  NewTubiil:ir Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Adult* 50c. Children under 1:5, 25c. The Flan of Seating is now ready and tickets for sa'e at the Standard ottice. Oet lour seat nservcd now--» rush seat costs just as much, .^H) cents. Your Business College Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Has superior courses, ei|uipmenl and teachers. It •nakeii good svery claim â- ind promise. Every graduate of the last three years has promptly secured employ, nicnt. Open all jear. NOW is a a splendid time to enter. Ca'alo^ue free. W^J. ELLIOTT, Principal WINTER TERM~ in the Farmers Attention Make money in yotir spare time |(}iinug tlie conimg Full and Wintei mouths by selling baidy Canadian inir.sery stock. Biitisli and Etuopean markets will be open again for Canadian Frnit and now is tbe time to order for spring planting. begiisTllCRSDAY, .IAN. 2, lilli) tliils and bins who have Veen work- ing haul on the farm during the suiiiiiicr should have a chance lo improve liieir eJucatioii thi.s winter. Circulars tree to any address. .A. FLEMING, F.C. A., Principal, Dept. A., Owen Sound, Ontario. (Mention this paper when writing) DANCE Foi'owing the play » ihreo p'eoo orchestra will supply muaio for round and siiuaie danniig. Gents, 50 cunta. Lidies please bring lunch. Spectators free. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opening unatonce, a blacltsmith. iiig and woodwoclcing business in Max- well, aiid am fnaialliog up-!o dato wnod- workintj niacliinsiy. It will be my en I de«»c>r to s«rvo tlie public in a salisfao- tory niannor and I would solicit patron- 1 age. I wtnt yourwiurk and will do it '•'g'^»- 7 Aprtt 1 CHESTER LONG Largest list of Fruit and Onia mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, eto. grown in Cauadii. Write for particulars. Stone & Wellington The FonthitI Nuraerles. fKstablished 1887.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Farm For Sale .4 50 Bore taini for sale on the Siut Back Line. Artemesia, .Srd range, north half of lot 132. On the preinisea (here ia a good frame bain, 40 x 60 feet ; a .^mall frame bouse ; a good drilled well ; hen house : the fall plowing is done. For particuUra apply on premises. â€"J. H. HOLLEY, FlesherloD. •i I

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