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Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1919, p. 3

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/ y Over There â€" Over Here - STAG Chewing Tobacco is appreciated by both of Canada's war units â€" those v.ho fought in Flanders and those who served at home. It is also enjoyed by civilians of all classes throughout Canada and is recognized as being The Latest Deslariis =-•:/ ^v^-Xcuti/pjg.-I^ :^^^t)e^" flung into the breach at Yprea, they were thankful for the v.-isdom which j I !fad made thsm the complete soldiers TO VALENCIENNES N^- ^"^^^ ^^^'^^- -^^-^^^ -- "--' THE FUTURE OF TUNGSTEN. FROM VALCARTffiR ,..-:- • .-:- .. - - â-  :,.„„, ,„ .„. .,.„., „., .„. Should Create a Demjiid. troops" and unblooded; yet for four | Australia is s-c„nd in importince days, acquitting themselves like vet- ! ^mo„g British taritcries producing tenuis, they bore the brunt of perhaps, (â- â€žâ€ž^,fan m-oa Tn OiiBPiTsliril many BRITISH TRIBUTE TO CANADA'S- the most 'san^nary battle of tha ^f.f J, °;^^;;;, ^^,„«,^^^°^^^^^^^^^ wr.r, and withstood the seemingly L.emi., ^een acquired by oce of the endless onslaughts of the outnumber- ja^ge-t of the conccma which have es- GLORIOUS WAR RECORD Splendid in Spirit, in Valor and i Fighting Qualities, Says English- men Serving With C.E.F. The Sphere, one of London's fam- <>U3 illustrated v.'eeklios, puSliiihea an elaborate reccrd of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, "From Vakartier to Valen;;iennes. tablished tungsten reduttiun plants in ing horiies of Huns A month later came Festubert, when there was bitter fighting in the event appears to promise a new era of initial stages of the Aubers Ridge progress for this branch of mining in offansive. In June, at Givenchy, â-  Queensland. Wolfram is mined in New they continued that offensive from , gouth Wales and Victoria, while ira- ' TBACHgm -wkxwn rpKAi'lIliK WWCVAi â€" AT ONCH â€" 1. .'ur ^•el^a^u.l<: Stiiool N... 4. 6an4|»lch V.'cHt suiury |i!5'i, ono :ibl« to teach French Apj>!y tn Harvey ilajfiinU*. S».'.-Tr.?:u).. P.. ^.. N' 1 '»V i'i.!;»i)r < 'i»t ypB «AU Try this ycui^elf then pass \ <,\ 1 A HACH Wll.l, BCY. F.O.B. AT Laugh Wlien People Step On Your Feel it along to ethers. It wcrks! ' 7 i C i IvF Dtlta. 2a Cows, mostly HWh I ! <5r!ut(5 HulHteins, freslienliiif In eood wa- a 1 sen. from three to sltfht yours old. rieht I •â-  t rv wav Cii«h witii urd-:'. llsference. * lu/'haMta' B:t;.;.. IjhIu. J. C. Kyre. .intry. oniar:". 1 eedH C... Ouch :?!?!! This Itind of rougli talk will be heard !«S3 here in town If people troubled with corns will follow the simpio advice of this Cincinnati authoritv, who claims that a few drops of a drug called frepzone A'hen applied to a tender, aching corn .jtops sot;ei:ess at once, and soon the corn dries up and lifts right oft without pain. He says freeione is an ether com- pound which dries Immediately and â-  never inflameH or even irritates the , surrounding ti.ssue or skin. A quarter , of an oimce of freezone will cost very i little at any drug store, but is suifl- I cleut to remjvo every hard or soft ] corn or callus from one's feet liillions , of American women will welcome this announcement since the inauguration of the high heels. and lob printlns plant N'BWSPAFSB EMtom Ontario Insurance furrlej J 1.500, Will ra for J1.20') on ouick sale. Box M. W.lmn Publtuhlng Co. T.m Tornnto. \1^!:eki.y'.\PEii for 3AL» T T In N<?w Ontario. Owner solnn to Franc* Will sell JJ.Ono. Worth <1oabl« that amonnt Apply J. H.. c!o Wllaos Publlshlne Co.. Ll:r:i:?J. Toronto. mSCELLAKSOCTS A.SCEit TUiluIl3. LCMl'S. ETO. _ !n'<!rnal and external, cared wUh- <ut c»ln bv our home treat menL Writ* ua berore too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co . I.lmltgd. Coinncwood. '"int. AUTO TIRES. All aliea cut rate prices. RlvertlaJe Oarajfe 4 Rabher Co.. G.