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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1919, p. 1

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gkBhtttm "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 39 Feslnerton, Ont., February 27 I'Jin < â- **ft*M<B*«J Mrs. Jas. Ferris Dead Weber Fined $4,500 Jailed 30 Days On Tuesday mornins there passed away »t her late home, in St. Vincent township, Ednii May Howard, beloved wife of Jas. Ferris. Deceased wa.s the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Howard, of Artemesia township and was twenty nine years and four months old. Jn 1911 she married her now sorrowinst husband and settled ou a fa.m near Feveraham. later moving to iheir present homo. She leivea to mjuin her loss a loving huiband and three small children, also her father and mother, three sisters, and four brothers. One brother, John- ston, was killed in action in France, on October 26th, 1917. She was a consistent member of the English church since early in life. The funeral took place from I her hte home on Thursday, Februnry I 20th, attended by a larye circle of friends and neiphbors. Rev. \Vm. Wallace, who , conducted the service at the house, and officiated at the grave, preached a very impressive sermon, after which llie re- j mains wer? laid to rest in Thornbury ; Union Cemt-tery. The la'e Mrs. Forris was held in hiyh esteem by all who knew \ her, and her death has cast a i^looui over th^. comuiunity. ! The case of Reeve Weber, of Neustadti of attempted bribery and obstruction was tried ill Owen Suunil before Jud«o Lennox on Monday of this week, when Weber was found guilty and sentenced to pay §4,500 and spend thirty days in iail. The case only occupied .\ short time Monr'ay afternoon, and Weber'.s was the only ca?e before the court. In Memoriam III loving memory of James Magee, who departed this life February 'Joth, 1918. Rapid and SA'ft the moments glide. One year today since dear father died, Ha suflVred here but now he's blessed, With sublimeat peace and Heavenly rest. â€"Emma. Mr. Jean Loos of Owen Sound receiv- ed a letier from his relatives last week, the lirat since the war began. They live at, Rhiiian, in Als'ice, and have suffered hardships of the German occupation for nearly 5l) years. Markdale Armouries One day only, Friday. Special matinee 3, night, 8 Direct fioni a S..\ Weeks run in Ma.'sey Hall, .Toronti: The Master Prodacer't Master FrodwMon The The See One million Fighting flen Twenty Thousand Horses Miles of Artillery,March of Legions Fleets.: of Zeppelins Destruction of Cities The Charge of the Tanks Under auspices British War Office A Special Orchestra and Effects will render the Original 'Hearts of the World" jcore of Marvellous Musical Interpretation. J ulea Brazil, Musical Director Matinee Prices, Children 25, Adults 50 Night Prices, Reserved Seats $1 and 75,Rush 50 Scats now on cale at J. Luca.s' Drug Store, Markdale. KIMBERLEY The Ladies' Aid Ba/.aar in ihu public hall 0,1 Friday afternoon and evening last was a huye success. Tea was served from •) to .S p Bi. after which R. D. CJtir, uthers, of Heaverdale, auctioned oil' the different commodities. The total proceeds of the day amoun'ed to nearly 8201). This will Ko towards the building of the new partonnge. Ufrman Hurlburt,r/f Montain, T.S. A , is renewing o!f ;ici|U.iiiitaiccs in this part after an absence of 29 years. 11 s many old friends were p'eased to see him again. He is a Methodist clergyman and occupied the pulp t in the .Me'hodist church on Sunday evening. Mr. W. H. Stuart, of Powa.ssan, and John Stuart, of Duik.s Falls, visited friends in our burg duiing the past week. They pur'.hased a number of heavy horses. Alfred Hill's sale on Friday evening last Wis well attended. Ben WaldeH ol Markdule wielded tliu aucioneer'j ham- mer. .Alfred has leased his farm Co Wilm'.'