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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1919, p. 4

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Febiiiai'v 27, 1919 THE FIESHKUTON ADVANCE FIcshertoii Advance Artemesia Council CUnlifrton. .Snb«cri|>tii>ii jiricc (*l (wiaiiijuin JebiiuryH, Iftlil. Tlio iiifinliei'S were A irj^iiiVat.'"''" =*V''''?-'"'' "•'• "'Vr ^ "'' I"«'"". •>'" Ii^-ev« i.i •!"• cimir. -'\ii.#r .isioK rales on tt|)(>lu<iU'.ii. i^iiciiIaUo ' i< -uivtaUy I Minuti-H More rend and conhriiu'd. W. H. THUIiisTON, KDITOU; Followini! conrniunicitu.iis wiio read : â€" â€" ________.„ j A Jordiin, clitini of tliO fur f-lu'ep killed Brave Manitowaring Girl ''>' J-"" : '^ « ""ker et ai., petiUon " â-  ' .ikiDj^ fur ts'iururs for costs of Hjdro IHiiver mid ii^ht for I'roton Staliiin Hiid Th 1 f .uu*,i,,- I ,|p.ii^ iiimi ilic Ntw vicinity ; lluijiici mlioii Coumiittto te ^â- 'rk Tunes refer* lo (k diii;;liler of I lie | '"'"""•''• soldiers munioipsl ui-ocialion l»li> ThoniHs F.-rt;us.ii of M^iiit .wBuiiig. K'V'"ij' ''"^'i "^ riiettiiiK ; couiinitloe ro and 1 iiieoof Mr. T. A. M. f\rgM>(.ii, kun-iy rqjrat ; liyliiw 7 u. UA i>f IVicPville : Nu-ilsou as aiiditur inst^nd of NV (J Uavic, Mis, LUM. K.uu.-"n -i il.r Ain.y /*•â- "_«'''''• "'"*'"'""'""'' ""^^ l"»«^'"*- Nur^e Ucerv* Uor(M III duty at Field Uhe(|Ut'8 wi-re ordeiod for paj mcnt of lici-.l.ital N.. .!•_>, f^i^|)llyl.d j{u>st couiauo '''0 fclIoivinK -iccouiits : llyJio, hall »t Cliupoy, hriiiice, .. , Oc*. 8tli, litis, I'^i'iling S-, Insuianco mi hall 1^10 HI, A when the hospit'il a-,h ^llJlled for aw J'Jidon sheep killed §25, J H Lockliait -â- entire Jay. Miss Ferguson remained valueiiig sheep $1.50. -oouNtimtly lit her p'.st (,f duty in tlio MatheWBOii â€" r.(rncttâ€" Tbat 1! .) IJall, operatini< riiDiii. wl.ioh n«s rcpealodly II. F. fur Koulll Ciroy be rviuested to â- howered with fr.igmen'.8 of bui-atiiig us.- lii.s inllueiice to procure v luaht one sheli.s. By this lunvery, riftkiii;; her piece of liciivy artillery and any other own life, she aided in s IV. 11,' th > lives of | capturrd war liophies fortlii.^ iniiiiici- fleveral wounded u^en.' j p»lity.- Carried. Idii Fer^usun is a Manitowaiiin-^' yirl j Caiueroiiâ€" l{,ilchfclcT--Tluit in reference and a graduate uatc llo^piihl Small Ads. LOST Hluck and uliite bitch hound, on Monday, Febi miy 17lh. â€" K,lit. Kislier, Uuck Mills. FOR SALE For Sale cheip anil ci e:isy toniH, l.o' 1.", Coll. II, <J-proy, 110 acre). This i< \ liist olim_farin and in a uood Kl.«to o' cultivHlion. (lood hank li.irn fcn<l n<;w traiiio dwelling. Apply co K. J. Spr.iuh; Flenhorton For Sale â€" Horse fl years old, licnerHJ puipiise, about Vl'l'.t lbs., Bu2L'y, Cutler, Wayun »Dd set binyio drivin>{ harnes.s, all in yiod lepiir. MiihI be sold nt oiieo ai I have ijo further ii-e for them. -Apply I to A. Uiucks, Piiceville. of the N. Y. I'oht (Jra She wen' overseas »i the P. U. l'u,t to Hospital Nu. 8, in 1917. Rlibs Fei!