>rrard niid Hatnlltun St.i.. Toronto, ami 72S Dorctiettf-r St. Waat. Montreal. ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and liBht sew'.iiR at home, whole or' time, rood pay, work sent any dis- tance, charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Maautacturira Company. Montreal. Ci AUTO T:iiE.S. Z-! X 3i J13.25. Tiil..ea ll.6.i. sno.-t3 ures. attractive the south, sviffering heavy losses. In Septem.ber the Canadian artillsry lent a hand in the famous battle of Loos. It Ts called i ^'^ -April, 1916, they fong4it the terri- i ble and inconclusive battle for the Great Britain since the war, and the and equally comfortable. The sleeves are long and pleated and the .skirt is in one piece. McCall Pattern No. 8706, Misses' and Girls' Mid ly Dress. Ift 7 sizes, 8 to 20 years. Price 25 cents. Diet for a Cold. When a cold stai-ts physicians usually advise a iiglit laiiative diet, consisting chiefly cf hot lemonade or | j^.^ ^j^^^^j PerfecUon. orangeade, broths or gruels, with .,„.,, , , crisp toast, baked potatoes, mild j ^"«" :^'"- ^^"Str>- was at the stewed fruits and vegetables, .\iter sumni.'.t of her beauty and fume, she this for a few days, until the cold °»e«^ ^^^.^ .*^-"^-f ^" -Aincan king wno seems to be broken, it is well to eat 1 "^^^^ ^"X-Xm% London. She did her an ordinary diet with plenty of fruit i ''^^^ to please the aasky monarch and and vegeta'bles. To aid the body in \ «--'identIy succeeded, for he said to recovering eat meals which give more ' *»^"^ =»=' ^^7 parted: "Ah, madam, u fuel value than usual. ^^"^^ ^""^ °^}\ "«'^« ^'""^ "^f '' ''"'^ fat, you would be irresistible. Miaard's Uaiment Cnrea Bsinis, Etc. I SELsard'3 Liaiment for sals everywliert. to A record of the glories of Canada's ^ Possession of mine cratevs before S. civ,ilian Army." It is written as alElo'- In June they played their par. tribute from an Englishman serving: ^t Sanctum n,- W ood vvhen the Ger- with the C.E.F. Some quotations arc ^ man^ made their tliird attempt here made from it: The great Dominion lived spacious- ly apart, secure in her immensity, and Immune from the cnt-nn^-lements of European strife. Tiie hour of war struck v,nthout warning. .â- \.nd w'.ien war came to England, tho Englishman looked questionLngly at his brothers beyond the seas. In| portant quantities of gcheelite, an- 1 other ore of tungsten, are obtained In | New Zealand and in Tasmania. I Wolfram is also obtained as a by-pro-' duct of the Cornish tin industry and â-  has received special attention during i the last four years. Canada bos be- come a producer chiefly of scheelito. j mined in Halifax county. Nova Sco- , "break through." In September they tia. and deposits are also known in 1 v/on a great victory on the Somme Rhodesii. and at Courcelette, while a month j it is difficult to foresee the future of later they took Regina Trench after j tungsten, but it is worth while to some of the bloodiest fighting of the examine the considerations which the past there had been no little flag-' war. Rssted and reorganizei!, the Cana- dian Corps won the Vimy Ridge in .April of 1917. It was a posiition which the enemy Imd always regarded would lead one to form an opinion. It would be optimiotic to expect a con- tinuance of the eager demand and handsome prices realized at times dur- ing the last four years. K a general and more than enough taUi las impregnable. In July camo the. commercial depression and a fall in ri^!^.'.