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Flesherton Advance, 7 Nov 1918, p. 8

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l^ovcmber 7 1918 TH.E FLESHERTON ADVANCE [ l/on't wait till the coUl weather starts to put glass where they are broKen or out. News tlie time to do it right. To cut any size of i^lass you want is one ol my hobbies. A crock full of chili-sauce, eggs, pickles, butter, etc., will be a great comfort to the houscwild during the winter months. I have them all sizes. Stove Pipes, Elbows, Etc. aUNDAY SCHOOLS OF CANADA UNITE TO HELP VICTORY LOAN BY WAR MEMORIAL tm^u F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 11 Flesherton Columbia Grafonolas mmm ONE MILLION SCHOLARS! ONE MILLION DOLLAR SI A million Sundny Bchoul scholars niid inombcis of Vounn Peoples Associations i)f tjie xXnglican, Piesbyteriau, Baptist, IVI'.'thoJist and Conf^renHlional Churclie' ate c) operatinR on ii plan which has the three-fold purpose of helping to Looat the Vic'ury Loan Over the Top; assisting the Churolies to extend their initsion work, and commemorating; tiie heroisn) ijf church inemliers who have fallen at the Fioiit "Every School at least one Iwnd" is the cry that will halp to carry the lOlH jVietory Loan to the Sundiy Schools' million dollar objeclivc. Above is a ri'prouuclion of the shield to bo present- ed to each Sunday School Hubscribini' a JEWELLER, FLESH KUTUN ybonJ. Columbia Records -FOR SALE BYâ€" W. A. Armstrong NOTICE Military Service Act, 1917. IMPLOYMENT OF IMEN IN DEFAULT UNDER THE MILITARY SERVICE ACT. The following Regulations, recently approved by the Qovernor General in Council, impose strict obligations upon every employer TO ASSURE HIM- SELF THAT EACH OF HIS EMPLOYEES OF MILITARY AGE AND DESCRIPTION IS IN POSSESSION OF DOCUMENTS PROVING THAT HE IS NOT IN ANY WAY IN DEFAULT UNDER THE MILITARY SERVICE ACT. An employer who is charged with having a defaulter in his employ must be able to prove THAT THE MILITARY SERVICE PAPERS ISSUED BY THE REGISTRAR OR MILITARY AUTHORITIES TO THE EMPLOYEE IN QUES- TION WERE PRODUCED FOR HIS INSPEC- TION at the time when the employee was taken into his employment, and that it was reasonably estab- lished to his satisfaction that the man was not in default under the Military Service Act. It should be clearly understood that the Canadian Registration Certificates given on June 22, 1918, at the time of general registration, in no way define the status of a man under the Military Service Act. REGULATIONS. "164. Every person wlio^ employs or retain* in Li» Morvici- 1 any man who has deHortod or i.s absent without Icuve from the CanutJian Mxpeililiouiiry Force, or who is in dcfu'ilt in tb« pWformance of any obli-l gation or r«>ul for r»- porting or for military srrvicc, imppaed upon him by iho Act or RegulationH, or any procla- mation thereunder, Hhall he; guilty of an oCfence punishahiu i on luminary conviction by im- prisonment not exceeding hix months, or by a penalty of not ItM than One Hundred Dollarg, 81(1 of not more than Five usdrtd Dollars, or by both Buoh imprisonment and fine, unlMs such person prove that be made aue inquiry and that THE MILITARY 8ER- vioE Papers issued bv TOTREaiBTRAll OR THE MILITARY AUTHORITIES TO THE MAN SO EM- PLOYED OR RETAINED IN HIS SERVICE WERE B- PRODUCED FOR HIS IN- SPECTION, and that it was rMisonably established to his satisfaction by such inquirj- and papers that the man was not » oeserter or absent from iht force without leave, or Uj default in respect of any of the obligations nr requirompnts nforcsuid. " " 106a. F.vory person who llAUnorUSOR ("ONt'KALS OR IN ANY WAY ASSISTS ANY MAN WHO IS A DE- SKRTKR OR ABSENT WITHOUT LEAVE l-'ROM THE CANADIAN KXPE- DITIONARY FOHCl'l, or who is in defavilt in the per- foriiiiince of uny obligation or r<-quirenieut for reporting or for military service imposed upon him by the .