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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1919, p. 5

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February 27 19. THE FL E SHE K TON iinVA NCE D THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD orrice • Toronto This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at tvery Branch. 235 FLESH ERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Manager. â-  â- T'D 1S73 Presentations C. p. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Stalion Trains oUows : Goin;,' South 7.53 ;». m. 4.27 p.m. TKo mails are , Chopping done last three days of eiich week (uily. â€" imham Bros., P^ugenia. For Sale â€" Extension Table, Sideboard, 2 Lamps, 20 New Stove Pipes. Apply tj \V. Buskin, Flesherton. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist One Dight recently a very pleasant eveLiDj^ was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs. Sherman Uttewell, of the Town Line, when a few frienda and neighbors met to welcome Pte. Fred Osborne, who is home from France. .An appropriate addresH was read by Mrs. John Uttewell, after which Fred was presented with a handsome gold watch and fob by Mrs. Garnet Ma^ee. All were pleased to be able to help show their appreciation of his Work after two and a half year s baid experience. SEASONABLE SPECIALS Going North 12.01 D.ui. O.lSp. m. osed at Flesherton gj church will f-ive a pby entitled "Aunt follow.s : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and, 8iiaio'.i Visit " on March 13. Further 7 p.m. ; und the afternoon mail south at p^iriiculars later. 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g VICINITY CHIPS Miss Celia VanDusen visited over the week end with friends here. Ye Editor spent the past week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. L Curtiss, of Waine, Mich., is on a vi.-sit with her sister, Mrs. W. Trimble. Mr. F. H. W. Hickliog made a busi- ness trip to Toronto last week. Mrs. \Vm. Miller is visiting her Mr. ParkiaecD, District Organizer, and othe.-s, will address a public; meelini» of the U. F. O., in MarkUale, on Saturday, Mirc~)i 1st, 1919. A large advertisement on page 1 of this issue announces that that favorably known picture show entitled 'Heatts of the World" will be j^iveu in the armouriens at Markdale, on the afternoon and evenmg of February 28. This is 1 show that will attract many for miles around,_ Read the advertisement for particulars. -A very enjoy»ble evening was spent at the Munehaw House on Friday evening last, when a euchre party and dance was held, accompinied by a lunch. We noticed several of our older citizens were parents at Hnneywood. Mrs. Barker, of Hamilton, is viiiling present and the way they were stepping her eiiter, Mrs. (Rev.) Belfry. around made some of the younger chaps A large' number from here intend t«k- g«eu with envy. ing in the show in Markdale on Friday night. Bornâ€" On Saturday, February 22,1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Best, a son â€" Skill btrn. Bornâ€" In U'Arcy, Sask., on February 9th, iai9, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigo. a daughter. Mrs. Thos. Brady has resigned her position as teacher near Mansfield, ar.d if visiting her patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wrifrht. Mrs. Gordon Liird, of Markdale, is the guest thii week of Mrs. George Mitchell. Mr. Robert Trimble has resigned his position in the L'nion bank at Shelburne and is visiting hii parents here. Mr. and Mrs. John Chard, and ion, Wilbert, Itfk on Tuesday for their new home in Blackfoot, Sask. Mrs. Miller, of Thornbury, li on an extended visit with her sou, Mr. Wui . Miller, here. Master Jack Karstedt obtained first class honors at his primary examination in inu.sic in Toronto Uot week. Several of our citizens are busy getting in their ice supply. It is a good crop^ measuring about 14 inches thick. Miss Hazel Henry, of Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV. I. Henry, over the week end. Mii!s Florence Bunt, of Orangeville, visited her father, Mr. W. H. Bunt, over the week end. Miss Ina Smith, of Markdale, visited at the Munshaw House for a couple of days last week. Kev. McD.uald, former pastor of the Baptist church here, called Saturday on Mr. John Becoroft, while on hi'* way to Owen Sound. Noticeâ€" Will the tinder of a spotted black and white hound, with black spot ou each side and tan cars, kir.dly notify Wm Piiillipj, Uock Mills, l\\Q. Mr George Benson will hold a Credit Auct'on Sale of Farm Stock, Implements and IlousohoUl EllVcts, on Lot 37, Con . 