"TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB"..â€" -PIUNCIPLES NOT MKN" t.-.7 Vol. 38, No. 19 Feslierton, v:)nt., Oetobt^r 3, hn^ It- EUGENIA of Pte. Wallace a rude *. , * f The messKge uf the death X>«vid Armstrong, sou uf Mra. Araistrouy last week came hb ahock tu his many friends in thtH com. muoity, adding uiie mure to I he number who have biadu the .aupreuie aacriticn since tlie wir bei,'an. Pte. .•Vriii8tron» was, befi-re hw" >iiliatment, an • employee of a Toronto express cdmpauy. lie went into training with the Slat Battalion and crossed to Eugl.ind early in 1915, and want into action iu France about August of the same year, after which he was attached to a niachine'giin company. He OKcapfd injury until the time of his death. He spent practically all his boy- hood days at Eugenii. Another brothel', John, IS iu England, The deep sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. • ix! aiuiual llally Day 'service m .*h« Mt'.hvdiat Sabbath school was well .. a*teu'led. MtH. Eayle ga»e an impressive : fkddi'esa to the children. The children ,,,;â- toolti^tl in th« service.- . The pistor, ' Rev. Mr. Eiigle, delivered an excellent • Beriuun in the evening to both y.i'un'4 and old. Edwitf Purvis has purchased a niotor- cyole. The young ladies are now wiitini,' for llie side car. «r» Miss Campbell of Kimbet'ley school .jf staff, spent the wtek end with Miss Etta . Xatiuior.' The W. I. holdtlieir monthly meet- ing at the hoina of Mrs. Tuohy Friday, Ootolier 4, at 2..'50 u'click. Keep that lUy open. Mrs. Fenvviek will -jive a paper and a short pronram hjus been prepaired. Everyone wulcuuie. Mjss Jamieson of Ti)ront<> ij visiting with her ;iunts, Mra. McJVliWtcr anJ Mis Thomas Gcii.oc. Mrs: Walton and bal>e of the !>ault are viEiting with iei; sister, Mrs. Carrutherf. Messrs Turner and Lt ppard are uettiuy; th<;;r new liouBrs completed and Mr. Carruthors has torn down the building he recently bought from the HEP Co. and is removing it tu iho fitm., Mies Kate .laniicstn and Mrs. Foester spent the week end with the former's Bister, Mrs. Hillock, at Maxwell. Many of our sports took iu Flesherton 1"5>11 fair. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Nixon of Caledon vi»ited their sister, Mis. D. McLeot*, 4nd olhir relatives for a neck, returning Saturday. Miss Mary Muir, teacher at . .Red \Vin|{, spent the week end at her home here, returning to her school Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Archibq^ attended the Hanover fair un Friday last, ivturnin<»: hoir.e .Saturday. Mrs. D. VVydeman returned Saturday from visiting 4ier parents atKlmwood. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Dous- las, a son, on Sunday, Sept.- 29. Mrs. Audiow Rutledgo visited with Owen Souud friends last week. Ktit. Hill and daugliter uf Markdale v:flT<^. .'ii lii t'lm-.er's sistov, Mi.s. T. .; ;5J^^* . Mr;;. 1), »* ydeuian W3re at t^ran^lvfile Friday. .;-.Mr. Wydeuian altendtid the T'f»ioii'r^ilwf y incfetHinfrtiieie in the iinlere«ts of thisSeption. Mrs. "Archie SiiieKiiV Aod i who have bc'eiirvisitins fj West, for the past two nmn home Friday evening. CharleyBi)yi;o made a busidesfitrip tri Oweu .SuVmd i;n Monday. Ml'. Sid Rauds of Chilsvyurth wan in town this wtek on his way n> Hanover. Ill he uinoti MAXWELL DURHAM Miss Ritii Irwin intends to loavevOn- Saturday morning to enter service with the Chataquft near Calgary. She will be away fur about three montlis. Dr. Smith, who has been a resident of Dornoch for the past 25 years or more, b&s purchased the residence of the late Inspector Caiupbell, and will move here shortly to oontinio his practice.