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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1919, p. 6

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A Packet o! Tea, will [Jo further on infusion and [Jive better sAtisfaction than any other Tea obtainable â- "• Not a shadow of doubt about this. TRY IT! . ..Cv.\.. i Cl EI Rr ArllwirStanwood Pier CcByrlrut HonjU'.ja M:2Un Compaar tT special arraofement wUb Tboi. AUi» CHAPTER XL. | Mrs. Glcason, the '.aivll-ady, fru- : quently came in to &it -with Mrs. Scanlan .in the afternoons. The fact that Mn. Scanlan's daujjhtcr had two Buit^rs h;'.(l not escaped her notice, and she v.-aa interested in getting such ir.formatiin s.a she could I'.n regard to their wocinir. | "Do you th'nk shsll ♦)€ Mrs. Pat-: rick Maguire?" I "Oh. n3. lie's just a friend of hers. There's noUiinR at all between tliam." "Now I'm sorry to 'hear thjjt. I w;'s h aping maybe he'd ask her. Why, ^e's jrot mi'.'.ionj, eo they say." | "I don't know aa that would make BJiy (VfTciencc to Nora." i "It would be a strarKO thinjf if it woii'.Jn't. There's mifihty fcv/ young pri^s tJiat it wou'. In't make a differ- ence to; rii'l a woman that's been throu;fh youT ('i.'Ufrhtor has â€" we''.!, it's A sure thinfr to me that if she uoC-'ii't marry him it's I)ecauj8 he never asked her." I "Vou can think about that as you ] Vke," returned Mrs. Scan'.an, with a' flpsh of her o'.J-time spirit. "I don't inqu'je into m.itters that don't con- cern me, and it'3 a good ru'.c for: every one." j Tiie door opened, and Nora entered, ; followed by Maguire; they looked i £mi'in? and haupy. , "Mother, I've some great news fori you," said Nora, ccmini? forw-ard and | fmtt'n;; her arm around Mr.». Sean- 1 an's •Kv.-^-t. "I'm going to marry Pat-j rick Maguire this very evening." j Mrs. Scan'.an wa.s speechless and unresponsive while her daughter kis-| se-.l her and Mag"aire smiled tind I bowed. Not EO Mrs. Gleasoii; her^ voice £oared triumi-'haiitly. | "There, no^v, I v/a^n't so far off. ' When I saw you two getting out of that avlcmobile, I says, 'I v/onJer if | it's an cleptmcnt; I wonder if there's' beer, a secret marji'agc,' I says?. Well, sufkk-n is next thing to secret, ar.<l taking your folk-s by surprise is next door to eloping, &o I don't see butj what I liit it pretty near right." 'Rut, Nora, I thoughtâ€"-" began Mrs. Scan'.an. Her daughter pi"ompt'y checked; h-er. I "'\'c«, mother, but it's al! settled now. Here, Patrick, yon arui mother i had better kis^ each oH\er." Maguire perfonned his pert of the ; ceremony with snrightnno.-vs and gal-j lantry, but Mrs. Scarian subm<itted as one fJ'azod and still unreconciled. "It ain't v.hat I expected; that's' nil I can say," she remarked mourn- 1 fully. I D.ive, who just then came in mani- feate.l ittrong disapproval; at first he wa.s flaLly incredulous, then he was hotly indignant. I "Uut no lonarer a.cro th'an yesterdiy you -were telling me that you and â- lerry v. ore soon to 1)0 married!" he cried. "Whnt'n got into you, Nora? You're throwing over a good man to t'e up to a rich one â€" that's what you're doing. You made one TO,'..i'.ako' throwir.g over .Terry Donohuo- mind thiit. If you do it again, you'll dc-; !wr.*e no better than what came to' you last time." I "Forgive me, Dave. Forgive me, and be nice to me â€" the niglit I'm to ba nvirri-'d." i 'Oh, I can forgive you. But hcwj abotit Jerry?" "I suppose he'll fiml it hard. But' I knov,' I'm not the kind of wife lie wan;<, arJ truly, Dave, ho's often R3 much as told me so. I think wo bol !i only loved each other some- ' fmc^.i." j "â- | wonder how long you've Ixen Iov,';.g Miguire all the time." N"i-i was silent. "You'd l;.;tter reconsider, Nora." Sha shook her head. "No, Dave Ycu can't underct."»n(l, but I'm ju.'