\ct or Regii- huioUN or uny proclumation thereunder, shall be guilty of au otTcnce ptiniahable upon summary conviction by im- prisonment not exceeding six months, or by a penalty of not leu» than Outr Hundr«)d DoUara and of not more than Five Hundreti Dollarn, or by both such impriaonment and fine, unless such person prove that he was not aware and had no reasonable ground to Huspect that the man so harboure<l, concealed, or aflaistetl was a deserter or absent from the forces without leave or in defnult in respect of any of the obligations or rtMiuircments aforesaid." MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. CEYLON Urs. Ed. Embury and Mrs. Forsythe of Toronto were visitors at R. Cook's last week. Mrs. (Dr.) H*ln)«s and litlU daughter Jean of Qvon Sound are apeodlng a couple of weeks with the fermer'a parents^ Mr. and Mrs. T. Chislelt. Misa Helen GibMon of Toronto is a««ietin|B! to wait on ber brother who is ill- Mrs. Dan Wydeman is visiting with he parents at Rlmwood. Mr. McWhinney of Hanover spent the wcok end with his daughter, Mrs. N. Archibald. .Mrs. Archie McMuIlen visited with iier ilaughler in Toronto during the past week. Mis.s J. Aiihiy, who lias been viaiting her friend, Mm. Aiehibald, for the past two weeks. ha.s returned to her home in 'I'aru. Pie. Will McAithur of Toronto and sister, Mrs. McC'loskcy of the V/est, visited friends here in the pa^t week for K few d«ys. (JoiiNUibIc t^ok was at. CodarviUe Sat- urday. Uev. Mr. Dinnick of Toronto is visit- illy Win fnuiily here. Mrs. Wydeman, Proton, visited het son hare the tirst of the week. Tbi-s villat'e was shocktd Wednesday 110011 when i' w«s made known thai Mrs, Albert Kendrick of liad piissed awiiy after only a few days illness at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wilson McMul- |en, where she hud come to assist in wait- ing on her niece. Miss M;>iy M>;Mulleu, who had beer, very ill with pneumonia. Iter husband arrived Tliursday noon and took the body buck on the evening train to Lyndhurst for burial there on Friday. She leaves to iiiouru her loss, a broken- hearted husband, two brothers and two sisters, Mr. George Wilson, Toronto, William at Banda, Mrs. NVni. Bealty, Kanda, and Mrs. Wilson McMulIen, to whoii the sympathy of the community is expended. Mis. A. Rutltdgu received a telegram Wednesday noon tbather eldest son, Pt«. William itulledge, had passed away at the hospital in Letb bridge on Sunday, Oct. 27. After only four houra illness of pneumonia at the age of .'30 years. He had served al the front returning Lome over a year ago and since then he has resided out West. The body was brought home Friday night accompanied by Roy Uutledge.a brother. The funeral look place Saturday afternoon to Flesh- erton Ceiiiotery. Revs. Belfry and Quiun took charge of the service. The casket was covered with several beauti- ful Horal oti'erings from frienda in the West. He leaves to mourn his lo»s hi* widowed mother, oneststcr, Mrs. Dalley, Lellibridge, and four brotbuvs, Uoy of Lethbridge, Leslie in Dakota, Pie. Melville in France, and Kobert at hoM e all of whom have the tyinpalliy ut ibo community. tVe are pleased to report that Koyden Gibson, Misses Lottie Muir, Aftnes, Lillian, and G.;rtha McPhnil, and Mary McMullsn are all iinpioving after recent illness. Mr. .Joe Snell is under the care of a physician ihis week. Around Grey County The Malleable Iron Co., of Owen Sound, are again working on shell order:; for the British Government. They have u contract that will take about eipht months to complete. Major Fred Burgoss, .son of In- spector H. II. Burgess, of Owen Sound, has lost his left arm as a re- sult of wounds received. Ho has been in l-'rance since 1915 with the C. A. M C. Elijah Henry, an Indian from near Strathroy, broke into the C. P. R. station at Holland Centre and re- moved a pack of playing cards luul some stationery. He was remanded for trial. .\ most exciting runaway occur- red in Owen Sound last Wednesday afternoon. A horse belonging to Ben Oretsky took fright, running away and collided with a brick build- ing on the comer of 10th street and 2nd avenue, east. The horse was seriously injured on the head ..but is expected to pull through. For a whole week not one casualty was reported in Owen Sound, Scrgt. Jas. Duncan, of the back- line, Proton, has won the Military Medal. He has been wounded but is in a hospital In England. Shclburnc has won the Honor Flag with Crown as she has given above what had been set to give. Clive Campbell, of Mount Forest, was accidentally shot in the hand by a 22 rifle. The buUet passed through his hand, severing an artery. Ho rendered first aid to himself and then had the doctor dress the wound. Harold Hopkins, of Hanover, broke his arm last week while crank- ing a car. Holsteld Bull For Service \ ihonmglibnHt lIulntHiii bull for nrrvicti uu totii lH.t l»l aw, T. Ik S.U., Art«inB«i«: il(ii>- rtly r<'I»t«d to the wurid'n iil\am|ai>a â- Hpuuiid sow. Ttrmii- 91.00 fcr Kriwli". $f>.00 ("r (lure t>if<li>. •Bf OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS n« •KhlaLMawiniM iMrWaFvi •sir* aad will b* «h*llrla • 1 Bank. Tos Monsm or PnuNcs <m m DoiinnoM ot Cakwa offers for PubUc Subscription tk* Victory Loan 1918 $300,000,000. 