^^^^ Major Laidlaw has received "fhs <>p- paintu'ent of Police Magistrate of Dur- ham. The oertjy^itc uf bis otiiso reached here a few"' claj^s ac!n and is quito an el»b"-ate J jcum«SlBt • <'!ironicle. Mias Small, of SIiell)uriie,' viMled with her cousin,TSliss EUn Morrison, last'week Mr. Will Uobinson, OtTorontfl,. visited with relatives here I'wt week. '.. . Miss Mary Parker and friend, accomu- anic't by Mr. aiid Mr». Wyalt,jjPf Kl(v-lIertoii, spent Sunday at tli'j foruievis parental hmne. A very enjoyablu eveuinii was .tpi'iii at the home <'f Mr. and Mr*. r..?slie Puj^>1u last WidiioNday eveuina. The friends of theynuni; couple (avoreiV' Iheni- with a 'kitclKii shower. We are liliid to be able to report that Ivi^ji, the throe year old sou of Mr, John Morhson.ts recoveiing after^ his operation for tppendicitis. Mr. (.'harles' Kerton and wife have moved frouiThornbury to our buli(. ./ Sundiiy was Rally D.iy in the Sunday School. Rev. Ftrth give an excellent i«lurB.ss to the cbildren-^al the evouiitg' service. I i- Mr.jSlin'Son, of Flesherton, , acfi»fiip- anied by Hwmon Iladlny,' uf t^onto, called on friends in our burg on SUnday. Mfss Pearl Field is villling -friends in Culliu^wooJ. • DUNDALK Tlioma>> .Seott, Gi^k of ("teprey, ' ha^ received word from his son Thomas, whfli. has been in Klaiiou i couple of yeai>, tliat iheyouii!; soldier has been promoted on the tield to' the rank of Lieutenant. He has bet'n instructed to return t/i England to prepara for takin<; ou(^ his commission. His dunes \V,;ie iu sniping and scout jirork. Hurrah ! A car of coal has arrives', m town, r unloading today, AVediiesdny, f hi<i is the first coal seen by Dundalttitcs this seasoi,. The sight of .the black diamonds is rt^icshinu. Dititributiiin is being made in half tin lots to customers ill liopeadj|>Ht,t^ie home (irjs may be ke|it burning. t'Lil the next cir comes. License TnspeplxjrM. C. Ueckell uf ' J weii Sound liHS received wortl that his Sun, Pte. Parry Beckett, had beep killed in-act)ftn bn Au;;iiVl ;iOth. Pte. Bi-ckett was in Nebraska last jxar when ho joined ;in uifaiitry unit;'"' lij I'oaclii d Eiit'taml on the la.sL dK.y .pt IVtlT and weut to France in Mirch. â- He was a good shot ai.d became one. of the snipers of tha FustjBiviaionâ€" H^-ald. t> Vict^iia Corners Thomas iS^non .visUed at BfttjoiDVcr jtnd attended the fair there ItiSt VKOek.' Rally Day was celebrated at luistiogo Methodist ohu%h on SuHidsy last. A. fow of the neighbors attended the Fieshettou fair on Friday last)?»ud report a go'Ml time, detjpits unfavorablo weather Poets, Attention ' â- ' â- ^â- . The Domiiiio'u Press Hews and Feature.' lo'omniilteo of the- Victory Liian U'l^j grganizitioii ann(ruttc#%Ji.poeiii contest in gonueotibn wi^tli the eo.ming aaiiipa'i<:n. Oanadiana' with, poetical taTpnt are invit- ed to submit oU'erings not exci'o'dini^ 200; Wolds, which will be .judgi,>d Im-wely. on. their edVctiveness as publicit^y dosvnad to persuade Canailiftus to buy ' boiid.>. . A priz.' of -i .^oO bund â- >.:.<â- >*:â- new issue will by, awarded fpr thoiOtis^ ))oeni submitted. The- next bi-^ .be awarded Special mention aiiil 1)0 paid«for those wiiicli the c decides to use in the course I'f ii.