<u:;on comes of a nood "strain" being a niece of that n«od patriot, Mr. Geo. Strain of Gordoi^ â€" Gore Biy Recorder. ad- to the petition 'jf H U Meeker 1 1 al., this th( council requests lliu Hydro K eclriu VVhiti! sewioi; ni ichines, the king of in;\';liiiu's. .Sherloek iManiiiii<{ pianos are stiiclly liiftli grade Jf you ran prove this sLateinetit false T will f.Mvo you a piano free. â€" .1. C. Kentn-r, Markdale. Cumin ssion to furnish e.suiiiate') i.f c^jsIs for pciwer and lifjht fur i'roton Station and viciiiily. â€" Carried. Balchelor - Mathcwson â€" That this Council appropriate Sl.'iuC to be expend- ' ' ' I cd as folloivB : §.'!Ul-l to encb Division and A four hui dred pound Montreal : i;i -n , \- n .. i» i i .â-  i •^ 'â- â- " I .^loU to > alley K ad, and tiio niernber.'' w.nmn could n a be placd in the cells , „f „,;, Council are appointed commi.^un. ind tackle, so they let ' ^,,.,^ ^j^ . ^j^ ^-J liurnett ; l)iv L', .J F Machines For Sale â€" 7 horsepower Lister UHtioliiie eii^^ine, ensilage cutter, sawing machine, buzz saw and iiraiii (grinder. â€" Geo. Brack enbiry,Fevershaiii. F'lr Sile or Hunt .\ smill farm in Ku^enia. .Apply to Tho.s. E. Fonwick, Eusienia. Colts For Sale â€" One heivy oolt rising ' 3 and onere K isler. d imre colt rising 1 year old.-- Fred Mathe«9on, Flesherlon. For Sale â€" A few Black Minorca cock- erels for sale. â€" Lewis SlieardiMvn. Maxwell P.O. without a b h IHffllHIEIS. Carefully Correctect Each Week- Butter ;58 l,)t) 40 K(.'!(s 40 to 40 Wheat 2 00 to 2 il Peas 1 4H to 1 50 <^)ats .00 to 5:i Barley 7H to 70 j MalhewsDU ; Div 3â€" S Batcheler 4 â€" A Cameron : Valley UoaJ, i Ueevr;,â€" Carried, I Council adjoumvd Oiv the A few bags of winter apples for sale-- Frod .Jaiiiieson, Euaenia. Telephone. CEDAR WANTED Cedar Wanted â€" 4 foot 2 in. long price So for No. 1 cedar, or in the lo.- 12 foot 4 in. liinir, Xo. 1 $11, delivered at my I mill. â€" Edward Sariient, Ceylon. Coal Oil Engine For Sale 1 si.'C horse power Kairhankt Morse Kerosene Engine fur sale. Special terms. Apply t i ROliT .'â- â€¢MlTil, I!ox 2, Durham. MISCELLANEOUS Priviito funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. .\pply In II, .1. Sproule, K{e Jierton. sept 2317 Highest price for butter and eggs at Graham Bros. Eucenia. .Tunc 2(i Try Feversha.ii Pastry Flour, the best for your cook. All Ontario wheat Wto To Solve Canada's Employment Problem "P VERYONE in Canada should understand just what -â- -' the Government is doing to solve the unemployment problems that may arise through the demobilization of our fighting forces. (i) Employmoit Offices. So lliat everyone â€" male or female, scjldier or civilian â€" can get quiikly such job.s a.s arc availaldc 1I;o (lovtM-nnient i.s co- oiK-ralin^' willi I he Provinces in estal)h"sliing a chain of I'liliHc Employn;ent Oi'iice,^. Hmploy- crs are hcinij ui-oed lo make esc of these oiliccs to secure «ny lielj) tliey need. Farmers, for e.xaniple, \v!io need Jiired men .sliould apply to !l;e nrare.:t ofGce. Tjiero will he a Piihlie Employment Office i.'i e\eiy toun of 10,000 po,')()leâ€" and wherevei- the need for o;ie exists. There will he 00 dillerent offices in all -one-half are already in operation. (2) Emplojjmenf. ()ppoitunilu:t. The war held ii[) niiieli Avork that v.ill now he carried on at onet?. I'uhlie works, sliii)l)uild- inj4, roadhtiildin;:, railway work â€" const rnci ion of bridges, im- provement of ro;!'l-|>ed, making,' of new e(|iiipiii(iit v.ill provifle new opporl unities