9, Arlcmesia, on Wednesday, March 12, 1919. W. Knitting, Auctioneer. Hon. G. W. Brown, former Lieutenant Governor of Siskiitcliowaii, who passed away at Uegiui last week, was a of Holsteln, Grey County, being there in 1800 A credit auction snle of farm stock and implcmeuta will be hold on lots lol. Iu2, 3 N.E.T. &S.R.,Arteuie3ia,ou Thursday, March ti.lhe property of J.J. Thompson. D. McPhail, auctioneer. It is particularly rciiuosted that all accounts of die lale Dr. Little be settled at once. Any person h.aviug accounts against the said e.state please send them to C. N. Richardson or T. A. Blakely, Flesherton, attorneys for Mrs. (Dr.) Little, Administratrix. Mr. W. P. Crossley teceived word from his sec, Charlie, last week, stating that he was in St. Genois, Belgium. The letter waa written about a month ago aud stated ihat he had been promoted 'o the rank ot Sergeant. Congratulat'ons "Chappy." Mr. Joseph Clinton received word last week that his n»phew, Sergt. Major 6eci! Gamey, had received the Military Medal. Cecil went overseas with the 93rd Battalion about three years ago. His many friends here will be pleased to hMr of hit success. About thirty from here attended the hockey match in Markdale on Thursday night of last week, when Markdals won from Durham in a hoily contested game by the score of 6 4. After the game a very enjoyable time was spent at a dance in the armouries. Another crowd went to Markdale on Monday night, when the boys from Markdale beat Shelburne by the score of 7-2. Pte. Elgin McLean returned trom overseas on Thursday, acconipaoied by his wife, who be married in London, England, about eight months ago, and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fisher's. Elgin enlisted in the 76th Battalion and later was transfered to the 4th Battalion. He has been overseas about three years and w«unded twice. The rejular monthly meeting of the W. I. will be held in the high school on Wednesday, March 6th, at 2.30 p.m. Subjects : â€" "The mother : what she owes to her8elf,the home and the community," Mrt. McT»Tish ; "What has the Institute done for you," Mrs. O. Phillips. The proceeds of the bazaar held Saturday afternoon was §28. Mr. James Wi.son, of Hanover, who formerly lived at Hock Mills, has been appointed Sheriti' for the County of Grey, to succeed the late T. I. Thompson. The appointment wi'l necessitate Mr. Wilson's removal to Owen Souud. Wo are glad to hear of Mr. Wilson's appoint, meiit and wish him success in his new poslticn. Another old Artemesia settler passed away on Thuisday, February 20. IDU), at her late residence, t)ld Durhain Road, in the person cf Mis. .\un McDonald, wife of th» lale Dan McDonald, in her 77th year. Sirs. McDonald's maiden name was .\nn Cameron, and she was liorn in Scotland. Leaving Scotland when five years old, she moved to Glenelg, where she residdd until her nnrria^ie. -Af'er her marriage she moved to .Arte- mesia, where she resided until her death. The funeral took place to Pricetillb ewnetery, on Saturday. born While Leslie Howe and Thos. Rielvin were driving put Juilge Klein's residence here on Friday night about 9 o'clock on their return trip to their homes in S.ileui native , , ,„j„ juniped out from behind an ever- green tree on the Judge's lawn and lovellini' a revolver at the heads of the pa-ssiii!/ pair. Their assailtnt had either bum ammiuiition in his pistol or thought the target loo fleeting to hit as nothing resembling a bombardment was heard. â€" Bruce Herald and Times. Residence For Sale For sale cheap and on c.isy terms, the residence 1 nd premises thereto belonging to the late M. K. lliehartlson. Meshcr ton. On the prem 8«8 are a large brick veneered dwollina, well finished and in good repah', contains S( largo bedrooms on the seci'iid fiat ard a largo double bedroom on first flat ; good never failing well with force pump m basement, are good cistern all well finished for winter or summer kitchen ard dining and wash rooms with good pantry and oitner con- veniences ; large lawn ami garden with good yoang orchard hearing and plenty irf f mall fruit ; good larite frame stable and driving house. Premises wou'o make oxc«>llent lar'^e boarding house and piivate oflice besides, or would answer well for two t-euai.ts and also good office torrent. Apply to R. J. Spmule on the prtmises who will show auy persoas over the premises. 170c l^ About two hundred neighbors and triends of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Patterson! met at their horn* recently and spent a pleasant evening with ctrds and dancing. 