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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1919, p. 7

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Markets of the World I>>, com. and mod. G5 00 7B 00 I Springers 90 00 140 00 1 Light ewes ft 00 10 00 I Vear!ir.;;s 12 00 12 50' Spring kii2i!>s 11 00 15 CO ! Ciilves, good to clia.'ce 15 60 17 75 Hoffs, fed and | watered . Do, off cars Do, f.o.l.. 17 50 17 75 16 50 18 00 1 IS 25! 17 00 I •elect I Bread tufTs, Toronto, P«b. 25;â€" Manitoba WTieitâ€" No. 1 North*n>, $2.24'/2; No. 2 Northern, $2.21 i.-i; No. 3 Northerfl, $2.17 Vi; No. 1 wheat,! $2.11>,a, in store Fort Williiun Manitoba oat.sâ€" No. 2 C.W., TOTic; t Slontreal, Feb. 25â€" Choice No. 3 C:W., 62%c; extra Xo. 1 feed. hos3, $17.50 to $18.00 per 100 pounds HSTic; No. 1 feed, G0%c: Na. 2 feed, ^v.-sisfhe.! off car;;. Choice steers, $11 56^c, .In store Fort Vviiiiam. to $12.7.3; good steers, $5.00 to $11.00; Mardtoba barleyâ€" No. 3 C.W. S3?£; butchers' bail.s, $3.50 to $10.50; otiisrd No. 4 C.W., 78?^c; rejected, 70 Tji:; ,$5.50; butchers' cpws, $9.00 to $11.00; reed, 70%c, in s*^oje Fort William. poorer p-xes, Sf'.OO to $9.00; cannera .\ni"ri<!an cornâ€" No. 3 vellow. ' »«<! cutt-rs, S.-..00 to $C.0O. Milk-fed «150- No 4 yell :/w $1.47, prompt f^^'<?s, S13.00 to $16.00. Sheep, $9.00 shipmeiS i'^** ^'•-•<^"; i^n-'-'S. S13.00 to §15.00. Ontario oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 58 to' + file; No. 8 white, 57 to GOe, according i FR.\NCE LOST 45 SHIPS to freights outsido Outario wheat ear lot t»5 $2 . . f.o.b., shipping, to A fall list of French nava! losses freiflits. », , „ • ,, no ' '° ^'^'^ â- ^"^r, v.-hidi has been published, Ontanowhcatâ€" No. 1 Spr;n!r..$2-03 ij.ej^je ^^^^ battleships, the Bouvet. â- â- 'Suffren, Gaulois a:;d Danton; four ;;^:j* â- â- *?? reights outsido. I , itario wheatâ€" No. 1 Winter per Four DreadnouRhw and Five Crnls- l%f]}o%'T.: &' t^-tiV, - Amon, 110,000-Ton Naval Lob,. | -5.: ^ii«;i ^'.ifJ^'^A^ .„â- ,.' to S2.17; No. £ do., $2.06 to ?2.U; No. j armed cruisers, ihe Leon Gambetta, 1 -Admiral Charr^r, Clehcr and Depcti j Thouars, and one fast cmiser, the * do., $2.02 to $2.10. f.o.b., shippi.i^ Tiolnts, according to fi aicrht:. Peasâ€" No. 2, Si. 75 to $1.80, accord ir.)f to freiphts our^ide. Barley â€" M.-ihir.g:, 75c to SOj. nom inal. Buckwheatsâ€" No. 2, 05c nominal. Ryeâ€" No. 2, $1.25, ncmlna!. Manitoba fiour â€" CJo'vemmeat Etai- ' danl, $10.85 to $11.10, Toronto. Ontario fioiu â€" Wni- iiaality, .'59.75 , _â- â€¢:., ..i,- i i ^ In bags, Toronto and Montreal,; "^ 'P.?. -'^''^ ^^^« ^'-^V"'^ ^^«^« <^' In the Far North â€" Canad' piece of trujk and a bridge south destroyed by the Bol.?hei-iks. WEATHER COLD LM PRINCESS PAT i NORTH RUSSIA GREETS BAHAUON ; But Health of ( anatlian.'