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Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1919, p. 1

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'TRUTH BEFOBE FAVOR" - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 40 Keshierton, Ont., Xlarcti O 1910 ROCK MILLS Od Mooday evening, February 24lb, about 85 frienda and neiebbors gathered at iha home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy, to welcome home their youngest aon, Charlie, who h»d returned from overseas, a short while ago, where he spent ^ two years. Durin" the evenins he was pre- sented with an address and a well filled purse. The address was read by Mr. McArthur of Ceylcn, while Lewis Pedlar made the presentation. AllhoUKh taken by surprise Charlie made a very tittict; reply. The remainder of the evefiing was spent in music and dcincing. Mr. aud Mrs. Will Harj^rare, of Wareh^m, visited reoeatly with the furoier's brother, John. John English, of Sioghimpton, is fspending a few days wibh his brother, Alex English. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft visited over Sunday with the letter's parents at Feveasham. l^uite a number from around here took iu the show at Markdale on Friday night. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. English, in the death of their olJest child, Ireni. Mr. aud Mrj. W. T. Pedlar nturntd home aficr speuding a month with fiieuds in Manilla. We «re ijlad to report Annie Betts recovering after being laid up with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Be<ta, and family, attended a reception in Kimberley Ubt week tnr Ezra fawcett, who had just leturneu from overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Cbiis. Brodie visited over iSunday with relatives here. PRICEVILLE hince we wrote last, death has ar^&m visited our neighborhood, aud we dud it our sad duty to mention the {.assiu^ away i f Mrs. McDonald, Durham Roaii on ''"ob. I'Jlh. As many will remember her husband, Mr. Daniel McDonald, just predeceased her only a few months ago. She was a kind and genial lady and friends and neighbors, near and far, were much attached to her. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, aud her pastor, Rev. J. A. Matheson, who Utely moved to Mono Mills, came up to attend the funeral, and preached a com fortiug seriuou at the home, aud con- ducted the service at the grave iu toe Pricevilie public cemetery. Kev. Lee, of Temple Hill, preached morning and eveumg in the Presbyterian church last Sunday, and many of the congrenation express pleasure on heariti;.' him aud it is likely that he will be re- quested to come again. • Mrs. D, McKiunou arrived home a few diys ajio to be with her father, Mr. A. Hincks, who is seriously ill. Pie. David McLeod returned last week from France, where he has been with llie construction force. He escaped wiih slight wounds. A Palestine Letter Captain Edwin Smith, with the British forces in Palestine, son of Mr. I. Smith, of Rock Mills, wrote home under date of October 13 last, a most interesting letter, fronr. which we quote : We are still on the trek, giving old Turco no rest at all. We entered Beir Jt about four days ago, but pushed right on through for several miles. However, we have had two days rest and are start- las; on again. Beirut is a most interest- ing place. There is an American Uni- versity there and many people speak English. It is the place where the Ease and West meet, sud you get a lot of each. There are lots of French people who are splendid as far as giving us a gjod time goes We received a tremendous recep- tion when we marched in. Talk about flags, iriumphil urclies,etc. I have seen nothing like it before. They had a holiday i^o celebrate their delivsrance. Mount Lebanon is very beautiful. la fact it is wetiderful. In the afternoon the hills look simply gorgeous. C<! course this is the best time of the year. The fruit is just getting ripe and everyone looks very prosperous!. The people tell us that two thirds cf the total population h^s starved to death during the last four years, a total of somethin* like 200,000 in Lebanon alone. It shows you what old Turkey is capable of. He runs the w.;r on the poorest c'asses and leaves the riclitT people alone. The poverty is nauseating. What is leff of the lower people go about wiril b.irely a r»g to cover their loins and