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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1919, p. 8

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g^lFcbniaiy 27 1919 THE F L E S n E R r N A D V AN C E Read "^ the Figures Vi A'Ct'^-^ EUGENIA TliB many frienda of Pte. Alfred Genoe held k focuption at the home of Mr, and Mi-s. Ficd Wickens on Friday eveuiux to welcdinu homo and nive him a Hiiiall token of appreciation. Alf went overseas with tlie 147lh lialt. The eveninf; was N|iuni, in games iind music. MiNs Kva JumiuHun is visiting friends ill Toronto. Mi(8 Fli>rence Lever, of Toronto, spent the weeic end with her friend, Misi Parliament. Mr. Small, of Shelburne, visited a Ku((enia friend. Mrs Uobt. Gorley, of the 10th Kne, who has been in Toronto for the past three weeks, whero she underwent an operittion, has returned home. Pie. Uenry Tudor has returned home after receiving hid discharge. The tocltl held under the auspices of the Women's Institute at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angua Twohy was a bin success. The proceed* amounted to t34U0. Messrs. Jake, Wallace and George Williamc, Mrs. Scubby and Mr. Will Garopbell, of Toronto, attended the funeral of the former's brother, Robert, last week. We aie sorry to report Mr. Kobert Campbell not so well. Mr. Harry Tate of Grind Valley ipent the week end with his wife. Mrs. Georfte Williams has* returned to her fome ii Toronto. Miss SlelU Otr visited her sister, Mn> Alex Caiituron. Ad enjoyable evening was spent at ft dance at Mr. Richard Hoy'* on Monday night. West Grey Ormgeintn will celebrate In Owen Sound. Notice how the cost â€" and the cash value â€" of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the 1st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay $5.00 for each W-S.S. $135 Mahogany Are You At Home With Good Music? Ilvfni ;u'o not, you urc missing oiif ol (he l)2st. things ii: life. Nothing in .ill this world can give su mncli enduring i)loa.snio its good miisit; in tlio hoiiu'. And UDtliing we kiiD'.v ln'ing.s tt) tiu! Iioiir; so iniicli good music iit >o nuKh'i'atc a cost as tlic COLUMBIA Grafonolas and Records t'oiiic to oiif sttji'c iiml lt;t. us prove that. statciiK^nt toyiju. Lot us play you sonuiot' the lattist Colundiia Kocord.s on tin; newtsst (xrofonola models. Then let us explain to you oiu' cnnvcnicni pui'chaso plan that, makes it. .so easy I'oi' um to liavti good nnisie in your lioin(\ W. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton, Ont. ^^kiUt^ ^a>^A J. m HARDWARE ^^-r:-^"" . . Wny not ho guided hy tlie judgment of dozen.s ol well Known satisfi(i(l cu-stoiiieis, %r- Parlors \Vu Aim. Ill Uivo Kiitiro .^:^lisfHclil( LAINDKY -RiKkot closes Mondi.y who ackliowlcdt^t! the .super- i.i«lit, ddivriy l<ii.l»y eveiiin iority of Monatirange-s, liiiikl to give hest re.sults. | ^'I;^=;^nfn<; «-"« ')V,,,f;o_ " l»BiMilH fur I'aikcT .s Dyo Works-Cl I. â-  Prices according to dress : clowned and dyod. feathorn rejuvin k_ T n.sHiiie - â- PKOPRIBTOi: Other Lines of Quality Saws, AiuH ikiid Axil IliinulcH, .Stsble Shovels and Forks. P,,^ g^^^,^.^ Aik me for anylliing in liHrdwarr before sendiiiK your raom-y ont of your j o.u. pun- tirr.l ft!,orili.,rn Hull .,n I,. district. Ill try tn please you. .Sti, con, l>, AitonuHiiK. T<irni', |l M) f„i ..•,.-. _ .. |«. Kniflo MuNt bo puiil Hitlau !) iiKiiitliii id»t« friiniiif servicn. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 11 Flesherton ID. II. O. llJJliNKK. Boar for Service The andi-rMJftnrd hns a llii)riiii!,'li.ircil Yiirkshirr liour for sorvioe on \>it II,oin «, Osprcy. Terms fl.ritl. KUKD HPOKFARD BOAR for SERVICE t'iir«il)i(>d Tiiiiiworili Hoir for si'rvice on lot 1(17, N \V 'I' Hiiil ,s Ii., ArloniPRiii,. Terms â€" H.Oy, if j.iiid for ut tiinv of serviro. F\,bl6!> -T. J. STINSON. I'.,.,, ^ U 'Jhe()})scryalion I'alhu):i i.s on i'iiv. Tlie inaii musi junij). Wluit must l)c his icclini^- its he lastens the rope of.liic parachute juul takes "(hal (les|XM'ale s|)ring into the vast ^i»Tev. v:\poiii'v nothing;-- iiess"'? Will (he parachuie oihmi? Al !!ie crUical monicnt willlt stand tiielest? 'liial is the (luesiion wliieli purchasers have the v'liyhl to aslv about ever\ Ihir.o- they buy. Clolhesâ€" will lliey stand the wear? Food â€"will ii proNide i!ie nourishiiient? A daily newsnaperâ€" will it £>i\e tlK> news (juickly, I'airly. in ea.sily-eoniiJivhendcd I'onn? Has it the ori^'anization ennl)linn- it lo do .so? To thai (lueslion-asked of The Toronto Daily .SLarâ€" we answer: 3 1 S Men and Women Work to Make The Toron^xi IDaily Star the "Greatest Newspaper in Canada It '.-ce hundred and fifisan employes, c.\ciusi\e of oui.>iJo iTonospoiUitMils, r.wive their p:iv ciwe- 1- i;iL\s weekly at the ca.<hitT'.s (.iesk of The Toronto Daily S(ar. , " r!u> ;l!!n (,i this siToal orpanizatioM i> to sec Ihil the worlj'.^ news speedilv and aeeurately gathered and adequatdv i!!u^h•ated^^h:;ll reach readers of The Tiuonto Dailv Star in all parts of Ont.ario with â-  tile K-ast po>sible delay. Tiic 'I'oronto Haily Slar prints newi v/hile it is still news. Seventeen tele- craph v.ircs carry ii inl.j 'ih: Star Office, vdiere it is set up on Iwcnty-four tyik^st-tting machines. Grcnt prcsss.'j with a c&ppcity of 1.200 thirty-two p.<i.<?e papers per minwtc nice tirao to jrivo thr latest hows 111 lilt' I'uflu'sr iiKu.ioMl. h, a M't-lc ycir 5357.000 worth of white porcr passes tliioiicrh tlnMii ami is triuisfoinied- inl!) Tlic Toniiilo Daily S-ar. Faxt nioloi- cais i-n>!i tho |iii;nTs to tiio ln;'.i.-i, mid in far eoriior.s of the I'nivince flu' rt«ailor.< {rot "the i^e\v> v.hile it is slill nctts." Tho Daily Star iiuK^avors to oonibino uith this qiiiok .sorvice Mi.;ii J!o:U.m'o.s of <;P!UTal ii.loniiatiiii a.s will iiial; • it a \volii)nio vi.-itor in ovory honieâ€" a .snno. rcadablo oditorial p:iijOi 11 pnge ospociiilly <K'volod to \voiiir>i and tlioip viowiiouit, n i>at:.' (,.f liodtitne storio.s for kiddies aud fas-iiion liii;; . '' r '..ritlK'TN. ;;;;.• il.-'an "ooniic-^" I'm- rv.'i.vhi.dy. You Caii'fe Help Uul be Interested in llie Toroiito Daily Star ^ . • :not Tho 'I'dMU!.. [.'aily > tor a >lin: ! wiiilo without iVoliiig ilia! it is ••tlio papor ymi iiood." The .iniih ol tills is sliow;i by (lio iii.ii'y jcniilo who. .M-tidiii),' in a trial subscription for three uumths/rouew their sub- â- .'.iM-iiit!i)ii for a yiMr bel'oiv even tho (liPt> uionti.s' period expires. Sviul in vdiir wihsr-riptioii now. We will mail The "roioiitd Daily Star to you oavh day at llio foUowiiig rales: I' !• 1 1)1' :;i(h, LVie; for 3 tnoiiUi.'-!, 't-K-; for (! m-iiiMis, ikI.jO; Cu- 12 months, ^l.J.I'O. Cut Off This Coupon and Mail it To-day â- fu I'liIMisiiers; 'i oronlo Daily Star, Torunto: l^ai'Sirs: I Mease enter me as a .suhsciilvr to The Toronto Daily Stdr for ...... monthsâ€" for which j iir. \ i r.cliis.\l r.lainpr, or monev orJer for i^ . hi a.ljress in I-,'.!! > 1. ,r,..i- V- , , . >Hv. or Hi'v. (^{-n â-  ,,.y " tyg ^ CA Pi ^ ily Star ^_ . I u â-  J . -nouna

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