* is Ck»od ( olonel-in-Chief InsiMjctcd M«a and Winter Sports Serre j and Fi.ved Wreath to Colore. as a Diversion. x despatch from Loralon aaysr- A despatch fram Load4}ii &»ys: â€" ] Princess Pan-icia of Coimaug-bt bad* From the latest arrivals from the ' farev.-c-li or. Friday to vhe famous bat- Murman co.n3t it is learned that the taliun of Canadian ' light infantry Allied troops of the North Russian which bear* her r.axne and of which expeditionary force are in good health ; she ij the conditions and the miiitaiTr aathori-j Tiie battalion, which only arriveJ j ties are doing evcr;-thi;ig to alleviata in England from Belgium a fortnight j the discomforts of the extreme cold, ; ago. was inspettod by th-j Princess combined with the Arctic 24-hour ;;; the Canadian camp of Bmmishott, â-  night. The temperature w'ss nearly ' .tear Liphooir. The men had with i 40 degrees below zero in Jan jary, and; them tile colors which the Prlr.ojis only three to four hours of daylight j worked with her ov.'n liandcj and pre- ; d".ring the month ;;t Port Murmansk.! yen ced to them v,-hen they left Ot- , . - ., 1 • - I which is 200 miles witliln the Arctic ! ta-^, a for France, and v.liica they car- ran aaJ American railway men replacing a â-  â-  „, ; â-  â-  ^. . • •" .â- ' t<- louth oC Archangci, Russia, which had been ; '^''^«- , .--''' '""^ *"""'^." ="1*^ ^'. «-''e'».«^«^*^f- f"« j Tlie troops are mo?tiy a--';0R-..'no-; men were m ngh'ns Kit and lookei â- :.*«> ;? •â- â- nfK -^&ii]^ • 1 1 1 Cliateaurenault. Tliere w,rre, besides, fourteen destroyers, eight torpedo boats and fourteen submarines lost. i One of the stibmarines. the Durie, was refloated by the enemy, but was subsequently recovered. The minor e .= CMDA'S SHARE I CANADA ADDS IN MANNING NAVY prompt «hipancnc. MiiWeed â€" Car lota, delivered Hon- \ seventy-two ciiasers, one ♦ resl freights, bacrs included. Brsn. | sloop and seven Email ciaft. $40.25 per tt>n; sujtt.<, $42.25 per fon; i The loss in tonr^age 110,000, good feed flour, $3.25 to $3.50 r«r I against 5.50,000 tons for ^ilnglnnd- T-l.- bag. -.. Hayâ€" Ko. 1, $20 to $21 per ton; mixed, $18 to $19 per ton, track To- ronbi. Strawâ€" Car lots, $10 to ?11 per ton, car lots. â-  cus enteftairments are frequently j colivs, which -were presented to hei' TA CU'DDITII PiKir* '^'â- ?*'^="2^'- ^'i"ter sports, cjpecialiy . by an ofiicer on Iwjidovl knee, a latirel iU j'JirbuIUuiilU^'^-"^'"'' ^-^ '^'"'S'" fi»«'*^°ii- â- ^^^ i»-,v.veath in metal, inscribed: "To tho I dul'jed in. There are comyaratiirely ; p;.;-ce.-3 ."at -iciiifl Canattian Light ; few cases of frostbite owing to the . Infantry from t^e CoIonel-ia-Cwief , ISiS Output of ^'Cisek Gieater i»cavy supi^ly "l tlcthi.:g. ! --.i re^-ogniticn cf thair heroic s?n-ices Than Vnv Prpvi/iir^ Ypor '< Thi North Ru.war alli^i troops : jj, -.he great war. 1914-18." Ihan An> 1 le-viOlt-, \ear. , ..