h? gkBhctim %Hmce. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 33 Feslierton, Ont., January U3 I'JIB 'â- ' ' CEYLON It wus Harry Mr. Lake and tittle lou arrived tu town and are boarding at H. Piper's. He is working at Ihe mill. Bornâ€" Jan. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coilinson, a daughter. Congratulations. Mrs. T. Coleman of Owen Sound is visitiBf her daughter, Mrs. F. Collinsun. Mr. Dailey and little dauahter have returned from visiting Sarni:i f . lends. The Women's Institute will hold their meeting this Friday afiernoon at the borne of Mil. Archie SincUir. This village was shocked whin learned the past week that Mrs, Tucker, a former resident of thi«i place, hid passed an&y »t. the home of her daughter, Mrs. I.saac Cruikshank of Paisley. Full particulars elaawhere. An OwBU Sound ijrui has a nunjber of teams enga^ad drawing slabs from Rock Mills and loadioi; tbeo; on cars here. Mrs. Diniiick and family leave this week to spend a few weeks with friends in Toronto. Miss Oertha McPhail has returned after spendlnsr a montti in Toronto. Miss Lilly McPhail ipent the week end with friends in Dundalk. There passed away Monday at 1 o'clock at her home here Mrs. John Kennedy, after several months of severe sutt'arlug from cancer. Deceased was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Kennedy and was born 54 years aj<o. About twelve years ago she wis united in marriage to her now sorrowing husband, besides whom she leaves to mourn her loss two sisters and one brotherâ€" Mrs. Andrew Uutledge of Ceylon, Andrew and Miss Bella Kennedy on the homeitead â€" to whom much sym- pathy is extended. The funeri. takes place on Wednesday to Flesberton ceme- tery. D. D. McLauchlaa received word oa Saturday night that hi* father, a very aged oenclemas, had passed away, after only a short illness. The funeral takes place Tuesday to Priceville cemetery. We understand that Edward Sargent his sold his residence here to J. J, PatterioQ of Stone's Line, possession to be given in March. FEVERSHAM Miss Lizzie Croft has returned from Thornbury, where she was visiting her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Charle.'^ Btackenbury and daughter, of Depot Harbor, spent the past week with the farmer's mother and brother. Miss Ethel Winters, of Portia w, spent a few days with Francia Alexander. Mi.s8 Mary Julian and friend spent a few days hist wjek at Mr. Ferguson's, Kimberley. Mr, and Mrs. Ned Crutc spent Sunday at the latter's home. We are sorry to report Mr. Wesley Beatty, of the 8th line, ill with pneu- nnonia. We wish bina a speedy recovery. Misees Marion and Marjorie Daud had their uncle, Mr. Hu»hsoc, of Toronto formerly of Aberdeeu, Scotland, to spend Christmas anc' New Years with Ihem. DUNDALK A telegram reached Mrs. Ed. Patt'.>n, back line. Proton, infoiiuiiig her of the death at Edmonton, Alberta,of her sister Mrs. (Rev.) G. W. Hicks (nee Maggie Ferns). InHuenzt wiis the cause of her death. The patrons of rural route No. 8, Protuu Station, presnated their mail carrier, Mr. John Roome, at Chrigtmaa with a very generous purse of money as a mark of appreciation. Miss Beitba Woods, daus^hter of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Woods, gravel road, underwent an operation for abcess and appendicitis. Although the case was »ery crilicil the patient is reported to be doing «s well as could bo expected â€" Herald . Card of Thanks PROTON Mr. H. G. Becker and son, Jack, are Tisiting relatives ia Toronto. Mr. George Mutchinson of Kimberley waa a welcome visitor in our burg this Wv-ek with a load of applies. Miss Lulu Duncan of Dundalk visited for a few days with her cousiu, Maude Acheson. Airs. Still's parents from Mount Forest are sUyiug with her. I desire to thvik my maay friends iiud I neighbors for the very great kindness shown during our recent trouble by thj death of my wife. t>sprey, Jan. i:i â€" J:is. McKenzie. Card of Thanks The ecatement of receipts and expeu- ditur% of the Shelburue Hydro, from Dec. 15, l'.)17, Jo Dee. 17, 191iS, just printed, shows total recoipts of $7o4(i.08 ana total expenditure of $6910 81, with 1605.27 cash on hand. The liabilities are placed at |4,688 88 and assets at f 1,360.30, the excess of liabilities over Msets being S:5,138.5C. Mrs. Harold Smith wishes to thank friends and nuighbors fur their kindness shown iu our recent sad bere^venien^ also for kind and sympathetic letters from many friends. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends for their kindness shown during the illness and death of our mother. â€" Claude Ekins and B'amily. BUY War-Savings Stamps On Sale at all MONEY-ORDER POST OFFICES BANKS AND WHEREVER THIS SIGN IS DISPLAYED BUY War-Savings Stamps for $-1.00 each, place them on the Certificate, which will be given to you; have your Stamps registered against loss, free of charge at any Money-Order Post Office; and on the first 4»y of 1924i Canada will pay you $5.00 each for your stamps. As an aid to the purchase of W.-S. S. you can buy THRIFT Stamps for 23 cents each. Sixteen of these Thrift Stamps on a Thrift Card will be exchanged for a W.S. S. Thrift Stamps do Hot bear interest. Their virtue U that they enable you to apply every 25 cents you can save towards the purchase of a Government, interest-hearing security. "If high rates of interest must be paid on Oovemment borrow- ings it is but rignt that every man, woman, and child should bave the opportimity to cam this interest." â€" Sir Thomas While. $5.^1 for $4.22 PRICEVILLE The mild damp weather prevailing a few days before and after Christmas sermed to cause much sickness in this vicinity, but since the cold steady weather has set in there has ben a decided change for tne betttr. W* have coc learned of any new caies durins; the past week, or mote, and the sick ones are couvalesciim, though eonie feel weak. All seem thankful that iliey escaped a less desireable fate Mr. Geo. Waison and family were sorely bit with the ep'deaiic. The father and mother both stricken down nn Dec. 21st and stvvral membiers of the t.iiiiily Uter. .Mis. '•Vatson Wiis iio' in rubuit health for some time put and during the live days of her last illness the people of the vicinity were iu suspense afniid, yt-t hc'piuijshe might recover, but she passed away on the uioin:u!» oi the 26lh. The funeral took place on the afternium of the 27lh. Itev. McCarten conducted prayer at the residence, the memorial service was postponed lo a la:er da'e. The undertaker whteled the casket to the stairway, and Mr. Walsou, who was unable to leave his ruum, managed to come to the head tf the stairs and louk down on the face of bis beloved wife for a U«t farewell, lutermeut took place iu Priceville public cemetery. Utv. Mc- Cirteu read the beautiful buiial service at the grave. The family feel the separation of wife and mother very keen- ly and they h:ive the sympvlhy of the community. Bev. J. A. Matkesou and family moved to their new charge. Mono Mills, on Tuesday of Ust week. On the Friday evening pceviuus, a le.'eptiou was held iu the busemenl of the Presbyterian church. After sever*! speeches were delivered, a lengthy address ws read to Mr. Matheson and family, also a purse containing (210 presented. The ladies alio gavu a purse to Mrs. Matliesjn, Miss Matheson and Master Ktnneth. Ou'.tide rsaders of last week's "Ueview ' might possibly infer that the purse given Mr. Uathesou, was contributed by members of his congregation alone, but we think it no harm to lay that the list of uamea baaded iu with the cash, shows that every family in Pricevill*, with the ex- ception of one or two, contributed their mite willingly, not because certain men solicited, but because ait the churches loved Mr. Matheson as a pastor and as a private