>i v;.ii paign Profcs.so'r SJk-.VV. \Vallace of' the Toroiitfl university ,ind the editor of. Victui^Jjoaii, National I'ce^s News, alid Featufc.'^ervice will be the judges! Thecfemniittoe ntlois to supply infur- nmtioircoiiecrning iho urgency of llie situation uocessitatiiig the ccmiire ban, to all contestants who may apply to the coiuiuitlee'ft otiioo, 16 King st. West. Toronto. The contest closes l-)cr. l."i and award'i will bo aiinounced a few days later. Thrift Hallmarks A Nation •Saving thii 'gratify line's alniiglity dollar in order tu desires in the uuttcr of persoiiitl purchases ^ia»ijfcii«>n ^, working force ill suci.eiy for all tltfjw. Tu sar«, for the sake of hoarding the gjlden ducats in a form nf insuiiity thai huB afHicted llie iiiisers of liU liaio. 1!y save in Older do.urike anuther sti'onger is the liiuhesi' fjjrin i.if thrift known, ^nd in exercising this viilue of laying aside extra dillars f i o'uumr pf'sent surpluso?, for the lifiter living of socieiy when tiuiBS limy lU)' be so generous, we carry in us ihu inai'ks uf the tiuu (.'anadian pH'rio'. He w!in l.ives bis country i.s uo Wiistur.. Ho.kiiMiv.s bis sivings form the capital that inaki'S bosinessgi. The dollar so.ui doubles itself and total savirgs of h thrifty. people Hiark.nut the nation as h r«i.illy 'iWrtl onei'-Ti'i^'e of our Can-uliau home land demandii of evei^y lo^ideiit fruni the Vul;.)n to Cdp.: Ui'i't-.n-^liat be save his surp'us dollars as;air|st'sfjiui,»<*tJli3' rainy day Cmada's bi The lhrifty^m*tf*'is . one jt pitrislsi ' LAUSHED IN WRONG PLACE Bates Burial Co. « i BL-siNEss^^^M s. Ai. J Q^ el ery Funeral Directors and I ^ Embalmers) ISSUER OF Phone Hillcrest 268 1 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. MARRIAGE LICENSES A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory sel- ection. We carry Photo Supplies, STOCK FOR SALE I liive It piesont for luick sale 2 Vorkshire sows, .some yoniu' cross-bred p'gs just ready to Wiiiu, I IJouen drake, I Biirred Rock rooster. Prices right. I'hoiif .,r write. --(JKO. \V. ROSS, i-'^jfyj^. System. ^ Maxwell, P.O. W. A. Armstron^-^ Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. London Theater Managers Waxed In- â- diBiiatit Over BehavJor of Qe6>/ .^ . • B^ard ShaW. V^ I- After Shri'.v hiid been working vviili nie |or sotn<? ijyDie uii the ^^RJ^ii'i'iiy Reviewi^ wriijng trip ' •clams each tlfaii pwhii i'toegan t() x-' hlij"*>frcfm' t: Frajjk Hnrrls I an.fw 'or 1*1 ret • May 'iinii T)OS.':lbtf. -Hi Oasoline Engines \- How Pte Barber Died Lieut . B. E. F Stone 1j. , writing Vriena, to Mrs. 581 h Batt. Barber of PROTON On Sunday hist Rally Service was oinductcd in the Sunday School" as well as the public service Next Sunday is the Auglioau auuiversary. Don't forgot it. iVlrs. H. I deSavigny and'>children, Botty and Gordon, of OwQo'tiound, ate visitors at R. G. Aclieson'a. 'J. Mr, George Woods, our station agent, has been transferred to Cbabsworth. Proton istntiou will lose a good citizeu, and we are sorry to see Mr. and Mrs, Woods leave, but wish them good lucK in their uew home. Mrs. (Dr.) Ray has received Woitl that her husband, who has been in Fiance for fit^wx mouths, ba:l his arm fractured and ?fe-now iu Loudon. I. Marriedâ€" On Sept. 24ihrtii Flesherton â- by Rev. Mr. lielfry, .