^ p^rri^oniag r-'O miles cf the M.^-- ; The battalion Tnarckcd par. .Its Col- A dcspatcii from London E.-iys: â€" : man rail.vay. Supp'.rsa for outposts â-  e,,;;i.:r,.ch;ef to the inspiring skirl of Lloyd's annual summary of nisrcantilj . are despatched from the raiir.ead, i ^^a bugpiues. Iz is noteworthy that Canada'^ pruud but liHle known pan shipbuilding throughaut tho w^orld in sametimes 200 miles diitant. by rein-jtii,, co!ors'nre«onted t'le Princess v.-cre !n m.inning f-e na%T for prote-'oii ll>'^^ allows thai the niv-rcmtile outpnt ; deer sk'dgx-s. wlvch are often driven Uj.^ Qpi^. ^,,,5- carried in k -tion bj of her own shoves was uncovered^''^^ '^^'ied tind tisitrxi co-^ hy ihe v/otr.i^n trwos in -tiiis war. Mttie bit hero by Adinira! W. Oswald ^•''' ^'f^ ^" o.4i,,444 ton^. Tnis ; have rece:vevr tne MKitary Medai for, ' . . r ^^TT, Story, who is in command of the ''^u.^, ^^ «f'.^ previously bean ap-!su;:unt ccnd-.ct in repcllmg en«ny ^ rTr|T A nAJAi-MA^J North Atlantic squadron of the Brit- i P^°f ^"f^: ^\ '^ ^^'^'^ t\ian Gi V^J »i^.^ on loo< convop. ^ J 1 f f-J DilViliimAl ,,. P T . , „ , r-u â-  ^*h navy, and is stationed at Halifax. I "''•- ^'^^f *^^"'--'» ^^'^ .°"^P^' f?'^ ^^"' ' Murmnnsk is an ice-free port, ou. , lo Be Tried on .Murder Charge .j^^ ^_,^,;„„ ^.^_ ^,,.„„„^ ,,,. ^;,^ ,,,.,,.! the record yjar prior to the war. the lorecs at Ar: j auxiliary cru,i:;ers, four gunlioala. 000 ti-.ns fo!- Italy, and 17,500 tons for the Unitc-d States. .:. Some 20 F-Boat <'ompiandcrs Adniiial Story (ommends Bear- ing and Condutt of Over 4.000 Canadiaas. .\ despatch from Ilalifa.x says: â€" mangel are ccm- Country Produce â€" Wholesale. Butterâ€" -Dairy, tubs and rolls, SO to 38c; print*, 40 to 41c. Creamery, freih made solids, 51c; prints, 52c. Kggs â€" New laid, 43 to 44c. Dressed poultry â€" Spring chickens, 25c; fowl, 27 to' 40c; ! Council and the Board of Trade to i ^:'''*^" ''^^"fed Germany and Austria- 1 pletely-cut off fr,^-r. the outside wor ISTERS SHOT A despatch from London says: â€" !"> ".»'»"••,• ' Hunsary, these countries bein? ev-fc.i- <:L-: monthi , . •,. . i- .. ,.1. ta« party of visiting newsDapcrmcn: ,.*,:' ;, '••^-"-â- -'" .,* . ; *^- -»-''"""-'•â- > Reuler'i ti to 82c; roosters. 30c; duskiings. 32c; turkeys, wc; â-  Genninv 01 squabs, doz.. S1.50; geese, 25c. i^ "^f 1 ' ; Live poultr>'-Koo.sters, 20c; fowl, ! '^'' "'"'"'' "? 24 to 30e; ducklings, lb.. 35c; turkeys, i ??"^^ agains. 35c: spring chic::e:is, 25c: geese, ISc. i P'^uter advices Cheese- -New, larce. 28 to 28',.c: i P^Cised that IJ the year. Inter-' says It learns that the com- ; ^ â€" ^^^ Westi^" p^vL^ces! ' A^wd- 1 ^''J^' ^'?"' i*^^ ^^^^"^"^ compiiation. ; ccmmunicsticn between t!^ two ' mission which m enquiring into Oer- • , ., ^ ^^fU'i^i-T-Hr fp-ti-nnov rf\ ^i"*- hur.drod and one vesse-s, of forces conimtinue/l by Gen. Irousid?