1 « Jl0nf«eal i»tl9 ^i«^- <3HE\A^ r TOBACCO "^^ '^^f^eAj'/aAtt/njgiJ^ ^<ycrct^ c= ^! J he Weekly Fanh ions '^^*ici3iioiESi One ot the great sighte in Ostend ^ 117 Ani f|>P DirriJQT is the Vindictive. There she lies, VTUALU J DlUULul HUNS ARE BRUTES, SAY BEGIANS TERRIBLE HATRED AROUSED BY ** GERMAN ATROCITIES $5,000,000 Plant Wrecked by Bombs â€" Ostend qnd Bruges Virtually Stripped. Rejoicing among people in the lib- erated districts continues unexhaust- ed and indescribable, says a British war correspondent on Oct. 20. I reached Ostend yesterday, passed the night there and returned to Bruges ^ through an extensive tour of the parts everything, also the gre^t hotels there ; noble in her huge gray nakedness • against the piling of -the wooden pier. I The Germans succeeded in slewing her stem around until she lies almost parallel to the pier. She is a wonder- â- ful sight. Two hundred yards nearer I the harbor the Germans themselves ' sank two dredges and a small steam- er, which also partially block the fairway. The people o£ Ostend say I the Vindiatjve. if it can be done with- I out damage to the harbor, must be 1 left lying where she is as long as she i holds together. They are very pi-oud â- of her. There has been in these towns the ; same continuous thieving as in Lille â- and elsewhere, the same abuse of requisitions and terrorism. In Ostend ; ;.ll Ijouses were stripped clean of IN FUR AUCTION SIX DAYS THE TOTAL SALES WERE $6,004,000. ROYAL YEAST Has been Canada's favorite yeast for over • quarter «f a contury. Bread baked with Royal Yeaet will keap fk^sh and molet longer than that nrtade with any other, eo that a fUll week's supply ea<i easily bo made at one baking:, and the last loaf will be just as coed •• the first. MACe IN CANAOA EWGELLETT COMPANY LIMITED NSTKNiP.'iO TORONTO. ONT. m.mtreal v; M- iM.i. A little mode; suitable for ihs school girl. The combination of materials is very smart for the winter season. McCall Pattern No. 853S, ChiM's "So I Sent .My True Love. Lips that still were lauqrhii'.g, Eyes that sti;l could dance â€" So I sent my true love Oa his way.tx) France. Through the dark days he nerds me. While we are apart. ITo ;,Vai; feel my laughter L.'i'ting up his heart. lie sha'.l g'l ur.burdened By any grief he knows, Down the dusty roads of Francs S-njiinx js he goes. i All my lovf and laughter ♦ 1 l.iti fli his days shall flow â€" If I ciT before the dav.-n He shall never know! Japanese and Home. The real meaning of the word home is not understood by the Jap- anese. There is nothing hoitfe-liku in .1 Japanese house. By the shifting of a few shutters it can be thrown open to the four winds of heaven, ami. .il- though the greatest care is taken to keep the woodwork and matting spot-' lessly clean, a man is far prouder of the possession of a few yards of gar- den than of the noblest palatia! resi- dence without a tree or ;i slirub. I Hirard's tialaiea* Cnzss Garret la Cows LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE. SOFT. CLEAR Dress.^ In 5 sizes, 2 Price, 20 cents. to 10 ysars.'; of Belgium recently under German rule. Vv'hat impressed me more than any- thing after I talked with so many civilians, first in the Cambrai area and then in Lille, Ostend and Bruges, is the extraordinary skill with which the Germans got themselves hated everywhere. National hatred as en- emies was to be expected, but senti- ment has universally aroused some- thing more. The individual German is loathed by people of all classes as a brute, bully and thief. Thief, ban- dit and brigand are terms heard everywhere, applied to officers even more than to thj men. In regard to Ostend, the place is not seriously damaged. The area about the station and harbor docks and that part of the sea front where there were big guns (some still re- main imbedded in a deep concrete emplacement) show abundant evi- dence of the