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Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1919, p. 2

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Positive Definite Knowledgeâ€" of its Matchless Quality and Value has been the forceful power that has created a safe of 25 million packets Annually..^ m i /Ibonf the 'Must Havos" and '-Would Liken." I know at the outset fhat the avcr- nge woman would never follow the "short cuts*' and "plans" which I strength. A large per cent, of the thing's women do are done for no other reason than be-.ause "fo'ks will talk." Let them talk. You can afford to if a Tca-Pot Test is better than a B649 #v\«;;]^^ l^"!^ a Tca-Pot Test is bet( A kZ. Ill* Volume oi Argumcntsi ArtKxir Stanwood Pier//^ |"1 Ccpyrlxbt Koairliton MimJn Ccmvasr by spacUl •rTai>B'am«st wlUi T2ioa. AU*a Tezeato adopt to jj-et through with the work ! your refu.s^al to conform to their stan- whifh fulis-to the lot of mothers, with ! dards drives you a few hours extra or without help. As a matter of fact, no woman will follow exactly any other woman's methods, for in- dividuality a.sserts itseif in houscwc k an i!n everything else and we must all cut our goods to suit our pattern. But a^ women ere women, I feel pretty time for pleasure or rest. â€" D. H. WHEN JACK TAR TASK Short Cuts To Housekeeping. Ten cents worth of camphor jrum, one pint of gasoline mi.wd is one of the best things for chilblains. . . In pr^jparing grapefruit for the sure that mighty few would even try! table, ,if jt is rolled, as one rolls a'„„„. p ... . to adopt my pU;n for 1 have a strong lemon, the fruit is more juicy and the «rujia leaning towards ma.sculine styles in pulp is loosened, giving a better ~" flavor. When baking apples try my way: Run the corer only part way thi'ough. Into this little cup place the sugar. rival home. There is also the prize- money, etc., to look forward to. Thia C/^-ann »?/v^an ' "''' " prist to the mill, ri)'' P^ riBfVfr' I The long service man who is re- vililaJ f.iivi.iU : maining in the Navy will not receive I Ml these concessions immediately; ' but later on. when his time comes for OF DE"IOniLIZING NAVY SERVICE THE housoKeeping. To begin with, I make a s.trong line of <!cmarcation between "must haves" and "would Mkcs."' The "mu.<it have-," Ex-53ai!or3 Will Make Their Re-Entrance Into the Civilian Life. The demobilization of the Navy will be a busy time for those con- pension or discharge, he also will rsap the benefit of these changes. The war has put an end to the somewhat callous methods previously in forcev "'AIG WANTS YERr Care for the Enemy Wounded i» Characteristic of Tommy. The British Tommy has carried CHAPTER XXXIX. "Sometimes," said Maguira, "it's ant, to» qi'i'te as important as matters thcit bad cau.scd him temper- â-  ; what hii5 iiitentio'iTs were. All dried fruits are im- wecJc's time to "do up,"â€" in short, all I thus Iniked arily to forget all about it He had I I" the automobile he glanccl at hia I tnc lrill» and furbelows so dear to the proved by ih's mode of cookmg. intended to tell Nora of Ti^aak's as- : ^'"^^h. "Eleven o'clock. Too bad fenimme soul, and so conspicuous by Who has not opened their include plain food, clean clothes and I spice and a little butter, and they wiir cerned with the preparation of the with him into the trenches his love rooms and lots of soap and water ap-|cook into and flavor the whole apple. | various documents, and with the ex- of chalT as well as his love for hum- plied to bodiea and furnishings. I The fruit will also keep in shape bet-' ecution of the procedure necessary for anity. K correspondent reports an The "would likes" include fancy work, ter than when the entire core is taken' the release of the different classes of incident that well illustrates both crochetcHl doilies, pillow sh-ims, em- out. j men, says a London newspaper. Many qualities: bi-oidered towels, bric-a-brac stuck Use a bean pot to bake your apple ; innovations will be encountered by "Any winklin' to be done along top the clerical staff, but all of them are 'ere?" asked one of the perspiring un- for the better. i victors. "Or do we get a bit of a rest ej Before the war, the discharge of and f chainge?" avor IS aeneous „£„ to the shore was a simple pro-* t."""' «"• '«* =^ ««* "" ^' *' *"S- &urance that after the e'lecWon he >'»" should have had to miss so much ; their absence in a bachelor's bunga wx>uld find a place for him in somekw "f your hoMd-ay. But after gottjng low office. She wou.'