( ALLIES TO DEMAND EXTRADTnON OF THE LATE GERMAN EMPEROR Holland Will Be I'alled On to Surrender Kniscr's Personâ€" Former Emperor Kept Informed of Every Development. A ilespatrh from London says: â€" The Entente allies have decided to demand that Holland surrender the former Kmpcror of Germany to Juatice, according to the Daily Ex- press. A despatch to the Daily Mail from Amerongcn, Holland, nays the stories re^ardinif the former German Em- peror's princely surroundings and bijf dinner parlies and ^imila.- functions are not altopother true. The most striking feature of the daily life of VViliiam Hohenzolleni, the cprrespondcnt continues, "is the mass of correspondence to which ho devotes most of his morning?," and, apparently unre8tricte<l hy the Dutch Government, he is kept accurately in- formed of every development in Germany and elsewhere and is re- ported to be able to keep in pretty close touch with Uie other side of the frontier. The correspondent eays he learns on good authurity that the Nether- lands Government considers the former Emperor's day being regard- ed as ended. 1 U is commonly Reported at Amer- I ongun, the correi^pondent declares, 1 that William Hohenzolleni will Hot i be there long, but it is imcert:iiii I whither he will go. CAHADAY SHARE OF WAD IfOKOQf TO DATE VC D-ro M-C- MM- D-CM 40 491 1,657 6.549 I.Oa9 Markets of the World GERMANS RELEASE 1,500,000 PRISONERS Hrea^lsti'lTs Toronto, Doc. H.â€" Manitoba wheat â€"No. 1 Northern $2.24%; No. 2 Northern $2.i;i''i; No. 3 Northern, ?2.17'/4; No. 4 wheat, $2.11%, in store Fort William, not includnig tax. Manitoba oatsâ€" No. 2 C.W., 81c; No. 3 O.W., TSc; extra No. 1 feed, 78 '4 c; No 1 feed 7C»i9, in store I'ort William. „ ., ^, American cornâ€" No. 2 yellow, ?].»)o; No. 3 vellow, ?l.i;0: No. 4 yellow $1.54; sample corn, feed, $1.10 to $1.40, tra-. !i Toronto. Ontario oats, new crop â€" No. i while, 77 to 80c; No. 3 white, 70 to 7Pc, according to freights outside. Ontario wheatâ€" No. 1 Winter, per car lot, 52.1-J to $2.22; No. 2 do., !t2.11 to $2.19; No. 3 do., ?2.i'7 to $2.15; No. 1 Spring, $2.09 to $2.17; No. 2 Spring, $2.00 to $2.14: No. 3 Spring, 2.02 to 2.10, f.o.U, shipping paints, acconling to freights. Peasâ€" No. 2 $2.10. Barleyâ€" Malting, new crop, $1.03 to $1.08, according to freights out- Biickwheut-A'o. 2, $1.50. Ryeâ€"No. ?., SI. 62, nominal. Manitoba rtourâ€" Old crop, war tiuality. $11.35, Toronto. . OnUrio flourâ€" War quality, old crop, $10.2ri, in bags, Montre.il apd Toronto, prompt shipment. Millfeedâ€" Car lots, delivered Mont- real freight.', bags included: Bran, f87.25 per ton; shorts $42.25 per ton. - iiay_No. 1, $21 to $23 per ton; mixed, $20 to $21 per ton, tre .V, Tor- onto. ... .„ Strawâ€" Car lots, $0.50 to »/.'-«. 00, track Toronto. Country I'roduce â€" Wholesale ButU'râ€" Dairy, tubs and rolls, 38 to SDi.-; prints, 40 to 41c; creamery, fresh made: solids, 51c; prints, 52e. EKgsâ€" New laid, <12 to C4c; store stock, 50 to 51c. Dressed poultryâ€" Spring chickens, 2i; to 30i;; roosters, 23c; fowl, 27 to 30c; ducklings, KOc; turkeys, 31 to P.h-; squabs, doz., $1.50; geese, 25c. Live poultryâ€" Roosters. 18 to 20j; fowl, 24 to 2«c; ducklings, lb., 22c; turkeys, 27 to 3tic; Spring chickens, 23c; gee.'sc, 18c. . Wholesalers are selling to the re- tail trade at the fob* :ing prices: Chetse â€" New. largfr, 27% to 28c; twins, 28 to 28V*c; old, large, 28 to SSMsc; twin, 28',i to 29c. Butterâ€" Freeh dairy, choice, 4n to 48c; creamery, solids, 51 to 53c; prints, 52 to 51c. Margarineâ€" 31 to 35c. Eggs â€" No. 1 storage, 52 to 53c; selected storage, 51 to 55c; new laid in cartons. 70 to 75c. ;.)resaed poultryâ€" Spring chickerrs, 30 to 33c; /oost.fri<, 22c; fowl, 28 to 33c; turkeys, 35 to 40c; ducklings, !b., 30c; (squubs, doz., $5.. 50; geese, 25c. Be-ins â€" tlanadian h:ind-picked, bus., $r..nO to $0.50; imported, hand-pick- ed. Burma or Indian, S5.00 to $5. ,50; Limns, 17 to 17'/jc. Honevâ€" Extracted clover; 5-lb., tins, 29 to 30c lb.; 10-lb. tins, 28 to 20c lb.; 00-lb. tins, 20 <4 to 27c. Montreal Markets Montreal, Doc. 3. â€" Oats, extri No. 1 fceil 95c; flour, new standard gr.ide, $11.25 to $11,35; rolled oats, bag 00 lbs $4.85 to $5.00; bran $37.25; shorts $42.25; mouillic $08.00 to $70.00; hav. No. 2, per ton, car lot.^ $24.00 to" !R25.00. Cheese, finest easterns, 24 to 25c. Butter, choicest creamery, 51 to 51'/.jc. Eggs, .select- ed, 55e; No. 1 stock .50c. PoUitoes, per bag, car lots, $1.70 to $1.75. Dressed hogs, iibattoir killed, $22.50 to $23.00. Lard, pure, wood pails, 20 lbs net. 31 to 32 '.