-rn^ S ' I i «P*^ Enlivening the Childless Bowens ny Bdith Brown Klrkwood. % The Bowena â- weie chlldlesB. It was ! sent to move into the neixliborhooU not that they believed In race suicide, j perhaps it would furnish Ua v,ith the They were devoteU to all tlie young- ! tiirkey!" • stera who cam* their way. Anyone j this year the p«rts had been p!ay- passlng their yard on a bright summer | ed with the usual aacuracy. Notliing: day, never would have giicwed that I had bee-.i omitted. In fai-t tiio Jordan the dozen bare-footed boys and girls:; bow had seemed a bit bigger and the beneath the Bowen frees belonged In j Leonacd pie sc'mewhat juicier than nearly half a doz'^n other homos fn- the I ever before, if possible. According neighborhood. It seemed that Nature j to custom, also, during the afternoon in planning the division of the neit the families had troopod into the ^fT.eratlon Just forgot the Bowenn. \ Bowen house in turns or in grroupa will you? You see she haa no other place. Bveryone eUe ia the nei^h- borhccd has " "Children!" tinigheJ Mr. Bowcn with feniphasis. "By G«crge â€" ! Who'.s that?" A .sharp whistle sounded in the front hall. "Halloo-oo-oo! Anybody at home oip there?" Bowen sairg-eated at the breakfast table. "Maybe we'll not have the chance soon again." "But the Thompson.^ and Jor- dans?" Mrs. Bowen put the q-jcstion anxiously. "To be sure," answered Dan. "Like- wise tfc* Morriao.as and Leonards." Bowen pivoted the salt shakir aboat ill meditdtive play and then looked It was Morrison. Bowen, turning [up ijuickjy at his wife. "You won't toward bis wife, was met by an "I'll dare-you-not-to" smile. "Your turn," she announced mean- ingly. At the foot of the stairs stood Morrison, hardly visible behind a mountainous pack.ige. "Say, old man," he called, "the You I mind if I can't bring your gift out for to-niirht, Nan? I had hoped to have it here for Christmas eve but it â€" it â€" well, it isn't quite ready and " "The\) we're even, dear." Mrs. Bowcn flu.^hed and laughed. "I've been wondering how I'd tell you but they couldn't â€" mine's been delayed, CONSERVATION CONFECnONS Approved by Canada F'ood Board. For years tho Bo'.vens had been the 1 as the notion "not to be aellish with [ wife's been shopping to^iay. objects of the rcl^hborhood's holiday ' our children" entered the minds of i can't i-huck this under something, can ; too," she llr.ished. "But you'll love sympathy. The overflow of feellug in the coramiseratins double <iuartct of 'you, and keep it until Santa Clausiit, Dan. Ii's worth waiting for." their behalf started in about the week before Thauksglving and from that day until the f-'ew Yfar had arrived such wore tho looks of commiseration br- stowed upon ther.i that tho BoweniffiU but avoided the highways and took to parents, Each 5,'crged ciiild, in turn, told and retold the tale i)f the annual on- sla\ight of thankfulness and four jii'i-Iock found Mr.". Bowen cutting out pictures for, tRo sleepy Thompson iho allej'8"and the fpar gator;. From 1 twins (released from their daily nap January second until about October j fo<? th^ day) and Mr.- Bowen blowing Urst no„ ono in t!;e neifcliborhood ] smoke rings, v. ith the Leonard' .s seemed to mind the <hildles?nei:S of j second and tho Morrison's fourth tho Bowens. If anytiie thought of it j perched one on either knee, at all, it was to couaider it a con- Now eveiung had ycome and two y'eulence. [ fagged, childless individuals had "You won't mind Uoppins CUlie and | seated themselves at their favorite Mapy after 8chooI,.until I can get back j table, each t;:nung to the individual from the city, will you?" queried litt'.e ! diversion which gave nerves oppor- Mrs. .Jordan of Mrs. Bowen just as \ tunity for rela.xation before --eeking regularly as tliopiiinf? day came. "I bed at an early hour. ,don't like toask ilrs. Alorriaon for .