^ man submarine excess ha., now suffi- ; '*/ j'^^.f ^^^'^ ^^'^^^^^^^^ tons, w^re launched in the ; is only possible in v.inter time by^ cient evidence to convict some twenty ; c>,a|;!â„¢/took M^-t' in th=s wo-k ^'"^"^ Kingdom. TiiLi is 5S4.033 ! aeroplane. JIajor a=r Emcst ShackTe- , Gormjin submarine ccn-ananders. near- 1 ,7^ ' ^„f v-<,„ ;; i „„f ' .„,„J'i',.^ tons below the record of 1913. but it 1 ton is attaohid to Gen. Maynard's ^^ ^. n • r. • , ,, J, , , . .1 regret \ou tiia not come nere . ,.--.,â- ,„ . ^, . ,,,- , , , ^ i - a i;^ Ku>'t the Bj.vanan Prec-Jr ly .ill cf whom at present are m ^,„„„, .,' ,,^;,,' ,;,„ 4,,^:,..,) -..,„^ ,„„! 13 lbo.223 tons more t.h£n in 1917, and keadquarti.ri as an advuser en Arctic] '^^->' t'^^'-^'' .^\..r \,., , .\ Third OtScer Killed and Two Otiiers Seriously Wciinded. .\ d^-patch from Munich Faya:â€" , o '" , sooner," said the .Admiral, "and see murder. Seven com- ^j^^^ Cannda-s nava! work was. On particular have bad re- ^^.-^ ^^._^^^ ,,.^, ^^^.^ j,^,j ^^,^^ j,-,^) ^.^.^. them, according to and the opinion is ex- tSicir surrender and M The «crvi"e the~ twin.=;, 28','i to 29c; triplets, 29 to ' trial, possibly by an allied naval tri- %„V.~.. ,' v,^. ,* 29Hc; Stilton. 2P^i to 30;-; old, large, ! bunal. should form a clause in the ' ^^ "-an.ia.i n.n^ J€ 29 to 29V4c: twin, 29'/l. to SOc. armistice terms. « Potatoe?- Ont«rio5, f.o.b. track To-[ * ronto, car lots, O.^c. 1a,,- ,, ^ ,. . Beansâ€" C;in.^.lian. hand-picked, 1 -'^'"^s Musi Revictual Germany. bushel, $S.50 to S4.00; primes, $3.00.1 Says British Mission Imported, hand-picked. Bui-ma or In- â€" â€" Jian, $4.00; Limas. l-'ic. j A despatch from Paris says:â€" The sels of the navy operating, manr.eil by between 4.000 and 5,000 Canadians, these men have rendered been great. They have had to man small ships, and live a life to which they v.ore not accustom- ed in any way. They have borne these hanljhip? cheerfully, and their conduct throughout has been irry- proachablo. I regret we h«vc to part. as we will demobilize on Monday. I is I regret you did not come earlier, so report ] that you could ha-, e let the people of Bri- â-  Canada know the splendid ser\'lce 739,S.S5 tons more than in 191ij. • ecjuipment. while a special force of Outside the Unit?-! Kingdom there' CanadcHU cfucers and non-;ominis- were launched l,5t>5 merchant ves-'sioncd of.acers, all experienced in seli cf 4.099,324 tons. These figures Klondyke coiulitions, ist a'.ta:!ied to siiow an inci-ca:tj of 131 per cent, cs : the forces as instructors in .\.rctis compared with 1917, and are 2.'>08,595 life. Teams of husky dogs have also tons higher tlian in lOfo. The United been specially sent from Canada for States, Japan and Canada were res- transport work, though the local rcln- ponsib-e for 92 pi.r cent, of the total : deer, wh'ch roam in herrl-s output abroad I Lapp country, are chi<:!'v ' - â-  â€" ^ â€" ' this purnosj. CANADA'S FVHBIT « ARKiVE.