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Flesherton Advance, 7 Nov 1918, p. 7

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mNDmONAL SURREIWER OF TURKEY I OPENS DARDANELLES TO ALLIES Terms of Armistice Include Release of All Allied Pri.soner.s- Entire Turkish Army Captured bv BritLsh in Mesopotamia â€"British Fleet En Route to Klack Sea to Engage i Lierman Naval Forces. A despatch from London says: â€" Turkey on Thursday unconditionally surrendered to the allies. The armis- tice was si^n^ by .Admiral Calthorp •on behalf of the Entente at Mudros, on the Island of Lcmnos. "Gen. Townshefcd, the Briii^h com- mander, captured at Kut-et-.\mara, was liberated several days ago by the Turks," Sir Georgfe Cave, the Home Secretary, announced in the House of repatriation of allied prisoners of j war." The announcemen: tha: an ;irmistice with Turkey which permits pas&age of allied warships through the Dar- daneilei already is in operation led. naval officers to believe that ?.a allied | fleet if it has not already started, ^ soon vrill pass through to the Black: Sea to attack the German naval forces ^ there. Thaae forces include ships of. 'â-  Commons on Thursday, "ir. onier to i th? R-i.'sian Black Sea fleet takan o%'er infotm the British admiral in com-] l.y the Teutons after the coKapje of; mand in the .Aegean that the Turkish i tho Provisional Government in Rus-' Government a=ked that r!3^o:iations i sia. The Germans obtaired one sup-] b« opened imme'Jiaiely for an armis- j er-arcadnought, several battleships oil tice. I the pre-dreadnought type and a "A reply was sent, that if ihs Turk-j scoife of fa .it uestroyera. ish Government sent fu'ly accredited ! The (ierman battle crujs.;r Goebe?. plenii'otentiarie?. Vice .Admiral Cal-jalso is in the Black Sea. This ves-; thorp, the British .jomntar.ier. was ' se! was in the Mediterranean when the empowered to uitorm tiiem of the con-, war began and escaped to the Bos- ditions upon \rhieh the allie: wou'.d • phoru.<!. where it was reported to have agree to stop hostiliii':.^. and coulJ]becn ''sold" to Turkey before that sign an armistice on these Cojditiens ' coantr.- entered th- war. The cruissr in their behalf. |v.akb.idly damaged several times, but '"The Turk's;, .p-fnipotc-.tiaries ar- ' rccnp:! reports said it has been ri-' rived at Mud- 05. I-land of T.emno'^ pairtit again, taken over by the Ger- eariy this weal; a.'id an armisti-ce wa? 1 mans and wjthdrawn to the B'.ack sig-ned by Adrnirsi Caltho'.-p on behalf; Sea. i of th? a!Ua<i Clovernment ..t Wedres- The entire Turkish force which has <lay night. It came it!i.j ope;-atlcn at [ bean opposing the Britiih on t'-.e Tigris noon on Thursday. [has been captured, it was ofTlcialiy ''It is impw?!^iii'« a< yet to publish - announced on Thursday. The text of; _^_-_^_^^___________________ the fall term's of the armistice, but the statement re*"''?: "The hard t^sht-i they include (i. The free passage 01 ing on the Tigri.