-ihe I For .1 v/hole monih the neighbor- tns so man.v of her own. you know." rhor>d returned to a semj^norraal state. -Mrs. Drowix knew. She kept the The oldest of the Morrisons cast and his reindeers come along? It's Dan inwardly thanked the rulers a big red engine for Jack. Say; he'll of his good iortu!ft<that .t Christmas go straight up when he sees it on gift for him could sltil bi-ing to the Christmas morning. Bowen, old man, eyes of his wife such a light as he you ought to know the fan of playing saw in them this morning. Santa <Cla;is yourself. Here, take .Everi* youngster in the neighbor- this engine and make believe you] hood had been btibed inti bed by have :omething to give it to. Just 1 nine o'clock that' evening but quiet stick it under anythin;?. We'll be 1 did net come to tho household of' over on ChristJJMu eve» Much oblig-| Bowen. If the three weeks hadTjeen ed." Mrs. Thompiion and Mr. Morrison were merely the forenmners. One by one the families came. No one| marathon. WHITE CORN SYRUP CONFECTIONS. (From left to right.) 1. Glace nuts and fruits. ?.. Mexican candy. Z. Peagut brittle. PEANUT BRITTLE. I MOLASSES TAFFY, cups white com syrup, \ <:up ] 2 cups nioliisses, 1 cup corn ayrup. busy ones, Bowen wondered that so much could luive betfn crowded into, three hours. It was a three-hour **heilod peanuts, 1 tHbleapoou vinegar. : 1 tablespoon vinegar. j Boil sjTup without stirring until it will j and com .â- ^yrup miti! Doil Inolas:^ea brittit! when dared touch the Bowen soia. in the I Four times he assisted in carrying;"''*^'' ^'^on dropped in cold wuter dropped in cold wator. Add vinegar fear of disclosing hidden treasures; a nice prickly tree down two flights »'«"'P«r^'»:""-t! :i54 dcg. Fahr.t. Add Just bf^fore removing from Oie lire, and danger lurked behind everv book! of stairs; one hundred tiwc-s accord-^'^egar and stir in nuts just before re- Pour into a greased pan. Whea .ool in the ease. Nightly Bowen jabbed 1 ing to his own computation, he dived, '""^"â- â- 'K f^^cra the !ii-e. Pour on greaaod ; enough to Imndh-, pull until light his toes agaiast the prancing front! under beds, behind dressers and intoil"^- Break in pieces when cxjol. i colored. Cut iu small pieces %vitU foot of Bill Jordan's hobby horse or; closets. When the last pacltage had; MEXICAN CANDY. ; large shears or a sharp luiift and place tho handle of Tom Morrison's ex- 1 left the hou=c it w-as mi^ht. ^ (Divinity Fudge). lln waned paper to cool. .MoiTlson'.s fivi? rc-siilarly. Also the , knowing glan'-es at the elders in the' press wagon, concealed for the time; Strewn over th-i floor were th-> l)Ook.s 1 , 2 rups white corn syiap, i to 2 egs | MAPLE CREAM. Leonard's throe and the Thompson's ' group while the tots prattled of' beneath the bc-^1. ! grabbed from the library in the.! â- whites. 1 toaspoo.i v.ialHa. Boil tho., 2 cups niai.le sugnr. '-^ to 'i-?, cup two. TUo little rccltul that wcut with I Santa Glaus and his flfcected visit.j In tiaie, also, the Dowtiu atticj package hunt; scraps of paper, cordjsynip to '^i» deg, FaUr., or until it'mtlk, u. teaspoon butter. Stir sagax ecch request v.-as :'he Eame iu ea^h in- 1 Father Morrison, true to role, always , cc-me to resemble a cross between ', and tinsel with a trail of pine needles ; makes a hard ball when tried in cold and mill: over tTio fire -mtil sugar i.