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Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1919, p. 4

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March i:{, liHK TIIK FIKSHKHTON ADVANCK Flesherton Advance ' •Diiiili'iieii <IhiiI n«wi<tift|>tfr, iniblialied ovrry riiur^lay m» th' office, CoIIiukwihkI Street, flMhirt.iii. MiiliBcril.ti.iii iirlc* $1 ixTniinuiii wh«i iniil ilia(lv<kiu'o :tl.,'iJwli<'ii no hii jiaid Ail'er 'man rtUn on »|>|>liL'«tioii. ( 'irruUtiu " '"(w.-okly W. H. TlirilSTON. KI>ITOU U. H. WiliiKiai:, of Owen SouihI, wiib a|<[i<)inti>d intiiiiKt^^r "f rli>.' I'oiilun:! Cenii-ut Co., of Uurhun [ The brick rcsidutii'f (f It ilpli KosIit, near Jackson, was buinuil lo the trnuiid on Friday ni;;ht Unt, Thu homo whs one of the linot in Dorly. Most of tlio furnituru whs sitvtd. Kor llie HOCJU'l tiiiiK iii.side uf a few wi'fks Pnstin»»ter MoVaiinel hm loeu | nuriing a brukin arm. Oa Siturdny last ho full »nvn uu the alippery ice and j bioko his wriitt l»>no in tho Bitmc place Ks the foraisr fruclurcâ€" Shelbunie Free , Prets. A little Wi»rliiu buy undertook todri\w , wa'er from « woll »nd (i-ll in. The inolber s»w the accdeut, Ncrcained and then fainlcd. WIkmi the fnlher liiuiied «ip his attention was pHid tu the fainting woman without kn<iwit:u that tho child was in the well, iiiu! ulion takou oiii the life uf the little boy w:\s extinct. PROTON Boru-To Mr, and Mrs. .1. C. \Vri(jht on Tuoaday, Feb. 25, a daut^hter. .\fter an :«tstiico of two inonlliM Mra. Coualiiy has returned to liur home here. The AnKlicana cave their annual oys'er Hupjior on Vebrunry 2ri and n()lwiihnt»nd- ill)/ ihe di8:ii;ree'»ble Wfiithor ii ^-omlly crowd aHHenibied lo enjoy the deli('iiu8 1 'icat. A proijrain was given by nieinberh of tho Chinch iiiul Kov. Kendall deliver- ed all interoslinn iiddreas. Tbo fundi ((o ' loAHid purcliasiiiL' n new ur^iin for the church. I Mrs. Ilibt. Aeheioii visited last week | wiih her sister, Mra. Akina, Flobherlon' , The "lUlchelorH of Proton" nave a | diiiioe oil Widiiesduy iiii;ht uf last Week | H'ld we underatand they had a Hpleudid crowd and a ^o(•d lime. Hut as your Soribo was conspicuous by 'his' absence we cannot (jive ii dct-»tlod account of the event. Tho monthly ineetim; of the Farmers' Club ij to bo held on Thurs., March la. The tine weather and sploDdid sleignini; thu winter have been u ^jreai bdvuntaRe to those who have teaming lo do. Mr. J. I.' Wriijht has had aliout two hundred and littp cords of wood put in bis brick aiic' he, lo^elher with Uert Meddaiigh, have purchased nbuiit one huiiJied thoii-iiind feet of saw-logs for the Diiiliani ! and Hanover furiiiiuro Co. Small Ad5. LOST Ulack and white bitch buuml, on Monday, Febtuiry 17lh. â€" Uobt. Fishi r- Ituck Mills. Game Astray â€" Small black and tan dm;, white Icks, riui{ around neck, stripe ill face and abort tail. â€" J. â- ). Ciimoii, Protf.n Siation. â-  • â-  FOR SALE For Sale cheiip and en easy lernis, Lot â- j, con. 11, Oiproy, 110 acres. This is >i,'« I oUs) farm and ill a ^oud state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new fr.'itiie dwelling. Apply en U. J. Sproule Flesherton For Saleâ€" Horse years old, uenera' purpose, about 1226 lbs., buni^y, Culler, Wavon and set single drtvio<j harness, all n good repair. Must be sold at once ai I bavo no fuitlur u e for Ibeni. â€" -^pply to A. Hiiick^, PiiceviUe. White sewing machines, the king of machines. .Sherlock Manning i)ianos are strictly high grade. If you ?an prove thin atateiueut false I will give you a piano free. â€" J. C. Kenlner, Msrkdalo. Bull For Sale Thoroughbred Durhim Bull, c-^'liteen months I'ldâ€" a choice animal. .ALso one thoroughbred Durham c.iw, with eilf at foot. Write or phone .1. K. COURKTT, |{ U No. 2, Dutidalk. Advance Ads Bring Results. Milking It .Ml Clear to Him. "Yes," said a young soldirr Just returned and an.\ioiis lo make inat- leis quite clear to his friend, "you see it was this way. I went out with tho T.M.B. At the CCS. they soon packed mo off wilh the help of tlio K.A..M.C When I got out of hos- pital and loft luy fuvorile V..\.D., the .\1.0. marked ine Dl. At the Com- mand Depot the S..M.O. got inc a T..M.U. and I became n2; and wlieti a new A.C.I, came out I was shifted, with an l{.S..Vt. pal of mine. Got on well enoiieh, only the O.C. gave me C.B. once for clieekiug a Q.M.S. Now I'm in tbe A.S.C and in love with a W.A.A.C. Funny, l.-^n't it, her name's D.O.Ii.A. Sho'.s Al. She's, Al_ioo^sfl_k.vierrLli'nJi.'8 O.K. I Machines For Saleâ€" 7 horsepower Lister gasoline engine, ensilage cutter, Is awing machine, buz/, saw and ijrain grinder. â€" tieo. Brackenbary,Feversh.iin For Sale or Bent â€" A small farm in Eugenia, .•^pply to Thos. E. Fonwick, Eu2( nia Colls Fur Hale â€" One heavy colt.rising 3 and oucregislered mare colt riaing 1 year old. -Fred Mathewson, Flesherton. For Sale â€" .\ few Black Minorca cock- erels fur sale. â€" Lewis Sheirdown, Maxwell P.O. -V few bags of winter apples for sale^- Fred Janiieson, Eugenia. Telephone. YOUR ATTENTION FARMERS So-calleil Cream Buying .Stations liavo concluded contracts with cerluin Crcauicriod by wljicli contracts they are to receive a coiuiuis.siou of two cents per pound. Who pays tiiia cveutuivlly'? Tlio fanner does, of conrsD, Why not ship your creaia direct and get all there is iu it yourself"? Why refuse lo help yourself by supporting an unueceasary link in tbo chain ? SHU' YOUK CilEA.M DlllEGT TO THE BOWES CO, LIMITED 70, 72, 74, 76 Front St. East, Toronto Wo liaVi (.iM. i.i die linosl Cieamcric.-i in Canada. rayiucnls are made daily for each can as received. Get report from your Hanker, if iii^ccssary, as to our iinaiicial and moral responsibility. Cans supplied upon request. Wt pay E.\press Charges, CEDAR WANTED Cedar Wanted -t foot 2 in. long price S5 for No. 1 cedar, or in ihe log 12 foot 4 in. long, >«o. 1 $11, delivered at my mill. â€" Edward Sareent, Ceylun. MISCELLANEOUS Private funds lo loin on real estate security at reasonable rate of in'erest. .•\pply lo U, J. Sproule, KJejberton. sopt 2317 Highest price for buttoi and ecga at Orahani Bros. Eusjenia. Juno 26 Try Feversha.n Pastry Flour, the best j for your cook. All Ontario wheat AUCTION sale! BILLS »».»..».â- Â»..♦..»«.»-».. t.»»«^..t . -»..•• Call iiiul let lis <^ivi! yuii a iiiit/tation on Auction Sale Bills. I'aiiiro s'xtisfaction <;iiHraritoo(l. Wo can arrange sales M'iih any .\uctioIlo^'l• yon rcMntirti Ix't us pi'int your salo liills. Our prices are right- Your Reading Matter We are agents for all Torcnto Oaily |)ai)or.s and most of the Wetikly papers. Call and give us yonr order for anything ymi want in the reading line. We give clnhhing rate.t on most papers to our Subscribers. "The Advance" Flesherton Boar for Service The undersigned lia.s a thorough.irod Yorii.shirc liivir for .service on lot 11, co n 8. Osprey. Terms SL-W. FRED SPOFFAKD. Avery Kerosene Tractors Tliey .ire back of a big 191!) crop. Got prices and catalogue from C, SMITH A SON^, District lJi.stiibutors, Durham, Out., or U. .\. LLSTKR A CO., Toronto, Ont. Stock For Sale Pure Bred Shcrlhurn Bull for sale-- Ued, 17 months old, good kind. Also two registered Clyde fillies, one o nin- t.vo, and tho other cuniuL' three, well matched bayH. Wri^o or phone ^JAS. FINDLAY, Maikdalo, BUSINESSCARDS Societies OlilNOK AUTHUU l.ODdK, No. ;U3,A.P.* ^ A U, lueotn In tht Uaaoniclmll, Arm s iii:ii;'h lilora Klouliortou, ever" Tiiday on or liofore tlio full uicit. T. Honij \V M r. H nlioly. Sotfo'.ary. JJentistry ,\r B. C MURRAY U D. S , dental .nrgen; k' iKiunRiiiituiiti) of Toronto Uiilvcmity «u.l >, yal Oolliuci ul Diiiitnl SuiKooiirt of Outaiio iaaaduiialiiiBtoiecl for toeth extraction (lioi) uc realdoiiCB, Toronto Street, Kluatserton Medical f r OTTMWELL ' Voturliiary HniKeon Iraituato '>f Ontario Vuterlnary llolUm •onideuoa â€" Bocoml door Boutli west oe »i»ry street. Tills street rnui oiitl. I'resbytorlau Cliiiroli. Legal I I'CAH, MANKY A ltKNllY-H»rrl«ter». '-' riolicltorB, BIO. â€" 1. II, I.iioas, K. 0.' W K tlaiiivv, K. C. ; \V. I). Uonry, 11. A. Ullloeu' I'moiih), 80(11) Tiaili.rH llaiik lildj;,, plioni'. Msiii 1419; .Markilalo l.ucjB lUock, f'lioue 8 A. oraucli oUIco at Uuudalk oi<«u every Uaturday. gp ItlOlIT, TRLPORD A WAI.TKK " lianlHtiiv. Solloltorn, Ac. Oillcoii. (»roy t Hnieii lllock, Owiiii Hound. Htimdaid Hank Itlurk, Klenliorton, iHaturdsya). \V. II. Wright ^V. P. I'eltord Jr. W. II. Waltor. 1.1, II. ' Business Cards W'M. KAlTTlNt*, Icsnaed Aiictloneor foi " the ooiinilei of (Iroy ami Hliiicoe. sun suil Htock sales a Hpeclalty. Terms iiodorate. sstlnfai'tion Kuaiikiiti;v<l. Arrantin- iioiitH for rtalea may lie made at tli« Advaiiue 'UUe, or Central teleeiiunoon.eo teverHliaiu <rb)faddre«slnij me at Keversham, Ont. f) Mol'llAir., Iiluenxed Anetionee for tin- ''• County ol (lr..v. Toruia niodcrale and .alls ai'iiou Riiuiaitie.l. Tlie arranceuiiciiCa »iid ilaten of satearan Im niadeat Tim AnvAiiee olflce. Ktmldeuce kuU r,0., t'oyli'U,Tol»i>li()iie i<ooD«ollou, Dec. U, 70 SALE BY TENDER I Of Valuable Property in the Villages of Flesherton and Walterville and Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey> TKNDKU8 Will be received by the underait^iied up to three o'clock in the afternoon of the 15th Day of March, 1919 For Ihe i>urclia.>iO of any or all of the follouini{ purcolH of property belonuiug to ilio ebtalo of the late William King- ston Flesher, namely â€" I'AllCEIi 1 -All ihoHe parts of lot* 14H, 14!> and 150, au-seNned and iu the IioHseSHion i>( the Flether Kiilate and not heretofore Bold and conveyed containin,^ â- iiliout Beveiity-live iicrei^, more or Ick.s, Hiid roughly described as all that part of lot 148 lyinij HouthweHl of the Toronto ind Sydenham Uiad, Have and except llie plots occupied by the Public School and lots 10, 17, 18 and I'J. All that part of lot imir.lier 141) lymn southwesc of the front mill yroperty. All that part of lot number 1.50 lyiug southwest of the i/rist null iiroperty. t'.UlCEIi 2-Mill plot M includiuK lots 14 and 15, about 14^ acres, and I'ark plot about 111 acres, and being cu-nposed of tlie nnrlheaslesly partit ol lots 148, 14'J and 100. PARCEL 3-.\ll those parts of lot number 151 lying southwest of tlie Toronto and .Sydonli'iin Koad 'knd cum- p..suJ of lots 8, '.), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. in, 17, '.iO, 21, :iU, ::!1, and the cal)ii.ot fiictory and mill pond site a.t well as lilocks G Mid J in sail lot, containing i.liijiit tliir; j-oiie ;iiid a (|uarter acres. P.iRCKL 4 â€" lilock L, eonlaiiiin!,' two acres and lieini/ piirt of lot number 148, i*a,uiled northeast (pf the Toronto and Sydenham Ko:t:l and bounded by Vic'oriii, Mill, Albert and Cynthii sts. PARCEL 5- First 5 acres, being composed ol ihe northeast p:ir: of lot l.")C, iu the second ninae sou.h'vest of the Toronto and ."•ydenhim Road in the Township of .Vrieiucsia, and known as the Crown Reserve. Second - That part of Lot liiO in the Second U.insje or cuncessiousouthwe^t uf the Toronto and Syilenhum Ruad in Ihe ToArUship of Aitemesia, oontaining two anil II i|UHi ter acres, puroha'-ed by the sHid Willitiui K Flesher from Wm. Smith. Thirdâ€" That pirt of Lot L'lO in the Second Uaiiye 8ou:hwest of the Toronto and Sydcnhim Hmd in the Townsliii) of Arlumesirt, containing ten acres.purchased by the said Wm. K. Flesher from Mallhuw Riclnrdson. PARCEL C-Li.ts U, 10, 11 and 12, on tho northwcit side of John street and lot No. 1 on the southeast side of John street in the N'illane iit Walterville, acciirding to plan of the subdivision ot Lot '• A ' made by Thomas li. Uilliiand, P,L.S., and contiiining collectively about one acre and si.xleen perches. All of the above pr 'porties will be sold with and subject to all tho riuhts, privi- loites ;'.lid eiisements appertaining theri-to ai^d to which the b:iid deceii.-cd was entitled to enjoy ..r was JMble to nuvin- tain during Ins lifetime iu sjo far as his surviviiiii Kx'cutor can lawfully convey 6uc!i rights or transfer such liabiliiics. The timber upon the said parcels Jsos. 1, 2 and 3 has been sold and the purchaser has hoen granted the riijbt and privilege to remove the sa:iie at any time within live years from ihe Sixth day of .\ugust, I'JIS. The said pirceis will be sold sulijeel 'o such privilege. Ter.derH shall bo in writinij spjcifying the paicid and tha price otl'ereii for the ti.iine and tiddres.'io.l to Jas. .-V. Key\'s, Uariijter, etc., 108 C,>iieun St., Si Cath- ariiies, (Jut., accompanied with a tnarkeJ eheipie piyalilo to the order of the Meicluiiis Bank, Markdile, for ten ;)cr cent, of the purchase price^specified in tho ttiider. The higliest or any tender not necessarily accepted The tiahnce of the purdiai-e money on all tenders aecep- •ed sli i!l be pail thirty days from the date of mailing the acceptaiicj i>t 8t Catharines All cheipie.s acoomptnyiiu; unaccepted teuders will be rotuineU to the tenderers. Tho Vendor is not to bo bound lo any ahstraot of title or produce any title, .leeds or other evidence not iii his po.'ise.ssioii or control, or to ijive c<ipies of any title deeds, but the purchaser is to search tho title at Ins own e.\peuse. If the vendor wit limit any default on his par; is uiiible or imivillini; to make a goodlitli; I" llie .said taiul within thirty froiii the iiKiilini! of the aceeptanco of the tender (if the purchaser ileclines to take sueh title) then he .nay withdraw frem the eoiiiract on the repayment to hiiii of any sum piid on account of the purchase iiioney and without being en- titled to any comiionsation or expenses 111 eoiiueetioii iheiewit!;. For further pirtieuUre apply to James A. Keye^, Barrister. Jamks a. Kkvks, 108 l^liuen Street, St. Catharine.-', Out. (Soleitor for iho Estate) llolstein Bull For Service .\ thorouglibred llnlatein bull fur service on lots W;tl84 S.W. r. A S.R., Artemesia: cly related to the wiu'ld's i:haiii|u»ii 44'pouiiil oow. Terms- SL-IOfor )fra>ies, $6.00 for pure bretia. â-  »ll<SSSSS»«'»i »»»â- Â«Â«â- Â§â- â-  » SSSS SSSIIISS Pratt's Regulator Try Pratt's Animal Kegulatfjr for stock, and make ytnir hens lay by feetling them Pratt's Poultry Regulator. For sale at GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, ONT. 8 â-  iil f<H â- â- â- â- s>i**''«i»> J I!! II II i I ig] ii i i II Dlil i Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic iLse. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. WE SELL FA .1 IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, M.^LGMtNT AGENT FLESHERTON. Your Business College Farmers Attention 1 .luly 17 -UKO. MOOKK *vSon* Farm Fof Sale 111 the township of Osprey one hundred acres, ninety acres cleared, ten acrea hardwoo.t buiih ; two storey solid brick ootbajje, I'edlar roofinc, cellar full »i/.e, furnace, kitchen and woiHlshed, koIuI brick, hard and soft water inside ; large luitbuildings with water supply •nsule. For further pariiculars spply tc JO'IN (UUMMEri', rrotim .Station U.K. •> tll\ ELLIOTT ^^-7 Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Has .superior courses, equipment and teachers. It tnakei good yvery cUim imi promise. Kvery Kiaduate of the last three years has promptly .<ecured employ- ment. Dpeu all jear. NOW is a a splendid time to enter. Ca'alogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princip.vl Make money in your spare time during the coming Full and Wiutei mouths by selliug Laidy Canadian nursery stock. WINTER TERM in the l>eRin«THrRSD.\V, J.\N. 2, liUD flirls and boys who have Veen work- ing hard on the farm dunni.' the summer should have a chance to improve their education this winter. Circular.s free to any address. A. FLEMING, F.C.A., Principal, Dept. A., Owen Sound, Ontario. (Mention this paper when wri ting) British and European markets will be open again far Canadian Fruit and now is tl)e time to order for ."priog planting. c. Boar For Service UrKittured Chester White h )i; for service at Rock Mills. The father won first at Chicii«o Fair. Terms fl.tiO. Iftdecltt â€"I. SMITH Prop. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell aui t>t)eniin! up atonco, a blacksmith ins and woodwtvliiDK bimineM in Mas- woH, and am 'iMialliiH; up-to-date wood- workioK niacdlmnwy. It will be rajr an deavoc to sarT* tiie public in a aatitfa*- toiy mamitr and 1 would solicit patron- »K«. I wtnt yourwi«k and will do it '>«•>». T-AprB 1 CHESTER LONG Largest liat of Fruit am^ Orna mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc. grown in Canada. Write for p&rkioulare. Stone & Welliigton The Pontliia NarMrilM. (Eatabllttnd I^.) TORONTO . ONTARIO Farm For Sale A 50 aere iaiiu for aala on the latt Back liine. Artemaaia, 3rd taDg«, north half of lot 132. On the pramlM* tbere it a i;ood fr*me barn, 40 x BO feet ; a small frame heuae ; a Kood drilled well ; hen houie : the fall plowinn U done. For particulara apply on premlsee. â€" J. H. IIOLLET, Flesherton.

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