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Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1919, p. 7

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JOINT COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE BRITISH LABOR TROUBLE Minei-s Postpone Strike Pending Inquiry â€" Question of Horns, Wages and (ieixoral Conditions to be Taken up at Conference. A despalch from London soys: â€" ing the relations betwcencapital and After an all-day session devoted to ^^^°^' ""'l rsport ba<'k to^he confer- • ,. ,._ _i . « s i„v„_ ence, which w.ill reasicrable on April] siring the various phases ot labor , ' • unrest, the industrial conference, cal- * ^t the su^gesHon of Premier Lloyd led by the GovemmTit and in which George, Vvho strongly advocated tho I Government Ministeva, Lsbor leaders p"an, the resolution was amended to i and repreaentatives of the big em- include a sentence from a similar re- ploying interests participated, adopt- solution, though not so comprohen- e<l a resolution presented by Arthur sive, presented earlier by Sir Allan Henderson, Laborile, for the sippoint- Smith, chaii'fflSTT of tha managing ment of a joint temc/orary committee, to be composed of 30 Laborites and 30 capitaliatjr, to m;ike a Ihnrough Investigation into the Ciuesti'in-i of hours, wages, general conditions of work, unemployment and its pravcn- the relations between tion, and the best moans for yromot- labor. committee of the Eng'ineering Em ployers' Federation. This called for a report by the committee on the cp.uses of the present unrest and the steps necessary â- â- jf; :-!)*{ â- 3^*r^ SITUATION IN GERMANY CRfflCAL: FALL OF GO VERNMLNT EXPECTED Kerlin Papers Have Suspendedâ€" Greater Part of I,,;ibor is De in;uKiing a (ieneral Strikeâ€" Reign of Terror Seems Iniinincnt. war againr.t terrorlsai, concluiUiij;; "\Vh.-;Q\er a-ssuils tha life of th nation is our.tneniy." Berue, Mufch i-The situation in Gerirteay is dec!a;e'J aa most critica: HVi'vy<vhere, !u mosBagc-s raaeiv;':! her« The Red ('ros;- of Shame â€" When the Gennans captii.-ed i)uuai, to best safeguard , France, ?fr. Hobevt turned his house over to the German Red Cross. capital and They left the house a.j pictured above. The visitors not only destroyed ! everything in the liou:!e, but deliberately lifted the pictaros from their t ^j â€" ^._ , . i j j !:;;;!^" â-  frames and made a bonfire of them. Markets of the World i"&S;t;=s&.sV5'4".,'%./ j Duttev, choicest crcamerj-, 52 ii to 53- e?gs, selected, 50e; c-g.:. No. 1 ?tockl I Breadstuff.-^. Toronto March 4 â€" 47c; potatoes per bag, car lots. |1.75; dressed hogs, abattoir killed, $24- -Manitoba Wheat-No. 1 Northern, ! ^^/V'^e. v.-ood pails, £0 lbs. net, 25 $2.2-1 li; No. •> Norlhoni, $2.211-2 ; No. ! ^'^ -'•'^- 3 Northern, ?2.1iJ,''.; No. 4 wheat, I $, ill store Fore Willi am. j Lire Slock Markets. Manitoba oatsr- No. 2 C.W., T^'sc; Toronto, Ikforch 4.