.^:^nfiVi% I September 26 I918| THE FLESHEKTON ADVA NCE t - y « « K THK STANDARD DANK OP CANADA HBAO ornes • ToiioNfT» Money Orders and Drafts are Issued by this Bank payable in isT'D i»Ta all parts of the world. >34 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Manafari C. P. R. Time Table. \ Trains leave Fleshcrcon Station as • loUows : Goinjj South Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 d.ui. 4.27 p.m. 1).18|). m. The mails are oseii at Flesherton a^ I foUuvrs : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south mail close :it 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS We are to have Turkey for Thaii.sjiving Patches in Wiii- liuie are often an • evidence of pattioiiam. Mr. S. D. Din nick paid his fnmily a flyint; visit from Toronto over Sund*y. Saving brings its own reward c ua • poaadeJ. Mrs. Ern Armstrong and little son, of Cobalt, are visiting relatives in town. In England they say '"a shilling watled slabs a ?oldier m the back." Mr. II. Hyl»nd, of New Vork, is visiting relatives here for a fortnight. Some good races will be pulled oii' at the Flesherton Fair. The Soldiers' Aid tea held at Mrs. A. Stewart's netted $15. Mrs. Robert Best, Mrs. D. McTavish, MiH. W. Henry, and .Mrs. O. Phillips attended the County W. I. couveatioD at Hanover on Wednesday of last week. The convention next year will be held ia Flesherton, Rally Day services will be held in the Inistioge church this Sunday aftarooon at S o'clock. Rev. Eagle will nivei a talk tj the children. Service will aUo he held in Eugenia church when Mra. Eagle will take ch»rge, also at :S o'clock . The W. I. will pieel in the high school on Thursday, October 3rd at 230 p.m. Subjects : "Our duty to our neighbors" by Mrs. W. Moore, "The history of the Red Cross" by Mrs. McVicar, reading by Mrs. L. Fisher.â€" Mis. E. Wickens, Secretary. .ly Corp- Harold Mathews )n, of Havelock, paid ;i visit last week to his aunt, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Corp. M;ith«wson ; went overseas with the 5Sth Batt., aud was at the lighting line for three years, and went through some heavy and severe titihting. He was severely wounded in different parts, but is able to get around although lame. An extensive credit auction sile of farm stock and implements will !.-e held on lot 22 and 23, con . 10, Osprey. on Thuis , October 3, the property of Mr. Chria The W I will bold a Bazar on the fair vroundi ud D'riday, Sept. 27, proceeds in aid of the loldiera uverseas. Lunch will bs served. Dooatioas may be left at C. .1. Bellamy's store. The memorial service for the late Pte. Reubec Cargo wait hjld in the M'ithodist ohurob ounday evening last, when a large congreKatiun was present. Rev , Uelfrey preached from John 12 and 24 : '' Verily I say unto you, except a corn uf wheat fall into the rround and die, it; abldeth alone ; but if it die,~ it bringetb forth much fruit." The text was very appropriate "tnd bandied in a comforting way. The church was handsomely deco- rated with tlaga, bunting and flowers. This is the seventh memorial service held ill this church since the war began. ' Reuben Cargo Killed In Action Clubbing Rates The Advance haa no extensive dabbing list this fall, most of the papers being supplied at regular rates. Following are some pricei : The .\dvance I LOO Globe 4.00 MaU 4.00 The World and Advance 4.75 News and Advance. 3,75 Star and Advance 3.75 V uth C( mpanion 2.25 Fauii H raid 512 r SiKnlriliS The Old Adage There are many people •sho praise God from whom all blessings How and then proceed to waste them. PROPERTY for SALE BY TENDER The Proof of the Pudding U in the Eating The sum is equallj true of the 190C Gravity asher. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL" Agent, Ceylon Full line ot McConuick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loadei'S, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Mrs. George Mitchell left last week Thompson, who has sold his 200-acre to visit relatives at Ciltdoii East 'ind {jj^,,, ^^^ j^ ^^iving up faruving. The sale Toronto. will begin at 11.30. Suuch served. See Pte Max Banuon was hono on leave 'a^^e bills for full particulars. Wnr, from Niagara a couple days last week, Kaitting, auctioneer, returning Muuday. James Geuoe had Pte. Oscar Trueman Markiiale Agricultural Society will before the magistrate on Friday evening hold their fair Oc:ober 8 and '.