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Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1918, p. 1

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â-  *-^> . -^u -^ -f '-ic:*^ :%*i«B-.>' »«^ ^ .. »* " jf I*- < ^^i vw)^.^ctfu««iu» /Ie0h^rt0n Wilf , .!?•♦ S!!!!!!?W 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - 'PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 3«, Xo. 18 Fesherton, v:)r-it., Septeinber 'JO, 101» CEYLON >, ^ A MUa Kate Baxter spent a couple of dnya in Dundalk last week prior to lea/: ino this week for Deti-uit. Miss Morrow of Dundalk visited Miss Uaud Hcnipfaill here Inst week. J. Telford aud wife of Kingston called on friends here last week. Mrs. Uealty acd little son visited Mrs. F. D. Ciiirns lust week before It aviag for their honi) at Kinii^ston. Pte. ^ert Irwin his been <;iven leave until Oct. 1 to assist at farm work. Br. J. Conkey and wife of Indianapoli^ motored over and are viaitins; their sister Miss Mary Conkey. hoyden Gibson had a phone installed during the uast w^ek. Allie Muir will attend Paisley fair on Wednesday aud Keinble Friday as juc'ye of live stock . Mrs. Toney and little son of Lauiiston is spending a few daya this wrek with her mother^ Mrs. H. Piper. Mrs. Edward S.irgtut has relumed from a two months' visit with friends ^t Orangeville, Orillia and other claces. Mrs. Frank CoUiuson and little uaus;h- ter Francis spent the week end with her mother in Owen Sound. Mrs. VVideman left Monday to visit with her parents at Elmwood. The Willing Helpers will hold thei meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. Gibs in, when a full attend- ance is requested. Mrs. Archy Stewart has returned from Toronto after visiting her sister, Mrs. Swift. FEVERSHAM Come to Feversham Fair on tJciober 2. A BiAUiorial ssrvicr f'jr the late Wilfred Barber, whD was killed iai action on August 12th, was beld in the church iu this village on Sunday moriiina last. The Rev. C. Forth, Methodist minister, preached a veiy impressive sermon from the text "Greater love hath no man than thi.s, that he lay uowu his life for his friends." Robert Brown has returned home to Forest after a two weeks' visit with friends in this vicinity. A number of people from this part attended the Gospel Workers' camp meeting at Clarksburg last week. Mr. Frank Short and wife spent Sunday at Geortre Sayers'. A number from hsre attended the Great Northern fair- .>t CuUingwooJ last *reek , KIMBERLEY PRICEVILLE The merry hum- of the threshing machine can be heard on every side Tivo machines are in this vicinity. Mr. Hartley Fawcetf, of Healhcote, and Jaseph Ward, of Epping, both having M oulKts. Mrs. Matthew Feryuaon is visiting at pre<<ent with friends in Rccklyu. J. E. Hammond, of Meaford, visited at the parental home over the weak end. Mr. Chas. Huagard, fife »nd two children Llnyd and Melville, Clarksburi.', visited at the Travellers' Home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. .•Vmos McClupi;, of Mark-dale, visited the former's father Wm. McClung, recently. John Bolaml, of Vaudeleur, visited with .John Weber one day last week. Bornâ€" At Rocklyn, cu Friday, Sept. 20, lo Mr. aud Mi.s. Mansell Cook, a son. Mrj. Henry Ellis, of Powassan, is reuewiog old acquaintances in this vicin- ity and is I he guest of her mother. Mrs. George Lawrence, A memorial service for the Ute Pte. Wesley Wilson, who was killed in action, was held iu the Methodist church on Sunday evening last. The irhurch was appropriately draptd for th* occasion. A large number of friends of tha deceased from a distance were present. Mr. James K. Fawcett was an e.xhibitcr at Clarksburg fair on Wednesday last aud curried oiT a goodly number of tirst and second prizes on garden produce. t)ne local ninirol captured three tine speciniens of the Raccoon family in a couple of uiuhts last week. Mrs. Kilward Bak-er, of Vandeleur, visited recently with her mother, Mrs. John Stali'.jid, sr. We are pleased to repiri; the aged lady on the mend. Messrs Welling'on Fawcett and Harry Bakor attended the Holiness Wurkcrs camp meeting at Clarksburg on Sunday last. Go to Flesherton Fair S«pt. 26, 27. We have been tttfated to a long spell of cod, damp