-t as rv.fp as I can he, tluit whr.t I'v.x doing is right for all of us." j "TSo vou tliink it's riglit not even to let .lorry know'/" I "l think it's better." | "You'ri ji it going to let him find' It out for h'.mso'.tV f'-riic hcu'luU.-]. "I suTTWo I ought t ' ' i.n n note. I'll write Wm a 1 . Dave. And please, no mat- t.. ... !;»apr'''"oving you fed, he nice 4« 41.^ r*-"* ^1 inri get ready for tho v-Hi.,K.'' ' Y...i.i i'utlcr r'nange your nviiid t?*(.:3 i'.'i too late." "Notliing could nuike me change now, Dave." He looked at her steadily for a moment, shock his head, and walked away. She heard him ascending tlie shair^ to his little room. There was a knock on the door and Mii:s Sms entered. .She at least showed happy e;<cit£ment. Mrs. Glcason had told her; sha felt sha must ju.=t run in and say hov/ won- derful iha thought it was. So much romance in it â€" getting married the same day you were engaged! It was beautiful. Nona kissed har; and tears of hap- pinDfs stood in Miss Sim'.s eyes. "Sis- ter," that kiss had seemed to say. Dave ap'pcared, and tlirn a few mo- ments later Mrs. Glea.5on, with her plump figure encased iin lavender i'oulard and with a lavender h.Tt mounted upon her auburn liair. Still in an exclamatory mood, she bestowed compliments and congratulations as liivkhly as if she had not alitady re- leased n shower of them. While sha was paying homage to Mr.?. Sc-anlan's dress, Mi'^s Sim.? v/as about to slip away, but Dave signaled to Nora with his eyos. So Ncra said, "Oh, Miiss Sims, don't go. Do stay and come â- with us to the wedding." "Oh, thank you, i\Irs. Corcoran. Oh, thank you, I should love to." The delicate tinge of {.'ink thiit cov- ered the gii'l's countcp.ance from the small chin to the high ehcck-bones and the wide forehead made her look almost pretty, onvpliaoi/ied the inno- cence and sensitiveness of her face. Norn noticed it and with a qwckened sympathy stepi)ed forward arjj kissed her. The young girl's eyes shone, and she glarct-d at Dave with a radi- ant Emile. Nora noticed tliat, too, and'ht it fortunate that fate h:'.d throv.n Dave and thi.s good, sweet, little girl together. In tliis happy hour Nora wished to forecast and p.'-onioto the haijpiness of those about her. She sjv/ for Dave and his quiiet wife a psaceful, contented life and growing pro.-perity; Patrick Ma- guire would assist them to that. .She saw for her mother a serene old age, free frcm worries an! cares; Patrick Ma.guire would provide for that. She might even have concerned her.self for n fleeting moment with .Mr.-;. Gleason's future, but the sound of a motor ear stopping in front of the house made thoughts about the land- lady imj-.oj.-r'blc. Dave reached the v/indow and announced, "It's your man, Nora." Maguire came upstairs; he was stiil wearing his gray-green suit, but he had a white carnation in his but- tonhole and carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley, which he present- ed to Nora. Sha introduced hi'm to .Mi.-is Sims, with whom he shook hands cordially, saying, "Pleased to laiow j you, Mi.-(.? Sims. Pkas'cil to have you get into the ta.xi with U3 â€" lots of room for everybody." | "Oh, thank you ever so much." Surely no one could doubt, looking at her face, tliat this evening was full of iiappines.s for Miss Sima. Welcoming the v.-edJing party into his study, the priest was jovial and merry; he ci ngratulated Nora on having brok^Mi down the defenses of ,w v.ell e.dabll.ihed a bachelor as Pat- rick .Maguire. Tlie marriage ceremony was brief; after pronouncing the pjiir man and wife Fallur t'leary g.ivc a hand to the bride and then to tho bridegroom. Patrick<l Nora and turned to face tho others. M.'ss Sni.-j had been Iicroically stifling .