â- ic. Live Slock Markets Toronto, Dec. 3. â€" Choice heavy st=ers, $13.50 to $14.00; butchers' rattle, choice, $11.50 to $12.00; do., good, $10.75 to $11.25; do. medium, $9.50 to $10.00; do. c< mmon, $8.25 to $8.75; bulls, choice, $10.25 to $11.00; do. rough bulls, $7.75 to $8.25; butchers' cows, choice, $10.25 to $11.00; do. good, $9.50 to $10.00; do. medium, $8.00 to $8.50; do. com- mon, $7.00 to $8.00; ptccker.1, $7.75 to $10.60; feeders, $10.25 to $11.25; oanners, $5 00 to $5.25; milkers, good to rhoicp, $!10.00 to $100.00; do. com. and med. $r)5.00 to $75 00; springers. $90.00 to $100.00; light ewes, $111.00 to $11.00; yearlings, $13.00 bo $13.50; spring lambs, $14.76 to $15.25; cn!ve.<, good to choice, $15.00 to $17.75; hogs, fed and wa- tered, $18. '^5 to $18.50; do. weighed off cars, $18.50 to $18.75. Montreal, Flee. 3. â€" Choice select hogs. $18.50; choice steers, $12.00 to $12.50; medium steer.i, $11.50 to $12.00; inferior stock, $9.50; choice butcher cows. $8.75 to $9.25; good cows, $1.50 to $8. .50; mediim cows, $(5.50; canners. S4.50 to $5.00; sheep $9. .50 to $10. ,50; lambs, $11.00 to $12.50; calvea, grass-fed, $ii.50 to $8.00; milk-fed stock, $12.00 to J15.00. EX-KAISER IS STILL A MENACE Of This Numl>er 250,000 Will 1'as.s Through Amerioan Lines. A despatch from the American Army of Occupation says--: More thun a million and a half of prisoners of various nationalities have been releas- ed by the Germans, according to esti- mates biied upon rcporls received by the Third .^rmy. Of this number appro.\imately , 250,000 will pass through the Am- I erican lines, and will be fed by the ; Americans. Most of the qu.irter of I a million pri.'^oners are French, Eng- ; lish, Italian and American soldiers. I The army, assisted by the Salvation i Army anil the Youn^ Men's Christian ! Association and the Knights of Col- umbus, is shouldering the bulk of the task. The population of the Grand I Duchy of Lii-xenrburg already has I been doubled by the arrival of the ! army of occup.ition. The question â- of feeding the former prisoner."^ is I taxing the .American transport facili- I ties owing to the fact that the new j lines of communication cross No i Man's Land, and because the Ameri- cans are getting farther each day from the base of supplies. EPrrApTFor BRITISH^SOLDIERS 'Their Name Liveth For Ever- more" to he Engraved on Memorial. A despatch from London says: â€" "Their rame liveth for evermore." This is the phrase that will be en- Brave<l upon the great memorial stone which is to be erected in each| of the cemeteries of British soldiers j who have fallen in the war. It is thei sugge.«tinn of Rudyard Kipling, who,' in submitting the phrase to the Im-I pcrial War Oaves Commission, wrote. { '"It was necessary to find a word of^ praise and honor which should be| both simple and well known, compre- hensible, and of the same value in all; tongues, and also standing as t.ir a.ij might be outside the faix of men andi things. ".After search and consultation with | all ranks, and many races in ourj armies ^nd navies, as well as with; those who had given their sons, it seemed to me that no single phrase; could be Iiettcr Ihan that which' closes the tribute to the famous men' in Ecclesiastes: 'Their name liveth i for evermore.' " I ONE TANK BATTALION ' NOW ON ITS WAY HOME A despatch from Ottawa says: A( \ the Militia Department it was stated | that the Second Canadian Tank Bat- 1 talion is now on its way home. The: First Tank Battalion is not coming j at present and the date of its return j could not be learned. In returning i the Second Tank Battalion, the Mill- i tia Departm;'iit is following ili> policy of clearing up certain troops in Eng- land before the real demobilization ' of the C.E.F. starts. Low category^ men, now in England, and men who I are not required and are also in the i British Tales, are being sent home. It '. will in all probability be some time j before men now in France will be moved. j% â€" â€" .i. - ' GREAT BRITAIN'S DEAD IS A FULL MILLION A despatch from London says: â€" I It is officially announced that during I the war the forces of Great Britiiin 1 actually lost nearly one million men j killed or dend through various causes. Recently it was stated that the I British losses totaled 058,704, but I this number did not take into con- 1 aidcration men who were reported I missing who actually ^ost their lives, I but of whom there is no trace, nor ' did it account for men who died at I the 'rpnt from sickness. « n ,n«p.ooo~w AlPLoAN INTEREST BEING I'Alft j A despatch from Ottawa says: De- ' cember war loan interest is now be- â- ing mailed by the Finance Depart- I ment. Total payments will approxi- I mate fourteen million dollars. Has Many .Adherents in Ger- many and Generals Are De- voted to His (.'ause. A despatch from London say.s; "It would be a great mistake to suppose the Kai.