^ which began ou'rVrj ICIl KKTX f Kfi Kl\] M^ Tlif\(WQ the allied fle-cs thrjugh the â- Bo:iphorus Ocloher 24. er.ded^n the 30th with the LllliUlJll Alll/ Lrtil/\l/iivll 1 [\UUrj to the Ulack 6ea; (2t The occupation ' capture of the entire Turivish force. pf forts on the Dardanelles and in the opposed to us on that river. The pris- ,T>os;uionss necesssry to secure the pas- ' oiier.5 are e-timatad at about 7,000,; «igo of thf ships, and (St Immediate i witli much TTiaterlal.'" I 'AUSTRIAN ARMY SUFFERS ' '" ^ - COMPLETE ROUT: 50,000 CAPTURED Vanquished Envoy .s Oflfer While Flag to Italian Commander- Italy Will Dictate Terms on *he Field. • A despatch froni Rome- say = : "The I success of our arms Is assuming great ! proportions. The rout.?d enemy is re- ' treaticg east of the P:av«;. ajid can hardly withstand the c!»se pressure War Office issued thi.< aii:>oancement to-nightâ€" "The high ccmmand of the armies, early Tuesday, by means of a Parlementaire.' establisheii com- munication with the Italian army I of our troops on the mountaitl front," ; comauind'. Every e'ffort'is'to be mad^ ; says the official report 03. Tl.ursday , f j, fj,, avoidance of further useless 1 ntght. j sacrifice of blood, for the cessation . Ita.ian troops have reached Ponte ; of hostilirles and the conclusion of an Delie .\!i. northeast of the city of â-  armistice. Towards this step, which ;,Bellu.^o. thi:s deiin-.tely dividing the ' was animated by the best intentions. ; .\ustnar. armies, said an official .'ae lulian high command at first as- I wireless message receiver! here on jumed an attitude of unmistakable ! Tnursday nig'it from P^me. Over refusal, and it was onlr on the even- , uO.OUO prisoners and more tliari^W i^g of Wednesday that, in accord witli . guns have been counted, ard thous-; the Italian high command, Gea. Weo- ; ands cf additional captlmes a.-e con-.- er. accompanieiS by j deputation, was i ing in. "Tlie success cf our armies oermltted to cross the fighting Una is becoming more ar.d csore stupen- fjr preaa-Rary pourparlers. If. i dous," says the despatch. The fight- ; therefore, the cruelties of warfare ing is on a front cf 100 to 120 miles : must continue in the I.ilia.". theatre 'â-  "**•â- â€¢ . • 'of war, the guilt and rssponaibility Gen. Diaz. Italian Commander-in- ' wiiV have to be ascribed to tbe en- chief, has issued the following buUe- • emy." â-  • "".i.°,r* ''T''*' i. , T. ,-. ! A despatch f.-om Washington says: Soldier., forward. 1:: Italy's name _^^^ ^f ^j,^ A-trian armies on th. we wul place the %vreath of .ictory ^^^^ .^^„. ^^^-^^^^^ .^^ ,^ ^ff;^;,; "The Pri.'-.ts of Pea.e" â€" Wllh? m z, ADVANCE ON 10-MILE FLANDERS FRONT on the tomb of our glorious dead. Forwar.i! Our belove«l v.ountry calls!" In answer to Auscrta's am-ounce- ment that she was ready to evacuate ; Italian terriicry, Italy has officially replied that the offer has ccuie too â-  late. It is assumed the Ita!iar.s will endeiiver to drive the Austro-Hun- gariars from Italian soil before an ' armisti'-e caii be signed. Tne .\usfrians in the north are menaced by the movement r.jrtheast despatch on Friday night from Rome. The number of prisoners is increasing rapidly and. conhsuously. while more than TW captured guns have been counted. The booty captured al-eaiy is of enormous quantity. .\fter ennikilating the re-ristar,..-? of the .\u8rriar.3 at the Livecxa. I^iau cavalry divisions have pushed forward, and n-j'.v are 'tearing the Tsillamenta River. Great numbers of airp-lanes preceding tlie Icalian troeps are using al^ve Selluno and an Italian armv marching from the south toward that ^"^^r »a<^hine guns or. tne retreatinj ^.jjy 'enemy co.UR-ns. Markets of the World Live Stock Markets Toronto. Xor. 5,. â€" Chol.