•wmmrn * 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR' - -PRINCIPLES NOT MEN' Vol. 38, No. 14 Fesherton. Ont, August 29, H>18 WODEHOUSE The continued wet weather of the piut CEYLON Mn. bizarJ pasted a«ay *t the home of her SOD, Albert, after only five days' , :;i„ Tu J 1 i„ 1, J . . : we-jk h*s somewhat deliytd barve«tinz Illness. 1 be allied Uuy hid gone out to i â- * * 1^ , t ' ji- u u . J 1 ! operatiODd, Imt was iust wh*t wa^s needed get some kiudling when »he tripped and . '^ <•â- ""'», ""i- -ma jv.^^ I,,, I, 1 • u ».i â- • ,. J tiJ renew Ihe pastures and put new hfe fell, breakinij her arm. Mottincattou '^ '^ io dusty sun-s7Lruhed wuc!d in iieaer'4. A few days if favorable will wind up the ^it in and she passed away Tnursday afternoj'i. She wa-- in her (?lst year and was <|uite smart for her a^c The funeral took place Saturday afternoon to Fleshertou cemetery. She leaves a fam- ily of one sou, Albert, and three daugh- ters â€" Mrs Luke Bowers ot Fleshertcn. Mrs Corrigan of Ceylon, and Mrs Seweil of Marj;o, Sask â€" to m-jurn her loss. Uer husband and two »oas, Jirvis an. John, preceded her some yeirs agod Much sympath/ is extended to the bere-wed ones. Mr and Mrs Cloujh of Gue'ph visited the Utters 1 1 other, D VV'ydeman, here the past week. Mrs Dailey :iud little daoohter of Lethbridge are visiting her mother, Mrs A Rutledge. Mr and Mrs Adauu, who have beer, visiting Mrs \Vm White, returned t-> Toronto ThursJay. M.istec Jack Mottimor. who has been holidayiog at G. Collinson's.bai reCuiraed to his home iu Toronto. Mrs Cotemau, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs Frank Ci>llinsou, the past fortnight, returned last week to her home in Uweu Sound. Mr aud iVIiss Bailey of Shrigley spetit t!ie week end wi'h the McPhail family Mrs John M;.T\ae of Toronto spent the tirst of the wees with her aunt, Mrs. A W hittaker. Miss Kate Baxter of Detroit aud Miss i^va Ludiow of llaiii.ltou aie speiidim' a c luplo of weeks »t Miss Baxter s hoaig here. \\ ilia McX>ei.Hi i«turni'.I to Toronto after .-ipoudiug a plo.isini holiday uuder the p;irealal roof. Wm Hemphill and children, Toronio, and Mrs Harrison ;iud babe of Dundalk. visited with S Henpbill aud family ou Monday. Mr» John Meliu left Monday to visit ; hor sou iu Toronto. harvest iu this section which had been good. Mable Irskiue, of Rocklyo, visited ever the week end with her frieod. Miss EUie Wiley. Mr. Heron and sister, Mr. Bcowuridiie and Jlrs. R. WeUer, ali of Maiwell, were visitors recently with Jcha Wiley and daughter, Mary . J. \V. W'iiey was at Toroato the p 1st week shipping hi.< c»r load of f^vt cattle. R. D Cartutheis wa= also iu the city. The August meeting of the Vypiuen's Ins'itute was held at ihe home of Mrs. Gordon Wiley with an excelleur atteudance of eighteen, tweuty being un tl>e roll. The members are indeed very sjmieful for the results of tfteir Red Cross collecting. $71. oj was realized, forty of which has alreatly becu investec in yarn to continue tbe good work of ktiittii)^ for the boys overseas. Tbe n^xt meeting « at the homo of Misa Iva MoXevia on Sept. oth. Mis4 Elsie McNevm, of Toronto, is holiday i-Qg with her many old friends. \V eddiog bells are ringiog in our burg tbis week. VVillard Wiley hi* purchased a Ford. M^sfers Harold aud Uussell Fawcett have returned froiu a week's holiday wiih tiieir uncle in Proton. Miss MiTe Harris, of Wss; Toronto, who has betu visitius lu Kimbecley for the pist s X weeks called ou rehitives here one u.<y last week. Her br\.