â- â- *.mnv;-i» • December 19, lyiS THK k'l K81IEKT0N ADVA^X•E â- HWH5BS Tnii I Flesherton Advance Noticeto Creditors ^stnervon. ouuscriiilMn priw »1 |mt annum ' , . • .1 ,, . c ,. wh»o paid in a.lv»ncB ;«l.,W*h.:ii M.. .0 i«icll '>;"«'""«"» "> t''" ( "Unty ..f Oivy, Alver "bine rtten im ainUica'.ii.a. OiiciiUtiou I r .»riner, deenHsed. l.iOOwfokly j Notico is !ioi-eby tjiven, piirsuan' t'l IIâ€" â€" _^t; t-"^'"" â- ^â- â- > niul .'inieiidineiit.s thuruto, I ~ - - - ] ;h«t nil cioditors imd otiiers harinu ! icliiins iiK'iinsl fiu' eat'ito uf llio snid | ut| he |Towufihip (if Artetnef-ia in tlio Cuuiity of (ircy iiro ro.juiii'd on or befoie tin; UlIi | dny of DeceniUirr, HMH, to i^iind liy post ! 18 and in, Normiiil.y, which w»s c n" prepiiid or duliver to WiUiiim Aloeil slriict«d Uat Kuriinier ly Contnicl'irs Bi-naon or Alexander ('unieron of Eugonin | CUrWaudCo'.'of Owen Stuml, collapsed Hoslortice, Ontario, oxi-ciltois of the; e . 1 1. f. » . I II ,1, list \\ill and ToslJiiient of the Baid n naturdiiy, Uac. 7. about I o clock. , , ... i, . j ., ,., • " * .Iiihii W . Henion, di'cedsed, their Ohris- ;â- . ni, Thoarohed 8piu was70 feet mid tjji, ^,„j Siirniimuh, addresses and was built according !• pUuK and 'Deciti- idi'sci'ipti(jli«, the full pirtioulars of their c*tion» prepared l.y Jtoburt McDjwell '•l"''"''. llie statement of their iiccouiils, |;\iid the nalu" ' "'- â- â- ' '' I held by them WEAPONS Foil IMANinV. Co. Bridge Collapsed J,"''" ^y- '!'""'""' \*'" '•'«'',"" "' «'"•" "^ ' "hii rtili dny of .\u^iist ]'J1jS, at h The lie# cement arch brid-.;o on con- „, ,>_ „ u , , . -j; i-.,jUiid the nature of the securities, if any, 01 Owen Sjund, an outstaudinK Imdi < j< surveyor and civil engineer. The fouii- . 1 r ,1 ,1 .• »i ^ r. ' " And further t'lke notice that aftrr ddtion, which was of a bottomless uatuie.suoh last mentionid date the said Kr.- wjs thought unlit for a basae of concrete jecutors will iiroceed to distribute the j|.-ne, so piling "2 feet long was secured J asset? of the deceased among the narties .,A iw.f .i.«o„ ,..„... !„;„ _ f . 1 entitled thereto, havin.' reaarcl only >nd Its OF these were driven tor eacliL 1 1 â- i i- 1 .1 . 1. n .1 to the clauns of which they shall then abutment. Those poles had still touched |i,„c nonce, and the said E.xecutors will uothinj; ^that ielt like bottom, but not bo liable for the ^'aid assets or any Engineer McDowell thouj-ht they would 'P*""' thereof t(, any per.son or persoi.s of i,^\A .i„ 1 :i i^-i .1 r. .u I w!iose claim notice shall not have beei. hold the bridi!*. b lor y after thSi • 1 1 .i . »i •• r 1 ° ' received by them at the time of such CJinpletion of the formation of the arch I jjytj.Hjytjon^ i crack appeared at each of the four Ditod the 19th day of November, coroers but so long as the fsUe bents were uadcrneath it did not get any worse. On Wednesday, beciinber 4, however, Messrs. Clark and Cole bejjaii to remove the false work and then it ^gtn to become apparent that it was all hise work. Laigo cracks began to appear at different places and it didn't lojk u;ood to drive ovtr. ijlowly out surely something! was giving way ; the ciown was out of ber now ; she was bawiog her head in the centre ; and on Saturday ai noon she took the tinal dive. It is too bad. It was a iiic<! compact little structure but appjrenlly not the style of bridge suited to suuh a founda- tion, as the end prj.ssure was so t-reat A. D. VJiH. â€" WUIGHT & TELKOUC, Owtu Sound, Oi'.l. Solicitors for William .\tbcrt Beti.<<oJi and Alexander Cameion, Executors of the last will ana testament of ilm estate BOAR for SERVICE Parebr^d Tun worth Bjar for service on lot Ki", S W T and S U, Arleni-sia. Terms -51.50, or $1.70 if notjiaid for at tiiiiB of service. .J| Febl59 â€" T. J. STINSON, Prop. For Service tha.havirH,uo banks, the abutments |,,:^-'-:-;:L^'"^XifM.5oi spread with the above results- Aytrn i grades. Must be paid within 9 months Advanre. ifrtm date of service. 19. U. O. TrUNEU. "^ " * " * " * " ****"*">"»''<"»»'»»»..»*».>>.tf .t«..»««.^..»»««^..»..»*.»»«*»»**»..».