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Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1919, p. 5

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7 February 13 1919 THE FLESHEKTON ADVA NCE STAtOAM BANK OP CANADA MBAO omCK • TOnOMIO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department givet you a guarantee of abaolute aecurity and â- â€¢T'B itTa intereat at current rate. 339 FLESHERTON BRANCH <;E0. MITCHELL. {Managvr. 1 C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leaye FleshercoQ Station aa oUows : Going Scath Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.2? p.m. 9.18p.m. Tlie mails are osed at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS No chopping dune on Mondays â€" Graham Bros.. Eugenia. Tha proceeds of Mrs. Phillips' Soldiers Aid tea amounted to $19.10. Mr. Geo. Lothian, of Dromore, visited recently with Mr. W. Moore. Mr. S. Shunk, of Toronto, spent the week end here on business. Mrs. VV. A. Armstrong is Tisitinsc her daujfhter, Mrs, Cudmore, at Montreal. Lieut. Joe LeG'jrd returned home on Thursday last after spending a couple weeks with relatives iu Toronto. The Fleaherton Soldiers' Aid will hold their tea at Mrs. Mitchell's on Friday afternoon. Alhire invited. Mrs. Mark Wilson, Jr., and little son. Roes, left Saturday for their new home iu Toronto. Bob Tr'inble spent the week end at his home here. Bob has been moved and 1s now at Dundalk. Florence Bunt returned on Monday to her studies at the Orangeville Business College after spending a week :it har home here. Wesley Armstrong returned home on Thursday last after spending a couple weeks iu Toronto taking treatment for stomach trouble. About two dozen hockey fans accom- panied the local juni> rs to Duudalk on Wednesday eveuin;^ when they weio beaten 6-0 by the M:irkdale clan. A uuiuber from here attended the hockey waich between Markdalo and Owen Sound, played in the Mi»rkda'» rink on Friday night, when the former wou by the score of 12 5. 1 Mr. W. H. Bunt had the misfurtune to fall on the icy sidewalk on Tuesday ' eveniDs; of last week and injured his ' back. He was confined to the house for , a couple d.iys. I A party was given at the Mun^haw ' •hotel on Friday evening last iu honor of •a couple of lately returned soldiers. A ' very enioyable evening was spent in g'lmes and dancing. The Royal Scarlet Chapter •f Arte- ; niesia will meet iu the Lodge room of L.O.L. 1132, -tth line, on Friday. Feb. ^ 14th, for the purpose of conferring the j degree. â€" W. G.Davis, Scribe. i The Vanilulour Epworth League visit- ed the Flesherton Young People's Soci- \ cly Monday evenini;. The visitors gave a pleasing proi-r.iui and rcfreshmects were served. A Vrtlentine S cial will be held ;it the home of Mrs A. Tuohy, Eugenia, on Tuesday evenini!. Fob. IS, in aid of a memorial. Ladies bring baskets. Ad- missiQn 20 and 25c. j It seems too bad that the piirtios that have been held around the countiy lately j should so affect a young man from near! Flesherton that ho would fall asleep ' while driving a load to the stitiim one i day last week, but thu thing was "did," Pie. lloib LcGaiil sent his parents last week a hunch of army relics includ- ing 1 rosary, German pipe, bell and knife, drinking cup, match box, and numerous buttons and crests. The things are very interesting. Mrs. D. Buniz, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Martin Phillips, who has been ill wiihpleurupneumouia. We understand Mrs. Phillips i% making a silisfactory recovery. Is'urte Jamieson, «nd Dr. Guy, of Maxwell, arc in attendance. A social ev«niu^ was Riveu on Friday last to the choir of the Methodist church at the homo ot Rev. Belfiy, A dellghiful evauing was spent in music and game*, during the eourAe of which a hymn book wa» presented to Mrs. Mark Wilsin, Jr., in recognition of her services to the choir during har residencu here. Tht) address was read by Frank Thurston and the presentation made by Miss Jean ReiJ, to which Mrs. Wilson made a very lilting leply. Lunch was served at the NOTICE â€" Having sold my grocery, : flour and feed business, it is neceaaary to have all accounts settled by March 12th, 1919. Interested parties please take notice.