5%% Gold Bonds Beaiing interest from Novembei 1st, 1918, and offered in two maturllifi, the choice of wblch ii optioiial with the subscriber as follows: S year Bonds due November 1st, IMS 13 year Bonds due November I«t, 1933 Prindpa! payable without charge at the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the Office of the .Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John. Cbailottetown, Montreal, Toronto. Winnipeg Rcfisa. Calgary and N'ictoria. Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest, at any of the above-mentioned offices. Intere«t payable, without charge, half-yearly. May 1st and November 1st, at any branch in Canada of any Cbatteicd Principal and Interest payable In Gold Denomlnatioiu: «50, SIM, $$Mand Sl,««« Issue Price: 100 and Accrued Interest Income Return 5%% per Annum Free from taxesâ€" Including any Income taiâ€" Imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parllanaent ot Canada. The proceeds of the Loan will be used for nar purposes only, Inctudlnn the purchase of grain, foodstufla, muni- tlons and other supplies, and will be spent wholly in Canada. Payment to Iw made as follows: -- ' 10%onapplicaUoni 20% January 6th, 1910i 207o UccemberOth, 1918; 20% February 6th, 1919; 31.16% March Cth, 1019. The last payment of 31. 16% covers .10% balanceof principal and 1.16% rcpresentmg accrued interest St SM% from November 1st to due dates of the rcspevtive iiisialroenti. A full li.ilf year's interest will bo iiaid o.n May 1st. 1919, making the cost of the bonds 100 and Interest. Subscriptions may be paid in full at the time of applifation at 100 without interest: or on any instalment due date thereafter together with accrued Interest at the rate of 8,'5' c per annum. This Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and twtb principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidatfd Revenue Fund. The Amount of this issue is $300,000,000, exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds of previous issues. Tlie Minister of Finance, however, reserves the rislit to allot the whole or any part of the amount subscribed in excess of 1300.000,000. Conversion Privileges Bondsof this issue will, in the event of future issues of like m.iiurity. or longer, made by the Government, during the remaining periiid of the War, other than issues made abroad, be accepted at 100 and accrued interest, as the equivalent of casb for the purpose of subscription to such issues. Payments All cheaues, drafts, etc., covering innalments, are to be made payable to the Credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any Instalment when due will render previous payments liable t'> forfeiture, and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions must be accompanied by a dtrosit of 10% of the amount subsiribcd. Official Canvassers will forward sub- scriptions or any branch in Canada of any Cuart^red Bank will accept subscription and issue receipts. ^ Subscriptions may l>c paid in it'll at linic of applicatiuo at 100 without interest; or on any instalment due date there- after together with accrued interest to time of maldng payment in full. Lnder tltis provision, payment of subscriptions may be made as follows: If paidlnfulloBorlieforeNov. l«th, 1918. parwithout interest. or 100%. If remaining Instalments paidnn Vrc. 0th. 1918. talance of 00% and interest, (t90.