-e heavy ' steers. $13.00 to $13.50v b.-tchersj cattle, choii-e. $11.00 t,i $11.75? do..' j:cn,l. «10.2-'i ta $10.75; da mediunj. Valencienne.^ Surrounded in .\ttaik Engineered hy Dominion Forces â€" IJ^twten 2.000 ttnd .'.OOO PrLsonets I'tikci Splendid Sikcerijs 01 Belgrians. .A. despatch from London say.s: Fvi- The Italian* a.ij are fas: advanc- ing: in the dlicctlja of Udine. acrl Purdrone already has been taken. The Third .Army. reia:\rced by ma- rines, has oc-.-upitd the vilioie intri- The other .Austrian army is menac- ed by an Italian drive moving south- east. In thl.< case or«^ fork of tV.e ^ pincers is the .Xviriatlc Sea. j The Austrian* have hi-e;i icmplete- ; ly routeii east of the Pi^ive. an earlier cate ioc« along the Adriatic. Bell- Tho main attack at Valenciennes despatch said, and are with great ur.o has been ovcupie»l by the Twelfth *8 So to «9 ~i)- do commo'i" JT 75 to 'iay's attack in Flanders was reward- : ,vas south of the citv. just above ciSicuhy sustaining the fKessant -A:my. wnue at the etiremc eastern ♦^>.^o to vy--ii,ao. commo.i. J....J to, ^._ , ^ _ .....1, ,jj,^, Canadians, who en- ptessuie of the Italian troops in the s«tor of ti'e tront mar;3es " the plalri and in have occunled Caerole. enetia. tin- From tho Stellvio to the .Vstico tfa* B.'caiisluflfa Toronto, Ko. 3.â€" Mar.l"ioba wheat No. 1 North<>rr. ?J.:4!o: No. 2 North- 5lj< em, $2.21 '.3;: .N'o. :> Northern, to $10. ."lO; do. medium bulls, $9.ft0 to miles on a ten-mile front. It brought ! glneered the drive, were supported mountain region, m the S2.174; N.>. 1 wlvat. S-Ml*-.-, in $y. 7.".; do. rough bulls. $7.25 to $8.25;! the Allies to the S*;heldt from Ber- | by one of the heaviest artillery bcm- t'^e Alpine foothills of V butchers' bulls, choi.'e. $10.00: ed by an advance of more than t'lve : Kamars-. store Fort Wi'Siani. not in.-luding tax. butchers' cov.s, choice. $10.00 to' j-^enj to (^avere, 10 miles south of j t j:rdmeuts of the war T»>e <^nfire ^"'>' nias««s are Jec'ared as "stream- .\ustrians a/e strongiy reslitiag. A* .Manitoba <.^ts-No. 2 C.\V.. S5>c: Sl0.:i5: dc^ good, $y.0<) to $?.50: do.L-, ^ ^1,:^ advance probably will v.a« terrific. a.".a this made the go- i»ft ^ confusion" dowr. the mountain despatch saki. but they ar* wavering No. I' O.W.. 82'.,'': extra No. I teed, medium. ST.;,0 to SS-OO; do. common.! _ ,,, ,. p .„• „^ f . ,u^ L,„,^ ' â- â€žâ€ž â-  ..,. . * - • *'-_"sc;No. 1 feevi. SO'b Sf'..10 to S7.00: stookers. $8.00 to crmble the Belgians to push the eneni over the Derivation Canal to the Tei American ccrr.-.N'o. 2 yellow, $1.79; $10. .'jO; feedsrs, $10.00 to $11.00. .„,.,.,.,.. No. 1! yellow. SI.O.t; No. 4 yellow, oaimers ar.d cutters. S-'-.-W t.-) «5.75;,neuze (..anal. The idea ot the Canadians m u^- $i..V<; sample corn. feed. $1.3J. track milkers, good to choice, $50. IH) toj South of Valciicienneji (in which ing this great barrage was to crush Tjroiito. ,$145.00; clo. com. and med.. $o."i.OO' area the Canadians are operating) the resistance as <.iuickly as possible. ' Ontario oats. r,ew crop â€" No. 2 white, to $"5.00: springers. $90.00 to S145.00;) the attack vesulteii in an advance of so as to save allied lives. The bor.i ly -ing ea^i. for the overseas iiuaiftrv ^al'*)' "*â-  ^!