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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1919, p. 1

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*.. _ ' jrw ..>.- ^-< - .,V - --- â- - - ' •^- ifci*** * * " fkB\^txtm 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" 'PRLNCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 42 Flesherton, Ont, \Ie\rcli 'JCJ 1^10 KIMBERLEY Pie. Btnjamin Wnlters, of Alber'a, is renew ni; old acquaintances in our bur? at present. Benny is ii Kiniberley boy and went oveiseaH with a western bait. A prt'stntation and address was given to Itim in ilie tovii hall on Monday evening Mrs. M. Feruuson held a vi;ry success- ful sale on Wodne'^dsy lasl. Mrs. Fergusiin has purchased Tl.ns. Lewis' priiperty on main alrcet and wiil nmie sometime in the near future. ^ Wm. Moore's aawniiil gan'^ jn the valley road, north, held a hop on Fiiiiiy evening last which was well aitcnded. Ciare'jco Cruic'xshank, oi Ueathcoto, WHS a pleas.rnl caller in our burg on Friday la.s''. Albert Smi'.h. of KppiuL', spent the .week end wi h his mother, Mrs. E. Smith. . ^'r. CtuikshanW, a hardwiir.- traveller of Simcoe, wade a iiUiiuess trip to our villace one day Ust week. 1^ Mr. Chas. Lewis of Seattle, Wash., is rtnewii'ii old aci[Uuinlances in ihia i/.irt Olid is iheKu^st of his father, Mr. Tho.x. Lewis. « John Burns o' Quiet Valley Wiis a plfftsant caller in our bur;^ on Situr.iay _ J^r. and Mrs. Heuian Hnrlburt of ,_MonUna are visitiug friends in this vicinity at present. Jrracs U. Fawcttt visited d'jri.-ij the {>ast week with his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Coibett, ofDundalk. • Mrs. Ed. B.iker of Vandeleur IS attend- _^^t^>M<:V8uiu sf her mother, Mrs. John ISUdird, wlur*?.ir«"t!tJ^;«at the time o of writiii};. . Mrs. Wm Flood visited recently with her uiothi'r, Mia. John Bnnn, of F!\irniount. Mr. ami Mrs. Fied Wheeler of Clarks- burg visited at V'ni. Flood's one day l-iit week. Miss Elsie I'lewes and Miss Myrtle Cktu'ick renewed old ac<]uamt^iiiccs in CiiMu'-gwood duniii; iha past week. Ja'-pcr Stuart, who has been < n a I uMuess trip to the Parry Sound diitric*-', [reiurued home on Friday last. TRYON Springlike weather is here again. Dannie Cameron is working for Mr. H..nnaD, near Badjeros. A ruuaway which miijlit liave caused much damasre occurred lasl Monday. While Alex. Morrifioii was l<-avina her daughter tj her .school on the 4th bi e one of the reins broke. The hi rse took frighi thiowiiiy Mr. Morrison out, and Morrison, jumping from the cutter, saved berse'f from being severely hurt. Luckily uo gveit damage was done. Bobbie Mcliityro is engatred culling tu-8 a*. McUane's, ( ii the (itli of Colline- wood . Mr. Mc'^>u re, minister of f.It. Pleasant, h'lds prayer iiieetincjs ou this line. The last one was held at the ^.ome of Mr. .Alex. Morrison and was largely at- tended. Basil Sornberser is recovering after a severe (it tack cf the (lu. Miis i . Mclutire spent a day with her friend. Miss L McAliistor. A number from lu'ro attended Shrigley church oi\ Sunday morning. We are f,lad to report Mrs. Sam Clay- ton, of LJadjeros, lecovering from her severe iilne>s. l>he was once a lesidoiit I f this [Xirt. Mr. Robert Mclntvro isassistinu John ItaJley with cutting his lo^s. Miss Etiiel Moiristm is visitn;; at her home. PRICEVILLE W'-i think thiit tluriug the past sit 'ni 'Uihs a ureater number of elderiv persoqa in >bis vicinity have passed int-o the areat beyond than in several previous s •as(iu». On the fJ'.li day of March Mrs. J 19. Rcid, cf Uurhatn Koad, east of the village died su.ldeiily in hor 71st year, death being caused V^ heirl faUure lllr. and Mrs. Uoid came to Arteniesia o\er40 years ago, and by their iiidu.stry, nd nfier tooie J â- '"'â- ''< *'''â- ' tbo help if heii- 'â- on, they l.avo made a liily farm U coaifor able home. Deceasid was a ttiet', industrious woman and a lover if Ibonie. Sjhe leaves a sorrowing husband of 7V y«arK, two daughtL-rs married aid living in the States and one son, Wni , wiio Is married and 1 ving mo the home- et%ul. In the absence of th>* PresI y- »t^ pallor. Rev. &lr. McCarten, th.» ^%le:hoiist minister, conducted funeral Sjrvitvs tt the residence and read the burial service n the Pricivitle |iullic ennerery. iV week ago a rtcep'ion was held at the; 'osidortcc of Alex. D. McLei'd to wel- mio the reiurn of his son, k'te. Duvid , from Kianco. An addre.vs was read iHd a purse of moi ey presented to (he astjoung soldier. He went lasB to Toronto to gc his discharge ai d :t^r vistiiiig some relatives will go west t*ke bis former poaition which awaits lllak.ia £algary Fjre Deparlmeut. The mwiagers of St. Coluniba Pre^by t) ajre advised to hold an nU''rtainment on the cvei.iug of Sl.irch fl. Supper will be .«eived in tl.e meat ai.d some excel'ent talent from ide have {womiBed to be present, and •fhiiciptie a very satisfactory program, still remains on the IttrKo sheda Eeift y liuitl at the rear, but we hope see I full house hovinir a social time uqd the leaded tea tables, and then lojring a fine program, seeing the idry plates piled h gh with coin, and go home tejoicing that t1ie debt is wip'd awHy. I'le. Will .Xldorn, after gc^tting his liohai.^' in Toronto, had g. ne out Wist r,- other lueiubers o^ the family DUNDALK Tiiv m'-.\ established husimsM of .Mei. Ketiimly has been told to UoyeU>v<e, i.f Maikd'ile. who takes over the various •ir wck'f in ci.miection. Unndilk Cieamery wh.s supplied with livecirs of ice slii.pped in from Durham. Preparations are leiug made for a big season, which will .loon bo ushered in wKh the itdveiit of spring. Mr. (.'laridge has beiii re-engaged as butter maker. Fleshert in and Dundalk senior hockey terms met for the first time this seaton Tuesday night in tha io.'al rink. The visitors put up a strong argument and had all the tricks of the gsme, bul tlK>y were liarJIy sTong enouuh for the home team. The score was 4-7 in favor ot the Dundalk team. Litut. Jco LtGaro, of FlosbBrton, the sportini; represenfalivo of The .\dvaiicB, wa8 the leltree,- Herald. The Electric Road tl.viu Sound nay see construction slatted on an e ectiic radial from Uuniil ton and Guelph to ttwen i-ouiid this yea,, if the address given by Mr. J. W. Lyon, of Gutlph, piesident of the Hydro Radial Atsociation of Ontario is iiterjretcd correctly. In speakirg in Welland, before the iNiiigari Dis li^t iljdio Electrii: Associaiion i ii Wednesday last, he stated that one if the hrsl Hjdio Rac'ial tines to be consiiucieJ, during the n eonstri;c- tii'ii period would be the one from Uumilloiii tiJ Gulpli i.ud into Owen Sound. Thij wi i bo good hews, not only for \.{ye auKiuiil if work thai will bo provided at » time i^ben uiemployment thie«tens to 1 e general, but also because it will give a soivicathat the si,teaiii roads tou'd expeclol to (.rovKb-, and at ounsiderably leas cost ^hin is now charged. 