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Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1919, p. 4

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March n, liHit TllK FIESIIEUTON ADVANCE * » Fleshertoii Advance â- Jiindt'iien dmit nvwiiiiiiirr, piibliiihed rv«r>' Char.jd^f *t th'" otiicf, CnUiiufwood Stroit, IHMhrrcoi). (Subi<cri|>tii>ii prlix' t\ perftiiiiuiii wh'n paiil iniulvtiice ;'ill.'>''«'hun mi â- Â» pttiit .Mm >uriDf{ r»t«B uii nppUoation. Olroulalio »• •â- â€¢,«. oWy W. n. THUaSTON, EDITOU The Toll of influenza By-Law No. 9, 1919 TOWNsjU 1 p OF AKTKM KSU UVEJISEEUS TSsigciit, Markdiilo ; J A Miikuiilu ; J Uill, Mttikdiilu ; \V G Small Ads. LOST Black hijU wliito bitch lioumi, on Monday, Februiry 17lh. â€" R<lit. Kihher. Ruck Milltf. Cock bum, M.,tkd;.le ; II Kicliiiidson; C lJe»i, I'luiuii ; \V J M..(,io, I'lc.toii ; jProt<.n Sintion I' M iiaimoii, IV-toi. ; J Ljokliiidi, ' •" "^^'^'^=^- l^otoi. ; H (iiillauxber.lVoloii ; 11 Purvis Oiiuie Astray- -SiimH blisk and tun dot;, whito le^'S, rin:^ Hi-ouiid neck, stripo ill f'lco iiiid short tiiil.â€" J. .1.'oii, MarkUiCu ; Hi) McLiuglay. Markda'e ; C Irwin, Markdale ; W HilM-lcsherton ; ^riiough esliuiftVot >'i deiili ..vcr llio whole *orUl fiom'uny sinulu iiiiJcmic Hre \ery ditlicull to form, tlieio si em to bu eea.son.blo proaiida f.r bvlievinj{ that | jj j.,„i„^ Fleshe.ton • W J Tall..,t some 6,000,000 persons have porihhpd of j (.-i.^ho, ton ; T Ik-n.y l-'li'-slKTltn • 11 infl..onMandpMeu.uoi.i,w!uri..!i thu-imst Wyn^,^ Fiusheito., ; .]'u Watfou Kle.h- Bx ««ek8. Bu8iuc.« li.s b.i.u iuterf..ted . „,t„„ . j t;^,„,i,.,j^ FltHhtrton ; W J «ah in U9ery country >" ih^' world, and . ^ovo, I'roton ; W J Heid, I'roton ; Ace ,«i.,g power ,1,11, Ma.kduc; G Uoivks, M«rkdule • ftered. lhe\^J, \M,uc.,.MarkdHlB ; V Cairnd.MArkdalo ; W McMillan, Ceylon ; T Genoe, Ceylon ; JIJ Vituse.l'MjU.n ; J WHlS'.iii,lMcevillL'; C. IJiiinif.l'rolun ; E Kutherford, Proton; FOR SALE For Sale cheiii lui J on oaay terms, Lo' ^3, con. 11, Oiprey, 110 acrei. Thi « is I fi.T class farm and In ft good state of cultivation. Good Icmk birn und new fniino dwi'Uiii!,'. Apply c» K. .1. Sproule Klesborton enormous losses boih in vaining and in trade have beon hu cut>t of tbti " lufluenz'i " canaot be rockoiicJ, but th:»t it is colonbal docn n"t Admit of doubt . Thispla^uo, llioii, j^inersHy ri'tiarded j L McArlliur, Pricevillo ; PolicaTrustct-H^ with eiiuauiiuiiy, i8, it would fiecni, live i P'icovillo ; D MrDonald, Pricevillo ; J times more deadly than war. It his been,)*, Pricevillo ; J Dow, Pricevillo ; «itlmated that tlio war caused the death W A Morion, Proton ; \V Burnett, of 20,0iX),000 per.sons in four and a half j Priceville ; W Patton, Priceville ; A years. In the same period at ita epidemic] Uurrie, Pncuviliu ; .1 Turner, Priceville ; vate influenzi would have killed 108,000,-' A Conkey, Ceylon ; B McXeiizio.Ccjlon; ' .. ,i,:„g^ p^,f OOO. The viaiti of ihe raiding Golhis lo D Muir, Ceylon ; T II rhonip.son, F.e-sh- It ;„.„,. „.„ i:„„ „„ London were but as a suiiMiier shower erlon ; W Hotiher, Ceylon ; I McLecd, | _,â-  „^, .i-_. j For Saio â€" Horae 6 years old, fcnera purpose, about 1226 Uis., I?UKi{y, Cutter, â- Watfon »ud set Biiij{!o drivini; harneBS, al' n good repair. Must be sold at onco m I have no fiiithi'r u c for thoni. â€" Apply lo A. Hiiiek-, Piiooville. VVhiti! seuiii<4 machines, the king of ina^ihiiies, Slierlock-Manning pianos are stiictly hij^ti yiado. If you ran prove 'â- his alateineut faise f will (iivo you a piano friK'.