-ther. ^\ -^ll- f »-c\'Vi. -*.»» .»W iHf ffoMtW ciiy for a few days, accompanied h .it. Vict oria -orness Mr Bailey, Mr .iiid Mrs D Mcrhiil, Knd Misses Liliiau aii.i Gertha, m';toied • over and visited Port Elgin friends the tirst of the week. Uev C H Schotield of Leith very accep- tably took charge of ihe service ijg,i.^. y„ sSabbaih afternoon in Ihe iibsence of Kci- <juinu. Mi. Fred Sprott and d,4u.;hter. Nora, and Mrs E U KowUuer. of Cantoc. Ohto., who have been visitiuj their pat, ents,Mr»uil Jlrs K Wl-.ittaker. have iitturnevl home. The VV 1 will I. >ld their meel>t>g this Frid.<j' at tlio houie of Mrs A RutMge, when a good atleudauoe is retjuevted. Mrs M;ijvir, "who has been vi«itii>.; hcf sister, Mrs J Cummins, hti* returned to ber n«<ttio iit Tor<.iuto. .4leK OarsoH loft thS past week f^* a trip to Iho West. DURHAM Win Ciaike had a olosd Cj>11 in the Too Late Last Week Mr. and Mrs. W;Uier Corbett aud two caildreu of Toronto vi»ii«»i the tormer's aister, Mrs. James Lockhait. Mrs. Kichard Strain of Miuvitoba visited Mr. aud Mrs George Moore and other old frieuds lost week. This Week s lieiiu Mrs. Pethie aud daughter. Mrs. Roberts, of Tilsouburg, are visitiug the feruier's uiece, Mrs. Steveus. Mr. aud Mrs. JUalloy of Hamiiloa spent a few dayj of their houejuio.'u with the Utter's cousin, Mrs. Mikoii Bauuou. Mrs. Lockhart aau Lajy, Aii;yle. are visitiug iit Toronto «ud other (H^inis for a couple of weoks. Mits Walker of Dutham called on Mrs. Ludlow leiiently. Mis. McArihur and daughter of Xi-u- ari i-alls are visitum tlie former's sister, Mrs. James Sti.isoti. Jauiea Watson, accompanied by h:s uieces, Nellie Austen uud Kheva Ilou- dersou, of Uuukiik, N.V., vt«ited at George Moore's. Iu the absence of the paator the ; Epworlh League took charge of the service ou Sunday Ust at Eageu'a luil cement »orks on Friday, lie and .lam.s ! lui»tioi;e. Tho President. W,u Dancaii, VolUt wcreengagjO iurem.^ving :^ gi'V I oeeupi<Ki tbe chair. The less-u, Mau' ire. which camo iu contact with a li.e iB, oS-53. was read by Oliver' Cornell. Ada .\cheson gave au iulertsiiug ta'k. hydio wire. Both mou wore kuocked down. Mr. OUrke's ariu from the shoulder to tho hand was seveie'y taking as her subject •• The Master's srvitness.' Approi-riate recitations wore soorch.^il but Mr, Vollet was unharmed, j ^luon by John Duncan and Mirion except from tho shock. Wiliuet Suell, a young l.id who h:id been engnged on (ho bus and express I t'>w'er gave a beauiiful solo m his usual delivery business for i. Whittaker. left pleasing luinner. Prayer wis . rt'ered bv uueereuiouiously on -Sunday uioruiui^! some of tho Lcajjue uienibets. ,\lto:^ether last. I' I'* alleged ho took some of tho fuudt anJ wo Icaru he *-as apprehended yeaterdayjkt Patiuerston aiid will likely bo brought back and.mad« to stand trial. --Chr> nicle. Aches 'U. Edna and .Maij.>rie .-Vchesivn sang a s*eetly rendered duet, aud Edwiu the service we» eHective and InjueKclal. TRYON FEVERSHAM The farmers are nearly through cuttioji their gia n oad will liuiah h-irvest in a week or ten d;»ys if the wea her keeps g<.'<jd . Mr. and Mri. Br»J, i f Toronto, have beec visitiii!^ wich Miss Ad-t Kaittin); and other frieuda rot the past week. Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson are visiting at John Thomson's, near Agin- court, Scarboro ".owLship. A party of our young pco^ile motored to Wasaga Beacn "U Sunday and ciij >yed tbe cool breezea of the Georgian Bay. Mrs. Sttmuel Cuo.iuette and daughter Bertha, have returned home to Taroucu af-er visitirg a couple of weeks with friends iu this looility. Miss Miry CoK)uett is visiting with (neuds iu T.;rjiito. Rev. Joshua Galloway of Jersey City occupied the pulpit iu she Pre»bytcri:*u church on Sanday. Mr. Galloway is spending the suiumer with hia brother, Samuel, < n the 10th Ine. Mrs. Carl Wolf and daughters returned to their home in Toronto spending a tvuple of mouths with J. A. Kernahan. Kit Rohmson bis purchased a lew Chevrolet car. W hat mean those strange ujises. as it were of o-iw belU aud tiu pails, rattling in the dead of nisht, uisturbing the peaceful stutiibers of oar villagers. have af'er Mrs. The Late Samuel ColqueUe Mr. Siiuiuel Cofnueite, beioved bus- baud of Susau Uttewell, passed away oo Friday ui.jrniug, Aui'ust ind, at the Western Hospital, T.>routo, with emp\ eoM*^' Mr. Co'.juatte had b«.en in p. health for the previous four months aud bore his weakness and sufleriog with gre.at patience, hut iu spite .>f all that uld b^done he «lo»ly sank, until on Friday luoroiuji he passed peacefully away Deceased wis born uear Bow- uiiuviile i'^ years ago aud moved to Arteiue>-ia with his pareatt when -4 y.-ats old, where they lived one year, then moved to Osprey. where he resided until fourteen years ago, wheu he moved to FleiJiertvu and then to Toronto. A very .ippropriate service was held at his home ou Suoday eveuiug. c.utducted by Ihe Rev. Mr. Ltuury, which w;is largely attended. The funeral took place ou Monday to Pleshertoti cemetery on the arrival of the noon tr»iu, aud the remains wore U:d to rest by the members of Fevershim LO L No 10S5 of which he was an boQ«rary luemlntr. Among the beautiful tl,-rai tributes was a wreath froui the SheJdeu Forwarding Comp>anv, where the deceased was high. "y esteemed IS lu employee ; a star trmu L O L Xo lOso ; a .-pray from Mr. .uid Mrs. Harry Hottou. and a pillow from the fi.aiiy. Ihe p'a!U>e»iers w=re Bros. .\.J. C"Mroo, Ira Perigoe, Jauies S.ayers.James S^jeers. Samuel Park and Wm. Kaittim{. The dece.ased leaves to mourn the loss ot a louutf husband aud fithet, his wife, and t»o daughters- Florence vMrs W. W. M-irr) of Tiirouto. aud .Miss Bertha at h.me. KiMBERLEY Bates BurialCo. Messrs George and Thus. Hurcbtiuioa left i'o the harvest sxcursion to tha West OT Thursday l;ist. Mr. Edward Uurd. of Toroato. re- newed old ac'iuiintalnces in this port reoeu'.ly. Jasper Stuart Is on a bu-iiaess trio this week to the Parry Sound district. Your curresposdeot enjoyed the genial hospitality of Mr. J.^hu Gibson and wife, of Markdale one day last week Mr. and Mrs. Ate Kaott, of Eppmg. vrs'teu friends in our burg recently. Weexte.'id our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Falls, of R<x'ktyn, whose son h-is beeti woui.ded at t:ie front. Mr. aud Mrs. H.irruw, of Price' ille. visited at Huijh Hammond's oue day laft week. Harold Kerr, of RovkiyD, wis a pleasant caller in i>uc burg aceutly. Rev. Lane delivered a very impresisive seruion to the young people in the Uethodist church on Sunday tveniDg. Miss Uachael Uut>:hiiuou visited frieuds m Torouto duri.' g the pa-st wek. Mr Cameron, M.P.P.. aud wife, a^> Sir. and Jlrs. Creighton ;iud Mr. McLe,.u all '.f tjwen Sonad, were pleasant callers to uur burv on B'riU-y la»t. Mr. Jvha Wickeas had tbe misfoituue to lose a valuable steer on Sunday las; which '.^Jt a sharp fence stake driv:: n :nto hia siile. The auimal bai â- _.â- but.bered ;m'-.!\:-s- Funeral Directors and E-Tibalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT cope All Harvest is in tuU swiu.