-d l>e so rcMeved to your letter I harl thmgs to do that know that the question of getting a Prevented me from conung eaa- ler. tOart need no longer cause them an- J*!' ^^<. how were you able to get xxity! I"*" holiday? Nora strolled along tho spacious 'Oh, Bilbow and Slos&on will do wered the Yorkshire lad. So they moved along the captured trench, "winkling"â€" that is to say, digging the cowering Germans out of their holes, if necessary, with the All these things are nice, if you like the parts and thei-cby wasted? I did,j J'weTve years" service"' at' the "end of p"'"' "* '^^'^ bayonet, and with bombs them. I'll grant they, or a few of | until I evolved this for myself and^,},j,.j, -^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^o sever his con- •" readiness. them, play a part in our aesthetic j would like to i^ass it on to other farm ,,^^.^4^^ ^^j^fj y,g N'vy but without! There were four of them on this cess for the paymaster and his staff. There was only active service ratings cream, (,nd occasional reservists to be dealt .-ieparator in winter U. find from one^^itj,. The man of the Royal Navy to three spoons of cream sticking to proper signed on for a period of education, but I cont(>nd they are non- : women, if any have that trouble with the Navy, pension. K he was a man of good expedition â€" a cockney, a Yorkshire- aisles. Of the fourth floor of BilW -^ Vâ„¢?. ".^ rS^*'". '^"ribJl , "f'^ " ^^l^.^^^ ^\^..^\ â- "^!^'.".^''l'" "!'!""" ^.!7^ character he had the alternative of --•.^y-"«:„^^''°:!.f^?p^„^' i'^ !' and Slcsson's. Ks, usuaJ, the young vomen who presided over the mvUin- ery ami ligeiie counters gazed at her enviou.=Iy, the floorwalker with the nc-at black mustache and em<>'uional dark eyoj CT<?eted her with affability, and the custc-mers whom slv; passed turmxl their heads to foVow her with interest. But these demonstrations failed to provoke in her the Utual agreeai'le reaction, the new costumes ami <>i«-3se8 displayed upon the form.? faiiilied to win hsr critical s,-rutiny, tho . „ ,, ^ . â-  persua-sivo perfumes thait the discreet en. ..„...„ and subtle mettagenient caused to per-' maabe this aristo(Tatic section of their establi.^'nmen-t faikd to give 7>;caaure to \SrK most fastidious of her senses. Even the s-urvey of herself in the long miiTors at tho ends of the aisles waps ' mec'hanieal, abstracted, indifl'erent. Patrick Maguire emerged from the, elcvaAor ancf came tow^arJs her. Nora blushed and tremt'cd when she saw i Wm; as they approached each other,' walking slowly, she pressed a hand to| her throat; her heart w^a,< jumpiag and battering. Maguire lookcil grave and determined; ho lifted his pea- green F'edora hat and replaced it on his hs-ad without a sar^ile. "I get your letter," he said, as ho turned and walked with her. "After and a Berkshire rustic. The cockney, Harry Taylor, otherwise known as ^J^^rVS^ 'tlS^ /!-« -'^h 'he fumxishing, which ij^vith the milk; then, if water instead, -; ^^SlJJ to'^v^'tlrE^^I^wili; Chippy,,was in civil life a conductor the Citv Council. And I never heW i ^''">"»^^e as lime-killers, I include; of skim-milk is usecj to flush the ^^ pension. Then there were the ra- •em up" for itâ€" net to any grcv.t ex- fancy choking, frosted cakos, ftsirful ^"^v . have ,it a littte warm_er than ^,,g^. ^xeeption:il cases of men who tent." I a»<l wonderful entrees, desserts and, ''"esh milk instead ot cold, as in warm He mada no allusion to the letter, j salads that take an hour to m:vke and i weather. Warming the cones, etc., but when he had driven out beyond , two minutes to oat, and all the relat- ^ before screwing the bowl together, the suburbs he stopped' the car and d H„e of dishes which call for a half-! also helps, drew a snvj'l box fiom bis pocket. He ^ j,„^^,„ ingredients and give you an at- 1 "* handed it to her. There's cne of the things I had to tack of indigestion. The haii WHAT ABOUT CLOTHES? Sea how vou lik" it "' taught me, are not only non-essen-l .