excellent marksmanship both of our airmen and of our gun- ners. But so true the aim had been that the bulk of the city is untouched. Along the water front, where many hotel windows were broken, many buildings show some injury. At first glance Ostend looks as if it liad been roughly handltd, but the damage is very small, and Ostend can soon be as gay as ever. Ostend Crowds Sing All Night. She was gay enough last night. in the last days furnislf rich hauls in requisitioned goods. A kitchen bat- tery in a large hotel has, on the average, a ton of copper, which, of course, is all gone, also all mattresses and woolen goods, under formal rk- (luisition. Then every day soldiers took one thing after another. The guardian of one hotel told how they \ transactions among the buyers totaled 3,500,000 Pelts Bring Record Prices With Buyers From Twenty- seven Countries. WHiat buyers who attended say was the largest fur sale the world has ever known, both as to quantity of furs sold and the financial results has just end-i ed at the International Fur Exchange,] 115 South Second Street, SL Louis. In the six days it lasted sales totaled $(1,004,000, or an averagre of more than $1,000,000 daily. The week al^o saw the purchase by the fur men of Liberty bonds to the amoimt of $2,500,000, and generous donations to the Hed Cross. Knights of Columbus, Jewish Welfare and other war reiifef funds. In addition, came with sacks and carried off all things portable, and finally all the lurfiiture - fflns Wreck $5,000,000 Plant. One of the worst outrages was in Bruges where before leaving the town more than $2,000,000 and it is esti- mated that more than ?10, 000.000 was involved in the week's trading. Sixty-four kinds of fur. known to dealers from every part of the world, were listed in the 350-page catalogue anJ destroyed the great Compagnie j Brugoise plant , valued at $5,000,000. BeCiire the war it was a wagon fac- thtf Germans deliberatelv blew up ; "^ t^e sale. They comprised more than • 3,500.000 pelts, divided into 110,000 lots for the convenience of buyers. Every state in the Union, every pro- , tcry. but was adapted by the Ger- ' j'n^'e *" Canada, and twenty-five . nrjis to make munitions. Squads of foreign countries contributed to the â- engineers came and the officers laid \ i^^atalogue. Each pelt had to be check- i n.ii.es and nests of bombs and wreck- \ f- entered, graded and catak^ued. â- cr the whole place. \^^ ^""'^ gradings and lottings are i .As in Ostend and elsewhere, all | I en pty houses in Bruges were strip Make this beauty lotion for a cents and see for yourself. few The total registration in Canada show-d 2,572,754 men and 2,471,280 women, or 5.044.0.S4 in all. not count- ing some 11.", 000 cards since received rr o-xpecteJ through the postoffices. "WANTED BroB.. â- :R a L ur.AfKSMiTH. Eothwell. Oiu. KiilD C McClU. W'hat gir! or wom-.'ji hasn't heard of lemcn Juice to remove complexion Wemishfis: to vv-hiten the skin ajid to i bring out tlie rose.;, the freshness and jthe hidden beamy? But lemou juife alcne is aciil, therefore irritating, and should be mi.^ed witli orchard while this way. Strain throush a fine elotii the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake well nnd you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about the cost one usually pays for a small jar of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to strain the lemon juice so no pulp get.; into the bottle, then this lotion will re- main pure and fresh for months. When applied daily to the face, neck, arms and hands it should help to bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. Any druggist wiil supply three ounces of orchard white at very little cost and the grocer has the lemons. FOS SAI^i: quoted and accepted as standard wherever furs are bought and sold. j All Furs In Demand. I The demand for all kinds of tur§.wa3 } unprecedented during the entire wpok. pc. of their contents, also the houses th;i!. Germans had put to their own use. A beaiitiful private house was occupied by Governor General Von Schiein, who was away ill. Before Icc.ving the house the officers of his • every class of trade and many varie- staii" looted everything and loft it ties sold fur record prices. Muskrat. a cn-,piy. i Bruges, as a city, is unhurt and .