- a"empt to reach passes beyor..^ the Asla«o pUtaau and ai-^in r- which followed. " °" ^^^ Tagliamento River. « uiter roui all along the res: of t;v« \ despatch frora \ ienr.a says: The front. ABDICATION OF BRITISH CUMING KAISER REPORTED THE DARDANELLES three th-, railv^ay line running f \.Vi \ ulencieanes. The enemv's Citsualties south Uprising of Population in Uliine 50->Iile Piia^at?* Ls :i Veritable District. i Sea of Mines. were . .\ viespatcli from London says: V No - Spri'-.g. *2.0r, to $-.11; No. S- Montreal. Nov. o Choice steers. I diaps took between two and Spring; $2 . ("i: to $-M0. f.o.b., snipping $ir.00 to >li.0O: gcM steers, .5i».,W, thous:u-.d prisoners. points, according to freight. s ; to SIO.GO; medium. $8,00 to $3.00;. fhc French and .Americans 0:1 Ac Pe:is-Mo. 2. ncmina), pcoinnion. dov*n to $V. 00; choice butch- gp^^l^ern part of the battleUue. at- Barie.v-M»!tir... new crop. $1.02 '°i|i: rows^.M to «• 0.0(1^; go.^1 cow^^ ,\ttisny, have ad- was !me.l with t.crman .le.^.l. AtK.ur ^^^agen Tnursdav afternoou receive^r n-li.e sweepjr^ en Fritlav Isegan llw Buckwhe^at-Nonilnal. | ami common.. 'stiiCanner cV.i ^^'''^^^^ ''^^'^^•^•?" ''^^r^*^ "^"^ '"""^ miles, j «o..n the enemy massed foe counter- information that the German Uniper- teiious ta^k cf clear-ing tiie Daj-,b- ' and arc nearms: Bu7.aiicy. â-  I a.-.:icks from t-aultain.^ Accordinvr to .^.^ i.^,. cbdicaieti, ac -ording to the nelles o^ mines a.«^d o<hcr obsiructtons. *' of the This work, together with ocher safe- .ompaiy. who ! guarJ-s which the allies consiiSr t.> heavy, and the little Rhonelle River ijigfc.oiacetl German cfficials at Cop- j iarge fleet o£ th? latest type of BriC^h was Imed with German de.;id. About ^„},^jj^„ Xp^rsday afternoon receiveir n'.li.e Kv»- No. 2, I $4.50 to S.'.OO; canner bulh, $i>.&0 to Manitoba tlour-Old crop, war ,$7 00. Sheen. $;>..=iO to $U .00; good The Belguvn official i-eport says ; ti.c latest reports, th.' », anadian artil- ^<<>ppnl,ar:<*n correspcncent qvality, f a. r^O.' Toronto. ! lambs. $15.25. Other lambs. Sll?, 00 to; that the Second British Army on , 'try was deaiuij; with the projected E^charge Telcg'-aph Comps crop, ?10.7f>, in hags. Montreal and S15.0»>. Choice sele<t hogs, §17.00, the lirst day of the new ;;dvance ; assault. adds: crop, ?10.7f>, in hags. Montreal and S15.0»>. Choice sele<t hogs, §17.00. the lirst day of the new ;;dvance ; assault. Ontario flourâ€" Wa;- (jaulity, oivl: to $17..'>0. Sliik-fed calves. -515.00; (Thursday) had captured 0.000 i .\t the same time the Canadians Toronto, prompt shipment. i grass-fed. $0.".M) to SS.OO. Millfeed â€" Car lots, delivered Mont-; ^ real freights, bags included; Bran. $;i7.l.T>, per ton; shorts, fl2.25 per ton. Havâ€" No. 1. $2-' to ?;;^ per ton;j mixed. $20.00 to Jil.oO per ton. track; Toronto, i Strawâ€" Clar lots, $10. (W to $10,501 track TorMito. ! Country rrodmc â€" >\ liolc-sale- Buttor-Ihury, ',iib.' and rolis. 38 to S9c; prinU. 40 to 4U- BRITISH TAKE 1,000 GERMANS prisoners and the Franco-.Vmericans . attacked with other British troops 1 oo(>. I and drove forward north of the city ,\h ,\s.-o<-iated Press despatch ^ ar.d crosrcil a forcing of the Scheldt, from a correspondent with the Bri- .