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Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1919, p. 1

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/lesljertxrn "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN' !i. I ! Vol, 38, No. 4! Flestierton, Ont, Xlarcti 13 I'.tli) SINGHAMPTON T On February 16th, 1910, iit the hume of her daughter, JMrs. Win. Sprott, of Bidjeros, thern passed into eternal rest, at the afje of 'Jl years, the spirit of Elizibeih Kean, widow nf Robert Morriaou. The deceased nas born in the cuunty of Sligo, Ireland, iu 18'28, was married in 1844 to Robert Morridou and emigrat- ed to Canadt wilh her husband in 1850, making the six weeks' voyage in a nail boat. In the St. Lawrence rirer they were stranded for some time on a sand bank and had considerable ditiiculty re- gaining the water. After a few years' residence in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison moved to Duntroon and later to lot 31, 9lh con. of O^prey, to a bush farm wilh a few acres only of clearing. Mrs. Morrison bravely and cheerfully went to work to help her husband make a home for the then growing family and their united industry was rewarded. Possessed of a w.trm, Irish heart. Mis. Morrison was social by nature and given to h'jtpitality. Her acts of kindly ministrations will be long remembered by her neiKhhors and her uei<;hbor'a childreB. When living in Duntroon, Mrs. Morn- son united with the Presbyterian church, transferring her membership to Siny- hamptou when the congregation here was <ir;;aDiz'd. It was no unusual tnins; for her to walk from her hume in Oiprey to enjoy the commuHion service iu -The Scotch settlement near Duntroon. She was (V devoted student of the Serip'ures ai.d had read the Bible through '25 times. The memories of her long, useful devoted life, remain as comfort and inspiration to her family. Of twelve cliildien nin(> are living, viz , Uobertof Ma.xwell, VVni. J. of Uob Roy, Irwin of Siughauip;on, Uceve of Oiprey Township ; Mrs. Lougheud of Manitoba, Mrs. Henry Sprott of Van- couver, Mrs. Eliz>beth Sprott of Barrie, Mrs. .\lcx. Fisher and Mrs. Tho.s. Fisher of Stayner, and Mrs. Wm. Spr.Ut of Badjeros. There are also i)i< grand children, 116 great grand children and 8 tireat sjreat grand children, a total of 1S6 living de«cendants. Two grandsons, George Fisher and Clarence Sprott, ait with the C. E. F. ; another, Russel Morrison, is with the Siberian force. R. J . Sprott, prineipal of Vancouver Busi- ness College, Victor Sprott, principal v! Calgary Bueiuess College, and Dr. R. Sprott, Mayor of Barrie, are also grand- sons. The funeral services were conducted on February ISlh by Rev. J. W. Holmes, from the home of Reeve Morrisim, interment being in Singhampton ceme- tery beside her husband, who pre- deceased her 25 years ago. Credits Sustain Our Foreign Trade Tlio public birdly realizes the extent to which Canada's export trade is de- pendent on the prov'diUij the c/edits for other governments. Since the middle of 1!»18 credits amounting to $240,000,000 have been advanced to the British Ojv ernmentas follows :â€" Imperiiil Munitions Board, $132,000,- 000; for tho purchase of Canadian grain, $55,000,000 ; for export:- vf daay pro- ducts, $35,000,000 ; for the sale of tho B C. Salmon pack, §8.000,000 ; for other exports of foo^, $10,000,000. This money came from tho Canadian public iu iho £onn of Uans. Out of their savings over 1,000,000 people in this Country bought Doiiiini'n bonds, and thus provided the funds out cf « liich tlie«o advance.^ were made. Thi.s practice must lie continued if Canadi is to gut her share of the export trade. Those who buy Was. Savings and Thrift Stamps supply money for these cr«dit8. CEYLON Mrs. George Cairns visited with her sister at the Orangevillo hospital on Thursday last. Pte. Wilfred Campbell spent the week end at Owen Sound. On account of anniveraity service at Rock Mills there will be no Sunday School or church service on Sunday. Miss Lillian MoPhail left last week to teach in the public sc'iwol at Alton. Ptes. Wilfred Campbell and Will McArthur leave this week f^r the West. Tho Women's Institute intend holding their meeting this Friday afternoon at Mrs. Archie Stewart's. The W*omen's Institute held an oyste' supper at Mr. D. Wydeman's residence on Frid»y evening m aid of the boys. The evening was iiieal and a large crowd was present enjoying Ichemselves with games, music and dancing after the tea was served at which ample justice was done as the oysters were pronounced Al and the ice cream and cake delicious. Much credit is due to the ladies, whose ert'i,rts assisted to make it a success. About S72 was taken in at the door. Mrs Wilson McMullen received a measaao on Frid vy last ih it her nephew W. Wilson, of Toronto, had passed away. I't.'