^M>»>t»»W»'*« " »**»««»*'« I CHOPPING Come early as we cannot use the juice after 4.30 p.m. I GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, - ONT. AuNtrnllaii Writers Mnkcs Some Tac- fill .Siigget'lioDs. Capt. R. Hugli Knyvcit niuk(-s some valuable siiggcsllons as to the right Infantry weapons in Ills book "Over There With the Australians." He says: "I know scores of men who have been months in the trenchcK and over the top In several attacks who have never Uiod a shot out of their rifles. A much more serviceable gun to re- pel 11 counter-attack would be one Urlng buckshot like a pump gun. The bullets from our high-velocity rifleB frequently pass through the body of a man at a close range and he is not even conscious of having been IiU and continues to come on with as great fury as before. "In actual charge our present rifle Is more than useless â€" It is an encum- brance â€" and when at grips with the enemy In his own trenches It is often a fatal handicap with a bayonet on the end of it, It Is far too long, and in a trench two or four feet wide it cannot be used with much effect. I have known our men repeatedly to unship the bayonet and take it in their hands, throwing the rifle away. "It should be remembered, too, how closely we are in an attack to our own barrage and it is impossible to see to Are through it. The system of barrage fighting that we now uso has made warfare as much a hand- to-hand business as it was In olden times and we must go back to old- fashioned weapons "Infantry should be armed with a hand-bayonet, as there is no advan- tage whatever in the long reach that our present rifle and bayonet gives. As a matter of fact, many of our men have been killed through driving their bayonet too far into the body of their opponent, not being able to draw it out, thus being helpless when attacked by another of the enemy. "I have used a hand-bayonet in- vented by Capt. Fallon, an Austra- lian, which sticks out from the fist like a knuckle duster and is abo'.it six inches long. The shock of the blow is taken on the forearm, which also has an Iron plate running down it on which to receive the thrust of one's opponent. This is the natural weapon for the Anglo-Saxon, as the fist and arm Is used exactly as in boxing. If a German conies at yo'i with a bayonet it is the natural and easy thing to throw up your arm and ward it off. The iron plate saves your arm being cut; you are in un- der his guard; seize his rifle with your left hand and punch with your right, driving the knife homo the six inches, which is all that i.s necessary. "I have been in and seen a num- ber of bayonet chariies and 1 am quite satisQed that the parries and thrusts that we teacli the infantry- man are only of value to get him used to handling his rifle. After that it would be a good thing for him to forget them. "The general officers -who decide how an army should be weaponed never do the actual ttshting and few junior officers or men feel competent to offer their advice. I am quite confl- I dent that the majority of the fighters would agree with the foreKoing opin- ions, and I would like the chance of taking a company armed aa I have suggested into action, and would bo quite satisfied of their superiority to any troops on the front." For Quick Sale Prop.rly of the late Dr. W. T. Little Two heatiiif; stoves and drum ; Buggj and cutter ; Oilcloths ; Folding writing desk ; 2 driviu;; horses ; Robes and hitrness ; Automobile (runabout) ; Coal oil stove, H burner â€" Apply on the premi- ses or to Chas, Richardson, or Thos. A. Blakely, Flesherton. .f :^.Sk!S^ i^ -r:Z'i^'^^Z':Z. , ^e^r^?:::^:^^ Ml Music for Xmas Was there ever a time in the History of Canada when there should be such rejoicing as this Christmas ? What the (Mi(liiii,'ot the wjn the pleiitiCiii haivcst, ami the Assiininco of rio.spci-- oua Times, this should he n [ii ghvd Xnias. lliivc ytm bought th(! riaiio yoii liavc boen prdini.siiig yoiii' fainily ntul yourself fv»r the last fe^v ycar.s '. I am the local Ifeprcsentative for tlip I'laola riano.s, Virgil riano.s, and Plionogra[)hs. Call an<l .see my Hainple;? and photcs. I can give von the best gooda at a rea.sonable price. Have Music in your Home for Xnvas. W.RERTON, Peversham, :-: Ontario ^^ ^M 'i!^ -fJi^ ^€^- â- 'f.M .'iif S2^ «is .i»?i-s ."