Aug. -20 I9lft THE FLESIIEPrON ADVANCE 1' H Rm^>*/K,- I Flesherton Advance ^ tailepemlent newapaper, publinhed every rh\ir,<iay at thi* office, CDlliiigwood Street, ' KlMlierton. 8ubi>criptii>n price tl iM-runimiii Vht^n paid inadv^nce ;$I.njwh>-ii no I an i>aiil Adver uniuK ratPH on Applicatinu. Ciiuiilation I _ Public Notice This Is to tewify ihut »u never said VJarrol HunibcrHtoii htolo money out uf our mail box, and «« lu'VL-r knew liim t» ^i'.eHl nil) thing. OK >. HAltUOTriJ'; \VM. IIAKUOITLK .U%. -ioth, 1918 VOTERS' LIST, 1918 TOWNSHIP OF OSl'RKV j Police ij hereby given that 1 h:iv« j tisnsinitteil or delivered t) the [lersouH i tnentioned iu Sec.ions H and '.' of iho â- Oiilarji) Voters' List Ast, i887, and ihe ! amendments therein, the copies reiiuirinl | til be so iranKmiltel or delivered of the ' List, made purHUiut to the said Aci, of Htl persons appearing by the last revised Assessment llulhof the faiu Municipality to be entitled to vote in iha Municipality ' »t elections for mcmbori of the L^gisUt- 1 ive .Assembly and at .Mmiicipil elections, ind that snid List »• is lirst p.istod up in ' my oHicrt at SinjjhimptoiKin the 24th diy «)f Aui;ust, IStlrt, and lemiins there fjr inspection. Electors arc cilled up )n to «x*iiiine said List, and if any omission or other errors are perceive i therein to take immediate proceedin^M to have the •ssiid errors oorreoied ace irdinj; to law. â€"THO.VI AS SCOTT, Clerk of (Jsprey, >siaghftmplon. Ausjust 24th, 1918. Ships' Dogs Are Sea Heroes. Miiny (logs litive received divonillons during the warâ€" not from tlie govern- nieut, of course. l)Ut from soldiers untl siillnrs, according to ti London dis- patch in the l';iiro|)euii edition of the New York llenild. A niiviil oiticer Just returned from the MoUlterruneun tells nn interosfing story of the pet on his ship. The dog, taken young, wiis rutccl ns "puppy," which It seems, li, nuvnl estimnte. Is a pretty humble rating. However, the dog conducted himself like n gentle- man nnd a scholar, the otilcer declares, and was In duo time decorated with the Insignia of A. IV dog. He luisbehiived on viirions occasions nnd fulled to do his i>art In one or two lirushes with submarines, so he wus inurclu'd on the quarterdeik and sol- emnly remitted to "puppy." Kver .slnci", the story goes, lie liiis been striving to retrieve himself, but thus fur he ha.s not recovered his rank. It Is said tliat tiie dogs on the ships which fought at .Jutlandâ€" and there were many of themâ€" Imve all been decorated by their shipmates. The animals during the battle, it Is assert- ed, played tlie part of real heroes without a cowardly luiir upon one of them. -^â- >Tj"C5'S>«j5^5"?»»^«&'C5'»S^?^ .-^.i^ ^wJ^I^35^^SS^^^S&'_.C>i^«iC!<SW&!iJW5»< PPnPPDTY f Oil c |ffi^^^^^v«v'«y«'g^>«>^^ BY TENDER i AN EXTRA SPEQAL IN WOMEN'S BOOTS Fifty pairs Women's Bootsâ€" soniR buttonedâ€" some laced â€" including doiij<()Ia, patent and gun metal leathers, some have cloth tops, others kid tops High French heels, Cuban heels and low hools in the lot. Many pairs just the veiy thing for starting to school.. All sizes from '2^ to 7, but not in every style. All perfect good.s. Pi'icos ranged from .$;} to ifi4..')0. All selling at $2.40. MAIL CONTRACT .-^IC.VLKI) Tl';NI)i:itS adiln-swd to tlie I'ostiiuster (jfii.Til will !»• rcci-ive 1 at Ottawa until nonn on Kri'lay, thi the :ntli of Sepceiiiber, l!ll.S, tlii; nrnvi-yaii f Ui> Maje-'ty's -Mail-H. â- >ii a pmpn^ied (^rntratt for four yiiars, six tiiji;.-i p;i week on the route 1-T,K.SHKRT<)N il.U. 1 \ia KKVKilSHA.M ROCK MILL-S and MAXWELL < mm the l<tof .lanuary, llU'.i, next. Piiiiti'd notlrea contuininK furtlier informa- ti.)Tias tn conditioiH of pn.pusiMi to'itract iiuy V)i seeti and blank fornn of Tender may b.- obuined at thf I'.wt Otlicu.i of I'Mesherton, Feveishani, Hxk M lis and Mix'Well, and at the oHice <pf the I' Office Inspects, Toronto. \. SCTUKKLANU. l'o.ft OtHoe Inspector P.wt Office In.^iieLtor's OHice, Tor into. .\ii|/o^l 1 >th, l!)!'