â€" No. 3 C.W., GC^sc: extra No. 1 f eed, | v':njoic.. heavy export 65Vsc; No. 1 feed, OHac; No. 2 feed,: steers fif; OC 58%c. in store Fort William. i _ Do, good 14 50 CiiOiice butcher steers 12 50 , steers Batchers' cattle choice Do, good Do, eoninior. Bullii, choice Do, medium bull< . Do, rough bulls $17 50 15 50 CLAIMS OF ITALY AGAIKST AUSTRIA MILITARY & NAVAL TERMS OF PEACE l.ojulun, Aiarch 2. â€" The possible f.iU | of tUa Germun Govemnieut is reported ' in nuinerou.'i special despatches re- I j ceivect to-day from Berljp. The mera-'! I bcra of the Government have arrived ! j-at Berlin to i-onsuU with tho VVork- I men's Council, and a manifesto has i yestt-rday. The general strikes are j bff.n issued. All the correspondents | extending more and moi'e, especially I represent tije eicuation as grave. The ; in Central, where disorder is I Weinsar manifeeto denounces the i^r- \ increastog and railway ti-affic has pnrt- I rorist attempto to geti-iil of the Xatlon- '. ly st-jpped. Interruption of telogmpb j ai Assembly. It proclaims fnithful- ' and tolephoue services is reyorted I ness to the principles of Democracy. | from various centres. Feai-s ara telt I "GreaLcr than the political d;ing"r | by the authorities that a -.-(iigu of ter- 1 is tlie economic distress," says the j ror is about to begin in Erfurt, C'.^ra, I nianife-ito. "We cahnct feed ourselves ' Grcl;i and Hullo. It la reported ai.=c j from OUT owu supplies until the next ! that the Bolsheviki d-i-nger is growin.ij harvi'at. The blockade 1b eating away \ in Eastern Silesia. the vitals of our people. Thousands j Berlin, March 2.â€" Berlin iiewspa- I pcri.=h daily from ilI-nouri.ihmeu(." j per.s with the exception of the Scufia'. j The manifesto denounces strikes, [ ist organs, were Prevented from nn- ; saying: "F^very strike bring.s us ' step nearer to the abyss. - an save us." $3,000,000,000 Indemnity Will be Demanded â€" Fay ment "in Kiad." A despatch from London says: co-mmon . . . Canners and Milkers, good to cuoico Do, com. and med. Mani!,<*a b.t,-iey- No. r. C.W., 85*1; No» 4 C.W., 80%c; vRDCcted, 74'ic; feed, 73 Vie, in store Fort William. American corn â€" No. 3 yellow, $1.50; No. i yeliow", $1.47, prompt shipment. Ontario oats â€" -No. 2 v.hite. 68 to 61e; No 3 ^hite, 57 t. GOc, according: n^^^^'^^^ok^ to freights | j^,^ j ' Ontario wheatâ€" No. 1 Winter, per: ^^'' °,"7;,.' • car lot. $2.U to S2.22; No. 2 do., $2.11 1 R°' »'^^'^"^ to $2.19; No. 3 do., ?2.07 to $2-15, ' gtocLrs f.o.b.. shipping points, accord'ng to pre^,,:- "Ontario wheat--No.l Spring, $2.00 '^'^^^ '^"'^ '=""^'-= to $2.17; No. 2 do., .$2.0o to $2.14; No. 8 do., $2.02 to $2.10, f.o.b., shipping points, according tn freicrht... i o^rn'-o-or- Peas-No. 2, Sl.SO, according to ji^iltVv^,, freights outside. Yelir ina^ j^Barley-MaJting, 78c to 83c, nom- s-p^ing lambs ' '.'.'.'.'. â- r'„^i.,..i,b,4. kt o ok <.« onâ„¢ „^â„¢ Calves, good to choice Buckwheat â€" No. 2. 85 to 90c, nom- jj„„„ f^j ^^ Manitoba flourâ€" (mvernment stan-1 T\(,-f„s 17 â- >«; dard. $10.S!l to $11.10. Toronto. j ^ ''â- '^- JJJJ ^'-• Ontario flourâ€" War quality, $9.15 t' $9.75 in bags, Toronto and Montreal, prompt shipment. Millf^ed â€" Car k!;=<, delivered Mon- treal freightn, lag- included. Bran, $40.25 per ton- t^h-.Ti-;, .$42.25 per ton; good feed flol;.-, $y.20 to $3.50 per bag. Hayâ€" No, 1, ?Cn tj $21 per ton; "â- ";" mixed, $18 to $19 per ton, track To-, **' ronto. i Strawâ€" Car lets, $10 to $11 per ton, car lots. No More War by Submarine (Jernrnn Army Cut Down to 200,000. Paris, Jdaroh 2. â€" Marshal Foch pre- j - i seated yesterday to the (louncil o£ the Only work | sudden atrika prodaime;! to-dny. II j is uncertain whetiier rh's strike is a The m^miiesto proini:=ns the Hociali- 1 prelude to a general aolitica! strike zatioa of suitable indubtries and the â-  fov which a Inrge part «r Berlin laboi establishment of indufetrialcouncilg re- lis a-ivating, or whether it is due t.