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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1919, p. 1

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^.. '^ >" \> } "TfiUTII BEFOKE FAVOR ' ~ -PIUNCIPLES NOT MEN" u- tr K ^i-'it' ^^•..'•^^ "T^ Fe=^hc?rton, Ont., January i? I'.UO FRICEVILLE A , â-  .1 jrJiil service fi)i- Uio lute Pie. R.ib«iC MeTjOikii was held in the Presliy- lerU". ch.u'ch uii Sunday, Doc. IJ. l!cv. J^ Ak Mdthesiii), Iho i)astor, couduced W-wiVice. Tho seating oapaciiy of ihe K' tin ^nor â- .yaa uxed to the limit and the ;. lUery wjis also called into service. X^e Presbyleiian Sunday School •iimversary, as advertisd, was held on i'liijliy cveiiiny of hist sretk. The ^cvel•l^l tables loaded with "fuine ateinu", asHiddy Would say, were well paUoiiiztd, ',nd the ladies as usual fed ttie multitude. The load of presents oi: the Xmas tree were di.-'tributcd toytimig and old in tlie audience, and a ctcefully prepared prngram was well rendered. The pruoiied;* were over S8{5. Then iu jiood time next morning horse and gasoline bhygies rolled iLto the premises wiih men and womei^ from the prosperous farin.s in the country and were assisted bj; ihe villa;fe contingent. The men took down the platform, decorali^nis, .inJ jjortable t'lblcs, ivhiie the ladie.s w.'islied Up the crockery and ghissware. Thta Itist. but not least, they sjota few brooms, 6Wi|it up the usual debris of Ctuidici:, BU'.aliell?, and papor ;»alore, and very _(iooM had all the lloor and «oud work spic and span. A good act, very much . "SJijirecialed by the caretaker, believe lue The slump in the city market lust vTeek caused some of our buyeis to billet out a car of stock until after the holi d<ys. *^0Qie of mr intizeus ,ire in very poor I.ealtl); Mr. D. McDonald is wearing away with old a^'e and still eontiued to his room, .Vlrs. McDonald, Durham Road eas*, is not as well as her friends and neighbours ivcaJU desire. Mr. Alf . XBwxs wer.t to Owen Sound hospital la&l week to undergo another operation, but Dr. Middleboro decided that an operation would be uowise. Mr. Uincks has the sympathy of his friends aud neighbours. Uev. J. A. Matheaou has accepted a •all from the Presbytcriau couKiegation at Mono Mills, Ont., and will preach his farewell sermon on the first Sundiiy morning io the New Year. Mi'is Margaret Tryon, of Faculty of Eiucatioii, Torouii, 's home for the hoi- diys. PROTON Held Over Last Week The collection i^i the Kuox church W. M. .-?. ihackoitetiuf; amounted to $12. Mrs. Paik aud Miss Wauohob saii;^ a duet and Miss 1" tmie a solo, which weie inuch appreciated. Pte, Tlio.s. Ivyder, who has been on active service for .some years, arrived at Proli n Station cu Saturday night and (.pent Sunday with hi.s uncle Mr. J . C, Wright, *hc) drove him by motor to h^ heme in Durham. DURHAM DUNDALK S. .J . Atnolt u^ Wareham make." .i .specialty of raising cloice table fowl. lie sold twelve pairs of Christmas chickeiis in town the olher day to Riloh'e Bros. for $6t», averaging $2 38 each. .\ number of citizens Kot » supply of nut coal from a car which arrived fm' P. R. Simo, the dealer at CorbQtIon. The diamonds were hauled by team from Ccrbctton. I', is rather expensive when landed in the coal bin, but it is decidedly prefeiable to the Fuel Cou- t roller's promises as a bent producer. Tlie F. C. has only let one car <jf Juud coal i;et by him consigned to Duudalk since last winter. The local dealer is still gettiuj; promises but no coal. If â-  For nearly 4.') years Joseph Symington has been the railway station agent at Dundalk. He will retire on a pension from the 0. P. K. at New Years. E.N- ccptint; for a brief period wlion he was transferred to vialt, ho has been a^^ent here nearly from the beginning of the M Toronto, Grey & Bruce narrow ^aw^e liue of pioneer days. To the old timers the name of '• Joa " Syminaton and Dundalk station aro almost inseparable. tie was alway.s on the job early and late, and took very little recreation. We know uf few men who more deserve a rest and a retiriUL' annuity from his employers whom he served so long. \Vc understand there are a number of applicants for the position, Lut no appointment lias yet been made.