â- ^tiU stands in its beauty, except for a demand that was voiced by dealers j Toronto. Dept. W. from all parts of tho world and from i ' An excellent oppor'i.unity for the combination of some all-over, oriental- designed material with plain material. McCall Pattern No. 8625, Ladies' Dr^ess. â- In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 25 cents. These patterns may be obtaiiicil fl<om jfour local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., WEEKLY In .N'evv Onlario. WELf- EQUlri'ED .VEWSFAl'EK and Jcb printing plant In Eaj^tern r-ntarlo. Insurance carried $1,500 Will mn for J1.:00 on quick sale Box 6». ^^!!scn rul)ll!»h!rj Co.. Ltd.. Tnrontn. N E \VSP.4.PEn FOR SALQ „ ,. Owner BoiiiB to France. Win selJ J2.000. Worth dniibla i!uit nmn-'nt .',^p:v .1. H.. co WHac-n rubllshliiK Co . I fnilt»(J. Toronto. G an:-" H.Hnr STcaai -wrarDcws fob saus T OUR lUiCE 1,1.ST .SHOWl.NtJ .ust Of wiiulow.s Kla^i-a L-omyliUe. HaUulay Coijipany. Ei-.-i J361, KISCBZ.I.ANX:on9 CA.NCl inter .Clip.. TUilOKS. LL'.Vrs. liTC â- rnal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Writ* us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Crt.. Limited. CoIMnirwood One Thomsoiutis. Each paper, book and magazine Sprouts upward, like a geyser, Rfcipes for saving things. We're growing thin and wiser. We salt down beans, dehytfc-ate greens Store up foods like a miser. We're going to preserve the world, And also can the Kaiser. } K A Cure lor Bad EreatJ! "Bad breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul atomach or tinciean bowel." If your teeth are good, look to your digestive o.-sans at once. Get Seigcl's Carativc Syiap at drusrgists. 15 to 30 drops after meais, clean up ycur food passage and «top th« bai bre.ith odor. 50c. and $1 00 Bottles. SDo not buy substitutes. Get the genuine. 6 8 5 th ; uestruction of bridges and other One of the last acts of the Germans ' injui ies like tliat to the Compagnie before retiring, as in other cities, was ; Brt ptoise and the damage we had to wreck the plants and .sever the do-i'- to canal and docks by liombing connections in the gas. electric light ^ Tiio famous belfry, the beautiful Ho- and water service, so that Ostend id > tel ue ViHe and the Chapel of the without light except lamps and can- [ Holy Bloodl are all unharmed, but dies. Only rain water is available for i domestic use or in case of tire. Last I evening it rained incessantly, but in spite of the darkness the wet crowds ! minoi vandalism was perpetrated with sca.idalous characteristics. From the people at Tourcoing and at Roubaix I gather that the condi- with improvised bands swept through I ^ions there were precisely the same the chief thoroughfares all night j as at Lille iinging the Belgian anthem and the i •Marseillaise." ' POSTUM brin^ cheer and comfort "to many a person who wan+s his iea or coffee but doesn + drink i+ bece>use he knows +hese drinks hurf hinn. There's a ReQson' for PoSTUM A the same abuse of "bons de requisition." the same stealing and jgettlod the labor (juestion fines, the same horrible deportation to their own satisfaction of woniett at night. Order for Deportation. I have scon a copy of the official proclamation regai'ding tlie deporta- tion, it narrates all the horrible pro- cedure of families having to assemble at their doors and "an officer will fur that .sold a few years ago for a few I ueuty a pelt, sold .as high as $2.25. while I a record price ot $11 for skunk was reached. .Another fur that sold higher ! than over before was lyn.x, the record skin bringing $S5. It was later sold for I ho benefit of the Red Cross and brcugnt $1,250. Fisher sold as high as $102 and marten at a top price of $S1. Buyers and brokers prices made iu all but two or three of the furs may not stand long. They look for prices to incrpa.