^*f ";'" "'"=^ Y-''^' er.outja Lau.j t^madic and triumT)hant attack on the world's demand for steel were to that blocd was thicker than w-ater. j j^.jj ,-o_ ^j,j j^ October and November take place tungsten would suffer as .Now tha>. England hadi ^.j^^ ^g^„ j^j^g^. y^^^^i^^ ^Y\<i\i finally^' would many other commodities. On her sons beyond the seas, ,^.^^ ^^^ ^..^^ Canadians the possession; the other hand, activity In the world's , of Passchendaele. This year, in three! steel trade should support the position , ,^ „ .... , . . ,. ^i"! months of glorv, the Canadi.ins won,' of tungsten. Us popularity among the need to call. With unerring instinct,; ^^^ ./^;ens. Arras, and Cambrai. , steel makers as a steel hardener would the Domimon realized that this v^^sj p^^. ^^^ Canadi.;ns, Cambpa,i will i seem to be established a fight (Jf right aga.:nst mightâ€" or ,5^.^ j,^^;^^ y j^ ^^^ greatest de-isent. The possibilitv autocracy against de.mocracy. V. ith - But now need of would they answer her cnll? far as Canada went there wtts for the pre- may also be fensive fight they have ever fought* borne In mind that the results of j Cambrai their most splendid and vie- 1 scientific research, which has been spontaneous iirity, the people of Can- ada arose and threw all they had in-;. I tp^..^,,^ oflP,^,5,.^ , I continuously conducted during tho nn. I 5"".' u â- ' â- â€¢ . After all this de3T)erate strife, after! war. may lead to new uses for the 1-he hrst oJ their gifts, apart from , ^ing-dong battle by day and night for ; metal. Tungsten proved to be a their love and their loyalty and their whole-hearted aid, was a full division equipped and armed for the fieldâ€" a gift bestowed by cable. On October 14, just over two months later, the first contingent, 33.000 The Wrench. The dentist was taking a day oflf and having a joy-ride in his car, which he had just released from its. wartime internmeiit. "Far from the maddering crowd" it broke dov.-n, and. v.itii his thought; busy with other things, the dentist got out and got under. Then, as he fixed his tool to an cffandlng nut, he muttered: "Now this is going to hurt 'just a little." Tlie Swalbw. Up-skim, downJart, Over hiil and into hollow. Ever seeming in his gleaming C-oat of blue to say to you: Follow! Follow! Follow! Follow! Thnf 3 the swallow. months, the Canadians, still unwear- ied, still advancing, capturetl Valen-| eiennes ! Three Months of Glory. Three months of glory, indeed, and landed on the shores of Eng- \ in two months alone, from August 8 i to October ". the Canadian Corps cap- ^ tured 2ii,G.10 prisoners, 501 guns,| 3,000 machine guns and mortars, and; recovered 9(5 villages and 109 squaiv strong land. Even so, Canada's declaration that 6ho would raise half a million men, was accepted with reserve. But in 1918 that great pleilgo was on the eve of fulfilment. Upwards of 400,- 000 Canadians had come over seas, while 70,000 more were in the train- ing camps in Canada, .^nd the glory of tho Dominion's civilian soldiers dominating factor in military power as soon as it was recognized that modern war must be waged with shells by the million and with guns by thousands. Its individual power in times of peace may prove equally great. "PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP." Simple frock of combination mat- erials which is suitable for afternoon wear. McCall Pattern No. SOtiO, Misses' Dress. In 4 sizes, 14 to 20 years. Price, 25 cents. These patterns may be obtaiined from ycur local M.-Call dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., To- ronto, Dept. W. Send Order. MONEY ORDERS. j a Domiuion Express Money Five Dollars costs three cents. I A Dyspepsia Cure I (% M. D. adviset : "Persona who «) * iulfer from aevire indigestion & •) and constipation can cure them- <9 ^ selves by taking fifteen to w ^ thirty drops of L'ctract of RooU § after each nteal and at bedtime. ^ Power. Men said, "How is it that he holds His listeners with such loyal zest? j He has no eloquence, no art, i No wisdom, greater than the rest." 1 j "Ah, fools,*' quoth one, "and see you ' not ; That greater gilts are his to bring? Strength and compassion, courage, truth, I .