^. ^ ,^„, . ~ , She opened it with a premonition ' tiaLs, they are criminals. Dyspepsia «"<'«h ««â- Â«â€¢â- â€¢ '" ''"^^on Comments of what ;hc should find. Yet she , lurks in their train and women's was unprepared for the splendor that^ strength is wasted in their making, she uncovcred-a ring in which wa.? Add to this list of things cut out, â- '""U's'^vT'S '•ine'''"he -ai.l Sh^P''* ''"''^ '''*==""'"« "^ ^^"^'^^« ""«^<^"<' looked T*'it'a'''mom''ini longer' and ^'"^ .''°"=« dresses which /lequire much I but I .suppose if I leave it for a time on Problem of Prices. '•With this armistice being signed," I said to tho tailor, "I expect I shall be wanting some civilian clothes soon; then held it out to him. "Put I't on," he said, oks on your finger." "Oh, a!i; right." She began to take off ironing and you have stricken out j the prices will go down a lot Soxj how it! about all tii;it bcauty-lning women they not?" "No, sir, will getting it, I had one or two things to attend to, and then I oame round here at once. It doesn't go, Nora, it doesn't go.'- j dote on. So you see why I say I know beforehaml that no one is go- hc-r right ing to follow my advice. ^iovp. , „ , , ' think perhaps the hardest part of "The other g.^ovc he siigge:de< . 1 i^^.j^ ^ young mother is the getting "It'sonth. left hiwid that, sworn. v^,^,j to tho sacrifices you have to ",\nvlhing to oblige you. Of couroo •, ,, - _ , ,., , ti t ..i. I don't bind myself in any vNay." I f}«'^= ^^^ I'ouv children Up to the "Of couF-'j not." time of your first b;<by's arrival you She slipped the ring on har finger , 'lave been expecliiig other folk.s to and held it up so that the light played ' cater to you. From tho fnne your were discharged "Service no longer required," or who purchased their discharge to obtain more congenial employment ashore. In Pre-War Days. In all these cases the procedure was much the same. The men fell in at the ship's office and received their pay, to which was added the sum I realized by the auction of their kit; they then passed along to the cap- tain's oflice, where they were handed tlitir Service certificates, a railway i pass to their homes, with a meal al- ! lowarice for their journey; and. then on the Underground; the Yorkshire- man, Sam Sykes, otherwise Bill, â€" the connection is obvious, â€" was a wool comber; Dicky Sam, from Liverpool, had been a stevedore, and Piggy, from Berkshire, had been a farm laborer. "Oxford-circus, all chainge!',' shout, ed Chippy into a black hole. "Com* along, Fritz. 'Aig wants yer." The dugout proved to be empty. "Non-stop Golder's Green!" shoutec Chippy into the next opening. "03 the car l^rst, please!" A wailing shout of surrender came from within, and six pale Huns hur- ried out, one saying eagerly that he lived at Golder's Green. "Now, if you gentlemen will kindly he ^«P"«^-^;;^^.^*»^iun!ess they jioined the Fleet Re^^ assistant will be on it. "Dees it happen to fit?" he asked. "Yes, it's ju>'t a'bout light." "Of comva if it weren't and you 'j-ikcd the sLor.e, it could 'be ai»t in u I'ing of the right .size." fjrsthom arrives you begin to live a n?w life, a life of servico to others. At tho nurse and your mather tell you you must <lo th's and that for the baby's sake, but before many '•\VKait do you mean?" she asksd faintly. "Yoti're going to knock ofT work j ''"'\',"u ,][on.tVe*'xJ^rm'3 to accept such I '"""^hs you wake up to find the youn^ Imre and come cut wth me while 1 ,j gift." tyrant telling you himself. For tcl|! you. I' ^ _ 1 ..J wouldn't have •bought it iif I some inscrutable re!i=»c>n, children as- "I can't iJOfjib.y do that. 'hadn't expected you to accept it." sumo from their earliest consiqious "Oh, ye-?, tiKit'B what you re going i's ^ut of the I should moments that their mother is their to do. And <^ant wait for you to tj^].^ ^^ ^,^^ uk,, that only from the own personal property with no rights change your ckthes either; wliat you ,r^,,„ , ^,.,, engaged to." .^hi^,, thov are bouinl to .-expect And J-«»ye on will do very well bo just. ..Wejl, kt's not argue \\k^ I»'nt. Lfte? a%vhUr consXnUous mckh^^^ tell whocver'.H n. Charge thuit >"ou'i^ .,„^, ^^^. .