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Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1919, p. 5

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March 6 1919 THE F L E S H E K T O N A qV A NCE «?â-  THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrriCB - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- MTD 1.7 3 est at current rate. 236 FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, v«I«iiager, C. I'. R. Time Table. leayu Fleaherton Trains ollows ; Goin.^ Scuth 7.53 i\. m. 4.27 p.m. The iiuils aro U. V. Gauilin, lot 16, concessimi 1, Kuplir&sia, will hold an auction sale ou Station as Monday, March lOth, of farm stock and implements. Jas. A. Myles, Auctioneer. Goin^ North . , , , , ,, 12.01p.m. A party was givun at the home of Mr. 9.18p. ra. 'John Adams on Monday night in houor 08ed at Flesherton sa of Mi • Ki^x Lawrence, who has left the VICINITY CHIPS follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and Stand.ird Bank and removed to Bindlosi, 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at gjijlj During the evening Rex wan 3.40 o'olocic For morning tram south, ^^,^,„„^ ^ ^.^ f^.^^^^ ^^^^^ ^ mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev g. ^^ ' •^ I money, a club bag and a fountain pen. Wo hare had a number of addresses I sent in thin week for publication, but do ; not use them aa such matter in charged â-  for by the line and has been f jr the past „, . J , . it,..„„ j^„„ „f ou-v, four years. Count six words to the line Choppmg done last three days ot eaon ' , ,• > â-  i>, „ â- v.,„~„;a ' and send along tliree cents per line in week only. â€" jraham Bros., Jiugenia. " •â-  ... order to insure publication. Mr. NV. Dixon of Toronto is visiting his wife hero. i ^^ '^ ^*''^ '^*t several deor have been MissCollver of Thessalon has returned captured in the southern part ot Arto- to her duties as milliner wiih F, H. W. '"^sia recently, but the caplors have not j yet been captured. They are poor sports who would kill a deer at this season of the year when even the Hosh is not gojii Hickling. Mr. L. S. Richard, ot Midland, has ' been transferred to the Stindard Bank here. Dundalk gets its ice supply from Dur- ham, Ice cooled lemonade will be dear in Dundalk next summer, no doubt. Mr. Thoa. Chard returned home from Toronto on Saturday in mufti, having receiTed hif-: discharge. The guilty piriiea should be rounded up. Mr. Wilbert Chard left on Wednesday February 26th, with a car of settler's effects for Blackwood, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. John Chard are leaving next week for their now home. Mrs. Chard, who has been in the city taking treatment for Diedâ€" At R)ck Mills, Out., Saturday, injuries received two years ago. the March lat, Irene, daughter of Mr. and result of an accident, is still in rery Mr». Alex Ecgllsh, a-ed 7 years. poor health. Mr. W. C. Htinley is suffering trom a ' On the evening of February 19. the alight stroke of paralysis, but is re- home of Mr. A. N. Brownridge, 4th sorering. : ^iue. Osprey, was the scene of a very ISotice-WilI thefiader ot a spotted ', '"''^â- "es^'ns occasion. There were over black and white hound, with black spot 120 friends and neighbors gathered on each side and tan ears, kindly notify together to give expression to the loss Wm Phillips, Rock Mills, P.IO. ">«? "ere about to su.staiu in the re- Lieut. D. O. McLean, transport "^"^^^ "^ ^^'- Brownridge and family to ollicerforM.D. No, 5, Quebec, spent St*y°"- A« a mark of appreciation and the week end with hia .ister, Mre. (Rev.) , «'"«''â- " the family was presented with a ., -,. beautiful Queen Anne pattern silver tea Mo V icar. i . , ^ , . ^ , , „ ., 1- I ^"t, glass faced mahogany trav, auu a The Ladies Aid of the Metl.odis „^,,^,i^^, ^^^^^^^^^ ^^_^^_^^_^_^,^^ ^.