-» stance, except in the case of Mrs. winked apprematr\-ely and Mother cvrgretm forest and a carnival. , tifat narked the way from the attic ' water. Heawthe egg whites stilf and dissolved. Then iioil witl.out stirrJug 'fhompson, vho alwri^s added sweats •y: "You know. I don't mind asking this favor ot you for children aro such a .Morrison c'Srefully pressed her fore-'| Four big Christmas trees stoo<l ex- to the front door. \ pour in slowly the boiled syrup, boat- to 2DS deg. Fahr.. or until mixture will Holiday Spirit had started on fiisjgrcen and gold balls and yards and" finger to hev lips and shook her head; pectantly in the mi<ld]c of the floor,; "Suppose we celebrate to-morrow Mng all the time. .\dd vanili;i and cou- ' form a soft ball when druppod in cold in warning. This meant that thei hedged about by boxes of red and j by having a cleanfng bee and invit-^nuf boating until of a consistency to water. Remove from iirc. add Ijuttar ing our thoughtful, unselfish neigh- keep it.i shape when dropped on waxed and beat until thick and creaiaj-. Pour bors and their children iu to help ?" payor. Nuts or fruits may be added into greased pan and mark la tQU.irea queried Bowen in a weary voice. "Not; when nearly done. â- when ne:;r!y loul. anoUicr'thing to-iiight. We're gointr ; * , to creep into bed this verv minute, i ' â- \ ^t. ^ â- â- r ...•. /.u .. i- I'm dog tired. To-morrow we'll! And Shall I S.ler>,t Be? ! The Origin of the Christmas Tree. "Bowcn, old laan, you ought t.) l;uow the fun of plnying S.nnta Claus yourself." t. and e1«bU I The shepherdi3 sing The telephone bell jingled. It was! silent be? Mojrrison. 4 My God. no hymn for Thee? "Say, Bowen, you and the missus j My soul's a shephjrd too; a still up? Well, get on your bonnets.' feed3 and shawLi and join the crowd. We're; of thoughU', and words and deeds. all goin;- around to visit each others': The pasture is Thy word: the streams The history ot the CUristmas^trcM is i difficult to trace. It ha.s been counect- L ed with Ygdrasil. the great tree of aoSk it«^''"'se m.vthology. and Christmas-trees I and May-poles are known to be rolics of lliat fafiious Scandinavian Ash. Tba roots and branches of Ygdrasil. t!i« world-tree, or as it is soinetiuies called, the Tree of Time, bound together Christmas trees. Aw. come on. | Thy grace What's the matter with you? It'll j Enriching all tho place. do you good. We want to give you ! siieyhcrd and flock shall sing, and aU 1 '^o''»^^" • "'" «='''^' ""'^ •*""â- 'â- ^«'â„¢ •* two forlorn folks a t^ste of what itj my powers '»" "'*''='' "' "'"''^''" received ncirrnh-, means to have children at Christmas 1 Out-sing tho daylight hours. ^ timel" - 'riien we will chide the sun for leltiug Biowcn pushed the receiver into its night holder and stood looking at the; Take up lii» place and right : ment. .Vccording to a Scandinavian legeud of great antiqultj* the C";risi- mas-tree owes iti origin to the servsca tree whicii sprang fi'om soil that hhd been drenched with the blood ol' twt» in.^tniment as if it were the source of his troubles. Then he whirled from , ^Ve sing one common Lord : wherefore , lovers who had been foully murdered. It* determinediv. ' {he should i During the Christm.iS saaaou Cuming ' "Little girl" he announced, "if; Himself the candle hold. j lights that no wind could oxtiii::uish vou don't mind I tkink I'd like to telli ' will go seaiching. till I lind a sua spniiig inysteriouiriy from its branches vou right now what I have for your! Shall stay till wo have done: at night, and the practise of illumina- Chri^tmas present I've m-ide ar-'-^ willing shiner, that shall shine .