1 Ourinfi the evening the following addrcKS | was read : i Dear '^'riends â€" We are this evening j assembled together at your home, our ] one aim in view being to pay you and i yours a tribute and at the same time a. firewell, haviuir learned with regret that you are about to tever your connection in thi^ locality. Many years have passed since your settlement in this neighborhood, in Ml which time ycu have witnessed many and i r<( various changes in every scene of life. I'v^ Ne* acquaintances have come and agaiai v^ removed to other parts of the great world, Many old friends at one time here have, p^ passed to the great beyo-jd. In you wej |^\ have always had a friend very pronounced' j. from every point of view. You have been with us in our joys and pleasant Pistimes, and again you have' assisted us to bear our sorrows in the hour ^of trouble, when everything looked dark and dismal. We uphold you in a very hiiik degree aa being courteous, hones and very obliging neighbors, alway ready to come to our rescue as necessity demanded. Now that you have conclud- ea tJ leave our midst and rsmove to other nuarters, our earnest prayers are that kind Providence may in His wisdom grant you both His richest blessing and spare you long to one another, and be- stow health and happiness during the remainder of this life. In concluding we bid you fond adieu and in so doing ask ycu to accept this chair us a mere memento of the long established fiieod- ship existing between you and the friends bers assembled . Signed on behalf of friends and neighbors â€" D. Harrow, A. Carson, G. Campbell, MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS 20 pairs Men's Heavy Rubbers, some Gum, some Snag proof, somewiUi three lace eyelet.s, others with two buclfle.-i. First i|uality, no .spcond.-s Size.'^ <), 7 and 10. Special clearance price $2.19 PER PAIR. BOYS' ARCTIC OVERSHOES Cashmere tops, black wool lining, good heavy bottoms to stand har.l wear. Sizes 10, 11, 12, 13, 2 and 3 only. than prcrjent wholesale price $1.19 Pair. LADIES' OVERSHOES Black Jersey tops, tine quality, black wool lining, up to date fitting lasts. Both button and buckle styles incluceil. All sizes from 3^ to 7. SPECIAL $2.19 PER PAIR Congoieum Art Rugs The ideal tiour covering. Beautiful colorings, handsome, artistic patterns. Stand hard wear. Sizes i) X 9, 9 s lOi, x 12 feet. Selling at less than present wholesale prices. Granulated Sugar $10.75 PER 100 LBS. Were glad to be able to offer our customers al the sugar they need this se.ison. Take home a bi'.> tcdny. SPECIAL "DELINEATOR" OFFER By special^arrangement with the Butterick Publishing Co., we author- ized to offer th3 "Delineator," the premier fashion magazine, for year for NINETY FIVE CENTS. Plione or leave jour order todav. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO .... .»..«.»..»- .^.w.^.^.^.^ ^ ,. .^ ... - - - - _,^_^„_ ,_ - - _ *^ 'A! Administratrix Sale f^' OF FARM LAND | c-il Rod and Gun The February Rod and Guu, which is now on the newstands has much to interest the sportsman in story, article and special departments. "In the Deadfalls," Pea Soup," "A Ysar with the Deer," "British Columbia Lions,' "Shostine the Wilson Snipe" are some ot the titles. Fishing Notes includes articles on The Riinbow -Trout and On Making a Bait Saturday, the First Day Of March, A.D. 1919 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon Lot Number Five, Concession 4, North ot the Durham Road iu the Township of Artemesia, containing 100 acres more or less, known as the Hazard faun. The soil IS said to be a good clay loam, about 86 acres of which are under cultivation ; nine acres of good hardwood bush and the balance in beaverineadow and swamp. There is said to be erected on the prem- ises a log barn, good frame stable and I also < comfortable log house. The place I is well watered and fairly well fenced ; j about 2^ miles from Priceville and 3j , miles from Flesherton, and me third \ of a mile from school, and is accommo- dated with rural mail delivery. The .sale | is being made with the approval of the ( ofticial guardian on behalf of the infants 1 by whom the reserve bid would be fixed, ; and ihepurchase money is to be paid into / the Canadian of Cnmmerco to the FURNITURE HI The undersigned hava received inst rue ,jc, tions fr^m the Administratrix of the , | All kinds of fumiture in our showrooms. estate .It the late Ijervas Hazard to sell IT] by Public Auctjon at Cap. McLachians , jU our dining rooHi, parlor and bedrooui suites Hotel, in the v illage of Ceylon on , ji ^ 'â-  \\i range of prices to suit your pockat book. Call and see A large ••• »â- â- â€"â- >â- â- Â»â- â- Â»â-  ••»« ..»â- â- <â- .»«». >»â€"^ UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Phone OOr li I- W. H, BUNT Flesherton, Ont. I ; joint credit of the Otficisl Guardian and Casting Rod, the lattjr profusely illustrat- j the Aamiuistratrix. el. Guns and Ammunition contains an | p.^^ j^^.