^^^ ^^^ church will give a pUy entitled Aunt ^^^^^^^^ jj_. Brownridge has been Susie's Visit" on March 13. t"^^''"" . euperintendent of Maxwell Sunday particulars later. ' } School for twenty years, during which March came in roaring like the pro- period the school was never closed nor verbiil hou, with strong gales and snow, was the superintendent absonc except We have had no zero weather this winter, ', when necessity would occasionally do- however, and are not likely to have now. ' raand it. Under his leadership the A large number of Flesherton people school has become a strong factor in the attended the picture show iu Markdale ^ church. This year the school has last Frit'ty night, through the heavy purchased two victory bonds for missions j^jQ_ as well as giving generous support to the Arinonian relief fund. 51r. Brownridge will bo much missed iu Osprey as a Mr George Benson will hold a Credit Aucfou Sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects, on Lot 37, Con. 9, Arteraesia, on Wednesday, March 12, 1919. W. Kaitting, .Auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hauley, of the 8th line, Artemesia, received the aad news of their eldest grandsons death, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O, Findley, Fjrt WilJium, death being caused by the du. Sunday School and church worker as well as a citizen. Mrs. Cole Dead Mrs. F. G. Colo passed away at her home here very suddenly on Sunday morning last iuherS6th year. She ww A credit auction sale of farm stock and born iu Devonshire, England, and latar implements will be held ou lots 151. 152, moved to Rcchester, New Vork, where N.E.T. &S.R., Artemosia.on Thursday, ghe married her now sorrowing husband March 6,the properly of J.J. Thompson. 60 years ago. Ten years later they moved D. McPhail, auctioneer. Mr. Rex. L»wrence, who has been in to Cauada,and she has been a resident of Flesherton for about 35 years, ccming the Standard bank here for some time, here from Forest, Out. Mrs. Cole was a has been removed to Biudloss, Alberla, member of iho Church of England and and sevured his connection here during ' was very highly esteemed by all who the past week. i knew her. For some time the had been Pte W. Sample, who enlisted in the ' weakly but was walking about the house Westevertwoyear.ago, spent a couple '»uhouil>ef'"-«de:»>h called her. She of weeks with his parents, on the 12th, 'eaves a family of two daughters and two before returning to Saskatoon. During sons-Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Flesherton. his »isit he was presented with an | M'^s Hattie, of Toronto, Myron, of address and a gold watch and fob. I Forest, and Frank of Detroit. The It is particularly requested that all , ^""""1 ^""^ P'»=« '° Flesherton oeme- accounts of che late Dr. Little be settled ] ^^'y °" Tuesday. Any person having accounts Late Rita Osborne at once. against the said estate please send them to C. N. Richardson or T. A. Blakely. | Flesherton, . attorneys for Mrs. (Dr.) Little, Administratrix. I The people of Feverskam and ~ ',, n J d;..!. r».,^..u«,= I vicinity wero greatly shocked on The Upper Canada Biole Depository I ^^^^^^ j^^^ ^l^^ / j.^^^ ^ kept at The Advance oflice, h»« J'^'t , ^^^ ^.^^^.^^^^^^^ ^,^1,;,^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ received a complete stock of Bibles, ^ ^^j^^^ j^j^g ^^^ Osborne, one of our rnnging iu price from 50o. to $0.25. ! peversham young women bad passed Among these are soma beautiful things j ^^^y ^Q ji,g great beyoud. The week for presentations. There are also Bibles ; before, she bad been taken ill with the for old people with large print, pocket influenza, which developed into pncu- testaments and Psalms. Come in and ' mouia, and though all that medical look at them. i sl*''! ^.ud loving care could do was „ . , Ml u ' done, she gradually sank and passed The Entrance E.xam.natlons will bo , -j^^j^^^^y at noou ou Thursday held July 2, a and 4, 1919, begmnmg at . ^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^y ^^^ ^j 36 years. Tho 9 o'clock each day; the Lower School ; y^jj^j^j^g were interred iu the Buck from July 2nd to July 9th; Junior (Qgi^j^^j cometcry on Friday. She Matriculation June 30th to July 18th ; leaves to mourn her lo39 her father Middle School, July nth to July 17th. | and three brothers, Harold and The provisions ot circular 27, of the Enimersou, of Fevereham, and Bert, . Depart^nent of Education, allowing j of D'Arcy, Sask. The smcero sym pupils to work on the farm to obtain their otrtificates are rescinded. Hence parents, pupils and teacher* will undcr- «taQd there will be no examinations at Baat«r, pathy ot their many friends i.^) extended to the bereaved family. A memorial service will be held in the church iu Feversham ou Sunday mormuf; uext, March 9tb. Won Tournament In Chatsworth S'- ^^^^'^^2S?^A^s^-:^s::?^S^z^jr:rr^ZA^^ i^-j^ -'•r.jTL-iTi-iTL-r^ ,"^^^T. ffl^a^airair.w';t>?<>?-^^*^<gs^-' i The junior hockey team trom here plucked up enough courage to travel up j to Chatsworth on Thursday of last week j to play in the Hockey Tournament there. [ Four teams were in the competition,' namely : Owen Sound Strathcoiias, Chatawonh, Owen Sound C. 1. B. C.,: and Flaslierion. Chatsworth and the Owen Sound Strathoonas played the titst jarae, which j resulted in an easy win for the County Town by the score of 4-2. The next game saw the Owen Sounc I C. I. B. C. and our locals hook up for a battle. The boys from here played an| excellent game ani only the work of the , Owen Sound goaler kept the score down. The game endeil ill a win for Flesherton i by 6-4. I The third and final game was between Fle^herton and the Straihconas. Al- i though our boys had only u 15 minute rest they went out as game as ever. , Oweu Sound scored one goul in the first) period on a lucky rolling shot. There j was no .Eooring iu the second period â-  although our boys continually bombarded their opponents nets, but the Owen Sound goal keeper was a regular atone wall. The locals wsnt out for tho final p.>riud determined to win and in five | f minutes noiched the ticing goal. Both i > teams wero now on their toes and real ! '^ faec and clean hockey resulted in uur' l locals bulging the nets for the winning 1 ji.l tally, the ?ame ending with Fleaherton iu tno lead by 2 1. Doc. Douglas, of Dental fame, kept the games clean, and gave entire salisfac- tiou to all as referee. Tho best of friendship prevailed among the players, but owing to a mix up m regard to prizes several of thit Chatsworth committee are rightfully not thought well of by our boys here. It is about as little us the committee can do to come through and square things. Now Featuring New Spring Goods The arrival of shipment after shipment of new spring goods, places us in a good position to offer a splendid [i assortment to early Spring buyers, as many prudent people yi plan to do their Spring sewing early in the season. F^v IWIolrinrr I Tr\ New Prints,New Shirtings jCi rOr iYIaKing V^P"NewGalateas, NewCing- ^^1 hams, New Wash Goods, New Dress Siiks,New Wash Silks New Trimmings and Beads. j House Furnishings- h^ New carpet squares, Congoleum Rugs, Linoleums two and four yards wide, Floor oilcloths, New Chintz, New curtain nets, New cretonnes. Wall papers. Window shades, Curtain rods. Prepared paints and varnishes. For Men's Wear- Overcoats, Raincoats, 'Suits, Felt hats. Cloth Caps, Neckwear, Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Shoes, Valises, Trunks and Club Bags. Granulated sugar SI 0.7 5 per 100 lbs. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ,»U« !•â-  â- ' Missionary's Death Is Now Denied How Girls are Ruined p _ ,k The mother who allows » Ki year-o'.d |ij daughter to tloat around the township in jiu a lop buggy until 2 a ni. with a counter- \W felt spiTt of weak paws and weaker . |(l morals, merely opens the front door to llj grief »nd disgrace. If you don't know ' jj what company your daughter keeps, or hi what lime of night she turns in, your i S the wheeze cf a p| I . who insists on iw. •pooning with everybody in tho corpora- I'" as reported' ''"'''' "â- '"^" gossips get busy will sound about as pathetic Jewsharp. The The Advance is extremely pleasei to deny the announcement that Rev. S. D. Gaudiu of Cross Lake, Man., had succumbed to the influenza, in these columus two weeks ago. The report of the death was fin published in tho Winnipeg papers of Feb, 8 and in the Toronto papers of Fob. 10. Letters have since been ro- I ceived from Mr. Gaudin by relatives' dated at Crass Lake Feb. 3 stating that ihH family was well, but that 130 had died of the plague at that one poiniv alone. The Indians ot tho North have sulTered very severely by the epidemic. Winnipeg correspondence to The Guard_ iau last week also referred to the un. fortunate error announcing the death of Rev. Mr. Gaudin iu the Winnipeg papers. (!''"'-'"?'''"''='' , , , , T, • 1 , . ^ 1 .u^lshari) eved suitor with second hand Ihe Item, which was sent out by the- ' Asoociated Press, caused a great deal ot uoedleas sorrow and au.'iiety to relatives FURNITURE I I All kinds of fiu-uiture iu our .showrooms. Call and see our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of prices to suit your pockot book. I tiou limits ought to be taken back to the j | wood ahed and relieved of hor overllow S jf affecUon with a No. 11 slipper laid 1 n carelessly acrois the hi plet«. Wo had | |1| sooner see a girl kiss a blind gout through | [jj a bnrbi'd wire fence than have her chaiigo M fixnt iljii It is I been 1 partners six nights a week in the parlor with the lights turned low. harder to marry olT a girl who has .^^.^^ ,.| pawed over by every boy in the com- , niunity than it is to f.'.'.teu sheep ou | Yuu can't gold brick a ' UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Phone 30 r 11 Ont. W. H. BUNT Flesherton, r3^a and friends in and Canada. both the L'uited States Horse Fired Gun goods any more than you can tit a bath- ing robe on a goat. â€" Bruce Herald and limes. Standard Bank Of Canada While hunting with hia brother last Saturday Mr. Alvin Calahm had the misfortune to shoot himself in the hand. He and his brother were eating lunch at the side ot the road and tried to stop a runaway horse, which had gotten away from its owner. Mr. Henry Norton, who had been thrown from the cutter. In the excitement Alvin put out his gun, Tlie horse's head struck the gun, break- ing the stock and discharging the load. The pellets from the shell lodged in his hand. â€" Chatsworth News. Caid of Thanks The McDonald family, O.D.R., wish to thank their many friends and naigh- bars for their ma-jy acti of kindness during tho siekness and death ot our father and mother. Stock For Sale We call the attention of our readers to the report and statement of tho .Standard • Bank of Canada which we publish in ' another column, and which was submit- j ted to the shareholders at the 44th { annual meeting held iu Toronto on the 26th of February. The results of the year's business ending January 31st, 1918, show that the earnings exceeded those of last year aud enabled the directors to pay the usual quarterly dividends to the stock- holders, and after providing for liberal suhsoriplions to Patriotic Funds, Oflioer's Peniion Fund, Provincial Taxes, etc., and the reduction of Bank Premises by 1100,000 to carry forward the subalanlial amount of $227,320.90 to the credit ot Prolit ^nd Losi .Vccount. | A diagnosis of the Balance Sheet shows that the Cash on Hand amounted to fJ16,084,680, and the Total Quick Assets I Pure Bred Shorthorn Bull for saleâ€" to 136,066,337. During tho yeir ! Red, 17 months old, good kind. Also .Commercial Loans and Discounts by two registered clyde hllies, one coming |g^g<j;{^t)09, and now amount to 845,658,- two, aud the other coming three, well, 553. Deposits increased by <7, 838,856 ' matched bays. Write or phone 'now amount to 165,999,558. Notes in' JAS. FINDLAY, Markdale. circulation incre'ii'od by 81/213,475, now total $6,697,868. Total Reiources of Iho 1 Bank now appear as ?8:t,»i55,865, an [ increase of $9,665,958 in the year. I The steady and consistent growth of the Standard Bank from year to year lb j tho best evidence of tho confidence tf ' the public in this solid aud well manitged institution, and the marked increase of, its busincs«, osp'cially during the list two or three ycnrs, alfords unmisUkabie I Carefully Corrected Each ^oeu'ov'iwce oi th& m^tyohun gu,ynh ^ud Butter 38 to 40 pro>pe"'y of the Dominion. Bgg, 38 to 38 Tho results ot the year under review Wheat 2 00 to 2 11 must be gratifying to the shareholders, SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravitv washer.s supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravitay wshersand wringers tlectiic and gasoline washers . power ALSO for McCormick Biiidcr.s. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford ': double geared aud auto oiled airmotor Wind Mills, Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tanks, Puniji and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS Que third more wood cut with shuiq power wiieo tiUed with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont. f" Coal Oil Engine For Sale 1 six horse power Fairbanks Morse Kerosene Kugine iw sale. Special terms, .\pply tJ UOBT. SMITH, Box 2, Durham. lll[iHI[U, Peaa 1 40 to 1 50 Oat. 50 to 63 Barley 78 to 70 and are indisputable evidence of the ikillful aud conservative management of th« Bank's affairs. Fresh, rich, full-flavored tea â€" the same every time REBROSE TE A'is good tea Sold only in sealed packages «* â- ^â-  123

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