-.s jting the Christmas-tieo may. yerhaps. rangoments"-he pausedâ€" "don't say! Sia^^y * >e traced to this tradition, which no a word until I've finishedâ€" I've made! -^ frost-nipt suns lock sadly arrangement, to adopt the cutest lit- j Then we will smg, and shine all our tic biuc-eved girl vou ever saw, buti °^" ^'^^' she can't" get here until tomorrow And one another pay ; evening. The thought came to me ' "'» '^""^a shall cheer my ore..st. and that eveninb Morrison brought Jack's ! both so twine. engine-andâ€" vhyâ€" why what'sâ€" , Ti" even his bcarua smg, and my music what's the matter? I thought you'd j shine. c like " j -Georg... M-r'no-t. O Dan!" .Mrs. Bowen was laugh-; ^i j A Christmas Heaven. .1 gambrel roof in :i sheltered lano .\nd a l.iHghing grotlp therein. ing, while unbidden and un.voJitcd j tears stole down her cheeks. "Dan,j you dear old lovel Like it! You're; late! I'll tell vou what I've gut fori. . , , ,, ,• • v . i r. T «; I. „._ „ j The wmds may bellow witn mighi and you, too. Dan. I ve made arrange-! , ments to adept the darlingci; brown-' .,",*. , , , ,. , , ' , ., „ , ,„.» -\ud the storms aiay dash and din. evoil boy vou ever a'.d eves upon, but' , . . ,,• , .„ , , Z ,â- ;•.., .", .. But its Cliru^itmas. Father Christinas, he can t get heru until to-morrow â- ',,., , , 1 . > , r Ti t .1. ,â- t\. i â- Hath the keeping of his kin. afternoon. Tli^t was the notion that • came to me «n Thanksgiving night.: Outside, a ti-avele'r in tlie snow. .Viid a glud '"Hello:" once more; You said the beginning sounded good. How docs the end sound?" | Within< a hcanii lire all agiow For ju^st a socojid thin and Nan And a doar faca at tho door. Bowen stood looking intently at each; .\ud ifs Christinas, Father Christmas ttivetb greetings o'er and o'er. norvii'ty when ouc hasn't a houseftil of 1 annual dash and was due to spring yards and yards of gilt and silver one's own!" ^jj into the neighborhood at any mo- : tinsel. Every nook ami cornctsoi the It was only after the calerdar ha^ ; ment. house held mystcriou.s packages in slipped past October first and the- Three weeks before Christmas he. original wrappings. Chiffonier ! other. Then with one- accord they, plum puddings v.eru stored away and 1 arrived at tho Bowen dooi- in the 'drawers swelled with doll dresses and; opened their arms. j tho price list of turkeys was behig ! person of Mi-s. Thompson. There ' hats, new ?h^e.s, baby rattles and' "Dan!" crifcd >hs. Bowen. ^ 1 The circlets, wonderful circles, where scanned, that the Jordans. the Moi- 1 came a staccato knock and before ' treacherous jumping "jacks. When^ "N.-or!" exclaimed Bowen, fervent- 1 They are gathered to-day: I isons. the Leonards iind the Thomp-I Mrs. Rowon had time to pat her Su.san Leonard's miniature playhouse.! !y. l"^^^ Itindnes-s. beautiful kludaess. 0118 in turn laid "town their papers nud j stray locks into place. Mrs. Thomo- ! furni.'hed completely from* cellar to! "Isn't it glorious?" whispere3' Mrs. 1 thcro. son slipped into the room and thrust 'attic, and Bill Jord"airs modern tun- 'Bowen. j And the welcome w<..rds they say. ou .Xeel sorry for tho two long pasteboard boxes on to the nel with river beds and lookouts andi "We'll adopt the whole orphan ; Font s ( hrisima.4 lather Christmas. Howensy with an emphasis ou the | nearest chair. The pupils of her eyes , revolving lights arrived, the door to i osylum if you say tho word, deur"| Tuni no prodigsil awa.v. don't" that carried the sorrow of tlie j wero big with excitement and she 'the spare bedroom upstairs wj<i:B.>\vtn whispered in return. "I | yl% Next Year. . ...- baiLward glances shall hinder or room for no one to enter. . 