â€"J. C. KiMiUnr, Markdale. compared with the delude of germs which Ceylou ; L Chard, Klujherton ; A Fishor, I Sale- ,'ine. buzz -7 horsepower ensilage cutter, saw and grain Flesherton ; T Phillips, k'aiwell ; S Martin, Markdale ; J Hussell, Rock Mills ; A Knglish, Hock Mills ; W Wnlkor, Eugenia ; K Genoe, Flesherton; F IVdhr, Eugeui.i ; \V M ii,'te, Eugenia; J Ottewell, Eugenia ; S Phillips, llock we have just .cceivcd. The air raids co%t Ljodon some hundreds uf lives ; thfc inllueiizi ha.s cost it upwards of 10,000. Xevei sii>ce Iho Black Death has such a plav'ue swept o;er the iwj of the world ; never, perhaps, has a plague ^ been more stoically iccppted. alone over 3,O00.0'JU de.iths Bombay had 15, two of these; Delhi, with D Williams, Eugenia ; W Sample,' a population of only i!00,00it, hid 800 i Eugenia; B Sewell, .Markdale; W H deaths a day. The Punjab l.,»t 250,000 j Heath, Markdale ; J Welsh, Eugenia, persons. South .Africa suffered no leas | A Elli3,Eu;!enia ; J T Jainieson, Eugenia; severely. In Cape Town 2,000 children j H Graham, Markdale ; S Bowles, Mark- were left di'Stitute as a result of the 1 dale ; J Pattison, Ceylon ; II Piper, disease, while the pUijue ewept through Ceylmi ; J McGee, Fleshorion ; J Prit- In India Mills; J P Baitd, Markdale ; T A anourreJ. Shannon, Markdale ; J C'lmpbell.Eiiyenia; "' grinder. â€" (Jeo. Brackenbary,Fever8ham For Sile or Rent â€" A smiU farm in Eugenia. -Apply to Tlios. E. Fen wick, E ugenia. For Saleâ€" Extension Table, Sideboard, 2 Lamp?, 20 New Stove Pipes. Apply lo W. Buskin, Kltsherton. (tic natives likt> Uru. The Commonwealih of Australia sent a ship to Samoa with help becau.'su the dihease was atrecting 80 per cent, of the natives. Tho while population were only able to feed ihe living and bury the dead, Li Mew Zealand public seivicea were stopped and business gravely dis- -organiiied. The ravagea in America have been appalling, nor has Ctnida escaped. In Ontario and the Wehtern Provinces no fewer khan 108 doctors died of tliu (j)i- dciuic, while the total death rate in Ontario alone was 5,000 up to November. A large number of American ludians have perished. ?;ur()[)e as a whole has Rutl'ered in tho same wsiy In Spam the epidemic was described as "truly awful." In Barcelona the death rate was stated to be l,2tJ0 daily. Franco has hud her share, likewiso Germany and Austria. â€" "The Times," London. chard, Priceville ; II L«wlor, Eugenia ; D McDonald, Pricerille ; U Atchesou, Proton ; J Harbolile, Markdale ; H LeGard, Flesheiton ; VV A Weaver, Markdale ; S I'l.illipy, Rick Mi!N. bENCEL\lEWER8 J William.ion, Pricevill.'; R \Vhittuker, Ceylon ; D McAIilUn, Pricevillo ; J B While, Maikdale ; J B-land, Markciole ; J Henry, Mrrkdslo ; G Warliiig, Mark- dale ; J Lockharilt, Proton ; \V Breen, FIcsherlou ; .J .S McMilliin, Ceylon ; ACinuUiors, Kuio.iia ; J VV Lyons, Ma.xwoll ; J Parson, Eugenia ; R SwantoD Flesherton. POUND KEEPERS F T Ueiiy.Pricuville ; D U McLauchlan Coylon ; J Beatde, Markkalo ; J A ThompiMi, Maxwell ; M G Orr, Proton ; T Gilliland, Eugenia ; R Richardson, Flesherton ; J T Wright, Markdale, Residence For Sale For sale cheap and on cvsy teriiii', lln residence and preniisis thereto bolniiguig to the laie >1. K. llichardson, I'lehher ton. On the premises are a kr^o Inick veneered dwellinii, well tiiitshed and iii good repair, ontainsy lariiw bedrooms •on the sec 'iid tl.ii :»r;l a large donble bedroom on first Hat, ; Kood never falling well with fore- pump in b»r,omont, are Xood ciHtern rH well tiniihed for wi-iter or summer kitflien and dining and wash rooms with g lod inntry and inner eon- Tcnienoes ; iarit'i Uwn aiui garden with jf'>od young i.rohiril Kesrioi; and plenty <rf sinill fruit ; goo I Nriic fta-no Mable and driving Ihfuhh. I'n mises wi.ulo make excellent largf boarding house and ;pi iv&le ofHcu boetoo*, or would answer well for two and a!i*o good otiiue forrout. Apply to 11. .1. Hproulo .n thru prtmiseH ivli > will show auy purso.ia over the premises. 