- \ Economy n "=-1.^ f is not only the most economical on account of its great strength but you have the refre^ihing and delicious qualities as well. (,4,5 Ask your Grocer. In Sealed Metal Packets. Copyrtfflit Xonffhtoa MlffUa C«uipaay by ipM^al amiBV«u.at with Th«i. Allen Toroato CHAPTER XXVIII.â€" (Cont'd.) qui the OUSi The Uy-I'roducta of Autumn. | pared casing, use either the handle The fall and early winter months ' °^ tha potato masher oi' a Bimilnr re busy ones for the housewife, i P'«<:« <>' wood that is well rounded, While she i.s making things tidy and ."â- hip-shape for the cold stormy days that aro coming there h little time for other things. Yet in tlic days gone by grandma nsuaily made various delectable sau- SBges, cheese and the like from the by-products that are plentiful at. this season of the year. To-day the wo- man who is willing to and the trouble to make these at- tractive foods can command u good price for them. In European markets many varie- ties of home-made sausages are dis- played by the farmers' wives, and one j purpose. Pack in the sausage very tightly, Tie the ends securely and then coak in a large kettle of boiling water for the required length of time. Hung up to drain and let dry, usually about four days to two weeks, in a cool, dry place. Then dip in rne'.ted paraffinc, taking particular care that each part Make a little meat go a long way. Even a sitiall quantity of meat goes far and becomes most nourishing and satisfying, if combined with BOVRIL. 2*, Canada Food noard. Uc*nc« !(o. ll-^iS. oblong bread pan to mold. These pans may bo cut in quarters for quick sales. Pig Souae.- -Soused pigs' feet, tails is thoroughly coated. This sausage j ""^ **'"»"" «"<> "'f^y "«!* '.'"'"? take the' time "lay ""^ be hung up in a cojd placa " "'^ /''^l^'-f^ "'T^ P«^'^^^ '" •"" take the time ^J ^_^^., «^J^^ glass jars^ It 1, important to pack . „ , . ,1 these product* m all-glass jars, ow- All sausages reciuire something to| j„^ to the fact that when using jars keep them togeth8r~"a body -as itj th,t have metal tops the vinegar is calie<l. This 13 usually made from ^^ich has worked between the porce- a cereal; oatmeal is the best for this loin lining and the metal top, sets up a reaction that is extremely pois- onous. Pack a dried red pepper pod Once she had started on her speech ; must be real early at the stalls to be I To prepare the oatmeal: place two able to obtain even a small amount,] quarts of water in a boiler and add! in each jar. Cut a lemefi in half, and 80 quickly are these goods purchased. | one tablespoonful of salt, and when then with a sharp knife cut into thin The secret of successful making of ; boiling add one pint of oStmeal. Stir these delicacies lies chiefly in the! occasionally and cook for one hour. blending, the spices and the season- j Turn into a deep bowl and add the ing, and with a little prmrtice you can 'balance of the ingredients and mix that she 'easily make the sausage like any thoroughly. the Reasoningfl twenty-'y^ai- sentence to her supplied her wnth the confid-! â- "p^^C" "7*";;''"'=" ""'"•, . Wash and dry parsley tops, leaves for murder and robber^ My hus- ; ence that she needed in order to Put Ld*^![„!^^ ""'"^ ""« ^*°"' unbleach- of celery and then rub fine. Put band was cruel to me and I left him, aH the art of which she was capable:*" J"".'""- . ^"es® cases may be through a fine sieve to remove the «.nd my father, half crazed by what i"t« her appeal. Her voice, her,"»<>o '" various widths and lengths ^ coarser pieces. Use a blended poul-, „-. had happened to Dave and me, shot eyes, her very attitude, as the sat As, for example, take a piece of un-try seasoning with salt, white pepcr the jarg and killed my husband and himself." ^^"it" l»er arms rtraight at her eides: bleached muslin, five inches wide and and red pepper. liquid, a Two Five years ago there wa» only one on the Atlantic coast. Now tlier« are five fishing out of Nova Scotia ports and between them they lao^- "Mr. Maguire, I'm sure you she went ahead with it almost breath wouldn't feci a« jmu do if you knew -^aaly; it wa^sn't for nothing . .