^ and eveiyor 'ii» reaping a l>ounteou-i eroi>. .\ stall.ou belonsin to John Canuawiu â- , ... , «,, t. w r 1 1 . 1 Jam.'s Fiiid.«y of .Markdale sihii of Oran.-evil.e broke looie and gjt mil) a ' „ , . ^ /, . "'^''^"' *t«' , .,11 1- I. 1. â- . ' SuiuLiy with Alex. Moiiisou and h box stall where a light horse wu tied./, . ' ., ""mi-iu nnu n _,,,., , " , ^^ brofier, Alex. 1 he bii; noi-«e made » vicious attack ou | ' the lighter one, which liually broke its ' '^*^' boys still make an iveasiitiial trip i halter and escape into the yard. Once i ''' B»o*stet's Uke. aud aUays report a "« in the own the light horco showed its j ^"^ ''""*• williiigiies't to Hghl and take eate of itsolf ' ^J'- *"i' Mrs. A Soruberger and Mis. »gaiiis.t Its heavier opponent. Kortu- 1 *"'^, *'"^' ,*â- '''' '*'^^"*"- ^l"*''' "" ^'*'<'n'">: ,,,.,„ . , i with the former » daughter, Mr». Mort ,«itely the two horses were separatid s.yer.. at Feverxhaiu a,ul captu^eJ betore they did any seriou* ! .^ ,„„„b.>r of cur b.^vt. having ,ol the^r harm. Iho fr»cas caused some excite- ; leave extendi! are now busy wuh th,t> wieiit. I harvest. May th< angel of peace »pie,i4 | i III .«.. ^11 „ .u . i X itsBinifHoviT tho land -so that the<e A |,t» yeir Old youth was. arrested «t â- \N'aUt«rtou for beiug uQtblo to fiud work. Coaled Justice The eo,il ,ie;iler> liive lu tc to w.th than the criticut fuel s.tuitio i -â- kUistou dealer. J . P. K. Heattie. was struck over the he»d with aa umbrella iu hw own otHee by an an^cy woniau, Mrs. .\unio Thoinjiso'i, aud then he was haolevl into the polie<> court. The woman disputed the coal bill and while sho was pivceedimj to give Mr. l!;"ittie a piece of hei luiud he utidertt.>ok to eject ber fr> 111 his otiice. It was white he was puttiug her out that be get the blow with the uinbielL*. She brought him to the IH lice court :>« a cLa-ge of a.ssaul', cltiui'uv; thai she had tcc-«!ved injury to her arm by beiun shcvjtl against the J. W. Bates, Pres. R. .Maddocks, Manager. Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory sel- ection. We carry Photo Supplies, STOCK FOR bALE I have -U pie*e-it ; ».- ;a .k s-.;..' '1 Yorkshire sows S'>i«e youiurcroes-ored p gH ju->t ri'ady to wtmi, I U/ueii drake, I Bjrred Roek rooster. Prices riitht. Phone or write. â€" GEt ). W. ROSS. *.>8prey Tel. System. Ma.\wel', PA>. W. A. -\rm5trong Jeweler FLESHERTON. - ONT. I Auto Tires & Fubest 4- Exhibition days Followuig is the list of d»;,s uamea : .â- tlV» Cauadtaa XaCivual exhibition : ; d^y. Tuesday,. August tJTâ€" School Children's Day. WediiesiUy, August iSth â€" WVmea's Day. Tbursd.iy. .\uguit -.^yâ€" .vu;ec â- .•. FuU.iy, .\uiusc oO â€" Press Day. Saturday, August Ulâ€" Production acd Couservatieu Day. Monday, September 2-Libjr D»y. Tuesday, September ;J -American Day Wediwinlay, September^ ^-Faruiers" ^i>'. Thutsilay, Sept. C -Mauufactuicts' aud Trau»p<>rtaliou Day. Ftid.ay, Sep:eaiber t>â€" Review i>,y Saturday, Septeaiber T-Citiaeus * id -.; t!ne of Goodyear and Dou . A-. sitincy whatever in saytau; tha» they are •er service â€" -hat h»»e greater treedoni ir« attractive in app'earance and ;i and Chick, tough tread insure a full . : liaed coQsisceDtlv bv users of these A- ^\^ Try Potato Bread Every household whtr-.' homem»ae bread is baked can save wheat Sour by an increased a« of potatoes in tho bre .d aud still have a most appetisiuK lo-if Save tue left ever potatoes fiom diuucr, including tue water in which they weie boili-d â€" unless it happens that you hive boiled them with the jackets ou In this case it is better to use tre»h w iter. Mash tbe potatoes thoroughly »';;!e t ley ale still warm aud freshly ci.