- presentative of aU the workers and I trada demands. Fear L? exnrss^^ed ir free.y electee. It .-Icses with a r,trong i gome quarters, hmvever, ^tliat tlu- note, assertuig the determination of ; r,reie:i!;,sit.iation may be a sjarl. io ti:a po'it'cai po'.vdcr Liarie!. tho Govf-rniuent to wago relentlen-j 12 25 10 75 8 75 10 50 8 75 7 51) 10 JO 9 50 8 25 7 25 8 00 10 50 o 50 r<o 00 G5 00 90 00 10 .50 12 00 15 60 16 25 A special despatch to the London 13 00 j Dailv Nevj, dated Fc-U-aary 20, says ; „ ,„ ,, ,.,. , „ , ! that" the war indemnity ckirned by !^''^"^ P"^'*"'" ^''« '"'"^='^>"«™"* ^'"''^ 13 00 Italy from Austria has "been .nporoxi-l»''"'^«iT''ra'ed in the peace treaty. 11 75 mateiy calculated at £COO,06o,000 : These will bo cc-arii(:>,r2d on Monday 9 25 ($3,000,000,000). A^ it is e:-:trem-oly j with the naval terms already Eubmit- 11 50 doubtful '.vhethrr its payment can be , ted to the Council. 9 00 ; enforcetl, the Italian Governmc-nb- will j Th-3 military terms provide for the S 00 ; posiiibly resort to , . , â-  ALLIES' F900 SUPPLIES LARG HELD POSITION E FOR TIME H O0:pos«:bly resori; to a prac-tic!t! remedy;,ii3armament of Germany down to 20;Owine to Si'dden End of W-ir ' R,-:^; -i, r ,^^» v , u • /â-  i. 10 00 -'n '-â- 7'-=^"^^^•-""• <--onsistma- in spec- : ^i.-jgi^,,, ^^ i,, ^oo men each. Includ- ; ^ / • , , i ^ ^' " Per-.a.l (.uiJ 8 5^ ! 3^vif ^^^^^'â- ^e'^n^'' ""' I '"^ - "'--"- "^ -^-'^y and live of i ^nere is t onsidertible , FinaUy Kelieved I.a.i '^ "^"^ Thus it is proposed tliat ahoat a ' 'â- '-'^""â- y- ^"^^vere restriction-.^ are placed 10 50; third of the war indemnity chibnad f^" 'â- ''^>'- manufacture of all classes of 12 00 r by Italy .should be paid by Austria n war materials, ajid the mili^Jry and 7 00 , kind, as it were, by cedircg to Italy ct'miii-orcial use of the airplane Li I 8,0u0,000 cubic metres (282,512,000 limited to the minimum. -- nn ' S"'-'-"" ^^^^- '^^ V'^'i^^- *â- ' ^* exported j B,.yond Marshal Foch's presentation 10 00 1 during a period of five vcars. ' 140 001 " ^ L Month. i of the terms to-day, tlisy were not dls- ]\ l^ CALL FOR r)Mi>()RT.VTION 17 50 1 - *^^' '^^^ ENEMY ALIENS IS 25 A despatch from Vancouver, B.C., Eays:~Sweeping and drastic legisla- tion, deaiing with all enemy aliens now resident in Canada, is a.-ked in ,-,,„,,„,. , , a memorial to bo forwarded to the Monj-eaj^ March 4â€" Choice selected Federal Government by the City Council, backed by the represonta- tives of all the public and semi-pub- 1,-lc bodies of the"^ity. hogs. 517.50 to $18.00 pc-r 100 pounds weighed off car?. Choice steers. $10.50 to $1.1..i0; good steers, $5.00 to $11.00; buttliprs' b-jlls, $8.50 to ?10..".O: othcrd $5.50; butchers' cattle, cows and bulls. $10.00 to $11.25; canners and cutter?, $5.00 to $(5.00. Mi!k-fed I cussed. I The naval terms now before (lie I Council provide not only for the com- plete suppression of Germany's siib- . marine equipment but also tor the ter- mination- of all submarine warfare by rdl nations throughout the world, thus ending the use of the submarine in '. naval warfare. I The provision for the dismantling of ; the Cortiiicatiocs of Heligoland and Surplus. A despatch from says:--; A despatch from L.:nd-,:; fay^:-- Iiiformat.:on reaching tJovc-rnmeni;! The forcas'unJer Biig.