__ more about me â€" if you knew who I had rthearse<l it so often, and the variety that are sold to-day in em. My brother i» Dave Scanlan ; declaration that Maguire had made market and delicatessen stores. he 3 sen ing a twenty-year sentence to her supplied her wnth the confid-; p^^ ^y^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ unbleach slieeK. Cook in boiling water until tender, then pack two cr three pieces in each jar. I Cook the feet and tails until tender! In just sufficient water to cove^ Re- loYtn an average of half a million poundr of fish weekly. As niuch as 260,0OC pounds have been landed ,by ons desirable sizes. Boil the liquid un- til it is reduced to one-half its form- er quantity. Then add suffioienl; vinegar to taste. Pack the parts in and fill with the prepared adding to each jar one tea- - , - . r- Li,, ----"â- "; iiniiaii .jnusaKt:. â€" i wu Lioves of ' spoonf ul of mixed plckUng spice, two ting' his brows. "Killed a storckeep- j [;^ ^nn?i«^fo''n ^'^ Sh^ ^o^.I^M ;? '^i* ^/ '"°'''"*f " ^^^^'^ ***'" ^^«. garlic, six medium-sized onions, two i bay leaves. Adjust the rubbers and «^7Trâ- "•Vi*'?^^•^^ -.., , . v l^vfn Xrshe^noke that he v^' ''^?"?. °' **â- « ="'''"'?• "^^^ fifteen- : pounds of lean pork, one pound of, lids partially tighten the lars and 'â- I'm sut h d\l^'"' te^-afa'n' ^"kinra^^ ^^pnTE; ^e co^ T i '"^»> '^"f ^ '«. «bo"t the right ^size.fat pork. Put through a food chop- then place in a hot water b.th and oihTx n^n'wivf him, I'mln"^m":i i «>?-,« the softness of pity in ^Ma- j J;^"?J ''!,r w.T"^ '^.u ufr^'P" ^T*. '"^ "^^ ^^ '^^ ^*'""''' ' â- "'â- "-" ' ""^^ '^" twcivB ,n^ho= Th,. last IS ag cooked in the directions move the feet find cool, then cut into| trawler in six days' fishin'^ Ther€ are three trawlers operating off the PacWc coast. •i^canlan!" muttered Maguire, knit-'f"<^ her hands graspinj; the edge of fifteen inches long. Make a casing: Italian Sausage.â€" Two cloves jy bin brows- "k'illpH a atorpkeen- 1 f"* bencfl, were 01 ' "'â- ^ â- â„¢"' -* -•- ^ .• .... Schlupfe, and Dave m'ade a confession ' ^"*%«yfs- She was a^yirc, how- j Ave to twelve inches, and told how Schlupfe had arranged e^^'"' "^ the truly magical impre.^sion ! very large and does This given the plot to rob tlie store, and how ' ****'^ *^* ^*' making â€" unaware that ! nearly as an attractive package as the Schlupfe had done the fhooting: but ' **"* ^^'^ never before presented to the ' five, six, seven and eight inch ones. the jiry wouldn't, believe all ' that "i».". »«> completely seductive and bc- Dave said. I know he was telling the ! f."'"rg «" a'P«ct. When hia tnio- truth. Dave wouldn't-he couldn't ' *.'<>"« *«»* engaged he was but a soft- commit a murder. Jf the jury real- ] ^*Yf^ "^T^'^^' *"'' '° see that lovely, ly believed he did it, thev'd have found l''^^^. J .^ '" ^" .- '''*V,**»' »™ him PTiiltv in th^ fir»+ ,l«<rr^.. fnr'to know that 111 enlisting Maxwell's The head, feet, tail, heart, kidney and liver may be used for sausages and scrapple. Mode of Preparation The meat must be put through a food chopper three times, using the not make as | above, together with two level tabic spoonfuls of salt, two level table- spoonfuls of dried celery leaves, one level tablespoonful of poultry sea- soning, one tablespoonful of red pep- per, one teaspoonful of black pep the prepared sausages into the pre- him guilty in the first degree, forit* Know tn at in enlisting Aiaxweirs according to the story Dave told | ^^'T^'.'