weather. McLean Bro*. have beea threshing iu the village, on the old Durham road and Norih Line for a couple of weeks, and the grain is turning out tine. Alfred Hiucks, who was operated on for the removal of tumors, by Dr.Hutton is improving as well as could be expected Pte. Robbie Tryou, who has been in hospital for some time, returned home last weak. %', Rev. A. J . Leeoe and Wife, who spent /W < part of their holidays here, returned < home to Waldemar vic-.nity last week. Rev. Mr. McCarten. W. 0. Watsou and W. H. Patterson attended the ' Methodist District meeting in Chatswurth ' last week. Osoar Ostrander of Hopeville is pre- paring to put in cement walls under the parsonage stables. A number from this ricinity attended Durham fall fair last Friday. I: is a pity that the day was so cool and damp. Little Alice Reilly, who has been ill with pneumonia, is convalescmg. Neil McDougall, South Line Artemesia who was seriously injured by falling "irom a ssa.Vold in the barn, is commenc- tnft to nuvs about again. - .' Bome of the *' big " boys in our public Mbool received corporal punishment the otiii.'r day. Miss Harrow, like all good teik;her9, knows that good order ia a ueaMsity iu aud around a school. ROCK MILLS Mias Lilian Park is visiting Ibis week with friends in Durham and Walkerton. Those who attended OcUingwood fair from here were : James Porteous and wife, Mrs. Hawkens and son Bruce, Mrs. Thomas Belts, Dick Clark, Wes. Smith, Ernest Russell aud Leslie Chard. James Dargavel and wife spent Sundap with relatives at Dornoch. Frank Betts vjsited one day the past week with friends near Feversham. George Fisher, wife and babe, of the 4:h line, visited the last week with the former's cousin, Wallace Fisher. Mrs. John Porteous spent a ftiw days with her son, Arthur, of Osprey, who haybeeu very til. Mr. and Mrs. ThOQias Betts aud daughter, Mabel, viaittK recently with friends in the Valley, ; 2 Victoria Comers Mrs. Wm. Guest and three children tre visiting at Jas. Best's. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bannon were home over Sunday, Max being on leave. A number of our young people attend- ed the shower i^iveu to Mr aud Mrs, Arthur Jackson last Tuesday evening, and reported » good time. Wo are pleased to report that Miss Eiliia Solt, who has been very ill for the past couple weeks, is improving. The Sunday anniversary services of Inistioge church was certainly a decided success aud we are looking for the .same tonight, Monday. Rev. Eagle preached a very instructive sermon in the morning Rev. Mr. forth, of Maxwell, preached two very able sermons, afternoon aud evening. The measure of your love for freedom is your willingness to deny yourself 80 that the s:rength of the nation for war etfort will bo increased. \ IN MEMORIAM In sad and loving memory of Pte. Earl Patliament, who was killed somewhere in France Sept. 15, 191(3. In a sad and lonely graveyard Many miles across the sea. Lies our loving son and brother -' Where ho fought for liberty. two years ago today Since our dear Earl was called «w.ty. We loved him, but God lâ- ^?cd him beat, And took him home with Him to rest. Sleep on, dear brother, in a] soldier's grave. Your life for your country you oobly gave. God took you home, as He thought best. To give you everlasting vest. â€" Father, Mother aud Sister. Late Pte. Wilfred Barber The late Pte. Wi fred Barber enlisted ill March 11)17 with the 2l8th Battalion, g >iog overseas iu the foll.iwiug Juue.and lud only been in the trenches a tew months when he was stiuck by a fragment of a shell and iuxtantly killed. The y >ung soldier, who was M years of age, was the .son of Mr. and Mrs. Jnseph Barber, residing at. Keversliaui. PORTLAW Attend Flesherton Fair Sept. '20, 27 St'irms havtf prevented gathering in of the odds aud ends of harvest im a good many fasuii Considerable ihre^hiug has been done and there is generally a good yield of good grain. A tleet of st'ven aiip'anos were seen »iio day last week buzzing their way through the bluj -•^cooidnu to re»;eiit reports. Von Hin- d>>iibur..;'.s lines aie falliug, but nut in pleasant places. S .Slieardown, jr., was in" Toronto lately coiisulliug a s^iecialist. Jlis. L. Sheardowu