March « 1919 THK FLESHERrOM ADVANCE I â- I' : t VAi-SAvnras stamm abb mlb VHEBEVBB TOO SEE THIl HON A Plan For Investors â€" Big and Little a $50 Bond War-Savings Certificate, provided * • free of charge with your first War-Savings Stamp, has spaces for 1 War-Savings Stamps. A War-Savings Certificate with a W-S.S. in each space is a Dominion of Canada "bond" for the payment of $50 on January 1st, 1924. And you invest less than $41 to secure it â€" paying as it proves convenient to you. War-Savings Stamps cost $4.02 in March, $4.03 in April and $4.04 in May. Fill up your THRIFT Card (16 Thrift Stamps at 25c. each). Thrift Stamps earn no interest, but a filled card represents $4 vhen you invest in a War-Savings Stamp. 62 [m k AT Atl, MONEY-ORDER POST OFFICES, BANKS, ETC. $85 In Mahogany or Fumed Oak $135 Mahogany Are You At Home With Good Music? If you are nut, yoii arc missing one ot the things ir. life. Notliiiig in all this world can give su much ondniiiig pleasiue as good music in the lionic. And nothing we kiio'.v brings to the homo so much "ood music at so moderate a cost as the COLUMBIA Grafonolas and Records Come to our store and let us prove that statement to you. Let us play yon some of the latest (.'ohunbia Records on the newest Grofotioia models. Then let us explain to you f)nr convenient pureliast! plan that makes it .so easy for you to liavc; good music in your home. ~ W. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton, Ont. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 liave been rippoiiitod asiciit f<T the ucif iinprovcd SHARPLES Suction Feed Separator and Repairi Til? uuly Separ.ttur tliat will "kirn clean at. any FpeoH. Itie only biepikralor which Bkinii ijiiickur when turned fatter. The uiily Soparator wilh a tiiliuUr bowl, no diHca tu clean. Kuoe low supply lank, entirely automatic oiling. Come in and (cet all the infurmatiun Fleslnertioirj •yP- Tonsorial ^^ Parlors \Vu .\iin to 0iv« Kiitiro JSiitiNfrtetio L.MNDUV- lt..-,kel il.i(.oi M..nil..j iiij^'ht, I'.olivcry I'liiliiy uvenii cr-l!:.\NING and DYEINti- n««nlH f(ir I'liikrr's Dyo Woika-Cl clt'iiiBcl and ilycil, fcHtluirH roftivti i ' T FISHI-H -PROPRIETOR F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton Stallion For Sale For Service ()ii(< pure Dreil Shortliiim Dull on l<> •W, ooii, y, AitetiiKHia. Terms $l.uO fur e. ^rnilu tilusl tie pitid witliiu tt nionths itatti from 'if aetvice. li.. r.) n. O. TVMtNKR. A» I am uoing nnt uf thn hiim> Liiai- ncM 1 am t>n'tjrinxfi>r Bitlnthe Wi-il l^nown SUndard lUed Hlillicui, "Kentucky Ham." Kirat olafa |<«porH can be | ro duued hurae, A)>ply to GEO. II. WUllKOAK, Fevcii>!i.iin, Ont. BOAR for SERVICE I'tirebipJ TuiiiKoi'i h Itoir for Ntfrvicc on lot l(i7, -S W T mid H K., Artemea a,. Term" â- -- H,5l>, if (aidfornt time cf aervioo. Fobl5ii _T. J. STINSON.Pn.p Standard Bank of Canada The Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of The Stand- (»rd Bank was held at the Head Office, 15 King Street West, on VVednc;,- daj% the 26th inst. A large number of Shareholders was present The chair was occupied by the President, Mr. Wellington Francis, K.C., and Mr. E. A. Bok, Chief Inspector, acted as Secretary to the Meeting and read the following report: â€" In presenting the Forty-fourth Annual Report and Statement of the hfTairs of the Bank for the year ending 31st January. iyi9. your Directors have pleasure in stating that the results for that period have been satisfactory. The Nat F.arniags amount to $697,443.71, alter provision has