-Gen. S-r Percy ^ircles in Ottawa from London sh-ows ; Sykes. who advanced into Persia to- that the extensive precautionary | wan! Shira::, in South--w;>stern Porsi:-. measures taken to build up the food; near the Persian Oulf, three year:- reserve, which was vital to the allied^ ago, was r-jiieved last mt-nth bv other as .". counter-move to the .men- 1 British f-j.a-es sent frcrn Iii:1]h, a> •ice of the Gei-man "U" boat, was .•>o , cordinrr to an aniiounceiiient in tha recently by Karl ! successful that there are temporarily, ' Ilouiio of Lords i owiny; to the sudden eadin^" of the , Curzcn. Earlv :a 1916 Gen. ?yke« war, considerable surpluses -of some; was sent to Southern Pe-si'i to raise ck.-:.se3 of foods. The stock of beans a force of Persian rirt-L-s to rerlacp on lia-id is vein- large. th;? muli.nous g-judamis At thn head In reply to an inquiry as to the. of only 500 men two MjM gunf, possibiiity of disposing of the Cana- : Gen. Sykes, Lord Curzon sail. inad<- dian bean crop in Europe, it was sta- ' an a-lvent.iroui march through hostile Kiel Caaal has been made the subject > '°^ **' '^,« f'^P'f '" ^"^- Britain j te.-ritorj- and eventually »=tab!ishe<J ".as enough for throe years. Tins himself at Sbiiaz. of'vatiou'by Admiral Benson, re- Classed among the en-:^my aliens presenting the United State.?, whereby I ^ whose deportation is asked for along this shall not be a precedent applic ' i will now be available for distrib-jtion ! During the years in .Shiraz before v.ith the rest are ail such Russian I e^ $13.00 to $16.00. Sheep $8.00 , residents who liave been porsistentiv to $9.50: lambs, $12.00 to $14.50. ; ..a,^.;,,,, ,„ propaganda and organ- '*' I i izing societies subser\-ient' to the CAN.VDIAN DRAFTEES SENT i P'?'><^ °^ ^^^ institutions." OVERSEAS NU.MBEREI) 47,509 â€" <, 80 PER CE.NT. OF CRI?dES WORK OF FOREIGNERS Country Produce â€" Wholesale. Butter-Uftiry, tu-osa.nd rolls, 36 -1,0 ; ^ despatch fi^ Ottawa savs:-i See; prmts, 40 to 4Ic. ( reamery, fresh ' rn-i u ^ • i < 1.1. ^ »,<.J5o =,,1;.^= r.i..- ^,.;,>t. ko^ -'•^'^^"i The number of men raised unticr thei maae solids, oic: print,;, o2c. I ,,.,.^ _, . . i , 1 „ , ^.r, o-- 1 ^.. . ,, , ., .^ £ggsâ€"-'New laid, -12 to 43c. | Military Service Act totalled S3,3.->o, 1 \\ mnipeg, March 2. â€"Drastic steps Dressed poultryâ€" Spring chickens,! ^'â- '^ "^^^- Lotigheed, Governnient lead-j should be taken immediately to edu- 26 to 34e: roosters, 25c; fowl, 27 to er, infromed the Senate on Frida-.'. Tn ; cate all children of foreign Ijlrth in 30c; ducklings,^ ^^-^i turkeys, 40c; addition, there were on leave without j the country and prevent the' spread pay under the order-in-Council relat- 1 of crime. This i.^ the advice of the ing to compassionate and hardship j Manitoba grand jury after irsrectlng cases, or subsequently discharged, ] alb Governmental institutions. The 24,933 men, wliile the number struck 1 jurymen that 80 per cent, of off strength as liable only to non- 1 the crime coming up for hearing be- combatant service (either as con- scientious objectors or by reason of the War Time Elections .\ct'i was iG,350. The number of those raised squabs, doz., $4.50; geese, 25e. Live poultry â€" Roosters, 20c; fowl, 24 to 30e; ducklings, lb., 35c; turkeys, 85c; spring chickens. 