fur oniployment. In ii-idili-n, l!;e 'Government lias s;Mit a Trade Alission overseas to soeurc for i'anada a share in the business of providini,' materials and j ro- <lncls rcfpiired for veeonslnic- tion work in llurope. It has.'iho set aside the Inrjyie sum of $>2.'j,000,000 to be loaned through the Provinces to encouraoe the hnildiiio; (if workmen';; houses. Til is will moan much new work in the spriii^r. (->) Lciiid and Loans for Soldiers To lelp soldiers jjecdnie far- n:crs Ihe Ciovernment J:a.-; de- veloped a pr()»;raimnc that includes the providing of land, the grauliujg of loan.s, and the trainin;( aiul siipervi.sion of tlio.'-e inexperienced in fanning. At present, the .soldier is grant- ed, free, in addition to his or- dinary homestead right, one quarter-.seelion of Dominion lands. He receives a. h.nn up to the iiinxinmm of .$•:?., "•'^!^ 'I iie..e orip^iual jilans areiu),v being broadened. If rarliament passe.s the new proposals during thi.s se.s.sion, the Soldier Settle- ment Ihiard will he able to buy suitalile Ijind and re-.sell il lo the soldier j>l cosl. I""ii'l !!;> 1 1 t!io value of $.nO00 nmy be heitjd.t by lhi.5 plan â€" the money to l>p ir;;aid in 20 yiars. T!:e h-A.- i.^lcrer^t rate of .O j)er cent, will bo charged. These new propc-als will also j)crn!il the Stddier Set I lenient jjcard lo hi.'in (he .soldier-fanr.or up lo ,^i!2,,>(!0 for pMrchie-ing cquipir.eul, etc., in addili'ii Iti };•â- .), 001 ) loijn on hU farm. SALE BY TENDER Or Valuable Property in the Villages of Flesherton and Walterville and Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey. 'I'KNUKKS Will be received by the undersi'/ned up lo three o'clock in the ufuM-nooo i)( I lie 15th Day of March, 1919 For the purchase of any or all of the folio. ving parcels of property belbnaiog to ilm estate of the late SVilliain King- ston Flesher, nmiiely â€" PARCEL 1 -All those parts of lots 14S, 14!) and 100, as.sessed and in the po3«ioasioa of Ibe Flesher Kslaie and not lieretofor-.! sold and conveyed containing ibout scveiity-live uoics, more or Ici-.s, aid roughly described tm all that part of lot 14B lying eoufhwest of the Toronto lod Sydenham Ujad, save and except the plots occupied by the Public School and bits 10, 17, 18 and 1!) All that part of lot iiun.lK'r 14'J lying suuthwesc of the front mill property. All that part of lot iiuoibir 1.50 lying southwest of the syrist null projieity. PARCEL 2â€" Mill ploi M inc'uding lots 14 and 15, about 14t acres, and Park plot about 10 acruc, ai;d iieing co'iiposed of tile northeast e.'^ly parts of los 148, 14'J and 1.5i). PARCEL .T- All those parts «f lot number 151 lying southwest of the Toronto and Sydenlium Koad and coni- po.-ed of lot.i 8, !t, 10, 11, 12, i:;, 1-t, 15, 10, 17, 20, 21, 30, 31, and the cabinet factory and mill pond site ^a well as blocks (i iiid J in eaiJ lot, containing about thirty-one and a quarter acres. P^ RCEL 4â€" -Block L, containing two acres and beini.' part of ht number 148, stuiled iioithea-it ( f tin Toronto and Sydenham IbiaJ and bounded by Vic'ovia, Mill, Albert and Cynthii sts. PAIICEL 5â€" First 5 acres, being composed of the noi theast par; of lot 15C, ill the second ran'je sou.h' of the Toronto and .Sydenham Road in the Township of .