every boce seems to stick right through the skin. I have seen dozens of kiidies as old as 17 yenrs without u sin<le stitch to cover them. Tliey eat corn husks and raw barlty and as a result their tummies are blown out like ny baloons. No wonder the American relief committee has as hands full. I saw a woman lying on the pavement as ne rode through Beirut, with II aiain sack thrown over her b. dy, r.p;ia:eutly by some soldier. She was in 'he l.kst slage.s of starvation and was covered wiih dies. That is the sort if thing that makes one forget he is tired and want to push on and beat the Turk to a fiaz.!!e. We have done it pretty well already. He is starving himself. 1200 Turk soldier3 came into imr camp the day af;er we arrived. They could get nothing to eat and were glad to be captured. I received a parcel last night sent July 26th W,e are all sick on t today. You should hear the commanding otticer talk about the cake. They are all going out to Canada after the war if cakes like that are made out there. He is always talk- ing about the strawberries that I got in the last parcel. They were the finest he h:ts ever eatiu. We have ju«t receiv. ed a wire .hat there are two mule loads of mail waiting. We are very excited abou' i'. We havt-a't had a letter for a uioiiib. MCINTYRE Wedding bells arc ringing. Mr. Sandy Morrison bought a faim on the gravel road. Mr. and Mis. David Winter held a danca list week. All report a pleasai.t time. We are pleased to report Mr. B. Sornberger recovering, after a bad attack of IiitlueiiZ'i. Mr. E. Mclnnis spent » couple of days with Mr. A. Sornberger. Messis. ErnrRt Mclnnis and Alei. Mclui'yre are cutting logs. Misa Jessie Mclntyre spent Sunday at her home. &l-.*(t Cora Dand spent a few days at Mr. .Arthur Butcher's" A iiumbct from hero .ipont an enjoy- able evening at Archie Mclnnis' last week . Miss Jessie Cameron has been on thn sick list fur some tine. We are pleased to report Mrs. Sajo, Clayton lecovering. Bornâ€" On February 82nd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. McCjuty, twins. CEYLON Pie. jVuhur Horton arrived Friday niiiht from overseas and is visTting at P. Muir's. Pte. Eraie Brcoks, ivh'> has been visitii'g with his sister, Mrs. D.Wydcniai', left Mondiy f"r his home at KiuiiMod. WillMc.Ai; ur sj^eiit the woek end with Owen Sound friei.ds. Mr. Pattis'in of Mclntyre visited his uncle here the week, teturuiug to his homo on Monday. Mr. S. Sample moved his lu.usehold effe.-ts to Flesherttn the past week. Miss Sp.^ets of Fevershain is vi.<ltiiig at S. HemphiH'u. Mrs J.tmes Patlisou at'.endfd the funeral of her nephew, Jimuiio McLean, who died in .\ls;oM>a aud was brought to Prot'n for burial Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A Kuiledge received word on Monday that her son, Pte. Melfille, expected to arrive home about Thutsday of this week. Wm. Arnold, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cjrds, of Ovreu Sound, difd week as the reault of being scalded by a pan of boiling water. Pie. Gilbert Kril*rn, a former member of the 147th Bn , whose home is in MeaforO, has been awardtd the MiMlary Utdal. Beit Duke, a returned soldier of Kincardine, got into a fight with Charlea Flyun and lieat him up severely. He w»< bef re the Magistrate at 10 o'clock, f.iunJ guilty and was in Wilkerton jail at 12 30. They travelled tho 28 miles through the mow, by auto, iu about two hours.' EUGENIA A number of the young folks attended tha show in Markdale bust FiidAy. Much sympathy is extended i<> Mr. and Mra. Alex. English .>f Rock Mills in the death of their little daughter. We are pleased to report .Mis. Mun- shaw able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Will Uixou jf Toronto aud John McKee of PortUiv visited ac R. J. Pedlars. Charles Park has gone with the Wsst- ern Co. to Preston to tin sh a contract for the Hydro. Lieut LeGard and father of Fleaherton visited at Bert Magee's. .A fciv froMi town attended a p.irty at \\ ill Hawkena' on Friday. The Eugenia W. I. will hi.'d their luunthly meeting March 13 at Mns. Fred Gniham's. If the roads are b-ad the meeting will be held at Mrs.L, Latimer's in the village. ^^'o are .sorry to report a number i.if citizens under Dr. Guy's <;:ire, but glad to know they are all doing well. .Mr. Dave Genoa and family sp>nt tho week end with Mrs Genoo's sister, llrs