\ml love for every living thing."; % % % •) ana 91.UU ootues. i 1^ ^, _,,,,.,_ •> This remedy is known aa Mother Sf igel's Coraiive Syrup in the drug trade." Get the gcsuins. SOc and $1.00 Bottles. i Kiaard's Kiiiuuent Cores Sandruff. Customer tin music-seller's) â€" "I want a copy of the 'Stolen Rope.' "' ."V-ssistant â€" "I am al'raid I don't know of such a song." Customer â€" "Why, it goes turn tum-tu.T.ptr-tum." .As- sistant â€" "Oh, you mean the 'Lost Chord.'" Cust'-nie;â€" ".\h: that's iil" OR HO.HEY REFUliOEO. ASK ANY OftUCGIST 01 vinte>.Yni3n-K.iOJi lo , HoiTtt , ?.(). PnmSOc Phrase Frequently Occurring Treaties Afterwards Broken. who have foaghi; ,in Flanders is deathless, if the price they have paid for it is high â€" very high. Over 65,000 of them sleep in alien soil, 200,000 of them are casualties. k% to the manner in which they have foug'nt, the record of ten thousand decorations, includ- ing fifty V.C.'s lis witness that they have fought well. Yprcs to Cambrai. But, when at last they arrived in Flanders in Uie nick of time to be Bjilcs of beleaguered France. During, the period alone the corps engaged 47 â-  enemy divisions, of which 40 were q^^ ^^^^^^ g^^^^^ ^^ ^^^.^ ^^^^^ ^^^^\ fully and seven partially engaged. ! xq.^\^^^ j^ ^^^ g^.j^oh for the thing that ' From the first tho Canadians were ^jght have prevented the present war. '•shock troops." And the marvel isj ^he makers of most of the peace con- how France and- how these purely cmlian soldiers, I treaties that have taken their place in men with no military traditions, ad- apted themselves to the complex me- thods of modern warfare. General Curri.\ their leader in tho field was himself a Canadian business man be-' fore the w.^r; to-day he is recognized as one of the most able corps com- ; manders in the British .\rmy. ! Again, apart from tiieiir capacity history most certainly liave done their duty in this direction. In fact, a glance over the first article of most of these treaties brings more than a smile to the lips of the reader. They read liko a joke. Short and to the point is the tirst article of the Russo-Turkish Treaty of fonstantiuople of 1S79. "Peace and Everybody .^.coommodated. Tommy (just off train, with siderable luggage") â€" "Cabby, much is it for me to Latchford?" Cabby â€" "Two shillings, sir." Tommy â€" "How much for my lug- gage?" 1 Ca'obyâ€" "Free, sir." 1 Tonimv â€" "Take tiic luggag*, 1*111 walk." I CF BiHyilFIJl ifllR, A small bcttle destroys diinOruflf and doubles bea-uty of vour hair. DON'T NEi^LECT A RHEUM.4IJC PAIN Go after it with Sloan's Liniment before it gets dan-reroiui for leadership in the field and a gen- friendship shall henceforth e\ist bo- lus for stem and brilliant fighting. x.\«iii\ the two empires." n ow Manu of ^oxff NeidiDors Drink ^ POSTUM ^bu know of soiDe.bul ir^ ck) iheu drink it ? IVs because tea and coffee disMPee witti Ihem. Next lime a wakeful roqht. nervousness. he«rt-f lutter or stom- ach disturbance follows tea or coffee drinking ~ Think of Fbstum "There shall be, frcin the date of the e.xchango of the ratliications of the present treaty, peace and friendship between His Majesty the King of Italy their gift of adaptability made them masters in other branches of mod<?m j war. The Canadian system of light I railways was a signal triumph over the motor in bringing up supplies or in following up a push. The quantity of timlH?r roquirol by tho armies was enormous. The Canadian troops brought the art of lumbering to Europe, and the Cana- ^nd His Majesty the Emperor of .