[t to-day to celebrate the f 'j. /'""'^ conscientious motheia lfo.:ng out and don't know when you'll holiday. Don't you like to see it on' ""'f'" l>e bacl<." I your finger?" Nora taughed noivously. "You must ' ..n-g perfectly wond'crfu'l," sh» Uwifk I want to lose my job.' ... adnnitted. trary, they will go up. so many like yourself requiring civil- ian clothes that the price of cloth is bound to go higher. If I was you, I should most certainly order your clothes now." "I'll think about it," said I. and walked out of the shop. As I had to go back to France on the completion of my leave, and, be- ing hi the Royal Enginecr.s, it was generally expected that we should have ti) i-.-main out clearing up. Living railways, making roads, rebuilding the Navy said good-bye to them. The paymaster closed their ac- ' counts, forwarded their National j Health -Certificates to the -Admiralty,' and other men were drafted to the ship they had left in their place. j Under this system no arrangements ! disengaged very shortly," commented Chinpy. "Next gentleman, please!" Dicky Sam watched over the prison- ers, while tho others went on to the third and last opening. "Pass along down the car. please!" cried Chippy. ".\nybody at 'ome?" He peered into the gloom and at last made eut one were jnade for the future of unpen- sioned nitn. The ratings discharged recumbent fonn. ut the end of twelve years' service | "Come on, Fritzie, then," he said were often smart men who had de- persuasively, "and nurse'll div 'im a cided to better themselves; these were ; ickle sausage." a distinct loss to the service. They \ "Pig-dog Englandcr!" snarled tht were generally hcdped by the Navy ; "winkle." "You won't lose it. Toll 'em you'll buy the c'otbea you have on; that's true cnoug'h. They suit you well: I like you in them, and I'll buy 'em for you." "I wouldn't let you . " "Oh," »!tid Maguire wsth a faint fTiiiile, "I guess you will." The forewoman came liustling up, 'Feeling sind seeing It on your hand will give you ]ilcasure to-diay, wont it?" "Yes, I suppose it Willi." "That's all that's iiocesir.iry." He start<;<l the car and <lrove on wiithfliit further speech. His silence aiKl his wr of purposcfulness seemed to Nora fornnidJib'.*.'; this ride became puxuloj, interc-stwl, and pleasant. "Oh,' exciting; ;.'h'e was unable to think of Mr.-i. Corcoran," she said, "Mr. Strat-! things to s^iy, boi-ause she was so «ent up word that you're ,kcenW exTicctimt and anp to feel a little themselves as though thoir duty to their children wa.i paramount. ."Vad iis a matter of fact it is. I heartily believe that the most impor- tant thing a mother has to do it to servo her children. Children first, house next, is tbe true way. Too many mothers turn it about niid make tho children second. A dean, v.ell- bridge.s, etc., for months, if not years, - .- - - - . ., - i ,.,,. , i,,,, . , /^,i,,-.>„ . :_ I decided I would not follow tho Employment Agency, or some similar . "Pig-dog yerself ! cried Chippy in- tailor's advice, and so I sauntered institution; often they obtained good dignuntly. ' Give^yer a taste of bay - further down the Strand 1 Jo'^s on their o\ni initiative. The : nit in a minute. Having to wait near one of the ' others- -men uinvilliiig, or not allowed j To their surprise the German burst manv C.overnment cfflces which seem to re-engage, or men who had earned ^ into tears Chippy hesitated no to full of immac..datoly-dre..sed ofR- a very small pension at the end of longer but entered the dugout, and it was borne in upon me that their twenty-two years, or men inval- knelt by the pros rate man. ided just found themselves adrift in ; " K's wounded! he called out. a sailor's suit, with a few pounds in ! "Get the others back and pass the their pocikets and a railway pas.