<?o rather ilian to diminish. The labor situation was i e.xpected to hold prices down a bit, but i evidently inanufactiirers must have more or less before com- ing to St. Louis, for the manufacturers were well and ably represented by large and ImpQrtant' orders. Most of them are far too busy in their fac- LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS How to loosen a tender corn or callus so it lifts out without pain. a Let folks step on your feet here- ! after; wear shoes a size smaller it you ly Lue recortl,,j^p_ ^^^ ^^^j.^^ .^y„j ^^^^^^ ^ ,jj ^^^^ electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. ! He says that a few drops ot a dnig j called freezone, applied directly upon I MONEY ORDERS, a tender, aching corn, instantly re- j Oomiuion Express Tdonoy Orders are lieves soreness, and soon the entire °" ^*^*' i''"''^*-' '^'^"'"^"'^ "^''^^ '^''cugh- out Canada. , Mlnard'i Uniment Cores Colds. &c. Character. I What is your brave act without a j brave nature behind it? What is your ! smile unless I know that you are kind? What is your indignant blow j , unless your heart is on fire? What i is all your activity without you ? How . j instantly the impression of a charac- ! ter creates itself, springs into shape ; behind a deed! A man cannot sell you , j goods across a counter, or drive you ' a mile in his .carriage on the road, or ' take your ticket in the cars, or hold '> the door open to kl you pass, without ! your getting, if you are sensitive, ! some idea of what sort of a man he ' is and seeing his deed colored with the complexion of his character. â€" Philipe Brooks. corn, root and all. lifts right out. This drug dries at once and simply shrivels up tho corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding tissue. A small bottle of freezone obtained tories nt'this juncture to joui-ney west-! at any drug store will cost very little ward, but the local brokers took good j but will positively remove every hard car<> ot their wants in all respects. I or soft corn or callus from one's foot. Tommy (who iias tieen ?^oundeu for the fointh lime): "I know what it meaiis, male: them Huii.s tlon't want me at this war;" FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This w.innth-giving, congestion- scattering circulation-stimulating rem- edy f'f'iitralfs without rubbing riglii to the aching .«pot and brings quick relief, surely, cleanly. A wondcrtui help for e.xtcnial pains, sprains, -Strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago, bruises. Get your bottle today â€" costs little, means much. .Xsk your druggist tor it by name. Keep it b.aiidy tor the whole family. Made in Canada. Th<> . big bottle is economy. then definitely decide which person.s 1 -Vnd, incidentally, the rise of the furl shall be conducted to the assembly j broker Is coincident with the rise ot | place." I have told of the hideous i tho St. Louis market. Whether it were j system of procedure: "Anybody who ; the market that made the broker, or attempts to disobey will be pitilessly | vice versa, were negliglhU?. SufHcient punished." Nothing Germany has '' 's to know that where the big mar- dono will remain a deeper stain to:ket is there the big brokers gather Iter name than the deed to which this j together. document testifies. ''"b>' ne\t sales are announced for At Tourcoing and Roubaix, where 'January -7. .Vpril 2S and .September 1.5, there are many English workers, they !?!!