\us- dian Forestry Corps supplied timber tria, their heirs and successors. Uielr not oiily to thoir own coi-ps. but to states and their ivspoctive subjects 'n the armies of the British, the Bel- : perpetuity." gian.^ and the French. One million; These "scraps of pa p-t" seem to re- tons of timber, e<iuivalent to 455,000,- pe:,t the words of a fmeruuner The 000 feet board measure, was their re- ^ Treaty of Zurich of lSi3 between Aus- cord for the tirst eight months of this , tria and Fi-anoe seems almost a copy year. In the siunmer of 1918. t«x), 1 of others. It states that there shall be great forest fires broke out.behind the; future peace and friendship between lines in France. Tho French, unable j -their respective states and subjects to cope with them, called in the Cana- 1 forever." In 1913, followlug tho Bal- diians. Miles of roaring furnaces were kan War, the Treatv of London was extinguished and the thanJ<s of tho \ gigued by Turkev on one side and by French tJovernment was the Forestiy ; Greece. Bulgaria, Serbia and, Monte- Corps' reward. negro on the other. This states that Nor should one forget the Canadian there shall be peace and friendship Corps Salvage Comiieny. It saved I "between their heirs and material to the value of nearly $20, 000,000. .Minard's Lhiimont Co.. Limited. Gent'c:ncn,- .My daughter. 13 yrs. old, w;;? thrown from a sleigh and in- jured l.i-r elbov.- so badly it remained stiff and very painful for three years. Four bottles of .MINARDS LINIMENT completely cured her and she has not The Treaty of Vienna of 1SG6, signed been troubled for two yeai-s. by Italy and Austria, pn-sentod the ' Yours truly. same seilliment in many more words. | d- K- LIVESQCE. if sprung at the right time they would St. Joseph, P. ().. ISth Aug., 1900 cause a laugh. Article one here reads. When a Ccugh is Equal to 3 Eggs. \i you cough once every ilfteen minutes for ten hours, says the Popu- lar Science Monthly, you expend ener- gy equivalent to 250 units of heat, which is equivalent to tho nourishment coiitained !u three eggs or two glasses of milk. At a normal rate wo expel air from the chest at the rate of four feet por second, but lu violent cough- ing we expel It at the rate of 300 feet a second. Thus a pei-slstent cough not only weakens the constitution but It is a direct cause of emaciation. I I Within ten n)i::utes after an appli- cation of Danderino you can not And a i single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itiMi. but what will please you most will bo after a few weeks' use. when you soe new hair, tine and downy at first-yes â€" but really I new hair â€" growing ;ill ov.?r the scalp ! -•V little Danderino immediately doub- I les the beauty of your hair. No dif- feronce how dull, faded, brittle and j scraggy, just moisten a cloth with i Dauderino and care-fully draw it \ through yonr hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amaz- Ing-^our hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance 0* ' abuudance; an incomparable luatre, \ softness and luxuriance. j Got a small bottle of Knowlton's ' Daaderine from any drug store or toilet j counter for a few cents aud prove that ; your hair is as pretty and soft as any I - that It 1133 been neglected or injured j by carcleuis treatmentâ€" that's all- you j •?urely cnu have beautiful hair and lots 'â-  of it if you will just try a little i Dandorlne. I .\ppjy a Vxtilc. don't r\i\\ 1st it p^ne- tra'.c. and â€" good-by twinge ! Same for external aches, pains, strain.-;, stiffness of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises. Instant relief without inussinesS or soiled clothing. Reliable â€" the biggest selling liniment year after year. Eco- nomical by reason ot enormous sales. Keep a big bottle ready at all times. ^ade in Canada, .