25c; geese, ISc. Cheese â€" New, large, ZS^ to 28'.2c; twins, 28 14 to 2fc; triplets, 29 to 29% c; Stilton, i'9H' to 30c; old, large, 29 to 2914c; twin, 29 >i, to 30c. Potatoes â€" Ontario?, f.o.b. track To- ronto, car lots, 85c to 90e. Beans â€" C-ana:i':in. hand-picked, bushel, $3.50 to ?1U0; primes, $3.00. Imported, hand-pri-ked. Burm:i or In- dian, $3.25; iman. 15c. Honey â€" Extr.'iCLcvi clover: 5-lb. tins 26 to 27c lb.: 10-lb. tins, 25 to 26c; 60-lb. tins, 25 to 25c; buckwheat, 60-lb. tin, 19 to 20c. Comb: IG-oz., $4.50 to $5.00 dcz.; 12-oz., $3.50 to $4.00 doz. Maple products- -Syrup, per gallon, $2.25 to $2.35; sugar, lb., 27 to 28c. Provisions â€" Wholesale. Smoked meati â€" Hams, medium, 36 to 38c; do., heavy, 30 to 32c; cooked, 49 to 51c; rolls, 31 to 32c; brealcfast bacon, 41 to 45c; backs, p-lain, 44 to 45c; boneless, 50 to 52c. Cured meats â€" Long clear bacon, 28 to 29c; clear bellies. 27 to 23c. Lard â€" Pure, tierces, 27 to 27^:; tubs, 27^4 to 28c; pails, 27-% to 28U; prints, 28V-i to 29. Compound tierces, 25% to 25Xc; tubs, 25^i to 2CVtc; pails, 26 to 26%c; prints, 27^ to 27%. Montreal Markets. Montreal, March 4 â€" Oats, extra No. 1 fed, 78Hc. Flour, new standard grradc, $11.10 to $11.20. Rolled oats, bag's 90 lbs., $4.15. Bran. $40.25. Shorts, $44 to $45. MouilHe. $64. able to American canal and harbor defoacos such as Ifell Gate. Cape Cod Canal and others. The proposal for the destruction ot the largB German warships is ap- proved in the report by tho British and American naval oSleials. but the French still make re.seivatlons against the destruction of these ships. The Supreme Council is expected to pass on this aud other naval and mili- tary subjects ou iMonday. _ » in other countries, Rou-| the relief farce came. Gen. Sykes mania, and until ai'ler th^se supplies' created a Persian force of G.OOO men, aro liquidat'od the pro.?::ect for tho | led by Bi-itrsh oflicers and strength- expert of beans from Ca.iada docs not ensd by 800 Indian iroons. Gen. Svkes appear bright. The demand for ton-, and his force were in constant da:"!ger rage to movo the allied cereal crops from hoitile tribes and the m.-ichina is so great that the Royal Wheat; tions of Turkish and Gci-man agents Commission does not find it advisable to send sships long distances to carry foodstuffs which can be secured close at hand. PRKiiS OF FOOD i.V POLA.M) COMING DOWN Wl'fH A RL SH but he managed to kion s;ilendid con tro! â- â€¢â- â€¢' ti..> --fj-.tix:!. DAMAGE BY WAK TO FRANCE I'OTAl. 119,801,000.000 FHANCS POLES AND GERMANS | Warsaw. March 2.â€" The iirst .-Vm- â-  A despatch from Paris says: -The ARE STILL FIGU IIN'G! Pi'ican food has been placed on the Budget Commiitce of the Chamber of â€" â€" i local markets and prices of all com- ; Deputies has Jv.iwn up .-t report fix- A despatch from W-arfav.-' says:-- ; inodities are dropping, with the food 1 ing tho damages caused by the war Skirmishes het.vcen Poles and Ger- 1 hoarders hasterlng to -sell. Sugar | in France, the total reaching 119,- man.'- continue. .Some fighting was that sold for $1.50 a pound in De- ! 301,000,000 francs. Of this amount fore them in this sess'ion was com- mitted by those of foreign birth. 