^. I word for stretcher bearers. There, On tho other hand, the men of the ! matey." he added soothingly, "Cheei reserves and coastguard who were up, we're all soldiers 'ere." called up for fourteen or twenty-eight days' annual training were able to ccrs, my own old tunic was extremely shabby, and that perhaps I had better really invest in one more new khaki rig-out, if only for the ."iake ot" the ol(i corps, so I called in .Tnother "civil and military" tailor's cslablishment Said I to the manager: "1 am afraid I shall have to get another tunic some >eturn to their civilian work at once, time; but I suppose the prices will he so their discharge involved no hard kept house is to t'him of more impor- j very much down shortly, as they will | ship tancc than happy children. But they i not be reciuirod, so perhaps I had bet-; are ivrong. Tlicy will have many Iter wait a few weeks." But during the war the naval per- ye4irs to keep up the house after the! "On the contrary, sir," he replied, sonnel has grown from 120,000 to children are grown, but tho years ' "If I might offer you advice, you will some 500,000. Apart from the men The New System. ton has just «ent up word that you're ,kceniy expectant and apprehensive. to have a holiday. So you're excused,' i^jt'cd, «he couldn't tell whether it of course. What a nice day for it!" ' ' • - "A holiday!" cried Noi w^ift it. I haven't asked "Now don't you form -.._ -._ ,„, ^„„ p,„.„ ,„„, ,...^ .,„,^ „.„^,. ,,,.,, ... ., , - , .,, ,, rejecting everything that's offered to off. She kept her bare haind in hier|«hould sit clown with a pencul and order to cope with th N< " â-  â-  A Natural Enquiry. Lord George Wellesley said k*. a luncheon: "One result of this war will be that the English workingman will b« better paid. He'll be content no longer with his wages of the past. ., . _. "The English workingman is show- . , . I when they run train their children ' place your order at once, as the of tho. Navy proper, there are pen- 1 j„j; ;„ ,m„it)erlcss wnv.s his resolve to ttiiy tor It. 1 v,-a,s expectancy or a))pTeliensivenc3S i jj^to ri-'ht habits of living and think- : the prices are sure to go up by leaps sioner.^. Fleet Reserve, Royal Naval have a better share of the good things \'i<.r i !-'•• *''»i agitated her. j^^ ^,.p „,, too few. and bounds, because they will be stop- Reserve, R.N.V.R.. coastguards men ^is labor creates. I know a lady who. the haidt of'n.ifrf'the^iloVe tt.t .L had te^^^^^ '^ ^ «'«^" « y°""f? '"'*'''* ^"'^'"y ' P'"^ ^^^ '"=''='"*=^ "^ ^udd cloth, in for "Hostilities only," men of the L^hen the submarine crisis was at its . _ . , put on gio\e ,.ne .m.i caxcn , ..^.. .,, _,^ ,,^ ..,. „ ,, , ,,, ,^.. _,,_,,,^ ,.,„ ,...„.,_ „„,.,;„„ „„,„„„,;,,. _,;„,„ i^ lectured in the east end of<I Maguire. lap and frecjucntly bprcad out the Paper and make a list of every1.hing 1 1 "I'll â€" erâ€" think about it," I said trade." trawler section, and the Australian, tlanadian, and i,o„tlon on 'Cheap and Tasty Dishes "Now, now, wlwt did 1 Jii*t tell you 'that." ' |" fond good-bj-e until the childi-en^ i,,.;^^, jj^iout a scarcity of both khaki of tho balance of p.ny due to each man per, an onion and nlwut the awful mijtake of rejp,ctin«' Opening it, nlio discovered a pair of are grown up. i „„,) civilian clothes, and should there- will be no light task, and, in addition, " 'Wait a bit, ma'am!' what's oflfered to you?" Maguii-e'«j earrings, into each of which was s".t | If there was anyone in the neigh- , ,,e 4,,^ reason of still further in- ' each will be furnished with a civil 1 "A gaunt chap had risen from a W^^^«n'"'''"r'^'i;; 1 n'rlw^tn" LnM '^ 'fT . '^,"' ^^''^"'}]^ "^'f' ,?'**' , '^o''!"""' ^^hom I could gH to hclp me ^^ i,„, exorbitant Brices that war ' employment form, a protection and front seat. He was pointing his long lorewomnn. *-omo on now; wo don t i;ooked at Maguii-c with con.^ternation. {„ f^.w hours each week I should hire - k », s want to waste Any more time. Of: "Coodnttsa! course you're g(/irg to keep these real?" clothw." I "Sure," h she cried, answered, with a note ".\re Ihey j them, even if the farm ks not paid for In the tiime limit I'd like. A little "Why, of courfie, Mrs. Corcoran.", of injured sensitiveness in his voice. help now, and tlmo aiwl strength to has produced. Hand Medley Wanted. ,Ti.j, .,. ,,«i.,r,., ....o. ..L,.vw...,,. 