^sk your druggist for Sloan's Liniment. loatiis Kills JPaxin 30c., COc, $1.20. successors. muanl'a KiniincBt BeUevea Rturalria. When Courage Failed. Tho family was having guests to dinner, and six-year-old Edward had Such, in brief, is the proud record of the Canadians. But their spirit and their purpose «ro prouder still. Two of the greatest poems in the English language were written by ohunu competing against each other in friendly rivalry. They undertook to work at these poem5 fw aix months and then compare results. Keats went to tho Isle of Wight and wro<e "Endv-mloi^" «nd Sielley went to a ^miTI resort on the Thames and their respective states and subjects In 1 '*'' suPPer alone and was sent to bed perpetuity." The Treaty of Bucharest somewhat earlier than usual. The ap- of 1913 between Bulgaria on one side petlilug aroma of roast turkey, in and Roumanla. Greece. Serbia and wblch he had not shared, reached him Montenegro on the other. Is more modest, Btmply saying that "there shall be peace and amity • • • between their heirs and successors." The Treaty of Frankfort between France and Germany of 1871 omits all mention of future peace, as does that signed at tbe end of the Spanith- Amcricau War. Wl'Ol •Th:> Kcnolt of Islam." Thomaa A. years old. Edison is soventy-tvo as he lay awako pondering over h!.< hard fate, and he decided to descend to the dining room and claim his rights. But when father, beholding the small figure at the door, demanded stemly, "Well, sir, what do you want?" Id- ward's courage tell, and he answered apologetically, "1 Just camo to sc# If you would lend me a bone when yott're through with it." ABSORBINE '^ TRADE MAftH «tG.U.S.PAT. Off, RcJjccs Bursal Eiiljrgementj, ThIckeneJ, Sv>ollea Tissues, Curbs. Filled Tendons. Sore« oess from Bruises or Strains; stops Spavin Lameness, aliayj pain. Does not bliiter, remove the hjur o> lay up the horse. f2.5Q a bottI« •t dniCRists or delivered. Book I R free. ABSURBINE. JR.. lor mackir.d->n tntisepti'c liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds. Strains painful, tnollen veins or g'anj:;. Ii heals and toothes, $\.IS a botue at dm;- \ gUtt or postpaid, Will tell ^ou more if yoit j write. MLF.YOUNS, P.». F.. ->1 J l;m«! lit Hsr^irul. 04". < NMorhit u4 MHcMst, 2r.;nft BKk iB CwtA' Mr.MaswellSuffered Years With Pimples Healed by Ciiti cara "I suffered for years with pimples •nd blaciaeaJs on my fa'.e. "The lat- ter cr.c cou'J harOly get â-  pin point between, and the former ii:ched t.nd burned 8o that I ceu'.d tear my Seshtci pie-.:e3. I could not sleep st night, SLnd my Cace was juat a mass of enipticns. "I decided to give Caitctira Soap and Ointment a trial, and alter -jsing two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was completely hisled." (Signed) R. B. Maxwell, Upper Seckville, N. 3., August 10, 1917. You may think that because Cuti- curm dpes such wund?iful work la soothing snd healing severe itching and burning eczemas it is not adapted to the geotle uses of the toilet. On the contrary, that ia just where It is moai effective in preventing these serious skin troubles. For Free Sample Kach by Mail id. Areas post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Bocton, U. S. A. " Sold ;vcrywb«nk ! ED. 7. ISSIE 10â€" •!». NO MATTER WHETHER MARE, COLT. JACK Spohn's Distemper Compound In %jt B.l'ac'.l.c 1.1 the treatment ut' one %^ of th« other for glSTiO.tPlCK, PINK 13\Jfi, I.NFLl-KNZ.V OOUOH or COLD. The â- uUlloi! iQ tb« stud, the horse In the (laid or on th« road, and the baby cult are all protected from d!9eM« bv aa «ec;tslorii} dose. an? .'v«in yoai' dro^gUt, 8P0HN MEDICAL COMl'ANY, Cjsbin, tndl«»rS, U.S.A.

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