5Iost of the girls and boys appearing as witnesses could neither read nor [of the United States Food Mission, ' wdiile meat has dropped from SI to | dsmages' vitne.ssed by Col. William A. Grove. I cember is new selling for 60 cents. ! 9(3.559,000.000 is entailed by direct â-  and 23,242.000,000 by in- by compuhory military service who write. With a more forcible metlnid : 40 miles we.«t of, near Kropo- ! 50 cents a pound, and shoes from $70 ; direct damage through los.-; of income went to the front was not available, of compelling these children to attend clvn, where he .-arrived during a light , to .$40 a pair. Tho price of cloiliing ' or tha i.-npossihility of carrying 00 Sir J.trnes said, but the number sen' overseas was 47,509. France Has No Wish To Anne.x The Left Bank oi the Rhine A despatch from Paris says: â€" Capt. Andre Tardieu, one of the French delegates, told foreign news- paper correspondents that Franco does not desire to annex the loft oank of the Rhine, but only want.i gtiar- antees which will prevent Genrany from using tho left b.'.nk as a base for attacking France. the school, the amount of crime in cannonade and machine gun fire. ! is also rfropping. work. Manitoba would decrease. Tv.'cntv-four Poles were wounded. TYPHUS SPRE.\DS OVER RUSSIA A despatch from Pa.-is says: â€" Ty- phus is reported to be spreading in Russia, 1,000 new cases being report- ed at Moscow weekly, and the hospi- tals are unable to care for them. Lack of milk has resulted in many deaths of children from starvatcon. ! GREAT BRIT.AIN TO RETAIN CONTROL Of RAILWAYS FOR 2 YEARS LONCER New Transport I'iil Gives .Mi^sister .Vulhority to Settle Riiilway RiUts ;ind .Salaries and lu .Vltcr Policv. A dcii),.L-jh from Londo.i sayi: â€" ' Publication of the Government's; Transport Iv.Il. v.-hich has been intro- \ dtiecd ill Parliament, shows that it i L'o.npLu- i-ower is given to the Minister ciuritig the two years to set- tle all railway rates and charges, sal- arie.-: and wajres and conditions of emph.j-ment .'xnd to make any altera- will give tho Minister of Ti-a.n.-?port ^ tions in the policy of the roads and complete concrol over every oon- ; ceivable form of land transport. The A Hospital in France â€" Ihis is .v ok ure the Canadian Forestry Corps at Gcrardmer. f tne hosp bill prcviiles that complete manage- ment of tltc railways of the United Kingdom is to be coiitinu<.>d by thoi State for two years, partly to enable the Govonimeiit to make the rallwav.'s accounts that he may deem desirable. The Mi::'Ster is authorized to pur- ciiaso varioi:.? kind;; of railway com- panies by agreement cr by compul- !<i:>it. L'nJer these provisions he could purchase, in whole or in part, any vflilway. light railway, street ca? canal, inland waterway, oi pay div,-dcud.s and partly to facllitiite comi.any. canal, inland waterwa;;. the movement of men and material , 1, arbor and dick undertaking during duriuj; the period oi reconstruction, the first two years of the Ministry. .,^;<^;«- JBXCXKTCaa-XTWG- XT] X'-<i^TL*:EEKIit UMCLt aCN WILU 6E HERE TOOa-< Aotn i WAnV \oU to take Hl^^ ^R0UI^>0 ^OU M^V» HVOlOEO ftglNC HOMP CVEBV 1 VU'x'^'^^ <<E T ot.)T OF nr ^^ ' ^' » r^^ THi^ TiMt- / ^ WlLl. v,'t T/v^(£ 7T|nrW '->*« â-  I SAVE, -rev <.OT M;cTH\;!?Ct ^. â€" .^ OF" THSi 1 '^7)^ ^-' ^M /'â- ''^ ''-^'^ rJ.Ai- i-SC-'Vi .,». I I D'3N'T WAIST TC -CO To ANX P-Af^K ' ( l-KTS CO TO Dir<i;X MOOF%e.^

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