\neinesiH, and known as the Crown Reserve. Second â€" That part of Lot 150 in the Second Ranye or conce.ssionsi.uthwo;t of I he Toronto and Sydenhuiii Road in ihe Township of Altemesia, containing two and a ijiiaitei acres, purclia''ed by the Bald \Viiliain K Flesher fr'jm Win. Smith. Third â€" That pirt of Lot 150 in the Second Kaiige SiiUihwest of the Toronto and Sydenham Uo:*.! in the Townsbiii of Artemesia, ontaining ten acres, purchased by the .said Wm. K. Flesher from ^latlhew Richardson. I'ARCEL (i-Luts i>, 10, U and 12, on the northwest side of John street and lot No. 1 on the southeast »ide of .John street in the Village of WalterTille, according to plan of ihe subdivision of Lot 'â-  A " made by Thomas B. Uilliland, P,L.S., and containing collectively about one acre and aixteen porches. All of the above pr perties will b« sold with and subject to all the rights, privi- leges .".nd essemeuts appertaining thereto and lo which the said deceased wa.s entitled to enjoy or wa.s liable to main- tain durinu his lifetime in so far as his surviving Kxi'iutor can lawfully convey such rights or transfer sucli liabilities. The t imber upon the said parcels Nos 1 , 2 and .'< has been sold and the purchaser has lieen granted the riylit and privilege o remove the same at any time within five years from the Sixth day of August, I'.U.S. The said parcels will bo sold a object 1.0 such privilege. Tenders shall be in writina specifying the parcel and thj price oti'eied for ihe same and addres.'-evl lo Jas. A, Keyis, Banister, etc, 108 t,)jeen St., St Cath- arines, Out., aojonipanied with a tnarkel cheipie piyiljle to the order of the Merchants Bank, Markdale, for ten oer cent, of the purchase price specilied in the tender. The l.ig'iest or any tender not neces.sarily accep:ed The balinee of the purcliafo money on nil tenders aecep- •ed shad be paid thirty days from the date of iiia'-iinu the acceptance â-º t St CalharMie.H All cluipios aceonip n yiiiL' niiHccepled teudeis will be roinrind to the lendeiers. The Vendor is not to be bonml to furnish any alisliact o: title or produce laiy title, .leeds "V oilier evidence i;ol in Ins possession or cool rol, or to give copies of any iitlu deids, but I he piii chaser is to soarcli the title at hi.s own e.'tpunse. If llio venilor wiiliout any default on his pir^ is unable or uii»illiii;; to make a good titlu to ihe said land within thirty from the iiiailins.' of the Hceeptaiice of ilij leiiib-r (if the purohnser declines to take suih titl;') then ho .nay withdraw from tilt' coii'iiict on the ripayment to of any sum paid on account of the I'luebase inom'y and wi limit being en- I iiled to any coinpensaiion or expenses in conneciiou theiewilh. For further particularr apply to James :\. Keye<, H.inister. J,\Mi:s .\. Kkvi:.s, 108 t,)ueen Street, St. Cathiirine.-', Out. (Si)l.«itor foi ihe Estate) Itoistcin liull For Service .\ lliiiroughbroil llolstein bull lor service on Int.s is:t LSI ,S.W. r. A, .-Vrtemeaia: clos- ely related to the world'.s i-hatn]ti>iu -ilpouiiil eow. 'IVrms- SI, .Ml for grades, J"i IH) Inr pure breds. • 1 .•..•..fl..»..9..«..«..«««..«..»..«-*..*..«««..*..«..«>.«..