'IheiehiiB lioen a turvi»y made of the projiited loute which would not parallel, t' any great t .xteul, Iba existing steam roads, but wi uld t pen up a large amoQul 1 fterritoiy not at present .seived by the r.iiiwuys. The road would come by Mt.- Fi>r.<»t, Dm ham, ^leshurlun aud Walters Fills to ()wen Sound, wHh a branch from W.ibin Fulls to Meaford. At least, that route nas surveyed and oH'ers few ingin- eering difficulties. It is only a matter of tiiiie wh^n the existing steam loads in Dntiiiio will be eleelritied snd much belter service piovid-J Snn-Tiuies CEYLON liicr.^ McLean, foniuily of ho 11 ; h : x'Jt'>) cAl'Sted in the army. a: Card of Thanks The Keid fan. ly • f tl e O U.R de<ire to expi'ss thyir uriititiide to friemla and iMjixlibors, for s) mpathy and HS-sistanoe during their hour of sorrow and lo,ss 1 y death of a leloved wife and mother. Dcan.^t mother ihon hast li^tt us, A, id I by loss we lUep'y fuel ; But 'tis Ged that has Uerefi Uh lie will all our »>rtows bual. Mr. aui Ms. Coutts ot N'ljw OnlaiU' visited Mrs. Boulton and sou here last week. J J. Pall son of Toronti ^pin'' a few days with Lis par^uts bore. Mrs John Oliver returned Friday from visiting with Toronto relatives. Mr. Norman Archibald spen- ilie week end with Hanover fronds Mr. Joh'i J. PaltBrson and Mr. Fred Mirtin and Utile sou virited ove>' the week end i»llh Owrn SouU'l friends. -Mr. Lake, who has for the two m iiiths l>ec<i norkiiii£ here al the mill yatd, !<-ft Moudiy with hi' little son for Durham. Mr ami Mrs. D.m Wydemaii lof; on Saurday to visit with fr;eirls in Tor.iuto and Guelpb. ['to. T. P. Chase returned Wtdne-day n'lon last from overseas aud was ^iyen a warm welcome at the depot by his friend.'^. Ele. Cha^o was twice wounded, tiisc lime in the head aud the second time Lhe ball struck bim in the ankle, coming out <hr ini>li the foot leaving bim very lame. We trust for i real speedy recovery. Mrs. Jos. 1)1 ver has gon^ to Toronto to ineet her sou, Janus,who has leturiird from o\ Egoist vs. Altiuist The best thing we have yet Fcen on :he m' ject of ro'iiiers' niemoria's was supplie.1 t y tiie Mount Foienl Ci nfodcr- ale. last week, ami expiesses enr own conviction in such cb ur lanmiage that v.e (j'joie it in full : The idea of having some S' rt of mem- orial to our toliiier boys, particularly those who have lo^t their lives in the great iightTor freedom and justice, is oencriilly appioved, liut theio is a wide diversity of < pinion as to the form which the meuioiial shoulel take. Those in favor of a memorial may I e clearly divided into two classes : Ibote who would erect a monument, pure and simple, e.xcluhively devoled to the pur- pose of (oiiiuiemoratin!: the srif-saciilice of our Soldiers /and those who would ereci snmu sort of public hall, or hospii^al, or endow srine institution which would combine utility wi:h toir.nieiuoraliou. The lirst class are idealists and altruists; the second sort are itilitarians and mere or less egoists. The tirst class want to give some: bins; to show their siiatiluJe : the second to take advantago of the feel- ino of public grititude to uet something for themselves or llio uinimunity in whch they live. We conlfss that we nuioh prefer ihe i 'eal mt'inoiia', that wli'ch will be as lit le tainted with seUisliiicsM is possiole, that nliich will le a lull and fi^>e lUid glad atfuring of grateful hiarteiii rrcogoi- lion of self sacnlicinL' pstriolirni and devoio'i. The iiiipellinsr ir otive in the vast m:ij(<iicy of those who theii lives on the all ai of t'leir country w,is idei-lisiie ; shill the motive <f ihoee who would recognize th.