been rriade for bad and doubtful debts, interest on deposits, rebate on current bills under discount. Provincial taxes, and cost of management. This amount, added to the balance of Profit and Loss Account, $175,215.82, brought forward from last year together with $46,710 for premium on new stock issued, makes the sum of $919,369,53 This has bctn appropriated as follows: Four (luarterly dividends at the rate of 13. ^ per annum $433,892.99 Contributed to Officers' Pension Fund 20,00(3.00 Contributed to Patriotic and Kindred Funds 36,600.00 War Tax on Bank Note Circulation to 31st Dec, 1918.. ••.... 34,839.64 Premium on new stock 46,710 00 Reduction of Bank Premises Account 100,000.00 Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward 227,326.90 $919,369.53 Your Directors record with dfcp regret the death, in October last, of our late President, Mr. \Vjlliani F. Cowan, who had been closely associated with this Bank for the past forty three ycar.i. occupying the position of Vice-President from 1875 to 1883, and President from 1883 to 1918. The valuable services rendered by ^Ir. Cowan during that time have materially contributed to the growth and development of the Bank. The vacancy caused by Mr. Cowan's death hSs been filled by the election of Mr. Wellington Francis, K.C., who has been a Director of the Bank since 1902, holding the office of Vice-President since 1913. Mr. Herbert Langlois has betn elected Vice-President. During the year Branches and Sub-Rranches have fcccn opened at Bindloss, Aha.; Bon .Xccord, .Mta.: Coaldale. Alta.; Parkland, .Alta.; Raymond, Alta.; Stirling, Alta. (sub. to New Dayton); Wayne, Alta.; Paynton, Sask. fsub. to Maidstone); Gray, Sask. (sub. to Regina); Ashern, Man. (sub. to Eriksdale); Eriksdale, Man.; and Goodwood, Ont. (sub, to SloufTville). The Branch at Pai.'ley, Ont.. was closed. The usual in.spcction of the Mead Office and Branches has been made, and the duties of the staff have been faithfully and efficiently performed. The regular audit of the Bank's affair.? has been made by Mr. G. T. Clarkson, C.j\., and his report is appeiuled herewith. Mr. Clarkson'q name will be again submitted at the Annual Meeting for re-appointment as Auditor for the ensuing year WELLINGTON FRANCIS, President. Toronto, 31st January, 1910. GENtRAL SIATEMEI'IT Stst lacuarr ie>« LlAUlLtllBS Notes of ths Pank in c!rci:!»!lon Deposits bearing inttrest (including intsrest accrued to date) $42,563,695.61 l)L'posiu nut bearing interest 23,405.S62.81 * 6,697,858.09 65.969,558.42 113,750.01' 61.73 1.H3.889.61 272.259.17 Dividend No. 113. payaWc Ut February, 1919 I'oriner IVividends unclaimed lialances. due to otiier IJank i in Canad.! Ilalanccs due to Oank^ and Hanking Correspondents elsevrbere than in Canada .â- \cceptancrs under Letters of Credit Capital paid up 3.500.000.00 Kcsenre I'und 4,500.000.00 lialancc ot Profit and l.o5» Account carried forward 227.3J6.9U >S3.656.8 65.30 ASSETS ' Current coin held bv tbe Hank $ 1.772,059.84 Dominion Notes held .~J. 10,812,621.00 Deposit in the Central Gold RcserTU 3,500,000.00 Notes of other Danks $ 363,061.00' Cheques on oilier Hanks 2,597,090.27 Ilalanccs tl'.iv* ^y Hanks ai'.d Hanking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada 1,437,211.73 Dominion and rrovincial Oovernment Securities not exceeding market value 4,521,486.89 Canadi.Tn .Municipal Securities and British, foreign and colonial puMic f-ecurities other than Canadian 8,473,705,37 Railway and utlier bonds, debentures and stocks not exceeding market value 857,273.01 Call and Short (nut exceeding thirty days) Loans in Ctnad* on bonds, debentures ami stocks 1,732,823.03 $16,084,680.84 Other Current Loans and discounts in Canada fleis rebate of intereat).,. Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit as per contra Real ICstatc other than Hank Premises Overdue Debts, estimated loss provided for H.nnk I*remisps, at n«t more than cost, less amounts written off Deposit with the .Minister for the purposes of the Circulation Fund Other .\s&et:i not included in the foregoing 19,981,656.30 $36,066,337.14 , 45,593,854.13 272,259.17 7,770.56 64,699.92 ,. 1,346,556.65 175.000.00 130,387.73 $83,656,865.30 W. FR.XNCIS, C H. E.^SSON, fretidtHt. GtHtral Managtr, .XUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE SH.^REIIOLDERS. 1 have compared the above lialance Sheet with the books and accounts at the chief • ffice of The Standaid Bank of Canada, and the certified returns received from its blanches, and after checking the cash and verifying the securities at the chief office and certain of the princinal branches on January JUt, l4l9. 1 certify that in my opinion, such lialance Sheet exhibits a true and correct view of the state of the Bank's affairs according to the best of my information, the explanations given to mc, and as shown ijy the books of the Hank. In addition to ihc examination mentioned, the cash and securities at the chief office and certain of the principal branches were checked and verified by me at another time during the year, anil found to be in accord with the books of the Bank. All informatii>n and explanations required have been ^iven to me, and alt transactions of the Hank uhich have come under my notice have, in my opinion, been within the powers of the Hank, O. T. CL.\RKSON, F.C.-V, of Clarkson, Cordon & Dilworth, Toronto, Canadt. Toronto, February 1 5th, 1919. The President addressed the mectinp; and the General Manager re- viewed the Statement, after which the usual motions were passed, and the scrutineers appointed, reported the followinR Directors elected for the enstiiiiK year: Wellington l*"rancis, K.C., \V. F. .Mien, H. Langlois, F. W. Cowan, T. H. Wood, James Hardy, T. B. Greening. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, ^fr. Wellington IrmnclS, K.C, was elected President, and Mr. It. Langlois. Vice-President. C, H, EASSON, General Manager, Victoria Corners Mrs. A. Stinsiiii in visiimg » fow d»ys with lior Ki-t-r ill r.)iirid,ilk. ' Rli-s.-s Nix in uf Dunditlk is riailinK Mrs. M. Bumoii. Mr. !ind Mrs, Anhur Ruliinson, uf Bethel, visitj,! at M. liiiuno ii'.s. Mr. ftud Mra. BuHkin, Miaa Buskin and Mrst. Mux Bitunun, ot Flesherton, \isiti'd at Mr. T, Bniiiiou's, Mr. Wilfrid IJullftgher visited Turuntn friends latit week. Mrs. SVultor Aoheson rotumed home lust wuek nfter hpeuding K uiontli with her p»rruls in Toronto. Milts Kdi a 8c itt iraa viaiiing friends at ISwinton Park. Mr. •DdMr«. Jas, Lockhnrt enter- a DUinbor uf friends an I Dei);h' born on Friday evening. w wwwwm"! AUCTION SALE BILLS â- H IS tiitiiaiiai a m iisi.a, tiiai ('all and let us give you a quotation on Auction Sale Bills. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. We can arrange sales with any Auctioneer yoii require Let us print your sale bills. Our prices are right. Your Reading Matter ~ We are agents for all Toronto Daily papers and most of the Weekly papers. Call and give us your order for anything you want in the reading line. We give clubbing rates on most papers to our Subscribers. » " The Advance Flesherton Sale of Farm Property BUSINESSCARDS I Societies IN THE TOWNSHIPof ARTEMESIA PKINCE .UtXHUH lodge, no. :ra,A.F.