> L\ TIME |j;ui^-j; ovw th2 Tor .\ despatch from Paris says: â€" j There has been some apprehension J I lost the Canadian exhibits for the!, CONTniblTli'N TO TlHl VVAU ! A despatch frcm Delhi says: â€" Li the Legislative Connci! vi-as shot and killad on Friday by Lieut. Count Arcovaliey as F.isncr was en his way from the Foreign rdiiiLitry In Munch to the Dist. The shooting ojiUrred ia Iha Pranner- strasse, and detiUi resulted from twc shots iirod from behind .'nta his liead Eisner's body â- v^'as carrie<l into ti:-' Foreign Ministry, where it lies In tht porter's lodge, Soon aftor the shooting th3 jadi;ii and police .rccJisritico arrivLTi to in- vesLigate "Jis acsassrnr.tion, end thi hrst session of ths Lr.nitag-waj open- ' ed. Hardly had the proccsilr.^ cani- I nieacei when Hcrr Aucr, Ba' I Minister of t!;e Int..'Tior, v.-as shot. The need to 38c- do., hea\-y. 30 to 32c; cooked. I Bolshevismâ€" probably bothâ€" will ^u- 19 to olc; roiUs, 31 to o2c; breakfa.5t; sue before the next h.nrvcst if outside bacon, 41 to 45c; backs, plain, 44 to help is not forthcoming, 45e; boneless, 50 to 52c. 1 for fr.ts is escccially urgent Cured meatsâ€" Long clear 'uacon, 28 j ^ to 29c: clear tallies, 27 to 28c. Lard â€" Pure, tiei'ces, 27 to tulxj, 27V4 to 2Sc; pa,ils, 2794 to 28^4; prints, 28^ to 29. Compound tierces. â-  iVsc: ibVi to 2[.?ic; pails, 26 to 27%. tubs. RICH OIL FIELD.S DISCOVERED I.\ DEKBYSHIRK says: A dcipat'jh from London ^^,^. â€" 2G'-,c; prints, 27y. to important discoveries of fuel oU have ' '»''t'^''^'»' â- *•??: motortrucks, 1.220 I been made on the Due of Tiovon.: ^P ^^ l"e'^='i:ary 14 the t.ermans beha!-: of the Government it has been , be in position, and there will be ia at- j articles of military clothing. 1,250,- i announced in the ilouic of Commons. 1 tvmlance r.iprescntatlves of Canadian \ qqq combatants and non-cort'natf.nts. in answer to a question, that the fol- i 'Q»lustries and enterprises who arei ^ lowing equipment of the German b^-gi'^Jiii'S to arrive^ j A Model, armies had been surrendered to the! * ' British un to February a- , PADEKE\V.SKr5: GOVEKNHENT i The newly elected M.P. was cyennig Ileaw'gnn'. 2,500; 'field guns. UECOGMZED BY ALLIES a bazaar at Mudton. He was in the , 2,500; machine r^ins, 25,000; trench i «W^'« <^f *"^^ ^'^ considered a most , \ despatch from Paris says:â€" . teUing speech wlu.-n he noticed one he ! wcandcJ. The i'hots were fired from tbc pui- lie gallery, and cuussd a p«nii: amon^ 'the dcputie.5. Tiic Diet bii;! is bcir.~ -•â- â- .-'- by tho nil-litary. [mortars, 3.000; airplanes. 1,700; loco-j Cerraan Prisoners of War Win Not B« Brpatri.!. No'-i Of fuial announcement was made that : took to be the local prcssmau sketch- 1 Pari Montreal Markets. 