>â- had a terrible time. It seeiss without iloubt that among the poor people some actually died of starvation. An Englishman named Richardson, a cot- ton spinner, who refused to make clothes for the German Government, was sent to prison in a Baltic fort- ress for si.x months. Ue was kept iu loathsome quarter;*, but there is so much to tell of the dreadfulness and brutality on one side and heroism on the other; that the tale would never end. Tho thing itself is ending. Surely mankind will never permit its repetition. Foreign Dishes. Mistress â€" Can you prepare foreign dishes, Norah? New Cook â€" Sure I French pays, Spanish Oirish pitaties. any can, mum â€" inyoiis and Enjojcd the Change. .V negro soldier now on the western front captured a German major. On his way back to headquarters to re- port his charge the soldier made his j captive carry his trapping and bag- â- g.sge, ptodding him along gently with i his gun. "Why were you so anxious to put him to work?" his otlicir a.sked him. I "Well, you see." explained the I negro, "it made nie feel good tij^e j him loling that equipment. Uefo' the Iwar .\h was a po'tah." Minards Liniment Co,. Limited. Gentlemen, -1 have used MINAmvs Ll.NlMKNT on my vessel and ht my family for years, and for, tho every day ilia and accidents ot life I consider it hiiR no equal. I \y.iaild not start on a voyage with- out it it it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. fl. DESJAKDLX, Schr, â- Siorke," 1^, Andre, Kamouraska .\ shell is measured by its diameter. A th'Pc-inch shell fits a gun who.se "bore" is throo iiiches across; but the shell may be 14 iiuhes long or noro, IUB»rd'« IilBlatcnt Cnrta OUismver. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small bottle ot freezone tor you from his wholesale drug house. Buy a Bond. You can help to win the war. Buy a Bond; Help our splendid men to score. Buy a Bond! Do Jjot fold your hands and shirk, While your brothers do the work, Come, give yourself a jerki Buy a Bond! Do your cuiy lUce a man. Buy a Bond! Lend yo.iv country all you can, Buy a Bond! While our men fight "over there," Show how much you really care. Start right now to do your share. Buy a Bond! Back yout country in her light. Buy a Bond! Let you'- money work for Right, Buy a Bond! Help the .\llies snitish the Hun. Help them till the war is won. Sec the job is quickly done, Buv a Bond! '•Leavss .ire light, and useless, and idle, and v.avering, and changeable; they even dance; yet God has niado them part of tho oak. In so doing He iias given us a lesson not to deny the stout heartedness within, because we sec lightsomeuess without." â€" ILnrc. Qtioira ForThe Mlnaxd'a Xiialnisnt Cons Stvhtbwla. tJermany is making plans to secuie easy access to the raw materials of trade un<I industry in order to socuic its economic recovery after tho con- clusion cf pence. LIQUIDS cr^</ PASTES ' HI V K Will I E m r>AKt\ »HOWN Ol? (i\ KlOOl) Shots PRESEttVE the LEATHER The Soap to Cleanse and Purify llie Ointment to Soothe and Heal These fragrant, supcr-creuniv emol- lients stop itching, clear the skin of pimples, blotches, redness and rough- ness, the scalpof itching anddaiidruff, and the hands of chaps and sores. In purity, delicate medication, refresh- i;iB fragrance, coiivenience and econ- c'tny, CulJcura Soap and Ointment meet with the appro\ al of the w.t^tt discriminating. Ideal for every-day toilet uses. • OiBtor*, • - - ♦IT thr Qvtn aKoli br mfttl «dilr«M poH-cuA: %. Sif L n. •••(««. t;. f, A." Sold b; de»]> uKh,^nt the world. PAIN EXTERMINATOR Kl).7 IS,Sl"K l'»- DON'T SUFFER PAIN-BUY HIRST'S I 51x1 b; prep-ir^c) artinrt attnoKi orrhfumnti!.rn, tumbngo. nctiralBia, loi>tl>iiih'- ami cirscbe. Bqimily elTci-lhcf. rreiiLniiijsivolleiij.latai (prn;n!i, noro llirmit and olbi-r painful •ilm^-otf*. ForoTcr «0 years a taoiiiy frlcr«l, IVnteiptrliuootâ€" buy Htrsf « â€" ah% ar." h.i»t a tjot'.lc ia A»d»j/crjo»-nT«tu». HIUST REM!' OV lO llnmiltoo. Cflno.Is. 35^ â- niiiritiiitf'iiiil 't'