1 den one grand Chrisunas tree w:th| . ;,j,,nm me, the 'the tinsel, gifts and overytliiiig to; U'innr';Cf{# ' rVin't ^yt ycar.i. , was breathless when ake tarried on Kroin that ti:ae tlio .slirinkagu- of ; tiptoe to explain: innvou neighborh oodiniportaneo was i "CMi, not a minute! Can't stay a .•nuallcdonly by the ill nation ot Bowen I minute. I'vq, sent the twins to the sympiithy. ThunKssiving morning al- j Jordans on an errand so I could slip witys found the oldest MorrLson tear- j over here and I must get back before inj across l(»tj. with a pau from which ! they return. Will you hide these (lozwT' the t.tcam of a small pudding. ' i^ixes some place? It will be so dear The littlest Jordan came bearing a j ^,f vou!" She was at tJie door with- dark t>i-ownVtit.U tied with a pretty bow ' out" waiting for an answer. At the of red and Mr. and .Mis. Bown JiUcw. ; .^tops she turned to whisper to Mrs. i)ef.no iiffirg the lid, that within was 1 Uowen, standing in the door: .OHfir.d dolicious cranhorrv- Jelly. Tho! '-They're dolls for the girls, vou middle Let>nard conW bo seen c»*ep- ' j^now opened, the, two b.pxe? pushed in and; thought we'd wait until to-morro-jvj the key carefully turned. There was niomi'ig but out in the barn I've hid- | jv^ -tjhere are the coal bin and .V now life is begun. hayloft left." remaiked Bowen face-! go with it. You see, they've m.ide us | ^„j ,,^((5,. hopes and better lodtivea ing through thi'^ fence, both hands know. I'll have to dress them at I tween answers to the dojjrbell, was , your house if you don't mind. I'll! making nui car.dies antf^cakc;-, liei- bohiing firiuly on two platen turned , be over every day while the twins annual contributio.' to the Chrijtiii.ii together th •.-..<. impi-tsoning a juicy | take their nap." She added the last ; boards of the ijur households. The muico pie, w.d the lhomp,;on twins,j few words as she flew across the; small visitors, cracking the nit'> and toddlwl in, one currying a small sack , road to her home. Mrs. Bowen turn- [ picking them out of the shells, won- of Tints and the other one of raisins.^cd back into the room, slowly picked I dered why the Bowen doors suddenly • .Vfter this the telephone rang four' up the boxes and wended her way j were locked again.'it them. If que-"- -times. When Mr?. Bowen had turn- ! „pstairs. Whefi Mr. Bowen sought itions became too insistent Mrs. Bow- ed from the last conver.satiou. Mis.! his closet th.it evening two 'rf>ng'cn tactfullv answered: Jordanj Mr«. Morrison, Mrs, Leonard j bo.xcs teetered on the sh«If. j "Well, l" am keeping the hoinc and Mr.s. Thoiapson each had liuishc^j "What the " he l>egan. I clean for Santa Claus. Yqu wouldn't -" Miquiry: | "Polls â€" for tho Thompson twins," | want hitn to pa^s me by juVt because J the ho'.ise v.'as at! m;;ssed up. would tiously, "Who cares for a quiet ' experts in hiding presents! Morri- smoke in his own house, anyway!" j son wants us to go out with the rest, There i-emained two days before of 'em to 'do' the trees. Let's go." j the momentous day. No Leon - ] H" reached for his hat and coat, j ard nor Thompson nor Jordon ' "-Vnd when we come back Nor .Morrison offspring was per- mitted to poke i ts nose beyond the Bowen kitchen. Mrs. Bov.cn, be- ! inlt-rrupied joyously.J'and " I "Decorate that tree to-night!"' ftnish«Hi Bowen. "Oome on, honey. { Gee. isn't this great? Don't know! {why I thouftht I was tired!" It wa.' 1 ' real Christmas Joy. | cull me Tliau (hose the past h.<>s v.-on. •doubt was strongly influenced by tha ifact that lights were (and still arei 11 feature of the Jewiau feast of thi» Chanuca or Lights (December 10). ~ .