'i5iire's'"estateV"at"chc.Cte"tf.i Sy-'^'»'' surrendered to the British 126,- shire, where exploration has been car- 1 826 freight cars, MontrMd, Feb 2:.-0ats. extra No â-  ^[^,1 on on 3 large scale and iindvr ^ ^r''c.7i^r,'; ^i??^;."*?:' .f'}"^'^'^! ofnclal sanction. Th. gr.'.do, $11.10 to ?11.20. Relied oats Iwgs 90 U>».. $4.15. Bran, $40.25 $17 50 15 50 Shorts, $44 to S46. Mouillie, $Gt Hay, No. 2, pe:- ton. lots, $23. Clioesc, finc.'t Easterns. 24 to 25c; butler, choicest crcaniery, 52',-l! to 53; eggs, setectcd. 50c; eggs. No. 1 stock, 47e; potatoes per bag. car lots, $1.75; dreap«>d hog', abattoir killed, $24; !ai"d, pure, ^.-â- 'od pail?. 20 lbs. net. 25 to 29c. lire Stock Markets. Toronto, TVb. 25. â€" ChokM hciiv/ export stoera Do, good Chaice biiloher steers ButcJiers' ciittle choice Do, goo<l . Do, conimor^ B'jIIs, choice IV), niodium tulh. Do, rough kuils . . . Butcher otuvs. choice Do, good . Oo, modiur.-, . . . , Do, oomincn Siockera 1' tHHteni / •.ianners nntV cutters Milkers, good to choife . ... supplies are describ€\l as vast. E.xpcrts are con- vince<l that several other rich oil fields are in the country. .An authority tays there is more oil in England than in the v.iiole State of Pcnvivlvaiiia. $1G 00 14 50 12 50 12 00 10 60 8 50 10 50 8 75 7 50 10 25 9 25 8 25 7 25 8 00 10 60 5 60 UNIQl'E GUT TO PUINCF.>^>; I'ATKICIA FROM KEGl.MENT A dccpatdi from London says: â€" The Princcs.s Pat's Regiment huve presented Princess I'atricia with a the representatives of the allies, at ing liim. j -^ Jes;rar..-.i ircm . _ their at the Quai D'Orsay en' -M"tcr the c"reinocy he went up to ; Mathias Lrabergcr, head ct Uie trcr Friday, decide*! that the :dlles should: the man, au;l slid: * recogiiizc the Polish Government.] -lâ€"erâ€" believeâ€" cr- awâ€" you wore headed by Ignace Jan Paderewiki. , sketching mo- -what •• lau't tluii soV .«â-  I -'Er â€" yes ! " said the pressman. â- â€¢What- or â€" i:owsnapcr do you re- present?"' asked tiio conceited M.P. "No nevvspaper." said t!i:> man with ihe skclch-boolt. "I design ccraic- post- cai-ds." nO.>TiLnTF.S WITH rOI.A.ND S L'SsPE-N DED BY G EK.M A N Y â- An j man Armistice Conimission, ha.^ bee; informed by the Allied War Counci- tii-dt at present there can be no di.-- cuision of the re^jairiiaiou of Germa- prisoners of war, eii'rpt of wounJe^ men or men wlio are ierijusly ill. 90 00 12 50 11 25 9 00 11 00 9 00 8 00 1 11 .00 » 50 8 60| r* 75 10 50 12 00 > 00 140 00 ALLIED VICIORY IN MIU.MAN TEKBITORY A de.