-^obs; Mrs. Scanlan looked aA if ehe ha<l ben t^hoddip.'; tear.s, but Mrj. Gleason glowed with exuberance and rapture. She clappe 1 her hands in a <lainty anil refined manner and crie«l, "Splendid! Splen- did!" She kiKi<*1 the bride and was nil ready t:> bestow n similar salute upon thu groom, but he did not give licr an opp.Trtunity; j.!io concluded that thoiigh lie might bo a leader in politics lis was a shy man uith the ladie-.-. (To be conlinucvl.) Blessing in Disauiee. Steward : "We're held up by a sub- marine, sir." ' Seasick I'u.ssenger: "Good! I hoi)e< Iho pirate relievos this ship of lier roll J'he Slaking of Soup. lessly left to spoil when so iTi'.ich : "Have plate of saup?" How often I labor v/as spent in canning last sum- i have you asked the family if it would mer, and v.hen thcro are so many j have a plate of soup, after you luid hungry mouths to hll. ' Bpent som'! tinie and material making it. Now I am going to tell you that the secret of true economy is tho serving of a plate of good, palatable soup at the bcgimiing of dinner. When properly made, soup is a stimulating and wholesome dish that Save the v.orth it. spoonfuls. They aro to invcijt any funds, write for our list of oiT«ringB. MULHOLL.V:<D & C05IPANY 23 Jordan Street ... Good Nature Contagious. A icrtaia little boy was g<;tting ' into the habit of fretting, cspecialiy j at the breakfast hour, and h,'s mother | will add elegance to the fi-ugal meal. | reproved him by herself fretting at ^ It Etimulates and promotes the digea- i him. The whole conifort of the morn- 1 t:on and prepares the stomach for tlie ' ing became endangered. Father went : food that follows. I to his cffico with a little -non-led Kacli household, no matter how ' frown on his face, and an older child small, should have its stock pot, and to school in a mood to be irritated by into this pot should gj all the bits things wliich later ia the day she could of meat, trimmings and bones, to- ; easily luugh ov(?r. gether with the left-over gravies. A j It v^'as mo'Aer vi'ho discovered the plate of soup should l>e served daily i danger ami the remedy. She fo-jnd • Scaling the Gigantic Mounfain Ranges during the fall and winter, and need that Little Boy, reproved for and for- | ^f jj,^ Earth co-t but a few cents each week to lidddcn to mention one thing, turned make it. | to another and things instead of be- 1 On the Italian side of the Alps Is a How Victory Bonds^ Stocks, MtsniclpaS Debentures COUNTY TOWNSHIP CITY TOWN VILLAGE DEBENTURES VICTCRY BONDS -^ny maturityâ€" boujiht or sold. STOCTi:.S ANY LISTED OR 1JNLISTE!3 STOCK Send ua particular.s of what you have for sale. If yoc want Toronto FEARSOME FLYING be reache-i by flight in the early f-jture when some enterprising airman wis'nes to do a "stunt" which will make his name famo'js everywhere. CASTOR OIL FOR AIRPLANES Best Oil Known for Lu'iricating Ro'ary Engineo How to prepare a stack pot. Se-'i'oming Ijetter grew worse. When she . monument to the first airxAan who lect a pot th;it has a close-fitting li<l started the reformat.lon, she pretend- 1 Ruccce;lsd in .-r-caling that mighty and keep it for thii purpose. The «d not to notice that he grumbled K-jroncan barrier by means of flight. usual proportion is a one-gallon pot when the room was cold, but called , He lost his life in the performace, , (for a family of six. You will require hi.s attention to the fact that the snow although ho had actually performed I Over lOO.O-C-O acres have bcjn spec- I one pound of bones to every (|uart of . sprites were Ratting ready to throw the feat before his death. j ia'Iy planted v.-ith castor beans by the water, and one large onion, one medi- down whole Iwsketsfull of snow â€" | But the Alp.s sink into comparative i American Government, 60 as to be um sim-d carrot, one medium sized enough to go coasting. Whenever insignifiennce bcfora the stupendous BbleicTsurply castor oil fcr airplanes. ' turni'p, one fagot of soup herbs to there seemed a likelihood of com- 1 barrier of the .'tndes. in South Amer- 1 C.