-ir do/endeis lu .t lan;{iblu way be 'efs? i^lii I we n-t it this lime lake i lesson from h' r who, with an alabaster box of oiiiiiiH-nt, very precious, poured it out lavishly on a Friend and Savioui.' The three hundred per.ce, live r .hi.v hundied dolluit-as money goes to lay. in gii h.ive been uiid to feed the poo.' but it would not have had the fragrii:ee thai it has shed on the .'vorld ever since. Whatever else, we may do, let us have some sort of a suitable inoiiuineiit thaf will not be for use, but for remetnbiaiice. PROTON McGeochâ€"Fisher -A L|uiet wadding was .sol, mniz d at nii-h noon on Wednesday. March l'2ih by Rev Quinn, of the Baptist chuich, ot Edna IVarl Fisher, of I< hshtilon, to Hoy N. McGci>(.'h, of Wtafoid. Tho bride, who entered the parlor on the arm of her father to the strains of the weddiBg march played by Mrs. C E McLean, efMarkdale, was unatlendid and looked rliarmii".^ in anvy blue tailored suit »n<? hat to match and carried a ceiisage bouquer, "' vweet peas. Tho bride was (he lecipieut of many btauiiful presents showing tho high eHte'/n iii which she was hel.l in the oiitiauiiit). Mr. anl Mrs. McOeoch left on the afternoon train for London. Really I There doesn't se(»iii to be very much to write about these weeks only the â€" roads and the weather. Both being rather damp at present. Some of our .sui rounding tielda look like miniature Lila Ontarios. Mr. Moddaugh went around his mail route today (\Ionday) in his ttvo wheeled )iig. Mrs. V. Ewers and little son, Victor, aid >i ss Lilian Wyvide, of Toronto, were visit. .rs at ilr. Wyvillo's. Mirs Winn-e Wodehouse has tak.n a position in Dundalk. .Miss Dorothy Nicholls is visitiog for a fe<w davs in Toron o. EAST MOUNTAIN (Last Week's Item •) The young people's meetings ire held each Wednesday evening. Sir. Tl omjjson .\llen has purchased a piano. Mrs. Chas. Martin and babe visited at Jas. K'lox's, Duncan, reiently. Mrs. Alex Madili of the Sou visited bet daughter, Mrs. Alex Carrutheis. DiviJ .McMuUen and son, S;e-.Aart, of Fdveishain, \isiledat R. McMulIen'.-. (I'liis Week's Items) Mes-rs. R. MuMullen, A. drrutli'is an J A. Ellis have purchased an engine, grain separator, clover huller. oat rtller and bu2;2«aw. We wish iheiii the great- est «ucjess. Martin has rei;overed Iron' a very severe cold. Mr. Chis. L'jwis and wife, of .Seattle, Washington, are visiting with th; form et's faiher, Mr. Thos, Lewis. A number from hero attended ihi- party at Mr. McKootti.'s, Duncm, on- i veniou lasl weeK and report a v-ory pleasant time. The sudd.n thaw certainly put ihi' roiids III I ba 1 conuition in our vicinity. We hope f .p a change soou will benetit the loads and encourau' > sugar making. Yes, the change came g st as sudden â€" beftfte this is in print". Mr. Leslie .VIcMullen spent a f.-* days with his parents near Fevershani. We are pleaseel to see Mr. Ci inford Thenipson bac'^ in our neighboihood anain. "Aunt Susan's Visit' The visit of Aunt Susan as given liy the ! idies of Ihe Methodist ohurc'i on 'Thursday evenini! hist w^i.s one of tlie very best things we have listened t" in manyyeois. Every one of the charsit is was splendidly taken, and there no hesiialioii or pnmipting, us in so iiuieh of the iimateue woik "hat we see. To siy that li.e wliole pbiy cieated u..iih lauglitei ispu;tiiigit veiy mildly 'lie aud e"co was siinpiy convulsed with laugliler inai y tiios", and iborouxh'y CBjojed the farce from beuinntug lo e..d. The plot was a simple one. Auui Susiiii, of Pepper Corners, a pain, w mii hearted o:J Irish lady, pays he.