=.pateh from London says: â€" Tile A Hied forces, in snccessfiil opersi- ! tions, carried out with couiuge andi dash, h.ive advanced t^> Segoja, 60 miles south of Soroko. on ili* Mar- : man railway. accorxUng to an undated ; official report receivo\l here on Fri- ilay night. The Bol?heviki lost 50 men kir.c<l and SO woundeJ, and Che Allies cai)turcd much material. A despatch froin Basle says: tatuetre\>f""r'soldic7"wearinV'"tiie:'<rf«o^-^ statement from Berlin say^:i l^adgBS of the Pats, and holding in I "Conforming- wuh tnc convenu...n pro- , hi^, hand :i book in which are in- ; longing the amiistiee. hostiluies wuh . When sauces arc set away. stfibci the names of all who -havo | PoIan<l we-e suspended on the .n-.orn- ; few bits cf lna:er on t.^i T. servd w-ith the regiment. | mg ot Icb.-uary 1.. put ^ rvic vents llie f.>iniir.g o.' GERMAN PROPO.^ES .VATIONAL MOURNING \ despatch frcm Weimar says: â€" Telegrams of protest against the sign- ing of the new armistice" are pouring into the National Ai=sembly. and one| from Berlin demands that a peinod of natiora! mourning U> ordered. Complete School Set-24 Pieces FREE TO BOYS AND (J'Ul.S. Health of the Ha;.'-. The poisons left in ths systeai by th? inauenza seem to bavs ea'usijd Iots ot '. hair -Bith iniuy ot tlie patients. Tho ' remedy is. tirdt, bvilJ -j;) Uie herd'.'.!. I r-ad first, last and all tiic t!nic, m.v ! s-ige the scalp twice a day, if possible t The h?.li- should be â- nâ- ^^=:)-;-.l frcQUJ-it:.- 1 too, e.en though a great clc.^l ct Uj.'. cc'.:3cs citt at each v.-iuiilng. It is i... Tiii» ouifl. ..ori.alns' 1 EngiUh Sc-noo! Oiis» I Japanese Pe.-icil Boi J Special Prav.-'ux Tencli I Comp&sii » Riibl>*r-Jp.pM Lead r*i , ; 'M»taI-i-R»<"t X.-itA l"f: â- â- ' t r«n SIc'Jc:- 3 r«r. rolntj •I Box Craye. - 1 Krasfr l Box I"cl:-.t< t ral.'.t Krusli S Patriotic K'uUars ".•i!lfl:> * I^uIJlCfg l.'i: ta tl;at you > yj.v ic-:00l ' .19 â- '<. Stleksrj H!> r-t th» f.AS fa eo!.ji. letie.-s. eio. Wtf will j'.v* yru ;...- â- ...•.- ;. ;.; • .^. hool 0«;?t frae of al! charjr-> i; soM will s«!l 3a»t SO|«:) ot cw: lov»;y e.';;Vo».i«a .«i. Pntr:i-'i a!'.J Kijitfr POit eartts at 10 c«b:» & pa. iiae» t4 lo.-eir carj» l:i e«ii-!i i* â- â- â€¢..-•«.â-  '. Send u« your nam? arvl ns TfUl aand yoh t!»» «ir<!s • â- â€¢(•nd -a* tl.« aHin»y a:;cl we win «f:'J . -. ,' - •" . " x possible to re the L,:'ir v.-l'.I;?'.. HOMER-WARKEX 10.. u"3. T.';-oo fcccpii'S the sculp clean. Tiic riil-bl. â-  ct tho sculp during the slii.-iirico a':" the hot and cold wcter arc very ber.i- Ccial, too. At lca«t five minutes' u-.' sage nisht and m-arjlrig is rori-iirn! riaco the th-duibs flnnl.v Qgaiiist tlir* side c£ tlte bead to get a lirai 'uold, artU ;Ucn move tho sci'l'.» back au-.l r.r-vwaia so thiit It i» loose, luid yo'.t prcUito (hat "agtov,-" feeling. .\ cood Ijnic t • use at nisht is mr.-Jo oC forty-S.-.. ' graias cf rcsorc-u. 02;: ounce of gl. ' ccrine and enough of d;li:te.i eIcoIioI t: j ;i!l a six-ouiic"-'. bottle. A drn,::f;isl v.ii I put tills r.;-' for yuii. l'V.!t'.>ft'lners U I'.r-; t;i\-i;.;u!:Dt Is very n:>''c.-5:iry. â- i:if*»..5i^ JSI5,I2WC3-I3WO- XJI» I'-A.'X'JHCISIt

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