-istor oil is the bast oil )-iowti for every four quart.n of water or less, plaint from l-ttle boy sha diverted itj ica, yet nev/s lately acri-.-ed that' lubricating the pov/erful rotary en- â-  Have the butcher crack the bones by a cheery remark or a haptiy Bug- | Lieutenant Gcdoy, a Chilean instmct- i gines used or. many of th^i modern well, and then rinse them under cold gestion. The result was magical. The ^ ed by a.i EngHihra.".n and ir. an Eng- { airplanes, and as everything in an v.-ater and place in a pot together with morning grouch, which no amount of | Hsh "Bristol," has succeeded in seal- I airplane d-iponJs to much on the 1 the seasoning. Add the required am- reproof or scolding cou'.d banish, dis- I jng even this terrific chain of moun- ' smooth running of tin ount of cold water and bring to a r.ppeared under tho cunshine of tact tains, although to do so he had to boil. Cook very slowTy for three and and good nature. rise to a tromondoiis height. He flow e engine, it is essential that the best oil procurablo must be ust i lor tha purpose. Bcfr.ra the war millions cf gallons of cantor oil were manuf act-jred from castor beans, and usod chiefly in the making of, inks, dye-i, artificial leather and, of ail curious thicgs, fly- papers. a half hours. Strain the liquid and , Perhaps in-,tead of Little Boy it is i fmrn Santiago to Mendoza in the .^r- return the bones and vegetables to Ecnie older menibcr of tho family who ' geutiao. Tl'.e.'ie towns, although less the kettle. Set the liquid ar.'de to cool "gets out of bed on the wrong side."| than a hundred miles divide.? them, and remove the cake of fat when it A cros3 word or a reproof sometimes | spg ]css of each other's inhabitant.?' â-  liardens. Now place this liq-jid in sets the whole day wrong. Just as ti,j;n do New York and London, for ' a ."wucepan and boil for one hour. It cur sense of taste ,<»nd hearing are t^e mour.tain rrngs which separates' may now be used for stock, soups, more acute dxiring the first few hours them averages 20,000 feet in height, i broths, gravtes and sauces. I of tho day. so also is the scnj« that gp^ jg tj^g nbode of mighty glacTers ' ' Cover the bones In the kettle with frive.^ another the power to hurt us cold water again and add any left-over ^.v '>â„¢i'd or look. Whatever happens gravies, bits of meat, trimmings and let rrr.iling faces and unfailing good ._..,,. . .bones that you may h.ave on hand, temprr bn the guasts at the .break- j ^^.o^jj' ^-..^efij tj.g ji,nde3 In height, I what we needâ€" net neccwsarily happi- Cook slov/ly on the back of the range I'ast table, for four hours, and tl.en strain, and} '^ j to two quarts of this stock add one | CANADIAN AIRMEN HONORED can of tomatoes, one cupful of diced i : carrots, ono-lialf cupful of diced on- : Distinguished Flylna Cross Conferred ! the trrcat peaks have ever been scaled. ions, one-half cupful of barle.v, one by King George. j No human foot ha? ever trod thf ?um- cupful of diced potatoes, one-half cup- f ^_^_^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^, J mit of Everest, which rises to a height of .SO.OOO fcrt, and i? tha culminating point of the earth. Probably it will ?hty gli and inaccessible precipices and fear- ful crevasses. Only one mour.tain range in the d c.vcccds the An that is the Himalayas which form the bastion of India on tho north, sep- arating our great dependency from the mysterious land of Tibet. Few of "Difcoiirag-emw-.t is an act cf un belief." "If we realize thit experience is nc2S or contentn-.en'..â€" tlio -whole \-aluo of life i.3 altered. .Soi-ro-.y, pain, un- congenial life â€" thezo the hours when wo'c'imb."