-'ked, and a small iiuauli'.y of lukewarm water in whieh the yeast baa beea dissoiv-d, with the re'iuitad atnouut of sal', -ind s^'t .aside until uext utoraiug, then mix i^ito a s>itf dough iu the ordinary wiy Set aside again to prove, aud wheu light knead ai.A»-j ouc«, then let the d. ugh lise uutil light and mould into loaves. Put iut» pans. Let the loaies use again un^il liicht. Bake >u a uuxlemte oven' You can use j>otatoes up to SO I'vr ceiit. of the total amouur of di ugh required, lutwheu a large profuntton of potatoes is u«d Ihe dou)$h nui*t K> very 1- 'â- " â- '' â- tdiug'y. 1 Wu cirry iu sstock i . I Tires aud Tubes and have a : '^ • test on the market 'oda\ They are tioes that y:e!d t'r'.;m puncture aud Uuv keepiu:i wi h any car. Che weil balanced construe measure of mileage â€" a mileage tiree right iloua- To help you get every mile {-gssible from these ttws â€" w Chsit iu-built gooduesa with a definite, persuuai '.ire service. Our iiiteresr in t'le t;i--i we ^c'li larro'v ''O.::!',? wi'h ••i»*«-rei't HfiuJ* ••â- the last luilev.: ..,>.iv. ,.^-.-. Goodyeir aud I^niiniou Tire.-i i ; . . - - give aie ditfereutâ€" and better. Prove this fur yuurse^ \\e will bti glad to have you c^il' ." t- â- •â- â- â- • details cf our gersoual tire service McTAVlSHS GARAGE. Fleshenon biick up 1^ saleâ€" that •»- r««r -tire f fled?ed ' I t W. L. ^^'A^^^r^^-^^.Z. .vvv/^..-^--. GO TO WRIGHT For your Supplies of FLOUR AND SIBSTITITES SUGAR FOR PRESERVING A Splendid Stock of Gents' Furnishings and Ladies' Lingerie Call and Examine our ijoods I Mi I -i â- ^'*. - ... V ^ ^ ^ ::a boy« miy mner tee the bloody fields ot ', (''ranee aud Klauders. j The car Iv-ad of con(i«cated luiuor j :;jl receutly seized at Gueiph by License ' -jJJ la«pector tVBiien has beeu ^tiippei lu , '••« all directions. Acting on tustruetions ! rjJJ door frame, and she c'aimoil he had uo fj^,u, ,he l,iceus« Dtpariment iu Toronto I -^ business to touch her. The mig.str.le, { r,.ceived x^a Saturday, the Inspector i ::» however, in itivii.g judguieai, obsetveJ ; Jespatched the liviuor to hospitals aud I ::3 that a mau » house is his eistle a:id it >C j asylums lu the prv>viuce from Penctang he has certain rights whieh mu,t If | t , Brt>ckville. The Gueiph h.^piials re»i>octod. -The ease was dismissed and ; reci.>jv«d thfir shar*, aud no less than 10 the cv.sts were chatjfed to tl.o lady, | Toronio hospitals got in on the *- meX-n ' â- i ouUiug.'' Like the feast of old, when all bad b<*cn snpplicd it was found that Some intscteaat at IVlmore, i:e»r there weie siill fifteen b»rrel» over ^nd Walk erton. cut the shoat bands' m • these wore shipped t%> the Pepartmont whole tield of •••.• â- H. -^ •. , j ,„,, i,^^ iu Tjr)uti. .Aud w ': ' . :.i to liceavd • ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••'!•• •••••••!•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••£I 121 mill III ••• j;*. SPRING AND Sl.M.MER ll:: DEMANDS i &r^ for Wbiie Uoou ana Sbi.^M^ \V« hav<j them Lwo Boot^ Fuuii H: white. Msok MtKl t»n. Hi: ALSO B A hue ot children s white canvass oxford. » eyelet hole leather soles. U; CLEARIFG AT 7.V, SIZES 6 TO 10 !J: • •• *•• ••• •••• •••• ^«« •••• â- ••« ••• ••• :: TRUNKS, SUIT CASES AND CLUB BAGS '.J r » "i » as usual THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, •••â- ONTARIO B