^^^j""" SiWupfe he had remotely there was nothing to excuse the shoot- ^-onnivcd at the causes of that dis- ing. And the judge would have had 'â- tress, ma<ie him feel all choky and him put to de«th or sontenced to pri- P^^'W "iside. son for life, at Wof-t, instead of for "Don't cry, don't cry, Mrs. (joi-cor- twenty ye»r.». But the man that an," he besought her, for her eyes be- Capitol viras really guilty had a Congressman gaii lo swim .in tear.-i. "I'll do what' do all I can. And now, Mrs. Cor to defend him, and he got some wit- I can; sure I will. It seems to me,lcoran, do you realize what you've nesses to cast some doubt on Dave's now I think of it 1 heard «t the tinie|ju.st said?" story .--which was a perfectly straight that your brother got kind of a raw "No; what was that, Mr. Ma- etoTj- juirt the same,â€" and so the jury I deal. But honest to God, I don't guire?" man off and put the whole j know what Uie I cm be now, for the I "WeM, that you have a feeling I'm Ifcing on Dave â€" Uiough if thej''d had i governor is of tlie ^v^ong party and! always sure to get what I want. I process two and one-half hours. Seal securely. This product will keep until used. Canned Tongue. â€" Wash and scrape the tongue, and then boil until tender 1 in just sufficient water to cover. I When the tongue is tender remove from the liquid and plunge into cold per. Mix thoroughly and then pack | water t<j, loosea the skin. Remove' very tightly into a five-inch casing. [ skin and then pack into jars, usihg Plunge into boiling water and boil i the same seasoning as in the pig in Memoriam. Somewhere m France, where duty led,. He fills a patriot grave. The lark sings high above his head,. Only the lark knows the hallowed bed. Where lies our soldier brave. Sacred the gT'ound where a soldier- sleeps, WTio came at his country's call. Onward the tide of battle sweeps. Only the lark o'er his boson^ weeps,. Yet he gave to the world his all. medium fine knife. When packing: one and one-half hours. Then pro- 1 souse. Boil down the liquid to one- ceed as given for the final curing. I half its former quantity and add thei Head Cheese. â€" Wash thoroughly I vinegar to taste. Fill the jars to! and cleanse one head, removing the overflowing, and then adjust the rub-| let thi -U'.ough if they'd had 1 governor is of tlie wrong parly i real ('onvirtions, as I've said, ihey'd he'll not be likely to listen to me have had the coarage of them and brought in a first-degix-e verdict. Dave' !aw>er felt there was some kind of political influence helping the guilty mail â€"getting a (kingressman to defend him aivj all. And I've t)ecn trying ever so long to get my i;oui-age up so that I could tell you all this, and a.--.k you if you wouldn't look into Dave's case; and then, when you fount how innocent of inurder he wj.><, I thought maybe you'd be willing to use your influence and get him pard'.ned." all. Next autumn we'll have an elec tion, an<l I'm lioping to got in a man I c.TM do business vitli; and if I can â€" well, I'll do what 1 can, you may be sure of that, Mr^. (."orcoran." 'â- Thank you, Mr. Maguire. I didn't i-ealize about the governor; I iJiought you could always tibt wh.it you want- ed no matter who wa.s governor." "I.ii.ft4>n to that now!" Miiguire laughe<i ruefully. ".And it'.s what a good many think too â€" as if there wa.i seme arrangement by which I at suppose now that means you're ready But jou may be^sure^ini; brains and tongue and eyes. -Place in a deep kettle and cover with cold water. Cook until meat will leave the bones. Remove the head and boil the liquid In the kettle until it is reduced to one-half its former quantity. Remove the meat from the head and put into neat pieces. .\dd to the liquid with juice of two lemons, grated rind of one lemon, one table- spoonful of poultry seasoning, two tablesponofuls of dried celery leaves, one tablespoonful of dried parsley leaves, two tablespoonfuls of salt, one tablespoonful of red pepper, one clove of garlic, minced very fine. Mix thoroughly and then pour into an to give it to me?" â- I gruesa you don't want it any long- er, Mr. Maguire." "Sure I do. Why not?" â- 'Considering all you've found out abo'Jt me that you didn't know be- fore." ".