.r Turner of Eugenia for a term of years. Me intends moving lo Markdale in the near future We are sorry to report Emerson Reid ou the sick list, but hope f ir Ilia speedy recovery. Andrew Fa.vcett made a !)Usiii.es3 tiip to Markdale on Monday lavt, John Brown of L'lark.sburg was a pleasant caller in our burg one day lasl'i Week . Quite a number attended the dance at Frtd Wicken»', Eugenia, on Fr'day even- ini,', and all report a guod time. 5Ir. and Mrs. (Jeo. >u:! ly of Mark- dale, visited Mrs. .lohn Stafford, on Friday la,st. Mrs. Frank Hutchinson, of Ueathcote, i.4 visiting with her uncle, Mr. Donald Wallace. Delia Alercrombie, of Wodehouse, visited at the parental lumie over the week end. PORTLAW Mrs. W. R. Simmons is ricov,;riiig from a serious illness from vvhieli slu has been surtering for .some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James Coulls, ot Xew Ontario, are visiting among tlieir old neighbors. Mis. Albert Thompson spent the past two weeks with friends in Toronto. A growing interest is being manifested in the weekly meetings of the Epworth League. The way that the young people aie taking part and leading in various ways proves that a great deal nf latent ttileut will anon be developed in this way Mrs. Robert Hannah i.s visiting with friends in Toronto. Frank T.iylor vis ted wiih Jlaikdalc friends last wtek. Miss JIabel wilsun is visit iu^' relili vis at Badjern.s. Mis. Wm. Taylor s'jeiit some drtys lat-t week at Dundalk visiting her sister, Mrs. Morrnw, before the lattei'.s removal to the The Ladies' Aid aie eni;aged on an autograph quilt. For a small sum in goU or silver you cm have yur good recorded whfro it wdl endure despite the attacks of foes. A large gmheriiig of frienJs met Ht tile home of 5lr. and Mrs. George Young on Thursday evening last to do honor to Mr. John Coutts, of Toronto, a war veteran who has lately returned from Fiance, and whose son also fouuht our battles and helped to win the nloiiou!' victory for peace and nghteousneos. Daring the evening an address was lent by Mr H. Down and a well- tilled purse presented by Mr. Wm. Findlay to the hero of the hour, as a token of apprecia tion by his hosts of fi lends ^Ithougti entirely taken by surprise .Mr. Coulls replied in words gratefully and modestly expressed. The evening wa» enjoyid in various ways by all present. The Red Cross Society held their last meotin); at the home of Mtfl. J. J. Litll". The various officers submitted interesting reports. The re«u!t of a recent campaign for funds showed that ?118 in cash had been collected. It was decided to con- tiibule $U1I toward Ibo Beluian Relief Fund and a lar(»i» (jaantity of made up g eds is ready for shipment to head' quarters. CEYLON Mr. George Strain, who has for the past twe weeks been visitina among his old neighboiB, left Wednesday for lis home in Gore Bay. Messrs. G. C lirns, F. J dliiisoii and N. Arohibild wert at Dund.iik last week as jurymon. Miss Marii Cooey hiis returned fr nn a two week's vis;'; with Toronto friends. The neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. John .lau-es Patterson met at their home on l*riday evening for the purpose of spetidinu a social evening and present- ed them with an easy chair as a mpinenlo of tlieir good will before leaving for their new home in our vi lage. Mrs. .Jas. Patlipon is in T.iri nto att uding millii cry opening. Dr. T. Collinson, wife and lilih^ son; left .•5.iiurday for their home in Moutuiu. after viuiiing a week willi his mother here. Miss Sybil Collinson left IUcnday for Toronto. Xurse Grahiim of ().veu Sound, who has been waiting on .liinmic Sinclair, returusd home o.i Saturday. Jinimle is much improved. Mrs. D. Wydeman wis at Owen Sound on Sa'.urday. Mr. Ed. Sargent has returned from visiting his sou in New Ontario and friends at Berkeley, Mr. Lake, who has been visitij.g his BonatDuiham, returned on Monday, accompanied by bis two suiif. Mrs. H. McArtl.ur and -Mr. and Mr*. W. J. Cook, of Ebrodale, vi.-ited at R. Cook's. Inspector Beckon of Owen Sound was in town Monday. W. A. Roony. just returned from overscan, is a guest at Mr. D. Mc- Phai.'s. Mrs . Wydeman of Proton was up on Monday to visit her .son here. VANDELEUR (List week's items) 'I'lie Valentino Soci^il held hi-u; on Friday last was a decided success in .spite of the unfavourabia weather. The Institute and people of Vandeleiir wish to extend tlieir thanks lo those who so ably assisted in the proi/ram. The Largo quartette, aided by Rev. Eagle, received the applause that they well desotved. The blending of child and adult voices is rare and beautiful. Rev. Conn of M:nk- dale gave the best of entertainment nod instruction in his address. Miss Burritt's patriotic sens and Miss Kurd's rpcitalioo were well rendered aiid niucli appreciated. The proceeds of tho evening amouniid to about §4.'i. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Fawcett ot Kind er- ley spent the week end with Mr. ai.d Mrs. E. B.kei. Mr. Robt Noely, who spent the pas; summer iu . the West, is renewing uc(|uaintauccs here. We are pleased to see Mrs. John Flyiin home again in apparent heidih after having uudergcme an operation at tlie hospital in Toronto. Mr. C. B Bolaiid returned home l:;s week after paying a visit to his wife, who is ill in Toronto. Mit-s Tillie Buchanan returned home last week after an expended visit wiili friends in Toronto. Messrs. C. B. Boland and L- ,n week to the buyers for which they received lii-li prices. Pte. Alfred Genoe, who has been over- seas f-jr the past three ye*r», has return- ed home. .\lf. looks hale .tnd heaity us though Soldier's lifa agreed with him. We give liiiii a hearty wclo-mio lliinn again. Mifs Violet Gilbert of Kiniherloy was the guest ef her sister, Mr». W. Hutch- inson, recently. Mr. Frank and Miss Juli-i Davi.'s visited friends .»t Slealord recently. Miis Deli Thurston of Flosherton spent the Week end with frienda hora. Stallion For Sale As I am going oHt of the horse busi- j no88 I am oft'enng for sale the well known Standard Bred Stallion, "Kentucky Sam.'' First class papers can bo pro- duced horse. Apply lo GEO. U. WHI'lEOAK, Fever.sham, Ont. ^*!^^S"±!?°- Fine Jewelery Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager i Yorkshirs finnM; Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write. â€"GEO. W. ROSS. O.sprey Tel. System. Maxwell, P.O. C'ouio iu aud see our fine j!wge si ;!. of Jowt^lciy, Watches, Clocht tic.,â€" ttud wheu you have seeii them you will be sure to buy. Watch repairing a specially. A full line of Photographic supplies including developing powders,. printing frames, dark lanteuis, all sizes ol Kodaks and films. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W, A. Armstrong- Jeweler FLESHERTON, . ONT. Get All That Is Coming To You From Youi tows Over One Million f In Use * 'm Keep good cows, fcod them well, and use a MELOTTE CREAIV5 SEPARATOR To retail the Butter- fat, leaving the warm, fresh skim milk to feed the calves and other stock. FOR SALE BY D. McTAVlSH, FLESHERTON n 4 Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. I fowl, dry E picked, heads off ;- W !>•• iJEESEâ€" 22 cents DUCKS- 2!l cents HEAVY CHICKENS-;i() cents HENS â€" 20 eenis Tt'RKEYSâ€" 40cpn» Don't Forget the PRce i W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton ^1 :::::::ijsi:::::::::uia:::asl::::a:^ •••• •••• ERS If yon waiit a good wearing rubber for men, women or children come to this .store. We have the old reliable Maltese Cross Brand of rubbers. •••••••••» •••- • •• •••• ••• Suit Cases and Trunks b If in need of a^Suit Case or Trunk call and g^t want su{.ip]ied. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO •••••••••••••••••«•••• ••••••••••••••••••e*»*«*« *•<••••••••••••••••••»«««,

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