*..ft ti »i'» " t " t " 9 " 9'<9 'â- â- â- â€¢â- â- â€¢ " >i .tiii.i<iit n «i >ii»ii>i il >i * il • â- iit'tiliil Pratfs Regulator Try Pratt's Animal Regulator for stock, and make your hens lay by feeding them Pratt's Poultry Pegulator. For sale at GRAHAM BROS. I EUGENIA, ONT. |..«~»..«..«.^M l=ia&»r "• " •â- â- â-  " •â- â- Â§â- â- #â- â- â€¢â- â- Â«â- â- â€¢- » â-  •â- â- â- â- â- â€¢â- !â- â- â- <â- â- Â».» II ii I i i II m i II iifi lOi II II 1^1 i c<i Flesherton Tin Shf^p I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tiuware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump worl ;iaces Furnaces. ings. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON M OfiUm. r^i S2 WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sliarples Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEN 7 AGENT FLESHERTON. Your Business College Yongc aiul Charles Streets, Toronto Has superior courses, fquipinonl and teaLdiers. It makt? good ovvry claim md promise. Every utaduate of the last throe yeais has pnonpily secured eniploy- uient. Open all j car. NOW is a a f ])eiidid lime to enter. Catalogue free. \V. J. ELLIOTT, ritiNcifAi. Farmers Attention 1 Make money in your spare time during tlie coming Fall aniJ Wintei montlia by selliug hanly Cauadiau uursery stock. I July 17 -(;K0. MOORK A.Son- r/ic R^patriaticn Ct urvAv \ Farm For Sale III the township of Osprey one hundred acres, ninety acres cleaved, ten acres hardwoo.H buth ; two storey solid briek coitage, Peillar roofine, cellar full size, fiirnace, kllihen and woodshi\d, sidid briek, haid and sfift water inside; huge <)Utliiiildiiii;s with water supply Miside. Forfuiiher pariieulars apply to JO'lN UlUrMMETt, Proton .Station R.U. 2 flJ Boar For Service Uigijterod Chester White h ig for service 81 Rock Mills. The father >»oii lirst at Chicago Fair. Terms ?l.25. I5declm â€"I. SMITH Prop. WINTER TERM in the begins TUl'RSDAY, JAN. 2, 1919 (Jirls and boya who have been work- ing luipil on the farm duiinif the Miminer should have a chance to improve tiieir eHucation this winter. Circulars free to any address. C. A FLEMING, F.C. A., Principal, Dept. A., Owed Sound, Ontario. (Mention this p.aper when writing) British and European uuirkcts will be open again for Canadian Fruit and now is the time to order for ppriiig planting. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opiMiiiiL' no atnnce, a blackHinith ing and woodworlring busineas in Mas- well, luul am nsiallinu' up-'.o date wood - workini; micbinwiy. It will bo my en deaviH- 111 servo tJie putdic in a satisfac- tory maitiuTi' and 1 would solicit patron- HL'e. I w»iit youtwotk and will do it right. 7 Aprfl 1 CHESTER LONG Largest liet of Fruit and Orna mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, eto. growu in Canada. Write for particulars. Stone & Wellington The Ponthill Nuraerle*. (Kstahlished 1887.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Farm For Sale A 50 Acre farm for nale on the Iitit Itsck liiue, Artcuiii.YiA, 3rd range, north half of lot 132. On the premises there in a uodd franiL- batii, 40 i 60 feet ; a small frame house ; a liood drilUd well ; hi'ii house : the fall plowing is done, b'er particulars apply on premisss. â€"J. H. IIOLLEY, Fletherton.

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