\uJeca.'ue was gravel.v th'-eater^d tish army in France and Belgium | Friday. The fighting on Thursday says: Valenciennes on Friday was. was of a dilfcvent nature. The Cter bottled up as a result of a light- , n'cn artillcr,- tn:;i'itaine5 a heavy fire nins-likc blow by the British oit both throughout the day. and llerman j be necessary before the niiied fleet enters the tortucu? "v-jter-vay Iea.-i!?vg past Oorstantlnople a;id through tlv Boephorus to the Black Sea. will lake several days in the c-pini-jn of ih# British .Vdmira'.ty. -\. fortnight ago th.> allied fleet tes't- ed the efficiency of the forts ittskl* ~ I the Dardanelles hv drofiing a fe* \ despatch from London s.vvs: Con- ! ,1;^,., ,j„ ^y,^ j,^^ ^^^. ^f ^â- ^^ "Nothing is said the Crown irce." GERMANY "S DKV.VSTATINti iK\ I IMFU RIS:?, THRRITORY Butte:- -JFrosh dairy, choice. 4t> to north of Ya!erH.'ienn?s, The Huns 4So; creamery. prints._r.;l to 55c; 1 ),j,ve "breached the banks of the creamery «''.'".^. "I- to Ooc. j Scheldt and blown ui> sluices to Mai.i:arit>e--<>4 to ><«>c „ . c - ' "lloiisehoid furniture, t.-lcgranh-? ; j^^; ^^^ ..j^,i^. remaining T:irk:«h \ despatch from B.'^ss!. Switaer- . ,„a leiephonic insUumen! s and ap- ,„,,y j,^, j-g^;, .-onv^nirated at B'dair. /â- â- â€¢ isiv.a. says: A \ lenn.n despatch re- pHanccs from . v . v-__ â-  . the three months the hriUsh p^;^.^,i j,^re says that ac\-orvii;ii " .\ dcstatcii frora sa,..s " ^^- plianccs from ma"y lowns ^ave ^ccn ^^ ,„^.., ^^ (Ve neck of the Gallipo'.i •'?. *"* *v"{ C> Cern-aKv. The vallw.iy '::''''' p^jiinsula. The T.hataija posltionii ^'"S have b'-cn stripped, only wn»ck!Hl ^ ^^^ \,ckiS fSTS'vd ns the s^^c- -. i iin* Ing l•^ft behind," I ar? bchsg r^n"- ' pf d^-'encc i>v Constantinople. â-  otTi.ers; 025 gun many Jane. 101-*. atTonled Germanv^ tlie was looking for tii co:n di9n.?t;;.Ta}»an,';:;l.ima. lStol8':.c,:'j; '^'"* , ,. „ ,. , Honey, new ..op- Strained. 00-lb. !>>^- '•>"«,'• h's prac-.u^i.y H,<..ppe«.cd ,.,^,.,. ,.,,„,.,„; 7.W.) nia.hire gur-.s and (xcuse ,hc was looki tins, 2C.c; lO-l... tins. 27c-;_ Mb tim. '" the noo<l which stretches beyond [roiuh mortars. ' vie:.,-. t'- • wcvM war 28c. C*in'>i> - Oo; . S3.i.> to $ 4.. ^O. j Frcsi-.cs toward'es and other ,_ ProrJ.siiins â€" Wholesale vil'ngos rarth-e:ist of Vale:icleniies. ~ Snioke«I nte»;i-l-Un-is. medium, ".7 ; Xhoi^e are Icsaer floods .ind pr.tche.5 to sec; do.. li.'«.y. IJO to^SlV; cooked, ^f „-ater varving in site hetwwi the AND AMERICAN TROOPS CAPTURE NUMEROUS VILLAGES 4 52 to 54c: rolls. Si to ^- breakf.<.st ^,^„^,^ „„^ jj.,,,,^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^, j,..^^,., bacon. 41 to ^.>c; Uicks, plain, 40 to , „ • . d • • 47c; bonel-.v^s, .^o'to 5-'c. ! P«if ^ ^^l"" ^f "TT '"''* ^f'''"'",-. Cured n'OHts- Louie clear h.'»con. 30! ^''"* the22-rai,e front ltnkir.g to Sic; clt^ar l.elties. 29 to 30;. iTournai and Valenciennes lies again.'t itsril ->^ir\v tiorce.s. .11 to 31*^c; a water bj^rrier for two-thirds of thcj tubs, Sm to ;!~c; pails, ill'i to 32*.4c; way. The itoods are not deep, in! prints, .'"5 to S.lSo. Compound, tieri-e*,- ^n\e places hardly more than a foot, j 2r>H to 2«-: tubs. •-'(> toL'C.Vsc; pails, 1,^ obvioujlv thov cannot ea<=ilv be! 264 to 2tJ5f,'; pnnts. .'.^i to 28e. j^^.^^, ^. infantry for anv distance M.>„tre.l Market, G*rm«n patrols hold the upper lloorsj ... . .