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Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1919, p. 5

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March 13 J 919 THE F L E S H E K T (J 5 ^ D V A N'CE • 4 » \ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA orrras TOSOMTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. ^^ FLESHERTON BRANCH IST'D l«TS GEO. MITCHELL, iMaiiag«r. C. p. R. Time Table, Mr. Harry Quigg is vUidbg hia sister Trains leave Flesherton Station „ '^"^ ^^-"'a'on- ol'ows : Mr. Geo. Richarrlson, of Toronto, ia Goin:^ South Going North vlsitiog friends here. 7.63 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9 18d m Mr. John Sloan, who ha.? spent most The mails are osed at Flesherton 23 ^^ "*^ "'"'^'^ ''«"• "turned Saturday to â- follow.s : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and, '^'^ home at WalUrd, Sask. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at t • ,. t, »» c â- .. » .. m. 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south ^ ^'*"'; ^- **• ^^'^tt, sod of Mr. Thoi. mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. ;*<="''• '^''er'< of Usprey township, has returned to his home at Singhimpton. Mrs. James Reid of the 0. D. B. died very suddenly on Thursday m'jrnirtg last a-, the at;e of 70 years. Mrs. Reid got up in the morninu and took a few steps when a weakneis seized her. She returned and threw herself .a the bed, dying aim oat immediately. VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. Packman and little son, of Thornhury, are guests of Mrs. Murray-. Mr. Fred Chard of Toronto visited his parents here the latter part of last week. Mr. Joe Ridley of Toronto wis a visitor iu town uurin? th« past week. Chopping done last three days of each week only. â€" riraham Bros., Eugenii. Miss Ciiri Duncan left last week to take up her millinery duties at Grand Valley. It is particularly requested that all accounts of che lafe Dr. Little be settled at once. Any person haviug accounts against the said es;ace please send them to C. N. Richardson or T. A. Blakely. Flesherton, attorneys for Mrs. (Dr.) Little, Administratrix. MIm Zdlla Beothara visited with her friend, Miss Victcria McMillan, near Pficeville, over th« week end. A number from here attended the, Owen Soaa'j-Markdale hockey match on the Mark dale rink on Monday evenini;. The latter won the match by the score of, 11-6. Lieut Hancock of Uwen Sound | refereed the game. ' The Upper Canada Biole Depository, ' kept at The Advance offoe, has just ; received a complete stock of Bible-i, j rnngiog in price from 50c. to 95.25. AiDons; these are some beautiful thinxS' for preaentatioDS. There are also Bible* for old ceople with larjje print, pocket testaments and Fsahna. Cume m aad' look at them. I Now Featuring New Spring Goods The arrival of shipment after shipment of new spring Lsj goods, places us in a good position to offer a splendid ^^ assortment to early Spring buyers, as many prudent people J3 plan to do their Spring sewing early in the season. S New Prints,New Shirtings 'New Galateas, New Ging- hams, New Wash Goods, New Dress Sillcs,New Wash Silks New Trimmings and Beads. Leg Broken Skating ' Lillian, the fourteen-year-old daughter • i of Mr. Taylor Abercrombie of Kimberley, ' bad bei leg broken in a peculiar manner , Saturday. She pat on her ikates and i , proceeded to a piece of ice near the road \ and iu some manner twisted her \ez, breaking it between the ankle and knee. I ' She was alcnf at the time but a neitihbcr ' ' woman fortucateiy came alurj; and took ; the helpless child to her grandfathers; home at Kimberley, when -a doctor was' summoned. The cbiid has since been', removed to bar own home. I ' For Making Up-i House Furnishings- to At a meeting of ratepayers of Nottawa- sa^a township held at Duntroon it was Sergt.EIwin Jamieson has purchased decided to build a memorial hail to the Patterson House barber shop in commemorate the heroic service rendered Owen Sound. ^y the soldiers from that township. The Mairied â€" At the home of the bride's hall wil. probably ba erected in Dun- mother, on March 5th, 1919, by Kev. C. troon. A. Belfry, Fred E. Plantt to Annie F. o^^ ,f CoUingwood's Italian citizen's. Fisher, both of Ariemes.a. ^V m. Vanetta, was discovered in the act Several robins were seen and heard of running a still in his own rooms and around town bst week, but they had to was liued §500 for keepi jg liciuor for sale hunt cover on Saturday and Sunday, or barter, and S200 for his possession of Crows are also appearing in numbers. the apparatus for manufacturing dizzy â- %.