â€" W, BUSKIN. The Nokomis, Sask., Times,of Jan. Ig announces the death of Lawrence Arm- strong, aged 21. The deceased young man was born iu Osprey township. The Muse of death was pneumonia, following influenza. A district meeUng of the U. F, O. will be heU in the Orange Hall, Feversham, on Thursday, Feb. 13. at 2 p.m. Mr. ; Parkinson, of Clarksburg, County direc- tor, will address the meeting. All members are urgently requested to be present. I It is p.irticularly requested that all ' aocounts of the late Dr. Little be settled at once. Any person having accounts j against the said estate please send them to C. N. Richardson or- T. A. Blakely, j Flesherton, attorneys for Mrs, (Dr.) Little, Administratrix. ' Pte. W. Milton Davis, son of Mr. and ' Mrs Wm. Davis, Toronto Line, arrived home Wednesday night of week, tie was a member of the 147th, Grey, B'itt., and spent thirteen months in the trenches. He was gassed iu the Vimy : Ridge actions and spent some time in England. After rscovery he returned to the tren«hes and in September last was wounded in the foot, thus ending his campaigning. The wound was not a serious one, however, and Will is again practically as sound as ever. In commenting on the game between Chatsworth and Fleshertou played in Markdale rink recently iu which Chats- : worth won 5-4 we clip the following jpar.»graph from the Chatswonh News :â€" "The people of Markdale, of whom there were many at the game, were w!th the j Chatsworth boys throughout and rooted ] hard for their favorites." This was I noticed and commented upon by dili'ei-ent parties from around the countryside. people who were at the gaine,said chat the I people of Markdale "hould have cheered • for the Flesherton team, after all the patronage the Fleshertoniaus have given the Markdale rink this year. The wrier noticed that all the rooting was uot all I for the Chatsworth team and that about â- a score rooted for our localsâ€" and hard, toe. Auction Sales All sales at 1 p.m. unless stated otherwise Mrs. W. J. Lever, lots 183, 134, con. 2 N. E. T. and S. R., Artemes^a, will hold an extensive credit auction sale on Thurs- day, Feb. 13. A large list of stock aud implements will bo offered as Mrs. Lever is givhic up the farm. See bills. D. McPh&il, auctioneer. â€" - J. J. Patterson, lot l,eon. 5, Artemesia, will hold an aucticu sale on Wednesday, February 19, when a large list of farm stock, impleinents, etc., will bo offered for sale. D. McPhail, auctioucer. Joseph Sherwood. lots'.'S aud 29, con. 8, Artemesia, will hold an auc'.ion sale of farm stock and implements on Mon- day, Feb. 17. D. IMcPhail, auctioneer. Henry Down, lots 2t) aud 27, 3 S.D. R. Osprty, will hold a credit auction sale of farm stock and iaiplemeuts ou Friday, Feb. 14. W. Kaitliug, auctioneer. H-0-C-K-E-Y Markdale 6 Flesherton A hockey match was played iu the Dundalk rink on Wednesday evening of last week between the Fleahertnu and Markdale junior clubs, iu which the former was beaten to the tuuo of 6-0. Hard luck saeined to follow the local club that evening a:, a number of the boys were laid off' by accidents. The Markdale clau were a heavier bunch by far than the Flesherton boys, and also oulskated them, which is not to be wondered at as the local riiik here is conspicuous by the absence of ice atid the boys have no place much account to practice on. All through thegMua the Markdale club was on the offensive, but there was very little combination play aud it «a« very much every raau for himself. For a defensive game Fleshertou hockeyists did wrll and so they are not downhearted yef. Arthur A'arty, of Markdale, gave very giiod service as roferco. The line-up for the local team contained C Fisher, goal ; F Thurston, pwiut ; C Sproule, c point ; E Muir, rover ; R Pattou, centre : S McTavisb, 1 wing : >V, Orr, t wing. SERGT. R. E. PL'RVIS The Advance had a pleasant call on Friday from Sergt. R. E. Purvis, of Toronto.sou of Mr. and Mrs. R Purvis of Eugenia, who, with his wife and daughter, were up visiting his parents. Sergt. Purvis sawtwo and half years of service in Franco and came through with only a flesh wound in the leg and a couple doses of gas, but expects to be all right again , Hit worst experience was at the Somme on October 9th last when he, with his! bunch of gunners, was buried completely , two different times by Hun shsllt, but| not one of them was seriously wounded. I He waa attached to the 31st Battery, 9th ! Brigade, C.F.A. Ho landed at Halifax) on Jan. 25, and is delighted to be io old Cvnada again. Rev. S. D. Gaudin Dies at Cross Lake Word arrived here Monday that Rev , S. D. Gaudiu, brother of Mrs. W. H. Thurston of Flesherton, had passed away at his nome at Cross Lake, Manitoba, of the influenza. For nearly thirty years SEASONABLE SPECIALS MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS 20 pairs Men's Heavy Rubbers, some Gum, some Snag prool, some ^ith three lace eyelets, others with two buckles. First t{uality, no seconds Sizes 6, 7 and 10. Special clearance price $2.19 PER PAIR. BOYS' ARCTIC OVERSHOES Cashmere tops, black wool lining, good heavy bottoms to stand hard wear. Sizes 10, 11, 12, 13, 2 and 3 only. Less than present wholesale price $1.19 Pair. LADIES' OVERSHOES Black Jersey tops, tine quality, black wool lining, up to date fitting lasts. Both button and buckle styles included. All sizes from 3^ to 7. SPECIAL $2.19 PER PAIR 'ii Congoleum Art Rugs The ideal floor covering. Beautiful colorings, handsome, artistic patterns. Stand hard wear. Sizes 9x9, 9 x 1(U, 9 x 12 feet. Selling at leii than present wholesale prices. Granulated Sugar $10.75 PER 100 LBS; We're glad to be able to offer our customers al' the sugar they need this seaaon. Take home a bag tcday. SPECIAL "DEUNEATOR" OFFER By special arrangement with the Butterick Publishing Co., we are author- ized to offer the "Delineator,' the premier fashion magazine, for i year for NINETY FIVE CENTS. Plione or leave }our order today. OrwTHiclalNGâ„¢" FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO JVJMypJUWiyt? • â-  â-  â€" » - " 'â-  'â-  - W W â-  â-  » w - â-  â€" <*- " w â-  â-  » i» ; m' m »•.«â-  , â- â-  i ^ » ^ » ]H W«i i, » - â-  â-  w f Gave Cider a Kick Cider Kiclied Back r License Inspeotor M. C Beckett of h« had been a n>is8ionary to the iudiangj Owen Sound and High Constable Cook iu that district. The despatch stated- ijf Ceylon went into the township of that tbe Indians at Cross Lake had been' Euphrasia aud rouuded up a number oi wiped out with the plague. The departed youns' men who had procured several missionary was heart aud soul with his ; gallons of cider aud put something into work aud loved bis Indians. He leaves! it to give it a " kick." But tbe kick was behind a wife and two young daughters a little too strong and as a conae<iueuce and one little son to Dear their yceat loss, i they appeared before Magistrates Mc- Miss Irene Gaudin, who attrended the; Mullen and Fawcett at Kimberley on > high school here a few years ayo, and is Wednesday, Feb. 5. William Parks' now studying for a nurae^at Philadelphia, ' was fined $50 aud costs for "iving intoxi- j was the eldest daujjhter. The deceased cstiu;; li<[Uor to a minor, oue young man, i was 57 years of age and in hi^ boyhood who was defended by H. Tucker of Owen ! cays live J at Kiinberley. Reeve Weber's Son Gets Ten Years Sound, was lined $'200 and costs, and four others against whom information was laid had skipped out. The return | of the wanderers will be celebrated in ! due timeâ€" but Miere will be no cider at I i the banquet. < COME THIS WAY j^^i^Za i For Your Sideboards. Library Tables, Chairs, Couches, Settees, Parlor Suites, Etc. Prices right. Call and see them. % W. H, BUNT Flesherton, - Ont. ^^•r= Jr- A sentence Of tifteen years penal servi. Flesherton H. SchOOl tude reduced by Order In Council to teii| years, has been passed upon Pte. Elmerj FORM 1 â€" Spelling Joseph Weber, a. son of Reeve Weber, of' j^^ y^j.^, ,,j_ ^^^^^ Qrr 82, Jack Neu.tadt, fonud guilty of desertion. JKarstedt 80, Ma.y McLachlan 7'.», Veroa Tha sentence was pissed at K.xbJ- Roberts 78, Herb Uauey 7^, Mildred bitiou camp last week at the ((uarters of McCallum 78, Albert Buchanan 71, Veia the Stcjud Canadian Uanison Regiment. Moore 71. Mildred Caswell 70, Jim The prisoner received the sentence Statibvd (i'J, Alice Parslow 1)7. Kva .\1 en ' witu apparant inditferenca when it was Hi: Kvacia SVilsnn tiO, Elmer Muir 53, read by Captain R. A. Plato, regimental Rose McGirr 50, Gorrloii Blakely 50,1 adjutiiut. Maynie McTavish 49, Gordon Irwin 45, Followina the promulgation of sentence Wilfred Lever 44, GeriruJe Lever :'â- :'>, Pte Weber was taken to the detention ^'^ l^f«en X\. Gerald Lar-e birrack.s, where ho aitaits transfer to' â-  Portsmouth Penitentiary, Kingston. The otbcial statement of the committee of the Privy Council, to whom the sent- ence of the court martial was submitted for approval, is as follows : â€" "The committee of the ^v'wy Coancili * have had before them a report dated 27 ih January, l'.)l'J, fi«m the Minister of Militia aud Defence, sta'iug that before a General Cour^ilartial held at Toronto The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will give a play entitled " Aunt Susie's Visit " on March 11). FunJKr particulars later. Administratrix Sale OF FARM LAND Itth day of January, 1919, Pte. on the Klnier Joseph Weber, :2ud Battalion, tion.s from Canadian Gaiiison Reijiiiient, was tried ou the charge of having when ou active service, deserted His Majesty's service. "It appeared from the evidence that this was a paiticular tlagrant ca«e. llie The undersigned have received instiuc- the .AdoiiniHtiatri.x of the estate ,if the late Gervas Hiizard to sell by Public Auction at Cap. McLachlan's Hotel, iu the Village of Ceyli-n on Saturday, the First Day Of March, A.D. 1919 accused lived in a German settlement, i «t t'le l'"'"' ^^ ^*^ o'dock in the afternoon ,, , , c :> ^ r .1 i Lot Number rive, Ci'iicession 4, >;irili aud his whole course of conduct from the ^^ „,^ l,^,.,,,,,, ^^.^j ,„ „,^ Township of lime the Military Service Act went into | Artemesia, containing 100 acres more or operation, ir.dicated determination to less, known as the Hazard faim. The evade Military service. He npplied for '»"'•'« S'"*! I" *^"^ * •^''^'i ^'"y '"*"'â-  ^^'^^ , . , , ,1 J , 8o acres of which are under cnltivation ; exemption which was disallowed and, e . „a i, ,_<,.. -,i i .,.i, ..,,h ' nine acres ot gi^od liardwood busli and appealed . Uls father, who was in busi- ; ihe balance in bcavermeadow :ind swamp, ness with the cccused aud one other sou, | There is said to be erected on the prem- gol up petitioui for his exemption, and >»«« » l"^'*? *^'"^">. S"V'* f.f'"""^ under threat of boycott, induced niauu SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC useis say about 1900 (.Iravitv washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity ashers and wringers lilectiie and gasoline power washers. «»r? f v.: ^- â€" ALSO for McCormick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, IJay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls, Uarrows, Gasoliue Engines, Brautford double geartd and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mills, Bea'ty Hay C.irviors, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water ^ Bowl.s, W'ater Tanks, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS *.)iie third iiuiie wood cut with stinie po«(ar vvlieci li'ted wicli my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. stable and alio -t comfortable log house is well watered and fairly we about 2^ miles from Priceville and 3;' , miles from Fleshertou, and une third of a mile from school, ami is accommo- dated with rural mail delivery. The sale is being made with th.) approval of the i)thcial guardian on I ehalf of the infants » long tune under an ; by whom the reserve bid would be fixed, He was finally appro- I "'"^ the^purchase money is to bo paid into facturing tirms with which he was dealing to write to the Military Service authori- tie* in behalf of his sou. When exemption was lefused, money was furnished the accused, whereby ha was scut West and lived there for ataumed Bame NOTICE ^"tIi" uUce '' ^'"'^''â- ''^ '* hereby given thst a Bylaw ! residence and premises thereto belouglDg rell fenced ^ "â- '" V^^^^ ^y ^^^ Council of the Village i to the late M. K. Richardson, tlesher- MI.. ,.„^ •«' "f Flosherlor. on the 31st day of Decem- ton. On the premises are a largo brick Residence For Sale For sale cheap and ou easy terms, the _ _ premises are a largo I of veneered dwelling, well finished and in fo) u 1 J - .1... o. 1 13 I .. L _ ' the Canadian of Cunnierco to the bended in the Province of Saskatchewan. . ; ,. t.^.i\,K â-  i i^,,.j;»., j I imnt credit of the Ulhcial duardiau aud It was clear from the evidpnco that the i (,^q Aamiuistratrix. accused and his fiiraily were the centre of for further pariicular.i and ondilions a diHii'yal Germ in community, and it was of sale apply to the uuiersigned. or, 1018, providing for the issue debentures 10 the amount of 1J1200, for good repair, contains 9 large bedrooms the purpose of extensions and improve- „„ the second Hat arJ a large double nient heretofore made in^connectiou with bedroom >in first flat ; good never failing the Flesherton Hydi-o -Electric System, ^^11 with force pump in basement, are and 'o provide for further e.xtensions ^„od cistern all well linished for winter thereof and to issue debentures therefor, | or summer kitchen and dining and wash and that auoh By-law was re«iHtiered in roonn wi!;h good pantry and other oon- Ihe Registry tttBoe for South Orey on veniences ; large lawn and garden with the ISth day of January. li)l» good young orchard bearing and plenty Any motion t> i|U»sh or sot aside tho, of (mail fruit : yood larye frame stable same or any part thereof must bo made {and driving house. Premises woulo ilhin three months after the tirst publi- j make excellent laige boarding house and a clear ease of deliberate desertion. The Dated at Owen Sound llus 31st day of | cation of this uotine and cauuot be made iptivate office besides, or would answer evidence brought fir ward on behalf of January, A.D. 1919. t thereafter. well for two teoauts and also good oHioo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ Januaty, lyn,. i tor rent. Ap^dyto R J. Sproule on W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, i "" P'-*"""*^ "'"' "'" '^°'' *"'' '^-^'' the accused did not cast any doubt on the truth of tbe facts above enumerated." MIDDLKBRO* SPKAKMAN, Solicitors for Martha Susan Hazard, j Administratrix, Uwen Souod, Ont. { ' over tbe premises. 170c

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