-- Herald. Nominations ARTEMESIA .\t thi.' A rteuiesiii nomination litld on Monday the firnout of ratepayers was probably the smallest seen here m many ytars, there not being more than tifty present. The old council wat, again returned by acelamaliou as tollows : â€" T. Iv. McKeiizie, Reeve : Alex. Cameron Djputy- Reeve ; Joim Burnett, Fred Mathew.sou and W. Batchelei as Council- ors. At the afiernoon meeting Mr. John Weber accepted the chair. Mr, McKeuzie and Mr. Cameron both spoke on County lioances, roads, etc. Both were grateful for the contidcuce placed in liiem. The councillors each went lightly over the work they had done during the past year and the tncetino j'ljourned. FLES^'^RTON Nomiualions for the village couucil took place on Mouday eviMiing, when the following names were submitted â€" For -Kecve, D. Mc'tjivish ; fur Couucillor«, J. O. Patton, \\. J. Henry, C. S. Uicii- aidson, \V. T. Stenars and F. Duncan. Mv, Henry witJldifW his name, leavir.g the others a.s members of the council t u I'JVX After the Reeve aud others had spoken a di.scussion of the monumcut ijuesi-ion cook place, when resolutions along the same liues as those passed at the town- ship meeting ivere carried uuauiinoualy aiid a strong committee appointed to Work iu unison wiih the township committee. -v Mr. and Mrs. C, {"irth have received word (hat thair sou, Pte. Ben D. Firth, who has been overseas for the past two ^e»rs, w.jonhisway bf>ck tj Canada f,Dd expected to arrive in Durham shortly. Mr. C. Elvidgo received » cable from bis s..>i>, Pte. Vernon Elvidge, uow in Kilglaud reeovering from wounds received 0!i the 2fi;h of August, Pte. Dlvidge WA.^ i-hot through the lower abdomen and groin, ft as dragged to a uliell hole by Pte. W. i\:cGirr, whore ho remaintd till vtrptvher-bearcrs arrived and look him to |he hoepita). Vetnon stated that he was ow out #>f hospital aud was vi8ilinj[»t ji^tbwinki j t?e. had a few minute.s of interefitina ''.ojii'crsation last week with Pte. W. \Arroj«niith, son of Mr, W. H. Arrow- ,gaitb,> of Glenclg. Pte. Arrowsmilh I^Jjlistad with the 19th Batt., Northern «OiH»tio Regiipent, o\ sr a ye»r ago at '*<ackso»boro aud was wounded through (the tif^ht breast and arm la.,!; Aajrwit i Thiie un tluty ou the ArrasCambrai ~~v iront. lie was invalided liojaa and . arrived in Cauada three or four weeks ago. Wo re^'tet to learn thsk his esteem- ed father Is in feoblo health at pieseut, with but slight chanjco fw>r tecovory. â€" (,'I_.:-uiliole. OSPREY In t,)8prey the old couccil was reelected by acclamation as follows :â€" I Morrison Reeve ; A Aruott, Deputy-Reove ; Coucillors, W Kaitting, John Loekhatt and Ocorgo Ross. • GLENELG For Reeveâ€" .\. IWcQ.uaig and T. Nichol. Councillorsâ€" ChaS. .Murtley, A. Living. ston, M. Black, T. Turnbull, Geo. V,. Pcvto and Malcolm McGillvary. EUPHRASTA The Euphrasia Council was elected by ttCclamaiiou m follows : Reeve, I. Miller; Dep. Reeve, Oco. Uutcbinsnn; Councill- ors, Andrew W.illace, 'I. Erskiii, and Wallace Patton. Fertilizer Coming Wo will have a c»rload of Basic Slag Fertilizer comiug to Flosherton station and one to Pricovillo station some time this moTilh, Price f8(i per ton. Auyona wishing to spt .^oine, let us know by phone or otherwise, and wo will call on yex Pho.nn line 21, r 5 Elefihertoo - \VM,'P.VTON A SON, R."E. 9, Pilceville EUGENIA Wa wish The Editor and his u'aiiy reailers a happy new y^ar. We .tie pleased to hear that Pte. Fred O.sboriio ha.s returned to his home at Liuly Bank from oveiseas. liny Genoa made a Imsiiiess trip to Toronto hut week. iMis. R. and Mrc. A. II .y visiied friends in Durham recently. A f.iw friends of Russell Park g.