* >• A M, 'UBets in the ilaaoaic hall. A.-in „,. mT.MTMi'u s-rouijs Blocn t'lflsherton Bl TENDER or before tbe full .Seiiled Tenders addres.sed to John E. T. Hiakely, Socfoury Williams; Eai) , Eugenia, ' r to Robert Planit, Esq., Eur;eniii, will be received rirx-mTcmmr uiito2p.m, on Saturday, March 22, „ ^ „.,;!;; „^^^^^ 1'J19, for the purchase of the following U'll-- •---â- --â€" â- ~°' ^• â€" '*' ^°''^''"° every Friday on luccc. T.HeuryW. it. property, in one parcel, na.Tiely : Part of Mill Keserre No. 5 in tho towu plot of Euijenii in the Township of Arteinesia in tho County of Grey, cou- t.iining about 42 2 3 '.icres more or less, snbjeet to a certain agreement with the Hydro-Electric Power'nissiim of Onturio : and purt of Lot 2i) m the Tenlh Concesaioii ot (he Township of Arleinf uorgraduato of Torouto Uoiversity and -loyal Collt'tje of Dental Surgeons ol Outario r.&a admiainiatered for teeth extraction 'JK'f at residence, Toiouto Street, t'leetierton. Medical r V OTTEWELL ' Vetoriuary Sargeon Irailuate of Ontario Veterinary College e.sia aforesaid, confaininz 1.11 acres â- enidouco â€" sscoud door south weet:on , Itiary street. This street rans outh more or Presbyterian Chnroh. The above pr.'perty forms part of the __^_ esta'e ol the late Uohert Williams, de- ceased, and adjoins the Villai^e of Eu- genia. Legal I (.'CAS, KANEV & hENRV-ISarristers. '-' Bolicitor,<,ejc,â€" I. H. I.ucas, K. O. ; W. E, On the property are about tfn acics of Kauey, K. 0. : \V. u. Henry, U. A. Offlcosi arable hind, and there i-< aUo some hush' ''"'â- .°°'r' t*6-9 Ttadors Bank Bldg., phone , . . . â- , V I f c J I 3'ain 1412; Markdale Lucas Block, Phoue 3 A. containuig wooc suitable for firewood. i Urauch office at Duudalk open every Saturday. A cheque for ten per cent, of the; _^_ amount of ea'^h tender must accompany same, which chf,,ue will bo returned m ^ "lO"^-'- TELFORD & WALTER case the tender is not accepted. BarriHter, Solicitors, itc, OtUces, Cirsy t Bruce Block, Owen Sound. Standard Bank BUSINE.SS Cards r- t „ £ «. _. 1 3 .1 I iJIock, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W H. Wricbt I pon acieptancB of any tender the ^v, p. Telford Jr. W. H. WaltWLLB. balance of the money must be \ paid in thirty (lays from notice of accept- ^^ ^ ~ -- â- ? ance, without inti'rest. I The hiulips' or any tender not necea- j saiily acct'i)tod. i ,,,, „,,„,_„.„ ,„/ , , , . W'^'- KAITTINO. icensed Auctioneer fol rhn sule will lie sul'jftct to a res«rv» " the counties of Urey and bimcoe. hill tivml liv llirt vi-ndoiM 'arm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms Old nxed t>y llie \rnaoiM. uoderate. eatisfaction guaranteed. Arrange- Em- further particulars and conditions/ u*""* '"'" 'l""'* iJ»y ho made at the Advance «f .«iu «i..,lv 1,1 inHV V WTIT JAM'S I "Si:<'. or Central telerhonftcffice ieversham •f sae apply to J(U1> t. >V ILLl.lMb. ( ,r by addressinij me ai Feversham, Ont. Eugenia, or to RUUEllT PLANTT.i Eugenia, or to , â€" VTIUOHT, TELFORD & WALTER, Owen Sound, Ont., Solicitors for the Vendors. Dated March Jrd, litl9. BullTorSale _ TlmrouKhbreU Durham Bull, eighteen months old â€" a choice animal. Also one thoroui;hbred Durham cow, with calf at foot. Write or phono .I.E. C0U8ETT, R R. N3. 