•\. strange lihing it would be if that could make any difference. I'm Baking you just the same and a little more »o; Mrs. Corcoran, â- won't you be my wife?" •I never thought to marry again, I Renew it at Parker's The clothes you w«re so pi'oud of when newâ€" cati be made to api>ear new ajraln. i'^abrics that are divty, »habby or spotted will be restored to thehvfoi-nifr beauty by »«ndinK them to Parker'f*. ^ CLEANING and DYEINQ Is properly done at Parker's Send articlet by post or expi-esp. We pay carriage rfne way and our charges are reason- able. Drop us a card for our booklet on boiifyehold helps that save money. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMITED Cleaners and Dyers, 791 Vonge St. • Toronto •Two Sfrfs-SOc and $t jyott tlip iaUy tiout^wcrli, th^iibblnf. tli8 tcrubblfiit* the wft-ltlnir, redden ana r->iii{hrn ;t)iir narid3 until jou de»*-nlr of )hJr appcarttirct Then UM In>»- »r.i • ""^â€" «','?Tr«,'ii. iiiuMjoltenlng.rUoni- iiijcttfani with jff.ntly curoitve«trcct. ft given \h: hnndo 0<jftnts9 r.iid v/hltenrnt. It C30th;i the (VIn liigjc. Hai.v imilt <J)a(>;r:.-.r. C !'.-t;co3 arc t .tnjthed. It c'vei you han^s lo be rr^jud of. 'i he vrrv next time yournostor IcrcIiCAd cftt aMayJu%t y\i* on ft light touch ol Ingf ft III â- •Velvcola Soil v*rB(r.« Pace Pow- der (SOo.l. Itbteii'I* peritctly with the c •nicUxl'^n Di)d conmilu Uttlc blcm- I'.hcfl. It Uduiuty nnd fratfmnt. There i» u complflr llrit" nf Incruia'a tnllet pr'>- diirts, liKlutliiic Z(''1ri.1n for the tccih ^i'>c.)t ut y'7ur druifgUt'fl. A Picture with E«ch Pt:rcliiue Rncl. tiineyout>«i / rtpacUnoeonMtfrBtn'a '1 llet nitla or Pt-riuinr yi wr dru^f^lst williilvc ycu.w/llhcMil i-ltnrge, ii Iai^q portrait of ft world fanicd motion ri.tiire aclitftft. E«ih lima yx ff A f dif'-freiil poriiult a-i you nn ki:* roller tlnn f .r yourhofnfl. Ask y-«jr dniuwla.. iia r. 'rj^tfitaCo., Winstar, OaL could always be pulling wire.? at the Mr. Maguire. I certainly never __ I thought to marry you. So I don't see I how I i;aii say all at once." i"My .<ii.ster never thought to marry Mgnin, but she'."! going to do it." •'Yes, but it's a rnan she came near mai-rying in the lirst place â€" one fi'he may alwaysf liavc had a tender feel- iup; for. And 'Ivo sotnetime.s thought, if 1 e\ev did mairy again, it might . be such a man.'" I Conwlemiation man-ifested itsedf on ! Maguire'.s plump face. i "You don't mean, Mrs. Corcoi-an. ' that there's Romebody you're in love with?" "Oh, no, 1 woui'dn't say that. And I don't know tliat he has any thoughtTi of me any more. It may just have I crohsed my mind; that's all." I The tenae expireisj^ion of anxiety 1.11 Maguire'g face ^relaxed, although his fyesi remained clouded with dis- I Rjitisfactioii. I "Who irt he? What .-wit of a job hit*: he?" lie asked. . I "Oh, I couldn't fay, Mr. Maguire; â- it would bo too morUfying to mo if 1 told you and then ho never took any iiitt'r(i)i.r, ill me after all." I Her fsilure to yield him immedi-' ' at?iy a favorable answer served only to intengify and inflame hia pa&sion. 'I'm intimation that sha might per- liap.i he unatlaimil>le nuide her seem tenfold more deainiWe. His pray- ! era wi're moviifg in their urtfcncy, al- ; most oinbarriissinK; and yet he did I not commit the vulg.irity of sprend- j ing lioforc har all that be could offer , :is II liril>e. ,Sli<> was ponsclo\is of ', the reticence and re.^pccted him for it. , Ho was trying to win hi-r without having recourjo to h'.s njHteriul ad- vftntagps. It was hims-rlf, not his posFMS'on.s, that hi^ was trying to pi'Mcnt to her Ji3 worthy to he lived with. "Often aiid often I've thought wh.it a grand thing It wouhl l>e for me," he Knid, "(o hp going to operr.s and sucli with you, and havo you tench me nil about th<.