^^^^ p.»rticulars and conditions' article by Townsend \\ helen on Long ' of sale apply to the uniersigned. Range Shooting and many other interest- : p^^^j ^^ ^â- ,^^.„ g^,^„j ^^-^ 3^^^ j ^y „f ing articles «s well as the ever popular , ja„uary, A.D. I'.U'J. Queries and Answers Department. Along | â€" MIDDLEBRO & SPEKEVIAN, the Trap line. Rod and Gun Mechanics, : Solicitors for Martha Susan Hazard, Kennel and Trap conclude this issue of Administratrix, 0«en .Sound, I'tit. an ideal outdoormati's magazine. Rod 1 and Gun is published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, at Woodstock, Out. Notice to Creditors 8USm.ESSCARDS Societies 0K1^•CE AKTnUK LODGE, No. H33, A.l-'.Jk i A II. meets i'J tbt Uasouie liall. Arm arona's BIocK t'loH'nortoa. every Friday en or before tho full moon. T.Honry \V. ai. T. U'lilicly, tietretary. Dentistry B. C MURRAY L. D. S , dental sargoou hi.uoigrailuate of Toroiiio Uuiversity ar.J \i>y»l ColleKO ol I)ci!tftl Siiritfonsot Ontaiio, lias adiuisiuiBtorud for teoth eXtractiou Uioo at residuucB, Torouto Street, t'leeSortOU. U' Medical I p OTTEWBLL I Veterinary Surgeon iraitiiate of Ontario Veterinary ColleRO rosidouco â€" SBuoiid door south westlOD SBmry street. Tliia street runs outb |n.|J by them. Pre»l>ytoriau (Jliiirob, 1 And further In the Suriogate Court of the County of Grey. I Iu the matter of the Estate of Gervas Hazard. Kto of tho Township of Artcmcsiii. iu the County of Grey, Sectionmit>, deceased. Notice is heieby given, pursuant to R. S. O , 19U, Section 0(>, that all 'creditors aiul others having claims : against the csrato of the above named Gervas Haziid, who died on ot about the 22od d:iy of .July, lUlS. ut the Town.ship ot Artemesia, aforesaid are reijuired to send ou or before tlio 1 12ih tlay of March, A. D. 101!). to MhI- diebro & Spereman, Barristers', etc., (Hven Sourd, Dulaiio. Solicitors for the Adiuinlslratiix of the said deceased,! heir ;Chrisiiiin and Surnames, addresses and ] description, with full particulars of their clainKs, and statement of their accounts niul ihj nature uf the securities, if any, SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC useis say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 CJravitay wshers and lilcctiic autl gast" washers wringers power ALSO for McCormick Biiider.><. Moweis, Hay Rakes, Hay Loader-s Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel - Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford double geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Jlills, Bcalty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, SHngs, Manure Carriers, Water Bowl.-!, W.ier Taiik.'i, Pum]) aial Piping,'. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when lilted with my p.itout. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Legal take notice after ^ 1 such last mentioned date the said .\d- ! ministratrix will proceed to distribute the | L'CAS, KANEY * hENRY-Barrietoro. assets of tho deceased among tho parties ^Solici^ors,.«.c.-l.^». Luca.. K. C.: W.^ K. j,,^ ^^^.,,^^^, ^ ,j„g ,^ j „„, ,^, rout'o, ^oc-a Tisdora Jiatw Hide., jilione tile claims of which they shall then h.ive Kau Coronto, - - . ajaiu 1412; Maikdaie Luoaa Wock, Phono 3 A Krancb oUics at Uuudalli 0|'*u every Saturday, w had notice, and the said E.tecutors will not bo liable for the said assets or any â-  ^ part thereof to any person or persons ^f BIGHT, TELFORD & WALTEK whose claim notice .shall not have btei. Hanistor, Solicitoin. *c. OUlces. tircy received by them at the time of such Standard Hank 1 . u .• W.H. Wright, , "'Sff'DUt'on. i MIDDLEBRO &SPEREM.\N, , ft Brac« mock, Owen Sound. Blook, Floeborton. (Saturdays). W, I', lolford Jr. W. H. Walter, LLU. j Solicitors of Administratrix, t)wen Sound, this Ontario • ! Business Carps i , I Dated at Owen Sound Icensed Auctioneer for day of February, H.»U». of Oroy and Siuiooe. j â€" â€" â€" â-  Pariu »aJ Stock sales a specialty. Torrua â-  . ,» wm, m aaoderate. satisfactiou guaranteed. ArrauRe- AvCry KerOSCne TraClOrS] tuents for dates ni«v bo made at: tuo Airvsuco ' J jtHec, or feutral tblerhoiu>ollico !â-  ejerebain , ___ orbyaddressiDR me at Feverabam. Oot. 1 WM, KAITTINO. tbe couDties for DMoFHAUJ. LtcrDlscI Anotiouee • County of Grey, Terms moderate and SONS, They are back of a biKjl91i) crop. Get | ^,,„ prices and catalogue from C, SMITH i^- satis aetlo'u gusrmtpcd. The arranseuients Slid dales of sales can be msdeat TbB Advadcb Out., olBce. Kesideuoekud P.O-.Ceylou.Telei'liono , I oonncctlou. Dec, 0, 70 'Jut- District Distributors, Duiliam, or H. A. LISTER & CO., Toronto, Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor REDRpSE TEA'is good tea* Sold only in sealed packages 122

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