*. Siam Adopts New Flag. Slam's white cleiibnnl I1:1K Is to be abundoued for the red. while nnd blue colors of democracy. Comnienling on this, the Christian Science Monitor says: "In spite of the Hue feeling of en- thusiasm for the allied cause which It shows, one can not but be sorry that Slum should have decided to dis- card her own spleudidly original flag, showing a white elephant on a red field, for a tricolor resembling that of the great entente powers of the West. Slam sees In the red, while nnd blue flag the colors which Ihronghout the world stand 'as a rallying sign against barbarism.' It Is quite interesting to tind that red, white and idue do as a matter of fact ligure in tlie national flags of Britain, France the United States, Russia, Serbia, Cuba, Panama, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Liberia. And now Slum iiinst be added, If it Is really quite tine that tlo- white ele- phant is doomed." Cndel and by virtue of powers exteid- ed to UM as etecutms of the ist«tp "f the late Mrs. Adeline Thurston, we otrer for salebylendei the followinii prupeltiiB, namely : I'AKCELI. The north half of lot No. 10, con. 4, Euplirasiu, oontHininjj 100 acres, more or less, all cleared and under cultivation with the e,\;ep'ioM of about live acres. On iho premises aro a fruiiio barn and franio hou-^e, and live ncr<?H of a ijood l)eiirin£{ orchard of lirst clas.s fruit. The f.irm Is well watered. PAKCKL i[. 'I'lie property in the Villai^e of Kim- berley kn.,vn a.s lliu Travellers' Home, coUiirisii)!; live acres of land, frmne htablint; and house and a number cf fruit trees. Tenders for the above properties vvill be received up toand in eluding October 1, I',tl8, lenders to be addressed to either of the ui. del-signed. The highest or any tender not nece.ssarily accepted. W. H. TIUKSTON. Flesherton A. D. TIirUSTON, 4li (ioiitlrey St., Toronto Executors of the estate of the late Mrs. Adeline Thurston. New Styles in Men's and Ladies' Tweed Raincoats gl m Mum. Carefully Corrected Each Week I lUilter 3;") to 35 Eggs, fresh 40 t 40 I Wheat f2 2o to 2 23 Oat.s 90 to 90 1 Peas li ti.S to 4 00 i Barley I :{0 to 1 .35 ! Potatoes J1.25 Buckwheat 95 to 95 Hides iOc to lOo Ducks 2;Uo2:'- Gecsc 21 to 21 Chickens 22 to 22 1m)wI. Hi to Hi Vicinity Fall Fairs bheep Strayed Rushed Army Cantonments. Nearly iSHOO u soldier, or a total of $187,000,000 WHS tlie cost of the 10 army cantonments built Inst summer i and fall to house (i.'O.OOO men. The ' original estimate of the cost was $134,- : 000,000. This hug.' construction job was carried forward wllli a speed that , is considered remarkable. By the end of Inst May, when congress was still debating the project, the engineering I corps was fully organized for work. I Within three moiith.s from that tlrao cantonments capable of housing 300,- IXK) men were comiileted, while by De- cember 5 there were accommodations for the entire KiO.OOO men. Some speci'dlly good designs Just received made up with new style collars and belts, reliable waterproofing, really nice patterns and coloring.s. Ladies' $10.50 to $15. Men's $12 to $15.50. Splendid Values in Open Stock China Wa have several good pattern.s in open stock China that Ave are offering at c.Kceptionally low prices, considering the present day values in Chinaware. They come in English semi-porcelain and are very choice designs. You can buy any tpiantity of any pattern, so that you can replace any broken pieces at any time. A shipment of Japanese Fancy China just in. F. H. W. HICKLING 1 FLESHERTON, ONTARIO •â- "* ». K! i l^y^'ri>2J!^g^Mg!^i^i?Ly«g^5gii«Q««^^ Aytoti Sept. 18, 19 j Chatswiirth Sept 12, 13 i Clarksburg Sept. 17, 18 i i ii i coiiingwood se|.t. 18 19J Easy to apply -durable aiul Dundaik Oct. 2, 3jpioduccs a beautiful, lasting ^"'â- '•'"" ""'i"- -*' -^ ' finish that protects the carâ€" Foversliam < )c>. 1, 2 FLK.SHEUTON SEPT. 2U, 27 lliiiover Sept. 2ti, 27 Holsiein Sept. 24, 25 Markdale Ojt. 8, 9 Mc-aford Sept. 2(i, 27 Oraiigeville Sept. 17, 18 Owen Sound Sept. 10 12 don't start out w ith a shabby car, it is not necessary â€" when a ^beautiful finish can be ob- tained at very little cost ami labor. I Priceville . Oct . Il'.cklyn Occobsr 4 T#o eA'e< from my prc:nisei on .lii'y 11th, one yearling, one e*"e and liinii .