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Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1919, p. 2

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To Prove Our Claim^ .^.^_ â€"^^iâ€" â- ' A Tea-Pot Test is better than a page of Advertisement. Is the Purest & Finest Flavored Tea your money can purchase. B82a CoB»rl«iit HoniUtoa MiOUn Comoany »» â- B«cJ»l »rran?»m«nt vosoBta Wltll TUOl. AU»» A Plea for Mops and Brooms. I I used to dislike cleaning days thor- I can remember the time ^v-hen my ! ""K^ly- The strong «"«? ^"'^ ^ot broom cad dustpan wer« always ! ^^ter made my hands red and rough, standing in my way in a corner of the I breathed in dust, and the cap I wora kitd,en, and U,e rl^st of my dealing I -*«. Y^.'^^t^'^^^'.^Hf^.^^l^'^;, Now I go about it systematically. a moment I can collect all the mat- I will need for cleaning. In I dust off pictures, equipment, con;;isting of a wet mop, a scrub brush, two pails, and some , unbeautiful cleaning cloths, disfigured i erials my back porch. For years I did myl ^^e living room cleaning with these primitive utensils I ^nc-a-brac and furniture, and cover -sweeping, scrubbing, polishing, ^ ^hf m or put them in another room. without realizing that times had ^ Then I clean the floor wMth the acu- changed since my mo^ier taught me | ""» cleaner and dry. mop. The kitchen the methods grandmother had taught I !« «ven easier and altogether cleaning hg,. I is one of the least strenuous and moat ,p, , ^, , ^ , , , .. ! satisfactory of my duties as house- fhc day that I woke up to the idea | j^eeperâ€" R fl. B of a cleaning closet filled with con- 1 venient and effective implements was a red letter day. When I decided to have a cleaning closet and to fill it with up-to-date equipment, I had be- gun to realize that I was wasting POLAR SEA IS A VAST EDDY CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION REPORTS NO CURRENTS. Last of Stefansson's Party Lands Safely on Coast of Alaska After Years en Ice Floe. out other provision than those secured I by his ride, hia party landed all safe. The other four meaibers of tht< â-  party were: Bustav .Masik, Lomo ' Knight, Martin Killan and Q. G. Qu* I mar. The Department of the Naval Ser- How I Cured Myself of the Worry; y,pg ^^ Ottawa has received from Yu- Habit I Speaking of how he broke off smoking, a friend said to me: ''I vealed what he had believed he should ^^y.^^^ 3,,^ ^^p in her eye . findâ€" th» power of personality im- ^vasn't really clc CHAPTER XLI.â€" (Cont There was a shy twinkle - -. , . ,, • , • .„„ „„ as she glanced at him. pressing itHelf on judge, on jury, on •Thafs u swift come-back," ho j witness; Jerry's straightforward acknowledged. "But I can't let you honest, definite manner, his menta think a member of the bar is illiter- ! alertness, and his imposing phy.sical ate. I was trying to slip something . yjgor made him a formidable cross- over on you, to see v/hat you'd <'0; examiner. He won his case, and about it." . ,• * I Trask congratulated him and added "\ow you know. According to my : ^ tp^iou-^ly, "You've passed the •teacher, some men w^ll discharge a^ "^y^f'^'""- '>' '" ' stenographer for correcting them,, test- and others Wiill make her their private \ What he had meant by that Jerry secretary." . j learned when Trask appointed him "I hope you draw one of the right; Assistant District Attorney. With a Und. For I don't believe youd ever 1 ^,^ -^ ^^^^^ thousand dollars a let anybody's sloppy English go with- ^ ^ ^ ^i^ out fixing It upâ€" a person with your year hmu woir. ci t 1 talent for writing." I busy every minute Jerry felt that the "I think I'd make just as few al- j days when he had wondered how he terations as I could," said Kate, look- , should ever get a start at the law irvg pleased. "I wouldn't want^ to .yere very far away, spoil the indlvidual.-ty of a letter." ^^ prosperous a condition seemed Kate and Jerry held various Mmilar | ^^ ^^.J.^..^^' ^^^ alteration in the fam- diseussnons; Jerry found it entertain- , .,^.._^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^.^^ .j,,^^^ ^^^^ ^.^„. in their lodgings until April, ing to draw her out, to hear her com- ' ''y '^ â- ' . ' tiunie hours of time, and no one knows how ' made up my mind not to be mastered much strength, in toiling with that ! by anything that couldn't talk." I now realize that 1 1 Later, when I was wrestling with the . leaning my house as it ' worry habit, I remembered that. .should be cleaned. A good deal of the ' I had worried until I w^as under the time I was "simply stirrinjf up dirt orj doctor's care. Then, one day, my! was planned by Mr. Stefansson, who not affecting it at all. husband and I were riding on a street, intended to command the party per- I had the closet built in a recess car that was blocked in front of a ; sonally, but was prevented from do- in one comer of the kitchen. It is ' store with large windows. Glancing, ing so by typhoid, which overtook him 9 feet high, 18 inches deep and 3' toward the windows I saw the reflec-j about three weeks before the eipect- j feet wide, and is painted white ' throughout. A shelf for bottles and cans of cleaning matenial is built 5 feet C inches from the floor, and the cleat from which the mops and brooms hang is 5 feet 3 inches from ' tion of a woman's face with the most' ed start, distressed expression imaginable. I had looked for some time before I ^he north coast of Alaska at Cross Is- realized that the face belonged to my [and, consisted of nine whites and four hu.sband's wife. There was not a Eskimos, with sledges They started „ ._ _ thing to hurry for, and there I sat jjarch 15. 1918. After about two the floor. The dustpan and some of i fuming and fretting. I ladgh^dâ€" and : weeks of travel noithward across the Coming Home to England. Ever the shimmer of the English leaves, And a southern wind a-blownng; Ever a twitter of dawn at the eaves; And the distant kine a-'.owing; Ever the' glory of Autumn sheaves, And a dimpled brook a-flowing. Ever the church at the foot of th« hill; And the tavern's sign a-swinging; Ever a voice at the window-sill. And the children a-tugging an(} clinging; Ever the clatter that comes from the niiill;- And a thrush at my heart a-singing. Gone is the dawn with its lurking fears On a night of tearless weeping; Gone is the ache of the crawling years. With horror and death in their keep- ing; Storkersen^s party, when^ they left ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^-g^. ^^ tj,e coming years, ^^^ ^^^ loved ones around me sleepf kon, Alaska, a despatch from Stoker Storkersen aniiouncrtig the safe arri- val of his ice exploration party on November 7 last, on the north coast of Alaska. This brings to an end the exploratory work of the Canadian Arc- tic Expedition. The work carried out by Storkersen ing. the shorter brushes hang 3 feet from the floor. All are provided with | screw eyes fastened to the ends, for ! convnient hanging, and all cloths are \ hung up by means of tape loops. | Everything that I use in cleaning is in that closet. A supply of new cloths is kept in a tin box on the A silver bell has been anonymouS' was more surprised at the difference jce Storkensen sent back three of the ; ly presented to the town of Guild, ments on the teacher and on the pu ler views of bu!Tnes.s that .she was preparing pirei pils, to get her views about the world ; when their lease of apartment ex- *:. I.. : »u_i. „!.„ „ â€" „„..-;„i»'_: I K.,( then, Jerry deterniiined, the laugh made in my appearance. ! sledges and four of the men. Two Then and there I resolved to be hundred miles from Alaska he sent master of the thing that couldn't talk, tack three more sledges and all but First I joined a gymnasium, and it four of his companions. Their plan did wonders for me. I became happy ^ then was to camp on the ice, and drift and enthusiastic about it. And when-; ^ith it. They carried practically no ever I found myself worrying or' provisions, expecting to live on seals floor, so that I never have t,o"waste! thinking unhappy thoughts, I sat i^nj polar bears, time in hunting something with which '1°^^'" ""'^^ ^^f. «" interesting article; westward. to dust and polish. A. small tin lard. O'- «^ «"t«'^t«'"'"K4t°^y V"'* *! /. . , k ,• , . funny paragraph. If after this my It had been the general belief of tried geographers and Polars that there ford, England, for use by the towtt crier on the day peace is signed. Pictorials War HISTORY OF THE GREAT S. J. DUNCAN-CLARK, with Canada's Valoroas Achievements By MAJOR W. S. WALLACE, M.A.(Ox.) Lecturer in Modem Hisiury in Toronto University. Large Handsome Volume, over ICO double column 'â-  , . . , . ' pages, equal to aboit 800 ordinarr pages. Picture current running westward and on every paze. N-jarly 400 Omclal PhotM. besidi in Would-' Peter and ; was that the Dobbiiues should <"on- 1 , , , Bettv tinue to live with the Donohues and i f '"'-^^'lere ma, the park Betty, that Kate should go to college instead ; heedless rap ure exclaimed, of getting a jol> as a slenograiiher. , n t that be lovely! But It would hardly be possible to send j Kale were tv.lent. her until the following year; mean- "What do you say, Kate?" Jerry while, she was ac(!iiiirng some knowl- 1 .,g)jgj_ cdee which would be useful to her | ' .... t Inv where Jerrv could not conceive | "I haven't anything to say Jerry that his philanthropic purposes could , It's awfully good of you to think of given me; that Storkersen's party would be car- \ ^±^^:^S:^^, ^^oXeH^alyTn ials and small brushes conveniently' ^° many pleasant things to thmk ried west parallel to the coast of SI- ' battery, worth about lialf the price of the boolc. hangs from J^e shelf, and a chamois '' "^^o-ft that only rarely now do I have beria. Had the drift been to the west- j AGENTS WANTED ^'^.'^e^^iifc/'frrito^'^Ni to hunt up something new. I ward, Storkersen would undoubtedly !„„,,,, lo^e. Th; elegant colored plates and superior Then I established in my home a' have remained on the ice all winter,' now be balked; as the condition that had driven Kate to prepare for an independent life no longer cxi.'tcd, she could, no doubt, bo persuaded to forego the plunge, to do in.-itcad the ua, but you know we're going to look out for ourselves pretty soon." "Oh, that'sâ€" "began Jerry, and then he flu.shed and stopped. It would thinrthat wa's" so' obviously best for | n't be so easy, this explanation. â- ^ .." r, .-_ _„.i 1 1.- If ., nf"'"Kate, 1 guess you and I must have Betty, Peter, and herself. If a life of independence still seemed a goal to' a little heart-to-heart talk. Mother, str;v,e towards, she would ^ee that it ] don't you want to go up and vi.sit Mrs. for polishing metals and glass hangs in its place beside the Oiiled dust cloths. .'V hand-power vacuum cleaner, with which I can clean walls and furniture as well as floors, is the most impoi't- ant of my implements. I never knew what really cleaning a rug or floor meant until I acquired my vacuum cleaner, and even at that it probably ( as a power cleaner would do it. Canadian official photos sell this book on siglit. "refuge spot," which still is and al- but It appears from his ("espatch that ways will be a fixture there. It con- no such westward drift was found, but tains books â€" cheerful and happy i that the ice cake on which they were ones. And when task follows task' camped was carried around in what until it seems there will not be hours' may be considered a large eddy. They enough in the day for their accomp- 1 commenced their drift about 73 north lishment, when I find myself becom- latitude and 148 west longtitude. The ing nervous arKl hurrying from one' most north-westerly point reached by ^ , ^, , ^, ,, , thing to another, when a fit of the; them Storkei-seu reports to have been loes not do the work as^ thoroughly ^ j,,^^^ ^^^^^ imminent-I simply drop | 74 north latitude and 152 west longi- everything and flee to my refuge to tude, while the most easterly point A carpet sweeper takes up surface! read myself calm.â€" S. L. was wise to qualify herself for work in which her natural gifts would havo freer play than would be theirs should she be content with only a common- school education. Jerry believed that he could say, "Now, Kate, I know ex- actly why you were so possessed to rush out into the worltl anil earn your j living. But the thing that you ex- 1 pectcd me to do never came off, and 80 you needn't be in any haste." Ho believed that if he ^aid juf^t this and then dilated on Kate's duty to her brother and sister and herself, the Dobbinscs woulil not bo lost to the Donohues immediately. The pvonpect of keeping them in the family cheer- cii Jerry immensely, and was only one of several factors that gave zest to life at a time when his mother suspected that gloom ciiveloiiod his soul. For another thing, the election went in all respects as Jerry hoped it w^ould do. Maxwell was badly de- feated; Trask was victor over Mul- kern by a huge majority; the old Democrah'c city mncliine, if not smashed, was seriously disabled. Two months intervened before the new Bennett for a while? And I'eter, you and Betty can go and stutly in the otlu-r room." Mrs. Donoliue accepted exile ami- ably. She lingered for a word of ailmoniti'on. "Now, Kate, don't you be stubborn. Jerry's told me what he wants to do for you, and I'm su GIVE EX-KAISER T.\STE OF IT 'I dirt, crumbs, lint, and thread from sewing, etc., when I am ,in a hurry and do ^t want to use the vacuum cleaner. A good corn broom does' Group of French Soldiers Prescribe good service, although it Isn't in use} p,,ni..hment in Military Form a third as much as It used to be, and a whi.^k broom is often handy. Two I ". '^';"';' ' â- "â- '"^'.' â- â- ---'.». -"^ ^" "^i and has given additional demonstra- guo<J camel's-hair paint brushes of: P'"^'*' '"'^1^ received from a group of, j,^„ ^j ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ suitability for ;js^ifferent sizes help me in cleaning the ! fjench leUejs tU 5«li^>V"!,_'^".'l'; .°"! I'o'ar exploration of the method of while the reached was 144 1^ west longitude. In addition to valuable deoi)-sea sound- ings, whi:h were taken, although no report of them has been received, this ! exploration has shown the inaccuracy I of the theory previously held as to i THIS IS DIFFERENT to any other war b-!olt ca the market, therefore competition nil. Send OOc. miiHnc expenses of elaborate working outfll and full instructions immediately. The J. L. NICHOLS CO. LimitBd, TORONTO ' EAGLE MoroA srne A ,..., ,, , , , ..I. n • 1 I ourrents in this part of the Polar Sea, A little l-rench weekly, the Cri de: „„,, ^^^ I approve. Things aren't as theyj wore once, you know." | With a meaning nod she withdrew.! Peter and Betty took their books and; went into Kate's room. Kate closed i her notebook and 'sat with down-' cast eyes, waiting, while Jerry paced to and fro with hi.s hanils behind his back. Finally he began, with some- : «hat less poise of manner than ho! was already accustomed to display in, tho courtroom. 1 "Of course I know what put the, idea of launching out for your.^elves; into your head. Mother gave you a' hint that I was wanting to get mar-; rie.l, and you felt that you and Peter ! ;',';j,^ j,^^^ ^,^^^ ,,^^ ^^^^j ,;^^ j ^^^^ , and Betty might bo preventing me.! ^,^, ^.|^ ^,,^^,^i_,^ ,,^^,.^,3 p^^,^,,^,^^ ^,^^^. 1 Whether there was ever any icason ; g,,^ ^^ ^^^j.^ ,^^^3 dustless I oil I for that belief or not, you " know- j „,^^ slightly, putting a little oil in I (li«erent,p„p ^.^^^^^ ^f y,g ^^^^^^^ rolling it moment, tightly, and leaving it a few minutes' Too good furniture, and' the subject of the ex-Kaiser's pnnish- crevices in my two small vegetable brushes find a hundred uses. 1 use a dry mop, oiled, for the bare floors in my dining room, living room, and bedrooms, and a wet mop for kitchen and porches. A mop wringer fastened to a pail saves ine the unpleasant task of wringing out the mop with my hands, and saves strength besides. I save old under- clothing luirticulaily for mop cloths, because it is soft and absorbent and not linty. ment; â€" This is how we .think the Kaiser ought to be punished: William II. shall wage war until death ensues. f'very day he shall march 15 miles with full pack and equipment, carry- ing a quick- firing rifle and a load of hand-grenades. He shall wear a trench helmet and never be allowed to take it off. At the end of his 15-niile march he shall be made to cross marshy Polar exploration living on the country, tor Storkersen reports that after seven months w-ith- IXTrite tO'&9,T tor our bltf Frse Catalogue showing our full lii:'*3 of Bicydcf for Mea and Women, Uuy3 cud CirU. MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTACHMENTS Tires, Coaster Brake.i, WheeM, Inner Tube*, l^amps, Bell-s, Cyclometers, baddies, Kquip- nient and Parts of Bicycle.?. Ofo'i can buy your supplies from us at wholanle prtc«a* T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notro Dems Straet West, MontrsaJ. A stiff scrub brush and two galvan- ground with water up to his waist, ized iron pails are also included in I He shall be made to walk down the outfit. For dusters I use a soft 1 sodden communication trenches administration entered upon its (hi- ; ^|,p situation's altogether ties; Trask invited Jerry to pass the j tQ.(|„y - jjg hpgitated for interval in his office as his assistant, ,,„,, ,,hon, a.s Kate did not speak. he|f^^. ^^^ „i, ^^^ ^ ^ through and offered him a salary a little ] ,,on,iiuied. "And I'm glad it is. I; much oil is apt to give a streaky ap- larger than that wh,'cli he had becn^^new, off and on, that she di.ln t love J „.^„,^g „,. to darken woodwork. My receiving as a patrolman. 1 lunging I ,„e enough. There's nobody now : ,,„3t,,^„ J3 „ u>ng-handled one that into the new work with ardor, .lerry m,,,^^ [.„, ^\,^, iea„t bit interested in;[^^^ „ t,,.,p .^.^i^.^ ^p^^, automatically had almost at once an opportunity to j,,,) y^,j, ^jj pgter and Betty are partj ^^.j,^,^ j ^^,^ j^ j„ position on the floor, throw him bodily some demonstrate his capabilities. Trask 'f ji,p fan,iiy„„(i I want to have you' „,j ^.^^^^^ without losing a scrap of 'away, turned over to hlni a ca.xe that was | ^^^.^ t|,(j advantages that I'd give you'^irt when I lift it up. Every night he shall be made to scheduled for early trial, and Jerry j jf [ ^y^^^ really your brother. There's! An ordinary dish mop with a wood- ' walk for two hours in the dark across went into it with such thoroughness i j^ oollcge education ahead for every | g^ handle helps m« to cleiiji out dif- ! hrokcn ground, and to cross several and fviigle-mlndcdnoss that he was â-  ^jg g^ y^u You won't let pride fiuuit corners and small spaces, and a wire entanglements while carrying unaware of tho interest with which j,,,,„(| j,, ^1,^ ^vay, will you, Kate?" ! small steiiladiler enables me to reach ''ases of hand-grenades, his employer was watching him. IIO; .,j^^,(. „,],.,t j;, „ person without. t),p j,,igi, places. When cleaning I -^s for hygiene and comfort, he pride, Jerry?" She looked up at himj^^-ear heavy denim aprons and rubber , shall change hia underclothes only with dear eyes, even though there gjoves, and these are kept in the ' on the first of each month, so as to was a puzzled frown on her brow, closet also. Several tools which I am , hecome a prey to vermin; he shall b« 'What you offer us is the life of a constantly needing when I am clean- ! allowed to wash on that day only which telephone wires shall have been artfully arranged so as to en- tangle him. He shall spend every night in a narrow tre:ich, in which a few djizen rats shall be kept and near wlwch there will .lie some decaying car- cases. As soon as he begins to doze off a few hand-grenades shall be explod- ed, as well as a mine, which should | ten yards rue Only True "UNIVERSAL" PhOHOgraph â€" entitled to the name because it actually does play ALL records CORKECTl.V. And Iterp aro the reasons: 1. The "Ultona." the ciilv reproducer which lias the rluht DIAPHKAGM. exact WETIGHT and correct NB;ei>1.,E for playinjf each make of record exactly n.s It should be played. .V mere turn of the hand maUes It ready for whlchevt^r malts of record you desire to vlay. 2. The all-wood tone chainlier â€" built like a violin â€" Blves complete freedom from all metallic harshness. The Urun.swlok Is tlie one Instrument that gives you ub.volutcly unrestricted choice of all the world's re- •â- ord, 'i tiitisdc. Kail This Coupon For PuU Setalla THE Dept. W. L. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Excelsior Life Bldg. SALES CO. Toronto Pleaae send me. free of charge, your booklet showing the Brunswick neiw method of reproduc- t!vn, March S. Name St. or R.R. Prov. He collected an impre.ssive array of judi- cial decision.'! supporting his client's contention, he was indefab^giiable in seeking out witnesses, and he showed skill and soundness in argument. When he subpiiltcd tho result of his rcacnrches, Tiask said to him, "I think you'd better try this rase." That had been more than Jerry had hoped to ilo; he tingled with cxciteme«it, and in the evenings kctching the , pjuasite, and If I agreed to it 1 should [ng j keep in a box with my cleaning l;e throwing nwny the pride that is all materialsâ€" a tack hammer, a jv. Besides"- she fmiled,' that makes m myself anywa. and the puzzled frown vanished and a livelier light shone in her eyes â€" the fact that you're not interested â- iiifl- enk j^tiirnod to the office and paved the ;„ jmyone now has no special sign floor pVeparin^ fvr ^i^ |1^?* ^![^"ri."^ Cft""? f.*"" the/uture. I^'Jip** W' ^ffort. â- "•*"'* rjccessiui, 80 ifuccess- 1 pr next monui you may be ili love lul that immediately Trask gave himj^j(), gome woman â€" and not just off another and more complicated ra.iOjgnd on." to work out. And here again Jerry's I "Vou don't understand mo," crietl preparation proved so painstaking , jg,.fy '•{ jjhall probably never mar- liriver, j» tack puller, anc? nn ('.»8ort- meiit of nails, screws, and tacks. and showed such a grasp of both de tails and principle.^ that Trask sn.'d, "I can't do better than let you go into court with it." During tho trial Trask s'.n))ped in to ascertain if his assistant needed help. J^rry v/a,' cross-examining a witness; and after ftve minutes Trask »ent a"* ay satisfied. Fle had seen rc- ry. I shail be much too busy to fall in love, â€" and I think I'm not capable of any very permanent feeling Hbout a woman." Kato laughed; aha sprang up and, tucking her arm inside his, patted his hand while she walked with him to and fro. iTo be continue<l.) For rations, he shall be entitled to screw , one t;ii of bully beef per day, with a quarter of a loaf of bread, and, as an J appetiser, some sardines in oil; he On the sholf are a collection of the I siis!' drinlt either water or sour wine, cleaning liquids, washing powders, ! half a pint for eich mesl. and polishing matuiiiaU that I use In This shall last for 365 days in the cleaning. A supply of kerosene, am- 1 year, During the meal hours one Dlon!«, fjQOhol, (jii;^ liii>«e4 oil is kept i might tmpvove his mind by reading hloud to him selected passages from ?nj«^ fjQOhol, nj^ ] pint jai^ *!:.t!>'y m pint jars p;r.T:"v mbel*!, Some of the oln'or mater'als which I And necessary are soap, floor wax, washing soda, furniture polish, hath brick, stove poliuh, and a good scour- ing preparation. Before putting mops and brushes back in the closet I see that they are thoroughly clean. Most of them can be i-lcinsej very wejl In soap and My dry tnop i wash occasion Boche philosophers, ,!n lieu of the customary reading of the communi- que. 'thus perhaps he might be made to realize the sufferings endured by millions of men who, through his fault, were sent to the slaughter. water. The island of Barbadofs is said to '„e ifept free fiom malaria by the allv in wa'^hing soda and wator^ nryi^'iy Ash known as "Millions," which dusters go into the w^eVly wash as Jevoiiv the larvae in the early stages rcg;i'.ar as the towel^ «hU table linen. 'o' 't* development. 'IX^e'rVs'-PARKER'S Parker's can dean or dye carpets, curtains, lacea, draperies, gowns, etc., and make them look like new. , Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods, and PARKER'S will renew them. * We pay carriage charges one way and guarantee satisfactorj- work. Our booklet on household helps that save money will be sent free on request to PARKER'S DYR WORKS, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. • • - Twcn'io 1 Btjiac' flcsagwEMi ,ji»*

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