01 mjuieii 5CHS uivciiirja III ma vv/.v-c. , . ..... British bandmasters huvo a busy Tlio forewoman employc«l the honey- "Po you think I'd be giving you imi- 1 '""•'o^' ^'°"'" "a'''''^'-* 01 more import- „head of them. For it inav be arrangements which hrive been made .j^ I presumed that this year there will be for the well-being of the discharged , . „ , » 1 L â-  1 â-  i. " I many festivities in which our Allien sailor. After disper.sal from ship or such lung... 1 way of dc-vices to save; ^„^ti,i „u,. Most of the military barracks lie will receive twenty-eight "All right, 1 won't J;alk of it,' he myself the drudge ly of , heavy farm , |;^||^i; ^^^.^ mastered the intricacies days' leave before his final discharge, xjo of the Czccho-.Slovak Natioiuil Hymn, during which period he will be paid and some are making acquaintances leave allowance at the rate of 2s. Id. identity certificate, a demobilization forefinger at the lady and scowling, ration-book â€" all of them war innova- " 'Wait a bit. ma'am!' ho repeated, tions. I 'What I want to know is, who get* Equally necessary are some further , the coii-' " ed manner that she exhibit<!d only to' tations?" " ' nnce a deed to a farm. Andi; cuBtomera of di.9tinctioiu "They're! "You mustn't, mustn't talk of giv-; should buy everything I could in so lovely on you; good' gi\icioua, I ing m vV.-h .somebody wou'ld m;ike me such a! "Ail pi-esent." ! aaid (indulgenMy. "But juat put 'work. You will have enough of it "Yoti might just as wwU wear Ohem, them on. They'll help you to enjoy ^ jf you gave yourself all you can. Ncra," urgtd Magu'lrc. "If yvyu j^„r lio'.ilay." ^ .,,. I doubt you have a cr.^im separator. "Who ii dumb? He who does no\ know how to say kind tilings at th* proper time." â€" Hindu Saying. don't, tli^y'll bo sent roiiml to your, she sal grazing nt. tha peails with ^^^,^ ^^ ^^j^^ jj^j^^ house. Why not wear them an>l rapt eyes; slw held them in her hand ,. „ ", x,-_ . <ncreia«e Wie ploaattrti of your hoTi- reverently. Never before had sh day?" I touclicd anything .so rai"c, so rich, so coal or ga.soline iron, bread mixer, a ! ''ecognizable bar or two of That'B riffht too," agreed t!h« fopo-' fabulously extiensive. AsT-shViook" | flrelcjs cooker, everything you hear Get a power "'•"' *''^ Hcdiaz Chant. What is per diem. Before tho war. leave w«.sWng machine, a mangle, « char-^vanted is a composition containing a allowance was but 2Hd. a day. and ' recognizable bar or tv/o of all the was not credited in these circum- ' Allied patriotic melodie.s which may stances. woman. „ "I must say- " 1«Jgon Nora; but powei- of putting, her into a trance. Maguire intcrinipled with a remark | Out of something vei-y like tha* to the forewoman, who interpreted it MBguiro's voice, gently imistent, correctly «.i a diBmi.'Mil. ".(u^Ht : o'i thnt it'.4 charged to me, w,'ll yJ)U, i/liiae?" '1 mn.»,t KTxy,' re."„?ato<l Nora, as iha forcvim.' . vl.'h;7rcw, "this is the rfrr." • •. i..>ir(| of ar. answer to tliat,her Before he goe.s home the ^d" atthem," tliey "Beemed to hive tha I of that will help save your strength, i l'« Plnv^^'- for instance, whenever tho , sailor will receive a sum of £2 12s, These things are no longer cxperi-j toast of the Allies is honored summoned her "Put 'em on, Nora; let's aee how you look with 'cm on." She laid the precious things care- fully in her bip and began to unpin her veil. "I wonder," she said, "if I vKju'vo crazy or am IT" mcnts any more than tractors and ma>4 tor trucks. They arc things youj really need and should insist on hav- ing. Above all, be your own misti'ess. Don't let neighborhood habits or c»iiin- iona influence you to try to do things. for which you hnve neither time nor, enough alone." He Explains. 'Are you ilown on matrimony?" "Not nt all," said the old bachelor Alatrimonv is well enou'th." "Yes?" "And I believe in letti-iq; we! fid., to provide himself with a civilian I suit; an overcoat will be loaned him, I if necessary; and he will be provided j with food for hi.", free journey. ! Jack's "Perks." I .\vrrtngoments are being made so ' I that Naval Reserve men can draw I tbpir accumulated war-retainers at | I local post-offlcea soon after their ar- ( STOCKS H.M. Connolly & Co. Membera Montreal Stock Exchange. 10^-106 TRANSPORTATION BUILDINC BONDS !

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