- nephew's family :i visit. The amusing iwri»li> mi tbe situations croited by Auin. Susm.'-i uiijophihticattd conduct in this aristo- cratic family, and tho moral lay in the revolution she created in the thought anil actions of this faoiily, and aUo in il e good d- no to all those wil'h whom she came in contai^t. Tho stars of the evening were >'r.'*. Will Moo:- as Aunt Susan, aud Mi.»s Kate Bellamy as Mis. Linda Tiij^gs, a widow and the third wife of her Into husbaivd,.who died of kangaroo of ihe fee', after Ijin.; .|i b d {or nino weeks in Aug'is', the lii'i(o-t lino of the summer. Tl e fareweli party in honor of .\unt Susan gave opportunity for a progra u of merit, incuding recital i ns by Miss Emily Achesop .and Ma.sler Iiw;n Sprotr, a due by Miss Tiimble and Mr. Xlingenamilh, a solo bylMms Rene C.irgo, also a piano duet ly Aunt Su«an iind Mrs. Tuggs^ â€" "I'll wander back : ] es, wander back'' end for »n ench'ire â€" "Silver thiitids amonj; the golel." "Farewel', dear trieiul,' by the coinpanv, endi-d in .veiling of much pleasure, after which God S.tve the King dismissed the audience. The proceeds of the evcninu mnounted I to $«i{t. Bates Burial Co. BC.SINES.Si AS esUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268i 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. , MOTOR EQUIPMENT! J. W. Bates, R. MaddccksJ Pres. Manager^ 1 Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Ereeding' Purposes Phone or wrile. â€" GKl '. W. RUSS. Dsprey Tel. Systiin. Ma.Kwe.l, P.O. Fine Jewelery Come in aud see our line Ixsge a: j i of Jewdery, VVatch(.>f.,~ Olocki I tcâ€" and wheu you have seen diem you will be sure to biry. Walch repairing a specially. A full \iue of Photographic sapplies incUiding developing powders, priutibg frames, da;!: lanterns, all sizes ol Kodalis nnd films. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT- ^ o^an 1 I Get All That I is Coming -^ To You '4' 'jji From Ycu3 ^ cows Over One H^ Million '^^ In U«ie j^ 3) Keep good cows, feed tbcm \N-ell, and use u ^ I MELOTTE 4 ^ CREAIV?. SEPARATOR | ^ To retail the Butter- fat, leaviug the warm, fresh skim milk to •! ?F feed tlic calves .ind other stock. ^ I FOR SALE BY || I D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON ^ % ;<3 a K â- I'v â-  Get your stock in good sliapj for fcjpriug by us iiig Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics Just try .'I on iwo of your hogs and see bow tnuctt faster they will grov;. We carry a full line of the goods, y tec I; and Uonltry Speciiics, Cough Cure, Gall Cure, Lice Killer aud > Cilf il ai W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton i i w i i y iw w f. o â-  » . \ w : tiy^ \ m i.' m )\ m \^ m i.W[ m ^ » ;^ ^ . â-  v ^>.»^ . ^ ^^ ^ i^ a ; > it w <t^ w ' \ <i v.v ^^ 91 ^ •••• •«• â-  ••• • •• •••• •••• • ••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• • ••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••1 • ••• RUBBERS I! you waul a good wearing iiUtlitn- (oiiucu, women or chililren come to this store. We have the okl relialjle Maltese Cross Brand of lubbers. Suit Cases and Trunks If in need uf a Suit Case or Trunk omII and g^t want sn|.'plied. •••â-  •••â-  ••-â-  •••• - •« â- â€¢â€¢4 THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ••* jS^ s •• â€" ATE9 9 und ••" • • •• • ••• ::•: ^A til 1 j«~ ji.. ^ ti~ H: I Advance Ads Bring ji; j Results. • f « • }•••â- â€¢â€¢ •••••••••I

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