<.er is done with; he has many adherents in Germany who are quite resolved not to take the recent defeat lying-dow^n," is the opinion given the Daily Mail's correspondent at The Hague by a Dutch citizen who spent the whole period of the revolution in Bremerhiiven, and now has returned to Iloiland. The retunu'd Dutchman estimates the proportion of loyalists to revo- lutionists as one to two, and he says it large number of soldiers We what might be called "true to the* Kaiser." It must not be imagmed, he iti.sists, that the German army, .".Ithough .smaller than lieforo, has ceased to exist. On the contrary, he ropre- sents it as very much in existence, and, moreover, commanded by Gen- erals devoted to the Emperor's cause. The correspondent's informant did not doubt that something in the shape of :i counter-revolution ^vould be nttemplcd before long. He said the red flag is still freely displayed in Bremcrhaven, but he heard that it had .nlniost disappeared in the Rhine district. A despatch from Paris says: Wil- liam Ilohenzollern can be extradited, in the opinion of Professor Batheleny of the P.?ris law fjiculty, who explains that his guiding principle is that when there is an .apparent conflict between law and common sense, the solution is alv.-ays found in following the latter. The theory that a political crime is any crime inspired by purely politi- cal motives, the Professor declares, has long been abandoned. He notes that Belgium, in 1850. classed regi- cides among common law criminals. Crimes such as the .issassinations of President Carnot of France and King Humbert of Italy were inspired by political motives, he points out, and yet the authors of them were exe- cuted. The atrocities ordered by former Kmperor William, the Professor con- tinues, are condemned even in a state of war by international law, and constitute common law crimes. To maintain that thev are not, be- ciuise the object for which they were committed was political, is, he av.srucs, an absurdity. KING GEORGE PAYS TRIBUTE TO HEROIC EFFORTS OF FRENCH Union of Hearts Created hy the War, Says HLs Majesty in a Notable Speech at a Dinner (iivcn in His Honor in Paris. other and a union of of interests A despatch from Paris says: â€" At j pose to .ip'preciate each the dinner given at the Elysee Palace their respective ideals, on Thursday night in honor of King "They have created George, the King, in proposing the | hearts and an identity health of President Poincare, said:! that, I trust, will ever grow closer "It is difficult for me adequately j and contribute materially to the con- to express the ffreat pleasure that 1 1 solidation of peace and the advance- feel in being your guest here to-night I ment of civilization, in this fair city of Paris and in the j "Lastly, let me -mid one word ofj mid.st of the great nation with which sympathy for those heroic French-; during past years I and my people men and French woman who have have mingled our sorrows and our suflfered r.t the hands of the invader joys and' are now triumphantly such as few have suffered, except in â- crowned by overwhelming victor.v Belgium. Andlet us not forget the over the common enemy. immortal de.id whose names will cverj "We can all remember the re- be enshrined in one of the most; peated and desperate efforts made by! glorious pages of the histoi7 of the, th German armies to reach and cap- worW. ture this great capital; but, thanks; "My soldiers have fought during to the bravery of the splendid French' all these years of relentless war side arn\y and the loyal co-operalion of; by side with the soldieis of France, the allies, the aims of the enemy whose valiant deeds have added fresh' have been defeated and by the skil- lustre to their immortal traditions, ful direction and the strategy of the ' The sailors of our two nftvies have, distinguished Field Mar.shal I'och the together, kept these as in a