-ithtred at his home to give him a welcome. Pte. i^uk j lined file 147th Bat', . but was discharged. He, like many others who have gone, was arixious to naht for hig country, johied again and started for overseas, but only got as far as i,tueboc. Tile eveuiug was spent *iii gami's ai.d music. Mr. Solomon Tumor gave a sh'Ht address,after which Piu^sell replied. A dainty lunch was served by the youn,, ladies. â-  Holiday visitor.s in tuwu are : Jake Williams of ToronttivMrs. Fogg and May 1,'aik of Toronto at iho latter 's home accompanied by the former's son, wife M)d little daughter ""of Winnipeg; Claia f/iti.aer of IJwen Sound, \\ cs Latimer from ^orth Bay normal school, Miss Parliameut from Brewster's Lake, Miss Latimer from Kimberlcy, Miss Welsh of Baiiti-y schools. Private (Jeorge Williams ot Toronto with his nifu and lamiiy, Kd GrahdUi aud family of Clarksburg and Bert Graham and wile of Tor'juio, Miss Dell Wilson from Toronto, Miss Eva Turner of T.'roiito with her parents and Russell Mc.Mulleu from the West with hi.s lui'ther. A crowd of mtrry young and old folks gathered at iho homo of .Joseph Williams Friday night and enjoyed llieinselves ivith dancing and music. The V\' L will hold their meeting on Wednesday, .Jau 8. -'.;3I) o'ciocl, p. m sharp, at the home of Mrs," .loseph Williams. Everyone welcome. Wilfred aud Garney Mc(Jee accompa- nied their brother, .John, to Collingwood hospital last week fc)r medical treatment. We hope to soon hear ol his recovery tJue of our lad ea received a souvenir of "^'rance from Pte Fred Wilkinson, who asked her to thank the ladies of the W I fur their kindness' to him since going overseas. The Presbyterians held their aiiuiver- sary services Sunday last. Rev. Belfry of Fleslierton gave splendid auoroases afternoon aud evening. Rev, Eagle assisted at the evening service. Those out of town for Christmas weie ; Tom .\lcKce to Collingwood. Miss Watson lo her home at. Priceville, Ab Williams with friends at Guelph, Harry Foester with relmives at Kitchener, Oliver Turner has moved his family lo the old homestead and Court Smith lias moved lo -Mr. Ciiiiieron's cottage. VANDELEUR Master Willie Doveral sijent a few o'^ the holidays with his mother in Toronto. Mr. aud Mrs. Ben Buchanan, of Toronto, spent the holidays with Mr. Win. Buchanan. yh: and Mrs. Will Hulehiiison spet.t Christma.s with friends at Kimberly. Mrs. Blair and daughter, Eva, of Toronto, were visitors at J. L iJraham's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker spent Christ- mas with the lat'or's mother, Mrs. Stafl'ard, of Kimberley, .Miss Jean Wright, teacher at Lily Oak, is spending her holiJiys with her parents hero. At the annual school meeting Mri A- Dunlop was re-elected Irusloj aud D Giaham securedthe contract of furnishing the school with wood. yv. and Mrs. H. Ready, of St. Ma'ys, Mrs. Jas. Cochrane, of Ceiborne, Mr' Davidson, of Tara, ar;d Miss Kale Davis, of Orillia; were Christmas visitors at Frank Davis's, ' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Culiis spent Christmas with the lattcr's motbei' at Ouada:j. CEYLON Mr. mil .Mrs. Frank t.'ollinwm' and little duughier spent Christuuis iii Oneii' Sound. Mr. and- Mr.s. Will Sargciit .-iiid ihh ehildieii of Toi'niUo wore C' visitors at K. Siir'^eat's •Siiinley White of Toroiii.. sj,,-.,i .vii- theholiday.s unJorllie pnruiUol ro^'f. R. Cook and daughter, Millie, spent t'hristmas with Toronto ftienils. iii-v. Mr. J.)iniiick of Toionio speiu with his wife mid family hoiv. Joo Snell visit<id friends in Vaiighan during the last.wcik. Mr. Miixler of r'iileihiii is .1 \isit'ii- li M. Fergusons. Wiss iMaiy Mo.Miillen of TiJii.iUo is li"liilayiiig at her parenlal Inmio. Bon jamiu Smit>li of Singh iuij>t.Mi vis- iied his niece, Mrs. D. D. MoLaiiuliiiii, a couple of days last week. J. .1. PattftiPD- left Siituidny f.r 1'.,- roiiLo. Pte. Gordon .MoMulleii, wh., has |iist returned fmni tho fnnit nitli his wife, speiil t' with his p.iruiits here Gordon's many friend.s wire ji'ei«!ed to see him home. Stanley and Loi no McMuMeii ..t I'd lont'o are vi.sitiug the laifer''; parenlal home hero. Dr a'ld Mrs. P;vttoi-son and li.ilm â- >! Toronto are vi.sifing the latter's jmiviiis Mr. aud \lrs. D. McLeod. .Mrs. Abbot aiul diuighler, Bertha, and Pie. Ernie Brooks ..f Eliuwnod, wore Chri.stmus visitoi-j- al D. Wydeiii.m's. Misses Mary and Georgina McLaiigli- lin spent Chr.'