â€" -V. C. Benson. fill of diced turnips, one-(iuarter tea- j spoonful of powdered thyme, two i tablespoonfuls of finely chopped pars- : ley, one tablespoon of diied celery j leaves. Cook slowly for one hour for a good tasty vegetable ."oup. How to i)repare a fagot of soup herbs â€" Divide ono leek into three parts and cut frcm the stem up. this piece of leek ad<l four branches of thyme, two branches of par.sley, one piece of carrot, cut in a strip three inches long, two branches of celery, one small pepper pod. Tie with a string and dry in a warm pl.-ice. When dry put in a glass jar to be used as needed. Many varieties of soups may be It Is ofTiclally announced In the Gazette of Feb. 10 that the King lias conferred Distinguished Flying Cross- es on tho f<i!lowing Canadians in roc ig- tiitionof gallantry in flying opcrationa against the enemy: Lieut. J. Vv'. Clark, Central Ontario Rcgimont. who on October 5th carried rr, I out a very successful shoot, causing ' lire and explosion and coinpletely re- stroying tho position. During the .shoot he was continually harassetl by eisht Fokkor biplanes, but by exhibit- ing; marked courage and sliillful shoot- in.ii ho drove down one on lire and dis- persed tho remainder. Lieut. K. D. Conn, Third Ro.'orve Battalion, Canadian Kxpodilionury Force, wlui on October IS, when raid' mado from tho plain stock with just j j,,^ j.„pn,y troops in retreat, d-.'scend- a few jninutc.s' work. Clear tom:ito soup: To one quart of stock add ono cupful of canned toma- toes, rutd)ed through a fine sieve. Noodles, macaroni or any cooked vege- table may bo added. For clear soup: .\dd one Icaspoon- ful of kitchen l)ouquet and any de- ed to 300 feet, attacked throe com- panies of infantry with gun lire, inflicting casualties. So visjorous was hia ntlack that tho troops dis- persed. Lt. Conn then attacked various other larKcts. ilisplayiiig conspicuous skill and iniiiativc. Lt. J. E. Haloonqniet, 19th Resorvo naltalion. Canadian Expeditionary sired vegetables to «m.-h quart of _ stock. When making cream soups ifjj.'orce, nl'way.? displayed t'hehighos't you will add ono cupful of prepared ^ j,i;jii 51^1 courage, sotting a fine e.t- stock to each cupf d of milk your soup „[„;,|(, to other pilots. He accounted will have a delicious flavor. , [^^ jiyg enemy machinrs and during Slock may be ma(k>, filled into ster- recent operations in Italy led four ilizcd jar.i uiul then the rubber and s„,;ce:isful boml.dng patrols at low al- lid adjusted; the soup may then beltitudcs. procc,'ise<i for three hours in hot water l)at!i. Remove from the bath, fasten the lids securely and then tost for leaks and store in a cool, dry place. Whore there is a fire kept in the kitchen it will not add to the cost to can soups, stocks, etc., for future use. Lt. J. .At. Mackay, STth Canadian Battalion, has siiico April carrioii out over i;!0 patriils and has been conspic- uous I'cr gall.iiilry and devotion to duty, lioth in a(lackin,g ground targets and in aerial combats. In tho latter lie ac(<)uiil(Ml for two onoiay niacliinos. Lt. U D. Sutherland, Canadian I,ocaI Forces, has dona very valuable work in Paleatine. Diiring tlio last year ho was conspicuous for gallant and bril- liant loadorslilp botweou September 17 and 2:i. Watch tho Pantry Shelvos. This was seen recently on the pan- try shelves of a patriotic i)Ut thought- less woman: One quart can with about a cupful of chow chow in it, not longer fit to eat, and ons jelly glass with a few spoonfuls of jelly "The Woman Who Understands" left to dry up and be wnstcd! Are She makes no plan f u- you to fulfill, they on your pantry shelf? I The woman who understands; This may have been a common sight She sends no unwished grist to your a few ycar.