>. We in the town hall charged aeltnowledge the usual press courtesy. The Guild of the Presbyteiiat church held a reception for the high school students. All report a good time. Reuben Cargo, second son of Mrs. James Cargo of Flesherton, has been kille I in action, the fatality occurring on Sept. 2. Notice to this ellect was re- ceived here last week Reuben was only IT years of aee when he enlisted in the C, M. R. in the summer of 1910. When he got to England ha was not allowed to go to the front owing to his youth, but later got over to the trenches in some manner . An older brother, Walter, enlisted with the old 147th and [ f*""'" 's well watered has been in the tiencbes for over a year. ' PARCEL Both boya are sous of a widewed mothet here, who has the deep sympathy of the entire village. This young inin was i determined to get iuto the light, not. , withsiaudine his youth, and succeeded in ' doing something for his country, wliich i must be a solace of no small measure to the sorrowiuij mother. And what ot the bravery of the mother -herself who would j put no stone in the way of such ambition! I What a contrast to the orgy of perjury ] and forgery iu some i[uarters, referred to elsewhere in this issue. This is the ninth Flesherton boy to pay the su- preme price for his country's liberty. Under and by virtue of powers extend- ed to us as executors of the estate uf the late Mrs. -Xde'i no Thurston, we offer for sale by tender the following properties, namely : PARCEL L The uorth half of lot No. 10, con. 4, Euphrasia, containing 100 acres, more or less., all cleared and under cultivation with the exception of about five acres. On I ha premises are a frame barn and framo house, and tive acres of a good bearing orchard of tirst class fruit. The II. The property iu the Village of Kim- berley known as the Travellers' Home, I comprising tive acres of land, frime ji-.tabling and houae and a number cf fruit I tiees. ' Tenders for the above properties will I be received up toand in eluding October 1, â- 1018, tenders to be addressed to either lof the ui.dersigned. The highest or any I tender not necessarily accepted. Wind kinds, Filter Fence Riding and Walking Harrows Biantfcrd Mills, Pun:ps, Piping and Fillings of all Bii^.tie av e Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Cutters and Sleighs. jjfl A Call Solicited^ Satisfaction Guaranteed. S S. HEMPHILL I Agent, - Ccyon, Ont. | W. U. THUllSTUN, ^ Flesherton A. D. THLUSTON, 4(5 Geoffrey st., Toronto Executort of the estate of the late I Mrs. .Adeline Thurs«on. Bull For Service | Registered Shorthorn bull for service on lot 5, con., li Osprey Colliugwood' gravel. Grade cows 31.50, thorough- breds ?4.l)t.â€" J. A. ilobertaon, April 4 1913. Live Poultry Wanted Jake Zenner is paying highest market prices for all kinds of live fowl. Now Is the time to cull your fowl. Market good. Nov! â€"J. ZEN NEK. Markdale Bull For Service Thoroughbred Durham Bull for servic on lot lt)0, W T S R, Artemesia, Term 1.50, $3 for thorougtibreds. JulylS â€"MARK STEWART, Prop Bull for Service Thorouehbred Durham bull for service on \ai 140, T.S.ll , Artemesia. Terms- Si.. ^0 for grades, S:f for thorotighbreds. IJuly -J. A. LEVER, Prop. with '.kssauit, Pte. Truomau pulled Mr. Genoe off' a load of chop on the public road. True- man admitted doing this but claimed that Mr. Geuoe tried to hit him while he was standing beside the wagon talking. The A big drawing card for Fair Day will bad blood between the patties was over be a baseball game between the Power a line fence. Magistrate McMulleu Hou.se and Flesherton. This ia i.s sure ' imposed the lightest fine possibleâ€" one to be a good same. : dollar and oists. Mrs. J. VV. Sturdy and two children. I ^t ttie meeting of Prince .\rthur of Winnipeg, who have been visiting the Lodge Friday evening a resolution was pas"^ six weeks with her mother and other ' adopted conveying condolence to Mr friends here, returned home last week. David Rutherford of Owen Sound, who A. S. ThurUon of the Weekly Sun. | lost « «on fecently at the front, Mr. Toronto, and family, who have been Rutherford has taken deep interest in kaliJaying here for the past fortnight, i '•''• l»d?« for many years. The secre- returned to the city on Thursday last. ^ '"y "as also instructed to convey the ^ .,, ,^ . 1 . L p :. ' sympathy of the Lodge to Tnomaa Chard Mag Day will be held here en Fair ^ »^ . •' " , . ., , , ^i..,-, . » J t . n,, „ one of Its members wounded recently in day in aid of the Children s Aid for this ' . J u 1 1 ' France. county. Give your mite and help along j • worthy cause. i Word woa received here last week that , ,, t, LI ,,,ai fte. B. Walters, of.Kimberle/, h.ad been A meeting of Osprey Branch of the i „ • « '' „ , U. F. O. will be held in the Methodist wounded. He was working near Calgary : when he enlisted with a Western Batt. I over a year ago. Two other brothers I enlisted with the 147tb, Arthur and I Stanley. The former waa accidentally , , , . _,. , ,, I killed while in England and the latter District Meeting heW in Ch.tsworth , ^ killed in action . Another brother. Methodist church 3n Thursday last. | ^.,^^^^^ .^ ^^ ^ homestead in the Weet. Don't fail to attend the concert in the | Ben was well liked by all who knew him high school on the second night of the • mc it is to be hoped his wounds do not Fair, Sept. 27. Get yout reserved seats • prove serious. ball at Maxwell on Sept. 26 at 8.38 p.m. Farmers are requested to attend. Messrs T. Beatham, Wm. Bunt, Jos. Blakely and Rev. Belfry attended the j early. All roads lead to Flesherton on Fair \ ^^^^^ here about five months ago day, Sept. 27th. Come and see th« special attractions of horse racing . The managenieni; have made arrangements for all to have a good time. Mr. Sid Rands, who lett the C.P.R. to . take charge of the station at Chatsworth, I has been given the Hanover position and I will shortly move to that town. The ! Chatsworth News says : Mr. Sid Rands DeCudemore-Armstrong -A. very pretty wedding tooK place on September IS ;u 1 o'clock at I ho home of j Mr. aud Mrs. W. A. Aniistroug, Flesh- ' ortoi), when their eldest daughter, Mis^s Lillian Elizabeth, was married to Mr. i Sylvester Ernest deCudmore, Montreal, i sou of Mr. (JeorgedeCudiiHire, Salisbury, \ Eng., the Rev. C. A. Belfry of the ; Methodist church, cfficiatiug. The bride, who was unattended, was | given iu marri;ige by her father, and i looked lovely in her travelling suit of ' brown gabaidine cloth, with bodioe of ' embroidered georgette crepe, with hat to ' match, aud cors&ge bouiiuet of orchids. The wedding march was played by Mis. Mil Banuon. Four cousins of the bride hild the ribbons which formed an aisle for the bride. The ceremony was performed in the drawing room under a canopy of smtlax and sweet peas. Pink and white asters were banked in the library room, and roses aud pink tulle decorated the dining room. The poung couple left on the afternoon train fer their home in Montreal. The guests from out of town were Mr. and Mrs, Hylaud of New York, Mrs. E. F. Armstrong, Cobalt ; Mrs, Wright, Coilingwood ; Miss Isabella Forbes, Orangeville ; Mr. aud Mrs. Bannon, Owen Sound ; Lieut. George Berry. Misses Vera Glenny and Lalla Armstrong, Corp. Harold Matheson, Mrs. G. A. Keith and Miss Ruby Aiken- head, Toronto. Amo.ng the bride's many gifts was a tray made by her cousin. Harold Matheson, who was wounded and is now in n. convalescent hospital at Toronto after serving three years in France. Build up the Mighty National Force Flesherton Mothodint church will hold has been In the village about five montha anniversary services on Sunday, Oct, (i, ^ and likes the people of the vilhge and at II a in and 7 130 p m. Ilev. J. H. surrounding country tine but feels there DjdgeoD of Tottenham will preach at are better chaucea for advancement at both services. Hanover. While Mr. Rands' friends Envelopes containing items for publi- ; wiU regret to see him leave, they will be cation in The Advance if niarked ai'iid to know that he is getting a position "Printer's Copy " and unsealed may be , with tirst class prospects, sent from any point in the district for j y^ji pg,|^ youngest son of Mr, Xei one cent stamp, i geii, of Bellingham, Algoma. has been Osprey fall fair takes place on Tuesday killed iu action. This is Ihs second aud Wedutsday of next week, October 1 brother who gave his life for the cause aud 2. This 13 one of the worth vihile and a thud -is still in the fighting lino, fairs that everybody and their relations Both boys who have gone weio in The atteud. Advance man's hunting party two years Mrs. M. E. Wright, of Coilingwood, is' ag» and both were extremely line iviiewing old acciuaintanocs iu Fleshe.iton , specimens of young inauhood.and worthy and is the guest of Mrs. VV. Anuatrung. sons of a worthy father. The mother Mrs. Wright gave a sweetly rendered has been dead some years, solo iu the Methodist church on Sunday p^._^^.. ^^,^^^, l^.^j,,.. a F and A M, evening, had an inteieslin^; meeting on Friday It is for every one of U3 to say h.w evening last, when the principal ofticerii niu:;h patriotic endeavor, how much ^,n^ oshors, twelve in all. of Ljnie lodge- loyal sacrifice we will make by saving Shelburue, paid a fmlern.U visit and our money, by " doi.ig without," so that conferred llie Third Degue on a caiiJi- eaoh day will see a suiplus to add to our ^,,(0. Kt War Bro J A Mills. Past I) D â- ,'wn aud the nation's strength. G M, acc.mpauijd the \witois and the Every time you buy a thii)i< you do Lodge hero was pleased to uioel with him not neo.l you interfere with Canada's war again. At the close lefreshmcnis were work, Eveiy dollar you spend m things served in the dininsj hall, after which an not strictly lucossary is -x dollar not enjoyable h>'Ur was -speui in .speeches and iiioi-ely wasted lut used to employ labor song, the latter bt iny contributed by on things that have nothing to do with Messrs Holland and Brett. Bto T A out efforts to win the war for freedom. Blakely acted m toast master. Forgery And Perjury Shelburne had some interesting police court cases recently,when Joi^eph Ritchie " and his wife were charged with forgi.ig ] the name of Dr. Saiith to a medical certificate in order that their son mixht be exempt from service. Ritchie pleaded guilty and wae coniniitled tor triil. The Free Pre.ss says : The c^se against Mv9. Ritchie stands adjourned. Bail \ was granted for Mr. Ritchie, The parties in this case belong to a very respectable family and it cinuot be imagined why they tried to evade thn dulies of all loyal subjects. Ernest Walker of .Vmaranth was charged with porjuiy, haviiiir swoin [that his brother was married and ho was tiio only one left to assist his father with iheir farm work. Such was not the case. He pleaded not guilty. A number of | those who were present \\. the trial were ) I undti the iinpressi<iii ihat the youny { I man wis deficient in ,nany respeels aud I I did not realixti his position. He also ! was Committed for trinl. We are in^- formed thai there are oiher similar cj^es t . 1)0 investigated in il is li>c»lily where gross ixag'ernli'.iis have been made in order to save their sons from military duty. The charges will no d.>ubt be perjury. FOR fifty years the Teuton peoples have been trained, disciplined, whipped, into servile cogs of an implacable military machine, by which is maintained the Prussian doctrine of might, and the Kaiser's autocracy. The Teutons deny themselves, they make sacrifices, because they are trained or forced to do so, but they do It. ' The peoples of the Allied natkms must make great sacrifices and tremendous efforts in order to defeat the enemies of freedom, but because they are free peoples it is left largely to the individual to say what or how much self -denial each will practice. So if freedom is to prevail individuals must make voluntary sacrifices which in the aggregate will be greater than the forced sacrifices of the enemies of free^ dom. THE measure of your love of freedom is your willingness to deny yourself so that the strength of the nation for war effort will be increased. This self-denial must take the form of money-saving â€" thrift. Each person knows in what way he or she may save. The national need says you must save, but free Canada leaves it to you to say by what means and to what extent you will save. NOW, it is for you, each of us, everyone of us to say how much patriotic endeavor, how much loyal sacrifice we will m^e by saving our money, by ! 'doing without" so that each day will see a surplus to add to our own and the nation's strength. No matter how small the surplus it is important because each saving is an effort made, and many small individual efforts make the mighty national force. i Published under the authority of «h* Minister of Finance of Canada. K