comrade-^ troo{)s of the inva<lers have .been hurl- 1 ship and mutual trusi which the; cd across the frontier and compelled length of the war itself has only to sTie for peace "Mr. President, I congratulate you and the noble French nation upon the great victory that has been achieved, in which my generals and armies are proud to have taken part. In the life and death conflict in which our na- tions have hcen together cngage<l for c;viliz.ation ami for right against the served more and more to foiter and ! to strengthen. | "With all my heart I thank you i for your friendly feelings and the j terms in which you have proposed I my health. Accept also my ciirdial thanks for your genei'ous hospitality and for the opportunity which you have afforded me in these ever-mem- MEDAL OF MONS FOR CANADIANS To Commemorate the Liberation of City by Canadian Troops. A despatch from the Cr.nadiar, Corps says: â€" Before leaving Mori^s." which the Canadians capti.n-ed jusl before the armistice was signed. Sir A-i-thur Currie," the Commander of the Canadian Corps, was pi'esent. ed by the city with a medal in gold- .^pecialiy struck in his honor and in. scribed as., a souvenir cf the libera- tion of the city by the Canadiac Corps. Replicas will be distributee among the troops who participated. Men of the FiTst Canadian Divisioc were given a great reception upon their entry into the city of Nivelles on their rriarch to Germany. Leisure has been granted the men for visits to Waterloo ami the historic battle- fields in the neighbarhood, and a con- siderable contingent of Canadian of- ficers attended the official entry of the King and Queen of tlie Belgians into Brussels. The published plan for the de- mobilization of the Canadian army have not been received with cn- thu.siasm, as the men hoped and l>e- lieved that they would have an op- portunity of retiirning to their bases .as members of the fighting units with which they h'avo so long been associated. methods of barbarism ami the forces | orable days of victory to pay â- my of destruction, the French and British ; respectful homage to the French peoples have learned in unity of pur-| naticn." BELGIUM HAS BEEN CLEAUED OF ALL GERMAN TROOPS A despatch from London says: Belgium is clear of German troops. The correspondent of the London Times, who has followed the retreat, says that there has been little des- truction in the country east of Mons. Ho says further that in the area be- tween Mons and Charleroi. the mines and factories are now working. 10,000 BRITISHERS DENOUNCE GERMANS A despatch from London says: A demonstrntion of 10,000 people took lilace in Hyde Park under the auspices of the British Empire Union. A reso- lution was passed expressing horror and indignaticm of German brutalities against British prisoners, especially after the armistice, and favoring an economic bo.vcntt of the Germans for their foul deeds. WITH THE CANADIANS IN NORTH RU.SSIA A despatch from London says: The nature and the conditions of the expedition in which the Canadian force of picked fighting men is tak- ing part on the River Dyina in north Russia is well set forth in a letter from an officer, printed in The Times. ; Th(! writer describes the men as lodging in a long, narrow board build- ing and mentions a dinner with the comnnonder, when Russians, Fiench and Poles were present. He says they 1 have seen pt-irmiigan and -Arctic I hare and one of the men saw a boar. I Sentling me:i out to shoot and fish, a British officer got a 42-pound salmon after five hours' play. | The men are healthy and very 1 cheery. They are in great demand j as they can turn their hand to any- thing. TWO HUNDRED U-BOATS DESTROYED BY ALLIES A despatch from London says: â€" It is announced that appro.ximately 200 German submarines were de- stroyed during the course of the war. The total number of all types built iby the Germans i"' estimated to have been SCO. NOTICE TO KARL | TO QUIT AUSTRIA A despatch from Copenhagen says: Former Emperor Charles has been informed by the Government at Vienna that he must leave Austria because of the counter-revolutionary movement there, according to a Leipsic despatch in The Politiken. CELEBRATE XMAS IN GERMANY Canadian Army of Occupation Will Have Headquarters _at Mainz. A. despatch from Ottawa says: â€" Members of the Canadian army in- vading Germany will spend a victori- ous Christmas in the great Rhine fortress of Main:'., where, it is cx- pected, they will have their head- quarters until peace is signgd. Situated on the left bank of the Rhine, Mainz is one of the oldest citie..