«8 per SIOO.) If remaining instalments paid Of Jan. Cth, 1919. balance of 70% and interest, ($70.80 per SIOO.) If remaining instalments paid on iVb. Stli, 1919, balance of 50% and interest. ($,Tl.tH per $100.) If remaining Instalment |K>id on Mat. Otb. 1919. t»bince of 30% and interest, ($31.16 per SJOO.) Denomiaation and Registration Besrsr bonds, with coupons, will be issued in denominations of $V>.. $100.. $S(X>., and $1.000., and maybe registered as to principal. Tlveerst coupon attached to these bonds will be due on May 1st, 1919. FuUv reiistered bonds, the interest on which is paid direct to tbe owner by Government cheque, will be issued ia i dcaominaUotuof W. HOO., <SO0.. tl.OOO.. 6.000., $10,000., «ZS,000., $50.000,, 1100,000., or any saulciple of $100,000. ' Payment ol Interest A full half yesr's interest at tbe rate of SH% P« annum will be paid May 1st, ISIA, Form of Bond and Delivery SubscrilMrs nsst indlcaU oa their appUcatioa the form of bond snd the de»)iniaati«as i««aiied, and the securities so indicated wUl be aellTtted by the bank upon payment of the subscription in full. Bearer bonds ot this issue will be available for dellven' at the time of application to snbecribers desirous of making luivment in full. Bonds tetialeted as to principal only, or fully registered as to principal aati interest, will be dtHvered to •ubscribers making payment isi full, as soob ss the required registration can be made. Payment of all tnstalBeats must be made at the biink otiginally named by the subscriber. N'on-negotiable tacclpta will bs f urnisltcd to all subacribet s who desire to pay by Instatmenta. These receipts will be excbanget'ole at subscriber's bank for bonds on any instalment date when subscription is paid in full. Form o{ Bonds luterchanfteable Sublect to the payment of 23 cents for each new bond issued, hulders of fully registersd bonds urithout coupons, will have theriiht to convert into bonds with coupons and holders of bands with coupons will have the ri^t to convert into fully legiswred Iwnds wltbout coupons, at any lime, on application lo the Minister of Finance or any Asststant Receiver General. Forms of application may l>e obtained from anv Official Canvasser, from any Victory Loan Committee, or taeabet ibsreof, or from any biaach in Canada of any Chaitcted Bank. Snbscrtption Liats will close on or before November 16th, 1918 DiraiTMSKT OS FnSAtirs. OnAWA, October SSth. ISIS. Behind the Gun the Man > Behind the Man the Dollar Make Your Dollars Fitfht the Hnn u^ v-^" r . A«hs s •lite 'rt»r|)«Hlo. Back of ttie lorpetio is Its BkIi shai>ed body, contalniui; all ttte iuh- chinery to drive and sieor ailer It has been launched. Ktoiu forwiird a(t wo find compartnionls ».â- Â» follows: A compressed air reservoir, uu immer- sion or balance chamber, engine 8pac« and a buoyancy clmmbei-. The tiny engine la driven by compressed air, which is eonipresatid to a high degree, and it rotates the propellerR whereby the projectile Is carrietl throiiRh the water. The Unmersion or bulanue chamber provides means of maintaining the depth at which the torpedo shall travel through the water after being launched. In tbe engine chamber there 1$ also the de- vice for keeping the projectile to ita designed path during Its travel. This ia achieved by inMDs of it gyro«coi>e. The buoyancy chamber, which is placed aft of the engine ohamber, is virtually a Tacuuni. 'Wltbout this chamber tbe torpetio would sink. Tbe propellers and rudders are astern and ontslde the torv^do'* i^ij. feffi=?p:4^/=FSW3g/=/i Which Is Your Choice ? CANADA is asking the loan oi a lot of money but the Germans would ask a great deal more in indemnities. Show which system you prefer. It BUY VICTORY BONDS m This 8p»co war donated in the interest of the Victory Loan campaign by W. H. BUNT, Pleaherttn. » I 1 July 17 -URO. MOOUKASon, Every Dollar You Invoft in a Course of Training in the jLLLtorr, T^^ Yonge and Chavleii Btroete, Toronto will pay bill dividends. F.vcry (rraduat* of this school this year tiedU{<)<l employ-. inent promptly. Enter any lime. Catalogue Free, Mr, J. ELLIOTT, rwNciPAt New Blacksmith Shop At Maxweli i I 1 am oiieMngupatoncc, a blacksmith- inn and woodwork inR business '" **•*â-  welt, and am tnttaltincc up-to-date wood- working uiaohineiy. It will l>e my en desTor to serve tbe public in a satiafM- tory nsannw and I wr>u1d solicit p»tron- ase. I want yoDtwoik and will do It tisht. 7 -^P'il i j CHESTER LONG Fleslieptoit ^A- Tonsorial 'H; Parlors jWe Aim to Give Entire tSatistaotto I LAUNDHYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday eveuin i 0LK.\N1NG and DYKING- We at agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers reiuvenatei T FISHEA •PROPRIETW

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