. Will Gibson has returned from Torouti', h»viu;; received his discharge. Mrs; Lulher Torrey and little sou of Lauriston visited her parentf, .Mr. and Mrs. Piper, here. After an abseiioj if eight years. Pie. Melville Rutledgo arrived homa la^t Wediie.sday. Enlisting from the west ha served two years overseu.s. Mr. and Mrs. John Adairs spent a cuuplo of days last week with Markdale friends. .\lr. and .Mrs. Uuss Leslii and babe visited wiili tho lalter's parents, Mr. ind Mrs. .V McMullen, laati week, returning tj Toronto Wednesday. Mr Adair of Sask., and Miss Sample of Fevershani visited with the former's sister, Mrs. R' bt. Liughliu, on Frid»y list. Mr. .\rchiti Sinclair spent .Saturday evening with Dundalk friends. I'te. R. Whitney and wife of Markdale spent Saturday here, calling on their many friends, who were delighted to see them. Miss Irene and Cliarlia Stewart re- lumed Monday from visiting friends in Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. P'lllerson has moved into h s residence lately puichased from Mr. E. Sargean'. Wc extend a welcome to them. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Gibson visited last week wilh Toronto friends. Willie _\Vydeinan, who has been visit- i:ig his brother here, returned to I'lutnn Saturday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. D. Wydeman. Roiia'd Metachreo, an elderly man living in the Belfountain ne1ghborhoi.d, was br jughl to Lord Dufferin Hospital on Saiuidoy evening in an unconscious audition from the effects of a fall from a cutter. We understand the injured ujui was riding in the culler with t»o other men, when ihe vehicle slewed, throwing him out on his hiaJ on ihe iiy road. All examination reveiUd fe fracture uf the top of the skull. An operatioT w:«s peri itmed Saturdiy night by Dr. Ojir of Erin and Dr. Macleod. MeEachreti voga'ued c<r.isciousness on Sunday and cliaBc*» ais said to ^bo i;oi'd for his recovery, â€" Oru.Rotille Bi'iuer. Donated Necklace Following tho famous sales at Christy a last year when jewaU and i recious bits of art were am- t.jueed for the benefit cf the Ued Cros*. there was inaugurated the idea of collecting pearls f'lr the most precious necklace of all. Princess Viotciia undertook Iha work of colkctinj; aided by public spiri:e(I women of the Empire. Queen Alexander, <,>ucen Mary aod all the lidies cf tho Royal Fun ly contributed their choicest pearls and ihe s'ring grew to almost unwieldy length. Tho Ooan'ois of Norbury gave tho clasp consisting, of a hu^o rus^, diamond surrounded by smaller stones. The signing of tho armij-tice came at about the linio the .string was complete,-'.. On December 19 the necklace was su'd to a fnni of well-known jewellers for I £22,000 tho m>roy g"iii.j to the British Red Ctuss. The \V«lkerton Em and Dniiy Co- ] Limited was fine J f20 and costs by • Magistrite I imes Tolton on .4 complaint i hid by Mr. J. D, Cj-neron, U»veruinent ; Inspector of Creiinerica, and which O'larged the local firm wi'h selling on \.h^ ; (5;h day . f .January, lOlH, a <iiiiiitity of butter sh'pped to lh« JV'.eiborougb Mi^k Product^, LiiaiMB)* which cuntaincd jt greater (iiiantity of water ihjin Hi pet cent., C'Uitrary t.i tho iti^iijjtes in that behalf. Victoria Corners The League and young people of Inistioge antertained the Bethel young people last Wednesday evening. Miss Gracey, of Shelburne, v'sited her sister, Mrs. ./as. Liidlaw, over the week end. Cba«. Moore went to New Brunswick with seven head of thoroughbred cattle, which he sold there week. A very good congregattoa at Inistioge on Sunday. f)ur mir.ifter was Ih-jre, howefer, that beina the iidvantag2 of having an Ea^le. The heavy snow -ii-rm did not affect his flight. Engine Back Fired Barn