2, DuMdalk. r\ McPH.AIL. Licensed Anctloneo for the 'â- '• County of Grey. Terms moderate and iatin action gnaranteed. The arrangements nud dates of sales can be made at TbB Advaiico office. Residenceaud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 6, 70 Avery Kerosene Tractors^ They are back of a big 1919 crop. Gek price* and catalogue from C. SMITH & SONS, District Distiibutors, Durham, Ont., or K. A. LISTER & CO., Toronto, Out. /^= Around Grey County A Christian Chuich in I^urham, Grey Ouuuty, Ontario, rcuently held a dcnce and euuhre par'y for the purpose of rAiaing niouay tu erect a new Church building next summer. Tho iclivious body that Gn la it iieceseary to raise iii.ioey in ihl-i way is htidcUforthe lower inNtuad of \\\) upper ref(ioi.s. â€" Burkh I'ttlls Arrow. T«ii liaiiis of horfe.s, viiUit'il at JCioO, worn drowned at Shal ow Like, by b.-iaking ihroiigh the ice, lohn Alton Powley, the 2-yoar old sou of Mr, and Mr.". Joliii Powley, of Oraugeville. was t>caldud to deaih by a pail of I oiling wa'er. Lint'say Morrison, a nealtby farmer of tho 12th coll , Aithur, was a:!cidont- ally sluit while trying to withdraw a charge from a gun. Lieut, P. Pettigrew, of Wiarton, hat been awarded I ha Militaiy Crors. tie went overseas with tho 160! h Bruce Btttalion. Aahur Township Council haa p«!sed a Bylaw providing that all dogs in the rouiicipality must have a tag attached to I III) cellar, I be tags to be supplied by the uiiiiiicipality. \ pretty Kieiich giil arrived in Wii.g- ham on Monday, lookini; for her hunliiknd. She could <inly speak a few wordi of Engl'sh, but succeeded in making htr- sell under^tood. Tho young soldier was located a few inileH from Wingham, Advance Ads Bring I Does Your Label Results. Say 1920! S\ FINANCi; ^« DEPARTMENT. DOMINION INCOME WAR TAX ACT TO WHOM APPLICABLE. Every person who in 1913 resiJe.l or ordinarily reside 1 in Canada or was employed in Canj'.l.-i or carried on business in Canada, includin.^, corporations and joint stock companies. WHO SHOULD FILE RETURNS. 1. Every unnuirried j-Kirson or widow or widower, without dependent children under twmtyon? ye.ira of age, who during calendar year 1918 received or earned $1,000 or more. 2 All other Individuals who during ca'.endar year 1918 received or earned $2,000 or more. 3. Every corporation and joint stork company whose profits exceeded $3,000, during the fiscal ye.\r ended in 1918. FORMS TO BE FILLED IN AND FILED. FORM Tl. By Individuals, other than farmers and ranchers. FORM TIA. By farrntr"; ;inj ranciiert. FORM T2. By corporations und joint" stock companies. FORM T3. By trustees, exocolors, administrators of estates ar\d assignees FORM T4, By employers to make return of the names of all directors oflicials, agents or other employees to whom was paid $1,000 or more in saUnries, tionuics, commission or other retnimera tion during the calendar year 191 S. FORM T5. By corporations, joint stock companies, associations and syndicates to mnke return of all dividends and t)onuses pai i to shareholders and members during 1918. Individuals comprising partnerships must Ale returns in theii individual capacity. GENERAL INFORMATION. All returns must Ic filed IN DUPLICATE. Forms may be obtained from the Inspectors and AMistant Inspectors of Taxation and from the Postmasters at all leading centres. Returns should be fl'e^l immcdintrly. Postage must be pnixxiJ on letters and other documents forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Address of Inspector of Taxation for this District j YORK DISTRICT. Inspector of Taxation, 59 Victoria Street, TORONTO, Ont :^. ^â- y:^;ii^^. -.vt»m,r.k-^ _ -.^MrtffcAt â- IkMMIMHM