citizen, and we all wish him success iu his new held of labor. Rev. G. Kendall of Dundalk conducted service iu the Presbyterian church last Sunday morniug and declared the pulpit vacant. U was announced in the churches on Sunday luorniug that Mr. John McLach- lan had p^s-ied away Saturday night, aged 88 years. The funeral will be held va Tuesday afternoon from the family resi- dence. North Line, to Priceville public cemetery. We may bj able to give mote particulars later. Stothart and Frook shipped two cars of live stock to the city last week. TRYON Wood cutting ia the order of the day. Mr. Parker and sous have finished their contract in Wdton's bush anl Hoghie is assisting Basil Sornberger in his bush at present. Bobbie Mclmyre was engaged in cutting wood with Dannie Cameron. Miss Gilmer is Dack agaiu after spend- ing her Christmas holiday.f in George- town and visited a few dajs at Mr. S. McArlhur's. Archie McLean spouf, New Vears at Georgetown and repotts a good time. Neil Thompson atid Dannie Cameron have gone to Toronto for their discjjarge. Aichie Mclnneshas recently purchaatd a Kfaphonola. A. Sornberffer gave a parly on New Years night and all present report a cood time. We are sorry to report We» and Jack Beatty ill with pneumonia. Merelta Clark is viwling her gtaud- mother, Mrs. Cameron. Mr. Bob Mclatyre and friend, Mi-s Cameron, spent New Yeais with the f.irmei'a uncle, Joseph Cruft. Some of Jour young peo[>lp attended the Welcome Homo party which was held at Rob Rey for Pte. S. McQueen of that place. Feversham L. O. L. A BELATED REPORT Un Dec. 11, 1918, the above lodge met in their lounge room, it b^ing the annual meeting for the winding up of the year's business and the election of otticers. There wa.s a good attendance of the members of the ludge and also a few visiting brethren as follow.s : Bro Irwin Morrison of L O L No 5«<j, .Si.ig- hampton : Bros Thomas Beatty and Walter Kerloii of L t » L No Olit), Ma-x- well ; and Bro John Hutchinson of L O L 12015, Thornb'.iry. Bio Morrison, on reiiuest, took the chair and c nducted the election and- insLtllatlon of olhcer.=, which resulted aa follows : Worshipful Master, Bro Jum .^ McKenzie : Depu'v Master, Bro Bert Conn ; Chaplain, Bro. A J Conron ; Uec Sec. Bro Wesley Beatty ; Fin Sec, Bro T S Wili^n ; Treasurer; Bro Samuel Paik ; Dir of Cer, itro \\"m Conn , 1st Lecturer, Bro Thoi Conron ; and Lect, Bro Charley Howard. Committee -Bms J Ottewell, James Speer, John EUioit, R Alexander, J imes S.iyers. Among other business disuo'reil -of there was a donit<i)n granted to ll h True Blue Orphaua^ie, ai.d also a motion was pasced lo send letters of condolence t ) our Worshipful Blaster, Bro James McKenzie, he having sustained the loes of a loving wife ; and also to the wife of our late Br.) Harold Sniich. Bro Smith and Mrs. IMcKenzie were brother and si»t.>r. sou and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of the 10; h line of Osprey. The brother and sister died within a few days of fsch other and, as the influenza was responsible for the r BU^'deu anJ early call to the great beyond, there was not any church service held at the time, as the iotluenza was iu its worst stage in this township at t.^at time. Therefore there was a memorial service held for both brother and sister at Providence church on Sunday, January 5, when the Rev Bro Forth of Maxwell delivered an excelleut memorial sermon, taking tor his text the 12th verse of the 1-lch chap- ter ot Romans, " So then every one of us" shall give an account of himself to God.' Rev. Ino Uolniea of Singha njjton was also present and took part :ii the • â- rvice. The church was tilled with a vary .