170e School Reports Monllily report of School for February. Fieshurton Public Colts For Saleâ€" One heavy colt rising IS and oneregistered mare colt rising year old. -Fred Matliewson, Flesherton. For Saleâ€" A few Black Minorca cock- erels fir sale. â€" Lewis Sheirdown, Maxwell P.O. A few bags of winter apples for •ale- Fred Jamieaou, Eu'^^enia. Telephone. CEDAR WANTED Cedar Wanted â€" 4 luot 2 in. long price S5 for No. 1 cedar, or in ihe log 12 foot 4 in. long, ^o. 1 $11, delivered at my mil!. â€" Edward Sargent, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS Private funds to loan ou real estate security at ro.'\!'onable rate of interest. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Kle-jherton. sept 2317 Highest price for butter and eggs at Graham Bros. Euiienia. June 20 Try Feversham Pastry Flour, tho best for your conk, All Onturio wheat Boar for Service The undersigned has a Ihorounh.irod Yorkshire Boar for service on lot ll,<xi n 8, Osprey. Tevm.s $i.r>U. Fia-'.D SPOFFARD. 4tirCla*sâ€" Elfcio Ferris, Mauie Nuhn, David Colgau, Allio Nia-ris, Annio Dow, Olive Malhowson, Frelda Mathuwtan, Harold VVhciwoll, Cecil MacTavish, Ida Lover, ,f(jhn Carringtoii, Harry Citrring- ton, A dele Breen. Sr. ;i-Uazel Wyvill, A'llda Murlin, Auiile Tetitor, L .ul» Cargo, Orrul Fisbcr, Peter D â- Â»â€¢, Maiguurito Bowes, Beasiu Stuwart, Luella Blakely. Cecil Louoks. .)r. ;t -Willie Carrington, Emmeraon Thomson, Evelyn KerrLs, 'Jhelma WilHon, lOizibelh Itenthani, .Ifssio Colgaii, K la McMulUii, Tod McDon\ld, Gordon Wyvill. Notice to Creditors! i-' '^-'-vioiaThistiethwaite, Lueiu < Lever, Liuia Boyd, .Mane Patton, OrviUe Martin, Norris Whewell, Harold In the Surrogate Court of the County Richardson, of Grey. In tho matter of the Estate of tieivas Hazard late of the Townnliip of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, Sectlunmtn, deceased. Notice is heieby given, pursuant to R. 8. O, l!tl4. Section f.O, thai, all creditors and oiln-iH having iliims •gainst the catate of the above named Oervas Hazard, who died on of about the 22nd day of .Inly, PM8, at Ih- Township ot Arlemesia, aforu«aiil are cenuired to aend on or before tlie i2ihday c.f.MaKh, A. 1). lf»l'.>, lo Wui <llehro it Sporemin, Biriislers, etc <>wcn Sound, On'.Hiio, Solicitors foi ll-.i Adininlslratiix of llie said deceased, ilo'ir •Chrlsiiin .iiid Suriiames, addn Rses aii<l •description, wiibfiill purtioiibir.i of II. li. dftims, and statement of their aeci u.iis and Ih) iintuic of tho secuiitios, if any, held by them. And further lake notice that aflei «uch last mentioned date the said Ad ♦ninistratru will proeecd todisiribuiB Ih. ame\f of the deooajed .iiiiong the piriii'.' entitled thereto, havieg regaid only t. the claims of which they shall tlieiihiv. had nonce, mid the haid Executors will not be liable for the h.. id assets or any part thereof In any person or perMii.s of whoso claim notice hhall not have buei received by them at tho time of such dictriliution. MIDDLEBKO & SPEREMAN, Solicitors of Administratrix, Owen Sound, Ontario Dated at Owen Sound this Seventh day of February, 1!»10. Class 1 â€" fohiuie Nuhn, Milton Teeter, Ruih T/iiatlelhwaite, Melvin Sled, .Ailene lie, croft. Priiiur A I'rntist Feiiwick, Jtsnette Crrgoe and Eilna McC«llum, iipial, KIsie McK.e, Helen Weiton, .lean Stuart, .Marion Stuart, Lilian Carring- toii. Primer H-Blancha Patton, Teeter, Ellen '.