% rv ij w Tr- .1. ,. drops. The plant was aUo confiscated. Mr. Donald Mc\ icar, who has been teaching school in 'the Lake of Bays The new hydro development has been district, \a home owing to hi« school bung up for some time awaiting the having been closed through an epidemic coDnectin;; pipes for the new power of influenza. . house. These have now arrived sua Mr. r t,. â-  , . f,, r. «• Ti i McTavL^h is busy this week tracsportin Jas. Biair, lot 24, concpssion 3, W . T. ; , .' , ^ "^ . f. o o ML ij ,â-  .- 1 these ten ton pieceo from the station t ttb. K., will hold a credit auction sale , ,, '^ t c . 1 â-  . ^ the valley, of farm stock, implements, etc.. on •' Friday, March 21st. Sale to commence ; Mrs. D. McTavish has been seriously at 1 o'clock. D. McPhail, Auctioneer. I ill the past week with pleurisy. A Mr. and Mrs. Gex Lawler of this ! '^'^*'n«<i """e is in attendance and Dr. township announce the engagement <;£ Middlebro jf 0«en Sound came down their daughter, Lilian Mae, to Mr. , *^"°''>y ^o attend the c;we. Mrs. (Dr.) Walter M. Poole, the wedding to take Coleridge, ot Windsor, and Mrs. Ez. place this month. i White, of Prince Edsfard Island, are it vv T T 1 ! . ,- ,.-1 f^ 1 the bedside. V\. 1. Julian, lot li, con. 10, Osptty, ' will hold a credit sale of farm .-(tock acd j Mr. J is. S'.inson of the Toronto Line, implements on Thursday, March 30th. ! received word last week from his brother, Mr. Julian hAs sold his farm and every- ' Mr. R. E. Stiuson, telliug of the death thing must be sold. W. Kiitting, â-  of hij wife at the Br»ndcu General auctioneer. Hospital. Death was due to Influenza, Reme.u-uer the play to be given by the ' ''i'=l> she only contracted ten d»ys ladies iu the Methodist church on : pr«viom- She is survived by her bus- Thursday evening of this week, entitled ^ band and 2 daughters. "Aunt Susan's Visit." It takes the The heaviest snowstorm of the winter ladies to get up a good enterta'.nmen: blew down on us Saturday and cviiitinued and this will be no exception. See bills | Sunday, reaching its climax Sunday and programs I evening when it took hurricane form. Cadet Thos. Chard and T Fisher have Aboui a foot and a ha'f of suow fell. entered into paituership and will conduct giving U3 more snow than we have had an insurance busiiie.'s. Their advertise* : at one time this winter. It made the ment appears in this issue. Th^y will roads very heivy for teaming, also handle musical instruments. See ! j^j.^^ Holmes, who has been at her their anaouucement. j .,^,^3 j^ Winchester for two weeks, Farquhar McKinnon, lots 3 and -t, 1 fighting the intluenzi, returned Saturday Con. 2, N. D. R., Artemesia, will hold a and entered once more upon her duties credit s lie of farm stock and implements *t ihe high school on Moudiy. It is on Wednesday, March Ul. The owner sincerely" hoped that iljntss will not is quittiKg fariuinJ! and everyttting must ucerfere any m.ue this term wi; h work g.i. D. McPhail, auctioneer. I at this institution. Already it has been Mr. Harmon Uadley was up from I 'se^'ewly handicapped. Toronto last week and attended Mr. J. Anniversary se rvices will be held at Thompson's .salo on Thursday, purchasing Rock MilLs Baptist CQurch en Sunday, a Urge quantity of tbs stutf, Mr. jjarch 16th, morning and evening, when Radley, it will be remembered, has pur- the Rev. McDonald, late p»stor, will chased the farm. The «ale w^as very conduct the services, i'ou are invited iuscessful to attend. The concert, which wis to Oeo. Hargiave, a young married man have been held on Monday evening next, of Artemesia township, was arrested by has been postponed to Friday evening. Constable Hales on Thursday la»t, by j March the 21st. order of the military authorities, on a^ Tlw Township of Osprey will vote on charge of desertion. An officer came up ^j^^ ^[ue,tioa of erecting a memorial hall from Toronto Friday and took Haigrave ^^j ^^^ location of same, voting to tak^ down to stand hi. trial before the mill- pj^^^ ^^ Monday, March 24. The t»ry tribunal. 