\rthul" Watson to Elsie M. Blackburn. Wo wish tbeni health, happiness and prosperity. . ^ /'Saving" Sentence,s •Thi;^-HuaiLort: if furin ii -.â- r -''s built .?for atfachinei. c-.iUfers, iiiiiiders, \; if (Muver. Tiio selectit'ii lJt^e^(l6Il nf farm e*luipiHent. OMi i^e ^linery lor inuKiplyin'4 ]jrufit and savinS to itasollne engines. The oltioioney of i- systems, etc., depend upon the â- in enijine, therefore is the important Wo can supply yt)a with a LiisTKR, Tor&nto or â- \iRH.\sK.- Muii.si> twginc, any of which are j;nar;in er. "T.nil and gtmht wifu kempt rod beSTrU of "his. ' • ;"You ought to tliuuk'.VotH:' Stars rhnt he ?ffcs fo your Uicatpr nt all," 1 re- plied. "I certainly shiill npt tnstruet him- how to fclothe himself." "I should not niliul his dres>^ " .said a third; "what I object to J> .hut he alwajs laughs in the wron^' phice.' It Is dreadful when a favorite .'lotor is. saying something very pathetic op sentimental to see a great flgitre in gra.v .stretch himself out In the front stalls and roar with lauglutor." "I know,". I said, grinning, "nud the worst. 6>1Wteth'*t,.all .the world lauiihs wlth-Sl)*w.whe^.'lie, shows theui the uncojDsciousl humors of your perform- ance." tuetl-bo g;ive entire â- satisfaction. ayersham, after p^vin^ a high tribulA* ^l9%ec,WJU^'te. Wilfred Barber, gives thf rolliwiiij? particulars of his death : " ^ the nifiht of August l;?th *e ji«re in some Frenches lately taken from thaHuu. Dtman the day Jthere had toeen more ,<5r Mn shelliun. About , H '^^it'.ui. a shell't^lc^d in front of a tr4|ll(P!t. . mhii'h yV^ii JB m^ was standing, and :l hit him and he wiis MARKDALE Mr. Jutiu Fadden has sold his lent lOt) acre farm in OrSiige Val(^^ fclgn|Ront ' Save for Victory, Save to make Canada'secure. A dollar saved is a duKar earned. To save is the ciiif<ttt of practices â€" if you have the will. ' I'iuch your expenditure at lit-tle and you'll tind it- will pay. *" , Save to loiij your country. 'wh.jn it calls The will that 'aves is ' the will thai, wins. Saving will provide bothmn umbrella And a niackintoah for a "ruMiy day," •SaviD" inuB«y IS often ifie expression uf T*^~ savinu grace. Lands at Fleshertou .V oiau vjlio in hpvoring. on the verge of w.'tut is not^'fils owiiduaSier,' For Him Who Dares, The tJuited States government is to give official reooKnition to acts of bravery on the field of bntile by imli- vidunl officers and enlisted mt-ii. 'Tlnrv has been for man.v years what is known as the Cougressionnl Medal of Honor, which is bestowed on soldiers who perform deeds of dtirinB in tliu face of the enemy. Tt is th^Jien; fs dc^e of every Ameri.:ur^v|«dlcr to win this decoration, for It fsi^lls conn- try's equivalent of t!J[ii^X'icl"Oria cross of Great Britain ant^Wf the Croix dc rr'e of France. â- W T , ti ^1I«5*-^ for $9300. W. J, MioFaddcB of Kg^|^ . ii He purchaseit.. W^ llu'lida4%C<>uncil is fortuDBto In pro- ourins a tiipt^'y "^ ^'^ cords of short Hoab.olutely suif^^S* •-'^ â- ''â- «* l""'^ «="'-<^ f"^" ''"^'^ '" "i-'^**- l9T was Uken out, t^. '"<»'' '^"«"«- .; / VM buriod })f t»5 K. A. Burneide has purchased the H." ifc e.xteusiou <l the ]. McKowiitt property, Toronto streot.and rM L« Vresnel. AH his intentions are to convert it iulo » general store. Vlight Liaj^<4^endaU Lucao, who is With the Br?H»h Flying Cjrps in Italy hw cabled his tarents, Hon. 1. l«6«)id jjfts. Lucas, that bo hna been • jB.raut(>i fuctfjuith and will atartM^ once i| ftda, «(ii*hi;. some t^flW itt .