Ed. Hillock, Maxwell. KIMBERLEY Mr. Friser, of Prince Rupert, B.C., vi.sittd with Mr. Jthn Plewesduiiug the past werk. Mr. Fraset formerly im-d at Honeywocd, Oct., where he spent his b -yhood days with Mr. Plewos. < >ii Mond.iy evening last :w receptiitl Wi.s held in the public hall for Pte. Ezra F«w>:ctt, who h\< returned after neiiiy 4 years aliseiice oversea*. He was present" ed with a well-Qlled purse of over one hundred dcll>u-.s Hiid an address, »hich w*s read >y Mrs. B. X. Cariather», the presentation being made by Misses Vera Magee r.nd Sliriou Fawcett. Ezra replied in a few well chosen words for himself and his bride. Andrew Kawcelt sold a haaisonie *pan of heavy draught horses to John Stuart for four hundred dollars. Qui'ea number from hero attended the '"Hearts of the World" nioving picture sh'HV at Markdale on Friday evening last aud were well pleased with the program. Marriedâ€" .At Kimberley on Friday last Mr. '.Iscar Maxwell, of S isk , to Miss Edna Wallace, one of our most popular youuu ladies. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Lane in the presence of Bomo seventy guests. The presents, which were numerous and co.^tly, showed die high esteem in which tho young couple are held They will leave for thetr home in the West iu a few days. Your crrrespondent joins wi"h their many friends in wishing them a long aud pro.<peruus voyage throukih life. Mr. Fred Eagle's sale on Tuesday last was well attended despite the inclement weather. Ben Walden, of Markdale, wielded tho auctioneer's hammer. A Russian Bath A Fleshsrton boy, who is with the forces in northern Russia, writes hii mother as follows ; You often speak of us comini; home and of course I wilt as soon as I can for I want to see yfu. Then there is that s^x months to put in ut school, which I feel inclined to hnish. Outside of these two associations Canada ia not so very differ- ent from the rest of the world, as far as! can see. In fact essential y I don't believe there is much difference. Cmada may be a little ahead in some respects ; but that off-rs all the more opportunity fur a Canadian iu these other couotiies, doesn't it f We have got a few pairs of skis today and some of the boys have been trying them. We arc close to the hi^h bank of a river, so they are hav ug all the sensa- tions of real ski artists. Some of them have even been trying leaps through the air, wh:ch will surety bear i ut my state- ment above, because I believe a leap is about the hardest thing t.) do on skis. I didn't see tbeir, but I frc! sue the r leaps were more like dives th:in :inything else. Only Ivh of the boys besides myself have been accustomed to tbera at ill. We are going to have wild turkey for ( ur Christmas dinner. T don't know if we can get cranberries too, but the peiple hav9 some. 1^'aii you imagiiie what a si:^e 1:.' sh e locks like i They are just a.-^ big ;is they sonnd ; with thick dit leather soles and cinvass tops. There is room in them for any amount of socks from thre^ pairs upwards. They are the Shack '.eton boots. Then for mitts â- so havt great I sacks with in them and lots of room for one or two pairs o.' :4lovts inside them. With a fur cap sud a fir- lined canvass everroat, .ve dou'c mind fie cold if we don't havii i^, fuce the cold wind. Eighth Line, A. & O. Mr. Mifftt has returned to tht> West, after sp, udingthe wiuter with his family here. Wo are sorry to report the illness of Mr. Wiu. Hauley from a paralytic stroke, but ho;H soon to hear of h;s recoveiy. The old f.imiliar ciw of th.> or"w sounds i;ood again. Miss .Mlie L.iw'er vi.ii'ed the p^iat week with her c nsin, Mrs. Will Hill. uear Markdale. DUNDALK Mr. J. Brown, the new C. P. R. agcn' iu Dundalk, arrived from Klor.-i last week and entered u, oi> his duties. Leslie Watson, the local Ch^vrolct dealer, made a record last week in motor- ing. He drove a car to Oshawa on Thursday l.