^mong the Greeks Chfisinias ts culled the Feast of Lights. Sir Georgo llirdwood has traced the history of the Christmas-tree to tho ancient L'gyptian practice ct deiking houses at the tin:e ot the winter sols- tice with branches of the datc-paim. the symbol of life triumphant ov>t death, and therefore of perennial lif« in tho renewal of each bouatocus vear. I ^ I Meeting at Betltieliem. So dark tho stal)Tes by lantern li>?ht That I cannot tell who i.s hero to-night; I do not mind, for I neod not sec The poople 1 love who aro here with me. Thoy know the road to Et'Uiiehem, .\ud the Star aud the singing hav9 guided them. Out the press of horror and pain They have sought Uie promiso of Pcaca again. Thpy have hastened iu by the hiimbla door, .\nd have knelt With us on the Kaatern floor. I do not need to put out my hand To claap in theirs, fo: th-vy uuder- stand. I do not need to prctl Ciicin iimiid i''ar our silence speaks in the" kneelins crowd, And, knoellug befosc the little Son, Our hearts and our lives are- in.ide ona - -made one. '•We'll get all Dan Junior'.s Joys up from tha cellar," Mrs. Bowen her 'Did the children get over wi^-jMrs. Bowen interrupted. oit spillinj; evtaything?" - ' I "Then it's here!" .And each had adde<l: iA- ^ I you?" _ **" I "It is. .Mrs. Thomp.son bi-oughtl Perhaps few householils appreciate ••:^on don; snow the fun you are. them over this morning. She's to I to the full Ihe fo.-i-e cf the combined missMig by not havmg children como here to dre^s them every day; holiday activity. The Bowens were »i-oin.;l at tWa titne!" l_.oi. to come every d.iy until she's] among the few. Throe weeks as re- .Vnnually, ov^r Mr*. Bowen's face ^jfreii.sed them. I'm not sure which ceivers for the neighborhood efforts, ttwie stole a look of worry as if she! she ?aid but anyway she's to be here three weeks as the absorbers of the was bning accused of having bribed evwy afternoon while the twins are ' neighborhood's enthusinsms, and ex- lho stork to -.L^- aw^y. AniumHyj taking their nap. What? Well, dear, i citement reached its climax on Mc Bowen only smiled or remarked: | youp closet is the only place in the | Christmas eve. x "Net half bijil. eh. little girl? Now,; house the twins don't" investigate. I "Ut'.s stou! i.tT tc--'ght .ind h-ive If anoUje"- nic l>iV fr.mily woa!d-con- Keep that locked. You won't mind, la tpiict diiii.or all to ourselves, Nao," .Way the Olvar of Gifts give unlo you | Th;it which is Good and. that which Is ! True : The Will to help and tho Courage to do; .\ heart tjjat can Sing thr whole vcur through AMiciher the skie.s be gra.v-or blue, May the Giver of Gifts s^\o theso lo 1 you. I ---^*~â€" ! Th" o.nrlh has grown old wiilv it.s b;ir : don of care, 1 Itnt nt Christmas it always is young. Tho h. .lit of the Jc^<?i burns lustnii.s : aud fair, j And its soul full of :n;i.sio hursts forth on the air. ! Wh''n the gong of tiif ^uisel;; is sum- I â€" I'hillips Urooks. > A SONG OF PEACE Plov.-, whistks o' tlic world; ring, church bells, loudly riiijr. For Peace, on joyful \\\i\g, .\t blu.<h of dawn her iu'i;'-<?d' dove:< set free. Hfrakls of LibL'rt.\'. Ai;)o\e this vvar-v,-iini, weary workl to brood, The universal dvdiigi? rude I'hat Hooded ntothtr earth v.ith griof aiid pain . Siib.^sides: and on the inouiit of Troniise see Divine*!t Liberty.' Blow, whistles o' the vcriii; ring, chuivh bells. Ijudiy ring. lilow. whL-itie-; o the world; riiiyr. church Tjells. loudly riny. Thu< is a day <>£ joy :ind inerry mirth, For Feace descends to earth, .\\k\ hopes anew in troubled he:u-t3 up-spriug! Th<^ streets with tia^s are gray, The in'opte shout and pray, i'or tailed to earth is Hunnish tyranny. And our.-^ the \'iotory ! Hlow. U'histles 0* the world; ring, church bells, loudly ring.'