^uinii, Leslie Helen Hur.l. Gordon Ferrip, Kuvcisham public F.l)n;ary. Jr 4 â€" L Ottewell, *0 Henderson, J Robinson, M 11 sjliool report ft r *A Wideman, ♦A Hai.deison, D Robinson, A \V«ldrick, (i HodgkiiiH, ftl Coulihard, M Fawcelt. . â- Ir3- Wright. Sr 2-*n H.llam, ♦il Kerton. Alex tnder, G Foaur. â- Ir 2 ♦V Wright and ♦ll Henderson e«iUHl, ♦R WidemuD, 'R Long, *.l Wcddrick, Ml llawfon, ^T Ahx-inder, A Ha*t'.n. B Conn, B K rt in, V David- son, A Speer, Pr A â€" '() WMlcmtn, L Mo ne, K Alex- ander, W H >IIingsho<d, R Dav dson. Those marked * I'btained honours. Average attendance "6. -LULU JOLLEY, Toncher. Letter From Manitoba Dear Friend i.nd Editor,â€" I gue^s I had better come across or T will be elect ad to pay $1 50 a year for your paper, which is not by any means too much. It is a mystery to mo how you can furnish ink and piper at $1 a year. I read y)ur piper with great interost. It is like a letter from home, but it is losing its interest suintwhat on account of the lime I have been away, as you kn(.» there is some cl ange in any place aiiJ popuUtioii Kinoe Aug. 22, I8tiy, and 1 have been here all that time, I culd give you a little news of interest from time lo time if you would consider it of interest to you. I have been Ilii^iking if It would be a workable plan, I would like to suggest that you print in youi paper once or twice a year what you Could call " Away From Home Direc- tory " or "Out West Directory," giving the addresses of your subscribers, so that when you printed anything about them that we wora interested in wo could drop them a lino. 1 trku it for granted that everyone that ever lived at or near to KlcBlioitoii lakes your paper. This would make the paper more valuable to me and of more interest. Why ahould we drift away from each other and let our friendahips die, simply because we are a few miles away ? At present we need men in this country and anyone you know of coming west direct ll'.em to me aad I will get them i job and keep them until they do get OUO' Flesherton boys for me. We have had a .swell winter, juat nice Bleigliiu^',very little frost, just enough to keep from thawing and getting soft and wet. We can run our ears ou some of the Country mads. Our crops In Manitoba were just average last year. The Southern part was very dry and pulled the average down . We are in the North, the C P. R. running to the coast aernis to be tie dividing line. Now I tad nn idea of being so long win. In! when I siarted. We have had very little Mil here. Kemeniber me to lany ii ipiirlng friend.^, such an Dan, ! Joe Black liiirii, e'.e. I must close w'th b«nt wi&hes iw you and your staff Vour Old Timer, C. T. PEDLAll. SALE BY TENDER Of Valuable Property ir» the Villages of Flesherton and Walterville and Township cf Artemesia in the County of Grey. TKNDKRS Will be received by the undi-rsi'.'iied up to three o'clock in the afi.ei noon of iFie 15lh Day of March, 1919 For the purch tso of any or all of the following parcels of property beloruiug to t lie estate ot the laie William King- ston Fle.Hlier, namely â€" PARCEL 1 -All those parts of h.ts 1 IK, 149 and 150, assessed and in the posiession of iba Fleslier Estate and not lioretofore sold and conveyed containing uo.jut seventy-live acres, more or less, i.nJ roughly duhcribed as all that part of : it 148 lying southwest of the Toronto u. d Sydenham Road, save and except tho plots occupied