is Burned Watson McCluskey, a youog farmer living on lot 10, 2nd line, west, Mouo, mat with a serious misfortune on Mon- diy afternoon of last week when his barn, season's feed, a iiuantiiy of grain and some other contents were complete'y destroyed by di-a. Mr. McCluskey was crushing ^rain al the time. He was usiLg a gasoline engine, which hackdicd, a spark starling t.'ie conilagratioii which spread with startling rapidity. Mr. Mc- Cluskey and a few nearby neighbors managed to save the live stock and implements by hard and danuerous work. The building «as a line bank structure, 48ti)0, «iih well, titled stabling. The owurr. Win. McCluskey, sr., carried S12ljt) insurance in the Dufferin Fanners' Mutual, but ihis will not begin t > cover the loss. "â-  Ml: McCiuakey jr. bad the contents insured fi/r ti.ioCO in the Peel and Maryboiough Mutual. The hre occurred between four and Bve o'ch ck. â€" Free Press. Ajtemesia Council Council met on tho Ist Hay of March, 191'J. Members were all prsseut. the Reeve in the chair. The minutes wore read and confirmed. Bylaw No. appotjitiui: oversears.etc, and No. 8 to authorize loan to H igh School, were introduced aud read a tir^t and .second time. No, 8 was pissed and No. laid over for further con.siderat.ion. Standard Bank ruport of funds in Bank was presented. W H Thurston account for assessment rolls and supplies $18. Buruottâ€" Biicholorâ€" That the Reeve and Mr. Cameron l^e a cammittoe to examine the Auditors' Roport when completed and have the samo printed in pamphlet form. --Carried. Burnett -Mvthewsnii â€" That the ac- count of W H Thurston ^5r assessment roll.s and stationary [be paid. .â€"Carried. Cameronâ€" Batchelor â€" That W. A. .\rmstrong bo refunded $31.42, being an error in his assessmoiit, 1!I18, the prop- erty having been enteroJ twice on Rolls. Carried. Cameron â€" Batohelor â€" That Sl8..->3, being accrued interest on debentures nf SS Nj) 8. be paid to tho Trustee Board. â€"Carried. A ralhi.'r au- using case in which a technical point prevcnte-i a conviofiim bi'ing registered, occurred in the St- Thomas polim court. A youn;.' man w.a.s charged with breaking the .seal of a bntth' f li<{Uor in a place other than his priva'o dwelling house. Th.? jila^c in n'lestion was a local hotel. He came before Iho masistrata but w'leii the bot'lo was produced it transpired thit Iho seal hiid never been brokeo, yet, the youtis: felh.-v had drank the contents of the b>iltle An exsniination revealed that ho had c.acked the bottom of the toltle and drained it dry yet keeping the seal intact. Ho was lined for being intoxicated and after payina his fl5 he went on iin v ny FEVERSHAM March is still keeping up its reputation and is giving us more snow than we have had at any tuue this winter. Mr. and Mra. Ira Perigo lias returned home after spending three mouthb with their daughter, Mrs. A. .Stetnarl, in Flesherton. Mrs. W. Beha.ny, of Flesherton, spent .Sunday with her brother. Win, Osborne, here. Mr. Will Perigo, of Collingwood, spent Sunday with friends herd. Miss E. Jolley is visiting with Mrs, A. Mills at present;, W'e welcome Mr, and .Mn, S. Brown, ridge to our village. Mr. and Airs. Chris Thompson haie moved to their home on Wellington street east, recently purchaied In m S. McLean, Marriedâ€"On Tuesday, March 4th, at the Aniilican church, Dundalk, by the Rev. Blackwell, Miss .Ada Knitting to Mr. Geo. Burke, boch of Feversham.~ On Wednesday, March ."ith Mr. and Mrs, K. C diiuette received the sad news that t'leir son-in law, Wm. G. Dand, of Netherhi 1, Sask., had died from pneu- monia, following an attack of influenza. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USCAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Fine Jewelery ' Come in aud sea onr fine Isage s; itiL ' of Jewelery, Watcbes, Clocki etc.,â€" aud wbeu you Lave seen them you will be sure to buy. Watch repairing a speciaijy. -\ full Hue of Photographic supplies iuclnding developinfj powders, printing frame?, dark lanterns, all sizes ct Kodaks and films. ROCK MILLS Wedding bells are ringing, Richard Hoy visited tho past week with relatives in Toronto. Chas, McKechnie has moved his family to Sara Pedlar's house, W'e are sorry to report Barney Field jn tho .sick list, but hope for a i-peedy recovery, James Portoou.s has bought a f;irm on tho 8th line, Artemesia, from Iv-jbeit Akiti, and Chas. Newell has bought the Poiteousfarm on the Collingwood gravel, posseKsion to be given April 1st. Mrs. Sam Phillips visited the past week with her parents in Osven Sound, Fiuley Hoy leaves for the Weet this week, after .