'questions are : "Are you in favor of Some of the Flesherton boys belonging raising §0000 to build a memorial hall?" to the -ith C. M. R. are eipectei home I'Where?â€" Feversham, Maxwell, Mc- next week, that Battalion having sailed intyre." Place your cross opposite the from England on Saturday last .\inong Q^nne of your tavorite locatioi. In this the Flesherton boys belonging to this connection The Advance will make one UattaliSn are Fred Bellamy, Herb Mc- : ijttie suggestijn. Of course it is none Leod aud Uerb LuGard, and Alex Hoy ^.l our business, and we know it. Still of E'igenis. A large number of Grey | there is just en"* reason why we would County men are with this unit. | like to see the hall at Maxwell, and may Mr. Robert McKee, of Trail, B.C., we be permitted to name it ? Maxwell died at the home of his sister. Mis. Jerry is on the inter-county highwiy which is Thompson. Coilingwood, on Wednesday, extensively travelletl and in 're tourists the aeth of February, of cancer, after an would see it there. I', i.s also central for illness of five months. Unable to fSud the township. That is the way we look any relief he eame to Coilingwood nearly ' at it. Feversham would also be a good two months ago. but nothing eculd be location, but lacks this one advantage, done for him. He was 72 years and two The result will, howevsr. undoubtedly niontht old and was never married. At lie between these two pointt. »» Mc- ooe time &lr, McKee lived on ihe 4tb Uoe, Actcmesia. Chard & Fisher ^' Insurance .Agents Flesherton, - Ont. L»fe, Fire, Automobile and Animal Insarance. Kenlrew llachinery and 3Iasoa £i=ch Pianos For Sale. RICH.ARDSON BLOCK (SecDLx's Oij> Sziua)) That Memorial | Editor of The Advance. 1 Dear Sir â€" Would it he too much to ask I of yoa a little space in your valuable 1 paper to set forth some views I have heard expressed, with regard to a suitable tnemorial to our brave hereeiof war, andl which thoroughly coincide with my owni views. I I believe is has been intimated that ; our municipal representatives-Artemesia j and Flesherton â€" will co-operate in erect- ( ing a monument on the site of the pre^ pnt miiaicipal htll. the said ball to moved further back on the lot and repair abed and renovated to look tespectable (?>i An ordinary monument would be very' ordinary indeed : acd several thousmds; of dollars would be retjuired to erect a joi'able memorial, one of which we would not be ashamad. \ Would noc the same exoenditure' erect a new municipal memorial hiill and! be much more appropriate ; aa well as benedcial to the whole community. So far as I can learn from our boysj 1 who h;»ve returned. I believe the majority f' would prefer no such elaboration, well'c ku'wing that the 'oest memorial of all is * the love which will always ', '-^'V hearts for them, ; \ Such a budding ccu'd be arranged) '' ' with suitable rooms set apart as public' library and revling rooms, etc. The SalC Of Farm PrOpertV â- lain hall as an assembly or concert ha!!, ' would bring revenue to the municipality, and suitable tablets coatd be inscribed with the name of those who fought for the cause of Freedom a>d the advance- ment of Civilizntion. Perhaps others may have more practical saggi:Stions to offer ; now is the time ; New carpet squares, Congoleum Rugs, Linoleums two and four yards wide, Floor oilcloths, New Chintz, New curtain nets, New cretonnes, Wall papers, Window shades. Curtain rods. Prepared paints and varnishes. Fnr M#an^C W^^f. ^^'^^^^^^^' Raincoats, 1 Ul iYiCll b TV Cdl-Suits, Felt hats. Cloth Caps, Neckwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Shoes, Valises, Trunks and Club Bags. Granulated sugar .$10.75 per 100 lbs. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ^ ONTARIO â- â- y '^ â€" « â€" • â€" w- '>^ FURNITURE ^^^m All kiada of furniture in our showrooms. Call and see our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of prices to suit your pockat book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered ni»ht or dav Phone 30 r 1 1 iL W. H. BUNT Flesherton, - Ont. IX THE TOWiNSHlPof ARTEiMESlA BY TENDF'i Setiled Ttcder^ addressed ta -John E. Wil, jams: Eiij. Euaeuia. cr to Robert Plantt, Esq., Eugenia, will be received , up to 'i p.m. i^a Saturday, March 22, ! do not wait until the work is completed pjig, for the purchase or the foUowingj and then '=ay it is a disappointment and property, in one uarcel, na;'iely : | that something else would have been; Part of Mill Reserve No. 5 in :he town | plot of Euienia in cho Township of i more appropriate. Thanking you Mr. School Reports ] Arte.ntsia in the County of (Jrey, con- Editor, I am : taioing about 42 io acres more or less, â€" Pro b^co Public. snbject to a cer!:ain asreenient with thi Hydro-Electric Power L' "m'uissioa of Ontario ; and part of Los 2i> m the Tenth Concession ot the'p of -Artemesia aforesaid, confaiuiui; l.ll acres -j mjre or less. i The abi7vo property fnrms part of the ' estate of the late Robert Williams, de- "" ! ceased, aud adjoins the Villaj^e of -Eu- genia. On the property are about ten acies of arable land, and there is also soun bush containing wood suitable for firewood. >3l Report. P Latimer, Eugenia Public So'j Sr iâ€" P McMuter McKee, K Largj. Jr 4-1 Uaney, M Fenwick, H Twohy, .\ Pedlar. M Duckett. Jr oâ€" M PetUar, I McKee, L Gordon, Feuwick, F Lir^e, B Fawc<itt. Sr Prâ€" J Park. R Large, M Hoy and E Gordon , equal, C Williams, A Fawcett. Jr Prâ€" E »ordon. A Twohy, V Williams. S Williams, C Graham. Class Aâ€" D Fenwick, E Gordon. â€" LOl'lSE S. WATSLlJf, Teacher. Sundridge canvassers for the Victory Loan iec<?i»ed $il3. 96 in commissions, which they handed over to the Cross. Residence For Sale Intyre is not nearly so centrally located as either of the first two named. .\ cheque fir ten per cent, of the amount of e.vh tender nuHt accompany same, which cheque will be returned in case the teuJer is not accepted. Upon, acceptance of any tender the balat.ce of the purchase money must be paid in thirty d.iys from notice of accept- ance, without interest. The highest or any teoder not neces- sarily accepted. "^ The sale will be subject to a reserve bid fixed by the vendors. i For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to JOHN E. WILLLVMS. ' Red Eugenia, o'r to KoBEUT PLANTT, j Eugenia, or to WRIGHT, TELKOUD Ot W.\LTER, | Onen Sound, Out , I Solicitors for the Vendors. Dated March 3rd, l'J19. | For sals cheap and on easy terms, the • residence and premises thereto bel>^»ging ^ , ^_.- p . c c I ! to.the la-e M. K. Uichardson, * lesher ^..Oal Ull LnglOC fOf Dale | ton. On the premises are a large brick Isithorss piwer Fairbanks Mcrsa | veneered dwelling, well tiuished and in (Ceroneae Kuijinj f>: sale. Speciaj | Kocd repair, contains 9 lane bedrooms terms. -Apply t;> on the iecond fiat acd a large double bedrovim on first flat ; good never failing; wall with force pump io basement, are good cistern all well finished for winter or summer kitchen and dining aud wash ^ room^ wi:h gi't>J cwintry and other con- veniences ; large law a and garden with good young omhard bearing aud plenty <;g^rgh^^y of small fruit ; g«od Urge frame stable , and driving house. Premises woulo , cutter .. . make excellent lar«te boarding house and Jws piivale ><!*• bse»d«s, or wculd snswer vv(,e^ well for two tetwut* aod also good office forrwit. Apply to R. J. Spri.ule -n Pea« the premi«es wlio wfH show say persoM Oatu 50 to SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over 100 users say about 1900 Gravitv wru^he^s •^implied by S. HEMPHILL, i Agent For >' 1900 Gravitav wshers and wrinarers tlectiic and gasoliue power washers . ^ ti ALSO for McCotmick Binders, Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator. Plows. Steel Stalls, Harrows. Gasoline Engines, Brantford double geared and auto oiled airoiotor Wind Mills, Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bo«rl<. Wa'er Tanks, Pump aad Piping. SOMETxHlNG NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when i'.ted wr.a aiy atsnc. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. ROBT SMITH, Bo.^ 2, Durham. ii[Miy[is. s Corrected Each Week • W to 40 . 3S to 3S j . 2 00to2 Ui . 1 40 to 1 50 1 58 Now sold in a new ivaxed hoard package â€" a great improvement over the old lead package REDROSE TEA'is good tea Sold only in sealed packages over the ptemtses. 170c 13* .Barley "8 Jo

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