by the Public School and 1 t« 16, 17, 18 and 10. All that part of lot iminbir 140 lying soulhweac jf the front nillt property. All that part of lot nuinbir lf)0 lying southwest of the t'rist null property. PARCEL 2â€" Mill plot M including lots 14 and 15, abtjut 14^ acres, and Paik plot about 10 acres, and being cu'iiposed of the northeasterly parts ut lo:s 148, 140 uud 15U. PARCEL .T-AU those parts of lot number 151 lying sou'hwcst of the Toronto and Sydenham Road and com- posed of lota 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 1,'J, 14, 15, 10, 17, 20, 21, ao, .?1, and tho cabaiel factory and mill pond site as well as Blocks G and J in sail lot, containing about ihiriy-one and a quarter acres. PARCEL 4 â€" Block L, containing two acres and beiuL' pait of lot number 148, s tuated northeast of the Toronto and Sydenham Road and bounded by Vic'ona, Mill, Albeit and Cyntiiii sts. PARCEL 5- First acres, being eoniposed of the nouUeast pari of lot lot, in the second ran'.je s iu;h've.')t of 1 be Toronto and Sydenham Road in the Township of Arieinesia, and known as the Crown Reserve. Second â€" That part of Lot 150 in the Second RauKS or concessionscuthwe^t ' f ihe Toronto and Sydenhum R.iad in ll.e Township of .\itemesia, eoi:taining tun and a ijuaiter iieres, |iureli»''ed by tlie said William K Fleshcr from Wni. Smith. Thirdâ€" That part of Lot 151) In the Second Itani^e Southwest of tlio T.irouto and Sydenli'.in RoaJ in tho Townshii) of Arteinesis,cont.uning ten acre.s, purchased by Ihe said Wm. K. Fleshsr from Matihaw Richard.son. PARCEL «-L Its 0, 10, 11 and 12, on tho north wBJt side of John street and lot No. 1 on the southossr side of John street in tho Villago of Walterville, atording to plan of the Kubduioion of Lot '• A" iiiadu by Tlioinaa li. Gilliland, P,L.i5., and containing collectively about one acre and sixteen perches. All of the above pr 'perties will bu sold with and subjtc. lo all the rights, privi- leges r.nJ easements spportiining thereto and to which tl:u kaid deceased wa.; entitled to enjoy or was liable to main- tain duriiiL' his lifetime in so far as his .surviving Kx"eulor can lawfully convey suoli rights or transfer such liabibtloff. The timber upon the said parcels Noa 1, 2 and 3 has been sold and the purchaser has been granted the right and privilege o remove tlio same at any time within ve years from the Sixth day of .August, 1)18. The said parctis will be sold subject '.<> such privilegu Tenders shall be in writing specifying the parcel and tbs price offered for ihe 8a^lle and addres.sed lo Jss. A. Key,s, Birrister, etc., 108 Queen St , St Cutli- arines. Out., acc.Jiipanied with a markoj eheciuo piyalilo to the order of tho Merchants Bsnk, MarktUle, for ton per cent, of the purchase price specified in tho tender. Tho bigliesc or any tender not necessaiily acceu'ed The t,alince of the purchaKo money on all tenders accep- â- .ed shall l>u paid thirty days from the date of inailini; the accptaiio-i hi S' Cathariiiei .-Ml i;hei|Ui,9 accoinp n yiii'.; unaeceptid tenders will be roiurmdto tho tenderers. Tho Vendor is not lo bo bound to furnish any abstract o: title or produce any title, Joeds or oihor evidence not m his p,issessioii or control, or lo give copies of any title deeds, but the purchaser is to search tho title at his own expense. If tho vendor without any default on his part is unable or uiiwillinij to make a good title to the said land within thirty frem the mailiniir of tho acceptance of the tender (if tho purchaser declines to take such title) then he ,nay withdraw from the contract on the repayment to him of any sum paid on account of the purchase money and wiihout being en- titled to any compeiisation or expenses In coimeciion therewlt!;. For furthiu' partiuulare apply to James A. Keyea, Barrister. J.