^kini! three r-iher drivers (T. Mcl.eod, li. Gubh-ns, and U. .1. Mc- MilIoD)and brouicht back 4 new cars on Friday. Tbty f. nnd fiirly good ipads all the way â€" light sleightog at this end and soDin mud at the more southern points. The distance between the two places is 114 miles. February motoring is rare iu this northern Utitudo but this is an unusual winter. â€" Herald. .AH the forty-two hotel* in Bruce have applied fojC the renewal of th-. ir liceu'cs as Standard Hiiels. I-fliust try to ni\e you some idea of what these Russian baths are like iu realiiy. The bath house is a mu: ature bg cabin usually at some distance from the main dwelling, which is also of logs. The batti I am thinking of is a' it six feet scjusre and five feet high. Per furniture there are two benches ai;d two or three wooden pails. The hre place is a pile of loose boulders in one C' rucr : the chimney is a hole in the wall and you see ii all by the light of one small w<n J.>w. The hole in the wall opens into an outer chamber about three I'eet wide on the aud of the largB ( ;) room. This chaniber is quite open to the skies and seems io serve two purposes Ic takes the sn.oke partly away from the door and acts as a crude annealing chamber when going aud out from ihe hot cliamter. Wiil, you crawl through doors and light a tire under tho ttoves and beat it out to t;i:t fresh air. When the stones are quite hor, you uo in and uudress ius'de or undress outside, unt some stones ii to the Cold pails cf tt"a'er and throw a t w cupfulsonti the tireplace, having p. c- vious'y closed the door and the hole iu tho wall â€" oh yes. and having previously carried out the remaiu.s of the fire. It i.> warm when you enter and hot wl tu you throw water on the lire place. .\ er sweating awhile iu the steam we fi isli the bath from the buckets by sponn:'i8 I don't icnuw" bow tho Russians do it. They usually h IV e a cooked appear ince espec'ally the kids. 1 guess it tnu^t tie the weekly bath that does it. â€" W. W. FEVERSHAM Mr. John Davidson rf Buffalo is vi.-it- ing with his brolhoi here at pnseut. Mr. John .Adair if Wey'iun, Saek., is visiting fiieuds here. Mr. ani Mis. Tli'Uison Davidson f Hot K.iy sjent Sunday wi'h the lattn s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whiteoak. Mi»s Fraicie Alexander has returned home after spending n week with friends in CoUiuKwoou. Mr. aud Mrs. Ed. Croll of RocK Mills spent Sund ay with the lalter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Sayers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weldrick visited with their liaugbter, Mrs. John Ridley, of Tiyon, on Sunday. Messrs. John and Albert t^sborne, of ColliLgw,H>J, attended the fuueral of their ueic© on Friday. Bates Burial Co. Bf.Sr.VE.^.S A.S C^CAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale- For B.-3eJing' Purposes Phone or write. â€" GEi >. W. ROSS, Osp.-py Tel. SystL-iu. M i.xweil, P.O. Fine Jewelery Come in and see our fine laige r. ]*i. of Jewelery, Wauibef, Ciockt etc.â€" and when you have seen tliem yoa will be snre to bur. Watch repairing a specialty. A full line of Photographic supplies including tieveloping powders, r tinting frames, dark lantern?, all sizes cf Kodaks and Qlms. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON. - ONT. 4^^f4^»^4^»4'4^»4^»'j-»4-» » ^^'if^! I Get Al! That 1* Is Coming ^ To You * From Yoii! LOWS Over One Million In Use Keep good C0W5, f. ed them well, aud use a xM E L O T T E CREAM SEPARATOR To !;et all the Batter- fat, leaving the warm, fresh skiui milk to feed the calves aud other stock. FOR SALE BV D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON I -.\-«v "Vâ€"."^ .J"^ ,itm\.m -1SV2- Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. 1 fowl, picked, heads off :- £.2^p,j dry h GEESE-22 cents LH'CKSâ€" 2» cenU HE.WY CHICKEXS-;!il ceut< HENSâ€" it) eents Tt'RKEY.S-40o.M-< Don't Forget the Place W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton m^ 9*«*«**««*«««**»«»a««»ta« •••••••••••••• ••••• ••••« •â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢'••••••«••â- â€¢â€¢Â«â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢*••••••â- â€¢ ••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â£â€¢ ••••••••••••••••••#••• ••••••«•••••••« •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• RUBBERS III It you want a good wearing rubber for men, women llz :::: or children come to this stmv. We have tho oM H^ ;••• rebable Maltese Cross Rraml of rubbers. Str BursUm eDt«red tho w:irt^house of Harris & Co. at Owcu Si^uud last veek, but got very Uitle for their tniublv. •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Suit Cases and Trunks i If in need of a Suit Case or Trunk cill and got want supplievl. THOS. CLAYTON ::: nr is :: FLESHERTON, ONT ARK) B

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