^ of Gcitnany, an^l is the largest in the Grand Dudiy of Hesse. It is one of the great fortresses of the foiTUer Gorman Empire. The forti- fic4itions, enlarged since 1871, consist 0^ seVex-al lines of bastioned forts, the citadel in the southeastern part of the town, and a number of de.- taehed forts? It is connected with Kastel, on the opposite bank of the river, hy a modern bridge. The city has a rich military history extending back to Roman times. The Canadian army which wHl re- main in Germany during the period of occupation has not been decided upon as yet, but it is believed tk,il the force will bo composed of men volunteering for this dutv. I •Hioir .Vl*t Uns"â€" Tliis v.as the on the bedstead of a pillaged home UNITED STATES DKLEllATION TO PEACE CONGRESS A despatch from Washington says: â€" 'President Wilson himself will head the American representation at the Peace Conference. The other members cf the delegation \v\\\^ be: Robert Lansing, Secretary of State; Col E. M. Hou.se; Henry White, former Ambassador to France and Italy; Gen. Taskcr 11. Bli.«, former chief of staff of the army, and now American military representative ou the Supreme War Council at Ver- sailles. j fl, DEiMANB REAL ABDICATION FROM THE GERMAN EMPEROR I A despatch from London says: The . Berlin Government, according to a ! news despatch received from Copen- : hagen by the Exchange Telegi-:iph I Company, has fsnt a telegram to the I former German Emperor, now in i Holland, demanding the I'oimal abdi- , cation of himself and the former I Crown Prince. ENTERED GERMANY AND I OCCUPIED BONN FOR IRES.S A despatch from London b.^y.^: The Canadiins have crossed the German 1 effend chalked by Geimun vandals i frontier and occupied Bonn after a ill Cambrai. series of eight marches. BLOCKADE WILL BE MAINTAINED No Rela.vation Until Definite Peace is Ratiiied. A despatch from London says: The Times says the absurd story which the Gern:ans arc reported to have spread semi-officially that the Entente probably will consider the abolition of the blockade is absolutely unfound- ed. The allies have not the slightest intention, the Times continues, of throwing aside their chief weapon for insuring the signature of a just peace and the performance ot its condiiions, particularly in the prestut chaotic state of Germany. Atttr quoting evidencps in an en- deavor to refute Dr. Solf's declaration that Germany is starving, the news- paper says that German .statements on this subject reciuito o-ireful exam- ination. When the truth has been ascertained, the allies and the United Stales will allow the Germati:) from time to time during the peace nego- tiations such food suppliss that hum- anity dictates, but the blockade^ murt rerajun.in force until a definite peace has been ratified. Thereafter it may be kept lu abevance as the chosen instrumenl of the league of nutionif for enforcing its decision.^. KAISERS LAND HOLDINGS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA A despatch from London say.i; vVriting in The Daily Mail on what Cunada is going to do about t,he ex- tensive land holding on the Pacific coay.t of the Kaisjr, acquired thrjugrl. his agents, a writer says he v/as en- abled during his connection v;Lth the tiovernmenl department to gain much knowledge of the activitfe.s of the Count '.Alvcn.ileben in British C(dum- bia. They bought up large tracts, both on the mainland and Vancouver Island, in various names, but all ought to have been in one uume alone. Wllliiim Hoht'MZCllern. Remnrkin;^ on the uncertainty of the wljereab.-iut.s noxr of the Alvenslebens, who dis- appeared after the outbreak of the v;:\r, the article concludes "Ui a'ny case it is certain the whole of th" .\lvenslo))en tiansactiors will be thor oughly invesligatech- and Canada will not stand for any dealings with thu ex-Kaiser or his friends." KING SENT LETTER TO EACH SOLDIER .\ despatch from Halifax says: ,lust before embarkation in England, a letter from the King and Queen was presented to each soldier leaving for Canada on the .Aquitania. wTilch ar- rived hero on Nov. 28. Tt reads: "Buckingham Palace, 1918. "The Queen and I wish you God-speed, a safe retvrn to the hunpiness and joy of home !if»\ with an early restoration to health. "A grateful Mother Country thanks vou for faithful services. (Signed.l "GKORGR R.I." •J 5) ^