-^ ago when all t c what wi | niill, wanted and threw the rest out, butj The woman who umler.stands. now when every spoonful of food i-pis th. thought she brings must bp put to use to save humanity, I That slugs and sings not even a drop of jelly can bo wast.ed. j j„(„ (ho heart of you. The hou.?ckeeper argues that she^-rjn ^ fl„ws and glows canned so much fruit and vegetables,! y^,„j f,„:,iiy gvows she just couldn't find enough pint cansj j,jto virions of dreams come true, and small jelly and jam glasses. Her I family is so small they grow tired of She sits nn<l smiles from her easy one kind of chow chow, or sauce, or; chair. The woman who uuderclnnds, PictoriaFiâ„¢ War S. J. DUNCAN-CLARK, villi Canada's Valorous Achievements B> MAJOR V/. S. WALLACE, M.A.o.,.^ Lecturcrin Moiitrn Iliiiory ia Toronto Vnivci^ity. Larue lIan-I,iome Vo!um;, over 4'X) double column pag?s, cq.iai to ahjj: S'*} or»itn>ry p:»g?s. Fictiircs oiicver/page. Nc»i!y 4W Of.iciil I'liotos, bcikics U.'a:Uiful Colored P!at«. Ono double race, in most tfTectivc colon, showir.K camouflaged !icavy giin 'ijttcij , w.irih abuui luit Ihj price of t::^ book. WENTS WANTFO ^'f^^^^^r^^^!^"^^ liiiic to lo-o. Th; decant col jr«I plates ind superior Canadii:* official photos mM this book cri sight. THIS IS DIFFERENT to any war S uk nil the markei. ilKMetarc conipctiiion iii!. Send BOc. mai'ing expenses of clsiboruic workiuc outfi; xvid fjU in3tructit>n>i immctiijtely. The J. L. KiCHOLS CO. Limiled. TCR3,>IT0 1^ H.M.Co;iiially&£o. STOCKS AMD DONSO Menibert trea! Stock C;;:ii-!!3« f^irnlsh n^ v. :tli your nnnie aniZ address In cue;- ta bo piacod on our malllns list for flnar.clal news servico- and stock ?uota- tior.s. 10E • 100 T.-:AN3PORTATION EUILDINQ MONTREAL v;-rr- Parker's will do i By cleanins: or dyeingâ€" restore any articles to their former appearance and return them to you, good as new. Send anythinjr from household draperies down to the finest of delicate fabrics. We pay postage or express charges one way. \Vheii you think of CLEAS^SIMG or DYE!r\EQ Think of Parker's Our b;>ol;k't on household suggestions that »aT« you money will be sent free of chargn. -Writ* to-day to Parker's Dye Works, Limited Cleaners and Dyera 791 Yonge St. - . Toronto LJJâ€" vcRetablo, before the can is used up, and ,iust a littleâ€" a very little â€" ia wasted each time. Here are u few hints will help, your fiimily is small .you will undoubtedly open the piiiit cans first. And as ^lie listens your plans grow dear. The woman who understands, She lays no cliiim For heart or brain This will leave smiill empty cans in To what she i.i-giving you, which you can recan any left over . 'Tis her soul's fine prace fruit or veiretable yo\i think your family will tire of before it is used. Or you mijfht carry over a bowl of tomatoes or peachc.? to your neigh- bor when yon have to open a two- quart cun. Some day she will return perhaps with a bowl of corn which lihe is not anxious to use at once. Under no circumstiinces should any canned /rui.t or voKetobl«ti bo c«ro- [ thwn. Gives you strcnpth for the race. The rare that makes dreams come tnic. » Only about 55,000 farmers of Kas- tern Canada tap their maple trees. Those that don't hnse tho chan^a of making a nice Utile ie>enuo out of The Only UNsVERSAL Phonograph €^7^ '^Ths . ,ff ^â- x â- â- .â€" -.-..rn-.^;,iji' „> Plays ALL records CORRECTLY Tho --I'llona " reproiUiror â€" ii fi'nUiro ex -luslve to tliii Bi u!..swl,k -has tlirca iilRlli\ct ncedU.s. Inolud- liiK the aiaii.diid iHiInt tliat btays pcrniuncntly Ip pii.'.ltli>n. Aiul the -'I'llona" 1b the only rorroilucrr th.-it glvps (^x;u-tly the riKht welKlu iiud UUiphrasi" 'of ea^*» niakfi i.f rt'ccrd. Tills fontiiro oiniiblncs with the all-wood Bound rhaniber iMillt like a violin â€" to mako the llrunK- wlok tin- nnlv uiilvermil plimioRraph that will play COKIlKCTl.y any inivko of phonoKraph rooortl. Villi. IN THIS COUPON Dept. W. L. Without obllK.->tlon aoiut mo. fre* of charKe, your booklet cxplalnlnc prtn- .-ipliM 111' tlir '-I'lti'im." THE MUSICAL KTERCHANDISE SALES CO. Excelsior Life BIdg. Toronto Name Street or n.IX. T 'Wii Prov â- *UK«I «\- â- â-  rm: .•â- .!..

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