^pendine the winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy. Thos. Fisher lias moved his family back to his old farm, and Walter Russell has taken posie.ssion if the Sherwood fiiim, recently vacated by the former. Xext Sunday will be Anniversary Service morning and evening and a pro- gram will be held iu the church on the following Friday. March 17th. Weekly Sun Bought By United Farmers The Weekly .Sui!,:ihicli for many yi.>i:s has suppoi ted the tanners of Ontarii> ;n their various movements, has been pur- chased by the Farmers' Publishing Co , Limited, and will be issued oncd a we> U, a.s at present. The tinal closing of tli deal rests with the shareholders of th.' cjinp:iny, but there is lu probability that there will be any hitch in ooucludini; a sotLleiuent and taking over the paper For som.' timf* past the farmers of Onlirio have been an.Mous to secure .111 ollieial organ, and steps were taken 'o form a stock company It was intended to secure a daily, but ihiti was found to be impractiunble, the sto k not selling ns (luickly lis hoped. At tho last coiiv. n- tioi; in Toronto it wis decided to issue a weekly, and grndti illy work up t > a dxily. This is the plan which «ill bo followed Willi the Sui). â€" 5>tar. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale> For Breeding" Purposes Phone or write. â€"GEO. W. ROSS. Osprey Tel. System. Maxwell, P.O. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. I Get All That Is Coming To You From Youi Cows Over One ^ Million l In Use 'fe X Keep good cows. f<. d them well, and use a ^ I MELOTTE $P P CREAM SEPARATOR ^ ^ To i;et all the Butter- fat, lea\iug tlie warm, fresh skim milk to "fr (f feed tlie calves a iid^otlier stock. 't" ^ FOR SALE BY ^ * D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON | ?^'.'^^^-J^--S--S>--^-.-" t^c Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. I fowl, picked, heads off :- ,.Vi-i^-;Vi:5Wg>g^| drv lJ!EESE-2'J cents DL'CKS 2!" cents HEAVY CHICKENS-30 cents HENSâ€" "JCoents TCRKEYS-Wcens Don't Forget the Place W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton h la Memoriam In lorinR memory of I'te. John Shaip, who nave his life ft)r his ountry, m March 14, 1<)18. Uiys of s<Jnoss still c^-me o'er us, Tears in silence often ll.iw ; Memory keeps you evt«r near us Th 'u,'h V(oi died a vpiir ;i',". Hilton Porter a farmer and ca't'e buyer near Fort Eli;in, was brouuht ; > tUe \Va kerton jail on Situid.iy, for forcing notes on a wholesale scile. It seems that sonieth ng like twelve notes were forsjed on different partiis for sums ranging all the way from IfirjO to $'200. On ncariiijt that a warrant had bejii i iisued for his arrest, I'orter camo to Mttflistrate Chapman's at Port Elgin an 1 jjavo hiwiielf up, snl w«^ reman 'ed to ': ll-.o Walkorton j\il to await his tvia', I which look place before .Judito Klein on Wednesday uiorniuj/. when throu.;h bis ! solicitor, Mr. David Robertsoo, K. C., j he idoideil ijuilty and asked for c'emen- : cy. Wo understand a petiiion anioiiK his friends an i iioinhbors will be ^ot up on his behalf. The .Jii.iRe remanded the prisoner until Satur.lay, Ma'x'h 15th, for 1 senlOBCi. â€" I'ruce Herald. Does Your Label Say 1920 ! •••••• ^•••••••••••••••••••••acvvaaAcces********* •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '••• ••â- â€¢ •••• ••.. -"*â- " •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• RUBBERS !::: If vuu want a uootl weariu<; i-ubber for men, woiueu ;:H ijjj Of cbiklion come to this store. We have the old ••*: :::: reliable Maltese Bruiul of rubbers. Uf: •••• •••• i Suit Cases and Trunks i I Hi ' •••• : â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ ' â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ 1 .••• ' •'•• ! :::: •••• li' in need of a Suit Case or Trunk call ami <^et want supplitnl. THOS. CLAYTON ONTARIO § ::: FLESHERTON, ••• •••• • • • â- **'

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