>in. Often and oftim I've thought how grand it would 1)e t* have you taking mo rotind and •howi'!'.; n.c \/hnt I ought to think al:oiit liungH." He ran liij <nr nlowly back to t1-.p clly, pleaiiini; with her nil the wty. Whon they ware paasing-the peniten- tiary ho sai<l: â€" "Wh'.thrr you deride to flay no cr yes, Nora, I'll do what I can for your brothrr. Honest to God I will. I kihil of mind hearing that he had a raw fOrt of a dcsl." ' Indeed, h^'i whs feeling Ii.-kI nl>:>iit Dave; ho bad done a rorvicvi for a henchman quite blithely, indifferent to th« injiiitico that might flow from It. Noru, iinawnro that hia eon.srifucc hud reaaon for being uneasy, almost could my yes to him after thct Bnoi:ch. .Mrniinl, but not (iiiite; for ailtho^igh she liked him now I'.ctter thnn nho had ever dono before, he w*,«,n't after all, Jen-y I'oniihue. (To he continued,) mBssxjmasesai ber and lid and partially tighten. Process for two and one-half hours in hot water bath. Remove from bath, seal securely and then store in a cool, dry place. This product willj keep until wanted. Big Trawler Catches. The fate of the "Triumph" off the: Atlantic coast created a momentary interest in the trawler which inland- 1 ers hear little about but which is i really one of the chief instruments < in keeping the market well supplied | with fish. 1 Steam trawlers are something of an innovation in Canadian fisheries. WHENINDOUST Concerning tho value of any Stocks or Shares !u your posses- sion, writs us and we will give you the fullest information arall- able without charge. Don't run away with the idea that because a stock is Inactivs it is without value. Our up to date Information may sare you neediess worry and loss through premature sale. "Qive us your confldeuce aud we will merit yours." H. M. CONNOLLY & CO. Member* Montreal Stock E^changa 105-106 Transportation Building ^MONTREAL, â- QUE. £^-5-V. im*[^>r ;-?iv -r '//'IK t AND -^ OORN SYRUP To help the sngar shortage use Crown Brand or LUy White Coi-n Syrup-delicious, wholesome and economical tl- ternative.s for Sugar in Cooking and PreservlBg. Corn Is grown In North America, while sugar must be brought act.nt the seas iu ships which are vitally needsd for war purposeii Uss ail the syrup made from com you wish, while the Food Board la urging stringent economy in tho use ol sugar. Delicious for Making Desserts and on Cereals. The Canada Food Board li»» l«i>u«J a book of recipes ahd ftur- seiillons for unliilr Corn 8yrui>. Write to tho Food Board In Ottawa, for a copy, and In the meanUme ft°X^A°^^LS''^"^n TLt tin of I-ILY WHITE (.'orn Syrup, or CnO>VTs' BRAND Corn Bvrup and try some of tho followhig r«o!pes; Arrx.M axucB S apples t iaeb stick cinnamon 8 tableapoons I.llv WKlto Corn Syrup ' U cup water. AVaali, pare, core, and slice apples. Put Into sauoe pari with water, eyrup and cinnumoii. Cook over a medium fiamo until sort CAKB WITKOVT SUOAK i cup »horleiilii« U tablespoon baklnj powder 1 oupe LUy White Com Syrap i taaapoon salt 2 eirxa 1 cup milk 8 cupn flour Creanr the iiliortenlnK, add the nyrup .^nd tho euff. and mli well. Add the milk. Sift the baking powder and flour together; add It Blowly to tho mixture uiul heat. IJakc In a moderate ov«n. aa a loaf or layer cake or small d.'-op cakes. One-fourth cup of rnlBlna added to tlie batter rIvo mere flavor and •weeti\e8S. MABMALADB 1 grnpefrult 1 oranire 1 lemon 8 lup.s water 10 cups I-ily White Corn Syruv Cut fruit In thin r.llcce and allow to ntnnd In water for 86 houre or overnight. Poparute seeds and soak them Ih part of the water, rult until tender and add Corn Hyrui until Jelly 1" obtHliii-d. >/ Cook fr Continue oocklnj SAVE SUGAR You know doctors ordsr Corn Ct^rch tii a diet for Invalids. VJa cotivert the corn starch Into Its "augnr" form, « niost digoatlble form of sweetening. m albs. H&'^l Sold by Grocers everywhere In 2, 9, 10 and 20 lb. tins. The Canada Starch Co., Limited, Montreal ^f?D5BURQ Bpano