^^^ *fii^ .xGi SEE OUR XMAS DISPLAY You Cannot Find A Better Place to j^cl ju.st ijic rii»lit thiiiif for everyone. Our new stock is full of attractions. We have all sorts of toys for the childrenâ€" Klectric Trains, Mechanical Toys, Irtodtl builderii, Flyini.! Machines and Games of all kiiul.'i. Kverylhint! tint will Delight the Kiddies' Hearts k Books, 8n'dp-.shot Albunii^, Post Card Albums, Xmas stationery and pertiinies We have a lars^e as.sonineiit of Christtna* Candies % We have all the latest popular books. tff <jet an Auto-Strop Safetv Razor as one of your Christmas Gifts. I ~W:^:^ci,;rd5on & Son" § Flesherton, - - - Ontario Small Ads. Foiale inca i:a rms, Lo lo, cou. 11, Oiprey, 110 acres. This i a tir.st class farm and in a goad state o cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply io R. .}. Sproule Flesherton IS] i ll Flesherton Tin Shop^ White sewing machines, the king cf niaohines. Sherlock-Manning pianos are strictly hij;tijgrade. If you can prove this atateiucut falsu I will give you a piano free. â€" J. C. Kentner, Mnrkdale. Strayedâ€" One white faced ewe, one smut faced ewe snd smut faced lamb . also one hound bitch. Iiifcination thankfully received. â€" \V«llace Fisher, Hock Mills, (int. I P•)^at« inids to loan oa real estate 1 security ai i ;asoiwible rate of interest. { .Apply to R, J. Sproule, Ffei.herton. ! sept 2:^1 Lostâ€" Oct. I'.i, at I'ricevilie or on the Old Durham Road, east of Priceville, a Mack Galloway robe of f airsize. Rewaru . Heturn to John Oliver. For Saleâ€" Three thousand feel 1 inch black pipe, nearly new, Scents a foot â€" Peikins & Mann, hardware Merchants, Markdale. Lost-- In Flesherton, on Saturday afterncon, Dec. 14, a ([uantity of money. Finder [ilease return lo Mis.s Kvada Wilson, Flesherton. For Sale â€" Youn;- pii;» for s*le. re'dy to go. -John Flynn, U. U, 'J Flesherton, Ont. For Saleâ€" Oxford r»m, 1 year old, weight \~^ lbs â€"Harry Palton, II U. .i Flesheitoh. t)nt. % i VSSSSJSm I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. k' â- mKr^t^^mt'dmsr, WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS For S tie- -Olio .smil churn, also an imitation outltio robe, aliiii.st new â€" Mrs. .\. K. McCalhiin, Flesherton. Hens For S.ale â€" About tifty ^ood henn, ) one and two year old. Uij;ht price if' sold at once.â€" Uutjh Fenwick, Feverahaiii Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Agents For Wagons Plows Rakes Cultirators Harrows Mowers For Sale â€" Hrood sow with 8 young j^n.. wir^ii #x piys for hale. Clunp. ( >ver8tovVcd, - JOHN HEAKD, Daniel Muir, Ceyloii. MPLEMENT AQENT Younn Pig* For Sale--Rendy to Vosn abnit l>i'c. 10â€" Geo. Cairn*, M«rkdalo R. K. 5. For Saleâ€" F.iglit yearling cattle for saleâ€" Archie Stewart, C>'yli>ii. FLESHERTON. Seed Wheal For Si»le â€" Good clean Marquis Wheat--!. F. Colliu.sou,Ceyhin. Uam For Sale â€" Oxford Itain, 2 years old. Apply to S. Ptfdlar, Flesherton. Fur Saleâ€" 2D young ewoA i«nd one ram, Shropshire. --H. Piper, t!eyIon P, C>. Winter Term Opens Jan. 6 1 Farmcrs Attention ^ELLIOTT^ Voiigo and Cliarles Streets, Toronto Hiis recently had positions to hll at flit, $14, 917 and $18 a wetk and •110 a month. A course here ia a sure route to a good position. Write today for our Catalogue. W. J. KLLIOTT, Pri:*cu.ai. Hit^hest price for Imttoi and egt(s at Graham Bros. feiUaenia. June 26 Make »uoncy in your spare time during the coming Fall and Winter luoutlis by sclliug Uatdy Canadian nursery stock. britisb and Earopeaa markets will be open again for Cauadiaa Frait and now is the time to order for ppring planting. Try Fe»crHh«,n]P.»stry Flour, th« heat for your cook, All Oiusrio whett Farm For Sale lO;; acres, more or Ici.!', tvfelve acres sown to winter wheat : plou^liinc done ; Bood buildings, etc. About \ mile from Flesherton StAt Ion. This U one oT the beat :,tock and grain farms in the coun- try. Would conf)id«r dividing the mine. For further pMticulari »pply to -J, F. C0LLIN3ON, Ceylon Fleslieptoim J^ Tonsorial t- Parlors We Aim lo Gire Entire Satisfactio LAUNDRY-Basket olovses Monday night, delivery Friday evenit* CLEANING and DYEING- We ar •gents for Parker's Dye Work* â€" Clothe:. cleaned and dyed, featbera rejuTesaiel T PISIBR • -PROPRIETOR Largest list of Fruit and Ornk- mental Stock. Seed Potatoes, eto., grown in Canada. 'V-r • Write for partionlars. Stone & Welliogton Tbe Fonthilt NnrMrlM. (Kstablisfaed 1837.) TORONTO . ONTARIO