^ave to .saveâ€" both- yourself im' CaiiadH.'. Live within yourmcaiio atj)i,^^Ur mcinis iti)I be increased.^ *'â- •'' If you don't live within your means' mu.^t Ifve 01: the means of others Heaven helps those who lir-lp them- selves. Moral- save. ^ Don't be a victmi ^ ciiouui^tiAiibs*^', help oifiunistauces by saving . • •>•:' *. . Sacritice .1 p>'es.eot pleasure for a^ future goodâ€" Save. "\ Save, roniembei^Qg that t > !i>in that bntb shall ho givoii, ' Sivini^ carries' its o#n "rew'i^d-wiili interei,yil* . • t'ariregie's chief asset in b«»ijyii»g ti] was his "snvinff' c|uahty. , vili Oil collecte4 '*^ 4 his barn with the Ilia a throshittg '^'^i^-ivill^^ti Whs cartiedtbim a imaii part of the fessj Siandaid John MoCoiub, of Chalsworth, Md ffoot badly l^urned by having it caiit;ht on' the fire bo^fof A freshing ongiBi,'^\;;.ii it crashed through W-ga^way i rial house balotv. The • foot wat >tui!;!y burned and it is possilile that it WiU'liu Hniput<iitied. A hor.ie belonging toMijM.hi Owen Sviind. was struck a^d ' If*, trtstte ''^nil» ISonng liir.n ill 'l<^<> Station For Safe rivaled Toiider.s addiosscu to AfB.\'iiicoi Cameron, Eugenia Postulhee, Oiit^nH' Aduibiislratoi- of tlio o.it*te of Elifcabi' Mag>e, JeceiiSed, aiH bo leceivDd up ii 12 o'cliek, noon, mi '.Saturday, Oct. TJ, 1318, for the pundiaae of the folowin^ laiide. namely i 1 PrtM i^f L'lt Niimbor <)no Hiin^ and Fifty, in the iliird raiiua.^ of tlio T'lrontd and Syilonhi'fn l^bo Toniish p of .\itenio8i^* oonS»i''iii;i, 'two and rno half acre.s^,lMahe suhie'nii'i,) in IcKH Tnitt paieol is sPtualed at tiiu northeast o^oriier of the said Lot, l.">0. •2 I'iiit rif Ln Niiaibor f»iie UiindVed and Kiftj' ill the tliiiJ ra|i^e soiitlHicS' «it ihu Tui.into and Sydonlnni Riad i^jj^ Tiiwiisliip of .Arii'inosia in the Coniiiy of tirey, lying to- t.lic southeast of ^iii deviji^ion road which uins across the ^thBHSt corner of ?aid lot, contsining ftjKl 'mo ha'f acres. prt'p.^itiesadj (in '^hc villnge of Ion. iiiis- Ton per Miit. of tiiy piirobat:i' pey to bo paid on l.ho .•{ittin>tenee i>f 'e 'I'lulcr, and the balance in thir.ty JdftV-^ ilii'rt.ifteiiigJBtbout iuterest.J i- i^Ji.lgi'.c-^ ''irTiny amdor-. noN*ieceg-, ' 'jlivs'.vd. , ^,, >> ' sisfc i«i;»u>?^f to vho approval of h'n't.Hli.siiO tJ^jl^^)^^^^n, V'i^'iitheiri^a'r&ji^HifanLi conditions ^.ROlvXugenia, Ont., Adtnifliatralor &.aAiu^ow I D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON 11.:"''. -T :.â-¼'„. rr«..-r . .â- :?^g^jto.^:^.->^r,Ajr-^^ .'.:â- ,^:::<^:,;'!t<;^.f:*^,f LADIES! The Fall Season for Millinerv is now on and we arc right UP TO THE TIMES" 'with a stock of the Most Up-to-Date Hats Shown Outside of the City. JiLst give us a-call aiul see for yourselves. We can show you scraethiiig that will become yt)ii. Prices cheap, considering ilie quality of the goods. Highest price for Produce. *" W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Storeu Ffesherton â- SSB'S"'â€" SHH ..•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ::t; •••• •••• Try Them ! XSi: m j:: Any man wanting a good solid boot ^ suitable lor this season of the year ::: •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••i TRY. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO B •••• B <»^..,'v>. €: mm >â- K' â- H mnill^lJJ^OV ' •••J'»J*;t;J*lf?.tJ«t* .Its*;?!!?'''?'??!!!!!;!!?!'??"!?!!?!??;;!;?!!!!?!?;!***. fV?