.stiuas witli Shellniriic friends. I Ml .iccounl of a iiiunbor being laid up with severe colds the W. I. havo decided to postpone their meeting, which was to have been held at, Mrs. Sinclair's this week, until further advised. Maniuis Dalley aud little daughter loft Saturday lo visit Sarnia friends. Mr. Wagner spent Christmas wi'h his family ali Hanover. Mrs. A.''Sinclair s[)eiit Sun.: ;ii Duudalk. iiA .Schell of Berkeley was in i.iwn Moijd'iy vn a business trip. Mrs. Margaret Ekins Mrs. Margaret Ekin'-' passed away .it the homo of her .son, Claude C. Ed uis, near Fleshertoii, on Saturday moruiiig last at the ripe old age of SS years. She was born in County Feriuaiia^h, Iicland, iu ihe year ISTO. She cioiie to .^rtemesiH in 1S50 and was marriml lo Wm. J. SkiiH ill 1855, ttho predeceased her about Ihirlcou years ago. To them were born throe girls aud live boys â€" Mrs. (Dr.) Purdy of Waterbury, N.Y , aud Mrs. F. .\. Raker of New York c;iy, Mrs. Alex. Red of Guelph, Johnston, who died about 17 years ago ; Walior . f Spokane, Wm. John in Detroit, Chinde on the liom..btcad and Dr. Uarry of Sau Franc'sco, the latter in the Cmrcd Slates army, and who arrived houji' "U Chri.stma.s' Day. Mrs. John Breen uf FlesherUm is a siuler of deceased. The { jncral look place oh Monday to Flt;;,li- ertou cemetery. Thooo who attended the funeral fo m a distance were V\ in. Little, r>.ven Soiuid, the dec'ised's only brother : Capt. A. E. Little, C.-X.D.C., a nephew ; Mi.s.s Mae Reid, Toronto, and Mis.s Margaret Kid oi Guelph, nitc.s. Mrs. Kkiiis, w h ) was a uieiubcr if llic FleBhcrloii Methodist church, died full of year.s, honored by all who knew her and cherished in ibo memory of li.r children. Send Him Here He Guest Wrong At Kitchener a local hotel prdpMetor waa iiiieJ-*f2 iu the p ilic« court for aw.ikcning a l.uly guest by tickling her toe* Bates Burial Co. llf.^lNKS.s A.S r'-:i.'AL Funeral Directors and Etnbalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J.W.Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Fine Jewelery *. Come in and 3*8 our Jin©' large stot.. of .fewelery, patches,' Gloel!?, etc., â€" aud wlieij you have seen ] them you will be sufa to buy. ^ j Watch repairing a speciaijy, A full liue of Photographic .Biipplies I including developing i)owdei'E,' ' printing frames, dark lanteiu.'!, ' ail sixes ol I'iodak.'! aud iilin.?. vii^ Yorkshires I Tamworths Young Stock For Sale I For Breeding Purposes i Phone or write. â€" GK<i. \V. HOSst, I Osprey Tel. System . M».xwell, P.O. j ISSUER OF- MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Armstrong- Jeweler • FLESHERTON, . ONT. LET US SUPPLY I Your Requirements! In any of :he following lines : Sloigii!?. Cutleri:', (ia.soliiie Enj^ineg, Cocksbutt Farm IniplcraeDi:.s, (?«)ckslmtt & Massey Harri.-^ repair.--. London Stable E<|nipnient, -Meioite Ci-eain Separators. I D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON I *.,..-......,.,...,.-.,..... ...o '^^2'^^^^^i^^^^ti^:-:f::^^^'^;T;^^^^j^^ Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. 1 fo\!vl,.Dry Picked, Heads off â€" Gee.s<j - I'O cts. Ducks- :JU cf..s!. Heavy Chicken.^- :^i^ 1. 1<. Hens â€" 26 cts. Furkeysâ€" 40 ct.s. Don't Forget the Place W. L WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Fleshertbn PI] » 1 41 r il • •••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢iiJiiiiiiii;;;:;;;:;:;;!!: •••••••*•.«. «:::::i::2::::j::::::::::::::::::;:j:::::;h:::;:::;::;i:H::::::x::h: i A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A I HAPPY NEW YEAR ? •••• •••a • ••« • »•« •••• •••• • â- â€¢â€¢ • a.. A f4tiucr ^.kiu to us wh^ renewing for | St:iiidard '], would bo iuhamed to offer ; liiss ihim $130 for iiiy h'linc piiper and | whe*t at §2 per bushel '- Markikie Stand.\rd. This kuidof bird is very rare and ne vtouidn ti itiind » bii if The Stauuitrd would send him Along and lec us sec the curicwtty ,. *!^ for The AdvartPF ye«, •» f'lir priest] :» Let us forget business while we wish ::i ::; ••• III you one and all a very merry Xmas !:: and a happy, prosperous New Year. '<^v ..•a ..â- â€¢ THOS. CLAYTON ::: Kr. B FLESHERTOJN, ONTARIO B Ona hiindredJlpd fifty cuilm; n veat I '.lit '^- ^ • ••••

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