^ r. . ».T ' of buildings, which out of 1 ^^'^ 'v-.r^'V.J^t^^,^^'^''^^' «"«^ 'â- "••'"• »l^*- «^-='*>" l^»"k Of 1 feed. 9JV-. I'lour â€" New ist.ancfard c. » i >. .â- > i . -.i, u- , grade, $11 .r«. f. $11.05. Rolled oat.s l^e Sche'd! ^arat with m,ichine guns.,; -Bags. tM> lbs. $5.10 to $r.. 25. Bran. KeK«,<e of the v^ateicsys enahSeSj $S7.2.">. Sl.>its, S4'J.25. Mouillie, the enemy to economize mc:i and hold) S«;,S.0O to ?7O,0O. Hay -No. 2. per thtvlake di.<tii:t Ught'y. There a-' ton. car lots. 42.'<.iiO u> S2(5. 00. Chrose apparently no more than th »e d.\ Alter .Vrtiilerv l*rtpar:>.tion VUws SiiK^.-*hoti Kotwiir.l r;!kin«: -* :!,00'1 I'ri-siHieis ;tud S-vcral Enem.v Pofilions, iions thinly strung along the inuiul i eil ave« north of Valenciennes, l"in«st i-;»>:'""^s, 2,'i'.2 to 2o. But- ter- -Choive it ^(^y. 49 to 50.\ KKi;-.v~Se!".tc,!. ."iJc; No. I stock. U>c. Pt'.ai<»s â€" l*pr iMg. car lots. $l.CO. ,, . ,. , . .„ . . H.cssed hojr- .Alfaitoir kilW. $26.. -^.0, •'otat'' »«•«<>â- '' ^^''>. »* /""ch more t.^ $26 M. (.,irA-V»ure.-wood pails, testy if « lilllc mine?)! ce!*ry and 2C lbs. r.-t, ' >ii to f,;'c. â-  DeBi>e»"» ar» added. \ de«>t>.i;ch '"rem ;he An^cvlcau the llols-des-I.oges and eonli:: ;; ' fo .Vrmy Northwest of Veniun say.;;â€" some time, but '.^fore noc,i all .. .j^ ! The l-t .\mer:-.'>n ain-y smash-.-d for- obicct;ve-s slot:-,' the entire front 1- ^_^, ^ ward :--r material galr. - a'ong th? etx- been gained. j tire front i>a Friday. In caii.iiineti-on_ The advance cf the .\m«riean.'< i:i- i with th-:> French Rtmy on its left the creases msteri.'jily the feasibility oJ j Americ-ins resumed in force the op- ti.-ing at ths Mciijr*<. Sed.Tt'. Mottt- cration.s begun September 2t>. ' medy and Lc!\if;;ycn railrcsdcom- I Pv-cedc:! by the hc.ivle^t artillery munication. ard now that they av"* so pn-parttt .m yet i:<;>d by th.-> ,-\meri- much rearer direct hits c.'.n be ex-, cans, the ir.fanny W'^nt over the top pected with regularity. ' at f W o'eV**"* Kriiiay morning all The .-Vmoricans never before had !.> ! alorg the line By 8 c'cl^rk the mvch artillery i- mtion as to-day. I troops ha.i t»kc;i Champigneulle. St, Although the erlilicry preparation was rGcorgcs. 1 and>c« ci Sr, Georges, and of only t'vo hours' duration, the con- 'the i-au DTluy Farm and between centratod mi.T of missiles fairly, : 2.5*0 and :>,000 crlsoner', ' smothered the Gexman^?. ] There was no opposition at the out-l The mcmy had in line this mornix i_-_^_- •^-.;- - . ~ -v, 'g^ This was carried out by brisk between the Meusc and the Bonrgogna :i But N»l Takcv H^te ii a v'!*" of hookj sVolei: fr-ni the iibnsrics ; machine gun fire foe from 20 to 30 Wood nine divisions, Including some ol} V -i. . .adicc and billt*! "ur Bs>riin." But they never :;'ached the "land ' minutes, when it eased off, and en-, his I'e.'st men. Ajfalnst him tt«i of Thieves." The 1.!ermHn gataway was too rapid to bIIows of the carriage! ablod th? troops ..j advance without .^mencnns threw in a stiperiorwiTubet) of m,«if» book*. NTiiuabl-.^ theagh they n\»y be, Puy a Yi-.-tjry !t--vl 'n serious lighting. - | of fresh troops, all vested men in goo'J I gratitude that Ca::adlan >i'v>rar;esi have been sparvd such pillage. ^ j Lutcr stilT oppoiit.on developed in! spirits atd ready for a ftght.

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