\MKs A. Kkvks, 108 (Jueen Street, St. Catharine.'', Out. (Solnitor for the Estate) Holstcin Bail For Service .â- \ thoroughbroil Holstcin bull for service on lota isai84 8. W. I', ft S. li., A.teme»ia: eUw- cly related to the worlil'ii ehauiiuon 44 pound eow. Ti-rins- $1.. 50 for Hiades, >&.00 for pure tireds. ii » iii n i iisiiSii>ii>ii-i» isiisiia n â-  s « a SI â-  i» i»i laiaaaaaaaas 1 .Inly 17 -DEO. MOORE *8on' Pratt's Regulator Try Pratt's Aiiiiiial Ltegulator for stock, anil make your hens lay by feeding them Pratt's Poultry ltegulator. For sale at GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, - ONT. "•' â€" •' I'll I â-  â-  m ig ^ .'•• " • " •''••••••••••••••9> 4.i#i.a s.»^.i»..#..>..# m ,.«..» â€" m 111 Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have just placed ou the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- in g.s. I I i I i i i I I I V^t I ...â€". , 1 ____ ^^ __^^ Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. WE SELL FASM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Your Business College Yougc and Charles Streets, Toronto Has superior courses, eciuipmeut and teachers. It makes good every claim and promise. Every graduate of the last three years has promptly secured employ- ment. Open all jear. NOW is a a splendid time to enter. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Farm For Sale III the township of Osprey one hundred acres, ninety acres cleared, ten acres hardwoo.l luiih ; two storey solid brick cottage, I'edlar roofini!, cellar full size, furnace, kitchen and woodshed, aidid brick, hard and soft water inside ; largo outbuildings with water supply â- nside. For further particulars apply tc JOHN OUl'iMMErt', Proton Station U.K. 2 £13 Boar For Service Uegistored CIteMer White hr)g for oervicoal Uock Mill*. The father won first at Chicago Fair. Terms 11.60. ItdeolS* -I. SMITH Prop. WINTER TERM in the begins TIURSDAY, JAN. 2, 1919 Girls and boyH who have been work- ing haul on the farm during the summer should have a chance to improve their eduoation this winter. Circulars free to any addreaa. C. A FLEMM, F.C.A., PrinciMl, Dept. A., Owen Sound, Ontario. (Mention this paper when writing) Farmers Attention Make money in your spare time during the comiug Fall and Wintei months by soiling hardy Canadian nursery stock. British and European markets will be opeu again for Canadian Fruit and now is the time to order for ?priiig planting. Largest list of Fruit and mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, grown in Canada. Orna etc. Write for particulars. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opeiitni; up atiinso, a blaokamith' ing and wowdwoclitiig husineaa in Mai- weU, and am!iMt«Uinif up-to date wood- working miahloaiy. It will be my an d»a*(ir to awva the pulillc in a Mtisfao- tory nisimst and I would solicit patron- aire. I wsnt youiwotk and will do it right. 7 AprH 1 CHESTER LONG StonA & Welliigton The PonthHl NarMrlM. (KsUbllalMd \m.) TORONTO . OfTTARIO Farm For Sale A 50 acre farm fur sale on the last Batk lilue, ArtemMia, 3rd range, north half of lot 132. On the premlaaa tiifto is a good frame barn, 40 x CK) feet ; a small frame house ; a good drilled well ; hen house ; the fall plowlon la doDt. iTur partieulara apply oo prtmliM. â€"J. H. UOLLEY, riMherton.

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