accoUjpauied him. Thomas Fletcher was down to the city for medical treatment and ^'s somewhat improved. Pie. Wm. Walker, rtceutly reported killed in acUon in France, was born and raised in this neighborhood. Our sym- pathies go out to the bereaved relatives- Mrs. .McKenz e has rilurned from a four weeks' visit with relatives at her old home at Orono and Toronto. Pie. Murrin Croft was down to Toronto last week for re-medical examination Miss Jliidys White, who leaves this week to resume her studies at McMaster university, gave a Hallowe'en party lo her young friends last Friday evening, when an enjoyable time waa spent. D. L. Davidson visited with hi-, uncle, T. R. McKenzic. Lewis Sliecrdown of Toronto had the misfoitune to lose a valuable thorough- bred Jersey cow last week. The sad news was received here of the death at Shelburuo of Mis. Hauiiltoo, Miss Pearl Burk. Deceased was a grand- daughter of Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor and was well aud favotably known here. A number of friends of this part attended the funeral. -, W. L Convention Durham Chronicle Report The 12th annual Women's Institute convention of Grey county was held in town hall, Hanover, on Wednesday, Si'pl. 18, with an. attendance of 30 delegates from tiiu various branches through mt the codniy. The afternoon session op- ened with the Opening Exerci.fesfolluued by an addro'is of vyalcome given by Mi-s Janiiescin of Hanover. Mra. Brandon of Owen Sound made a suitable reply. The President, Mrs. (Dr ) Esstou of .\ytoit, after making some reinaiks cilled on Mrs. Gardner of IJwcn S.iund fi'r tha minutes of last year's cmveiniou. Discussion and bu.slness a'.oug dilt'erent liuea beiug transacted, Mrs. Rogers of HoUtein, represen;alivo speaker from S.juth Grey, gave a paper writien by Mrs. Peterson of Dromore ou Salvage of War Time, which wis folloived by a si'lu by Mrs. Brock Biaiidon of Hanover. Miss Sutherland, government speaker, was next calle-i aud gave an address on Red Cross Work, aud ll.e value of the work beinij done by the Iiisiitutes throughout the country. Mrs. James .\inh, Clucsvvorth, repre- sentative speaker of North Grey, gave a splendid paper on Patriolisia. Tile afternoon sn.-sion was dismissed with the singing M " Till the Boys Come Home. Dr. Tayliir, Hanover, chairman of the evening session, opened the moetini with an address on Tha growth of the Insti- tute, which he pointed out has OUO branches with a total of .30,1)00 members. Mis. Magee of Hanover gave a reading which was followed by a review of the year's work by the President. There are 45 brunches, 1200 members. yeai- they had raised 810,141)0 for ReJ Cross work, knitted lO.OOO pairs of 3ock?,ur.«iie .jOO garments. North Grey raised S2500 besides the amount ineulioued above. Miss Sutherland was again called upon au.1 spoke on Child Welfare, which was followed by a reading by Miss Liliim Meides. Mrs. Down of Sla.iwell, n-pre- seutative speaker for Centre Grey, nave a splendid paper on " The brigl' -ide of life." .V trio by Mesdames Clark, iJraft and .\iinstrong, brought the progiaiu to a close The evening session was dis- missed with the aiiigiug of the National Anthem. It wis decided to hold thu convention at Flesheiton next year. The olhcers elected are : President, Mrs. (Dr.) Easton, Ayton ; Vice Pres., Mrs. Long, Meaford ; Mrs. J. Gardiner, 370. 2ud Ave. East, Uwen Sound, was reelected Secretary Iieasurer. PROTON Miss .\. Owens, of Toronto, and Mrs. Uliidle, Mclntyre, visited with their friend. Mis. J. Wilson. The members of Trinily church iuleud holding their anu'versaiy sorvicen on Sunday, October the tJth. Miss Marjorio Achesoii has gone to North Bay to attend the Normal school. Miss Lucy Colgan, of Dandalk, is visiting her anut. Miss Hannah Roome, who is spending her holidays witu het parents here. A number from here alteuded ths tea meeting at Inistioge ou Monday evening despite the roads and weather. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness and synTpathy during our bereavement iu the of our dear son and brother, who .vas killed in action, August 26, 1918. •^Mti. Wm. Wilson <!i; Family DUNDALK Miss Oeorgiua Deans was stricken suddenly on Friday night with apeiidi- cilis aud was taken to Fergus on Saturday morning, where a successful operation was performed. We learn 'he patient, is making favorable progress. A mare belonging to 0. Moutgomory strayed iiway from Dundalk three weeks aL'o aud was found at Chesle}, aboui -to miles distant-. The animal (10 yaai.s old) was rai.sed in that district, and relumed to its old home after an absence of »ix years. Three airplanes from Camp Boideu visited Dundalk Monday eveciug, two going by in the clouds and one des .end- ing after circling the town four or live times to 6ud a good lauding place . As darkness was approaching ani the clouds were hanging low he decided to stay uver night. In the morning ht failed in starting the euyiiie and had to scud lo camp for assistance. An tthccr and a cadet arrived a little before noon on Tuesday, landirg their plane in James Carson's held. The engine trouble was soon overcome aud shortly after cue o'clock made a ."plendid accent aud was on its way to its home roost at Camp Borden. A halt h« ur later the other plane, carrying the two me.i, made ;> good get away «ui difsppeared iu tie eastâ€" Herald. Bates Burial Co. v â-  BUSINESS AS rsUAL I ^\^ ^1 ClTV Funeral Directors and j "^ Embalmers ISSUER OF Phone Hillcrest 268' MARRIAGE LICENSES 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Pres. Maddocks, Manager. STOCK FOR SALE A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory sel- ection. We carry Photo Supplies. I have at piesent tor quiok sale 2 Yorkshire sows, .some youni' cross-bred p!gs just ready I,, \\\.nu, I Rouen drake, 1 Barred Ro.'k rooster. ^P'^Prices right. Phone or write. â€"GEO. W. ROSS, Osprey Tel. System . Maxwell, P.l.>. } Ws A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Auto Tires Si Tubes Wa c.irry in str;k-a coui;ilete line of Goodyear and Dominion Auto Tires /.iid Tubes and have n- 'lesitancy whatever in saying that they are the best on Ihe market todav. They are lioes that yielu from puncture and blowout- keepimt wi h any car. L'he well balanced constru measure of mileage â€" a mileagc tiree right along- To help you get every mile 'Iter service â€" that have greater freedom., â- y are attractive ii: appearance and in â- n and thick, tougii tread insure a full . taincd consistently by users of these up asible from these tiresâ€" we back their iu-built goodness with a diiinito, |.>ersonal lire service. Out interest in the tiros we sell merely begins with the sale â€" that interest ends only when we havs nelped you to extract from your tire the last mill! of usefulness. C'oodyoar and Dominion Tires and the service we are pledged to give aie ditl'ereut â€" and bcuer. Prove this for yourself. Wo will be glad to have you call at auy time and let us explain tho details of our gersoual tire .service. McTAVISH'S GARAGE, Flesherton -TT â- >v-"- .->. ^ ,-^-i:f^^^4^. ^>,/^.^.-.^-^>^^:va LADIES ! The Fall Season for Millinery is now on aatl we are right UP TO THE TIMES with a stock of the Most Up-to-Date Hats Shown Outside of the City. Jubt give us a call and see for yourselves. We can show you something that will become you. Prices cheap, considering the quality of the goods. Highest price for Produce. W. L WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton ••••••••••••••••••••••4 •••• •••• •••• '•â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«Â« •••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ Try Them ! ;:« •••• KV. •••â-  •••• •••â-  *••â-  •••â-  ^elf denial must take tho form of money Mving-^thrirt. Church Painting Tendeta for the redecoratlon of Ihe Duncan union church will be received op to Oct. 1, 191d, and all RpecitioH>ionfl in regard thereto may be obtained from iha undersigned. The lowest or r»ny tender not necessarily accepted. -REV. TUUS. LAIDLAW, M. A. Ueathcole, Out, •••• •••J •••i â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ i:H :n Hi â€"%» ' •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ Any man wanting a good solid boot suitable for this season of the year. * TRY THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO •••• •••â-  •••• ••• •••• •••• •••• Si; iJi; •••â-  ••• •••

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