«ynipalhetic audience. The deco. rations were very appropriate for the occasion. The members cf L L 10**i"i attended the service in a body. The old saying that troubles never some singly has certainly come true iu Mr. McKenzie's case, as one of his httle boys has been in the OoUingwood hos- pital for some tune undergoing treatm.'iit with very slinht chances for his recoveiy. Mr. McKenzie has the sincere sympathy of all in this commuuity in his gre-tt sorrow iind solicitude. Bates Burial Co* BUSINESS AS r^:r.AL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Fine Jewelery I* Come in aud see our Hue large stock of Jewelery, Watches, Clocks, etc.â€" and when you have seen them you will be sure to buy. Watch repairing a specially. A full Hue of Photographic supplies iucludiiig developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of Kodaks aud films. ISSUER OF DURHAM Two of aur younger citizens wvf hauled befoie the police magistraiu charged with bein« drunk, and the trial took place last Friday morning. T^e case was pro'ecuteJ by Inspector Beckett on infermation evidently laid by some outside party. .As there was no evidence to justify » conviction, the case was dismissed. ' .A. death under extremely sad circum- stances is that of Mis. Herb Dunsmcor, who died on Thursday ui^jht last fruni pneu<nouia at the eaily age of 2'J yeHi.«. \ daughter, Marion, four years of nev, died Friday morning from the same alJ'-.'ction, and both were interred, mother aud child, in the same casket, Saturd;iy afternoon in the Durham cemetery. Only thj Thursday previous to the mother .-< deathalutle son was born, who, with another brother about t»o year-* of age, and the sorrowing husliaiid and father. is left to mourn an irreparable loss. After all, the <xpicled has Km revealed. Dundalk w.is short cf coal, arid the usual methods of getting a supply allording no lelief, the loctl authorities began to be practical. They got the loca] member of parliament to intervene with the fuel controller aud immediately one car of nut coal was sent along, with tie promise of two more on the way. Is the fuel problem for every hamlet going to be made a vote getting proposition ? Why should it be necessary to get the pull "f I member of parliiment to keep warm ? The fuel contn.dler for the province should sit up and take notice. While Grand Valley has not gone eold or sulfered terribly, the shortage of hard coal IS acute. Only three oars, of this kind has arrived iu six mouths. Should the local fuel oonl roller have to go to John Bcsh, M.tV, before we get a square deal' -Grand Valley Stjr. Yorkshires t Tamworths marriage licenses Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes:W. A. AriTIStrOng Je'weler - ONT. Phone ur wnle. â€" GLu. W . Rw.-^^ | (.'V-ey Tel. System . Ma..well, P.O. IFLESHERTON, LET US SUPPLY Your Requirements I In any of t! e following lines : ^ Sleighs, Cutlers, v^ Ga.«!oline Engines, ^ Cockshiitt Farm Implements, J^ Cockshutt & Massey Harris repairs, g^ Louden Stable Etiuipment, ^ Me[otte Cream Separators. jZ D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON | 'â- V«V?i,r1?;r-«i^«^r«V.v:'', .- ^â- â- ,â- ^.^t^-^.:^..^â- ;.-w-. , ^-.^js^^-^OaZf;^ p. It :â-ºâ- ; n n Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. 1 fowl, Dry Picked, Heads offâ€" - Geese â€" 2.> cts. Ducks â€" 29 cts. Heavy Chickensâ€" 30 cts. Heus â€" 26 cts. rurkeys â€" 40 cts. Don't Forget the Place W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton â- • â- « â- •"(KS? • â- •• • • W Wâ€" W-TW .......«.......„:::::::::•;••:•.;•.......................;........„ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••« ••• • •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• •••• RUBBERS If you want a gootl wearing rubber fcir lueti, women or chikUen come to this store. We have the old reliable Maltese Cross Brand of rubbers. Suit Cases and Trunks I •••• :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: â- ••• Kin ueetl ofa^Suit Case or Trunk call and get want supplietl. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO •••• •••â- •••• ••••