\iiy inform ilion :n to thuir wherealjout- wili be ilunkfully received. -KOBT. SWANTttN, 12 9 Irt Place to Sit Down. Patience â€" You look tired, dear. Patrice â€" I supposi? so. I went out for a skate today and I couldn't find Meshertonl (> ,.^^^^^ ,,^ ^.^^ „,^.^„, ^^ ^^^, j,,^^.^ wasn't any Ice?" ; sh.' lie Sept. 24, ; Toronto (Can. Nat-) 'w.ihcr's V'AU . Aul;. 2ti-Sep(. 7 .^. pt. '-'4, •2") S.W.P. for outstanding varn- i8hes,Stains,Enamels, Brushes for house cleaning. Clubbing Rates p^ 'W, Duncan I'lic .\dvancc has no extensive clubbing list this fall, most of tho papers being suiipliad at regular ratts.. Followini; are sonii' pricoi : Tiie Adiaiice S MM) (J lobe 4.00 Mill 4.00 ' The World and Advance 4.75 News and .advance 3.75 Star and .Advance 3.76 I Voiitli's ('om|mnioo 2.25 Family Herald Til 2 CofimbiaGrafonolas ! The Fleshertftn Hardware. I pnone ,il) r7,. Boar (or Service The undersigned ha.s a llioidugh.)rod Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Terms 81. .")(>. KUKD SPOFFARD. FALL TERM Open.s Sipteinber ">id. ELLIOTT TiMnr^^ Yongo anJ Ciiatlcs Streets, Toronto O^vcs alriclly tiist class training for choice business position. Our courses are unexcelled in Cinadi. Demand for our (graduates is live limes our supply. Write for catalogue. W. .1. ELLIOTT, PitiNciPAL LORDSHAUtiHNESY who opened the Toronto Exhibition on \?onday. Columbia Records ! - KOK SALF l!Y â€" W. A. Armstrong .IKWKl.LKK, Fi.KSMKUTON Fleslnertioi:! #^ Tonsorial 'V: Parlors We Aim to Give Kntlre Satisfactio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket clo.soa Monday night, delivery Friday eveniri CLKANINO and DYEINGâ€" We »i agents for Parker's Dye Works â€" Clothe; cleaned and dyed, feathers lejuvenaiei W. A. n.\\YIvEN', Dealer for Virgil Pianos and riionogiaplis, also I^ocords antl Sheet Music. Call and Get prices at Hawkin's Photo Gallery & Music Store, Flesherton i % % 1 1 II t % I I I 1 1^ 1^ % I I 1^ KT^fV-' Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Ivepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. 1 1 D. McKILLOP t ONTARIO. P (jg CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m T FISHER -PROPRIETOR Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted ">.*. V- â- -'â- 'â- - .... .; * ' â- <- for Harvesting in Western Canada "Going Trip West" $12 to WINNIPEG. "Return Trip East" $18 from WINNIPEG. QOINQ DATES TERRITORY / Fron; :;atloiui In Ontario Wfsl of .Smjili . lalU lu an I indii'liai! Toronts on Lake Ontariu Sliore Line I and llavclcKk-Pctcrtmrn I, in?. I From ttatiom Kinl!^tnn in Ri-iifrrw Junction, inclusive. J I*'r«ni «t.'*tion» i»n Toront(,Su<lbiii >• direct line. â- • . - . I l-'roin fttitioiu on Sanit Sf*. M.i[ic I From tt*tlnn» on Main I. in', Ui-ainjso i.i Ft.ini. Inclmivc. and Auguat 20. AuKMst 22| and AuKUSt 29. \ Fro m Haiion i Bfilnnv JunijUoiMo Port MrNlc oll nnd B iirkftoii-tl.)(<a iyg>oii . /Front Btaiioti) in Ontari;* Vn'i- 1 an>l >)oitl}i oi Torcni J From «l«llaiiii on Owi-n Si>iin,l, WailiTion, T^fiwaler, "l Pott Biirwfll ami S' Ihoni.i^ liranchej. ' From stations Totouto ^n 1 .Vorlh t) ti',!loti. Iti. iii-iv:' 1 an>l >)oitt}i oi Toronto ta mi I iiu-IudinK }IamilU)i) aiul WlndMr. Ont. -" . , Winfhaiii. IClota. f-ift^.wcl, floilrrirh. Si. Mary'#, if iS ti . . •PBOIAL THUOUOH THAIN* prom TORONTO Full partjcalar" from Cinadtin Pa< ill. Ti, lii-i ^nmti \S ll(nv\Rp, Uijiui I Pa^diiKOc ,\ggnt, TmooM New Blacksmith Shop ! At Maxwell ' 1 ftin (ipenma up atnnce, a bliioksmith- inx rtiiJ wix'ilwoikinn Iiu.sinPRs in Mux- ' well, iiml mil iiaiiiUim; m)-;ii iliitc wood woikint; iiincliiiifiy. It will lie my en ' ili'uvor 111 serve tlu> luililic in li satisfac- \ loiy ininiiei- aiul I wnvikl solicit p^itioii- I a»c I w lut youiwutk nnd will do it ,ij,ht. 7 Ai.iil 1 CHESTER LONG Dr. J. P. Davis CHIROPRACTOR nnd EYESIGHT SPECIALIST (»lll,'.' , Vvl- W ,.;«. ll'!,.; .,!,, COI.LINGWOOI) ONT. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets j Agents For Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, VPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON.